Government of Himachal Pradesh Technical Education Department TRAINING MANUAL OF Directorate of Technical Education Vocational and Industrial Training Himachal Pradesh, Sundernagar District Mandi-174401 INDEX Sr. No 1. Contents Organizational Chart, Vision, Mission, Page No. 1-4 Introduction 2. Chapter-I:-Overview of the Department 5-6 3. Chapter-II:-Training Policy 4. Chapter-III:- Training Domains 17-29 5. Chapter-IV:- ITI`s [Vocational Training 30-47 7-16 Institutes] 6. Chapter- V: Training Plan for 48-62 Polytechnic Faculty 7. Chapter- VI:- Training Plan for 63-90 Faculty/Non-Teaching Technical Staff of J.N. Engineering College Sundernagar 7. Chapter- VII: Faculty & Training Staff Of Plan Govt For 91-100 College (B.Pharmacy) & Diploma Course In Pharmacy 8. Chapter- VIII : Training Module for Staff of Directorate. 1 101-107 2 Vision: Creation of Human Resource pool with spectrum of technical universal competencies, access to serve while as an ensuring instrument of bringing about technological transformation Mission: Develop the Technical Institutions into Centres of Excellence with focus on skill development, relevance equitable participation & achievement of global standards. Introduction C apacit y bu ildin g en ables cont inu ou s u pgrading of sk ills and kn ow ledge capabilit y crit ical of to th e management organ izat ion kn ow ledge based and to implies ach iev e o rg an i z at i o n s in creasin g its t he goals an d is en ab l i n g it to r e s p ond to n ew cha llen g e s.Th e p r ev a le nt s yst em o f t echn ic a l educat ion, in th e absence of any f or m a l s y s t e m o f u pd a t in g kn ow ledge an d sk ills, h as been merely f ocu ssed on t each ing, impart in g k n ow ledge & sk ills as per cu rricu lum wh ich h a s resu lt ed in a sign if ican t mismatch betw een th e industry needs and th e ex ist in g skill set of th e stu d ent s. Th e con t inu ou s cha n g e s in t h e f i e l d o f T e chn ol o g y and t ren ds in impart ing T echn ical E du cation h as ch allenged t h e f a cu lt y to up dat e cu rricu lu m an d know ledg e s o as t o k eep p a c e w i t h t h e ch ang e s . Th e ch a l l e nge s of b ri d g i ng t he g ap between existing r e qu i r e d s t an dard s curriculu m en t a i ls and comp etencies c on t inu ou s ly an d m o n it o r i n g u pdat ing th e kn ow ledge & skills by w ay of creation of a th e and sou nd s y s t em of t ra i n in g f o r b et t e r d e l i v e r anc e . A d egr e e c o u r se i n En gg / Ph armacy/ ITI w ith right k in d of sk ills enables a student with ex citing jobs in the emergin g s ec t or s. A st e p f o rw ar d , in th is d ir ect ion is to imp a rt t e a ch in g & t r a in in g o n ind ust r y recogn iz ed sk ills. 3 Broadly the expected outcome of the departmental effort being: (a) to develop patterns of teaching at Diploma level, undergraduate / postgraduate level in Technical Education in all its branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of technical education; (b) t o b ri ng t o g e t he r t e chn i ca l e d u ca t io nal f a c i l it ie s o f th e h ig he s t o rd e r i m p o r ta nt for t he b ra nc he s tra i ni ng of of st ude n t s E ng in e e ri ng , in a ll P ha rm a cy , V o cat io na l Edu ca ti o n ; a n d ( c) t o a tta in S e lf- suff icie n cy i n te chn ical ed uca tio n to me et t he n e e d s o f tra ine d te ch nic a l m a n p o w e r . Th e o b j ec t of t h e s ou n d s y s t e m o f t rain i n g p r op o s ed t o b e e v o l v ed being: • to u pd ate th e ent ir e p roc e ss of t e a ch in g & t ra in ing by u pd at i n g c u r r i cu l u m an d f ac u lt y s o a s t o mat ch t h e glo b a l s t and a rd s : • to collaborat e o r g an izat io ns w ith w ith T r ain in g c on t inued Serv ic e int e rfa c e prov iders for & clien t e nh an c in g th e qualit y of train in g : • to mak e T echn ical E ducat ion Instit ut ions as cent res of ex cellence by prov iding opport un it y t o th e facu lty and th e s t af f t o g ro w , d ev e l o p an d p ro m o t e b es t t r a i n in g p r ac t i ces . • Th e t a sk f or ev olv ing th e s ys t em th at ensu res u pd at in g of curricu lum and facu lty ent a ils ident if icat ion of k now ledge ab ou t recent ad vanc es, emerg in g techn olog ical t r en ds et c and prescription c on t inu ou s of mechan ism an d u p d at e. analysin g the An effort proc esses by w ay for of en su ring the c o l l e c t in g and data ab out ch anges, emerging areas , and d e v i s in g a p l a n f or t h e u pda t e of curric u lu m and facu lt y h as b e e n unde r t ak en in th e D ep a rt m en t o f T echn ic a l E duc a t ion. I nt e r es t in f in e tunin g m on itor in g th e c o llec t ion of data m o st a p p ro p r i at e and rel i a b l e t y p es and s o u rc e s of d a t a, the processing, an alyz in g dat a, t o cater to the identified needs h as b een un d er t ak en s o as t o ma in st r ea m th e p res ent sys tem. 4 • Th r ou gh a s e r ie s of syn o ps is, deliberations, pres entations etc a methodology has been evolved f or c ont inu ou s u pd ate. In order t o facilit at e ef fect iv e t ransf er of acqu ired kn ow ledge an d sk ills, th e endeav ou r is to ev en un dert ak e ef fort s f or u pdat ing t r ain ing t echn iqu es, m e th o d, h an ds on v a ry ing t r a in in g, f rom th e t radit ional p ar t ic ipa t iv e and lectu r e e xp e r ie nt ia l learn ing . • C onduct th e post- ent ry f oundat ion al, ref r esh er and specializ ed training programmes for Faculty of diff erent disciplin es th r ou gh in- ho us e K ey R e sou rc e P er so ns / id ent if ie d T r ain in g P r ov i d e rs s o a s t o i n cr e a s e t h e i r p r of es s i on a l c om p e t enc e; • A s s es s t h e t r a i n in g n e ed s o f T ea ch er s o f v a rio u s T e chn i c a l E ducat ion In st itut es , en list area s of i n t e r es t o f m e mb ers o f F a c u l t y , i d e n t i f y t h e n ew e me r g ing technologies areas, trends a nd t o o rg an iz e tr ain in g p r ogr a m m e s to m e et the s e n e ed s; • T o prov ide f acu lty support t o f ield In st itut ions by w ay of c on du ct ing T ra in ing p r og r am m e s, ass i s t in d es i g n in g t ra i n i n g cou rses an d h elp t hem in preparing their t rain ing mat erials; 5 Chapter-I Overview of the Department Th e St at e h as en deav ou red t o op en a s p ec t rum of T echn ic al E ducat ion Inst itu t ions at ITI, D iploma, and Degree level. An I n s t i t u t e o f E n g in ee r i n g a n d T echnology has been op ened at P r ag at i Nagar C ollege in Bilaspur in Shimla Bilaspur and ov erall d is t r i ct dist rict is growth and a H y d ro p r opo s e d of th ese to E n g i n ee r i n g be o p en ed Technical at Educat ion Inst itut ion s h as been expon ent ial. Th e f oc u s of the d e p a rtm e n t h as b e en on the dev elopment an d st ren gth enin g of the in st itut ion a l capacit y. The emphasis so far has been on the aspects of the current and fu tu re n eeds th rough deliv ery of qu ality educat ion. Th e eff ort h as been made to en hance the capacity of hu man resou rces th rou gh qualit y T echn ical E du cat ion. Technical Education Institutions in H.P. S r. Ty pe of In s ti tu tion . No 201 1-1 2 No. of San c tio ne d I n st . I n take 1. En gin eerin g C o llege in Govt . Sector 1 240 2. E n g in e e r in g C o l l e ges in P v t . S e c t o r 16 5 3 40 3. B-Pharmacy Colleges in Govt. Sector 1 40 4. B-Pharmacy Colleges in Pvt. Sector 12 780 5. P o l y t ec h n ic in G o v t . S ec t o r 10 1 3 30 6. P o l y t ec h n ic in P v t . S e c t o r 19 6 1 40 7. D-Pharmacy College in Pvt. Sector 1 60 8. I . T . I. 74 1 2 38 0 9. I . T . I.( Wome n ) 8 750 10. I. T. I.( P h y s i c a l l y H and i c a pp e d) 1 105 11. M ot o r D r iv ing & Hea vy Ear th M ov in g 1 32 12. I. T. C ( P v t . S ec t o r) 118 1 0 82 5 262 380 22 To ta l 6 There are 14917 students are bein g trained in the 81 G ov t . ITIs 9 P oly t ec hni c s , 0 1 B. P harm a an d 1 Eng g. C o l l e g e of the State. An ex cellent in f rast ru ctu re has been c re at e d t o impart T echn ical Educat ion, Vo c at i ona l E du c ati o n t o ens u r e qualit at ive T ech n ical Edu c ation in the state. Th e g r owth of in du st ry in gen erat ed h igh ly Himach al con s ist ent skilled P r adesh demand manpow er. in for th e recent years h as semi- sk illed, sk illed and Dev elopin g a t r ain in g manual is c on s i d er ed t o b e a n i mp o rt an t p art i n d es i gn i ng a f o rm a l t r a in i n g p r o g r am . A f o r ma l t ra in ing m anu a l c le a rly e xh ib itin g th e patt ern t o be f ollw ed , shall en su re periodic updat ion. It shall also ensu re th at all t he t rain ing inf ormation on skills, p r oc es ses, other mech anis m, informat ions training manual systematize the p eriod ic ity , necessary shall effort support of to areas of perform the u pd at i n g int erest the training by w ay task. ob jectives of being an d This and the reference framework for operationalizat ion & conduct of future t r a in i n g p r o g r am m es . 7 Chapter-II Training Policy [2.1 ] TRAINING POLICY: As per training policy,2009 of the State Government, every p er s onn el f r o m C la s s- I t o C la ss – IV is r equ ir ed t o und er g o t rain ing for h is sk ill dev elopment at th e t ime of indu ct ion an d at least on ce in f ive y ears or bef ore promot ion. Th e t rain i n g policy h a s follow ing import ant f eatu r es. [2 .2 ]TRAINING FOR A ll : The objective of the policy is to provid e training to all Govt ser v an t s a t r eg u l ar i nt e rva l s d uring t he i r c are e r f or b e t t er deliverance of servic es . [2 .3 ] Th e D e par tment o f T ec hn ical Ed uc at ion is e nt rus ted w it h th e t a sk of : • d evel opin g level, the pa tt er ns un d e r g rad ua te / of tea ch in g at p o s tg ra d uat e Dip loma level in T e c hn ical Edu ca ti o n i n a l l it s b ra n c he s so a s to d e m o n stra te a e d u ca t ion ; a nd h ig h to s ta nd a r d b ri ng of t e ch nic a l tog e t he r t e chn ic a l e d u ca t iona l f a c i lit i e s o f th e hig he s t o rd e r f o r t he t ra in ing o f st ude n t s in a ll imp o rt a n t b ra n c he s o f E ng ine e ri ng , Pha r m a cy , V o cat io na l Ed uca ti o n w it h f o cu s o n s ki l l d e v e lop m e n t a nd cr e a t io n o f H u m an R e sou r ces w ith spe c t rum of t e c hn i cal competencies. Th e D epart ment is prov idin g the D e gr e e , D ip lo m a a nd C r afts m en technical level c ou r s es education thr ou gh th e f ollow in g Govt . in stit ut ions: Sr. Name of the Institution Trades JN Civil Engg. No. 1 Govt. Engineering College, Sundernagar Electronics & Comm. Engg. Mechanical Engg Textile Engg. 8 at 2 Govt. B. Pharmacy B. Pharmacy College, Rohroo 3 Govt. Polytechnics in HP Architecture Assistantship Automobile Engg. Civil Engg. Computer Engg. D. Pharmacy Electrical Engg. Electronics & Communication Engg. Instrumentation Engg. Information Tech. Mechanical Engg. 4 Govt. ITIs in H.P. Automobile Carpentry Diesel Mechanic Draftsman (C) Electrician Electronics Mechanic Fitter Machinist Mechanical Motor Vehicle Plumber Turner Welder Cutting & Sewing COPA Embroidery & Needle Works Fashion Designing Fruit & Vegetable Processing Hair & Skin Care M an pow e r b e s id e s t h e st aff of D i r ec t or a t e ca n b e b ro a d l y c l a s s if i e d i n t o f ou r c a t eg o r i es as u n d er : 1 . T eachi ng facul ty 2 . T eaching suppo rting staff 3 . N o n - tea ch in g sup p o rt in g st a f f 4 . Mi ni st er ia l staff 9 Detail of the staff position in the Technical Education Department Himachal Pradesh. Sr No Ca tego ry 01 Class-I De signa tion S tren g th P r inc ip a l T e a ch in g S t aff En gg. C ollege = 01 B.P harm C ollege = 01 P olyt echn ic s = 10 ITI’ s 36 = 24 02 -do P r of es s o r/A s s is t ant P r of es s o r ( E n g g. C ollege/ B.P harm C ollege) 20 03 - d o- H O D ’ s / S en i o r L e ctu r e rs /L e ctu r e rs /W o r k sh op Sup dt . 322 04 Class-III Foreman/ I n s t ruc t o r/ W or k sh op I ns t ruc t o r e t c. 695 L ib r a r ian / Hostel S u p dt . / C ompu t er A s s is t ant / P TI etc . 179 S u p e r i n t e n d en t As stt / Jun ior C lerk 313 T e a ch in g S u p p or t ing S t aff 05 Class –III Oth er n on t ea ch ing Sporting S t aff 06 Class-III M in ist erial S t aff 07 T rai ni ng n eed s C la ss -I V / S r. As st t./ P e on/ W/ sh op A t t en d ant / L ab. A t t en d ant , C h owk i d ar / Sw e ep e r e t c. 583 TOTAL STAFF =2168 I n f o r ma t io n i n r es p e c t o f C l a s s -III Ministerial Staff & Class-IV M in ist erial St af f in th e T echn ical Educat ion, I nd ust r ia l Tr a in in g D e pa rt ment, Himachal Prades h. 10 Vocat ional & S r. No. C a teg o ry D e s ig na ti o n S tr e ngth Job De s cr ip tion s T ra i ni ng Needs 1. Class-I Superintendents 01 Knowledge of Office Gazetted Grade –I Procedure, Establishment 2. Class-III Superintendents Ministerial Grade –II 34 Matters, CCS, CCA Rules, CCS Pension Rules, Leave Rules, Staff Disciplinary Proceedings, Cash & Accounts, and Budget Computer Applications. Knowledge of Office 3 Class-III Senior Assistants 84 Procedure, Ministerial S.R., Staff Rules, CCS Pension & CCS F.R., & Leave CCA Rules, Disciplinary Proceedings, Cash & Accounts and Computer Applications. Knowledge of Office 4 Class-III Jr. Ministerial Assistants/Clerks 171 Staff Procedure, Cash & Accounts, Conduct Rules, HP RF, CCS Pension and Leave Rules. Class-I 5 Gazetted Proficiency in English Private Secretary 01 & Hindi Stenography, Computer Basics, Office Procedure and Taking Dictation. 11 P.A. Proficiency in English Class-III 6 02 & Hindi Ministerial Stenography, Staff Computer Basics, Office Procedure and Taking Dictation. Senior Scale Stenographer Proficiency in English 02 &Hindi Stenography, Computer Basics, Office Procedure and Taking Dictation. Junior Scale 07 Stenographer Proficiency in English & Hindi Stenography Computer Basics, Office Procedure and Taking Dictation. Steno Typist 11 Proficiency in English & Hindi Stenography Computer Basics, Office Procedure and Taking Dictation. Total Strength of Class-III ministerial staff Workshop 7 313 i) To carry Attendant, deliver Laboratory and Class-IV Attendant/Library 583 office Ministerial Attendant, weight to be carried Staff Chowkidar, Peon, outside Peon-cum- not exceed 10 Kg) Chowkidar, ii) Sweeper, Store cleanliness Attendant, general up-keep of Dresser, Manual the Attendant /House where posted and of Keeper, , the furniture, fixture Mali/Mali-cum- and equipment. Water Carrier, iii) 12 dak and within outside the (maximum To the office ensure the and section/office To perform Daftri, Cook, miscellaneous Peon-cum- odd and jobs Khalasi, Class for Room Cleaner, officer/officials. Class-IV, Hostel iv) To attend to any Attendant & other work that may Watchmen. be assigned by the Officer-in-Charge. v) To keep watch and ward during and after office hours. vi) To take precautionary measure relating to prevention of damage to Government property from fire, theft and other natural calamities. vii) To maintain the discipline. viii) To ensure the cleanliness and general up keep of the room, Lab./Lib. and the furniture, fixture and equipment. ix) To carry and distribute the official files/dak x) To sweep, clean and the room, corridors, verandahs and compound. xi) To clean lavatories, 13 the urinals, baths, wash basins etc. daily and properly. xii) To collect and dispose of all waste of the office. xiii) Any other duty/work in addition above to as assigned the may be concerned officer/Head of Office. Total Strength of Class-IV staff 583 - Grand Total 896 - To man age t echn ical and regu lat e educat ion , th is a t ask periodic of - providin g rev iew/u pdat ion Qualit y of all curricu la is undertak en t o updat e th e kn ow ledge an d sk ill of e x i st i n g f a cu l t y m em b e r s on c o n t i n u ou s b a s i s a s p e r cur r e n t n e e ds of cu r r icu lu m. Th is c an on ly be a ch ie v ed th r oug h t rain ing an d ret rainin g of facu lty th rough eith er admin ist erin g “ in h ou se t r a in in g p r o gr a m me s ” at Ins t itut e lev e l o r th roug h “ Train in g P r ov id ers ” by t r ain ing/ ex p osu r e/ visit dep ut in g at alre a dy th e f acu lty id e nt if ied to u nd erg o O r g an izat ion / I nd ust ry . T h e p r ese nt T ra in in g M anu al is a n att e m pt in th is d ir e ct ion t o ad d r ess a ll t h e is su e s r e la t e d t o t r ain in g n e ed s of Inst itut ion s under th e cont rol of Depart men t of Techn ical E ducat ion. T rain ing f or th e st aff inv olv ed in t each ing sh all comprise of : • I n -ho use T ra in ing t o be pr ovid ed by th e id en tif ied E x p e rt F a cu lt y c o n ce rn ed by in t he way area h o l d i ng of t he of d is c ip li ne w o r k sho p s , s e m inar /p re se n tat io ns . • I n t he a r e a s o f n e w & e m e rg ing t e c hno log ie s b y w a y spo n so ri ng s e le ct e d F a c ul ty to t he i d e nt if i e d T rai ni ng Prov id ers . 14 Th e endeav ou r shall be t o en list th e specif ic area of interest and specializ at ion of each facu lty in th e con c ern ed disciplin e wh o sha ll be c ont inu ou s ly u pd at e d by w ay of semin ars/w orkshops/ t r ain ing prog rammes. Such members of t h e f acu l t y s h a l l f u n ct i o n a s K ey Res ou r c e P e rs on s o f t h e spec ialized area of the concerned disciplin e and sh all in tu rn s ha r e kno w ledg e a b out n ew e r conc e pt s , t e chn o log ie s, p r a ct i c es & p r oc edu r es i n t he I n- hou se t ra ini ng p rog ra mme s / w o rks h o ps et c. [2 .4 ] Periodic updation of Cu rr i cu la of a ll p er the En gi nee rin g D is c ipl ine s : U p d a t i on of I n d u st ry / S e r v i ce C ou rs e material curricu lum are C u r r i c u lu m as S e ct o r an d D ev e lop m en t along with ef f ect ive th e major in it iat ives d e m an d of of ap p r op r i a t e implement ation of the of D epartment. Cu rricu la of v arious disciplin es is bein g periodically rev ised once in three y ears. Th ere is a w ell est ablish ed mech an ism in the directorate C ur ri cu lum of tech n ical D e v e lop m e n t e d uc at ion C e l l” to und e r “Composite und e rt ak e r ev is io n of sy llabi of all disciplin es in associat ion w ith fau lty members from in st itu te of h igh e r lea r n ing , indu st r ie s pa rtn e r s, principals & facu lty members of poly t echn ics . As per th e ex ist in g mech an ism s y n op s i s from the Cu rricu lum i d e n t if i e d D ev elopment m e m b er s of C ell F ac u lt y inv it es in e a ch d i s c i p l i n e t o b e sub m i t t e d bef o r e t h e s t a rt of a c e d emi c y e a r and af t er scrut iny th e members are in v it ed f or deliberat ions a nd n ew er t e chn o log y ar e as are sho r t lis t ed . U pd ate of curricu lum ch anges in t he in st itut ions lik e IIT’s , BITS P ilan i, Th a p ar Ins t i t u t e of E n gg & Tec h n o l og y , P E C C h an d i ga rh et c i s k ept an d s h ort listin g D irect orate. is don e by th e CCDC C ell in th e T h is sh all s erv e a s a p r e m i s e a n d s t ar t in g p o i n t f o r id ent ific a t ion o f T r a in in g D ef ic it in e m e r g in g a r e a s and f o r un dert ak in g th e st eps for T rain in g N eed An alysis. TRA I NI NG N EEDS A NA LYS IS : A n o b j ec t iv e as s es sm e n t of s p ec if ic tra in ing n ee d s an d per c e iv ed tra in ing n ee d s of f acu lty e n gag ed in t ea ch ing -L ear n in g 15 a c t iv it ie s at Tec hn ical Inst itut ion s is con s idered as f irst st ep . T r ain ing N eeds Analy s is (T NA) is used as a tool to identify the gap between ex ist in g an d requ ired sk ills, kn ow ledge an d att itu de so as t o improv e th e perf orman c e of f acu lty & oth er support staff in v o lv e d in t e a ch ing & t r a in in g s o as t o ach ie ve th e d esir e d goals and o b j e ct i v e s of the D e p a rt m en t of T echn i c a l E ducat ion. N e e ds a sses s m ent i s b a s ed on t h e J ob C on t ent , j o b a n a ly s i s , d e p a rt m en t a l n e eds , c r i t i c a l job and individual performance requirements. A systematic process th at includes th ree lev els o f as s es sm e n t sh al l b e u n der t ak en on c e in t w o y e a rs w e l l b e f or e the b e g i n n in g of a ca d e m i c ses s i on . Job C o n t ent & p e rf o r m an c e a n a l y s is o f e ach c a t eg o ry s h a l l b e b a s e d u po n t h e f ie ld v e r ific a t ion s, in pu ts f r om f ie ld o f f ic e r s, cu r r icu lu m u pdat es, syn opsis, perf orman ce appraisals et c wh ich sh all be c on s id er ed amon gs t ot h ers by a specially con st itu t ed committ ee at th e lev el of D irectorat e. P ro ce du re f o r TNA : T NA sh all b e c ar r ied ou t on ce in two y ear through a st ructu red proforma. T each in g facu lty shall analyz e h is/ he r curren t kn ow ledge an d sk ills and th e desired kn ow ledge an d sk ills f or eff ect iv e perf ormance of h is/h er current job prof ile as w ell as perceived futu re/ p rospect iv e job prof ile and f ill u p T NA proforma indicat ing t r ain ing n eeds. P r in cipal shall en su re t imely submission of th e prof orma f or t h e f in al scrut iny by a committ ee h eaded by DD( T&P) wh ich sh all an alyz e the TN A p r of or m a a n d c on s ol i d a t e/ c l a s s i f y t he t ra ini ng ne ed s . T he th ree lev els of assessment shall be undert ak en : • A s s es sm en t m ad e on t h e b as i s of f e ed bac k r eg a rd i n g e m e rg i n g t echn ologies , curric u lum ch an ges, annu al res u lt s in th e concerned subject et c. • I n d i v i du a l r e s p on s e a n d a ss es s m ent bas e d u p on t h e r e sp on s e t o a st ru ctu r e d q u es t ionn a ir e an d th e felt n e ed s. 16 • A s s es s men t at t h e D i rec t ora t e l e ve l b roa d l y b a s ed upo n t h e Perf ormance appraisals. The use of these three levels of assessment would be referred t o a s p eci a l l y c o n st i t u t e d c om m i t t e e u n d er t h e c h a i r ma n s h i p o f J o int D i r e c t o r c om p r i s in g o f : [ i] De pu ty Di re ctor (T &P) [Tra in ing Mana ger ] [ ii ] H OD C o mpo si te C ur r ic ulum Develo pment Cent re , [ ii i] Pr in cipa l J NEC , [ iv] Pr in cipa l Pharma cy Co ll ege, [v] O ne Pr inci pal ea ch f rom a Po lyt echn i c & IT I, [v i] O ne Work sho p S upd t / Grou p In st ru ctor . The C ommittee shall examin e the crit ical gaps based upon the in pu ts and determin e th e f ollow ing: • D e t er m i n e s t h e d i f f er en c e b et w e en r e qu i r ed o r d e s i red l e v e l and actu al or cu rrent sk ill lev els. • Ex p lores th e c au s es and reas ons f or any ex ist in g d i s c r ep anc y or g ap a s we l l a s t he p re c i s e t ra i ni ng a re a s con s idering th e f inancial im plicat ion s, in -h ouse capacity and other exigen cies. The Committee shall recommend the n ames of f acu lt y memb er: 1. E ligible to un dergo in -h ou se t r a i n in g p r og r am m e s w i t h i n th e in st itut ion 2. E ligible to undergo on th e job train in g t o be prov ided by the already id entified t r a in ing ins t itu t e/t r a in ing pro v id e rs. The training calendar of the Department to be prepared and Textile and c i r c u l a t e d a m o n g s t a l l I n s t i t u t io n s . 1. B. Tech. Programmes in Civil, Mechanical, E l e c t r o n i c s & Co m m u n i c a t i o n E n g i n e e r i n g 2. Diploma Programmes in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Architecture, Automobile, Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics & C o m m u n i c a t io n E n g i n e e r i n g , I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y a n d P h a r m a c y 3. B. Pharma 4. I T I [ V o c a t i o n a l E d u c a t i o n I n st i t u t i o n s ] 17 CHAPTER III Training Domains [3 .1 ]For tea ching fa culty 1. I nd uct ion t r a in ing p r o gr a m me s for the n ew ly rec ru it e d f acu lt y. Pedagogical t r ain ing t o all th e f acu lt y members. 2. D isciplin e/ subject specif ic, relev ant sh ort term/ lon g term programmes 3. Enh an c e th e c or e/tec hn ica l comp et en c ies of th e f a cu lt y. 4. N at io n a l/ Int e rn at io n a l W o rk sh ops /S e m ina rs / C onf er en ces . 5. Industrial Observer ship [3 .2 ] For no n-tea ch ing te ch ni ca l s taff [wor k shop G ro up In s tru c to rs , Boi le r operators Supd ts , Instructors, la b a ss is ta n ts / a t tenda nt s e t c : D omain specif ic kn ow ledge , r e cent a dv an c es in n ew t e c h n o l o g i e s , c on c e p t s , e q u i p ment s , op e r at io n a l as p ec ts of e q u ip m ent s & d e m on st ra t i on m a ch in es, and a s p ec t s m a int en an ce related to of eq u ipme nt s , i m p a rti n g p rac t i cal t r a in ing . [3 .3 ] Fo r no n-teach ing m in i ste r ial s taff memb er : N on T e ach ing St aff m a in ly c o m prises of of fice /minis terial st aff h an d ling support ing admin ist rativ e funct ion s. / E st ablishment Basic ar eas ident if ied N ot in g & D r af tin g, f or relat ed indu ct ion t r ain ing are as under: [3 .4 ] Genera l Off ic e pro ce d ure , A d m in is trat ion , F RS R , CCS P en s ion & F in an c ial L e av e Ru les , C onduct Ru les, CC S (CC A) Rules, D isciplin ary P roceedin gs, GP F Ru les , CPF Rules, Gen eral F inancial Ru les, C omput er Applicat ion s & Gu idelin es/ in st ru ct ion s of th e Govt of H.P. & St and ing ord e rs on E st a b lish m ent m at t er s . [3 .5 ] Procureme nt & S tores - P ur ch as e/ Cond e mn at io n of th e equ ipme nt s et c. - P ur ch as e of equ ipme nt s, ma ch in es , S t at ion a ry e tc . - P ur ch as e of g r oc ery it ems . 18 - St oc k R eg ist er, R ec ord of v ariou s p urch as es, sup p lies & s t or e s. - Record relating to procurement of equipments and material for training. 1. Management In format ion Sy st em and RFD 2. B ud g et in g and F in an c ia l Ma n ag e m ent . F o r th e pu rp o s es of in duc t ion t ra in ing / o n g o ing t r a in ing o f th e n on- tea ch ing st af f t h e Dep a rt m en ta l n e ed s sh a ll b e s ent t o H I PA . Id ent if ic at ion o f t r a in in g n e ed s s ha ll b e d on e on th e annu al basis an d th e st aff sh all be sent to H.P. In st itut e of Pu b lic Adm in is tr at io n f o r tr a in ing in the id en t if ie d ar e a s. [3 .6 ] A pp roval of Tra ining Plan Th e t r a in in g p lan sh a ll b e f in a liz ed an d th e tra in ing c a len da r s o d r awn s h a l l b e g o t ap p rov e d f r o m t h e P r in c ip a l S e cy T e c h E du t o Govt of H.P. in th e f irst qu art er of f inancial y ear w ell before the start of Acedemic Sess ion. H en c e tr a in ing in m o r e th an on e disciplin e is requ ired t o b e g i v en t o k ee p t h e o f f i c e r s u p-t o- date in all disciplin es of th e depart ment in order t o d i s s e m in at e b e st t e c h n i cal k n owh ow t o Facu lt y ac c or di n g t o th eir n eeds. The department has identified the t ra in ing o rg an iz at io ns l o c a t ed i n v a r i ou s pa r t s of t h e c ou n t ry w h o a r e i n v o lv e d in t h e c on du ct of sh o rt t er m / lon g ter m t r a in in g p r o gr am m e s . [3 .7 ] T ra ining budg et M ost of th e In st itut ions ident if ied f or t r ain ing especially f or F a cu lty of P oly techn ics & ITI`s are the In st itut ions of Gov t of India and prov ide free training The state Govt shall prov id e a d e qu at e fun ds un d er th e s ta t e p la n s ch e me f o r p r ov i d i n g t rain ing to th e employ ees of th e s t at e D e pa rt m en t of T ec h n i c a l E ducat ion. Th e H.P . st at e t r a i n in g policy 2 0 09 aims at earmarking approx imately 1% of the salaries head of annual b u d g et f or i n cu r r i n g e xp end i t ure on training of employees in th e d e part m en t o f T e chn ic a l E duc at ion u nd e r ― S OE T r ain in g. Th e f unds allot ment un der th e ― Trainin g sh all also be utilised 19 f o r tr a in in g of d ep a rt m en tal o f f ic e rs w ith in an d out s ide t h e s t at e. [3 .8 ] Trai n ing r evi ew comm it tee s Th e s tat e lev el E mp ow er ed C ommittee h ead ed b y th e C h ief Secret ary w ill review Annual Act ion P lan f or t rain ing of employees. The training review c o mmi t t e e of t he d ep a rt m ent u n d er t h e c h a i rmans h i p o f t h e Secretary shall meet at least onc e in ev ery qu art er and sh all mon it or and rev iew th e w ork o f tra in ing of T e a ch ing & o th er employees of the department. [3 .9 ] Or ie nta t ion cum Indu ctio n t ra in ing p lan : D epart ment of T echn ical Edu cat ion sh all prov id e orientat ion cum induct ion t r ain ing t o all t h e n ew ly recruit ed t echn ical off icers ie members of Facu lty, Non- t each ing t echn ical st aff and min ist erial staff w ith in on e y ear of th e recru it ment st af f. D epart ment sh all inclu de th is t rain ing programme in it s annu al t rain ing plan and sh all k eep prov ision of adequat e fun ds f or the purpos e. The induct ion t ra in ing pr og r a m m e for m in ist er ia l s t aff sh all b e f r amed an d t r an s mitt ed t o HIP A f or su it ab ly in corporatin g in t heir t rain ing sch edu le. Training Programmes attended by Faculty and Staff of J.N. Govt. Engineering College Sundernagar, during the session 2011-12 S. No Name of Training Programme 1 Conference in Computing and Comm. VLSI Design Vikas Dhiman Orientation on Industry Institute Interaction for TPOs and other faculty members Nuclear Radiations & Their Applications Workshop on Designing and selection of water harvesting structure Satish Katwal 2 3 4 5 Date Venue No. of days 08-10 April, 2011 5-9 Sep.,2011 5-9 Sep.,2011 NIT Hamirpur 03 days NITTTR 05 days 05 days Lect. Phy., JNGEC 12-16 Sep.,2011 NITTTR 05 days HOD Civil JNGEC 2 Sept. 2011 Deptt.of R&D Shimla 01 day Trainees Name Raj Kumar Anil Rewal Surender Paul Guleria 20 Designation & name of Institute Sr. Lect. Comp. Instructor (Eltx.) JNGEC TPO, JNGEC NITTTR 6 7 8 9 10 Surender Paul Guleria HOD Civil Engg. JNGEC 16-17 Oct. 2011 NITTTR 02 days Pawan Kumar Clerk, JNGEC 15-17 Dec.,2011 HIPA 03 days Disciplinary proceedings /conduct rules Laser Technology Nag Singh Yadav 03 days NITTTR Akash Dev 02-04 January, 2012 16-20 Jan.,2012 20-24 Feb.,2012 HIPA Nuclear Energy & Power Section Officer, JNGEC Sr. Lect., Phy. JNGEC Sr. Lect., Chemistry JNGEC 05 days 05 days National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Civil Advance Computer Anil Rewal NITTTR Training Programmes attended by Faculty and Staff of Govt. College of Pharmacy, Rohru during the session 2011-12 S. No Name of Training Programme 1. Induction Training Programme for newly recruited teachers Vivek Kumar 2. Faculty Development Planning & Management Conduct Rules Moti Singh 3. Trainees Name Designation & name of Institute Lect., Pharmacy, Govt. College of Pharmacy, Rohru Lect. Pharmacy Ravinder Kumar Office Supdt. Govt. College of Pharmacy, Rohru Date Venue No. of days 18-29 July,2011 NITTTR 12 days 18-22 July,2011 NITTTR 05 days 26-30 April,2011 HIPA 05 days Training Programmes attended by Faculty and Staff of Govt. Polytechnics in H.P. during 2011-12 S. No Name of Training Programme 1 2 3 Trainees Date Ven ue Name Designation & name of Institute International conference on Computing & Communication. Mobile Communication Neeraj Uppal Kulwardhan Rupesh Sharma Suneel Kumar Vijay Sharma Anurag Gautam Suneel Kumar HOD, Comp.,GPS Sr. Lect, Comp.,GPA Lect. Comp., GPH Lect. Comp., GPS Lect. Comp., GPH Lect., Eltx.& Com,GPWK Lect. Comp., GPS 8-10 April,2011 NIT, Ham irpur 9-13 May,2011 Business & Soft Skills Development in Institutions Dwijinder Sharma HOD, App. Sc.,GPS 25-29 April,2011 NITT TR Cha ndig arh NITT TR 21 No. of day s 03 days 05 days 05 days 4 Application of Auto Cad in Civil Engg. Satish Dhingra Tanmay Kapoor 5 Modern Building Materials and Construction Practices Nano Technology, Opportunity and Challenges Induction Training Programme for newly recruited teachers Faculty Development Planning & Management Computer Networking 10 Power Electronics 11 Signal Processing with MATLAB Application for STAAD Pro for Design of Structure Technologies for Rural India 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 National Seminar on e-Governance in Technical VLSI Design Nuclear Radiations & Their Applications Orientation on Industry Institute Interaction for TPOs and other faculty members Optical Fiber Communication MATLAB with Application 9-13 May,2011 NITT TR 05 days Sh. Lalit Goel HOD, Civil, G.P.Hamirpur Sr. Lect.,Civil, GPSundernagar Lect. Civil, GPH 16-20 May,2011 NITT TR 05 days Dinesh Sharma Arvind Katoch Lect. Phy. GPWK W/S Supdt. GPH 16-20 May,2011 NITT TR 05 days Sandeep Khimta Rajesh Singh Lokinder Kumar Arun Kumar Madhu Dhiman Rajni Devi 18-29 July,2011 NITT TR 12 days Pawan vardhan Pankaj Thakur Lect. Comp., GPS Lect.Comp., GPH Lect. Comp., G.P.Rohru Lect. Comp., GPA Lect. Comp., GPWK Lect. Comp., GPChamba Lect. Eltx.,GPK Lect. Comp. 18-22 July,2011 NITT TR 05 days D.K. Bindra Pawan Gour D.R. Bodh HOD, Eltx., GPR Lect.Comp.,GPA Lect. Comp., GPS 25-29 July,2011 NITT TR 05 days Mukesh Chauhan Arun Bharti Pawan Chandel Lect. Eltx., GPWK Lect. Eltx., GPK Lect., Instrumentation, GPK Lect.Civil, G.P.Banikhet 25-29 July,2011 23-26 July,2011 25-29 July,2011 NITT TR NITT TR NITT TR 05 days 04 days 05 days 8-12 Aug. 2011 NITT TR 05 days 6-07 Sept. 2011 5-9 Sep.,2011 12-16 Sep.,2011 NITT TR 02 days Anil Kanwar Hari Singh Jawahri Ram K.C. Kaundal HOD Comp. Engg. G.P.Ambota WorkShop Supdt. GPWK HOd Comp. Engg. GPA HOD Comp. Engg. GPK Sr. Lect. Eltx.GPS Sr.Lect. Eltx., GPB HOD, App., Sc., GPK HOD, App. Sc.,GPH NITT TR NITT TR 05 days 05 days R.L. Sharma J.C. Verma Anant Ram Talwinder Singh Ashok Pathak Nalini Mahajan Subhash Chand TPO,GPS TPO,GPH TPO,GPA TPO,GPR TPO,GPK TPO, GPWK Lect. Phy.,GPR 5-9 Sep.,2011 NITT TR 05 days Ashok Pathak HOD, Instru., GPK 17-21 Oct.,2011 10-21 Oct,2011 NITT TR NITT TR 05 days 12 days Rakesh Gupta Anil Sood A.K. Bhardwaj Anil Sood Chander shekhar 22 20 Tech. Teacher self esteemed motivation & Professionalism Development TCP/IP Based Comp., Networking J.D. Sharma HOD, Elect., GP Banikhet 17-21 Oct,2011 NITT TR 05 days Pankaj Kishor Sr. Lect. Comp.,GPWK NITT TR 05 days 22 Curriculum Development Process Lect. GPWK Sr. Lect, G.P. Chamba Lect. Arch., GPS Lect. MOP, GPA Hostel Supdt. G.P. Kan gra 04 days 23 Introduction to Embedded System Introduction to System Designing Basic Computer Anshul Shandil Rajesh Sharma Hans Raj M.D. Sharma Sharmil Verma and 44 Nos faculty of GPK have attended Pardeep Kumar 28 Nov., Dec.,02,2 011 19-22 Jan.,2012 Rakesh Sharma HOD Eltx., GPWK Ashok Kumar Krishan Dev Rajeev Aggarwal Clerk, GPK Clerk, GPH Sr. Asstt. GPK 6-10 Feb.,2012 12-16 March,12 4-8 April, 2011 -do27 Feb,3 March, 2012 -do25-29 July,2011 NITT TR NITT TR HIPA 05 days 05 days 05 days 21 24 25 HOD,Eltx.,GPA 26 Office procedure & Financial Administration Rajesh Chaudhary Lect. Elect.GPS 27 Direct Trainer Skill M.K. Sharma Puran Chand HOD, Civil, GPS Sr. Lect. Elect., GPS 14-18 Nov.,2011 28 Advance Computer Arvind Kumar Sr. Asstt. GPS 16-18 Jan,2012 29 Noting and Drafting Mehar Singh Sr. Asstt. GPK 09-11 January, 2012 HIPA 05 days HIPA , Shi mla HIPA , Shi mla HIPA 05 days HIPA 03 days 05 days 03 days Detail of Principals/Group Instructors/ Instructors undergone training in Field institutes of Directorate General of Employment & Training S. Name of the training Designation of Duration Venue No of officers the officer N. Programme of course / officials /official undergone training 01 Training Programme NIESBUD, 20 Principal / Group 01 week Instructors/ for capacity building Noida, U.P. for Principal & Senior Instructors faculty members 02 Topic on Quality tools Instructors 01 week ATI, Ludhiana 23 ATI-EPI, Dehradun, Apex Hi-Tech, 23 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Operation of Special industrial Machines Computer added Pattern Making CAD/CAM (RCI-02) Instructors 02 week Instructors 03 week Instructors 02 week CNC Machining (RCI01) Ref. & A.C. (RCI-07) Instructors 02 week Instructors 02 week Multimedia and Web page designing Computer Networking Refresher Course in Cutting & Tailoring Electrical Motor Control & Drives Improving Vehicle performance using Wheel alignment & Test Lane (RAT-04) Power Electronics & Static control of motors Operation & Maintenance of Equipments used in HT & LT Line substation & Cable Jointing Refresher Course on C &S CNC Programming & Simulation Auto CAD Instructors 02 week Instructors Instructors 02 week 02 week Instructors 02 week Instructors 02 week Instructors Basic Analog Electronics Multimedia & Web page Designing Basic Analog Electronics Auto Electrical & Electronics & Air Conditioning in Automobile Basic Assembling and Maintenance of PCS Improving Vehicle performance using wheel alignment and test lane Advance Welding Institute, Bangalore NVTI Noida, UP NVTI Noida, UP ATI Hawrah, Culcatta, (WB) ATI-EPI, Dehradun ATI Hawrah, Culcatta, (WB) ATI-EPI, Dehradun ATI Kanpur, ATI Kanpur, 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 3 ATI-EPI, Hyderabad ATI-EPI, Hyderabad 1 02 week FTI Banglore 5 Instructors 02 week ATI Kanpur 2 Instructors 02 week ATI, Kanpur 12 Instructors 02 week FTI, Banglore 10 Instructors 02 week 8 Instructors 02 week Apex-HI-Tech, Institute Banglore ATI Chennai Instructors 02 week 4 Instructors 02 week Instructors 02 week ATI-EPI, Dehradun ATI-EPI, Dehradun ATI-EPI, Hyderabad Instructors 02 week 1 Instructors 02 week ATI-EPI, Hyderabad ATI-EPI, Hyderabad Instructors 02 week ATI-EPI, 2 24 1 1 1 1 2 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 (PMAT-06) Basic Sheet Metal and Welding Computerized Pattern Making Refresher Course on CNC Turning Programming Basic sheet Metal and Welding Auto Electrical & Electronics & Air Conditioning in Automobile MTM-01(Maintenance Planning and Scheduling) MTM-02(MachineTools Maintenance) MRC-01(Modern Teaching Techniques and use of Teaching &Training aids IEM-02(electronics for Electrical and Electronics Instructors CNC-02 (Advanced course for Turners on CNC Turning Machine ) CNC-03 (Awareness course on CNC Machining CNC -08(Programming and operation on CNC Turn Mill Center CNC-o8 (programming and operation CAD-03 (2D Drafting & 3D Modeling using Auto CAD CAD-06 (Use of Master cam for Milling CAD -07 (Use of Master cam for Turning) IEM-01( Digital Electronics and Microprocessors ) IEM-03 Electronics for Mechanical and Electrical Personnel IEM-05 (PLC Programming & Application Siemens 57-300) Instructors 02 week Hyderabad ATI Hawrah 1 Instructors 02 week ATI, Kanpur 2 Instructors 02 week ATI,Kanpur 3 Instructors 02 week ATI Hawrah 1 Instructors 02 week ATI-EPI, Hyderabad 2 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad. 2 Instructors 02 week 2 Instructors 02 week ATI-EPI, Hyderabad. ATI Hyderabad Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 2 Instructors 02 week ATI-EPI, Hyderabad. 1 Instructors 1 week ATI Hyderabad 2 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 1 Instructors 02 week 2 Instructors 02 week ATI-EPI, Hyderabad. ATI Hyderabad Instructors 01 week ATI Hyderabad 1 Instructors 01 week ATI-EPI, Hyderabad. 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 1 25 6 1 AAT-04(Servicing &overhauling of F.I.E. System Conventional and Latest) AW-01 (High Pressure Pipe Welding-6G) AW-02(MIG/CO2 Welding) AW-03(TIG Welding(SS.AL.Cu) CS-06(Programming with C) CS-08(OOPS with C++) EM-01(AC/DC Motor & Control Systems EM-02(Indrustrial Maintenance & safety (Electrical) Instructors 01 week ATI Hyderabad 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 2 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 3 52 EM-02(Indrustrial Maintenance &safety(Electrical Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 3 53 EM-03(Control Maintenance & safety of AC/DC Motor Systems EM-04(Introduction of Semi Conductor in Electrical Fields &update MS Access Image Editing With Photoshop Accounting with Tally Computer Networking & Administration Digital Electronics and its applications CNC Horizontal Machining Central Technology (HMC 500 programming & Operation practice. CNC Horizontal Machining Center Refresher Course on Audio Visual Aids CAD (2D/3D) Mechanical with Auto CAD Refresher Course on Ind. Pneumatic Control Refresher Course on Instructors 01 week ATI Hyderabad 2 Instructors 01 week ATI Hyderabad 2 Instructors Instructors 01 week 01 week ATI Hyderabad ATI Hyderabad 1 1 Instructors Instructors 03week 02 week ATI Kanpur ATI Kanpur 3 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Kanpur 2 Instructors 02 week ATI Kanpur 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Kanpur 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Kanpur 3 Instructors 02 week ATI Kanpur 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Kanpur 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Kanpur 3 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 26 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 CNC Turning Refresher Course on Basic Electronics Digital Electronics and its applications Refresher Course on Electrical Motors Refresher Course on Repair & Maintenance of Domestic Appliances TIG Welding Pipe welding by Arc Accounting with Tally Supervisory Development Programme Quality Control and Management High Pressure Welding (6G) Project Management CO2 Welding Basic Operation of Lathe Pipe Welding by Arc Plasma Cutting Material Testing Basic Sheet Metal Worker & Welding Garment Sewing (Part-I) Basic Sewing Personality Development for instructor CAD/CAM MIG/MAG Welding Auto Mobile in Denting painting Basic Information Technology Industrial Hydraulics and Basic PLC Programming Quality Engg. CNC Turning CNC Machining CNC Programming & Operations on Turn Mill Centre Embedded 8051 Programming Electronics Control Instructors 02 week ATI Kanpur 3 Instructors 02 week ATI Kanpur 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Kanpur 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Kanpur 1 Instructors Instructors Instructors Instructors 02 02 03 02 week week week week ATI Kanpur ATI Kanpur ATI Kanpur FTI Banglore 2 2 3 2 Instructors 02 week FTI Banglore 5 Instructors 02 week FTI Banglore 1 Instructors Instructors Instructors 03 week 02 week 02 week FTI Banglore ATI Ludhiana ATI Ludhiana 1 1 1 Instructors Instructors Instructors Instructors 03 01 02 02 ATI ATI ATI ATI 1 1 1 1 Instructors 02 week AVTI, NOIDA 12 Instructors 02 week 15 Instructors 02 week Instructors Instructors 02 week 02 week Apex-HI-Tech, Institute Banglore Apex-HI-Tech, Institute Banglore ATI Chennai ATI Hyadrabad Instructors 02 week AVTI, NOIDA 20 Instructors 01 week Instructors Instructors Instructors Instructors 02 03 02 02 Instructors 02 week Instructors 02 week Apex-HI-Tech, Institute Banglore ATI Hawrah ATI Chennai ATI Chennai Apex-HI-Tech, Institute Banglore Apex-HI-Tech, Institute Banglore ATI Chennai 27 week week week week week week week week Ludhiana Ludhiana Ludhiana Kanpur 1 1 3 6 1 1 1 7 4 1 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 System & Maintenance Precision Measurement using co-ordinate Measuring Machine and Roundness Measuring Machine Linear & Angular Measurement Auto CAD (3 D Solid Modeling on Inventor/MDT-5) Computer Aided Pattern Making Apparel Dress Making Block Pattern Making (Manual & Apparel) Multimedia & Web Page Designing Modern trends in Repair & Maintenance of Car AC System Basic Transmission, Suspension, Steering & Break System Servicing & Overhauling of Diesel Vehicle (4 Wheeler) Basic Petrol & Diesel Engine Servicing & Overhauling of Petrol Vehicle (4Wheeler) Basic Transmission, Suspension, Steering & Break System Quality control and Management Programming & Operation of Vertical Machining Center(VMC Tig Mig Welding CNC Programming & Machining on Wire Cut EDM (Tool & Die Making) Structural Welding Manufacturing of Zig and Fixture Co2 Welding Welding Spot Welding CNC Programming & Operation Turn Mill Center Instructors 02 week Apex-HI-Tech, Institute Banglore 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Ludhiana 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Ludhiana 1 Instructors 02 week AVTI, NOIDA 4 Instructors Instructors 02 week 02 week ATI Kanpur AVTI, NOIDA 2 1 Instructors 02 week 3 Instructors 02 week ATI EPI, Dehradun ATI Hyderabad Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 2 Instructors 02 week ATI Chennai 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Hyderabad 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Chennai 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Ludhiana 1 Instructors 02 week FTI Bangalore 1 Instructors Instructors 04 week 02 week FTI Bangalore ATI Chennai 1 1 Instructors Instructors 02 week 02 week FTI Bangalore ATI Hawrah 1 1 Instructors Instructors Instructors Instructors 02 02 01 02 ATI Ludhiana ATI Hawrah ATI Ludhiana Apex-HI-Tech, Institute Banglore 1 1 1 1 28 week week week week 3 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 Programming & Operation of Vertical Machining Center (VMC500-FANUC Control System) Material Testing & Heat Treatment CNC Programming Simulation Programming & Operation of Vertical Machining Center (VMC500-FANUC Control System) Power Electronics & Static Control Of Motor Rewinding of Transformer Programming & Operation of Horizontal Machining Center (HMC-500 Sinumerick Control System Repair & Maintenance of Machine Tools Control & Maintenance of Motor Transformer & Switch Gears Programming & Operation of CNC Lathe (Fanuc Series Oi Mate TC) Instructors 02 week ATI Ludhiana 1 Instructors 02 week FTI Bangalore 1 Instructors 02 week FTI Bangalore 2 Instructors 02 week ATI Ludhiana 1 Instructors 02 week FTI Bangalore 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Ludhiana 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Chennai 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Ludhiana 1 Instructors 04 week ATI Ludhiana 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Ludhiana 1 CNC Programming & Operation on Turn Mill Center Electric Motors & Controls Embedded C Programming Instructors 02 week 1 Instructors 02 week Apex-HI-Tech, Institute Banglore FTI Bangalore Instructors 02 week 3 Quality Engineering Basic Office Automation Basic Assembling & Maintenance of PCs Instructors Instructors 02 week 02 week Apex-HI-Tech, Institute Banglore ATI Hawrah ATI Hawrah Instructors 02 week 1 Servicing & Testing of Petrol Engine Servicing & Testing of Electrical Unit of Petrol Engine Basic Internet & Multimedia Instructors 02 week Apex-HI-Tech, Institute Banglore ATI Ludhiana Instructors 02 week ATI Ludhiana 1 Instructors 02 week ATI- EPI Hyadrabad 1 29 1 2 1 1 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Computer Awareness & MS Office Quality Control & Management Instructors 02 week ATI Mumbai 1 Instructors 02 week 1 Electronics for Electrical & Electronic Instructors Industrial Hydraulic basis PLC Programming EBT-06 (Basic Computer) ITBT-01 (Basic Electrical & Electronics) Computer Awareness & MS Office HE-04 (Servicing & testing of Electrical Petrol Engine) ABT-05 (Basic Petrol & Diesel Engine) Fashion Sketching(Apparel) Repair & Maintenance of Electrical Machine and Power Supply RCI-03 (PLC Automation) ECBT-06 (Basic Computer) Instructors 02 week Apex-HI-Tech, Institute Banglore ATI Hyadrabad Instructors 02 week 5 Instructors 02 week Apex-HI-Tech, Institute Banglore ATI Chennai Instructors 02 week ATI-EPI Dheradun 2 Instructors 02 week ATI Mumbai 2 Instructors 02 week ATI Ludhiana 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Ludhiana 1 Instructors 02 week AVTI, NOIDA 1 Instructors 02 week ATI kanpur 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Kolkata 1 Instructors 02 week ATI Kolkata 1 30 4 4 CHAPTER IV ITI`s [VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTES]: The primary purp ose of vocational training is to prepar e in d iv idu a ls es p ec ia lly th e y out h in t h e a g e g roup of 1 5- 25 y ea rs for the world of work and make them employable for a broad grou p of occupation. comprises of The Craf tsman main voc at io n a l Training, t r a in ing Appren ticesh ip s ch e mes training, T r ain ing for Sk illed w ork ers, C r aft s in st ru ct ion s, Superv isors etc. · CTS through in IT Is and AT S (mainly in in dustrial setting) are the two major schemes. Those who su cc essfu lly c omp let e CT S are gen erally perceiv ed to be semi- sk illed and AT S is ex pect ed to produce sk illed w ork ers. In AT S, th ere is a scheme f or rebate in case relevant ITI t rain ing has been successfu lly completed. D ev elopment of train ing programmes at th e St at e lev el, part icu larly in t he area con ce r n in g c om m on p o lic ies , c om m on s t and a rd s an d p r oced ur es. T rain ing of in st ruc tors. T r ade t estin g an d cert if icat ion. V oc at ion al t r a in ing in s ome of th e specializ ed areas, in cludin g t r a in ing of w o m en th r ou gh th e f ie ld in st itut e s un d er it s d ir e ct c on t rol . R e s e ar ch in v oc a t ion a l t r a in ing an d d e v e lop me nt of in st ru ct ion al mat erial. T ra in ing • P r ov iding t r ain ing I n s t ruc t o rs / P r in c i pal s A dv an c ed Directorate T r a in ing engaged to of I n d us t r i a l I ns t it ute s , in the a nd plann ing, In st ru ct ors/Group T r a i n in g for of f ic e r s ex ecut ion evaluation of the industrial training programme. 31 I n s t itu t e s , of th e cont rol an d I n st it ut es of D GE& T are o rg an is ing tra in ing c ou rs e s in are a s of : • T r a in in g M et h o ds an d T e chn iq u es; • C ommun icat ion and Int erperson al sk ills; • L e a d ersh ip and Motiv a t ion; • D e s ig n in g of t ra in ing Cu r r ic u lu m; • T otal Qu alit y M an a gement; • M an ag e ment D ev e lop m en t P ro g r a mme s; • Organ ising an d M an aging Train ing Inst itut es; Train ing M edia and Methodology; etc. Dev elo pment • D ev e lop ing P r o j ec t ed an d and d is s e min a t in g Non - p ro j e ct e d in st ru ct ion a l t r a in i n g a i ds m ater ia ls , for e f f e c t iv e ex ecut ion of th e Indust rial Train ing. • P r ep a r at io n of Wr it t en Ins t ruc t ion al M a t e r ial ( W IM s) for v a r iou s t ra d e s un d er t h e C ra ft I nst ru cto r s T ra in in g P r og r am m e is under progress. The WIMs of F it t er t r ad e h ave a lr e a dy b e e n developed an d is in the proc es s of printing. H IT EC H T R A I NI N G I N 1 0 I T I s Under Hit e c h a s s i st ance has s c h e m e, be e n inf r ast ructu re p r ov i d e d to the w ith follow in g Industrial Training Inst itut es (IT Is) : ¾ I T I Pee nya , Ba nga lor e, S ta te of Kar nata ka ¾ ITI Mohali, Sta te of Punjab ¾ ITI Pune, Sta te of Ma hara shtra ¾ I T I V a d o d ra , S ta te o f Gu jara t ¾ IT I Fa ridabad , S ta te of Haryana ¾ I T I Gha zi abad , Sta te of U tt ar Prad es h ¾ ITI Ambattur, Sta te of Tam il Nad u ¾ ITI V izag, Sta te of And hra Pra desh ¾ I T I Ka lama sse ry , Sta te of Ke ra la ¾ ITI D hanbad, S tate of Bihar 32 World 10 Ban k S t at e Th e s e I TIs a r e impa r t in g sh or t t e rm modu la r t r ain in g c ou rs e s in th e f ollow in g Hit ech areas : Sr. N ame of cou rs e Du rat ion 1. Com puter A ide d Dra fting 4 w e ek s 2. Ana log an d D ig ital El ect ron i cs 5 Weeks 3. P e rso na l C o m p u te r Mai nt e na n ce 6 w e ek s 4. I nd us tr ia l A utom a t io n 5 Weeks N o. M ost of th e above ment ion ed St ate ITIs hav e started runn in g c ou r s es in th es e id ent if ied areas. LIST OF TRADES / COURSES SR. NO. TRADE COURSE NAME DURATION 1. Fitter 1. Linear and Angular Measurement 2. measurement using Co-ordinate Measuring Machine and Roundness Measuring Machine 3.CNC Programming & Operation Turn Mill Center 1. Servicing and Testing of Electrical Unit of Petrol Engine 2. Servicing and overhauling of Diesel Vehicle 3. Basic Petrol or Diesel Engine 1. Refresher Course on Repair and Maintenance of Domestic appliances 2. Power Electronics and Static Control of Motors 3. Electronics for Electrical and Electronic Instructors 1. Digital Electronics and its Applications 2. Electronic For Electrical And Electronic Instructor 3.Fundamentals of Electronics and Computers 1. Modern Teaching Techniques and use of teaching aids 2. Refresher course on Pluming 3. Refresher course on Sanitation 1. Auto CAD(2D& 3D) 2. CAD-03(2D Drafting & 3D Modeling using Auto CAD) 3. Refresher Course on Advance Architecture 3 DAYS -Do- 2 3 4 5 6 Mechanic Motor Vehicle Electrician Mechanic Electronics Plumber Draughtsm an Civil 33 3 DAYS INTAKE No. CAPACI Batch TY es 3 16 -Do16 3 16 -Do- 14 3 DAYS 3 14 -Do3 DAYS -Do3 14 8 -Do- -Do- 8 3 8 -Do- 6 3 6 -Do- 6 3 DAYS 3 4 -Do3 DAYS -Do3 DAYS -Do3 -Do3 4 4 2 2 -Do- -Do- 2 -Do- 3 DAYS -Do3 DAYS -Do- 7 8 9 10 Cutting & Sewing COPA Turner Machinist 11 Welder 12 Mechanic Electronics /ITESM 13 Electrician /Wireman 1. Refresher Course on Dress Making and Cutting and Sewing 2. Operation on Special Industrial Sewing Machines 3. Fundamentals of Garment Technology 1. Accounting with Tally 2. Computer Networking and Administration 3.Multimedia and Web Page Designing 1. Programming & Operation on CNC Lathe (Fanuc Series of Mate TC ) 2. Quality Engineering 3. CNC Programming and Simulation 1. Programming & Operation on CNC Lathe (Fanuc Series of Mate TC ) 2. Quality Engineering 3. CNC Programming and Simulation 1. TIG Welding 2. Spot Welding 3. Pipe Welding by Ark 1. Digital Electronics and its Applications 2. Electronic For Electrical And Electronic Instructor 3.Fundamentals of Electronics and Computers 1. Refresher Course on Repair and Maintenance of Domestic appliances 2. Power Electronics and Static Control of Motors 3. Electronics for Electrical and Electronic Instructors 3 DAYS 3 6 -Do- 6 3 DAYS 3 6 -Do3 DAYS -Do3 4 4 -Do- -Do- 4 3 DAYS 3 8 -Do3 DAYS -Do3 8 8 -Do- -Do- 4 3 DAYS -Do- 3 -Do- 4 4 3 DAYS -Do3 DAYS -Do- 3 -Do3 -Do- 10 10 10 2 3 DAYS 3 2 -Do- 2 3 6 -Do- 6 3 6 -Do- -Do3 DAYS -Do3 DAYS 270 34 List of abbreviation used SN 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Institution code BLP BLP-B BLP-G BLP-S CBA-B CBA CBA-G CBA-KI CBA-K CBA-L HMR-B HMR-BH HMR HMR-L HMR-N HMR-S KNG-BR KNG-BK KNG-DD KNG-DH KNG-DS KNG-GN KNG-GJ KNG-J KNG-K KNG-NPK KNG-NPR KNG-P KNG-SL KNG-SHP KNR-RPO KLU-D KLU-N KLU-S KLU-SMS L&S-RT MDI-BG MDI-BT MDI-BH MDI-C MDI-J MDI-K MDI MDI-P MDI-SD MDI-SNR MDI-T SOL-A SOL-D SOL-K SOL-N SOL SML-CG SML-CH SML-JU SML-JN Name of the Institution I.T.I., Bilaspur I.T.I., Berthian I.T.I., Ghumarwin I.T.I., Swarghat I.T.I., Bharmour I.T.I., Chamba I.T.I., Garnota I.T.I. Killer I.T.I. Koti at Tissa I.T.I. Lochori I.T.I.Bani I.T.I. Bhoranj I.T.I. Hamirpur I.T.I. Lambloo I.T.I. Nadaun I.T.I. Sujanpur-Tihra I.T.I., Baroh I.T.I., Balakrupi I.T.I., Dadasiba I.T.I., Dhameta I.T.I., Dharamshala I.T.I., Gangth I.T.I., Garhjamula I.T.I., Jawali I.T.I., Kundian I.T.I., Nehranpukhar I.T.I., Nurpur I.T.I., Palampur I.T.I., Salyana I.T.I., Shahpur I.T.I., Reckong Peo I.T.I., Dalash I.T.I., Nirmand I.T.I., Sainj I.T.I., Shamshi I.T.I., Rong Tong I.T.I., Bagsiad I.T.I., Batail I.T.I., Bhdrota I.T.I., Chachyot I.T.I., Jogindernagar I.T.I., Karsog I.T.I., Mandi I.T.I., Paplog I.T.I., Sandhole I.T.I., Sundernagar I.T.I., Thalout I.T.I., Arki I.T.I., Diggal I.T.I., Kasauli I.T.I., Nalagarh I.T.I., Solan I.T.I., Chirgaon I.T.I., Chopal I.T.I., Jubbal I.T.I., Junga 35 11 12 SML-K SML-P SML-R SML SML-TH SML-TK SIR-B SIR-K SIR-NHN SIR-PSB SIR-R SIR-SR SIR-SH UNA-B UNA-C UNA-MDE I.T.I., Kumarsain I.T.I., Pragtinagar I.T.I., Rampur I.T.I., Shimla I.T.I., Theog I.T.I.,Tikkar I.T.I., Boghdhar I.T.I., Kaffota I.T.I., Nahan I.T.I., Paonta Sahib I.T.I., Rajgahr I.T.I., Sarahan I.T.I., Shillai I.T.I., Bangana I.T.I., Chintpurni I.T.I, Motor Driving Heavy earth moving school Amb I.T.I., Santoshgarh I.T.I., Una UNA-S UNA List of abbreviations of Posts Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Designation Code Designation PPL GI I(f) I(mmv) I(elect) I(elx) I(car) I(drg) I(s/h) I(c&s) I(emb) I(copa) I(d/math) I(itesm) Principal, I.T.I. Group Instructor/Foreman Instructor fitter Instructor Motor Mech. Vehicle Instructor Electrician Instructor electronics Mech. Instructor Carpenter Instructor Drawing Instructor Stenography Hindi Instructor Cutting & Tailoring) Instructor Embroidery & Needle work Instructor COPA Instructor Drg/Math Instructor Information Technology electronic system Maintenance Instructor Dress Making Instructor Turner Instructor Plumber Instructor Draughtsman Civil Instructor Plastic Operator processor Instructor Hair & Skin Care) Maintenance Mech. Instructor Language Instructor Wireman Head Craft Mistress Instructor Fruit vegetable Instructor Photography Driver cum Mech. Instructor Radio & TV Instructor Social Study Hostel Supdt. –cum-PTI Pharmacist Instructor Instrument Mech. Instructor Ref. & Air Cond. Instructor Welder Machinist Instructor Painter General I(dm) I(tur) I(p) I(dmc) I (ppo) I(h&sc) Mm Langua I(wir) HCM I (f&v) photo DcM I (r&tv) I (ss) hsptic pharma I (i/mech) I (r&ac) I (w) I machin I pg 36 IN HOUSE TRAINING FOR NEWLY APPOINTED INSTRUCTOR SPONSORED BY THE H.P. SSSB, HAMIRPUR, EX-SERVICEMEN CELL, HAMIRPUR AND TRAINER APPOINTED UNDER STUDENT WELFARE FUND/ INSTITUTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE NAME Sr. No. 1. OF THE INSTITUTE: GOVT. I.T.I., SHAMSHI DISTRICT Name of the Duration Subject to be covered course Induction Training 05 days i) Basic computer Application ii) Personality Development iii) Inter disciplinary training iv) Workshop Maintenance v) Procurement Procedure KULLU Faculty to be provided by 1- I.T.I., Shamshi 2- Govt. College, Kullu [MODULE I-A] TRAINING MODULE FOR INSTRUCTORS OF GOVERNMENT I.T.I.s in DGE&T INSTITUTES. S N 1. 2 Institute Name Advance Training Institute, Kanpur Advance Training Kanpur Name of the trade course Duration 2 weeks 1 week Trade Instructor sponsored for training 1 MDI –I(tur), KNG-SHP-I(tur), SML-I(tur) SOL-I (tur),SIR-NHNI(tur), Una-I(tur) 2 MDI–I(f),KNG-SHP-I(f),SMLI(f)SOL-I (f),SIR-NHN-I(f),MDIC-I(f),BLP-I(f),SOL-I(f),SOL-NI(f),SIR-PSB I(f), 3 KNG-SHP I(machn),SOL-I (machn), 1 MDI-I(w),MDI-BG-I((w), BLP(w)KNG-SHP-I(w),KLU-SMSI(w), SML-I(w), Una-I(w) 1 MDI-I(w),MDI-BG-I((w), BLP(w)KNG-SHP-I(w),KLU-SMSI(w), SML-I(w), Una- I(w) 1 MDI-I(elx), KNG-SHP- I(elx), MDI-SNR- I(elx), KNG-P-I(elx), KNG-DS-I(elx), KNG- SL-I(elx), SML-I(elx) 2 MDI-SNR-I(rtv), SML- I(rtv) 3 SIR-NHN-I(itesm), SML-KI(itesm) 1 Instructor All trades 2 weeks 1 1 CNC Turning 2 MIG/MAG Welding 3 weeks 3 TIG Welding 3 weeks 4 Digital Elxt. Application 1 Modern Teaching Tech. Refresher Course on Dress Making/ Cutting & Sewing 2 & 2 weeks 2 37 KIN-RPO-I(c&s), SML- R-I(c&s), SML-I(c&s), SML-CH-I(c&s),SOLK-I(c&s), HMR-I(c&s), HMRNDN-I(c&s), Una- I(c&s), Una-CI(c&s) KIN-RPO-I(dm), SML- R-I(dm), SML-I(dm), SML-CH-I(dm),SOLK-I(dm), HMR-I(dm), HMR-NDN- 3 3 Foreman Training Institute, Banglore 3 Refresher Course on Audio Visual Aid 2 weeks 1 4 AC & DC Drive and Speed control Electrical Motors 2 weeks 1 1 Supervisory Development Programme 2 weeks 1 2 Quality Control & Management Auto CAD 2 weeks 1 2 weeks 1 3 2 4 National Vocational Training Institute, Noida 1 Operation and Special Industrial Sewing Machine 2 weeks Advance Training Institute, Hawrah 1 CAD/CAM 2 weeks Advance Training Institute Hydrabad 2 MDI-BG-I(dm), MDI- I(dm), MDI-J- I(dm), MDI-P- I(dm), KNG-SL- I(dm), KIN-RPO-I(emb), SML- RI(emb), SML-I(emb), SML-CHI(emb),SOL-K-I(emb), HMRI(emb), HMR-NDN-I(emb), SOLN- I(emb) MDI–BG-I(f),KNG-NPK-I(f),SMLJN-I(f)SOL-N-I(f),HMR-SI(f),SIR-PSB-I(f) KNG-SHP I(machn),SOL-I (machn), MDI –I(tur), KNG-SHP-I(tur), SML-I(tur) SOL-I (tur),SIR-NHNI(tur), Una-I(tur) MDI–I(mmv),KNG-SHPI(mmv),SML-I(mmv)SOL-I (mmv),SIR-NHN-I(mmv),BLPI(mmv),SOL-I(mmv),SOL-NI(mmv),SIR-PSB I(mmv), UnaI(mmv) MDI-(r&ac), MDI –I(tur), KNG-SHP-I(tur), SML-I(tur) SOL-I (tur),SIR-NHNI(tur) MDI–BG-I(f),KNG-NPK-I(f),SMLJN-I(f)SOL-N-I(f),HMR-S- 1 2 1 Modern Trends in Repair and Maintenance of Car AC System 2 weeks 1 2 Machine Tools Maintenance 2 weeks 2 1 2 38 KIN-RPO-I(drg), SML- R- I(drg),, SML- I(drg), SOL- I(drg), HMRNDN- I(drg), SOL-N- I(drg), Una-I(drg) SML-I(dmc), MDI-SNR- I(dmc), MDI- I(dmc), KNG-SHP-I(dmc) MDI-I(c&s), SOL-N-I(c&s), KNGSHP-I(c&s), SML-I(c&s),SOL-I(c&s), HMR-B-I(c&s), HMR-I(c&s) 3 6 SML-I(elect), SOL- I(elect), MDII(elect), SOL-N- I(elect), MDIBG-I(elect), BLP- I(elect), HMRL- I(elect), KNG-SHP- I(elect), UNA- I(elect), SML-GI, SOL- GI, MDI-GI, SOLN- GI, MDI-BG-GI, BLP- GI, HMR-L- GI, KNG-SHP- GI, UNAGI, Una-GI All Trades Instructors 1 3 5 I(dm), MDI-BG-I(dm) KIN-RPO-I(emb), SML- RI(emb), SML-I(emb), SML-CHI(emb),SOL-K-I(emb), HMRI(emb), HMR-NDN-I(emb), SOLN- I(emb), Una-C-I(emb) All Trades Instructors I(f),SIR-PSB-I(f) 3 4 Modern Teaching Techniques and Use of Teaching & Training Aid Electronics for Mechanical Electrical Personal 3 1 KNG-SHP I(machn),SOL-I (machn), 2 weeks 2 weeks 1 MDI –I(tur), KNG-SHP-I(tur), SML-I(tur) SOL-I (tur),SIR-NHNI(tur), Una-I(tur) MDI–BG-I(f),KNG-NPK-I(f),SMLJN-I(f)SOL-N-I(f),HMR-SI(f),SIR-PSB-I(f) KNG-SHP I(machn),SOL-I (machn), MDI–T-I(mmv), KNG-SHP-NPKI(mmv), SML-CG-I(mmv)SOL-I (mmv),SIR-NHN-I(mmv), BLPI(mmv), SOL-N-I(mmv),SIR-PSB I(mmv), SML-JU- I(mmv), UnaI(mmv) MDI –I(tur), KNG-SHP-I(tur), SML-I(tur) SOL-I (tur),SIR-NHNI(tur), Una-I(tur) KNG-SHP I(machn),SOL-I (machn), MDI –I(elx), KNG-SHP- I(elx), SML- I(elx), SOL- I(elx), SIRNHN- I(elx) SOL- I(elect), MDI-I(elect), SOLN- I(elect), MDI-BG-I(elect), BLP- I(elect), HMR-L- I(elect), KNG-SHP- I(elect), UNAI(elect), SOL-I (mmv),SIR-NHN-I(mmv), BLP-I(mmv), SOL-NI(mmv),SIR-PSB I(mmv), SMLJU- I(mmv), Una-S-I(mmv) SOL- I(elect), MDI-I(elect), SOLN- I(elect), MDI-BG-I(elect), BLP- I(elect), HMR-L- I(elect), KNG-SHP- I(elect), UNAI(elect), 2 3 4 7 Advance Training Institute, Chennai 1 CNC Machining 2 weeks 1 2 2 Electronics Control System and Maintenance 2 weeks 1 2 8 Advance Training InstituteEPI, Dehradun All Trade Instructor 3 Basic Transmission suspension, steering and break system 2 weeks 1 4 Control and Maintenance of Motor Transformer and Switchgear Basic Electrical & Electronics 3 weeks 1 2 weeks 1 SML-TK- I(elect), SML-P-I(elect), SML-JU- I(elect), SOL-A-I(elect), MDI-BT-I(elect), CBA-G I(elect), HMR-L- I(elect), KNG-SHP- I(elect), UNA- I(elect), BLP-G-I(elect) 2 BLP-G-I(elx), BLP-S- I(elx), CBAI(elx), HMR- I(elx), HMR-SI(elx), KNG-P- I(elx), MDI-I(copa), MDI-BG-I(copa), MDI-J- I(copa), HMR-B- I(copa), KNG-DH- I(copa),KNG-JI(copa), 1 2 3 Multimedia and WEB page designing Basic Office Automation 39 2 weeks 1 2 weeks 1 Five year Training Plan for Instructors/Group Instructor of Govt. ITIs. S. No. Designati on Tota l No. Five Year Training Plan. 1. Instructor 470 2012 -13 94 2. Group 84 17 1013 -14 94 2014 -15 94 2015 -16 94 2016 -17 94 17 17 17 16 Instructor Training Provider Hi-tech Institute Banalore, ATI, Ludhina, Hawrah, Channai, Colkatta, ATI-EPI Dehradoon, Hyderabad, ATI Mumbai, NIESBUD, Noida, AVTI, Noida, FTI Bangalore 40 Rem arks IN HOUSE TRAINING [MODULE I-B] SR. NO. 1. TRADE COURSE NAME DURAT ION 5 DAYS Employee Code 1. Refresher Course on Repair and Maintenance of Domestic 1- BLP I(elect), BLP-Gappliances I(elect), MDI-BTI(elect),KNG-K -I(elect), 2. Power Electronics and Static -DoHMR-L-I(elect), Control of Motors 3. Electronics for Electrical and -DoElectronic Instructors 2. Mechanic 1. Servicing and Testing of 5 DAYS 2 – BLP- I(mmv),HMRMotor Vehicle Electrical Unit of Petrol Engine N-I(mmv) 2. Servicing and overhauling of -DoDiesel Vehicle 3. Basic Petrol or Diesel Engine -DoINTAKE CAPACITY =3 NUMBER OF BATCHES PER YEAR=2 Sr. No. 1. ELECTRICIAN Trade Course Name Duration Employee Code Fitter 1. Linear and Angular Measurement 2. Measurement using Co-ordinate Measuring Machine and Roundness Measuring Machine 3.CNC Programming & Operation Turn Mill Center 1. TIG Welding 2. Spot Welding 3. Pipe Welding by Arc 1. Modern Teaching Techniques and use of teaching aids 2. Refresher course on Pluming 3. Refresher course on Sanitation 5 DAYS 1- BLP-I(f),HMR-SI(f),HMR-N-I(f) 2. Welder 3. Plumber INTAKE CAPACITY =3 -Do-Do5 DAYS -Do-Do5 DAYS 2- BLP-I(w),BLP-BI(w), HMR-B-I(w) 3- HMR-BH-I(p), BLP-G-I(p) -Do-Do- NUMBER OF BATCHES PER YEAR=2 41 [MODULE I-B] SR. NO. 1. TRADE COURSE NAME DURATION Employee Code 1. Refresher Course on Repair 1-UNA- I (elect), 5 DAYS and Maintenance of Domestic SOL-N- I (elect) appliances 2. Power Electronics and Static -DoControl of Motors 3. Electronics for Electrical and -DoElectronic Instructors 2. Mechanic 1. Servicing and Testing of 5 DAYS 2- UNA-I(mmv), Motor Vehicle Electrical Unit of Petrol Engine SOL-N-I(mmv) 2. Servicing and overhauling of -DoDiesel Vehicle 3. Basic Petrol or Diesel Engine -Do3. Fitter 1. Linear and Angular 5 DAYS 3- UNA-I(f), SOL-NMeasurement I(f), UNA-C-I(f) 2. Measurement using Co-Doordinate Measuring Machine and Roundness Measuring Machine 3.CNC Programming & -DoOperation Turn Mill Center INTAKE CAPACITY =3 NUMBER OF BATCHES PER YEAR=2 SR NO 1. Electrician TRADE COURSE NAME Electronic Mechanic 1. Digital Electronics and its Applications 2. Electronic For Electrical And Electronic Instructor 3.Fundamentals of Electronics & Computers 2. Turner 1. Programming & Operation on CNC Lathe (Fanuc Series of Mate TC ) 2. Quality Engineering 3. CNC Programming and Simulation 3. Machinist 1. Programming & Operation on CNC Lathe (Fanuc Series of Mate TC ) 2. Quality Engineering 3. CNC Programming and Simulation INTAKE CAPACITY =3 NUMBER OF 42 DURATI ON 5 DAYS -Do- Employee Code 1. SOLI(elx), SOLA-I(elx) -Do5 DAYS -Do-Do5 DAYS 2- SOLI(tur), SMLI(tur) 3- SOLI(machin) -Do-DoBATCHES PER YEAR=2 [MODULE I-B] SR TRADE NO 1. Welder COURSE NAME 2. 1. Refresher Course on Dress Making and Cutting and Sewing 2. Operation on Special Industrial Sewing Machines 3. Fundamentals of Garment Technology 3. Cutting & Sewing DURAT ION 5 DAYS -Do-Do- 1. TIG Welding 2. Spot Welding 3. Pipe Welding by Ark 5 DAYS -Do-Do- Fitter Employee Code 1- SOL-NI(w), UNAI(w),SOLI(w) 2-SOL-NI(c&s),UNAI(c&s), SOL-K I(c&s), SOLD- I(c&s), SOL- I(c&s) 3- SOL-NI(f), UNAI(f),SOL-I(f) 1. Linear and Angular Measurement 5 DAYS 2. measurement using Co-ordinate -DoMeasuring Machine and Roundness Measuring Machine 3.CNC Programming & Operation Turn Mill -DoCenter INTAKE CAPACITY =3 NUMBER OF BATCHES PER YEAR=2 SR TRADE NO 1. Electrician COURSE NAME 1. Refresher Course on Repair and Maintenance of Domestic appliances 2. Power Electronics and Static Control of Motors 3. Electronics for Electrical and Electronic Instructors 2. Fitter 1. Linear and Angular Measurement 2. Measurement using Co-ordinate Measuring Machine and Roundness Measuring Machine 3.CNC Programming & Operation Turn Mill Center 3. Welder 1. TIG Welding 2. Spot Welding 3. Pipe Welding by Arc INTAKE CAPACITY =3 NUMBER OF BATCHES 43 DURAT ION 5 DAYS -Do-Do5 DAYS -Do- Employee Code 1- KLU-SMSI(elect), MDII(elect), MDI-CI(elect),MDI-BGI(elect) 2- KLU-SMS-I(f), MDI- I(f),MDI-CI(f) -Do5 DAYS 3- KLU-SMS-I(w), MDI-I(w),MDI-BG-DoI(w) -DoPER YEAR=2 [MODULE I-B] SR. TRADE NO. 1. Turner 2. 3. COPA COURSE NAME 1. Programming & Operation on CNC Lathe (Fanuc Series of Mate TC ) 2. Quality Engineering 3. CNC Programming and Simulation 1. Accounting with Tally 2. Computer Networking and Administration 3.Multimedia and Web Page Designing DURAT ION 5 DAYS -Do-Do5 DAYS -Do-Do- Employee Code 1-MDI-I(tur),KLUSMS-I(tur) 2-MDI- I(copa),KLUSMS-I(copa), MDI-J-I(copa), MDIK-I(copa), MDI-BH-I(copa), MDI-BG-I(copa) Mechanic Motor Vehicle 1. Servicing and Testing of Electrical Unit 5 DAYS 3- MDI-I(mmv),KLUof Petrol Engine SMS-I(mmv) 2. Servicing and overhauling of Diesel -DoVehicle 3. Basic Petrol or Diesel Engine -Do4. Cutting & 1. Refresher Course on Dress Making and 5 DAYS 4- MDI-I(c&s),KLUSewing Cutting and Sewing SMS-I(c&s), MDI-BH-I(c&s),MDI2. Operation on Special Industrial Sewing -DoBG-I(dm) Machines 3. Fundamentals of Garment Technology -DoINTAKE CAPACITY =3 NUMBER OF BATCHES PER YEAR=2 Sr. Trade No. 1. Mechanic Electronic s Course Name 1. Digital Electronics and its Applications 2. Electronic For Electrical And Electronic Instructor 3.Fundamentals of Electronics and Computers INTAKE CAPACITY =3 Duratio n 5 DAYS -Do-Do- Employee Code 1-KNG-NPRI(elx),KNG-P-I(elx), KNG-DD-I(elx), KNG-DS-I(elx), KNG-P-I(elx), CBAI(elx), KNG-SLI(elx) NUMBER OF BATCHES PER YEAR=2 44 [MODULE I-B] SR. TRADE NO. 1. Turner COURSE NAME 1. Programming & Operation on CNC Lathe (Fanuc Series of Mate TC ) 2. Quality Engineering 3. CNC Programming and Simulation 2. Fitter 1. Linear and Angular Measurement 2. measurement using Co-ordinate Measuring Machine and Roundness Measuring Machine 3.CNC Programming & Operation Turn Mill Center 3. Mechanic 1. Servicing and Testing of Electrical Unit Motor of Petrol Engine Vehicle 2. Servicing and overhauling of Diesel Vehicle 3. Basic Petrol or Diesel Engine 4. Machinist 1. Programming & Operation on CNC Lathe (Fanuc Series of Mate TC ) 2. Quality Engineering 3. CNC Programming and Simulation 5. Welder 1. TIG Welding 2. Spot Welding 3. Pipe Welding by Arc INTAKE CAPACITY =3 NUMBER Sr. Trade No. 1. COPA 2. Cutting & Sewing Course Name 1. Accounting with Tally 2. Computer Networking and Administration 3.Multimedia and Web Page Designing 1. Refresher Course on Dress Making and Cutting and Sewing 2. Operation on Special Industrial Sewing Machines 3. Fundamentals of Garment Technology INTAKE CAPACITY =3 DURAT ION 5 DAYS -Do-Do5 DAYS -Do- Employee Code 1- KNG-SHPI(tur),KLU-SMSI(tur) 2- KNG-SHPI(f),KLU-SMS- I(f) -Do5 DAYS -Do-Do5 DAYS 3- KNG-SHPI(mmv) KLU-SMSI(mmv) 4- KNG-SHPI(machin) -Do-Do5 DAYS 5- KNG-SHP-I(w), KLU-SMS- I(w), -DoMDI-BG-I(w) -DoOF BATCHES PER YEAR=2 Duratio n 5 DAYS -Do-Do5 DAYS -Do- Employee Code 1- KNG-DS-I(copa), KNG-SHP-I(copa), KNG-J-I(copa), KNG-DH-I(copa) 2- KNG-DSI(c&s),KNG-SHPc&s), KNG-P-I(c&s), KNG-NPK-I(c&s) -Do- NUMBER OF BATCHES PER YEAR=2 45 [MODULE I-B] Sr. No. 1. 2. Trade Course Name Fitter 1. Linear and Angular Measurement Welder 2. measurement using Co-ordinate Measuring Machine and Roundness Measuring Machine 3.CNC Programming & Operation Turn Mill Center 1. TIG Welding 2. Spot Welding 3. Pipe Welding by Ark INTAKE CAPACITY =3 Sr. No. 1. Trade Duratio n 5 DAYS Employee Code 1- SML-I(f),SML-JUI(f), SML-P-I(f) -Do-Do5 DAYS -Do-Do- 2- SML-I(w),SMLJU-I(w) NUMBER OF BATCHES PER YEAR=2 Course Name Duratio n 5 DAYS Electrician /Wireman Employee Code 1. Refresher Course on Repair and 1- SOL-I(elect),SMLMaintenance of Domestic appliances I(elect) I(wir), SOL-A- I(elect),SOL2. Power Electronics and Static Control of -DoN- I(elect) Motors 3. Electronics for Electrical and Electronic -DoInstructors 2. Mechanic 1. Digital Electronics and its Applications 5 DAYS 2- SOL-I(elx),SOLElectronic 2. Electronic For Electrical And Electronic A-I(elx), SML-I-Dos I(elx) Instructor 3.Fundamentals of Electronics and -DoComputers 3. Turner 1. Programming & Operation on CNC 5 DAYS 3-SOL-I(tur), SMLLathe (Fanuc Series of Mate TC ) I(tur) 2. Quality Engineering -Do3. CNC Programming and Simulation -Do4. Draughts 1. Auto CAD 5 DAYS 4- SOL-I(dmc) SMLman I(dmc) 2. CAD-03(2D Drafting & 3D Modeling -Do(Civil) using Auto CAD) 3. Refresher Course on Architecture -DoINTAKE CAPACITY =3 NUMBER OF BATCHES PER YEAR=2 46 [MODULE I-B] Sr. No. 1. Trade Course Name 1. Refresher Course on Repair and Maintenance of Domestic appliances 2. Power Electronics and Static Control of Motors 3. Electronics for Electrical and Electronic Instructors 2. Mechanic 1. Servicing and Testing of Electrical Unit Motor of Petrol Engine Vehicle 2. Servicing and overhauling of Diesel Vehicle 3. Basic Petrol or Diesel Engine 3. Fitter 1. Linear and Angular Measurement 2. measurement using Co-ordinate Measuring Machine and Roundness Measuring Machine 3.CNC Programming & Operation Turn Mill Centre INTAKE CAPACITY =3 NUMBER OF BATCHES Sr No 1. Electrician Trade Course Name Electrician /Wireman 1. Refresher Course on Repair and Maintenance of Domestic appliances 2. Power Electronics and Static Control of Motors 3. Electronics for Electrical and Electronic Instructors INTAKE CAPACITY =3 Duration Employee Code 5 DAYS 1- SML-JU-I(elect), SML-P-I(elect) -Do-Do5 DAYS -Do-Do5 DAYS -Do- 2- SML-JU-I(mmv) , SML-CG-I(mmv), SML-R-I(mmv) 3- SML-JU-I(f), SMLR-I(f) , SML-PI(f) -DoPER YEAR=2 Duratio n 5 DAYS Employee Code 1-CBA-I(elect), KNG-SHP-I(elect), KNG-NPR-I(elect), -DoKNG-DD-I(elect), KGR-NPK-I(elect), -DoCBA-KI-I(elect), CBA-G-I(elect) NUMBER OF BATCHES PER YEAR=2 47 [MODULE I-B] Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Trade Course Name Duration Employee Code Electrician /Wireman 1. Refresher Course on Repair and Maintenance of Domestic appliances 2. Power Electronics and Static Control of Motors 3. Electronics for Electrical and Electronic Instructors 1. Servicing and Testing of Electrical Unit of Petrol Engine 2. Servicing and overhauling of Diesel Vehicle 3. Basic Petrol or Diesel Engine 1. Linear and Angular Measurement 2. measurement using Co-ordinate Measuring Machine and Roundness Measuring Machine 3.CNC Programming & Operation Turn Mill Centre 1. Digital Electronics and its Applications 2. Electronic For Electrical And Electronic Instructor 3.Fundamentals of Electronics and Computers 5 DAYS 1- SIR-NHN-I(elect) Mechanic Motor Vehicle Fitter Electronic Mechanic / IT & ESM INTAKE CAPACITY =3 Sr. Trade No. 1. Mechanic Motor Vehicle 2. -Do-Do5 DAYS -Do-Do5 DAYS -Do- 2- SIR-NHNI(mmv), SIR-PSBI(mmv), 3- SIR-NHN-I(f), SIR-SR-I(f), SIR-B-I(f), SIR-PSBI(f) -Do5 DAYS -Do-Do- 4- SIR-NHNI(itesm), SIR-SRI(elx), SIR-B-I(elx), SIR-K-I(elx) NUMBER OF BATCHES PER YEAR=2 Course Name Duration Employee Code 1. Servicing and Testing of Electrical Unit of Petrol Engine 2. Servicing and overhauling of Diesel Vehicle 3. Basic Petrol or Diesel Engine 5 DAYS 1. SML-RI(mmv),KNR-RPOI(mmv), SMLI(mmv), SML-JUI(mmv), SMLCG-I(mmv), SMLTH-I(mmv), SMLJN-I(mmv) 2. SML-R-I(p), SMLI(p), SML-JU-I(p) Plumber -Do-Do- 1. Modern Teaching Techniques and use 5 DAYS of teaching aids 2. Refresher course on Pluming -Do3. Refresher course on Sanitation -DoINTAKE CAPACITY =3 NUMBER OF BATCHES PER YEAR=2 48 CHAPTER-V Training Plan of Polytechnic Faculty (2 years Programme) List of Abbreviation Used Sr. No. 1 2 Institution Code D JN Name of the Institute Directorate of Technical Education Sundernagar J.N. Govt. Engg. College, Sr. No. 8 Institution Code PKD Name of the Institute Govt. Polytechnic (W) Kandaghat 9 PA Govt. Polytechnic, Ambota 10 PT Govt. Polytechnic, Talwar 11 PC Govt. Polytechnic, Chamba Sundernagar 3 BPHR Govt. College of B. Pharmacy, Rohru 4 PS Govt. Polytechnic, 5 PH Govt. Polytechnic, Hamirpur 12 PB Govt. Polytechnic, Banikhet 6 PK Govt. Polytechnic, kangra 13 PPR ABV Instt. Of Engg. & Tech. Sundernagar Pargtinagar 7 PR Govt. Polytechnic, Rohru Designation Code 1. P Principal 31 WI© Workshop Instructor (Carpentry) 2 HOD(ELTX) Head of Deptt. 32 WI(ELTX) (Electronics) 3 HOD(A) Workshop Instructor (Electronics) Head of Deptt Applied 33 WI(W) Science & Humanities Workshop Instructor (Welding) 4 HOD(AU) Head of Deptt. Auto Engg. 34 WI(PT) Workshop Instructor 5 HOD(AR) Head of Deptt. Architecture 35 WI(FN) Workshop Instructor (Pattern making) (Foundry) 6 HOD(M) Head of Deptt. Mech. Engg. 36 WI(T) Workshop Instructor (Turning) 7 HOD(EL) Head of Deptt. Electrical 37 WI(P) Engg Workshop Instructor (Plumbing) 8 HOD(C) Head of Deptt. Civil Engg 38 WI(S) Workshop Instr.( Smithy) 9 HOD(MOP) Head of Deptt. Modren 39 WI(F) Workshop Instructor ( Office Practice 10 HOD(COM) Fitting) Head of Deptt. Computer 40 WI(E) Engg 11 HOD(I) Workshop Instructor (Electrical) Head of Deptt. 41 WI(Intr) Workshop Instrumentation 42 WI(SM) Workshop Instructor (Sheet Instrumentation Engg 12 DC(F&A) Deputy Controller (Fin & Actt.) 13 SL(ELTX) metal) Senior Lecturer (Electroncis 43 I(AR) Instructor (Architecture) 44 WI(BI) Boiler In-charge Engg.) 14 SL(A) Senior Lecturer (Applied Science & Humanities) 49 15 SL(M) Senior Lecturer (Mecgh. 45 M Mechanic 46 DM Driver –cum-Mechanic 47 AVT Audio Visual Technician 48 LA Laboratory Assistant 49 LT Laboratory Technician 50 D Driver Engg.) 16 SL(EL) 17 SL(C) Senior Lecturer (Electrical Engg) Senior Lecturer (Civil Engg.) 18 SL(COM) Senior Lecturer (Computer Engg.) 19 L(ELTX) Lecturer (Electroncis Engg.) 20 L(A) Lecturer (Applied Science & Humanities) 21 L(M) Lecturer (Mecgh. Engg.) 51 CLR Cleaner cum Conductor 22 L(EL) Lecturer (Electrical Engg) 52 CA Computer Assistant 23 L(C) Lecturer (Civil Engg.) 53 PTI Physical Training Instructor 24 L(COM) Lecturer (Computer Engg.) 54 LIB Librarian 25 L(I) Lecturer (Instrumentation) 55 HS Hostel Supdt. 26 L(PHR) Lecturer Pharmacy 56 DI Dispenser 27 L(AR) Lecturer Architecture 57 DC Draughtsman (Civil) 28 L(AU) Lecturer Auto Engg. 58 I(MOP) Instructor (MOP) 29 S Superintendent 59 WS Workshop Superintendent 30 FR Foreman Name of Institute : Govt. Polytechnic, Sundernagar 1 PS(P) Smt. Vinita Arya 32 PS WS(AU) Sh. Dheeraj Gupta 2 PS HOD(C) Sh. M.K. Sharma 33 Smt. Meena Guleria 3 PS SL(C) Sh. Tanmay Kapoor 34 PS HOD(CONT) PS (FR) 4 PS HOD(M) Sh Z.R. Sharma 35 PS (DC) Sh. Sharad Rana 5 6 PS L(M)-1 PS L(M)-2 Sh. Y.N. Sharma Sh. H.D. Bhardwaj 36 37 PS WI© PS WI(ELTX) Sh. Swarn Singh Sh. J.P. Kapoor 7 8 PS L(M)-3 PS L(M)-4 Sh. Chander Shekhar Smt. Farah Naj 38 39 PS WI(W) PS WI (PT) Sh. Udham Singh Sh. Shakti Chand 9 PS L(M)-5 Sh. Chaman Lal 40 PS WI(FN) 10 PS WS(M) Sh. D.R. Sharma 41 PS WI(T) 11 PS HOD(EL) Sh. V.K. Vaidya 42 PS WI(PL) Sh. Chander mani 12 PS L(EL)-1 Sh. Rajesh Chaudhary 43 PS WI(S) Sh. Gian Chand 13 PS L(E)-2 Sh. Yoginder Vashist 44 PS WI(F) 14 PS HOD(COM) Sh. Neeraj Uppal 45 PS WI(F) Sh. Jai Lal Kaushal 15 PS SL( COM) Sh. Vikas Dhiman 46 PS (BI) Sh. Shashi Pal 16 PS L(COM)-1 Sh. D. R. Bodh 47 PS (M) Sh. Sant Ram 17 PS L(COM)-2 Sh. Sunil Kumar 48 PS (DM) Sh. Parkash Chand 18 PS L(COM)-3 Sh. Sandeep Khimta 49 PS (AVT) Sh. H.S. Rana 19 20 21 22 PSL( COM)-4 PS L(COM)-5 PS L(COM)-6 PS HOD( A) Smt. Sonali Malhotra Smt. Himani Vaidya Sh. Gaurav Rana Sh. Dwijender Dwij 50 51 52 53 PS (LA)-1 PS(LA)-2 PS (LA)-3 PS (LA)-4 Sh. Sh. Sh. Sh. 23 PS SL(A) Sh. D.K. Sharma 54 PS (LA)-5 Smt. Maya Devi 24 PS L( A)-1 Sh Raman Kumar 55 PS (LA)-6 Shj. Sant Ram 25 26 PS L( A)- 2 PS HOD(AR) Km. Minakshi Sh. Gopal Sharma 56 57 PS (D) PS (CLR) Sh. Vikram Ram Sh. Bhima Ram 27 PSL( ART) Sh.Hans Raj 58 PS (CA) Sh. Hem Raj 28 PS I(AR) Smt. Kamlesh Sharma 59 PS (PTI) Sh. B.R. Arya 50 Sh. Vinaybir Singh Sh. Raj Kumar Hans Sh. Kamal Kumar Sh. Hans Raj Mohinder pal Bhim Singh Karam Singh Devinder Sen 29 PS HOD(AU) Sh. R.L. Sharma 60 PS( HS) Sh. Majoj Kumar 30 PS L(AU)-1 Sh. Vivek singh 61 PS (HS) Smt. Kusum Sh. Vijay Kumar Raghwa 31 PS L(AU)-2 Sh. K.K. Sahani Name of Institute : Govt. Polytechnic, Hamirpur 1 PH(P) Sh. D.K. Gauttam 25 2 PHHOD(C) Sh. Satish Dingra 26 PH L(ELTX)2 PH (FR) 3 PH SL(C) Sh. Deepak Angra 27 PH WI(M) Sh. Vijay Kumar Shankyan 4 PH L(C) Sh. Lalit Goel 28 PH WI(Inst) Sh.Ajeet Kamal 5 PH HOD(M) Sh J.C. Verma 29 PH WI(C) 6 PH L(M)-1 Sh. K.C. Ranot 30 PH WI(P) Sh. Sunil Kumar Sh. Suresh Kumar Sh. K.C. Katoch Sh. Karam Chand Sh.Krishan Chand 7 PH L(M)-2 31 PH WI(ETX) 8 PH L(M)-3 Sh. Anil Kumar Sen 32 PH WI(EL) Sh. Ashok Kumar 9 PHL(M)-4 Sh. Tanuja Gupta 33 PH WI(W) Sh. Mohinder Singh 10 PH WS(M) Sh. Arvind Katoch 34 PH W(F) Sh. Swaroop Kumar 11 PH HOD (EL) Sh. Ashwani Kumar 35 PH WI(S) Sh. Vijay Kumar Bhatia 12 PH SL(EL) 36 PH(LA)-1 Sh. Bihari Lal 13 PH L(EL) Sh. Rajesh Shama 37 PH (LA)-2 Sh.Ravinder Kumar 14 PH HOD(COM) Sh. Chander Shekhar 38 PH (LA)-3 Sh. Tilak Raj 15 PH SL(COM) Sh. Samir Bharti 39 PH (D) Sh. Anil Kumar 16 PH L(COM)-1 Sh. Pankaj Thakur 40 PH (CLR) Sh. Parkash Chand 17 PH L(COM)-2 Sh. Rajiv Verma 41 PH (PTI) Sh. Ajay Kumar Nadda 18 PH L(COM)-3 Sh. Rajesh Kumar 42 PH (HS) Sh. Tarun Kumar 19 20 PH L(COM)-4 PH L(COM)-5 Sh. Vijay Kumar Sh. Sunil Dhiman 44 45 PH (LIB)-1 PH (LIB)-2 Sh. Satya Pal Sh.Sanjay Kumar 21 22 PH HOD(A) PH L(A)-1 Sh. K.S. Kaundal Sh. Kamlesh Chand 23 PH L(A)-2 Smt. Vibha Sharma 24 PH L(ELTX)-1 Sh. Jagdeep Thakur 1 PK HOD(ETX) Sh. Dinesh Sharma 18 PK WI(W) Sh. Harbinder Singh 2 PK L(ETX)-1 Sh.Pawan Vardhan 19 PK WI(C) Sh. Kanth Ram 3 4 PK L(ETX)-2 PK HOD(M) Sh. Arun Bharti Sh. K.C. Rai 20 21 PK WI(S) PK WI(E) Sh. Balwant Singh Sh. Naresh Kumar 5 PK L(M) Sh. Amandeep 22 PK WI(T) Sh.Vikash Kandoria 6 PK HOD(I) Sh Ashok Pathak 23 Sh. Balwinder Kumar 7 PK L(I) Sh. Pawan Chandel 24 8 PK HOD( COM) Smt. Ila Parmar 25 PK WI(ETX)1 PK WI(ELTX)-2 PK WI(SM) 9 PK SL(COM) Sh. Puneet Sood 26 PK WI(S) Sh. Ajay Kumar 10 PK L(COM)-1 Sh. Naresh Kumar 27 PK WI(F) Sh. Iswar Dass 11 PK L(COM)-2 Sh. Ravinder Kumar 28 PK (AVT) Sh. Atul Sharma Sh. R.S. Katoch 29 PK (LA)-1 Sh. Rajesh Kumar Sh. Jawahari Ram 30 PK LA)-2 Sh. Yaswant Singh Sh. R.S Barwal Name of Institute : Govt. Polytechnic, Kangra 12 PK L(COM)-3 Sh.N.C. Kaul Sh. Vinod Kumar 13 PK HOD(A) 14 PK L(A) Sh. Aman Saini 31 PK (LA)-3 Sh. Madan Gopal 15 PK (FR) Sh. Pan Singh 32 PK (D) Sh. Sant Ram 16 PK (DM) Sh. D.K. Bhandari 33 PK (CLR) Sh. Dan Singh 17 PK WI(M) Sh.Kushal Singh 34 PK (PTI) Sh. Hem Singh 51 Name of Institute : Govt. Polytechnic, Rohru Distt. Shimla 1 PR(P) Sh. Omkar Singh Sen 16 4 PR HOD( PHR) Sh. S.N. Singh 19 PRWI(ELTX)1 PR WI(ELTX)-2 PR WI(ETX)3 PRWI(C) 2 PR HOD( ELTX) Sh. D.K. Bindra 17 3 PR SL( ELTX) Sh. Anil Kanwar 18 Sh.Surender Kumar 5 PR L(PHR)-1 Sh. Shashi Kumar 20 PR WI(EL) Sh. Prabhat Chand 6 PR L(PHR)-2 Sh. Moti singh 21 PR (CA) Sh. Bharat Bhushan 7 PR L(PHR)-3 Sh. Mahesh Chauhan 22 PR (AVT) Sh. Rishi Raj Sh. Jaswinder Singh Sh. Rajesh Kumar Sh. Amar Singh 8 PR L(PHR-4) Sh. Uday Singh 23 PR (HS) Sh. Devender Singh 9 PR L(PHR)-5 Sh. Manoj Shukla 24 PR (PTI) Sh. Satish Chauhan 10 PR HOD(A) 11 PR L(A) 12 PR L(COM)-1 Sh. Talvinder Singh 27 PR (LA)-1 Sh. Nedru Mal 13 PR(COM)-2 Sh. Lokender Singh 28 PR (LA)-2 Sh. Hari Singh Sh. Achhar Singh Smt. Shalini Kapoor 25 PR (LIB) Sh. Jagroop Singh 26 PR (CL) Sh. Bhagat Ram 14 PR (FR) Sh. Ashok Kumar 29 PR (LA)-3 Sh. Lobha Ram 15 PR WI(F) Sh. Surjeet Singh 30 PR (LA)-4 Sh. Prem Raj 18 PKD MOP-3 Smt. Nalini Mahajan Govt. Polytechnic, (W) Kandaghat Distt. Solan 1 PKD(P) Sh. Joginder Singh 2 PKD HOD( ELTX) Sh. Rakesh Sharma 19 PKDWI(Car) Sh. Kuldeep Dhiman 3 PKD L(ELTX)-1 Sh. Mukesh Chauhan 20 PKD WI(Intr) Sh. Hari Nand 4 PKD L (ELTX)-2 Sh. Anurag Gattam 21 PKDWI(S) Sh. Ravi Kant 5 PKDL( ELTX)-3 Smt. Nishi Verma 22 PKD WI(M) Sh. Vinod Kumar 6 PKD HOD( PHR) Sh. K.S. Pathania 23 PKDWI(F) Sh. Ram Chand 7 PKD L( PHR)-1 Sh. Dheeraj Kaushik 24 PKDWI(Eltx) Sh. Raj Kumar 8 PKD L(PHR)-2 Smt. Kusum Devi 25 PKD (CA)-1 Sh. Jeevan Dhiman 9 PKD L(PHR)-3 Sh. Neeraj Kumar 26 PKD (CA)-2 Smt. Anita Bhardwaj 10 PKD L( PHR)-3 Sh.Anshul Shandil 27 PKD (CA)-3 Smt. Sharuti Verma 11 PKD HOD(A) Sh. P.K. Sharma 28 PKD (AVT) Sh. Naveen Kumar 12 PKD L(A) Smt. Ruchika Chauhan 29 PKD (PTI) Sh. Narendera Malhotra 13 PKD HOD( COM) Sh. D.R. Sharma 30 PKD (D) Sh. Pat Ram 14 PKD SL(COM) Sh. Pankaj Kishor 31 PKD (LA)-1 Sh. Roshan Lal 15 PKD L(COM)-1 Smt. Madhu Dhiman 32 PKD (LA)-2 Sh. R.S. Dhiman 16 PKD L(COM)-2 Sh.Nirlep Rana 33 PKD (LA)-3 Sh. Dinesh Kumar 17 PKD L(EL) Smt. Vinita Sharma Name of Institute : Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Govt. Polytechnic, Ambota 1 PA(P) Sh. S.K. Gauttam 17 2 PA HOD(ELTX) Sh. Pradeep Kumar 18 PA I(MOP)-1 Smt. Vaijanti Mala 3 PA HOD(COM) Sh. Anil Sood 19 PA I(MOP)-2 Smt. Meena Sharma 4 PA SL(COM) Sh. Kulbardhan Singh 20 PA (FR) 5 PA L(COM)-1 Sh. Pawan Gaur 21 6 PA L(COM)-2 Sh. Arun Kumar 22 7 PA SL(C) Smt. Anita Joshi 23 PA WI(ELTX)-1 PA WI(ELTX)-2 PA WI(EL) 8 PA HOD(A) Smt. Manju Gauttam 24 PA WI(W) Sh. Suresh Kumar 9 PA SL( A) Sh. Satish Kumar 25 PA WI(F) Sh. Balbir Singh 10 PA HOD(AR) Sh. Satish Katwal 26 PA (LA)-1 Sh. Raj Mal 11 PA Sh. Arun Kumar 27 PA (LA)-2 Sh. Ravinder Kumar 12 PA L (AR)-2 Sh. Rajiv Bhardwaj 28 PA (LA)-3 Sh. Amar Singh L(AR)-1 52 PA L(MOP)-3 Sh. Anant Ram Sh. Attar Singh Sh. Amit Kumar Smt. Sarmista Sh. Arun Kumar 13 PA I(AR) 29 PA (D) Sh. Ram Lal PA HOD(MOP) Sh. Prem Chand Sharma Sh. P.C. Thakur 14 30 PA (CLR) Sh. Roop Chand 15 PA L(MOP)-1 Sh. M.D. Sharma 31 PA (CA) Sh. Subhash Chand 16 PA L(MOP)-2 Sh.Sher Singh Name of Institute : Govt. Polytechnic, Talwar Distt. Kangra 1 PT(P) 2 PT HOD(C) 3 PT AU Sh. Rakesh Kapoor 4 Sh. Deepak Bansal PT HOD(A) Sh. Randhir Singh Katoch 5 PT WI(S) Sh.Shyam Lal Sh Gulab Singh 6 PT WI(PL) Sh. Shashi Kumar Govt. Polytechnic, Chamba 1 PC(P) Sh. R.K. Sharma 6 PC L( EL) Sh Umesh Rathore 2 PC HOD( COM) Sh. Vijay Chauhan 7 Sh. Jagdish Kumar 3 PC HOD(COMP) Sh. Puneet Mahajan 8 9 PCWI( MISC)-2 PCWI( ETX)3 PC(LIB) 7 PB L(A)-2 Sh. Sushil Kumar 8 PBL(A)-3 Sh.Mohan Singh 9 PBL( COM) Sh. Varun Kumar 4 PC SL( ELTX) Sh. Hari Singh Thakur 5 PC L(A) Sh. Raj Kumar Sh.Naresh Chudhary Sh. Amit Dhar Govt. Polytechnic, Banikhet Distt. Chamba 1 PB(P) Sh. H.K.Bhatti 2 PB HOD(C) Sh S.P. Guleria 3 PB SL(C) 4 PBHOD(EL) 5 PB SL(EL) 6 PB L(A)-1 Sh. Rakesh Gupta Sh. J.D. Sharma 10 PB WI(W) Sh. Rakesh Kumar Sh. B.D. Abrol 11 PBWI(M) Sh. Chandan 12 PB(LIB) Sh. Arvind Bhardwaj Sh.Lekh Raj Name of Institute : ABV Govt. Instt. Of Engg. & Tech. Pragatinagar 1 PPR(P) Sh. M.L. Modgil 2 PPR HOD(EL) Sh. Puran Chand 3 of PPR SL(A) Short Term Sh. K.C. Yadav No. of Sr. Faculty Induction No. No. Position Training Courses/Seminars Observer Programme /Conferences ships including Industry in-house Total Number in workshops/seminars 1. Principal - 3-4 1-2 4-6 2. HODs - 3-4 2-3 5-7 3. Sr. Lecturer - 5-6 2-3 7-9 4. Lecturer 1 4-5 2-3 6-8 5. Workshop 1 4-5 2-3 6-8 - 2-3 4-5 6-8 1 2-3 4-5 6-8 Supdtt. 6. Foreman Instructor 7. Instructor 53 [MODULE P-A] Training Modules (02 years) for the Polytechnic Faculty Sr. No. 1. Faculty Position Training Institutes & Participants NITTTR Chandigarh, Bhopal PS(P),PK(P),PA(P),PT(P) PB(P),PPR(P) Principal * One Training in Area of Specialization and one in identified /emerging area every year. MDI Gurgaon PS(P),PH(P),PK(P), PT(P), PC(P) , PB(P) HIPA Fairlawn Shimla PS(P),PH(P),PK(P),PR(P), PA(P), PKD(P), PT(P), PC(P) , PB(P),PPR(P) 2. Head of Department/Sr. Lect./Lect./Civil Engineering Architecture Assistantship the & * One Training in Area of Specialization and one in identified /emerging area every year. IIT Roorkee/IIT Ropar/IIT Delhi PSHOD(C), PHHOD(C), PTHOD(C)/PSSL(C), PASL(C),PSHOD(AR), PAHOD(AR), PSL(AR),PAL(AR)-1 NITTTR Chandigarh PSHOD(C), PHHOD(C), PBHOD(C), PTHOD(C)/ PSSL(C),PHSL(C), PASL(C), PSHOD(AR), PAHOD(AR), PSL(AR),PAL(AR)-1 & 2 ESCI Hyderabad PSHOD(C), PHHOD(C), PSSL(C),PHSL(C), PSHOD(AR), PAL(AR)-2 Delhi School of Planning/Chandigarh College of Architecture PSHOD(AR), PAHOD(AR), PSL(AR) NIT Hamirpur/ Jalandhar/Kurukshtra PSHOD(C), PHHOD(C), PBHOD(C), PTHOD(C)/ PSSL(C),PHSL(C), 54 Training Modules Institutional Evaluation Strategic Management for Excellence Emerging Trends in Managing Modern Manufacturing Training Emotional Intelligence/ Creativity Administration Team Building e-Governance on Duratio n 05 days 05 days 1 week 3 days in & 3 days Earthquake and 1 Week Structures Computer Aided 05 days Design including Autocad GIS and Remote 03 days Sensing in Developments Modern construction 03 days equipments and construction practices & Management Use of total Station 03 days in Survey Recycling of Waste and 03 days its Management 1 week Earth Structures and Ground Improvement Tech. Modern construction equipments and construction practices & Management Green and Intelligent Buildings Civil Engineering Material including Smart materials Limit State Design and detailing of concrete structure Environment Engineering Lab. 03 days 03 days 03 days 03 days 03 days PASL(C) Hydro Power Projects/Railway/ Highway Projects such as Metro 3. Head of the Department/Sr. Lect./Lect./Workshop Supdtt. Mechanical Engineering • • One training in the area of interest every year for one week`s duration and one short term course in identified area every year to regular faculty One Training of one week`s duration once in two years to Contract Faculty in the Area of Interest. PSHOD(EL), PHHOD(EL), PBHOD(EL), PBHOD(C), PTHOD(C)/ PSSL(C), PHSL(C), PASL(C), PSHOD(AR), AHOD(AR), PSL(AR),PAL(AR)-1 & 2 IIT Roorkee/IIT Ropar/IIT Delhi/IIT Mandi PSHOD(M), PHHOD(M), PSWS(M), PKHOD(M) PHWS(M), PSL(M)-1, PHL(M)-1, PKL(M), NITTTR Chandigarh PSWS(M), PKHOD(M) PKDWS(M), PSL(M)-2 & 3, PHL(M)-2, PKL(M), CSIO Chandigarh/Indo Swiss Chandigarh PKHOD(M) PKDWS(M), PSL(M)-4 & 5, PHL(M)-3 & 4, PS(FR), PH(FR), PKD(FR), PK(FR) NIT Hamirpur/ Jalandhar/Kurukshtra PSHOD(M) PKDWS(M), PSL(M)-1 & 3, PHL(M)-2 & 4, PA(FR), PH(FR), PKD(FR),PK(FR), PR(FR) Hydro Power Projects/Leading Industries such as Maruti Udyog, Swaraj Mazda, Tata Motors/Blue Star PSHOD(M), PSWS(M), PHWS(M), PHL(M)-1, 55 PHHOD(M), PKHOD(M) PSL(M)-1, PKL(M), Exposure/Observer ship Composite Materials Cutting Tool Design Industrial automation, process control, manufacturing process and automation Elasticity, Plasticity, Viscoelasticity and Fracture Industrial Planning Intelligent mechatronics, robotics, biomimetics, automation, and control systems Fault Detection and Diagnosis Industrialization and Production Engineering Education and Training in Mechatronics Intelligent mechatronics, robotics, biomimetics, automation, and control systems Machine Design Machining Processes Man Machine Interfaces Production Management Quality Control Exposure/Observer ship 03 days 4 days -do-do- 03 days 03 days 5 days -do03 days 03 days 05 days 05 days 03 days 03 days 05 days 03 days 5 days 4. Head of the Department/Sr. Lect./Lect./Workshop Supdtt. Automobile Engineering • One training in the area of interest every year for one week`s duration and one short term course in identified area every year to regular faculty PSL(EL), PSL(C), PHL(C), IIT Ropar/IIT Delhi/ IIT Mandi/ CSIO Chandigarh/Indo Swiss Chandigarh PSHOD(AU), PTHOD(AU), PSWS(AU), Maruti Udyog/Tata Motor/Swaraj Mazda PSHOD(AU), PTHOD(AU), PSWS(AU), PSL(AU), PTL(AU), Leading Industries such as Maruti Udyog, Swaraj Mazda, Tata Motors/Blue Star/Mahendra & Mahendra etc. PSHOD(AU), PTHOD(AU), PSWS(AU), PSL(AU), PTL(AU), 5. Head of the Department/Sr. Lect./Lect./Electrical Engineering • One training in the area of interest every year for one week`s duration and one short term course in identified area every year to regular faculty IIT Roorkee /IIT Mandi /IIT Delhi PSHOD(EL), PHHOD(EL), PBHOD(EL), NITTTR Chandigarh PSL(EL)-1, PHL(EL)-1, PBSL(EL), PBL(EL), PCL(EL), PHSL(EL) ESCI Hyderabad PSHOD(EL), PHHOD(EL), PBHOD(EL) NIT Hamirpur/ Jalandhar/Kurukshtra PHHOD(EL), PSL(EL)-1, PHL(EL)-1, PBSL(EL), PBL(EL), PCL(EL), PHSL(EL) 56 Legged Robots, Wheeled Mobile Robots Kinematics, Mechanics and Mechanism Design 5 days 1 week Computer aided drafting using Pro-E/ Catia / solid works Common rail Diesel Injection Electronic petrol Injection System (MPFI) Electronic Ignition System Power BrakesOperation & maintenance Diesel fuel Injection pump calibration Intelligent Transportation Systems Exposure/Observer ship 05 days Small Hydro Power System Application of Nanotechnology in Electrical Engg. Power Quality & Energy audit Energy Conservation Use of Micro Electronics in Electrical Engg Expert system in power system security PLC & SCADA System Super-conducting Electrical Materials Adaptive & Intelligent protection of integrated power system 5 days -do03 days 03 days 03 days 03 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days -do03 days 6. Head of the Department/Sr. Lect./Lect. Electronics & Communication and Instrumentation Engineering • 7. One training in the area of interest every year for one week`s duration and one short term course in identified area every year to regular faculty Head of the Department/Sr. Lect./Lect./Computer Assistant in Computer Engineering and Information Technology • One training in the area of Hydro Power Projects , Thermal Power Projects and Industries like BHEL,Voltas etc. PSHOD(EL), PHHOD(EL), PBHOD(EL), PSL(EL)-1, PHL(EL)-1, PBSL(EL), PBL(EL), PCL(EL), PHSL(EL) IIT Roorkee /IIT Mandi /IIT Delhi PKHOD(ELTX), PKDHOD(ELTX), PAHOD(ELTX), PCHOD(ELTX), NITTTR Chandigarh PKHOD(ELTX), PCHOD(ELTX), PKL(ELTX)-1, PKDL(ELTX)-1, PRSL(ELTX) NIT Hamirpur/ Jalandhar/Kurukshtra PKDHOD(ELTX), PAHOD(ELTX), PCSL(ELTX), PKDL(ELTX)2, PRSL(ELTX), PKL(ELTX)-2 Industries like HCL, Semiconductor Ltd. HFCL etc. PKDHOD(ELTX), PAHOD(ELTX), PCSL(ELTX), PKDL(ELTX)1, PRSL(ELTX), PKL(ELTX)-1 IIT Roorkee /IIT Mandi /IIT Delhi PSHOD(COM) PHHOD(COM), PKHOD(COM), PCHOD(COM) PAHOD(COM) PHSL(COM), PKSL(COM), PCSL(COM) PASL(COM) PCSL(COM) 57 Intelligent protection of transmission lines using Fuzzy Logic techniques Exposure/Observer ship 03 days VLSI System design Digital Signal Proceedings Wireless & Mobile Comm. 1 week 03 days CAD/CAM FPGA Based DSP Applications Team Building throughout bound experiment PLC Programming Embedded System Virtual Instrumentation Mobile Computing 3-G Comm. Computer Networking Industrial Process Control and Automation Exposure/Observer ship 5 days 5 days LINUX Administration Network Security Cyber laws 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days -do03 days 5 days 5 days 03 days 03 days 5 days interest every year for one week`s duration and one short term course in identified area every year to regular faculty NITTTR Chandigarh PSHOD(COM) PHHOD(COM), PKHOD(COM), PCHOD(COM) PAHOD(COM) PHSL(COM), PKSL(COM), PCSL(COM) PASL(COM) PCSL(COM) PSL(COM)-1 & 3 PHL(COM)-1 & 2 PKL(COM)-1 & 2 PKDL(COM)-1 &2 Wireless & Mobile Comm. Web Hacking threats Artificial Intelligence Computer Architecture & VLSI Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality NIT Hamirpur/ Jalandhar/Kurukshtra PHSL(COM), PKSL(COM), PCSL(COM) PASL(COM) PCSL(COM) PSL(COM)-2 & 4 PHL(COM)-3 & 5 PKL(COM)-1 & 3 PKDL(COM)-1 ESCI Hyderbad PSHOD(COM) PHHOD(COM), PKHOD(COM), PCHOD(COM) PAHOD(COM) Computer Networks Computer Security Computer Simulation Cloud Computing 03 days 03 days 03 days 5 days Information Retrieval Information Systems Mobile Computing 03 days 03 days 03 days Multimedia Applications Natural Language Processing Security & Cryptography Network System Administration Exposure/Observer ship 03 days Industries Computer, like WIPRO, HP HCL, IBM, etc. PSHOD(COM) PHHOD(COM), PKHOD(COM), PCHOD(COM) PAHOD(COM) PHSL(COM), PKSL(COM), PCSL(COM) PASL(COM) PCSL(COM) 58 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 03 days 03 days 5 days 8. Head of the Department/Sr. Lect./Lect. Applied Science • 9. One training in the area of interest every year for one week`s duration and one short term course in identified area every year to regular faculty Foreman Instructors/ Workshop Instructors/ Instructors PSL(COM)-1 to 4 PHL(COM)-3 & 5 PKL(COM)-2 PKDL(COM)-2 NITTTR Chandigarh, CSIO & Punjab University Chandigarh PKHOD(A), PSSL(A), PSL(A), PHL(A), PKL(A), PKDL(A),PRL(A), PAL(A),PTL(A), PPRL(A), PBL(A), PCL(A) NITTTR Chandigarh PS(FR), PH(FR), PK(FR), PA(FR), PR(FR), PP(FR), PSWI(M), PHWI(M), PKWI(T), PKDWI(M), PPRWI(M), PRWI(T) NTTF Banglore PSFR, PHFR, PSWI(T), PHWI(T) Indo SWISS PSWS(M), PHWS(M), PSWI(W), PHWI(W), PKWI(W), PPRWI(W) 59 Training programmes in the field of:1) Solar Energy 2) Wind Energy 3) Nuclear Energy Tech. & application Fiber Optics 5 days Man Machine Interfaces Machine Processes Repair & Maintenance of Electronics Equipment CNC Programming & CNC Machining 5 days Advance Welding Techniques Tool & Die Making 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days [MODULE P-B] IN HOUSE TRAINING PROGRAMMES FOR THE FACULTY OF POLYTECHNICS Govt. Polytechnic Sundernagar Disciplines Identified Civil Engg. & Arch. Asstt. Mechanical Discipline Sr. No. Civil Engineering & Architectural Assistantship Mechanical Engineering Engineering Name of Course/Areas Engineering Course Trainees duration Computer Engineering Resource Person 1. Computer Aided Design & Auto CAD 1 Week PSSL(c), PSL(AR),PSI (AR),PBSL(c) PSHOD (C) PSHOD(AR) & 1. CNC and Metrology 1 Week 1 Week PSHOD(M) PSWS(M) -do- & 2. PS(M),PSL(M)-1, PHL(M)2,PS(FR),PSWI(T) PS L(M)-3, PS L(M)-4, PK L(M) PS L(AU)-1 PS L(AU)-2 1 Week PSHOD(EL) 3 days PS L(EL)-1, PBSL(EL), PHSL(EL), PHL(EL)-1 PS L(EL)-2, PBSL(EL), PHSL(EL), PHL(EL)-1 PS L(COM)-1 &2, PKL(COM)-1,PH L(COM)-1, PAL(COM)-1 PSSL(A), PSL(A)-1, PH L(A)-1, PH L(A)-2, PKL(A)1, PR L(A), PAL(A)-1, Computer Engineering 1. Education and Training in Mechatronics Electronic Ignition System Power Quality & Energy audit Small Hydro Power Projects. Web Hacking threats Applied Science 1. Solar Energy Automobile Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Automobile Engineering 1. 1. 2. 5 days 5 days 5 days PSHOD(AU) PSHOD(EL) DDD(T&P) PSHOD(COM) & PKHOD(A) Govt. Polytechnic Hamirpur Disciplines Identified Civil Engg. Discipline Civil Engineering & Architectural Assistantship Mechanical Engg. Sr. No. 1. 2. Electrical Engg. Computer Engg. Information Technology Name of Course/Areas Course duration Trainees Resource Person Modern construction equipments and construction practices & Management Use of total Station in Survey 1 Week PHSL(C), PSL(AR),PSI (AR),PBSL(c), PAL(AR)-1 &2 PHSL(C), PSL(AR),PSI (AR),PBSL(c), PAL(AR)- 2 PHL(M)-1,2,4, PSL(M)1,PSL(M)-2,, PS(FR),PHWI(M) PHSL(EL),PSL(EL)1,PBSL(EL), PHSL(EL), PHL(EL)-1, PCL(EL) PH L(COM)-3 & 4, PS L(COM)-2&3, PKL(COM)1,PH L(COM)-1, PAL(COM)-1 , PKDL(COM)- 1 & 2 PHHOD (C) and 05 days 1 week Mechanical Engineering 1. Fault Detection Diagnosis Electrical Engineering 1. Energy Conservation 1 Week Computer Engineering & IT 1. Network Security 1 week 60 PHHOD (C) PHHOD(M) PHWS(M) PSHOD(EL) PHHOD(COM) & [MODULE P-B] Govt. Polytechnic Kangra Disciplines Identified Electronics & Comm. Engg. Discipline Mechanical Engineering Sr. No. Instrumentation Engineering Name of Course/Areas Electronics & Communication Engg. Mechanical Engineering 1. Power Eltx. 1. Industralisation Production Engineering Instrumentation Engineering Computer Engineering 1. Applied Science 1. Course duration 1 week Computer Engineering Applied Science Trainees Resource Person PKHOD(ELTX) and 1 week 1. Virtual Instrumentation 1 Week PKL(ELTX)-1 &2, PKDL(ELTX)-1 &2, PRSL(ELTX), PAWI(ELTX)-1, PKL(M), PHL(M)-2 & 3, PSL(M)-1,PSL(M)-2, PS(FR),PHWI(M) PKL(I)-1, 2. Industrial Process Control and Automation Multimedia Applications Natural Language Processing 1 Week PKHOD(I),PKL(I)-1, PS(P) 1 week PHHOD(COM) Fiber Optics 1 week PK L(COM)-1,2 &3, PH L(COM)-4 & 5, PS L(COM)5&6, PH L(COM)-1, PAL(COM)-1 , PKDL(COM)- 1 &2 PSSL(A), PSL(A)-1, PH L(A)1, PH L(A)-2, PKL(A)-1, PR L(A), PAL(A)-1, PCL(A), PBL(A)-2 PKHOD(M) PKHOD(I) PKHOD(A) Govt. Polytechnic Talwar Disciplines Identified Civil Engineering Discipline Sr. No. Automobile Engineering Name of Course/Areas Course duration Civil Engineering 1. Environment Engineering Lab. 03 days Automobile Engineering 1. Power Brakes- Operation & maintenance 1 week 61 Trainees Resource Person PHSL(C), PSL(AR),PSI (AR), PBSL(c), PAL(AR)-1 & 2, PHL(C), PC L(A), PKD L(EL), PKD MOP-3 PS L(AU)-1 PS L(AU)-2, PSL(M)-3, PHL(M)-3 PTHOD (C) PTHOD(AU) Govt. Polytechnic Kandaghat(W) Disciplines Identified Electronics & Comm. Engineering Disciplin e Sr. No. Electronics & Communicat ion Engg. Computer Engineering 1. 1. Computer Engineering Name of Course/Areas Course duration Trainees Resource Person Computer Networking 1 week PKDL(ELTX)-1,2 &3,PKL(ELTX)1 &2, PKDL(ELTX)-1 &2, PRSL(ELTX), PAWI(ELTX)-1, PKDHOD (ELTX) Computer Security 1 week PKDSL(COM), PKDL(COM)- 1 & 2 ,PK L(COM)-1,2 &3, PH L(COM)-4 & 5, PS L(COM)-5&6, PH L(COM)-1, PAL(COM)-1 , PKDL(COM)- 1 & 2 PKDHOD(COM) Govt. Polytechnic Chamba Disciplines Identified Electronics & Comm. Engineering Computer Engineering Course duratio n Trainees Resource Person Wireless & Mobile Comm. 1 week PCHOD (ELTX) LINUX Administration 1 week PCSL(ELTX),PCWI(ELTX)-3, PKDL(ELTX)-1,2 &3,PKL(ELTX)-1 &2, PKDL(ELTX)-1 &2, PRSL(ELTX), PAWI(ELTX)-1, PBL(COM), PKDSL(COM), PKDL(COM)- 1 & 2, PK L(COM)-1,2 &3, PH L(COM)-4 & 5, PS L(COM)-5&6, PH L(COM)-1, PAL(COM)-1 , PKDL(COM)- 1 & 2 Disciplin e Sr. No. Name of Course/Areas Electronics & Communic ation Engg. Computer Engineerin g 1. 1. PCHOD(COM) Govt. Polytechnic Banikhet Disciplines Identified Electrical Engineering Discipline Sr. No. Electrical Engineering 1. Name of Course/Areas Course Trainees duration PLC & SCADA System 1 Week 62 PBSL(EL), PHSL(EL), PSL(EL)1,PBSL(EL), PHL(EL)-1, PCL(EL) Resource Person PBHOD(EL) Five year Training Plan for the Faculty of Polytechnic Sr. No. 1 Faculty & Supporting Staff Principal 2 HODs 45 9 9 9 9 9 3 Sr.Lecturer 32 6 7 7 6 6 4 Lecturer/ Workshop Supdt. Foreman Instructor Instructor 225 45 45 45 45 45 6 1 2 1 1 1 74 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 15 5 6 Total No. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 10 2 2 2 2 2 7 Lab 78 Technician IO* = Industrial Organization Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Training Programs For Five Years Five year Plan for in House Training for Polytechnic Faculty Training Programs For Five Years Faculty & Total Supporting No. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 Staff Sr.Lecturer 32 5 8 7 6 6 Lecturer/ 225 40 40 50 50 45 Workshop Supdt. Foreman Instructor Instructor Lab Technician 6 3 3 3 3 3 74 14 15 15 15 15 78 15 16 16 16 15 PS = Govt. Polytechnic Sundernagar PH = Govt. Polytechnic Hamirpur PK = Govt. Polytechnic Kangra PA = Govt. Polytechnic Ambota PKD= Govt. Polytechnic (W) Kandaghat PC = Govt. Polytechnic Chamba PR= Govt. Polytechnic Rohru PPR = Govt. Polytechnic Pragratinagar Shimla PT = Govt. Polytechnic Talwar PB = Govt. Polytechnic Banikhet 63 Training Provider Institute NITTTR CHD., HIPA & IO* NITTTR CHD., HIPA & IO* NITTTR CHD., HIPA & IO* NITTTR CHD., HIPA & IO* NITTTR CHD. & IO* NITTTR CHD. & IO* NITTTR CHD. & IO* Training Provider Institute PS, PH, PK, PS, PH, PK, PA, PKD, PS, PH, PK, PC, PS, PH, PK, PA, PKD, PR, PPR, PH, PT, PB, CHAPTER VI [Training Plan for Faculty/Non-Teaching Technical Staff of J.N. Engineering College Sundernagar] T rai ni ng Of Facul ty & o th er s taff of th e Jawha r Lal Ne hru , Govt Eng in eer ing Co ll ege [J NGE C] : The pattern of s t aff i n t h e En gin eerin g C ollege [ J NEC Sundern agar ] is as un der: S taff pos i tio n of Govt . Engg . Co l leg e, S unde rnaga r . Sr No Category 1. Class-I Designation Strength Principal 01 As per the areas identified in ANX - A 42 -do- 11 -do- Teaching Staff 2. -do- Professor/ Assistant Training needs Professor/ Lecturer/Workshop Supdt. 3. Class-III Instructor/Sr. AVT Teaching Supporting Staff T he emer gen ce of new t echno log ie s war ran t upda t ing of sk ills, cu rr icu lum and comp etencies of th e fa culty mak ing a p rem is e f o r des ig ni ng t he a pp ropr ia te t ra i n ing p rog rammes fo r upda ti ng t he fa cu lty thr oug h st re ng the nin g of n ew co ur ses i n t he eme rg ing an d d eman d d rive n a rea s to fu lf il t he deman d o f t e c hn ic a l m a n p o w e r . S cope : 1) All c l a ss IV st af f 2) All supp ort staff and technical st aff 3) All f acu lty ( in c ludin g con tractual and ad ‐h oc ) 4) All Head s of th e D epart ment s. 5 ) A ll adm in is tr at iv e st af f ( in c lu d in g fin an c e p er s onn e l) 6) P rincipal/ D irector 64 TRA I NI NG NE EDS I N T HE NE W A ND E MER GI NG AREAS FOR TH E F A C U L T Y OF E N GIN E ERI N G C O L LE GE . [ A NX A ] Sr. Name of Course/Areas Course No. Trainees duration Civil Engineering:1. Rock Mechanics and tunnelling Technology 1 Week 2. Earth 1 Week Professor /Associate Professor/Ass t. Professor -do- quake hazard analysis and vulnerability studies 3. S e i s m i c e v a l u a t i o n o f e x i s ti n g s t r u c t u r e s 1 Week -do- 4. Repair quake 1 Week -do- transportation 1 Week -do- & Retro-fitting of earth damaged structure 5. Recent trends in Infrastructure projects 6. Construction Techniques and Management 1 Week -do- 7. Modern Trends in concrete and Pre- 1 Week -do- equipments and 1 Week -do- stressed Concrete structure 8. Modern construction construction practices & Management 9. Innovative construction materials 1 Week -do- 10 Remote Information 1 Week -do- Disaster mitigation system, Socio Economic 1 Week -do- 1 Week -do- Sensing, GIS,GPS & Technology 11 aspects of Disaster Management 12 Environment problems of waste water and solid wastes in urban areas 13 Water –shed development programmes 1 Week -do- 14 Civil Engineering Material including Smart 1 Week -do- materials 15 Use of total Station in Survey 1 Week -do- 16 Earthquake and Structures 1 Week -do- 17 High Rise Buildings 1 Week -do- 18 Practices and Construction Technology 1 Week -do- 19 Computer Aided Design including Autocad 1 Week -do- 20 Nanotechnology in Civil Engineering 1 Week -do- 21 GIS and Remote Sensing in Developments 1 Week -do- 22 Green and Intelligent Buildings 1 Week -do- 23 Efficient Services to Buildings 1 Week -do- 24 Water, 1 Week -do- Waste Water Treatment Pollution Control Techniques 65 and 25 Soil Structure interaction 26 Limit State Design and detailing of 1 Week -do- 1 Week -do- concrete structure 27 Environnent Engineering Lab. 1 Week -do- 28 Environnent impact Assessment 1 Week -do- 1 Week 1 week Professor /Associate Professor/Ass t. Professor -do- Mechanical Engineering:1. Artificial Intelligence & Engineering 2. CAD/CAM/CAE, CIM, FMS and manufacturing systems 3. Composite Materials 1 week -do- 4. Computational Intelligence in Mechatronics 1 week -do- 5. Computer and Robot Vision 1 week -do- 6. Industralisation and Production Engineering 1 week -do- 7. Bio Mechanical 1 week -do- 8. Control 1 Week -do- System Modeling & Simulation Techniques & Methodology 9. Control Systems and Machine Dynamics 1 week -do- 10 Cutting Tool Design 1 week -do- 11 Dynamics, Motion Control 1 week -do- 12 Education and Training in Mechatronics 1 week -do- 13 Elasticity, Plasticity, Viscoelasticity and 1 week -do- mechanisms, and 1 week -do- Fracture 14 Elements, structures, applications of micro and nano systems 15 Embedded Real-time Systems 1 week -do- 16 Engineering Economics 1 week -do- 17 Evaluation 1 week -do- Computer Aided Production Planning, Scheduling and Control 18 Expert Systems and Reversed Engineering 1 week -do- 19 Fault Detection and Diagnosis 1 week -do- 20 Human-Robot Interfaces 1 week -do- 21 Industrial 1 week -do- automation, process control, manufacturing process and automation 22 Industrial Planning 1 week -do- 23 Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 1 week -do- 24 Intelligent robotics, 1 week -do- mechatronics, biomimetics, automation and control systems 25 Machine Design 1 week 66 -do- 26 Machine Toll Design, CNC, Metrology 1 week -do- 27 Man Machine Interfaces 1 week -do- 28 Manufacturing System Architecture, Design 1 week -do- and Performance 29 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 1 week -do- 30 Mechatronics Design 1 week -do- 31 Mechatronics Education 1 week -do- 32 Network based control systems 1 week -do- 33 Production Management 1 week -do- 34 Production Technology 1 week -do- 35 Quality Control 1 week -do- 36. Total Diagnostics 1 week -do- A p p l i c a t i o n o f N a n o t e c h n o l o g y i n E l e c t r i c al 1 Week Professor Quality, Maintenance & Tribology Electrical Engineering:1. Engg. /Associate Professor/Ass t. Professor 2. Use of Micro Electronics in Electrical Engg 1 Week -do- 3. Power Quality & Energy audit 1 Week -do- 4. PLC & SCADA System 1 Week -do- 5. Adaptive of 1 Week -do- Intelligent protection of transmission lines 1 Week -do- & Intelligent protection integrated power system 6. using Fuzzy Logic techniques 7. Expert system in power system security 1 Week -do- 8. Domestic Appliances & 1 Week -do- 9. GIS & Distribution System 1 Week -do- 10 Virtual Instrumentation 1 Week -do- 11 Energy Efficient Devices. 1 Week -do- 12 VFD Control of Motors 1 Week -do- 13 SCADA 1 Week -do- 14 Power quality measurements: techniques, 1 Week -do- 1 Week -do- electricity 1 Week -do- electrical 1 Week -do- Star rating instruments. 15 Methods of power quality improvement: filters, etc. 16 Power quality in competitive markets. 17 Sensibility of loads and other equipment to power quality characteristics. 67 18 Influences of disturbing loads on supply 1 Week -do- 1 Week -do- networks and other electrical devices. 19 Power quality in grids with distributed generation and renewable energies. 20 Power Harmonics. 1 Week -do- 21 Control System 1 Week -do- 22 Energy efficiency in industry. 1 Week -do- 23 High 1 Week -do- Voltage Engineering and Insulation Technology Electronics & Communication Engg. 1. VLSI System design 1 week 2. Digital Signal Proceedings 1 week Professor /Associate Professor/Ass t. Professor -do- 3. Wireless & Mobile Comm. 1 week -do- 4. CAD/CAM 3 weeks -do- 5. FPGA Based DSP Applications 1 week -do- 6. Team 03 days -do- Building throughout bound experiment 7. PLC Programming 2 weeks -do- 8. Embedded System 2 weeks -do- 9. Pedagogical methods in Engg. Edu. 2 weeks -do- 10 Nano-Technology & Opportunities 1 week -do- 11 Power Eltx. 1 week -do- 12 Mobile Computing 1 week -do- 13 3-G Comm. 1 week -do- 14 Computer Networking 1 week -do- 15 Programmable Logic Devices 1 week -do- 16 Comm. using MATLAB 1 week -do- 17 TCP /IP based Computer Net-working 1 week -do- 18 Introduction to Embedded System 1 week -do- 1 week Professor /Associate Professor/Ass t. Professor 1 week -do- 1 week -do- 1 week -do- Textile Engineering :1. Needle-punched manufacturing, nonwovens: characterisation and applications 2. Advances in Textile Engineering 3. Nanotechnology: an emerging textile technology 4. Emerging Trends in Fibres and Textiles 68 Applied Science & Humanties:1. Training programmes in the field of 1 week Professor Renewable Energy Resources. /Associate Professor/Ass t. Professor 2. Laser Technology and their Applications. 1 week -do- 3. Optical Fiber Communication. 1 week -do- 4. Fiber Optics Technology. 1 week -do- 5. Computer Applications in Physics. 1 week -do- 6. Nuclear Energy and 1 week -do- 7. Nuclear Radiations and their Applications. 1 week -do- 8. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 1 week -do- 9. Statistical Quality Control. 1 week -do- 10. Operation Research. 1 week -do- 11. Engineering applications of Mathematics. 1 week -do- Power. T rai ni ng A reas fo r Te ch ni ca l non -t ea ch ing staff : Qu alif icat ion up-gradat ion, Operat ion & M aint en an ce of modern lab orat ory an d ad vanced equipments, A dv an c e lea r n in g in th e ir relev an t oc cup a t ion al areas, Aut omation , C omput er Applicat ions and other felt ‐n eeds. It sh all cov er Domain specif ic k now ledge, r e c en t a d van c es in new t e chn ologies, concepts, equipments, op erat ional as pects of equ ip men ts & mach in es , main t en an ce of e q u ip m ent s, d e m on st r at i on a n d as p ec t s r e l at ed t o i mpar t in g o f pract ical t r ain ing. St eps involv ed in mak in g of th e tw o y ears T r a in ing C a len d e r f or T r ain in g of T e ach ing Facu lty & N on - t e a ch in g T e chn ic a l S t aff o f En g in e e r ing C o lleg e : • Id en t if ic at ion of Sp ec ial A rea of int eres t in th e res p ect ive f ie ld of e ac h m em b er of th e f ac u lt y. • P erceiv ed n eeds in put s receiv ed f rom Principal of th e En g in eerin g C ollege. • I n p u t s f ro m r eq u es t s f o r p er i o dic u pdat ion of Curricu la of all En gin eerin g D isciplin es. 69 • S yn op s is & D is cu ss ion s in v ent orisin g th e on T rain ing e m e rg in g P rov iders t e chn o log ie s & Key , Resou rce P e rs on s. • Inputs f rom C omposit e Cu rricu lu m Dev elopment C ell an d P e rf o r manc e A pp r a is a l. • R e c o mmen da t ion s o f th e sp ec ia lly c ons t itut ed C o m m itt e e a t th e D irectorat e. • F irmin g u p th e C alen d er & it s approval f rom P rin cipal Secy Techn ical E ducat ion. I d e nt if i e d T ra in ing P ro v i d e rs f o r F a cu lty o f E ng in e e r i ng Co llege : Iden t if icat ion of inst itut ion a l r e s ou r c es / ex p er t i se a v a i l a b le a t J N GE C f or t h e pur p o s e of T r a in i n g N e e ds As s es s m ent an d c on du ct of in -h ous e t ra in in g for t h e f a cu lty m e mb e r s h a s b e e n d on e a s u n d er : J NE C , S /Nagar In- ho use [ i] ava ilab le E xpe rt ise : Mechanical Engineering. [ ii ] A d v a n ce Mat e r ia l T e chno log y [ ii i] F lu id M e cha ni c s . • ” K e y R e sou r ce Per so ns ” (amongst the ex ist ing f acu lty w o rk in g at d if f e r ent identified having p a rt i cu l a r area G ov t . the of E n gg n ee d e d col l e g e ) have c om p e t enc i es E n g in e e r i n g an d b e en for p o sses s a the specializ at ion in the part icu lar domain of kn ow ledge e. g. a k ey r ecou rs e p e rs on f o r roa d s an d br id g e s und e r c iv il e n g in e e r in g an d an oth e r k ey r e s ou rce p e r s on f o r VL S I a nd N an o t e chn o logy und e r Ele c t r on ics & C o mmun ic at io n E n g in e e r in g . • Such KRP r et r a in ed (K ey at R es ou rc e v a rio us P ers ons) t ra i ni ng sh all in st itut es be by t rain ed, att ending s h o r t t e rm/ l on g t er m c ou r ses / w o rksh op s/ s e m in ar s 70 at n at ional h av e / int ernat ional up-t o-dat e conf eren ces. K RP kn ow ledge abou t prof ession al shal l h is ident if ied area of in t erest / domain of kn ow ledge an d shall be ut iliz ed as a Resou rce P erson f o r t r ain in g oth er members of F acult y on int erdisciplin ary aspect s of r e s p ec t iv e en g in e e r in g d i s c i p l in e. 1 . K RP w ill be responsible t o dev ise t h e sh ort t ime t r ain ing p r o g r a m me i n t h e f ie l d o f h is e x p er t i s e f o r t h e f a c u lt y of the d epa r t m en t and als o for f a cu lt y d e p a rt m en t s an d s t a f f , c on du c t p er i o d ic of oth e r i n - h ous e t r ain ing th rough semin a rs/workshops/present at ions f or dissemin at ion of know ledge an d sk ills • K RP w ill in v olv e himself in prov iding consu ltancy an d u n d er t ak e r es e a rc h p r o j e c t s . 1. S e le c tio n o f Tra in in g In st i tu te : Th e p ro s p ec t iv e organ izat ions” “T rain ing have been Pro v id in g ident if ied and I ns t itut io ns / th is list shall be u pd at e d o n c ont inu ou s ba s is I n addit ion t o this periodic in h ou s e t r a in ing p r ogr a m m e s will b e c o nd uct e d by K e y R es ou rc e P erson s (K RP). 2. F requ en cy /N um b er o f t ra ini ng s: Th e t echn o logy is ch anging and to address t h is ch allen g e, c on du ct of tra in in g p r o gr a mme s both in -h ous e & in id ent if ie d in st itu t ions is en v isaged. The T r ain ing Programme so dev ised shall ensure that eac h m em b e r of t he f a c ult y & N on- t ea c hi ng T echn ical St aff sh all undergo at least on e in- house train in g p r o gr a m me / c on f e r en c e r e l at ed t o h i s dis c i p l i n e a n d i s s en t o n Specially design ed t rain ing prog r am m e c on du ct ed by id ent if ie d Train ing P rov ider or hands on ex posure in the Industry or National C onferen ce/Semin ar or Observ ersh ip at least once in tw o y ea r s in t he res p ec t iv e ar e a of inter e s t. 3. I n -ho use E ach S e m ina rs/ Wo rk shop s & m em b e r of th e facu lty a ft er K no w l e d g e sha ri ng : at t end in g programme sh all hold a work sh op or deliv er 71 the tr a in ing lectu r e to th e D epart ment al/ Int er-D ept t on kn ow ledge sharin g on n ew concep ts & procedures. The facul t y a f t e r g o i ng t hroug h s eri e s of training programmes in the identified area of in terest / emerging area sh all be a key res ou rc e p er s on f o r t h at a r e a and h is serv ices as an ex pert sh all be so ut iliz ed. 4. Ide nt if i cat io n o f Na tiona l /I nt e r na t io nal T ra in in g I ns ti tu te s There are numb er of Training Ins t i t u t e s/ S erv i c e P r ov i d e r s c a t er ing to th e sp ec if ic n e e ds o f T e chn ic a l T ea ch e rs an d h av e th eir U R Ls. own t rain in g calen dars av ailable on t heir respect ive The D ep a rtm e nt h as c o m p iled th e t r a in in g c a len da r s of such service prov iders in th e f o rm of a book let and th e same s ha ll b e c ir cu la t ed b y D eput y D ir e ct or ( T &P) well b e f o r e t h e s t ar t of A c a d emi c Iden t if ied Year in st it ution s amongst prov iding the f ac u lt y t r ain ing m em b e r s . programmes/ w o rks h o ps / s e m i n a rs on r e cen t t r en ds / e m er g ing t e chn o log i e s are as under: 1. N at i o n a l I n s t i t u t e o f R es earch, Ch an d igarh T ec h n ical 2. C ent ral Scient if ic In st ru ments Organ isat ion Ch an digarh 3. C ent re f or Adv anced M an agement and P ow er Stu d ies (C AMP S) - F a r i da b ad 4. N o rth -E ast e rn R eg io n a l In st itu t e - Guw ah at i 5. H y dro P ow e r T r a in in g Ins t it ut e ( HPT I) - N ang a l 6. P ow er Syst ems T r ain ing In st itu t e ( PSTI) - Bangalore 7. H o t L in e Tr a in ing C ent r e ( HL TC) a ls o at B an ga lo re 8. N at io n a l Pow e r T r a in ing In st itu t e ( NPTI ), De lh i 9. Engineerin g Staff College of India Hy drabad 10. Indian Inst itu te of Techn ology (IIT) M an d i. 11. N at ion al In st itut e of T ech nology ( NIT) Hamirpur. 12. I I VD Ts ( in d ian In stit ut e of V LS I D es ign T echn o log y B ang lor e 13. S t ruc tu ra l En g in e e r in g T r a in ing Ins t itu te Mu m ba i 14. C ent ral Inst itut e of T ool D esign, 15. S ch o o l o f P lan n in g a nd A r ch ite c tu r e ( SP A) 16. B h a ra t H ea v y E l ec t ri c a l L im it e d ( B HEL ) H a r idwa r 17. Thapar Institute of En gg & Technology Patiala. 18. P an jab Engg C ollege Ch an digarh. 19. IIT Roorkee/IIT Delh i. 20. BITS Pilani. 21. N at i o n a l In st i t u t e of D es i gn A h emd ab ad . 72 Teachers' - L udh ian a D e lh i Training and 22. Indian Inst itu te of Sciences Bangalore. 23. H . A. L. K an pu r / B an ga lo r e . 24. D elh i C ollege of Engin eerin g N ew D elh i. 25. D elh i M etro- Railw ay s. 26. Gammons In dia Ltd. 27. Avantha Power (Thapar Group) 28. B B M B N an g a l D a m. Training Areas for Technical non-teaching staff : Qu alif icat ion up-gradat ion, Operat ion & M a in ten ance lab orat ory an d ad vanced equipments, A dv an c e lea r n in g of modern in th e ir r elev an t oc cu pat ional ar eas, A ut omat ion, C omput er Applicat ion s and o t h e r f e lt‐ n eeds. It sh all cover D omain specif ic k n ow ledge , recent a d van c es in n ew t ec hn o log ie s , c on c ept s , e qu ipme nt s , op e r at io na l a s p ec t s of e q u i p me n t s & m a c h i n es, m a i n t en a n c e o f e q u ip m ent s , d e m on st ra t i on a n d a s p ec t s rel a t e d t o i m p a r t in g p r act i c a l t r a i n in g. J.N. Govt. Engineering College, Sundernagar(Institute Code –JN) Codification used to designate the Faculty members Name of faculty Code Name of faculty Code allotted member allotted member Mr. Mohit Dhiman MD Mr. D.R. Sharma DRS Mr. Amitesh Sharma AS-1 Mr. Vikas Kumar VKD Dhiman Mr. Mridul Sharma MS Mrs.Sarla S-1 Mr. Vikrant Chandel VC Mrs. Vaijayanti Mala VM Mr. Chetan Sharma CS Mr. Naveen Dhiman ND Mr. Anshul Sharma AS-2 Mr. Achhar Singh AS-4 Mr. Manoj Kumar MK Mr. A.D. Sharma ADS Mr. Rahul Thakur RT Mr. P.C. Chopra PCS Mr. Rohit Chandel RC Mr. Anil Rewal AR Mr.Chandershaker C Mrs. Geeta G Mr.H.D.Bhardwaj HDB Mrs. Leena Thakur LT Mr.Y.N.Sharma YNS Mr. Sandeep S-2 Mr. Parveen Kumar PK Mr.M.K.Sharma MKS Mr. Gaurav Grover GG Mr. S.P. Guleria SPG Mr. Sudev Dutta SD Mr.Tanmay kapoor TK Mr. Ajay A Mr. Amit Kumar AK Mr. Akshay Sharma AS -3 Mrs. Anita Joshi AJ Mr. Sandeep Bhatti SB Mr. Chatar Singh Rana CSR Ms. Tanika Dhiman TD Mr. Raj Kumar RKS Sharma Ms. Nitasha Bisht NB Mr. Ramesh Chand RC Ms. Preeti Goel PG Mr.Bhim Singh BS Ms. Deepti D Mr. M.S. Jamwal MSJ Mr.Satish Katwal SK Mr.Nag singh NS 73 1. Department of Mechanical Engg. 1.(a) Identified Key Areas of Training Sr. Designation Technical Skill No 1 Professor • Design • Thermal • Production 2 Assistant • Design ( Tribology Professor bearing, CAD) • Production • Thermal ( Solar energy, fluid Mechanics) • Industrial Engg. and Management 3 Lecturer • Computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer • Energy (Hydro power) • Material Science • CAD/CAM • Manufacturing • Operation management • Design • Industrial Engg • Thermal Engg 4 Technical Staff • CNC operation • Repair and maintenance of equipments pertaining to Mechanical Engg. Labs • Knowledge regarding uploading of software. 1.(b) Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Soft skill • • Managing Men Innovation skill • • Managing Men Communication skill • Communication Skill • Material and equipment handling at job shop level Department of Mechanical Engg. Panel of Resource persons for training programmes. Specialization Name of Institution Resource person Thermal Prof. S.R.Kale I.I.T. Delhi Production Dr. D.K.Diwedi I.I.T. Rorkee Energy Dr.R.P.Saini I.I.T. Roorkee Dr.S.S.Chandel N.I.T.Hamirpur Design Dr. Rakesh Sehgal NIT Hamirpur Solid Mechanics Dr. Rajeev Kumar IIT Mandi Radiative Heat transfer Dr. Ankit Bansal IIT Mandi Nano Technogy Dr. Niraj Sinha IIT Mandi Life cycle assessment/ Dr. Varun NIT Hamirpur Energy 74 9 Design Prof. A.K.Lal Dr.Rajeev 11 12 Industrial and operation management Material Science Educational Technology 13 14 15 Thermal /Air pollution Thermal/Solar energy Communication skill Dr.Anoop Dr.N.S.Thakur Dr.Tulshi 10 Dr. Amar Patnaik Dr. Tulshi Punjab Engg.College Chandigarh NIT Hamirpur NIT Hamirpur N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh N.I.T.Hamirpur N.I.T.Hamirpur N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh Department of Mechanical Engg. [MODULE ME-A] 1(c) In-house Training Programmes. Sr. No. Name of Course Course Duration Trainees Resource Persons Dr. Niraj Sinha, Dr. D.K.Diwedi & Professor/ Asstt. Professor (Mech. Engg./ Physics Deptt.) Dr.R.P.Saini, Prof. S.R.Kale, Dr. N.S.Thakur & Professor/ Asstt. Professor (Mech. Engg./ Civil Engg. Deptt Prof. S.R.Kale, Dr. Anoop & Professor / Assistant Professor (Mech./Civil Engg.) 1. Composite and Nano-Materials Technology 1 week Interdisciplinary Faculty ( AS-1, MS, VC, CS, AS-2, MK, RT, RC, C, HDB, YNS, ADS,AR,) 2. Renewable Energy Resources and Cryogenics 1 week Interdisciplinary Faculty ( MK, RT, RC, C,AG,MKS, PK, GG, SD, A, PK, GG, SD, A, AS -2, SB, TD) 3. Computational Fluid Dynamics 1 week Interdisciplinary Faculty (MD, AS-1, MS, VC, CS, AS-1, MK, RT, RC, C, HDB, YNS) 4. Wear, Friction, and Tribological Behaviour of Materials 1 week MD, AS-1, MS, VC, CS, AS-1, MK, RT, RC, C, HDB, YNS 5 Induction Programme for Lecturers** 2 week VC, CS, AS-1, MK, RT, RC,AS 75 Dr.Rakesh Sehgal, Dr.D.K.Diwedi Dr.Amar Patnaik & Professor( Mech.Engg.) Dr.Tulshi & Asstt.Prof. (Mech.Engg.,English, Management) **Induction programme for the Lecturers will have the following training aspects. • Pedagogy. • Lesson planning. • Teaching Practices. • Student Psychology. • Awareness about latest teaching –learning instructional materials. • Communication Skill. Department of Mechanical Engg. [MODULE ME-B] 1(d) Training Programme (outside the institute) Sr No Name of Course 1. Composite Materials Course Duration Participants MD, AS-1, MS, 5 days 2. Production Management 3. Renewable Energy Resources Computational Fluid Dynamics 4, 5. 6. 7. Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Wear, Friction, and Tribological Behavior of Materials Fracture Mechanics 5 days 3 days MD,YNS AS-1,MS AS-1,MS 3 days AS-2,MS -do- MD,C -doHDB,MK -do- Faculty of Institute/organization to be attended IIT-Roorkee, P.E.C. Chandigarh, N.I.T. Hamirpur, IIT-Mandi IIT-Roorkee, IIT-Delhi, IIT-Kanpur NIT Hamirpur, IIT-Delhi. IIT-Mandi, IIT-Delhi, NIT-Hamirpur, IIT-Delhi, Solar Energy CenterGurgaon, IIT-Roorkee, NIT-Hamirpur, IIT-Roorkee, IIT-Delhi, NIT-Kurukshetra. IIT-Delhi IIT-Roorkee, P.E.C. Chandigarh, IIT-Ropar, Thaper University-Patiala N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh Delhi University N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh 8 Managing Men -do- RT,VC 9 Effective communication Lab. Practise ( Fluid mechanics, Thermal, CAD/CAM, CNC) Research and development in the field of Mechanical Engg. -do- AS-2,MK 1 Week MSJ,NS N.I.T.T.T.R chandigarh N.I.T. Hamirpur 1 week MD,MS,AS I.I.T. New Delhi I.I.T.Roorkee 10 11 76 Department of Mechanical Engg. [MODULE ME-C] 1.(e) Real time Observation/ Learning Programmes for faculty Sr. No Training 1 Application of Mechanical Engineering in Advanced Railway Networks Production Techniques in Cement Industry Energy Efficient Systems 2 3 4 Faculty Duration Involvement of Potential Industries/ organizations MD One week METRO Delhi. AS-1,YNS do ACC, Holcim HDB,C do HIMURJA (MicroHydel Projects) Maruti Suzuki. Volkswagon, EICHER, HMT, BHEL CAD/CAM Systems VC,RT in Automobiles Advanced AS-2,MK manufacturing Systems Manufacturing AS-2 Technologies Application in RT Manufacturing Department of Mechanical Engg. 5 6 7 do do do L&T Powai do DRDO Hyderabad [MODULE ME-D] 1.(f) Training programmes to be arranged for the faculty of Polytechnic. Duration 2-3 Days. Sr.N o 1 Key Areas Solar Energy 2 Material Science 3 Manufacturin g Technology 4 Life cycle assessment of Hydro Electrical projects Trainees No of Trainees 15 Nos PSHOD(M),PSSL(C),PSL(M)-1,PSL(M)-2,PSL(M)3,PSL(M)-4,PSL(M)-5,PSHOD(EL),PSL(E)1,PSL(E)-2, PSL(E)-3,PSL(COM)-1,PSL(COM)2,PSHOD(AR), PSL(A)-1 10 Nos PSHOD(M),PSL(M)-1,PSL (M)-2,PSL(M)-3,PSL(M)4,PSL(M)-5,PSHOD(EL),PSL(EL)-1,PSL(A)1,PSHOD(C) 10Nos PSHOD(M),PSL(M)-!, PSL(M)-2,PSL(M)-3,PSL(M)4,PSL(M)-5,PSHOD(AU),PSL(AU)-1,PSL(AU)2,PSWS(AU) 10Nos PSHOD(EL),PSHOD(C),PSHOD(M),PSSL(C),PSL(M) -1,PSL(M)-2,PSL(M)-3,PS(LM)-3,PS(LM)4,PS(LM)-5, 77 2. Department of Civil Engg. 2.(a) Key Areas of Training Sr.No Designation Technical Skill 1 Professor • Water Resources Engg. • Geotechnical Engg. • Transportation • Earth quake resistance design 2 Assistant • Environmental Professor Engg. • Geographical Information System • Steel Design 3 Lecturer • • • • • 4 Technical Staff • Irrigation Engg. Structural Design Structural Analysis Constructional material Building Construction Repair and maintenance of equipment pertaining to Civil Engg. Labs. • • Soft skill Managing Men Innovation skill • • Managing Men Communication skill • Communication Skill • Material and equipment handling at job shop level Department of Civil Engg. 2(b) Penal of Resource persons for training programmes. Sr. Specialization Name of Resource Institution No person. 1 Water Resource Engg. Dr. R.L.Sharma N.I.T.Hamirpur Dr. V.K.Sharda N.I.T. Hamirpur 2 Concrete Technology Dr. Hemant Sood N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh Dr. Umesh kumar I.I.T.Roorkee 3 Geotechnical Engg. Dr. Manoj Dutta I.I.T Delhi Dr. R.K.Dutta N.I.T. Hamirpur Dr. R.K. Sharma N.I.T. Hamirpur 4 Transportation Engg. Dr.Raman Parti N.I.T. Hamirpur Prof. Ajay Duggal N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh 5 Structural Dr. Pardeep Kumar NIT Hamirpur Dr. Hemant Vinayak N.I.T.Hamirpur 6 Environment Engg. Dr. S.K.Katoch N.I.T.Hamirpur Dr. Dharminder N.I.T.Hamirpur Dr. Sanjay Sharma N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh 7 GIS Dr. Vijay Bansal N.I.T.Hamirpur 8 Energy Dr.R.P.Saini I.I.T. Roorkee 9 Educational Technology Dr.Tulshi N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh 10 Fluid Mechanics Dr.V.K.Dogra N.I.T.Hamirpur 11 Solar and energy Dr.S.S.Chandel N.I.T.Hamirpur efficient buildings 78 [MODULE CE-A] Department of Civil Engg. 2(c) In-house Training Programmes. Sr Training Trainees No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Construction Techniques and management Repair and Retrofitting of Earth quake damaged structure Environment problems relating to waste water and solid wastes in urban areas Green and Intelligent Building Water -shed development New construction materials Improved irrigation system for Hilly areas MKS, SPG, TK, AK, AJ,AS,PC,DRS 2 3 3 days Dr. Hemant Sood Dr. Umesh kumar do Dr. Pardeep Kumar Dr. Hemant Vinayak Interdisciplinary Faculty (PK, GG, SD, A, AS -2, SB, TD, MKS, SPG, TK, AK, AJ,AS,PC,DRS,AS-1, MS, VC, CS, AS-2, HDB, YNS, ADS,AR) do Dr.R.L.Sharma Dr.Sanjay Sharma Dr.S.K.Katoch Interdisciplinary Faculty (MK, RT, RC, C, MKS, SPG, TK, AK, AJ,AS,PC) Interdisciplinary Faculty (HDB, YNS, ADS,AR)PK, GG, SD, A, AS -2, SB, TD, MKS, SPG, TK, AK, AJ,AS,PC,DRS) MKS, SPG, TK, AK, AJ,AS,PC,DRS,ADS do Dr.S.K.Katoch Dr.S.S.Chandel do Dr.R.L.Sharma do Dr.R.K.Dutta Dr.R.K.Sharma do Dr.V.K.Sharda Dr.V.K.Dogra Interdisciplinary Faculty (AS1, MS, VC, CS, AS-2, MK, RT, RC, C, HDB, YNS, ADS,AR,ADS,AR,DRS,PC) 2(d) Training Programme (outside the institute) Sr. Training Duration Participants No Rock Mechanics and Tunnling Technology Remote sensing, GIS, GPS and information Technology Disaster mitigation system, socio economic Involvement of Experts from Resource Institutions Interdisciplinary Faculty (AJ,AS,PC,DRS, MD, AS-1, MS, VC, CS, AS-1, MK, RT, RC, C, HDB, YNS,AS,PC,AR) Department of Civil Engg. 1 Duration [MODULE CE-B] Faculty of institution/organization to be attended. I.I.T.New Delhi I.I.T. Roorkee 3-4 days SPG,TK do MKS,AK NIT Hamirpur IIT Roorkee NIT Hamirpur do AJ,TK N.I.T.T.T.R Chandigarh 79 aspects of disaster management Nanotechnology in Civil Engg Soil Structure Interaction Managing Men 4 5 6 7 Effective communication Use of software in Civil Engg. Seismic evaluation of existing structures Lab Practices (Soil, Fluid, Concrete, Transportation, GIS, Environmental, surveying) Research and development in the field of Civil Engg. 8 7 8 9 do AK,MD do TK,BS Punjab University Chandigarh, I.I.T. New Delhi NIT Hamirpur 3 days SPG,MKS N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh Delhi University 3 days TK,AJ N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh do SPG,MKS,AJ do TK,AK IIT Roorkee IIT New Delhi IIT New Delhi NITTTR Chandigarh 3 days BS,CSR N.I.T.T.T.R.Chandigarh N.I.T.Hamirpur 2 days SPG,MKS,TK,AJ I.I.T.New Delhi IIT Roorkee Department of Civil Engg. [MODULE CE-C] 2(e) Real time Observation/ Learning Programmes for faculty. Involvement of Potential Industries/ organizations Constructional sites ( Dam and underground tunneling projects ) Central Building Research Institute Roorkee Sr. No Training Faculty Duration 1 Tunneling and Rock bolting. Low cost construction practices Use of emerging materials in the Road construction Fiber reinforced construction Waste Water Management SPG 1 week MKS 3 days AJ do Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi TK,AJ,AK do Construction sites ( multi storied building ) 2 3 4 5 SPG,MKS,AJ 80 do Industrial Houses of Repute Department of Civil Engg. [MODULE CE-D] 2(f) Expert lecturers / Training programmes to be arranged for the faculty of Polytechnic Sr.No 1 2 3 Key Areas Use of Waste tires in the construction Fibre reinforcement construction Low cost Construction practices No of Participants 10 Nos 10Nos 10Nos Participants PSHOD(C),PSSL(C),PSHOD(CONT),PSHOD (AR),PSL (AR),PS1(AR),PHHOD(C),PHSL(C), PHL (C),PTHOD(C) PSHOD(AR),PSL AR),PS1(AR),PHHOD(C),PHSL(C),PHL(C),PTH OD(C),PSHOD(M),PSL(M)-1,PSL(M)-2 PHHOD(C),PHSL(C),PHL(C),PTHOD(C),PSHOD (M),PSL(M)-1,PSL(M)-2,PSSL(COM)1,PSSL(COM)-2,PSL(AU)-1, 3. Department of Textile Engg. 3(a) Key Areas of Training Sr. Designation Technical Skills No 1) Professor • Spinning • Weaving • Textile and Chemical Processing 2) 3) Assistant Professor • Lecturers • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4) Technical Staff • Managerial/ Soft Skills • Managing Men • Innovation skill Yarn production & Quality Control Non conventional Weaving Synthetic Fibres Dyeing and Finishing • Managing Men • Communication skill Garment Manufacturing Knitting Technology Technical Textiles Textile Design Yarn Manufacturing Textile Testing Fabric manufacturing Production and mill Management Dyeing and Finishing Treatment Apparel Marketing and Merchandising • Communication Skill Knowledge regarding repair of machine /equipments of Textile Engg. 81 • Material and equipment handling at job shop level Department of Textile Engg. 3(b)Penal of Resource persons for training programmes. S. Specialization Name of the resource Institution or organization No person 1) Spinning • Prof. G.K.Tyagi Director MLVTI College, Bhilwara Rajasthan • 2) Weaving Dr. S.K.Sinha • • Sh. M.K.Bindal Dr B K Behra • Sh M D Roy 3) Textile Chemical Processing • Dr.J N Chakrobarthy 4) Yarn Production and Quality Control • Sh. Inderjeet Pal • Sh A. K. Chaudhary 5) Non Conventional Weaving • Dr. S Ghosh 6) Synthetic Fibres • Dr A Chatterjee 7) Dyeing and Finishing • Dr Lalit Jajpura 8) Garment Technology • Smt. Monica Sikka 9) Knitting Technology • Dr N Bhowmick Technical Textile • Dr V K Kothari • Dr A Mukhopadhyay • Sh K V P Singh 10) 11) Textile Designing 82 Dept. of Textile Technology NIT ,Jalandhar Vice President. Vardhman Textile Ltd., Baddi Distt Solan HP Professor Department of textile Technology IIT Delhi Associate Professor NIT Jalandhar Professor Department of Textile Technology NIT, Jalandhar(Pb) Sr. Manager Vardhman Textile Ltd., Baddi Distt Solan HP Associate Professor Department of Textile Technology NIT, Jalandhar (Pb) Professor Department of Textile Technology NIT, Jalandhar (Pb) Associate Professor Department of Textile Technology NIT, Jalandhar (Pb) Professor B P S Mahila Vishwavidyalya Sonepat (Hr) Assistant Professor Department of Textile Technology NIT, Jalandhar (Pb) Associate Professor Department of Textile Technology NIT, Jalandhar (Pb) Professor Department of textile Technilogy IIT Delhi Associate Professor Department of Textile Technology NIT, Jalandhar (Pb) Assistant Professor Department of Textile 12) Yarn Manufacturing • Dr.Abhijeet Majumdar 13) Textile testing • Sh A. K. Choudhary 14) Fabric Manufacturing • Dr. Dipyana Das 15) Production and Mill Management • Dr.Sudarshan Dhamija 16) Dyeing and Finishing Treatment • Sh. Brijesh Mishra 17) Apparel marketing and Merchandising • Smt. Monica Sikka Technology NIT, Jalandhar (Pb Assistant Professor Department of textile Technilogy IIT Delhi Associate Professor Department of Textile Technology NIT, Jalandhar (Pb Assistant Professor Department of textile Technilogy IIT Delhi Associate Professor TIT&S Birla Colony Bhiwani (Hr) Lecturer Govt Polytechnic Mou Uttar Pradesh Assistant Professor Department of Textile Technology NIT, Jalandhar (Pb) Department of Textile Engg. [MODULE TE-A] 3(c) In-house Training Programmes Sr. No Training Trainees Duration 1 Needle Punched Nonwovens manufacturing, characteristics and applications PK, GG, SD, A, AS 2, SB, TD, 3 days 2 Advances in Textile Engg. AS -2, SB, TD,ND,G, SD,MD do 3 Nano technology, an emerging textile technology PK, GG, SD, AS1,YNS, AR, ADS,DRS do 4 Emerging trends in fibres and textiles PK, GG, SD, A, SB, TD, AS -2, SB, TD,ND,G, SD,MD do Innovation in textile Machines SB, TD, ND, PK, GG, SD, A do 5 83 Involvement of Experts from Resource Institutions Dr A Mukhopadhyay Associate Professor Department of Textile Technology NIT, Jalandhar (Pb) Dr. G K Tyagi Director MLVTI College, Bhilwara Rajasthan Dr.J N Chakrobarthy Professor Department of TextileTechnology NIT, Jalandhar (Pb . Dr A Chatterjee Associate Professor Department of Textile Technology NIT, Jalandhar (Pb) Sh M K Bindal Vice President. Vardhman Textile Ltd., Baddi Distt Solan HP Department of Textile Engg. [MODULE TE-B] 3(d) Training Programmes (outside the Institution) Sr. Training Duration Participants No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Faculty of institution/ organization to be attended NIT Jalandhar Advancement in 3 days Textile dying process Worker handling -do- PK,TD Scope of Technical textile Managing Men do SD,AS-2 -do- A,AS-1 Effective communication Modern Development in Textile Dying machines Software used for designing and for dying machines. -do- AS-2,AS do SB, PK Vardhman Textile Ltd. I.I.T. New Delhi do TD,VKD Vardhman Textile Ltd. TITS Bhiwani GG, SB Winsome textile Ltd. Baddi Vardhman Textile Ltd. I.I.T. New Delhi N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh Delhi University N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh Department of Textile Engg. [MODULE TE-C] 3(e) Real time Observation/ Learning Programmes for faculty Sr. Training Area Faculty Duration Involvement of Potential No Industries/ organizations 1 Yarn Manufacturing, GG 4-5 days Vardhman Grpup of Industries, Weaving , Chemical Baddi Distt Solan HP Processing and Textile Testing 2 Friction Spinning, HVI SD Do Department of Textile Technology Tester, Evenness NIT, Jalandhar (Pb) Tester 3 Hairness Tester, Leica, A Do Department of Textile Technology Murata Airjet Spinning TiT&S Birla Colony Bhiwani(Hr) Machine. 4 Latest spinning and AS-2 Do Nahar Group of Industries, Weaving machinery Ambala 5 Protective Textile SB Do DRDO, Pune 6 Woolen and Worsted PK Do Raymond , Pune Area 7 Kolkatta SD Do National Jute Board 8 Research on Spinning PK Do ATIRA, Ahmedabad and Testing 84 Department of Textile Engg. [MODULE TE-D] 3(f) Expert lecturers / Training programmes to be arranged for the faculty of Polytechnic Sr. No 1 2 Key Areas Geotextile Material No of Participants 15 Nos Use of fibers 10 Nos Participants PSHOD(M),PSSL(C),PSL(M)-1,PSL(M)-2,PSL(M)3,PSL(M)-4,PSL(M)-5,PSHOD(EL),PSL(E)-1,PSL(E)-2, PSL(E)-3,PSL(COM)-1,PSL(COM)-2,PSHOD(AR), PSL(A)-1 PSHOD(C),PSSL(C),PSHOD(CONT),PSHOD(AR),PSL AR),PS1(AR),PHHOD(C),PHSL(C),PHL(C),PTHOD(C) 4. Department of Electronics Engg. 4(a) Key Areas of Training Sr. Designation Technical Skill No 1 Professor • Micro processor • Optical Design • Optical Fiber communication • Bio – Nano technology • Computer distribution software system 2 Assistant • VLSI Design Professor • Radio frequency integrated system and design • Communication 3 Lecturer • Electronics and Electrical Engg. • Digital communication • Antenna 4 Technical Staff • Soldering operation • Repair of Electronic instruments. Soft skill • • Managing Men Innovation skill • • Managing Men Communication skill • Communication Skill • Material and equipment handling at job shop level Department of Electronics Engg. 4(b) Penal of Resource persons for training programmes. Sr. Specialization Name of Resource No person 1 Optical Fibre Communication Dr. Vinod Kapoor 2 VLSI Design Dr. (Mrs.) Rajeevan Chandel 3 Computer network of distributed software Dr. Jimothy A system Gonsalves 4 Radio Frequency integrated design system Dr. Genemata Hoobijan 5 Electronics and electrical Engg. Dr. Sanjeev Manhas 6 R & D in micro electronics Dr. C.Ghansham 85 Institution NIT Hamirpur NIT Hamirpur IIT Mandi IIT Mandi IIT Mandi CSIO ( Central Scientific instruments 7 8 R& D in Bio –nano Tecnhology R& D in optical – electronics Dr Lalit Awasthi Dr. A.K.Paul 9 R & D in optical design Dr.P.P.Bajpai Organization) Chandigarh NIT Hamirpur CSIO ( Central Scientific instruments Organization) Chandigarh CSIO ( Central Scientific instruments Organization) Chandigarh Department of Electronics Engg. 4(c) In-house Training Programmes. Sr. Training Trainees No [MODULE ELTX-A] Duration Involvement of Experts from Resource Institutions 3-4 days Dr. Vinod Kapoor & Professor (Electronics) do Dr. (Mrs.) Rajeevan Chandel & Astt.Professor( Electronics) Dr.Lalit Awasthi & Professor (Electronics) Astt.professor( Computer) Dr.P.P.Bajpai & & Astt.Professor( Electronics) Dr. Jimothy A Gonsalves & Professor (Electronics) Dr. Genemata Hoobijan & Astt.Professor( Electronics) 1 Power Quality and Energy Audit 2 V.L.S.I 3 Microprocessors PG,D, YNS, ADS, DRS,VKD,RK,CSR do 4 Radio frequency identification technology CS, AS-2, MK, RT, RC, C, HDB,DRS,VKD do 5 Expert system in power security Interdisciplinary faculty (Electronic/Civil/Mech.) (CSR,RK,DRS,NB,PG,SPG, VC, CS, AS-1, MK, RT, RC,AS) do 6 PLC and SCADA System VC, CS, AS-2, MK, RT, RC, C, do Interdisciplinary faculty (Mech/Electronic) (AS-1, MS, VC, CS, AS-2, MK, RT, RC, C, HDB, YNS, ADS,AR, NB, PG,D) AR, NB, PG,D, YNS, ADS, DRS,VKD 86 Department of Electronics Engg. [MODULE ELTX-B] 4(d) Training Programme (outside the institute) Duration Participants Faculty of institution/organization to be attended Digital speech processing MAT Lab and its application 1 Week CSR,VKD Do DRS,RKS Micro controllers Application of Electronics in aero space systems Control Systems Machine vision Do PG,D I.I.T.New Delhi I.I.T. Roorkee NIT Hamirpur IIT Roorkee NIT Hamirpur NITTTR Chandigarh Do D,CSR Punjab University Chandigarh, I.I.T. New Delhi Do DRS,PG NIT Hamirpur Do VKD,MD Do RKS,D 8 Embedded systems Robatics Do PG,AS-1,MS 9 Managing Men 1 week D,AS IIT Roorkee IIT New Delhi IIT New Delhi NITTTR Chandigarh IIT New Delhi IIT Roorkee N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh Delhi University 10 Effective communication Lab Practise (Basic Electronics, Analog) 1 Week VKD,DRS N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh 2 Weeks CSR,RKS NIT Hamirpur NITTTR Chandigarh Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 Training Department of Electronics Engg. [MODULE ELTX-C] 4(e) Real time Observation/ Learning Programmes for faculty Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 Training Faculty Duration DRS 5 days VKD D do do HCL CDAC PG CSR do do Infosys Mysore BHARAT Electronics Ltd. Network in Snow Bounded Areas VLSI Advanced Computing Techniques Cloud Computing Microcontrollers 87 Involvement of Potential Industries/ organizations DRDO Chandigarh Department of Electronics Engg. [MODULE ELTX-D] 4(f) Expert lecturers / Training programmes to be arranged for the faculty of Polytechnic Sr. Key No of Participants No Areas Participa nts 1 VLSI 10 Nos PSHOD(EL),PSL(E)-1,PSL(E)design 2,PHHOD(EL),PHLSL(EL), PHL(ELTX)-1,PHL(ELTX)2,PRHOD(ELTX),PRSR(ELTX),PKDHOD(ELTX), 2 Micro 10 Nos PHHOD(EL),PHLSL(EL), PHL(ELTX)-1,PHL(ELTX)Electro 2,PRHOD(ELTX),PRSR(ELTX),PKDHOD(ELTX),PSHOD nic (COM),PSL(COM)-1,PSL(COM)-2 5. Applied Science and other supporting department. 5(a) Key Areas of Training Sr. Designation No 1 Assistant Professor (Chemistry) 2 Assistant Professor (Math) 3 4 Assistant Professor (English) Assistant Professor (Physis) Key area • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Assistant professor (Computer) • • • Soft skill Spectrography Chromotography Nuclear chemistry Fourier series & laplace application Magnetic fluid Beffel function Phonetics Communication • • Lacer and its application Nuclear radiation Semi – conductor fabrication • • Cloud computing Oracle Networking • • • • • • Managing Men Communication skill Managing Men Communication skill Managing Men Communication skill Managing Men Communication skill Managing Men Communication skill Applied Science and other supporting department 5(b) Penal of Resource persons for training programmes. Sr. Branch of Name of Recourse Institution No Science person. 1 Chemistry Dr. A.S. Singha N.I.T. Hamirpur 2 Do Dr. Mohider Chauhan H.P.University 2 Do Dr. Shashikant do 3 Do Dr.Davinder Sharma do 4 Do Dr.D.S.Gill Punjab university Chandigarh 5 Do Dr.Ghanshyam H.P.University 6 English Dr. M.S.Jamwal H.P.University 7 Do Dr.Tulshi N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh 8 Physics Dr.B.C. Chaudhary N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh 9 Do Dr.Jindal Punjab University Chandigarh 88 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Do Math Do Do Do Computer Do Do Do Dr.Mahavir Dr. J.N.Sharma Dr. Sunil Dr. R.G.Shandil Dr. P.L.Sharma Dr. Lalit Awasthi Dr.Narotam Dr. Kamlesh Dutta Dr. Tekparvel H.P.University N.I.T. Hamirpur N.I.T. Hamirpur H.P.University H.P.University N.I.T. Hamirpur N.I.T. Hamirpur N.I.T. Hamirpur N.I.T.Hamirpur Applied Science and other supporting department [MODULE AS-A] 5(c) In-house Training Programmes. Sr Training Trainees No 1 Application of magnetic fluid 2 Application of fourier series and laplace application in Engg. Beffel function, legender equation & its application in modern era Cloud computing 3 4 Duration Interdisciplinary faculty (AS-1, MS, VC, CS, AS-2, MK, RT, RC, C, HDB, YNS, ADS,AR, PC) S-1, VM, AJ, ND, AS-2, ADS, PC, AR, G, ADS 3 days SPG, TK,MKS,ADS,PC,AR,MD,MS do DRS,VKD,D,PG,TK,AJ,CSR, do do Involvement of Experts from Resource Institutions Dr.Sunil & Professor (Math) Dr.J.N.Sharma & Asstt.professor( Math) Dr.Sunil & Asstt.Professor (Math) Dr. Lalit Awasthi & Astt.Prof. (Computer) Dr.Kamlesh Dutta Dr.Nartotam & Astt.Prof. (Computer) Dr.Tulshi & 5 Nerworking AS,DRS,VKD,CSR,RK,PS,D, do 6 Managing Men AS,SPG,DRS,PC,VKD,AR,A DS,SK,PK,MD do 7 Application of Lacer technology Nuclear chemistry AR,PC, MD,MS,AS1,DRS,VKD,D,ND ADS,SPG,MKS, TK,MD, MS,D, PC do Dr.Jindal do Dr. A.S. Singha 8 Applied Science and other supporting department [MODULE AS-B] 5(d) Training Programme (outside the institute) Sr. No Training Duration Participan ts One Week AR,DRS 1 Nuclear Research 2 Water pollution Do ADS,SPG,T K 3 Use of Lacer Technology in Engg. Research and Development in the field of chemistry Application of magnetic fluid Cloud computing Do AR,G 4 5 6 Faculty of institution/organizati on to be attended Nuclear Research Centre Tromby, Mumbai Central Reasearch Institute, Haridwar, Uttranchal D.R.D.O. Chandigarh One week ADS,PC IIT Roorkee IIT New Delhi Do MD,PC NIT Hamirpur Do DRS,VKD IIT Roorkee IIT New Delhi 89 7 8 Research and Development in the field of Maths Training and placement procedure One week -do- PC, DRS IIT New Delhi IIT Roorkee SK,ND IIT New Delhi IIT Roorkee Applied Science and other supporting department [MODULE AS-C] 5(e) Real time Observation/ Learning Programmes for faculty Sr. Training Faculty Duration Involvement of No Potential Industries/ org. 1 Nuclear physics 2 3 4 5 6 AR One week Advance Lacer Technology Nuclear chemistry DRS do ADS do Ferro-Fluid Semi- conductor Human Resource Development PC VKD SK do do do National physics lab New Delhi D.R.D.O. Chandigarh Nuclear Research Centre Tromby, Mumbai N.I.T. Hamirpur Infosysis Maysore Tata Consultancies Hydrabad (A.P.) Applied Science and other supporting department [MODULE AS-D] 5(f) Expert lecturers / Training programmes to be arranged for the faculty of Polytechnic Participants Sr. Key Areas No of No Participants PSHOD(M),PSSL(C),PSL(M)-1,PSL(M)-2,PSL(M)1 Preparing 15 Nos 3,PSL(M)-4,PSL(M)-5,PSHOD(EL),PSL(E)-1,PSL(E)-2, students of PSL(E)-3,PSL(COM)-1,PSL(COM)-2,PSHOD(AR), PSL(A)-1 Job Interview Application of PSLHOD(A), 10 Nos 2 Organic Chemistry in Engg. 3 4 5 Sr. No Ferro –Fluid technology Lacer Technology 10 Nos Networking 10 Nos 10 Nos PSSL(A),PHHOD(A),PHSL(A),PRHOD(A),PRHOD(A),PR(PH R)-1,PR(PHR)-2,PR(PHR)-3,PR(PHR)-4, PSHOD(M),PSL(M)-1,PSL (M)-2,PSL(M)-3,PSL(M)4,PSL(M)-5,PSHOD(EL),PSL(EL)-1,PSL(A)-1,PSHOD(C) PSHOD(EL),PSL(E)-1,PSL(E)-2,PHHOD(EL),PHLSL(EL), PHL(ELTX)-1,PHL(ELTX)2,PRHOD(ELTX),PRSR(ELTX),PKDHOD(ELTX), PHHOD(EL),PHLSL(EL), PHL(ELTX)-1,PHL(ELTX)2,PRHOD(ELTX),PRSR(ELTX),PKDHOD(ELTX),PSHOD(CO M),PSL(COM)-1,PSL(COM)-2 Applied Science and other supporting department 6. Training programmes for Instuctors Instructor Training Aspect 1 Mechanical Engg. Department 2 Civil Engg. Department General awareness about maintenance of various latest machine and equipments pertaining to Thermal Engg., Fluid mechanics, CNC labs. Awareness of software relating to CAD/CAM labs. Use of Inventory system for maintaining the record of consumable material Field visit to various reputed Mechanical labs. Knowledge of various latest machine and equipments pertaining to Soil mechanics, Transportation, Concrete technology and surveying. Use of Autocad software. Field visit to various reputed Civil Engg. Labs Use of Inventory system for maintaining the record of consumable material 90 3 Electronics Department 4 Textile Engg. 5 Chemistry Lab 6 Physics Department 7 Computer Engg.Departm ent Awareness about the maintenance of various equipments pertaining to Analog, Basic Electronics and VLSI Labs. Use of Inventory system for maintaining the record of consumable material Field visit to various reputed Electronics labs. General awareness about maintenance of various machines and equipments pertaining to Yarn manufacturing, Fabric design, textile designing labs Use of Inventory system for maintaining the record of consumable material Knowledge about maintaining stock register Field visit to various reputed Textile labs. Knowledge about various machines and equipment of chemistry lab. Awareness about handling the hazardous chemicals Field visit to various reputed chemistry labs Use of Inventory system for maintaining the record of consumable material. Knowledge about various machine and equipments of physics lab. Use of Inventory system for maintaining the record of consumable material Field visit to various reputed physics labs Knowledge about use of various softwares and computers. General awareness about maintenance of computers, fax machines and printers. Use of Inventory system for maintaining the record of consumable material Field visit to various reputed Computer centres. Applied Science and other 7. Training Schedule Sr. Type of Training No 1 Training Programmes (Out side ) 2 In House Training Programme 3 Real time Observation/ Learning Programmes supporting department Schedule 1st July – 30 July & 2nd Jan – 16th Jan 1st August – 15 August 15th June – 30th June Five years Training Plan for the Faculty of J.N. Govt. Engg. College Sr. No 1 2 3 Facult y Prof. Asstt. Prof. Lecturer Trg. No Training Programs for five years 2012 2013 2014 2015 OU IH RT OU IH RT OU IH RT OU IH RT IH 2016 RT OU 54 76 3 4 3 3 3 5 3 5 4 4 3 5 4 5 3 5 4 5 4 6 4 5 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 132 9 8 9 9 8 9 9 8 9 9 8 9 9 9 10 IH - In house Training RT- Real time observation OU- Training programs (outside the Institute). 91 CHAPTER-VII [Training Plan for Faculty/Non-Teaching Technical Staff of Govt. B. Pharmacy College Rohroo & D. Pharmacy Courses] LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED AP Assistant Professor BPH R(L)-2 Sh. Vivek Kumar TPI Training BPH R(LA)-1 Sh. Ramesh Jakta Providing Institute KRP Key Resource Person BPH R(LA)-2 Sh. Lal singh PKD Sh.K. S.Pathania BPH R(DI) Smt. Tilka Devi PR HOD(PHR) Sh. S.N. Singh BPH R(LT)-1 Miss Minakshi PKD L(PHR)-1 Sh.Dheeraj Kaushik BPH R(LT)-2 Sh. Vivek Kumar PKD L(PHR)-2 Smt.Kusum Devi BPH R(LIB) Sh. Vivek Kumar PKD L(PHR)-3 Sh.Neeraj Kumar BPH R(HS) Smt. Sharmil Verma PKD L(PHR)-4 Sh.Anshul Shandil DDS PR L(PHR)-1 Sh.Shashi Kumar IISB PR L(PHR)-2 Sh.Moti Singh AICTE PR L(PHR)-3 Sh.Mahesh Chauhan PCI Novel Drug Delivery System Indian Institute of Science Bangalore All India Council of Technical Education Pharmacy Council of India PR L(PHR)-4 Sh.Uday Singh CISR PR L(PHR)-5 Sh.Manoj Shukla CIMAP PR (LA)-1 Sh.Nedru Mal QIP PR (LA)-2 Sh.Hari Singhl TP Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Quality Improvement Program Training Policy PR (LA)-3 Sh.Lobha Raml TC Training Calendar PR (LA)-4 Sh.Prem Raj STTP PKD (LA)-1 Sh.Roshan Lal STC Short Term Training Program Short Term Course PKD (LA)-2 Sh.R.S.Dhiman TNA Training Needs Analysis PKD (LA)-3 Sh.Dinesh Kumar ICMR BPH R(P) Dr. Ranjeet Singh DST BPH R(AP) Sh. Rajender Guleria TTI BPH R (L)-1 Sh. Vinay Kumar NITTTR Indian Council of Medical Research Department of Science and Technology Technical Teaching Institute National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research HOD(PHR) 92 EMERGING TRENDS/AREAS IN THE FIELD OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES S.No. Major Domains 1. Pharmacology and Biotechnology Sub-Domains/Areas • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2. Novel drug delivery systems • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapy of Alzheimer's disease (AD) Insulin Resistance Stemcell:A Revolution in Therapeutics, Recent Advances in Stem cell and their therapeutic application in cancer therapy Future prospects for proton pump inhibitors Nanobiotechnology in Treatment of Cancer Gene Therapy Applications of biotechnology (red biotechnology) in the development of newer drugs Gene transfer: an innovative drug delivery system Aids: in the list of curable diseases? Cervical Cancer Human Cloning Biosensors and DNA Analysis Drug Resistance Phenomenon in communicable diseases Electronic Devices in the treatment of human ailments Bitter Blocking Technology Fast Dissolving Drug Delivery Systems. Recent Trends in Brain Targeted Drug Delivery System Bioadhesive Based Oral Drug Delivery System Transdermal Delivery Structure and Design of Polymeric SurfactantBased Drug Delivery Systems and its recent advances Transmucosal Drug Delivery System Recent Advances in Novel Drug Delivery Systems Insulin Pill Inhalational Insulin Development of Self Micro Emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems Nicotine Patch: The Ultimate Quit Smoking Tool Tumor Drug Delivery-Dendrimers Superdisintegrants Lipid Lowering Microspheres to Reduce the Risk of Heart Attack Mucoadhesive Drug Delivery Systems Buccal drug delivery system - Buccal film Fast dissolving drug delivery systems Chewing Gum Drug Delivery Biotin binding proteins Concepts and role in targeted drug delivery Nano Biotechnology-A Revolution in the field of Nano medicine Controlled drug delivery system - Microchip drug delivery system 93 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Herbal drug technology • • • • • • • • • • • 4 Pharmaceutical Chemistry • • • • • • • • • • Controlled drug delivery system - Floating tablets Delivery of proteins and peptides Emerging trends of nanotubes for drug delivery in the neurodegenerative disorders Microneedle Technology For Advanced Drug Delivery MEMS- A Recent research that opens new doors for drug delivery Oral drug delivery system of proteins and peptides Iontophoretic Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems Self-emulsifying drug delivery systems Nanodiamond Drug Device in the Treatment of Cancer The Microsponge Drug Delivery Systems for Delivering Active Ingredients by Controlled Time Release Ceramic Drug Delivery Nanoliposome drug delivery system Targeted drug delivery system using nanotechnology in cancer therapy Molecular Sensors and Nanobiotechnology Herbal Drug Research in Chronic Diseases Treatment Nutraceuticals-A zither for Herbal Industry Molecular Markers in Herbal Drug Technology PGHT09007 Microwave Assisted Solvent Extraction (Free Amino Acids From Foods) Medicinal Plants used in treatment of Alzhemiers Disease Curcumin as a therapeutic agent against Cancer Herbal medication: dietary supplement and precautions Microwave Extraction - a mile stone Phytopharmacy and Phytomedicine Ultrasound Assisted Extraction An alternative to Traditional Processes Herbal Drug Researh In India Molecular Modelling and Drug Design Computer Aided Drug Design: Structure Based Approach Green Chemistry- Evergreen Sustainable Chemistry Cancer imaging program using computer aided diagnosis Sonochemistry Green Chemistry In Drug Delivery Green Chemistry, Eco-Friendly Chemical Reactions A Novel Integrated approach in Drug Discovery Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis 94 5 Analytical Techniques • • Spectrophotometric Estimation Determinations by Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Chemometric Methods Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Terahertz Technology In Pharmaceutical Analysis Densitometric Thin Layer Chromatographic • • • • • List of Institutions providing training in Pharmaceutical Sciences National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) Mohali, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Calcutta, Hazipur, Institute of Chemical Technology Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bombay College of Pharmacy Mumbai Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune Indian Institute of Science Bangalore Bharti Vidyapeeth Pune Anchrom Mumbai AICTE Sponsored STC/LTCs at various Pharmacy Institutions PCI Sponsored STC/LTCs at various Pharmacy Institutions CSIR, Palampur Central Indian Pharmacopoeia Laboratory,Ghaziabad Indian Institute of Toxicology Research,Lucknow CIMAP,Lucknow,Bangalore,Pune,Hyderabad and Pantnagar QIP Programmes for Pharmacy Faculty at designated Pharmacy Institutes including DIPSAR, Pushap Vihar, ISF Moga Punjab, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Punjab University Chandigarh. ICMR Hyderabad,Bangalore,Agra,Delhi Methodology for Conduct of Training Programmes TPIs have their own Websites and display their Training Calenders with names of training programs and duration . Staff and faculty shall be deputed to these TPIs Conduct of In-House Training Programs by the KRP Pharmacy faculty and their domain specific knowledge has been identified. Key Resource Persons shall be deputed to attend STCs/LTCs, Seminars, Workshops, conferences. Preference shall be to members for Paper/Oral Presentations. However sponsor the faculty in case of Poster Presentation sponsorship shall be limited to once in two years. KRPs shall 95 conduct/Co-ordinate at least four relevant Short term Courses and deliver seminars on their return to the organization. 1. List of KRPs alongwith their field of specialization in Pharmaceutical Sciences Sr. No. 1. Name of Key Resource Person Professor Pharmaceutics(BPH Field of Specialization/Expertise Emerging R(P) delivery in the neurodegenerative disorders trends of nanotubes for drug Microneedle Technology For Advanced Drug Delivery Oral drug delivery system of proteins and peptides Iontophoretic Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems Nanodiamond Drug Device in the Treatment of Cancer Ceramic Drug Delivery Nanoliposome drug delivery system Targeted drug delivery system using nanotechnology in cancer therapy Molecular Sensors and Nanobiotechnology 2. Asstt. Professor, Molecular Modelling Pharmaceutical Chemistry(PR Computer Aided HOD(PHR) Based Approach, Green Chemistry- Evergreen Sustainable and Drug Drug Design: Chemistry, Design, Structure Cancer imaging program using computer aided diagnosis, Sonochemistry, Green Chemistry In Drug Delivery 3. Lecturer, Pharmaceutical Spectrophotometric Estimation, Determi nations by Reverse Phase High Performance ChemistryPKD L(PHR)-1 Liquid Chromatography, Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography, Chemometric Methods 4. Asstt. Professor, Fast Dissolving Pharmaceutics BPH R(AP) Recent Trends Drug in Delivery Brain Systems, Targeted Drug Delivery System, Bioadhesive Based Oral Drug Delivery System, Transdermal Delivery, Structure and Design of Polymeric SurfactantBased Drug Delivery Systems and its recent advances, Transmucosal 5. Lecturer Pharmacognosy(BPH Nutraceuticals-A zither for Herbal Industry, R L(PHR)-1 Molecular Markers in Herbal Drug Technology, PGHT09007, Microwave Assisted Solvent Extraction (Free Amino Acids From Foods) 96 6. Lecturer Pharmacology((BPH Insulin Resistance, Stemcell:A Revolution in R L(PHR)-2 Therapeutics, Recent Advances in Stem cell and their therapeutic application in cancer therapy, Future prospects for proton pump inhibitors, Nanobiotechnology in Treatment of Cancer, Gene Therapy 7. Asstt. Professor, Microwave Extraction,Phytopharmacy Pharmacognosy(PKD HOD Phytomedicine, PHR) Extraction Ultrasound An alternative to and Assisted Traditional Processes, Herbal Drug Researh In India 2. Role of KRP • Each KRP will conduct at least four “In-House Training” programmes yearly at Institution level for the benefit of all faculty members working in B.Pharmacy/D.Pharmacy Institutions which are under the control of Department. • E ach KRP w ill carry out intern al evalu a t ion an d submit th e c on s ol i d a t ed ev a lu a t i o n s he et o n t h e p r e s c r i b ed p r of o r ma t o the DD(T&P). also be The evaluation sheet of f a cu lty member w ill annexed in the personal file of the in div idu al c on c e rn ed. • K RP ma y e n ga g e r e s ou rc e p e r sons from other Organisation s f or conduct of “In-House Train in g P r ogrammes” ANNEXTURE-I Training Module : for the Academic Session 2011-12 & 2012-13 (A) Sr. No 1. In-house Training Programs to be conducted by KRPs Name of Inhouse Training Program Spectrophotome Key Resource Persons Professor Associate Assistant Professor Professor BPH R(P) - Participants Duration - PR L(PHR)-1 PR L(PHR)-2 PKD L(PHR)-1 3-4 days - PRL(PHR)-5 PKDL(PHR)-4 ---do--- PKDL(PHR)-2 PRL(PHR)-1 --do-- teric Estimation 2. HPLC - PR Techniques 3 MODULE PH-A] Cultivation,Colle HOD(PHR) - - 97 PKDHOD(P ction of HR) Medicinal Plants 4 - Nanobiotechnolo - PKDL(PHR) PKDL(PHR)-4 PRL(PHR)-2 ---do-- - PRL(PHR)-3 PRL(PHR)-4 --do- - PKDL(PHR)-1 PKDL(PHR)-2 -do- -1 gy in Treatment of Cancer 5 BPH R(P) Iontophoretic - Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems 6 Drug Designing - PR HOD(PHR) by Computational Models 7 Recent Trends in Brain Targeted Drug BPH R(P) - - PKDL(PHR)-4 PKDL(PHR)-2 BPH R(AP) - BPH R (L)-1 BPHR(L)-2 BPH R(AP) - BPH R (L)-1 BPHR(L)-2 -do- Delivery System 8 Ceramic Drug - Delivery 9 - Development of Nanopharmaceu -do-do- ticals ANNEXTURE-II (B) Training Programs to be attended by the faculty members at the premises of the TPIs(outside the Institution) [MODULE PH-B] Sr. No 1. Training Screening of Anti Duration 5 days anxiety drugs 2. Faculty members PKD L(PHR)-1 Name of Training providing institution NIPER, Mohali PR L(PHR)-1 Microwave -do- PKD HOD(PHR) CIMAP,Lucknow -do- BPH R (L)-1 NIPER Hyderabad assisted Solvent Extraction 3. Recent Trends in Brain Targeted Drug Delivery BPH R(P) System 4. Applications of -do- BPH R L(PHR)-2 98 Anchrom Mumbai PR HOD(PHR) biotechnology (red biotechnology) in the development of newer drugs 5. 6. Gene Therapy -do- Nutraceuticals-A BPH R Indian Institute of Science (P)PKDL(PHR)-1 Bangalore -do- BPH R (AP) Bharti Vidyapeeth Pune PR HOD(PHR) zither for Herbal Industry 7. -do- Drug BPH R (AP) BPH DST Delhi R L-2 formulations through Nanotechnology ANNEXTURE III (C) Observership Programs at Pharmaceutical Industry and at R&D Organizations [MODULE PH-C] Sr. No. 1 Name of Organization Participant Duration Ranbaxy BPH R(P) One Week 2 Cadila PKD HOD(PHR) -do- 3 Hoechest BPH R(AP) -do- 4 Dr. Reddy Lab PR HOD(PHR) -do- 5 Indian Institutes of Sciences, Bangalore PKD L(PHR)-1 -do- 6 CSIR, Palampur BPH R(L)-1 -do- BPH R(L)-2 7 Indian Institute of Molecular Biology BPH R(AP) -do- N.B.: As far as possible all kinds of Training Programmes & all Kinds of Observer ship Programs shall be conducted during Summer/Winter breaks/vacation periods so that teaching work of the students does not Training/Development. 99 suffer on account of faculty ANNEXTURE-IV (D) Sr. No 1. Training Programs to be Conducted for Non-Teaching Technical Staff Training Duration 3 days Upkeep and safety Non-Teaching Technical Staff Sh.Nedru Mal and Sh.Hari Singh precautions in Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lab. 2. 3 days Maintenance of Sh.Lobha Ram and Sh.Prem Raj equipments and Machinery 3. General APH Techniques and -do- in Sh. Ramesh Jakta and Sh.Lal Singh Biochemistry Lab. 4. Sh.Tika Devi Dispensing and -do- Compounding Techniques 5. Techniques -do- in Miss Minakshi and Sh.Vinod Kumar Experimental Pharmacology 6. -do- Collection and Preservation Sh.Roshan Lal,Sh.R.S.Dhiman and Sh.Dinesh Kumar of Medicinal Plants ANNEXTURE-V [MODULE PH-D] (E) Induction Training Programs for the Newly recruited Faculty: It is very important that all the newly recruited incumbents entering into the teaching profession for the first time must undergo a sort of orientation program in order to understand nuances of this noble profession and understand all the processes and methodology adopted for Instruction Delivery in a Technical Teaching Institution. Sr. No. 1 Module/Contents Participants Module-I Laboratory and Workshops PKD (PHR)2,3,&4 PRL(PHR)1,2,3,4&5 Practices, Inter- disciplinary activities/ research, Student Psychology, Lesson Planning, Examination and Assessment Methodologies, Paper 100 Durati on 4 days Place/KRPs In House BPH R(P) BPH R(AP) PKD HOD (PHR) Setting, Curriculum Processes application and of ICT in Teaching-Learning activities. 2 Module-II Focused on Advanced Training Pedagogical (Education Technology) . BPH R(P) BPH R(AP) PKD HOD (PHR) PR HOD(PHR) -do- NITTTR Chandigarh TRAINING PLAN FOR PHARTMACY FACULTY– A PERSPECTIVE Government B.Pharmacy College= 1., D-Pharmacy institution= 2 Sr. Nature of No. Training Programme 1 2 3 4 5 Induction Training Programmes In-house Training Programmes No. of STCs to be conducted at TPIs Conferences/wor kshops/seminars Observer ships in industry Year wise No. of Programmes 2012 01 2013 2014 2015 01 01 01 Year wise Total No. of Trainees to be trained 2016 01 2012 03 2013 03 2014 03 2015 03 2016 03 02 03 04 04 03 06 09 12 12 09 03 03 02 04 03 06 06 04 08 06 01 02 02 01 02 03 06 06 06 02 02 03 02 03 02 04 06 04 06 04 TPI :Training Providing Institute, 101 STC: Short Term Course CHAPTER-VIII TRAINING MODULE FOR STAFF OF DIRECTORATE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED Directorate of Technical Education Sundernagar 1. DJD Sh. A.K. Ahuja 21 DSA-3 Sh. Krishan Chand 2 DDD(T&P) Sh. P.P. Sharma 22 DSA-4 Sh. Ravi Kumar 3 DDC(F&A) Sh. Lal Singh Thakur 23 DSA-5 Sh. Chet Ram 4 DHOD(CCDC) Sh. L.R. Rana 24 DSA-6 Sh. Ram Singh 5 DHOD(MOP) Sh. P.C. Thakur 25 DSA-7 Sh. Kripal Singh 6 DDD(T) Sh. Davinder Singh Rana 26 DSA-8 Sh. Yogesh Sharma 7 DTO Sh. Deepak Angra 27 DSA-9 Sh. Rohit Sharma 8 DIM Sh. Yadvinder Sharma 28 DSA-10 Sh. Balwant Thakur 9 DDEM Sh. Surender Dogra 29 DSA-11 Sh. Daulat Ram 10 DFM-1 Sh. Mohan Singh 30 DSA-12 Sh. Hem Raj 11 DFM-2 Sh. Dilbag Singh 31 DSA-13 Sh. Amit Kumar 12 DTA Sh. Shiv Dev Rana 32 DSA-13 Sh. Bhag Singh 13 DCA-1 Sh. Sudhir Sen 33 DC-1 Sh. Mast Ram 14 DCA -2 Smt. Sunita Thakur 34 DC-2 Sh. Kusum Kumar 15 DS-1 Gopal Dass Thakur 35 DC-3 Sh. Daleep Singh 16 DS-2 Sh. Baldev Chand 36 DC-4 Smt. Pariksha Devi 17 DS-3 Sh. Sarv Kumar Shukla 37 DC-5 Sh. Pyar Chand 18 DS-4 Smt. Rajeshwari Jamwal 38 DC-6 Sh. Anuj Sharma 19 DSA-1 Sh. Anshul Bhatnagar 39 DC-7 Sh. Chirag Sharma 20 DSA-2 Sh. Satish Kumar JOB PROFILE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF VARIOUS POSTS IN THE DIRECTORATE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION H.P. 1. DIRECTOR is the official head of the Department responsible for initiating the process for formulation of policy, programmes, plans, rules etc. and for their proper and effective implementation. 2. JOINT/DY DIRECTOR Colleges/Polytechnics/ITI /: is the sections branch of in charge Directorate of the Engg respectively and generally to perform the following duties and functions: • Initiate action related to all matters related to respective assigned institutions , affiliations, inspections, interventions, civil works, prospective planning, new courses, opening of new institutions etc. 102 • Initiate action related to all matters regarding Technical University, Board and other certifications in respect of respective Institutions under the charge. • To go through (and initial with date) the dak received by him and mark the papers to the concerned section and also to give directions for its disposal whenever possible at the dak stage to enable speedy processing; • To initiate action on all receipts of or urgent nature after it being seen by Director . • To keep a watch over timely submission/receipt of returns/statements . • To monitor the work under charge with regard to various activities, schemes, programmes related to Technical Education of the department and attend meetings to represent the department as and when directed and to present the view point of the department. The officer is required to submit a resume of the deliberations of the meetings. • To monitor and inspect the ongoing Institutions and suggest ways and means for improvements, if any; prepare, analyse and suggest new measures, new innovations,improvements for the department. • To train and guide the staff under him and to point out their shortcomings and deficiencies if any, for remedial action. • To oversee that the Superintendents/Senior Assistants working under him hand perform in the manner prescribed in the office manual. 3. CCDC & Technical Officers : The Technical officer is incharge of one section and has to perform the following duties and functions:• To initiate the process synopsis and inputs , of update evaluation of of curriculum emerging development , technologies and orginsation of Faculty workshops . • To undertake technical examination of all matters and to provide inputs regarding procurement proposals of machinery & equipment received from field institutions. • To prepare and /Architectural matters; examine drawings estimates and to give of civil advice works on , other Structural technical To prepare the papers and compile data for meetings and ensure timely submission. • Inspections of the existing Institutions , proposed new Institutions for affiliations. • Submission of the important communications for perusal of the higher authorities through Branch Officer, at dak stage, in case any 103 such communication has not been seen by the said authorities;Timely submissions of matters related to their charge. 4. Duties of the Dy Controller of Finance and Accounts: To assist and advise on all financial matters . As Officer incharge of the Budget Branch , all financial decisions related to Institutions opening of new Institutions , Land transfer cases committees like Standing Committee, Departmental Purchase and as a Committees, Promotion , Committee, Schemes, member in Standing Liaison Disposal and co- ordination work in respect of audit.Financial concurrence of all the proposals including service matters.Besides aforesaid , the following functions shall be perfomed by the officer : • Preparation and review of expenditure vis-a-vis budget allocation. Preparation of annual accounts. • Scrutiny of pay fixations , p e n s i o n c a s e s a n d i s s u e o f P P O, retirement /death gratuity, commutation order etc. • Implementation of activities related to modernization and computerization of finance & accounts functions. • 5. Any other work assigned by the Director. SUPERINTENDENTS/ ASSISTANTS. : Superintendents Grade-II working in the Directorate supervise work of some of the dealing hands posted in a section and submit through the immidiate Officers and his absence submit cases direct to the higher officer. Assistants ( Sr. & Jr. ) deal with receipts and submit cases to the Section Officers or Superintendents. The Assistants are required to compile data, statistics or information and deal matters so as to present complete cases with all relevant data, and information with past precedents and viable/feasible solutions to facilitate the authorities to arrive at a definite decision. The Assistants are thus basic to the administrative machinery. Depending upon urgency, need and public interest, the Assistants can be asked to undertake any job/assignment, but generally, the main duties, functions and responsibilities of the Assistants involve handling of the work relating to:• Receipt, diary dispatch, typing record maintenance. • Various duties in reception and varied assignments in office of Ministers and senior officers. • Opening and maintenance of files, referencing dealing cases including noting and drafting, recording of files, maintenance and updating of various types of data, statistics and information and maintenance of various registers. 104 • Acquisition, maintenance and up-keep of stores, stocks, stationery articles, accounts and registers; • Preparation of all types of bills such as pay, traveling allowance, medical re-imbursement, contingencies, contractors, suppliers and advances etc. and handling of cash, maintenance of cash books and connected accounts/bills registers etc.; 6. Estt Assistant : Personnel/service/establishment matters, including recruitment and promotion rules, conditions of service, posting, transfers, maintenance of service books, index cards, service records, preparation of leave accounts, pension papers, disciplinary matters, personal files etc. etc. 7. Budget Asstt: supplementary preparation demands for including grants, appropriation, additional reappropriation, grants, contingency fund, all matters relating to Public accounts Committee, Estimates Committee, audit paras, economy in expenditure etc. .; • Assisting in planning and monitoring of developmental and welfare schemes; • Regulatory matters such as issue of NOC`s/ Recommendations for approval , various other types of certificates etc.; 8. CLERKS: Clerks posted have to perform duties and functions as assigned to them b y t h e S e c t i o n O f f i c e r / S u p e r i n t e n d e n t. G e n e r a l d u t i e s o f c l e r k s a r e a s under: • To receive the dak from the Central Registry, other sources, give acknowledgement for the same and submit the entire dak to the Section Officer/ Superintendent for marking; • To diarise all dak in the diary register of the section; • to see that communication from V.I.P.s, Assembly /Parliamentary Questions are entered in separate register. • To distribute all dak after diarizing to the dealing hands as per marking by the Section Officer/ Superintendent against proper receipts of the dealing hands. • To procure stationery articles for the Section and to distribute the same. • To do type work of the section, neatly, cleanly and accurately. • To maintain casual leave account of the entire staff posted in the section. • To open files. • Properly maintain record and files as required in the Section of posting and to maintain all registers, prepare returns. 105 9. Drivers: These posts are mandatory under the one vehicle-one driver norms to ply and maintenance of Government vehicles . T rai ni ng Mod ul e fo r T rai ni ng of Off icer s an d Off i cia ls of the D ire ctorat e of Te ch ni ca l Ed uca t ion , Voca t iona l and I nd us tr ial T rai ni ng , H .P. S und erna gar for a per iod of Two Yea rs. Keepin g in view the training need s, t h e Off i c e rs an d O f f ic i a l s w o rk in g in th e D irec t or at e o f Techn ic a l Edu c at ion sh a ll b e p r ov id e d t r ain ing of on e w eek an d sh or t t er m cou rs e of 3 d ay s in a y ear on n e e d f e lt b a s is i n O f f i c e pr o c e dur e a nd F in an c ial Adm in is tr at io n, D i sc i p l i n ar y P ro c e ed i n gs, C on du c t Ru les , Au d it an d it s i m p o r t a n ce and Role of CAG with resp ect to Audit, Budg et ing an d Ac counting in G o vt . S to r e M anag e m en t, B a s ic C om pu t er s, C it iz en C h a rt e r & R e sp on s ive A d m in ist r at io n, D is as t er M an ag er , R ig ht to I nf o r m at ion Act , e- Gov ern an ce and Inf ormat ion Techn ology in order t o update th eir sk ills an d mak e t h em acqu ain t ed w ith Ru les an d Regu lat ions as w ell as day t o day serv ice mat t ers. Training module for training of Ministerial Staff: The training in Office Procedure & Financial Administration, Basic computer, MS Word/ MS Excel/ Power Point, Conduct Rules, Disciplinary Proceedings, e- governance and information technology at regular intervals in order to hone their skills in computer application as well as various day to day service matters. The non technical class –IV staff like Peon & Chowkidars shall also be provided training on their day to day activities regarding care of the departmental property at the District level training centres of HIPA and other institutes in order to avoid undue hardships to them in travelling to distant institutes in the state. [MODULE DTE-A] Sr. N o. 1. T r a in e e s DS1 to4,DSA -1 10 , DCA -1 , to PSS , Du rat ion • D isciplin ary P r oc e e d ing s / C onduct Ru les • Of f ice P r oc e du r e & F in ancial A d m ini s t ra t i on P ay F ixat ion S h or t term c ou r s es of 3 - 5 d a ys dura t i on to e ach on need felt basis in a y ear. DTA , D PA , J NS G1 , J NSO , J NSA , T r a in in g Req u ir ed PSSA - 1 ,PHS , PHSA -2 ,PKS , PKSA-1, PKWS, • 106 T rain ing Institut e HIPA PK WSA-2, PAS , • N ot in g & D r aft ing PRS , PRSA -1 , MD IS , M D ISA , UNAS, U NASA ,SOLNS,K LU-SMSS, 2. DC-1 to 7, • Basic C omp uter PTC , PK WC , PAC, GP Sunder T r a in in g J NC , PSC ,P HC , PRC , P KC , 0 1 W e ek n ag a r • N ot in g & / H a m ir D r aft ing P B C ,P C C ,M D I C , - pu r K N GSH PC,K LU - ITI S MSC,SOLC,SOL-NC, Solan & K N G-D C ,B L P C, Technical and ministerial staff is also sponsored by the department for training in various subjects like financial administration, service rules etc organised by HIPA from time to time for the employees of various department of state Govt. About 3-5 numbers of employees of the department shall be sponsored for each training programme. The detail of various training modules is given below. Detail of training modules of sponsored training programme for technical and ministerial staff organized by HIPA [MODULE DTE-B] Sr. N o. 1. T r a in e e s T r a in in g Req u ired DJD /DDD( T&P) ,DDC (F &A) ,DH OD(CCDC ), DHOD(MOP) ,DDD( T) ,DT O, JNJC , • J NSO, J NS GI,PSP,PH P,PHK , PK WP, PR P, PTA , PB P ,PCP,PAP,MDIP,BLP P,KNG-SHPP, K LUS MS P,U NA P, SOLP,SOL-NP, • • • • • • • K N GD P • • • • 107 RFD Citizen Charter and Service Delivery Management Development Programme Good Governance Right to Information Act, 2005 Environmental issues in Economic Development Gender Empowerment and Development Delegation of powers, functions & responsibilities Combating corruption in Administration Disaster Management Stress Management Protection of Consumer D u r at i on Shor t term c ou r s e s o f 35 d ay s duratio n to each on need f e lt basis in a y e a r. T r a in in g Institute HIPA Rights Communication Skills Establishment Rules Reservation in Services Record Management Noting & Drafting Assured Career Progression Citizen Centric Administration Application Statistic and use of data in Government Computer Course on E-Mail /Internet Handling and website development • • • • • • • • • Five year Training Plan for the Officers of the Directorate and Ministerial Staff of the Department Sr. No 1 2 3 4 Category JD/DD(T&P)/HOD (CCDC)/DD(T)/ DC(F&A)/TO/ AD(T) Superintendent Grade I&II Sr. Assistant Jr. Assistant /Clerk 8 2 2 2 2 2 Training Provider Institutes HIPA 36 8 7 7 7 7 HIPA 84 172 17 35 17 35 17 34 17 34 16 34 HIPA HIPA Total No. Training programme for five years 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 108