Communicable and communicable diseases Comm.. dis. Still account for a large proportion of the morbidity & mortality. They are decreased from 1991. While the chronic dis. Still increased. Conditions for admission are: normal deliveries, respiratory sys. Problems & many other conditions. There are ten comm.. dis. In rank order- out started from acute enteritis ending with acute respiratory diseases. Communicable diseases Illness caused by an infectious agent or its toxins transmitted directly from an affected person or animal to a health person. Transmission of comm. Dis. Agent_________ host ___________ environment. There should be a successful interaction of the three. Agent: - living & non living they are capable to produce a disease. Six characteristics of an infectious agent: infectivity, pathogenicity, toxicity, invasiveness & antigenicity. Host factor: a human or animal host may harbor an infectious agent. Specific characteristics of the. Immunity, resistance, sex, age, life style...etc. Resistance: ability of the host defense the self Immunity. Natural imm: innate resistance 2. Acquired the host as a result of previous natural exposure measles immunity. From prior infection with measles virus. Either A. active imm. Administrating of antigen e.g. vaccinating children. B. passive: transfer of antibody from mother to the infant. 3. Herd imm: of a group or community e.g. higher immunization coverage. C. infectiousness: the ability of an infected host to transmit the infection to other hosts. Droplet is more infectious than a vector transmission. Administrating of antigen e.g. vaccinating children. B. passive: transfer of antibody from mother to the infant. 3. Herd imm: of a group or community e.g. higher immunization coverage. C. infectiousness: the ability of an infected host to transmit the infection to other hosts. Droplet is more infectious than a vector transmission. Nursing process: the role of the nurse in the care of chronically ill patient will be: Assessment: collect of data regarding: The nature of disease, etiology, signs and symptoms, methods of diagnosis, care and treatment Mobility and mortality statistics Distribution among the population age, sex, occupation and attitude and health awareness of the public towards chronic diseases Available health services for the prevention and control of the condition Assess home situation to determine if home care is possible or not Assess the competence of family members to determine if they can carry out the required care Nursing diagnosis: Analyze and identify the needs and problems (actual and potential) from the data collected and state nursing diagnosis Planning Determine the needs/problems and priorities the problem list Establish with others involved in the care, reasonable goals for the restoration of physical function for the pt Coordinate the plan of care and the efforts of other care providers such as physicians, physical therapist, social workers etc. Increase her own skill in the care of chronically ill pts by self initiated training or working with agency personnel Implementation The nurse helps in the early case finding and early diagnosis of chronic diseases Stress the value of periodic medical checkup for early detection of chronic diseases Educate the public about the signs and symptoms of chronic disease, importance of early diagnosis and adequate measures for their control as well as the available resources and services Proper referral of cases to secondary care institutions for further assistance in care Encourage the pt to maintain independence in al activities of daily living such as feeding himself, personal hygiene, and moving around Teach the family to notice and report any change in the pts condition Maintain adherence to the treatment regimen. The following steps may help the client to comply with the treatment Explain to the pt and the person providing care the purpose and importance of treatment Be sure that the care provider and the pt knows what to do and the reason for doing it in a particular way When treatment extends over a long period provide frequent supervision and encouragement Maintain a safe environment by cleanliness avoiding contact with infected persons etc Encourage social stimulation to pt especially to those with the limited ability to move. This can be through visits from the nurse, friends’ neighbor, relative etc Assist the pt and his family to adjust to a long term disease and help control or reduce their stress by encouraging open expression of feeling and reassuring them to deal with the situation Follow up of pts and stress the value of periodic check up Evaluation: Periodic evaluation of the effectiveness of the nursing activities in meeting the needs of the pt and in reaching the established goals