Health education:

 Health education:
 Is a process that informs, motivates, & helps to adopt & maintain healthy practices & life
styles, advocates environmental changes as
 needed to facilitate this goal.
 H.E is very vital to understand the h. care requirements for promotion, maintenance, &
restoration of health.
 It is an approach for teaching people to deal with past, present & future h. problems,
increasing coping abilities & assumes responsibilities for health.
 H.E may be provided for many needs: diabetic members, young couples with their first
babies& others.
Nature of learning
 It is a process resulting in some modification of relatively permanent of the behavior, e.g. way
of thinking, felling.
 Three domains of learning we should know.
 Cognitive domain
 Deals with the recall or recognition of knowledge & developing the intellectual abilities &
1st we should assess the cognition abilities of the learner. Teaching above or below client’s
level of understanding may lead to frustration.
Affective domain
 It describes changes in attitudes, values & appreciation. Nurses influence what people think,
value & feel. Listen carefully to detect clues to feelings.
Some cultural groups eat no beef or pork.
 Nurses may need praise to change people attitudes also people need a lot of support &
Psychomotor domain
 Includes the performance of skills that require integration of mental & muscular ability.
(Injection, B.p.)
 Three conditions must be met
 Having the necessary ability. Having the ability to carry- out the skills. Opportunities to
 Demonstrate the skills in person, or with a video or pictures, practice & correct the errors.
 For effective H.E. three domains must be used.
 Teaching strategies must be based on an assessment of learner’s needs, abilities, beliefs…etc.
 H.E. aims at adoption of new ideas & practice.
Stages of changing
 Stage of awareness: person comes to know the new idea or practice, having general
information & knows little.
 Stage of interest: person seeks more information, willing to listen& learn.
 Stage of evaluation: person weighs the usefulness & the importance of the practice. Either to
try or reject the practice.
 Trial stage: put the education in to practice he may need more information.
 Adoption: the person decides that new practice is good & adopts it. It is process may be
reached at any stage.
 Factors influencing learning
 Client’s readiness: interests, concerns, & educational background are important e.g. use
simple, factual materials to teach the low grade school woman. All participants should feel
free to express ideas. & feel accepted.
 Client participation: the degree of
participation influences the amount of client learning involving.
 Senior citizens attended a class on nutrition & aging who encouraged by the nurse to present
problems & solutions for food purchasing.
 Subject’s relevance to client: more relevant subject that more readily learned. Useful to their
own purpose.
 Client’s satisfaction: client must feel satisfaction & the sense of progress. This all happen
through the nurse support & encouragement.
 Client application: learning is reinforced through application & it should be through their daily
life. Client tries under supervision. Transferring of learn is vital in prevention & health
 E.g. teaching family to use a septic technique in caring for the wound may transfer the same
principle to prevent infection in daily life.
Teaching process
 Interaction: communication→Relationship→develop questioning techniques.
 Assessment & diagnosis: determine client’s present health status. To identify the learning
needs, by using the surveys, interviews. & others.
Planning: prioritize the learning needs.
 Setting goals & objectives
 Establishing agreed goals & objectives mutually. It should be well written to enhance
 Planning teaching – learning activities
 Written plan & should include the following:
 Subject.
 Audience.
 Date, time & place.
 Goal statements & specific objectives.
 Activities to accomplish the objectives.
 Teaching learning methods.
 Assignments: reading, presentations, papers, demonstrations.
 Course outlines topics & dates.
 Evaluation method & criteria: results of pre-& post testing.
 5. Implementing teaching: carrying- out the planned activities.
 Evaluation: All goals & objectives determination whether met or not & why. Partially met &
how to explore the out come.
Teaching- learning approaches
 Teaching is carried out at three levels: individual, group & general public through mass media,
combination of approach can be used.
 Individual Teaching
 One-to-one teaching, it is ideal to assess the learner skills, promote sharing, tailoring of
teaching plan, suitable for many conditions. E.g. initial diabetic teaching, skill training.
 Active role of the learner, give motivation & flexibility.
 Response to the learner’s problems & needs is possible.
 Teacher can help the learner to build problem solving skills.
Disadvantages: Family’s lack of sharing & support, time consuming.
Group Teaching
 Carried out with several patients or family members 2-3 clients may be able to offer some of
the advantages. Medium 6-30 clients. Used for prenatal care, large group 30 and more. For
lectures & films.
 Advantages:
 Economical of time & resources, helps clients learn from one another, fosters attitude
 Disadvantages
 Lack of individual attention, teaching content may not address specific needs, not appropriate
for skill training, not applicable with pt. that is physiologically or emotionally unstable.
Mass Media Approach
 T.V, Radio & others.
 They less effective in changing human behavior, one way communication, raising general level
of knowledge.
Teaching methods & techniques
 Either using one or a combination of methods some of them are lectures, discussion,
 Teaching Aids / tools
 Used to enhance teaching- learning process.
 It can effectively promote the levels of
 learning. (Cognitive, affective, & psychomotor) the health care professional should be
available to discuss, demonstrate, & clarify the concepts introduced by the aids.
 Content for teaching
 Human biology, nutrition, family health care,
& others