D I H. . lJ EY B JTBD STATES COURT or APlP2J~ FOR 1'8 I CIRCUIT o. RIA VBLASQU Z, I AGUI , nd J behalf of all Black and of tb City of Abil n , NO:Rm~ro, AMELIA AGUI , Indivld lly and on rice oitia P1aintiffa-A l1ant VB. Of' ABILBNB, T XAS, • HALL, , L.D. IL , J. BRIDGB , A•• J. DRI Z, the Mayor nd City CO of City of Abi1 n , T x , all in th lr official ca citi•• Dele Ap nta-A pell... a1 frca tb On1te4 ta~. D1 Ulot Court for th orthern Di.triet of Tea • Abi1 n Divi.lon Gale Patt rllOn Attorney at 100 in Str t Port rtb, Te~. 76102 (8l7) 336-3943 Wil11 L. Garrett Attorney at La" .300 Dougla., uit 800 Dalla., xa. 75225 (214) 369-1952 FOR APPBLllAllIT8 IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE PIFTH CIRCUIT Ho. 82-1630 MARIA VELASQOBZ, ISAIAH MORELAND, AMELIA AGUIRRE, AGUIRRB, and JORH McCOWAN, Indlvidu 11y and on behalf of all Bl ck and xlean ricAn citiz ns of th City of Abil n , Texa. Plaintiffs-Appellants VB. TI:l£ CI'l'Y or , BXAS, E. 1tALL, B. PROCTOR, L.D. BIL , J. BRIDGES, A.E. FOGLE, JR., and J. ROOUQUBI, til Mayor and City Councilmen of th K. R, City of Abil , 'lex.. , all in their official c pacitie De fendanta-Appe11 s Appeal frc. the Unit d Bt te. District COurt for tb Morthern Di.trict of Texas Abilene Division !SRI Gale Patterson Attorney at Law 100 MaiD Str t ort WOrth, T x.a 76102 (817) 336-3943 Willi L. Garrett Attorney at Law 8300 oou91•• , Suite 800 Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 369-1952 ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLANTS CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES NO. 82-1630 MARIA VELASQUEZ, tal. v. CITY OF ABILENE, TEXAS, et al. The und r.ign , couneel of record for Haria Velasquez, t 41., c rtifi•• that the follovln9 listed int r •• t in the outcome of thia ca. • ar p rties have an ae r present tion e in order that the ~ • of thia Court y ev lu te or recuaal pursuant to Loc 1 Rul po.aibl. diaqualiflcatio 13 (6) (1) • Maria Ve.laequ • Iulah NorelaDd AMli. A9UJ,rre len Aguirre Jobn McCowan Willi. . L. Garrett Gale .atterao ft. City of Abilene, Texa. Blbert 11 Betty Proctor tel' lathy L. D. Biltoll JohD 81'1 A. J • • PQ91., Jr. Carlo Rodrique. rv y ca~i11 Guy LaDder. _ald Clark ~ _ Attorn y of R coreS for ria Velaaqu z, I . lah Moreland lia Aqulrr, n A9uirre, and John McCowan, Plaintiff.-Appellants. 1 STAT T REGARDING ORAL ARGUME T Coun el for Appell nt. represent in tb bove c . th t the ca. would h lpful to th a. tri d ov r a cript of which i. oont ined i info~tion that Or 1 Argument Court for the reason riOd of six d ys, th 1,37. PAg , tr n - nc! there is much contained 1a the .tipul tiona of the part1 s, all of eich could be of 1nure.t to the Court, but which vas Uq)O••ible to reduce an4 .~i.e in the Brief of Appellants, therefore, Coun.. l beli.".. that the COurt que.tio Or 1 y bay regarding t. e ca.. that co 14 only be an t. ii ny in TABLE OF CO T TS ITEM p C rtific te of Inter . t 4 P rties State nt Req rdinq Or 1 Ar nt ................................................. 2 nt of t.h Sta nt of t.h in th . " . of Proc tnq. and Diapo.1tion Trial Court ............................................ Stat ftt SUACIIlr,4 of ca. P ota ............................................. ..................................... ................................................ ................................................................... Concluion 3 3 3 7 9 13 ................................................................... 40 .......................................................... 41 Certificau of rvic ................................................. API;leJl4lx II iv .......................................... Stat 8111_lrY of the ii 1 nt of Jurisdiction of i .................................... StAt COur E .................................................... i1i 42 4S CITATIO S CASES PAGES Ashw nder v. T.V.A. 291 U.S. 288 (1936) Auaberry v. City of Monroe 13 456 F. SUPP. 33 Bold n v. Citl of Mobil 423 F. Supp. 384 36 Bold n v. City of Mobile 571 36 .60, (w.o. La. 1978) (W.O. La. 197 ) (5th eire 1971) eity of Mobile v. Bold Corder v. irk.ey 446 U.S. 5S (1980) 604 F. 24 815 (5th Clr. 1,79) 36, 43 14 585 F. 2d 708 (5th eir. 1978) Cro•• v. Baxter • 2d 238, 8, 1., 5, 19, 34, 36, 37 Beurd v. Indian Il1ver SChool Diatrlct 475 I. Supp. 1)50 (bit. t",) ,I) 343 r. qpp. 704 ( i.D. fex. 1"2 .ffi~ noa. Mbite v. R!Ie.ter 412 u.s. '55 (1973) 13 Gr..... 19, 22, 25, 26, Grave. v. Bame. (II) 36 . ( i.b. fiX. 197.) Gr 378 P. Supp. 640 t Atlantic , Pacific supenariiet BqlalPMnt B n4rix v. Joseph (5th eire 1977) co. ~ ~ 559 F. 24 1265 Kirk. y v. Board of Superviaor. 5S4 f. 24 139 (5th e1r. 1977) cert. 4eni 4 434 U.S. 968 (1977) v v. j4~147 36 (1950) 9 12, 14, 36 30, 42 Light v. U. S. 220 U.S. 523 (1911) Lodge v. Buxton 13 639 F. 2d 1375 (Sth eir. 1981) t. Dank v. Dredge Gen. G. L. Nevett v. Sides 571 F. 2d 209 (5th e r. 1978), cert. denied 446 U.S. 951 (1980) A8sum~tion Peltier v. Pariah Polic eire 1981) 631 F. 2d 21 (St Pullman-Standard v. Swint 102 s. u.S. __, 102 S. Ct. mer. v. Lodq 2 (1982) Siler (1909) T ~ • R. co. 213 u.S. 175 Louisville' ter. v. u. S. u. • 431 u. 324 (1977) u. • 333 10 11, IS, 19, 20, 36 Jury U.S._, ct. 1781 (1982) 43 364 (1947) 3 10, 11, 12 10, 11, 12, 15, 33 13 10 9 11, 38 11 e.tem COttonol1 co. lsi (5£6 elr. 1954) Yelverton v. Dr199 (S.D. Ala. 1974) r v. Mc~eith (5th eIr. 1973) u.s. r. White v. Z v. lI04,e. n 218 P. 2d 755 (1973) 370 P. Supp. 612 485 v • "d 1297 9 16, 19, 20, 30, 42, 43 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 32, 35, 43, 45 PAGES STATUTES 42 U.S.C. 1973 6. 1, 12, 3, 14, 15, 11, 21, 32 42 U.S.C. 2000e-2(h) 10 Ru1 23 (b) (2) F.R.C.P. 3 Ru1 52() P.R.C.P. 7, 8, 14. 18, 19, 31, 37, 39, 40 T x. R v. Ciy. Stat., Art•• 1165-1180 T x. State Con.t1tution, Art. 11, • c. 5 u.s. Con.titut1on, 14th, 15th tao nat port, • 1-417, 97th C 9. 24 •••• , reprinted 1ft u. s. COd. Cong. , M. , July, 1,12 vi 3, 35 35 7, 13, 21 8, 14, 15, 16, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44 STATE T OF JORISDICTIO Tri 1 COurt h d juriadiction of th s cas to 28 u.s.c. 1343(3) nd (4), upon c ua • of 42 U.S.C. 1971, 1973, 19 3, 1988, and th lte4 Statea COnatitu.tio. to 2 U.S.C. 2201, 2202 and i. CO rt • 51, uant r "9 under XIV and XV n lief was sought una r p.a.c.p. haa juri diction to h r the of 28 U•• c. 1291, in that the deciaion ap of the ction pur 1 by virtue ia a final 4 ci ion ite4 States District court for. the North m District of -r.xaa. 1 STATE 1. The Trial Court rred in d tution I ground. decid II. OF THE ISSUES iding the ca n the ca e could h ve properly been upon .tatutory ,round•• f ct in eccordance with e 52 (a) of tbe aiAority voter.' cla 9 R1 Co Ill. eo ~ ludecl 13 -'in, d Trial Court erred 1ft not Yet upon the consti- tail d findings of .R.C.P. in ita r aolution UDder 42 U•• C. 1973, the )4 Act. U riolatM the nqu1r t ta of e 52 (a) wb the adoption of the 1962 City Charter of illicit r cia! ~ti tlo. 2 it 8 fr e 37 STAT OF THE SE J. Statement of th Course of Proc dings and 01 po 1tlon in the Trial Court Thi • •uit w • til on II 1 f of 11 black and Y ord r of J y 14, 1981, the CU'tlfi a. a cl••• actio Trial of Opinion, i tb parti City Council in Abil n , T xa . rt 4enmine4 that thl. c se 0 un r Rul 23(b)(2), F.R.C.P. court. 41 i . ac~ion oti o.f• • ~~.r4 , alao fil xhib1t. of dat • • by Pl i tiff.-Appel1ant. of API,.al " • fil U-cro. it. on the of Abi1 Cit tipu1ate4 cporaUng Stipul tio • 17, 1982 til ttl o. rol. , on t.h City currently judq..at in f • scion y, 1982 and June, 1982 and by ord r 14 in tober 22, 1982, tal. cl rican citiz ns in th xican- n to th leet counci ueeS to s 11 ftge the at-larg to c of Abll on OCtOb r 15, 19S0 1 va. fil ce of CornU tion 1 t 0 by 1, 1982. llant. on Dec II. Stat Abil n , T xa., Can tituti t of the rul Fact. city organia 4 4 r th nd Art • 1165-11S0, Tex.R v.elv.Stat., which allow. .uch cities to chaos b tw en t-Iarg 3 and 1ngl IfteJlftber di.tr iet org 1z 1 ctio Fram 1890 1892, AId th n a 1ect l' t- &1'9 , but city w s divided into tour single re e ected £1' n lectio COurt. city adopt Th dopte4 its prea vid fo t 1 Ru • Chart chart r in 1962. nt c 01 ith two co l' rter provi4 for thr for a 0 an Y titut 01 of the city. t r for low.r perc re i . operative 1n Abil for ieh proposes a a1 • city. co Ie n- nd ntrated in t... I' proportion of th ir n ar vb ra They • a wtli te dcainat tt r GoverrUMnt. known locally a t , and lection. Thel.e CJrcMII~a ar A t the time in 1 within th loweat .ocio-eccnmlic 91' Clti~en. at ggered t '.7' of the populatio 12.6. r89i tel' to vote i group, council, 1fl .. and P elIte coned.tut. al l' pi ce jority ftt.e nqair in th nd pro- which # co th. t1 ch n y t ric 911, wry three of • Ie«loa 11". r Both of thos Suprem xa in I' Ii Alao pzovide4 for an 'I' In 1895, purau nt to an At.tornev r ita firat all elected at-l&r9 1'•• d r- nd at-la1'ge election of city councilmen. PI' y er di tr eta, .. 1 ter invalidated by the T ich ral' a ruling. G 892, n diat.ricts in 1893 and 1894. tha rea the cit.y aw c'ty in 1885. a 9 n ra1 • ting C G, of eand dat a for electlon to Cit Counei • The succ s r of CBG has b t n 92.5 ince 966, nd 00 nee 1974. on black nd two xic n-Americans hav the City Council since 1973 do in ted slating that : non t run -.anauec n cit nd nt black or th t the ftt-large all 9 Such dilution i. • i4 to b • at politica to ir , n da, tb ten jorit vicea vote for 81 tion, an Furth r, th vot ayat result in that th election ar h v Ie 8 not in th nt of r uir nt, ee opportunity diluted. lftinor1t in vat ra 1189 d nial or abridg political proc that th pre nt at nt of th ir right to a leading to nomin tion or ually open to th 1r p rticlp tion in that they opportuni ty than other me partie pat t enh , the uir nti-aingle shot voting and madifi d distrlct residency r _uir for th lr vot a to fleet. of urth nne a larqe votinq diatrict, r 0 of st te policy 0 continuing ral and Official racial cS1 erialn tion. .tructur 1 by th lr lack of 1 ck of r sponsiven s t. rticulariz eaus favoring multi-...eer di.tricta, and larc) to of e1ectiona unconatitutionally dilutes th ir voting acc:..a to t.h 9 he whi n el ct d orio o ind 0 1 ct d al hough several h v nority vot ra hav atrenqth. th v r d aafull~. Th syat ran prior to 1970. rican ha. exlcan- ft r sponsorship by one had ever b 9rou~. be n el c political process 5 of the lector te to nd to e1 ct r pr 8 ntatives of th ir choie in violation of the Voting Ri hts 1913. 6 c , 42 .S.C. SUMMARY OF THE ARGU thr -A~llanta, Plaintiff Th 9rounda of error: COD~itutio upon the voter , hav atatutory b ai Rul cas for deci ion 52(a), F.R.C.P. in ct, 42 U.S.C. 1973, vas not violated: and Court al.o violated Rule 52(a) in failinq to diseuse th c:e th t th vid r tainift9 the at-Ia nt va. in part -oti 14 a~ t t 1962 Charter change ddinq t and Court ajority vote r - by aft invicUoua racial re 801'1. Abil at-l election sch t, baa d upon cion not nolate e1th r the 14th or 15th 1" t1n41D9 that t r1ty vot rs had failed to prov direct evidence of cl1.crilliDatozy int nt e1 or in t eg a • detail d fiftding. of tact to au port its d cision ainority votera' eft. . .i qul n COurt violat that the Voting Rigbta (3) th ~nor1ty the Court erred in decid ng th (1) I ground vh va. &v.llable, (2) th faillnq to the T ..tntenan of to prevail under ~e • , uc1 t a99J:e9 te of th C~ d ha baai. for l'eli f, til Voti ta Act, ra of reli t upon the proof con.tituticmal der th as the Court a.. rt t th h d .1ao failed t etors. The nority con.idered th ir atatutory ation, r than baaiftq d nlal d that in any c , constitution and the .tatute 1. not identical, • S condly, und r th Court do not C) RiC) r ift the inc ption I~r voters erg. th t ·tIle any Voting Riqht. Act, the findin9 t the -d tail- requir 7 nt of Rul of t 52(.) in th two pages of the d ci ion that th Court d voted to Th facts to be prov r u.s. Code Congo 'Ad. July, 1982, pp.206-207. Th of diacri election di triet, nation, larg ta, anti-singl requi~ education, n loyae t, lower and Ith, in The court'. finding rity acce.a to slating, pr nation, r eial c iqn t ctics, lti- r districts Co arter chang v t riol t.d e 52 (a) in not r eially.cti 41 cusa the II1norlty voters' ext 1a r ol41ng that th Court did ted. .ive evid cernlft9 r cl ce con- ee of the atand the. Por th un nt eo_. Pina11y, a re jority vot and living cond tion , .tate po1iey favoring c1 arly err not e history 1 etion to public off ee, 1 eJt of responaiv ness, ten 1"2 ew, ot proviaion , low r minority . . to polarised voting, alnority Court actually found nority voter regiatration. ffect. of paat di cr lssue. in d in the S nate R port, No. con 97-417, 97th Cong., 2d Sess., hi nal and abov Z'1 r d ti of ttl , th lI1nority. required both te requ1 ter. r Rule 52 (a) and r cr • v, Baxter, 604 P.24 875 (5th eir.1,7'). 8 a rt ttl t t. STANDARDS Of" REVI ,., Th Trial Court in reaching a decision has sev ra (1) analysis of th evid nee to find the facts; (2) det rm"nation ppllcable law, and (3) application of th of the ks; t law to th facts. of th Upon • eh duU•• , the Appell t Court applie dlff r nt standard to c5etemne vhetb r or not th ba. ~tted ·clearly erroneoua.· G SuP!!!!! et !q!1p!!ftt eo., ·cl arly erl'OllNO ., vh ·cl t although there i. evidence to support ntl~ evid nc i. 1 ft with the 333 u.s. 366,395 (1967). ti 1 " i tted. Finding. to support th J th re finding. (2) vb re the sappre ended the .ffect of the eviel nee J and (3) if, there is evid n IthoUCJ the force d eft convinces that til of tb v. A finding i . • in the rifth Circuit (1) vh r r y erroneo Court 340 U.S. 147 (1950). con ictlOll that a aiatake h.s been o.s. QrP! ' an v1thOQt. ov rtumed unle.. they are t Atlantic' P clfie Tea CO!f!ftY nvi.wing court on the eleflftite and f1 U.8. v. Trial Court error. piftdJ.ft98 of fact vll1 not b it, th a credible t the truth and tb ~ of til whicb if cr dibl ~ finding Is .t~ny would be a t1Bony consieS red .0 against th at nttal, • a whole great preponderance that it doe. not r fleet or r pr riCJht of th c:.. 9 nt stern Cotto 011 Co. v. Hodges, 218 .2d 158, 161 (5th Cir.l954); Dredge G n. G.L. Gillespie, 663 F.2d 1338 (5th Cir.1981), crt. u.s. _ , den! d Mix d ~ abl 102 S. Ct. 2263, (1982). ationa of fact ar r vi St dard v. Swint, nd law, and qu s el arly erroneous free of th on of 1 w tandard. Pullm n- , 102 S.Ct. 1781, 1790 and Footnot U.S. 19. finding of anee of th int a. purpoa a, - U.S. eyat at-larg that the Trial Court's for di.cr inatory 11 . . ita aubaidiary findings of f ct, are under the clearly·erroneous at abl - Court hu det nlin C.S.S 'l'b dard. I' v. Lodge, ROC] I' , 102 S.Ct.3272, 3278 (1982). . TIle baai. of this c!eunl1Datlon ia in4ieated to be th pl'lor elecl.ion n v • purely f Pull 1:4, .upra, at 1788-91. -8 r cent atian Tbe r a fift41ag of ifttentional 4iacraination ~u tact not so 1 flftcSiDCJ .ubject to cue vu poraue4 un 42 U.S.C. 2000e-2(h), th interpretec1 in there auat w.e 52(a), or " • an u1t! at ubject. ~at tel'. queation waa not a he.703(h) of Titl that ee.. 703 ., 431 U.8. 324 (1977) fincUft9 of act Standard, aupra, at 1790. I' COurt det rain C)rounda and ttl t auch vaa a ca. a vi 1 in~ t to cU.cri ure flndil\9 of fact. VII, • ant th t on racial Put v. The Court ape<:ifica 1y noted th t the xed q eation of 1 " and fact that -in ay allow an A pe lat Court to revi 10 th fact. to. if they. tiay Pul e 1 qal concept of di crimina ory in n-Standard, ibid. etual motiv , not n. ft 01 crimin tory int nt the c rn ant -legal presumpt'on to be dr n ram a " aupra, 3211. t A 01 findiDCJ of in i . 1ialt i.. lthou9 ca. it r aeU 9 of Pul fact1 to th interpretatioD of a c. 703(h). art. th tach finding in th nation i i. 1 a .txe4 t finding 0 ation of 1 w and a1 d finitio 11 RoC} ra, vote dilution 1 finM 9, indicat.ea th pur ly fact th tis, th r that a 1 diaeriaiD tion to b tio int ntiona! diser Standard would 4i.c108 of discriminatory intent vhich can b of prov t by infer ntial r asoning fro. facta. Thu , th R09 r finding of discrimin int nt ia, in f ct, b sed upon th Standard, supr , at 1791: prea than tion to be ~ravn etual motlv.- t.~ft.tion orv xception -Di criminatory nt nt ... i from a factual showing Roger.' readin9 of th fail. to limit Pull 0 1 gal someth n n-Standard to its own Jo.eph, 559, F.2d 1265 (5th eir.197'). less Pullman-Stand rd ule 52(a) requ1r a d tailed finding8 of fact. nece••ary to .upport a r A rms. Hendrix v. Failure to find facts ult 1. an error of law. H ndrix, aupra, at 1268. The Court'. failure to e tailed finding undr h VotiDCJ Right. Act 1. auch an error of lav t at requlr a a remand. Pu1~- r4, .upra, 1791-92. 12 ARGUMENT I. The Trial COurt tutional i ••u rr d in deciding the c n the case could hav v upon the cons "- properly been decided upon statutory ground•• In 1936, Justice und r wbich Courta tional que tions. ve One r nd i UQ~.~ of ~heH s riz ries of rules th r straints in p s ng on con titu- rules is stated: Th Court vill not pas. upon a constitutional qu stion altho h pro r1y pre. ted by the record, if there is alao pr_ nt 80M other grou.n4 upon which the ca e may be diaposed of. us, if • ca•• e n d cid d upon .ither of two ground., one in9Olvin9 constitution 1 stion, tbe Co~ vill 4 e14. only the 1att r. r v. T.V.A. -8 1936 Ttll. rule In ~e i1.r v. La avl1la. .a. eo., pari.h Po1i are 1 0 to. J!!X, 638 Supr this rule of judicial d ei.ion by the Fifth Circuit in P Itier .24 21, 22 (5~h eir.l'.l»". ly thi. rule. Court 213 U•• 175, 192 (1909) and Li,ht v. U•• 220 U•• 523, 531 (1911). follow ei.ion of th v. ASSumption Dlstric~ Court. Bokerd v. ID41an River SChool Diet., 475 F.8upp.1350, 1357 (D.C. Del.1979) • • Tri.l Court In this ca• ., In a 31 paC) 1••• tho 2 pag • voter. to deci.ion, allocat the .tatutory elaia ••••rted. by th violated the Voting that tll4 Abilene at large election .yst Right. Act, 42 U.S.C. 1973, and d voted tional e1 i that th nts to th u.s. at 1 rq sy.t Constitution. 13 OV r 21 page viol t ainority th to the constitu14th and 15th The Court att th t tutory elaim by aaa rting that th ia i4 ntic 1 4 pted to ju tify such c. p.114. hortshr' h n 1 n an lys's uode This is an error 0 w clai bo h s wil 0 5 b natr ted in Section I I belo II. Th fac~ the rial Court err d in not n accordance with lnority vat ra cl ul king d ta led finding 0 52(a) F.R.C.P. in its re olution of under 42 U.S.C. 1973, Th Voting Rights Act. 'J'be Pifth Circuit baa baeft -ate ery tailed fiDding. of f d nt that th Tri 1 Court u t t ift voting dilution ca a.. the r 1I01ut1oD of a voting cUlution elai requJ.n. clo.. analy.i. of Wluaually cc.lPlex factual patterDa, . .e CO :v. lirk. X, 585 P.24 708, 112713 (5th eir.l"", iDa biCiuae the d eiaton of a • ca baa the pot ti 1 for .er1ou. i.nurf rene with atate fWlotlo a,... n4rix • Joa~ 559 F. 2d 1265, 1271 (5th C1 .1977), hive strictlY adh r to the rule 52(a) requir nt. in voting dilution ca.es aa4 ba required d1.trict court. to plain with particularity tb ir r "ift9 and th lr aub.idiary factual cl a er1.yi.DcJ t.ba1r reaacming ••• PeJ~llapa in no other of t:Jae la. ia aa ueh specifi'" city in r 1I01\1Dg &D4 f ct fiDding requir CS, aa ahown bf r fr nt r of voting 4ilation e • a ~ CSi.a iet court•• -Cross v. Bax1: r 604 .24 875,879 (5th eir.l919) factual inquiry'r the Voti"" .eh JU9 ts Aet i . is 4 tail ired to aupport the eonclusion th t or i . in S nate ot violated by port reprinted in July 1982, U.S. Cod inth..,~..._ ~~'l:' ...u,Jjt.P particular el etion • 94-417, 97th Cong., 2d Se Congo , Ad. N Page 8., 29-30 9 • 206-208 1n U.S.C.C. 'A.N. See Appendix I, p. 42. 14 Wher a , the factu 1 inquiry requir d to concluaion that the Constitution i v. Lodge, up or viol t d i , 102 S.Ct.3272 (1982), wh ch U.S. adopted the Z upra standard in Ro S5 ntt lly interpreted in a Sid ., 571 F.2d 209 (5th eire 1978), ou ~. rs v. d nied 446 U.S. 951 (1980). See Appendix II, p. 45. In th t ~nin9 whether or not the Constitution is violated, Court 1. not liaite4 to tb. re evant inquiri a. fold. y t Tbe purpo. Ba.~r, eft ct 1. cer pr exia~ 604 F.2d 7S, B 0 at larqe ayatea. uat be evaluated ae f ctors are c n be in- stab t proc aa i . not a Ttl tent or d\ Alt ough t:her th r in either or non-exiat nee of tb infer diacr1ainatory factora t i nt nt. .9 (5th C1r.1979). thre hold conaideration, tory int t.ena.nc8 of th s, how v r, two- uta ow d1 cr ned fl"Oll the viewpoint of ferred a dJ. The they r inly rily. of these fetor ke all .bow th t the eftect of the multi- ember a!nority ero a v. fetor, but should factora do not lack of it. or 1n- ieal on • utomatically Rath r th a 4 then a legal preaumption drawn reqard- il\9 diacriainatory intent. Und r th fact.ual. -To of f ctora •••• If Voting 9ht Act, ow r, th tabliah a viol tiOD, plaint.iff inquiry ia pur ly could sbow a v r ety S n te aeport, supra, p.28, U.S.C.C. , theae obj ctive factors r A.N~ shoWn, then baa d upon th of circum tancea, a statutory viol tlon i • • own. 5 p. 206. tot 1" ty Althou9h it i Report r tru i te and it dr wn fro e rt in of thoa that the factors 1i factora ha of r apon.iven aa i. a pr proqeny, th n chanq d. doea not n ootnot • (Tb atat policy favoring at lal'9 ia tru eff~. T e orlty CJZ'O clear t t t 1', paat discI' Sen t s lection h d to have 11y, inquiry: (1) W 5 right to vote, and (2) doe bear pre.ent effecta. itio n th ch 11enq d enate RJ port divides th re are abjectlv effecta. sho~n diatricts i8 tenuou .) there paat di.criaination touohing the 0 reqardinq the question of whether the ecoRdly, UD4 r Z pr Hnt impor anc ,proof of rl!spons' v n igb in f.vor of th ach a S n ry f ctor und r Zimmer. wh r as it i 116 ineUe t e • .uily h For ex mpl • the issu liated aa an -additional factor- which may be Report, and.a d 1n Footnote 114 k a it ~t .tandard. tor det rmining pres • Dbancin9 f etor.- und I' Z r ar CJrouped into a priaary f ctar in the S nate R port. DOW lion of the faotora liated in the S nate Report i8 I' - quiI'M to clo the doubl duty of t l i....r factora. !taUt r, th y od other rei vant factors are to be oona14 red •• guides to d tertin if the totality of eire inority group baa 1 hav 1e ace 8 -1. 88 than nority wt ra ia only to eatablish u 1 acceaa. - The f ct Ut t they is not a d fen e, if in fact, their than the whit that th a than equal ace aa to the pol' tic 1 proc s e . The burd n of proof of t th t they h v atance. indicat jority. 16 cce. y 8 Given the differenc factors nd th Z r f in mph c~or, of the S i nd given he requ'r r lat d to finding discrimin tory intent v r u result, it i. tir ly po baa r could r upon Z City,vb e a an i R po n nt di crim ble, if not l'kely, th ory n inqu t ult in a deci ion favor bl ulry baaed upon the Sen t n to y h R port -relev n f ctor.- could r ault in a d cl.ion favorable to the minority vot.er•• In thi. ar tber , the Tr lal Court found that under Zi • a hi.tory of di.cr effect on politic 1 partiei r olv Voting inat.ion but t.h a . tion, this f etor in favor of t iCJht.. Act., the fi would re801ve t nd ther for p.702-706, City. Bow nt 8 ver, und r the fir.t te Raport -typical factor- in f vor que.tion of prea nt ff ct is fetor. If find1 • of f ct had n typ1c 1 factor. in the S tance. violation of the Voting Right. Act. Court'. fincUnq t reun r i . diacus firat fetor, th d1acriain t.ion, a. inority voters. CUIICU. d according to the list of er the record 1n th e..., tM totality of eir· Tb it h d no pr 1DCJ of a bi.tory of diacri 1nation of the llinority vot r • •inee t a ..parat. t er 8 uld cert inly ahow ch of th. fetor and the belowz extent of any history of official d abo Rec. p.702-706. 17 , " a found 1n favor of th I and, the extent to which voting is r cial y polar!z vaa found in r polarized voting pat Rec. p.706. f vcr of the City, Rec. p.704-70 . un ble to prove that a h's ory r c 0 rna haa existed in the City of Abl1 n " e baai. tor this f'nding the Court's diacuaaiona of plaintiff'. Exhibit 16 nd 17, wh ch ar of r elally polari. o rter ftq C 14 Court Iy vot ft9 in on lectioft ~ stud es council rae , and in adopt alngl .m~r district. . . studie. to be In.uttici nt to eat bliah pattern of racially polariae4 voting, nd furth r th election of aiDOritie. to City Council a ta r futed t The A th ny tb ory of bloc votiD9 • • Co~ violated ita duty un4u Rule 52 (a) that ~11 reI the at ev14 ce ~rity .t be diacu.H4. voter.' evid e off r witD1ll.... , Dr. OIandler David COurt totally lCJftor throUCjh one of th ir expert , no leaa than (IC) .eparate inatane a of po1ariz d voting from 1956- four 1911. 'l'b aa f0110wa & ftey R c.Vo!.6, 1. 1956 Refer D4 tlnq whit 14ren fr OOIIIIIP1JI80ry att dance at integrated achools 2. 1 56 anti- 3. 1956 Ret rene! interpo.ition c. 1963 Poll Tax R peal at rend R c. Vol. 6, s. 1962 School Board Rac xicanrican va. White R c.Vol.6, atrenqht ning tion 1 va favor ing p.732(515) c. Vol. 6, p. 732 (516) Rec.Vol.6, p.732(S16) p.732(S16) 18 p.732(S17) 6. 1968 Sc~ool Bo rd R c 1c nrican Ya. Whit R c.Vo .6, p.732(S18} 7. 1968 School Board Race Black va. ite R e.Vol.6, p.732(58) 1970 School Board Rae xicanrican VB. Whit Ree. Vol. 6, p.732(519) 1970 School Bo rd 81 ck v•• it Ree.Vo .6, p.732(519) 8. M 9. 10. c 1'70 City Council Race riC&ll v • xieanite Rec.Vol.6, 11. 1 70 City Council Black v. tlhi~e R c.Vol.6, p.732(520) 12. 1971 City Co cil 0 xicanrican v•• ll. UM~ studies t.ba~ pplied in vot1D trary • Croa. v. 14 A c.Vol.6, a atabliahed. each of th n.how polarised Under Rul 52 (a), th race. if it ·UDd r t.be Rul r i. dilution c •• , thi. • n error of la" v loh th Purthenaore, ain of polarization is uncontra4ict d, th tt rn of pol ri Court can 'ngly 000- d.~ failur ke a contr ry finding. erron to COurt ia free xten.ive vid ne Court's finding that th r tion ia ·01 arly 19 this go D9 52 ( ) atandard, GO. P.24 875,880, (5th eir.1979). to correct by a rfllUlld. Appell t Rec.Yol.6, p.732(532-53S) a required to be di.oua.e4 and consider diacu.. thi. evieSenc is no p.732(521-S32) t no a ch pattern uiat.a. a. atrictly p.7~2(520) r a 15 y 0 di~ua. Rec. VoL6, it Diatrict certainly a pettern ia Court v a required to to bold a.UM~ 1"1 Single Election All of voting. c 1979 City Council ce ricu va. Mexicu- lC. p.732(520) ua,· nd the P-urth r, th Trial Court has iqnored the White, supra, and Grav v. Barn II 0 (I), 343 F.Supp.704,73 (W.D.Tex.1972) that white support of a still be indieativ ch' n t inority candid can t of racially polarized votinq. Additionally, th Fifth Circuit has held th "l"Dt;lng . .y be proved eire bloc tanti lly by proof of (1) 1 rg dietricu, (2) cancli running !re- particular geoqr pbic sub-district , and jority vot r (5) exi.tence of paat discr 511 r.2d 209,223, Pootnot uire nts (3) anti-s n91 ination in 9 ner 1. 18 quoting ~Z='~~r, sho N vett v. Side , supra, 485 P.2d at 1305. of th til 'l"rial COurtc e1..-nta re found to exist in Abilene by Large 4ietricta, • p.711, ADti-ain,l r .p.112, Lack of geoqra Bx1at jority vot • p.711, ahot votin9 provisiona, ical s\lb-41.triete, Rec. p.712, and ce of past. 41acrilli tloD in 9 howeVer, failed to conai4 r the. ra1, R • p.702. Court, Th finding. a. th :y bear upon the queation of racially polarised voting. Such failure is aDoth r rror of la.,. !'urnin9 to the Court found 712. ( cb of "the paragraph abo Ttl ird nate R port -typical factor,· the factora to exist in Abilen • .. R c. p.71l- for each f otor.) n xt question to be an 20 red i vb th r ther II a c ndid t slating proce•• have be n denied grou th to rr it found that there acee•• to the .lating proce s in Abil n In finding that it i8 only th th d under s ction 2 s th froca acce... poli 'es. tinq Droc 8, xpert witness, Dr. i4son, Reo. p.132(552 ffl, as to oth r barriers to On tMe ",•• u * Court ignored a we 11 th • p.132(290), th virt ~lia the .la~- exclusion of interest &king proc vblter ~ ferr d to a f etual cae being th t on Aquirr , Rec. p.131(327), I' nov'ernment CBG) • on tter, Abilene i. rty. Sinc tt ted Citi. ns for "!'be vbi t -4 with a significant amc)unt of t novel' 92.5 t stified to aiDariti • from influ nee in part:y city, with the inated CBG eancUdat•• that run for city office, .lat R c. p.732(SS2). ny of Abil n '. only 81 ting «)rOUP, th , business-ori f~ t.t c. p.732(269), Rev. gli.h, anct Marie V 141 C!U a, Reo. p.131 (382), all of vb th Rec.p.70 oa , ~ II plaintiff 0 Abi Y of plaintiff's of plaintiff.' witness Ch rein n only Official or formal barriers to ace and ignored the t ••ti I' 0 re -no barriers subjective opinion rticlpating in th Court consider Chandl the 0 nded, and under case law in er rp, ation 15th that k nori y he 0 ccess to that proee s. The Oi trict Court Rights Act, nd whether mell\b rs ir e 8 th ai9n a~l cta th , and prov! xpenae. its inee tion in 1964, CBG e ndidates have aueee. ful in having their eandidat 21 8 I eted to th Cit Abilen d under ord n ry c Council, sible to wJ.n virtually i without CBG b eking. ci ty ndor by CBG in ither eaadidat in the pa.t, it 41d inority nity 1 aders. t •• of cae; r ri races w hewn that wher r i i 1 n or 5 hout h for vot • or contr bu ·ons. inorit1e (507), and it waR fur , i ny r At tri qen ral el etion. can and do win city-wid tty of app a11ng to nc etton' n rnodern-d y Ree.p.732(SS5). tb t white candidates cum CBe he s1 .0 without th n c R c . . 732 d minor ty of Rec. p.732(269,290-293,580,58l). il&terally d t nain ¥beth l' s- a black or Th exiean- rican vil1 be slated; how -.oy vill be slat d; and who vill be .lated in city go .1gnifie which t nt electioft8, R c. p.73l(270). tb t t aillori~ 14 be .lat .lat pe 1.10 • about vh ther and • it noriti are.... witbout 8rd to vheth r th atll tic to the probl ty, or vb til r t.he cancUdat • e norlty i ority ship with the v. Barn ., 343 ity. .t one in.t n h v of the a r 1 tlon- ec. p.73l(294,386,387). .Supp. 726 (1972). fact th t in at 1 It i Graves District Court iqnor d th , th succes.fully e1 ct d nonty alateet by CBG, Joe Alcona, v • not ev n a resident of ~il the Cl of the CBG inority n neighborhood•• vtl n ineea did not n l' .id Rec. p.734(148), 73 (294). inoriti a had no CBG r crul lected to run, and in any c s , two of in inority-d Further, in Abilen , aninglul opportunity to participat nt process for c ndldates. 22 in t d Wh re minorltl in th did t pt to participate in the CDC slat'nq seh tied that either th y ver 290,323), or th ir discounted as 0 ignor d ins t CBG ngs, c. o.731(27Q, u9ge tiona for 90t ntial c ndid how in ppropri te by CB •• w r Rec. p.731(2 ,27, 290) • In particular, one black witn that in 1978 h D lnatinq perceiv a C 'a tia lncludlftCJ pot candi tial acaIPt:C1e byth that t of tb ir Q that during th pot r ••leet tea the • itt e- could veto any ttee c ~ a-inat1nQ H c.p.731(270). tt e, none tt sU9gested, c.ndldat a, verveI' found to tt. C Rec.p. 731(272). ddltion- ntully choa n by who weI' tt by t.h th e vea, a told to • atrong y Both of th tln 1ly found to b he tifi d th t He t nomin ting and aftelV rda the n co aid r- th nd found aerved on th that eancU4at CBG to run C ittee 1ed extent th t what h liflcationa. tt-e alnori~ I:xeC\Kl lly, he r to th Executiv vith, regardl of th Rec • • 731(270). v a pow 1'1 a itt sU9Q ationa for candldat teat!fl rt Eng i h, aerved on CBG's nominating co experience to be ·Y ry bad.th 8, Ro n a th acceptabL Executive C ttee R c.p.'ll re whit (273) • rand Is iab Nor land, another witn.a , testified h too h d tt 1975, to obtain th to work through n CB~, so tl~e during 1970- in tion of a black candid te for city 23 at council. C8~ H tated that r fused to do o. u~n att ting to nomina Rec.o.731(290). He te tiff d th . ... . eventu lly quit vorking with CRG becau e couldn't get anythinq done through th blacks.who Rec. p.731(291). CBG auc Of th a bla sec~med h ha CBG organization w or black c ndidate, Leo Scott, a ully ran for City Council in 1978, Mar 1 nd lndlc ted that Mr. Scott had n ver b en especi 11y active in th to th nority eam.unity, and th t hi bl ck ooo~mity • ••• nOftchalant standing 0 e vas characterized by a Rae. p.731(293). He al 0 atat d that it wa hia opinion that CBGta ne-jnation vas an 1810na for blact people. in9 alateeS by very acti t n r pre t.· Rec.p.7ll(386). any bod V at trial th t ah r hard of h and pick th Ev n candidate.· here a strong elvea to maJc • that • ••• so that d ciaion for me Rec. p.73l(382). inority candid t 24 nd he bad not vot d for rican alated by C8G for the r aso elae tcv* it upon th church, Of Leo Scott, this Mexican Allerican "itn aa atated that .be had •••• 1' Thia vitn .a too indic t vho has b coalitions vith the bl eta and otb r orqaniutiona with th vu ne .8 n tion, ahe b d· ••• never (s en) tinqa tb t ve had, and we had fo any rican who va xican- Of a people rican civic aff irs testified Mexicu that prior to Mr. Meerut hi Ie of vhit cS elected to City Council, • vitn ill Abilen pon ivene His concern vas not a vivid and out- ttitu - • of Abil r ha. tt n ch llenge CBG-backed candidat vas found that the probl task w re in u of CBG. x rt unt nd du 1 or el etion xp n to the Rec.p.73l(323,32 4 ). white candidat 0 a soci i , d w h s c uperior financ'a) r ou c S And historically, pl in if ound, -There has never be n a ca o poain9 0 who vo bi ek 0 1n th ca e Ab 0 c lty len ° Rec. p.732(506). t th Diatrict Court f i1 d to rec09niz ev lu tion of the ccea.ibllity of inoritiea ia that e COIIlllUlll,ity r ardinq th it did not), t whicb i. • the ayat a.ctio n if t totally in the proc candid t of th Abil 8Yfton~ would ati1l b 2 at not with no a. It i. cl ar from th ar o white tt IUIUl jority. courts to b ~y OBG party procedur s, to ent r th r only through th requi only by nt for howing that of the white areas, formulation of the nt In eaa nc , minori ti in politic 1 proc as in any benevol nc of th nant n held ov r and ov r again by the an unacceptable stat minoritiea) ia to b nor! ti s evidence at trial, that in Abilene r occura. Tbis h a b (which political sy t m, black qh tto, like tho into consideration In tb lneaningf l1 it did sl t a, aupra, .aid that, -Th cb consid retion Abilen inority darda ot -eft ctive particip tion- by the intr ata of th a1 te.- ft 0 t either judicial standards, or eff ctive p rticipation can be an are tat alatinq proees G had consulted th inorit operatio C8~'s in its of affair. 1 bel d • ff 2S -If particip tOon tiv', th n it c rtainly u t be tt r of right, and no a func ion race." 0 au!'r • At trial, hen Dr. Chandl r Oavid on, plaintif s' v a a ked hia opinion as to vh th r black have eeeaa to CBC's nom! that wdnoriti a hav than do whit B. tinq proc l.a In Davidson cited the following ex (1) Chai Ttl i. not hi of tb s ric ns mony ind ca ed no in ting proc dures upport of his opinio~ Dr. from his re e reh: Ie 80 rd of Dir ctor wocratieal y el ct d. Dr. DavicSaon·. r of CBG According to vice-chai reb. an i ar by the Board of Di rectors chosen each aDd a nd Mexic ce aa to CBn' Rec.p.732(571). xpert. ly au tica11y in th cia to the ehat n y ute- .bip r. . p .732(565, 4 (571a-573). 566) 1Datinq c (2) Dr. David n fo ••1 cte4 by til f~ inp t tt of CDC has no power. 4 it to be. Board of Director. without oth r partie! fo 1 structure whereby and re ua info ttee- ta. are oftJ n not told as 11 ly a group rs about th rsona y b n nated, that th ir input vill only be of an adviaory natur. Dr. D vid on con- clud d that tt b yond t nomin tlng h d no pow r king augg stiona to the 80 rd. (573,57.'. 26 R c. p .732 (3) The proc dur proc 1 is V for particip tion in CBG's gu • and ther ay for manipulation. n is a gr at d al Por xampl~, 0 Dr. o vidaon found that ven per ons who had t 5 on CBC'. Do rd of Oir ctors gave diff ring eeount. of how the .lating proc actually work d, and it va. hi. opinion th t ther cb confuaion and ignorance about th was process not only on the p rt of minority participant , but alao on the part of -th going lnto an &Dftual (C) ting.- Dr. Dav14aon Ob••r ••c -. aloorltl... o r c. p.732(57S). th t the CBG slatin9 proee£ If-.~~.· a. p rson and -lode teatifled that h ndent-lllind d- va. -struck dover ••• gain 1n (bis) con people all vay ~ bact in the alctdl r.at1ona with thOse who h ve b f~ •60'. up ~ n active people that had been involved on the board 1n the 1 t three year. don t t want 0 people who ha have 8 n ene 9r1.n4.· ••• •P to 90al they w R.c. p.732(S77,5'9). that h phrase,' uaed th t to • ple who lish in offic '••- Dr. Davidson furth r testified had found that • ch an ideol09ic 1 pref r- tended to work to e.clud minority group of CBG. two or re fro R c. p.732(S80). 27 th most popular vinning the n ination (5) Dr. o videon a1 th choJc of candidat tty were frequ found. by. vell-respected b1 ck v. Ollif t (.ic), r gard the .election of t.h Leo Scott. (6) Dr. Rec. of C8G c _>Uftt of to t led "inn n giv n 0 in at r n Abilen , 9 the eire tancea of r sons for th in Abilen or:iti Sine n, ucc Dr. D vidaon t atifi d th t there t ill a eh c ndid ia, •••• ttributed to a 8elfat work in th 0 pose CBG .•• get nearly th p titor ..... and people express 28 City convine d ple bee no re 11y good. r a on to n<l, con t n 1 .ucc •• of th fulfilling prophecy mechani. of Abi rally lack 9 gain.t car,-back oould b poll polit.ics • ff ct of di8eour 9ing th fraa trying to run th out. of CBG larg e. unt of fund. to • b pent bv was In eff ct, th t. bigh caBP'i~. ir to an equal t xam 1 ey they b d av ilabl c CBG eand' at .732(580,58l}. .c. p. 732(552). (7) c:c: p 414at. va. dir ctly related to the .pender. eq acce or d by t r black C ty Counci fo found th t th vid80 h y ~r ~c:tly cific H m nor j e y r n hit - proved minorit hen a hi of th th t CBe later found rea on t hQ fou d h 0 ney • • ••• di eourag ent Over the possibilit able to successfullv win aga'n bein 0 cac enid a R c. p. 732(555,556). (8) Ace aa to p rticipat'on operation. n CBG s 1i it d by i Or. Davidson found barri rs to p rticioation such as noon tinq of hor duration, 1 ck of oppoaing factions among th • 11 group of att fr s, lack 11 precincta , th proc edin9s, in r the S r, all of vh ch tended DOrity group be r th of in foun that· IIOr found that 1 1 whie alao (S e far InOr 1nority f loyed as prof aaionala, lao plaintiff' Th Court e Specifically, the Court pov rt.y line, th t the uch low r for Pootnote 11. d pr ss d socio- con f~ are 1 ss poor r than "hi tea, th t th re ar w Ith. • p rticip tion in th iDoriti.a in Abila li s b low th t to which nd living co di tiona. difficult- R .p.703. f xt effeeta of discrimination t and b 1 oriti.s still suffer co dit.ions in Abilen proes ~c.p.732(562-570). at. Report a.ka the ecS cation, dds entat"on pro forma nature of the to bind r oarticipation. . .lIbera of tb repr d v ri tion in the seleetion proe ss from y ar to y Point 5 0 ili S1 a9 ra, and a xh bit '38, a 29 uc ted and 11 black and Hispanic dian f r 'ly inco noritl s v r in1 tratora. R c.p.690. ocio-econo 1c profil of Additionally, Abi1 ne.) the sub- court found dard hou 1 9 unit t R c.p.690-69l. areas. h The r nt i c.p.703. re in Plain i ft 0 ly d Plaintiff' on tr Exhi it d 33 only 29. of the w • regi.tered, va. r t concem1ng th rat r sed of a1Dor1~ as lat regi t r d W8 ion are r 91 t red rieans and participation. over 3-1/2 t Footnote 114 0 pointed out in 554 r.Zd 139,145 (5th eir.1'77), -It i . not n c nority p c i . an infer h . . Uug t by Kirk.ey v. Board of SUpervisor , footDot., that Qund b the black Yotin9 age popu1 0 rate of bl cta c rt.alnly Ifteets the t at • th ti on t di.parity in vbich white than twice t. mor nd d iean-1UDer can vot ng population only 17.8' l.ter d. 3,) howed tha a. 1979, 63.5' of the white voting age popul t.o vote, vbll ori y xhibi t 0 h Pootnote 1 4, to show depr 0 norltY participation, vas Court. w -thir's t in the city al (S h educational 1 a a cauaal link. whicb flowa lJ. t.i f~ •• e til Inequality of ac exiat 1dual l" (of di.erbdnatlon) reflected ita If in th riean voting reqiatr tion in ary in any case c of eeon ie and ct of thi i tory fact that very poor ••• • 8 xican- Whit Y. giater, 412 u.s. 755,76' (1973). It ia cl ar that Court'a finding th t norit longer be r the burd n of diacrtatn tion i . cl arly e sixth fetor of ov rt or subtle racial ap not found to its diecu xlst by th Court. R c •• 708. no rron ou . 1 v The Court l' it d ion r qardinq this factor to vh ther the local wb te- 30 domin t d 81 tin9 group had inquiry i bro d r. Th lied unon such Cour did not di cu s plaintiffs that in 1970 and 1971, th for Cit t Council, Mrs. Am 11 ctics. h vi Aquirr of threats and abuses. Rec.p.73l(325,360-366). County Cl rk'. Offic r~es Ano her 0 in ord r to fil an The failur ce violat • its duty under Rul cl arly points to the tact1cs 1n Abl1 xiat c en ~f nt to an election the Court to di cuss 52(). Th of both ov rt and aubtl ha : s ent.h senate 1n 1980. ction.. p at 10 years on th ayat A Mexican R c.p.'91. -The "~.aerican Abilen 1973 in 1973, and elect d in th Clty C inoriti xican· 08. i dur1nq the ••10n ( ic), under the , 1. strong - if not concluaiY dilution of or d nial to City The COurt placed gr at lec1:ion of th tat-large syst p t r cial port factor. in 1976, a black, unopposed, 1n .1978, and anoth r at-l r<J evidenc • b ve been elect d to th Council 1n Ab1l n , th on 0 electio •• Aa to v r1c i1in9 th ttorn y to go with her to th Rec.p.73l(376-380). they certainl 0 of the P ace post in Taylor County (Ab"l ne). Later she had to rtain an this evid y red plaintiffs, Mrs. M rie V Iasqu z, had dt ficulty in r port. 0 - the history of Abil ne - suf Ju tic nc exic n run for council in th run for Th evid nc not r suIt in - that ith r inorit!ea th ir full right to partici- ctora1 proc 88e8 of that city. 31 R c.p.7lS. Th Court f lIed to heed he warning on Footno e 115, Report, p.29, OeS.C.C. , A• • p.207: "How ver, of a few minority can dat does not n c 9sarily possibility of dilution of th s ction. exi.t ~ ! that tb Th hay by the white iDated CBG. th ~nority TwO of t lected ity di.trict. of Abil ad th all ~e ~Ube~ council ver n liv diatrict. in the in 1980 8 b n nor- veil 1 eted, th n f vcr of the city. d inated inort ty latinq group, and pol riz d voting. iqhs 1n favor of the 32 But 1n .elected not by the ajority in a city who p rva.iv f ctor d City Council to change 19b 1n Id ite electoral con 1d r d, th1 sla • inori ty candic1at are charact rized b entat ves w r to .inql ~nority torat, but fint by the ""it by repr nority candldat inde~)ttft certainly thi. factor 1 of th ir , fir. Rodriquez. elect .fter this .uit va. til Abilpn lnoritO of th Abil n at larg 0 .g. ' minority candidate." 1 et r presentativ ted re pl ce4 • Only y 42 O.S.C. 1973b. All of th •• 81 d his 0 vade this section atatute etqmasize that ual opportunity -to choice.- ight el ctlon of a lsa very words of th ion h If it did, the DO sibi jority citizen nipulatlng th b or clo hI ck vote in viol 485 P.2d at 1307. cion el ctton Properly nority vot r . Th Court discuss d th issue of respon iv n ss, Report additional fetor, for n ne page one 9 opinion, and resolved th both • to th provision of mun eipa unlcip 1 jo s di.tribution of a. ti 1 part of plaintiff's e Sen y, 0 and a 0 to bond nd Report, p.29, t pon tv nes e.- Accord: , 102 S.Ct. 3272,3280, Footnot ___U.S. vor s rvice that· unr 207, cl arly .tat n nd ap ointment ootnot. 116 of th !.:..!!:. p. i su h'r y- 0 .S.C.C. & is not Roger v. LOdge 9 (1982). The nority voters would point out that the Trl 1 Court in disc u. aion of t by the city of f der 1 fund ts has iqnor d chinqa of Auaber!y v. City of Monro, 456 F.SuPP. 4 0 the t (W. D. La.19?1). It. i . bIportant to not IIWllclpal ••rvice. quot.ed by til of r .po a1. •• aft r t provided prl ily ligation of tb a only b aupr , at 465. • IIOr that n provided t.o of federal .cni.. and ar ~EOugtl f Th R c. p. 696. local tax dollars in th court found that th city bond and revenu nority ar a8 today atill b lng ral t\mds. city i . to dl.tribut 'ftl any of th a .u99 stive of a finding Court n apend fe4eral doll n bly, ·fr n dated areas. us obuita- Ausberry, of fed ral dollar funda for other se nt of the city.-ec.p.6 I. As to tb inoritie ar icipal job., it. is cl ar from th grouped in th Defend nts' Exhibit 32. It is 33 lowest job categories. 180 record that See cle r, th t d spite an aff! tive etion plan, that tellingl Rec.p.7l3(792 793), th three job cat gori tot 1 5 ploy p rc ha a. tage of etion plan: hir d into th 0 0 ricanl he 1974 - 1981, top at 's o-ea led a ir no minorit' r 15 of 72 into th cond A. to this latter, • rvi could certainly be drawn that blacks and r bou ly 5 of 14 into the third highest eat gory, 1y 16 of 200 into protecti c of top job cat gory, onl high It c tegory, d norities in th tati tics on new h res, PIa'n' Th Fr no goals or ined reI tively eon tan Exhibit 37, ahow. the lack of result tive ha hired into til polic d fi~ xican rtmenta in d anticipation of ':ri 1, -...ny being hired vithin v kl of tri 1, be. p. 732 (70U • covt placed an illproper burden Ttl voter to pro by t v.. til apeculat reault of til that thinga a v rd ayat • Tb cUaparity in t:be ll\inority that tb at 1 rge a at dilparity in , 14 not 1ik 1y have inority votera bur c. p. 101, and th n n bett r und r n ia to d • nstrate that t ia tr ceab1e, directly or inferentially, 1 to aeta of the local CJO¥ rnmenta1 bod", not to th election ach loy- at-1arcJe Croaa v. Baxter, 604 P.2d 875, 883 (5th Cir. 919). TIl ("':)urt al of the bo rd. nd co 0 found th t fr i ••iona not have ev n one minority ap~inted r. 34 1968 throuqh 1982, 48\ by th City Counei 1 did Of 1,110 position to b filled during this t 10.6' of th canci. . , but only on on -hal V boards and co th Th to eq iaaiona. ~naiv city r period, minorities were a pointed in thi hoI 0 Y t th Court nt and ia cle rly-erro • r ppointaent laa~ y, t to board d4itlonal factor a~-larg ac i. -t uo .. Th Cour ~ti 4iacr to be • a th Collegiate d pro iaa • Dietiona~, a. bing aynonyw,ua with • 1y stated, -(Is .. aunc! ratood by sever 1 G.e. a word i Ttl Herri fin in and Co., 1977, Tb r< for , all the minority ia that th re ia a " &It at t policy under pr f rene • ia ia pr alao by Thi. factor, dr wn or at large 41atricting?- court. that rule city natio. ra, at 1305, ia corr word • lying au found .ute poliey underlyiDg the prefer nc for til re) a t vot ra n policy that the .tate policy b hind the v directly fro- I ons, theory that tb Ilinority votera had to!»Z'O ~ 5 not d in the Sen te thia f et.or in fayor of th la Iv and co rt, p.29, U.S.C.C. 'A •• p.201, is vb th r th und rlyiDg th a~ oun Court'. findings und r this f ctor, especi 1 R c. p.70l. 0 ia ly th llowed by the atat tat c.. in Tex • Abil n i a h constitutio, Art. 11, Sec.S, and law, Art. 1175, to adopt through its chart r 3S ither w rd or the n a -1 rg ~v law r 9 rdin choice, the n the courts In s t ctLon vs P.2d 238 (5th C r.1978) rev r 5S (1 80). Jo ~ Accord: 110 ~ Cros ~ (S.D. v. Baxt r, 60 F'.2d ae4-85i -r tio a1 district'ng h a~ t plan.- t te DOliey ft er di.tricts in Cour , nuou a eon ta e itute ev'denc nact Gr vea II h ld that ther xplaininq th II --;.;..;;...;~ The roper me ivat ons lay beh nd th aint n nee of th i d on oth r ground. 4 6 571 F.2d 209,224 (5th Cir.1978) h s he d policy in favor of at-larg 1. a.197) ph, 559 F.2d 1265, 1270 (5th Cir.197B). th t other, i wh c ve he d th t h e or ~__~~~~~~~Mo~b~~1~e,423 .Su~p.384 57 ons U sent u of ny county.- nt or w s no ulti- • 378 r.Supp.640, 643 ( .0. Tex.1914). Grave. I oted that T x meftber diatriet , t n in ntirety 0 Texa. electoral laws and of history, 8' u e ulti- 0 nconstitution lly Infr nq • the voting rights of r eial and pelit cal th tare 41stricted as Nulti- inoritie er.- in all T xa c'ti Gr vea v. Barnes, 343 • Supp.704,124 ( .0. Tex.1912). Ev n if th inor'ty vot r ' burd n v s to de th t the at larq 8cr root d in a stat ination, the at 1269, teache , The th t-l r e concept c n its ta utory no t that burd n. nif judici 1 ~ nstrat policy of H ndrix, supr , t tion of a stat 's po icy tow rd be found onounc nta. Th n th su 0 ndix to T e t· larg requir election t c.p.711. o ad \If • ext naive 8 opinion th t an i factor b 1n4 H detail d v.. r> cial t aio at-large lectio h d a t. electoral adoption of the d in Abi • roe n publicly ataUd r nt A .tat vote w.r t Un Supr evi n Additionally, h Dot d run-off requi ee.p.732(600). of of adoption of jority r C a.ion w•• Ch~ adoption . . . to inaure that. nor!ty .p.732(60S). Dt. for proving diacriaiDatory intent d line t Court in Villa, of Arlington politan Mouain, Develop!!nt Corp• • 2 ~his rtie1p tion in t.h .p. 732(5'9), and that th trol of city goy r the clit ri by tb t~ t by til could not gain t Charter Ca.da ion v r te, at the ~ and atagg r t orit, 1lyaceurat. eon for i u • r that n t·on, Rec. for the adoption of ct nt. period of high ui c.p.732 (591-5'3). for elected one it vu v 11 known in 1962 illpact upcm • for h s requir t, both in th . .jority vote r that all th jority vat IIY, it v.. Purthe~r, ec)ati rt witnes , Dr. Chandler ,ec.p.732(587-S97), in which In at It 17 and 21, Rec.p.S9 ; mati v t.ion va raei hiatorieal cont th ia10n x jority vo vid nee as the basi nl1•• abl ~ p.732(S"-S87) th Stipulation inority voters' The vidaon, pr d. continu d, and \If BC regarding th u.s. el,bt.a v. Metro- 252, 266-268 (1977), historic I context, 38 ct, and contemporary if tat nts of th valid finding of tnt de no such ei.r u1e 52(a) i4 n facta as of this pr ••nt d. tb~ in Th TrO 1 nority vot rs pr en~ d ev denc at larg r cia1 r ason. A9ain. none of this i~ct x t i . to be mad • xpert that th in 1'62 for an invidio th ust b ourt xamination. Additionally, the throug particip nt .yst was rna' n in d Rec.p.732(606-601). ce va. di.eused. • clearly violated in holding contrary iden without discussing A r d i . requir d to bear upo the q in 1962. 39 ach pi c co~id 0 of r th tion of 4iacriJainating int nt CONCLUSIO The to inority vot re, appel ants herein, pr y th revere. and r f.ilure to follow nd thl C dicta~ U8 cou to the Trial Court 8 of Rul or 52(a) F.R.C.P. epectfully itted, 1300 Do 91.e, Suite 800 Da11•• , TX 75225 214/ 369-1952 GALE PATTB A"l"'TO 100 A LAM in St. ft. WOrth, '1'X 76102 17/ 336-3943 A'r'1'O 40 YS POR PLAt TIPPS-APP LLANTS CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I h r by c rtify that a copy of th Bri f h s been furnish d ~ Ap 11 foregoing Appellants· st attorney of r cord, Mr. H rv y cargill, P.o. Box 60, Abil n , T xas, 19604, by c rtified il, r turn r d y eipt r 0 Attorney at Law 41 February, 1983. APP NDIX NO. I Typical factor inc1udez 1. (T)h ext t of y history of offic tion in the t te or political ubdiv 'on that touch d the right of the r of the inority group to reg1.ter, to vat , or otherwi to p rticip t 1n the d cr tic proc ~ 2. (T)h ext t to "hich voting in e1ec ions of the atate or political aubdiviaion i . rae! 11y polariz 3. d~ (T)h ext: t to wbich th stat or political ub41 i.lon haa us u.n\dually 1 rqe el etion district , jority vote r uir nt8, anti-.ingl .hot provi.ion., or other ting practice. or ~rocedur 8 that y nh th opportunity for di cri ination again.t the ority gro J 4. f then 1. a cu414at. alating proce•• , vh ther the of a1noI"l ty gro p b n denied ace 8 to that P , (I) _IIIMI~. S. (If) h e . t to nority group aUte or political. ar the effeeta of d1aar1ll.1ftation 1ft .uch ar .. a. edueat 'on, l~t, 4 alth, wbich hin r th ir ability rtici te effectively in ~ political proc•••. 1ft t (Footnote 114) Th COurt. hav recoqniz d that 4lapr:oportio 1, loyt, in 1 1 living con41tion. ari.i 9 fraa peat diacr~atJon t d to ~),.aa rlty politic 1 par~icipation, e·9· ite, 412 u.s. at 7", aiiJ; Board of Sup!rvi.ora, 554 F. 2 , • itS. "" re th conUtlon. •• own, and vb r 1 1 of black partici tion 1n politic ie depr ••ed, ~lai.Dtiffa 1M not prove any furth r causa! COftft rtio b tween their di.parate .ocIoIe status and th d pr •• d 1 1 of political partici~ation. ~ 42 6. (W)hetb I' poli~ic 1 c paign h v been ch r c eriz by ov r~ or .ubt1 racial ppealsi 7. (T)h extent to which embers of the inor" y group hav been lec~ed to public office in the jurisdiction; (FOotnote 115) Tb fact th t no emb r 0 alnority group hav n elcted to of ic ov r an x~ . d period ot is probative. However, the el ction of f inority candidates do not "nee ••arily forcl0•• th possibility of dilution of the bl ok vot ,. in violation of th s ction. It.-er, 485 F. 2d a~ 1307. If it did, th@ possibility exl.t. tha~ th jority citiz n might ev d the -.ction, e.g. by i 1ating th 1 etion of a iDorlty c cUd • "w r to hold that • ~nority c 14ate' • •ucc... t th poll 1s co clu.ive proof of • ainorl~y group' cces& to the poli~lca1 proce•• , would rely inviting .~t t. ~ ci t th OOnsti~ution ••• Inat d, we 11 continue ~ require an iad p dent consider tio of tbe record." ~. -..t.· Additioul fetor. that i . v.l • par~ of ca.e. hav pl.intiff.' • nca ~o hav prob tiv e.tabliah violation are. (W)bether ~re i • • ai ificant 1 ok of ra.poDaiv rt of elected official. to tile particulariz _ _I'. of the a1nori~y group. ea. on nee4a (PootAote 116) Uftreaponaiv . .a ia DOt an •• tial p&rt of plai tiff'. c.... I 1'1 White (a. to Dallas). 'fberefore, of nt's proof of re.po iven •• would ot te pla tiff' • •howing by oth I' mor o iecttv f tor. en .tM her that aillOrity YO ra MV rt.hele.. r .hut out of eq 1 ace to th political p1'OCe... t reject. the ruling in '#I v. wcton and . nion ca• • that unre.pon.iv •• I. requi.ite 1 t, 639 F. 2d 1375 (5th eire 1981), Can approach appar tly tat n in order to ly with th intent requlr nt which the Supr Court' a plurality opinion in Bolden 1apo d on foraer 1 nCJUAg. ot S ctiOD 2.) ko ever, .hould plaintiff choo.. to offer evid ce of unr apon.lv a., th th d f 4ant could offer rebut.tal vid nc ot I' apon.ivene••• CW)hether the policy un rlyinq the atate or political .ubdivision'. u•• of auch vot.ing qu lificat Oft, prerequ1.it to votiDg or. ndard, practic or procedur 1. tenuoua. 43 (Pootnote 117) If th proc dur rk nly departs fro pa t practic s or from p ac ic s elsewhere in th juri diction, that bars 0 the f irneas of its imp ct. But v n a con.iat ntly applied practice pre ised on racially n utral policy wou d not neg te a pl intiff's showing hrough oth r factors th t th ch llenged practice denies minorities f ir cc •• to th proc 8 • enunerat d factors will of While th ca• • other f ctora will b relev nt onea, in • th n b th most indica ive of all89 d dilution. The c s s i. no requir or that a natrate, and the C nt that any partieul r n jo,,:ity of th point on ttee intends th t there r of factor way or tb b ~roved, other. (Pootnote 118) The court.. ordin rly have not used th raetor., nor does th C it~ inte d th to b Wlec1, • a antcal ·point countingvice. Th failure of pl intiff to tabli b any particular f ctor, i not rebuttal vi c of noll-dilution. th r, th provi.ion r.quir • th court'. 0 r 11 jud nt ba.ed on the totality of eire tanc sand gui d by tho r vant factors in th P rticular ca. of wh ther the voting str ngth of ainority votera i., in the laDgu ge of Fort.~n and Burn.,· ntmized or canceled out.· 44 APPE DIX THE ZI NO. II ACTORS PRIMARY FACTORS: is uality of access of th to the political proc s 1. minori y 2. Wb r past diacr in tion has th pr ent effect of discouraging .inority • rs t p rticipat·on in the electoral process 3. Whether the CJOYe of tal policy W\derlying th r districts is tenuous It 4. th gover tal body is r ainority co unity ponsi ve to th eI G FACIORS: 1. his of a larg electoral district 2. A aajority vote requir t 3. An anti-siogle sbot provision 4. Lack of re id cy requir subcUstricts .. u nts in geographical