Study Abroad Student Protocol The Institution: Study Abroad Global Engagement University of Warwick University House Kirby Corner Road Coventry CV4 8UW Amanda OSBORNE Study Abroad Manager International Office Signature Date Declaration I confirm that I have attended a Study Abroad briefing session and/or met with a member of the Study Abroad Team. I further confirm that I understand my personal responsibility in meeting the requirements of both the University of Warwick (“the University”) and my host institution in the preparation, undertaking and completion of my Study Abroad placement (“Programme”); I also confirm that have read the information presented in this Protocol and agree to adhere to the provisions set out herein and/or as explained to me at a briefing; I understand that the University may from time to time contact me with additional or amended provisions relating to the Programme either by way of a subsequent briefing or by contacting me in writing and that these briefings will in turn form part of this Protocol; I understand that my failure to comply with this Protocol may result in my being withdrawn from the Programme and/or action taken under the University’s Disciplinary Regulations; and I understand that I can contact the Study Abroad Team in the International Office if I am in any doubt about the University’s requirements during my time on the Programme The student: (Signature) Amanda Ashby 30 June 2016 (Full Name) 678 f’j’rhyes’/EDBF/sefbdj Bjfgg hjkl’y’oif KJ;lfgi;FG, GERMANY 56 D;lhd;soitye;oitgh;f Jfsdgfdsdkfg fdSOJ’ Jfd’Sujgdu, UNITED KINGDOM (Current Address) 99994999 (Summer/Permanent Address) (Student ID Number) Study Abroad Team, Global Engagement Monday, 09 May 2016 (Date) (Email address) 07920531113 (Mobile Number) 1|P a g e I confirm that I have made the named persons aware that I have provided their contact details and the reasons for this. Title Mr Mrs Ms Other (please state) First Name Stephen Surname Relationship to student Father Email Telephone 02476 469769413 Mobile Title Mr Mrs Ms Other (please state) First Name Veronica Surname Relationship to student Mother Email Telephone 02476 38574167 Mobile Osborne 07920 35738742 Osborne 07920 46576433 The University actively encourages all its students to take advantage of opportunities to study and work overseas, to gain a broader international experience during their course of study. It recognises students as responsible adult learners and as such expects standards of behaviour appropriate to representatives of the University. The underpinning assumptions of your Study Abroad placement are that The University and your host university/placement provider will have a formalised student exchange agreement; The sending (home) and receiving (host) institutions agree to sign a Learning/Training Agreement with you, confirming the programme details, before you leave for the Programme; Not to have to pay fees to your host university for tuition, registration, examinations, access to laboratory and library facilities during your Study Abroad placement; Recognition from your home university for satisfactorily completed activities during the mobility period, in accordance with the Learning/Training Agreement; That we or you will receive (assuming that you satisfactorily complete the Programme) a transcript of records at the end of your activities abroad, covering the studies/work carried out and signed by your host institution/enterprise. This will record your results with the grades achieved. If the placement was not part of the normal curricula, the period will be recorded in the Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR); To be treated and supported by your host university in the same way as their home students; Your student grant or loan from your home country to be maintained while you are abroad as a current registered student of the University; and To have access to the Erasmus University Charter and Erasmus Policy Statement of your home and host universities (students studying/working in Europe only). Study Abroad Team, Global Engagement Monday, 09 May 2016 2|P a g e Both during travel to/from your overseas destination(s) and during your time on the programme, you are responsible for your conduct as a representative of the University. As such, the University expects all students to recognise their responsibilities and at all times. As a study abroad student, the University expects that: You will respect and follow the rules and obligations of this Study Abroad Protocol with the University; You will attend all prescribed training and preparatory courses and briefings relating to Study Abroad or ensure that you communicate with a member of the Study Abroad Team to ascertain the required information and adhere to the health and safety guidelines and advice given, whether provided prior to travel or during the course of the Programme and take appropriate and sensible precautions; Spend the full study/placement period as agreed at the host university/enterprise, including undergoing the relevant examinations or other forms of assessment, and make yourself familiar with and respect its rules and regulations; You understand that any changes to the Learning/Training Agreement must be agreed in writing between the University, host institutions and yourself before they can take affect; You will work and study on a co-operative basis; You will behave in a way that will not jeopardise the future of the Programme or jeopardise the opportunity for other students’ to experience Study Abroad; You will at all times behave in a way that respects the rights and dignity of others, the local culture’s diversity, customs and applicable laws; You will use each social interaction to display courtesy and good manners; You will behave in a way that will not compromise your personal safety and security or that of others which may arise, for example, through consumption of alcohol or use of drugs; and Students studying/working in Europe only: will be required to write a report on your study/placement period abroad when you return and provide feedback if requested by the University, the European Commission or the British Council. Any form of behaviour which offends others, puts you and/or others at risk or in danger, or seriously disrupts or prejudices the work or study of others, or could be deemed to, will not be tolerated. Following investigation, behaviour of this nature may lead to you being withdrawn from the Programme, and also may result in action taken under the University’s Disciplinary Regulations: You may also incur additional costs relating to your early departure from the Programme. If you encounter a problem Contact your departmental coordinator for Study Abroad and use the formal appeals procedure of your home university if necessary. This should be read in conjunction with: The University’s policy on Harassment - 3|P a g e The Disciplinary Regulations - Study Abroad Team, Global Engagement Monday, 09 May 2016 1. General Considerations Safety and Security Your safety and security is important. Whether you are on your own or if you are in a group, you have responsibilities to the whole group. It is vital that you appreciate that your behaviour could have an impact not just on your own safety but also put others at risk or in danger as a result. You should look out for others in your group and be clear on safety procedures and contacts in the event of an incident or an emergency. Termination of your Study Abroad Programme In the event of your failure to comply with the provisions of this Protocol, and regardless of the consequences provided for under the applicable law, the University or the host institution may following an investigation into the relevant facts terminate or cancel your programme. Data Protection All personal data contained or obtained pursuant to and for the purposes of the Protocol shall be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Such data shall be processed solely in connection with the implementation and follow-up of the Protocol by the sending institution, and by the host institution. You may, on written request, gain access to your personal data and correct any information that is inaccurate or incomplete. You should address any questions regarding the processing of your personal data to the University. Study Abroad Team, Global Engagement Monday, 09 May 2016 4|P a g e