ACRONYMS ABCCC Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center ACAT Acquisition Category ACC Air Combat Command ACC/CC Air Combat Command Commander in Chief ACTD Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration; Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrator AC2ISRC Aerospace Command and Control and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Center AC2ISRC/C2U Aerospace Command and Control and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Center/Command and Control Directorate AESA Active electronically scanned array AETC Air Education and Training Command AF/XORR Air Force Director of Operational Requirements AFFTC Air Force Flight Test Center xxiii xxiv Innovative Development: Global Hawk and DarkStar AFOTEC Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center AoA Analysis of alternatives ARIA Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft ASC Aeronautical Systems Center ASC/CC Aeronautical Systems Center commander in chief ASC/RAV Aeronautical Systems Center/Reconnaissance Air Vehicle AV Air vehicle C4ISP Command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence support plan C4ISR Command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance CAS Cost Accounting Standards CDL Contract Data List; common data link CGS Common ground segment CICA Competition in Contracting Act CINC Commander in chief CLS Contractor logistics support CONOPS Concept of operations; concepts of operations COTS Commercial off-the-shelf CPAF Cost plus award fee CPFF Cost plus fixed fee CPIF Cost plus incentive fee Acronyms xxv CRS Common Reporting System CSAF Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force CSE Computing and Software Engineering D&E Demonstration and Evaluation DAB Defense Acquisition Board DAE Defense Acquisition Executive DAES Defense acquisition executive summary DAMA Demand assigned multiple access DARO Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DFAR Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation(s) DoD Department of Defense DT/OT Development test/operational test EMD Engineering and manufacturing development EO/IR Electro-optical/infrared ESIS Early Strategies and Issues Session FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation(s) FFP Firm fixed price FPAF Fixed-price award fee FPIF Fixed-price incentive fee FY Fiscal year FYDP Five-Year Defense Plan GAO [U.S.] General Accounting Office xxvi Innovative Development: Global Hawk and DarkStar GATM Global air traffic management GHSPO Global Hawk System Program Office GMTI Ground moving target indicator GPS Global Positioning System HAE UAV High-Altitude Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle HQ AIA Headquarters, Air Intelligence Agency IMINT Imaging intelligence IMMC Integrated mission management computer INT Intelligence IOT&E Initial operational test and evaluation IPDM Intelligence program decision memorandum IPPD Integrated Product and Process Development IPRG Intelligence Program Review Group IPT Integrated Product Team ISP Intelligence support plan ISR Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance ISS Integrated sensor suite JFCOM Joint Forces Command JPO Joint program office JROC Joint Requirements Oversight Council JSTARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System Acronyms LCRS Launch, control, and recovery station LL Long lead LMSW Lockheed Martin Skunk Works LO Low observable LRE Launch and recovery element LRIP Low-rate initial production MAE Medium-Altitude Endurance MCE Mission control element MDAP Major Defense Acquisition Program MILCON Military construction MNS Mission need statement MoU Memorandum of understanding MUA Military utility assessment NRE Nonrecurring engineering OIPT Oversight Integrated Product Team ORD Operational requirements document OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense OT Other Transactions OTA Other Transaction Authority OT&E Operational test and evaluation PB President’s budget PMD Program Management Directive POM Program objective memorandum xxvii xxviii Innovative Development: Global Hawk and DarkStar PPBS Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System R&D Research & Development RFP Request for proposal RMS Reliability, maintainability, and supportability RSTA Reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition RTIP Radar Technology Improvement Program SAF/AQ Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition SAF/AQIJ Secretary of the Air Force/Directorate for Information Dominance SAMP Single acquisition management plan SAR Synthetic aperture radar; selected acquisition report SATCOM Satellite communication SCD System capability document SecAF Secretary of the Air Force SECDEF Secretary of Defense SEI Software Engineering Institute SEMP System engineering master plan SEPM System engineering and program management SETA Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance SIGINT Signal intelligence SoS System of systems Acronyms xxix SPO System program office STA System threat assessment STAR System threat assessment report TCAS Traffic collision avoidance system TEMP Test and evaluation master plan TES Test and Evaluation Squadron TINA Truth in Negotiations Act TSPR Total system performance responsibility UAV Unmanned aerial vehicle UFP Unit Flyaway Price USACOM United States Atlantic Command USD(A&T) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology USD(AT&L) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics WPAFB Wright-Patterson Air Force Base