Fondation pour le droit continental 2-14 rue des Cévennes 75015 Paris - France +33 (0)1 70 22 41 41 SUMMER UNIVERSITY SUMMER UNIVERSITY O F CONT INEN TAL LAW Pa ri s, f rom 4 th to 22nd J u ly 201 6 Three training courses: French, English and Spanish-speaking Training awarded by a certificate of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas University The yearly meeting place of C O N T I N E N T A L L A W The Summer University of the Foundation for Continental law is the international and yearly meeting place for those interested in continental legal culture, whether they are academic scholars, legal professionals or students. The Summer University provides three training courses, one English-speaking course, one French-speaking course and one Spanish-speaking course. EXPECTED AUDIENCE This Summer University focuses on students having completed their legal studies’ cycle, on professors and on professionals. Summer Universities brought together around 150 students and professionals coming from over 40 countries. LOCATION and DATES These are complemented by visits, by presentations of French institutions and by professional conferences so as to provide even greater depth of the course materials. The courses are delivered by high-level internationally recognized specialists in continental law and in comparative law. The two common core courses are the following: The Summer University takes place at the Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, for 3 weeks, from Monday, 4th July to Friday, 22nd July 2016. APPLICATION • Introduction to Civil laws • European and International Contract Law Moreover, participants are required to choose three courses, among the following five: • Public contracts • Settlement of International Disputes (compulsory prerequisite) Registration fees include training courses, conferences, visits, the opening and closing cocktails and amount to: • Family Law • Intellectual property (compulsory prerequisite) • Compared European Civil Liability Law 400 €uros without accommodation, 1 100 €uros with accommodation at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Scholarships may, exceptionally, be granted upon specific and justified request. The training is completed by cultural activities including visits of the highest French legal institutions such as the Conseil constitutionnel, the Conseil d’État, the Cour de cassation and parliamentary assemblies, namely the Assemblée nationale and the Sénat. TRAINING CONTENT EXAMINATION and CERTIFICATE The training session lasts three weeks and offers seven lessons of 10 hours each, provided in English, in French and in Spanish, depending on the chosen curriculum. The final exam session is mandatory for all participants; students passing the final exam will receive a certificate (master level) delivered by the Université Paris 2Panthéon Assas; subject to full compliance with regulatory requirements of the Foundation. These fees receive financial support from the Foundation, which wishes to offer affordable rates in order to allow as many people as possible to participate. Questions can be asked to : Registration is on line on our website :