See, Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross and Smith (1994, p. 377-378, 380) InvitatiOn At beginning ft end. of dialogue Speak a minute about what thinking, feeling or has noticed Value of speaking frOI11personal eXDerience Every participant gntntted opportunity to sDeak Quiet environment People can observe their thoUQhts Observih~tbe Observer' Senge, P. M" Kleiner, A., Roberts, c., Ross,'R. B,,& Srrilth, B. J. (1994). The Fifth Discipline: The Artandj»ractice of the learning Organization. New York:Doubleday. Important Dil11ensidns of Dialogue Start invitation process Buildcontainer People must be given choice to articiDate A setting (or environment for the dialoQue A "vessel" Container r Intensities of hUl11an activity can safely emerge Create conditions for rich "field of interaction" Conditions make . up "container" for . .. . manufactured Fleldcannot be A field tmosphereor dialogue caonot work ""on a field Containerscan be created Qualityof shared meanin ~ .. . . . . r Energy can emerge among roUD of DeoDle