University of Babylon College of Materials Engineering Polymer& Petrochemical Industries Department Undergraduate Studies Fourth Class Course Title: Polymer Blend and Alloy Text Book Polymer Blends Handbook L. A. Utracki , Kluwer Academic Publishers , 2002 Lecturer: Eng. Auda Jabbar Braihi Ms.C 2013-2014 Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Do and Don't ♠ Turn up on time. ♠ If you come in after the lecture starts, come in quietly, sit at the back. ♠ If you are more than 10 minutes late don’t come in. ♠ Do not talk in lectures unless I ask you something. ♠ Do not sign for your friends! ♠Turn off mobiles in silent mode. Teaching and Evaluation Methods: ♠ Two hours lectures per week. ♠ The course language is English. ♠ Students are encouraged to participate in class discussion. ♠ Daily class preparation and attendance is a must and no excuses will be accepted. ♠ Students are expected to take notes. ♠ Students are expected to solve homework problems. ♠ There will be weekly or biweekly Quizzes. ♠ No. of units: 4 Grading : - 2 Tests at 15 degree each. - Quizzes at 5 degree. - Homework at 5 degree. - Final Exam at 60 degree. Good Luck ☺☺ Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Syllabus Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1 Structure-Property Relationship of Polymers Macromolecules show a wide range of properties which are quite different from thoes of respective monomers. They may be: Elastic or rigid ,Hard or Soft, Transparent or opaque , Have strength of steel but can have very light weight, Soften on heating or can set to a hard mass on cooling the melt. These properties may vary from one type of polymer to another and even among the same type. The fundamental parameters which influence the Structure-Property Relationship are: Molecular Mass, Polarity, Crystallinity, Molecular Cohesion, Nature of polymeric chains, Stereochemistry of the molecules. These properties like tensile strength, crystallinity, elasticity, resistance to chemicals, and wear and tear depend mostly on the polymer structure. Examples: ♦ Stronger attractive forces between chains = Stronger , less flexible polymer. ♦ Chains able to slide past each other = flexible polymer. ♦ In straight chain and branched chain polymers the individual chains are held together by weak intermolecular force of attraction. ♦ Strength increases with increase in chain length(in turn increase in Mw.) as the long chains are entangled(anchored)better ♦ In cross-linked polymers, monomeric units are held together only by means of covalent forces Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Table 1: Types of intermolecular forces Type of force Dispersion, or Van der Waals Dipole-Dipole Relative strength Week Medium Hydrogen Bond Strong Electrostatic Very strong Low molecular analog Methane Hexane CH3Cl CH3CO2 CH3 Polymer H2O CH3CONH2 CH3CO2Na Cellulose, Proteins Ionomers PE PP PVC PMMA Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. 3-The presence of H-bonds between the polymer molecules increasing the Tg Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. 4-The presence of plasticizer reduces the Tg Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. 5- Molecular Weight: 6-Crystallinity Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Molecular weight: Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C. Lec-1: Structure-property Relationship of Polymer………………………….Eng. Auda Jabbar Ms. C.