t;';.j'V'~?::'~~!ilo !;.;j;; V,.. .~t: , .I'if.. ~,;!".:;'" '. \. """"'" g uJc:~.io";}Lb.' .' '0' 1..1.. ~na.:rlce/'P"" ,"" : 0... ': ".. u.. eOO.. f' l'4"o.F.in(C) -1..(3 )-34/75 NOTIFICATION ~~"""'-"'" .,---oc.,.- powers of the following " """ ," expenditures ." the specitii.;'J enumerated items , The Spea~er (11) The Ch1efJIJ,stfce (in respect .. High Court of .. The Se~ret~ry. of Hc-i'.Vidban of,Hi'1acb~l Sabha) I~~adesh (in.re~~ect H.,P. .and Admin1st~ation to Governor, of of, Justice H11'llachal Pradesh(in in ~espect .::.' of .. Governorfs S~creta~i~t). . (1v) of belbwi- . (1) (:li1) in respect~of .:' T he Lokayukta,B1macha1. . P..radesh,.(ir... r.espect of ~~~ '. Tri 1)una:J.) .. ( ..;~ 9.. ) ~1 '" ~"j-'~L-.1.t,'" .J.,,~.L'k ):';~a §~ 1. Salar1.esR.F11U ~'. a.--t I' ~""9 1, " P 'l,"'--'" l :~"" ]J0."9rs for by all'eady filled .." Vace.11~ lea W;J.ges t" 3 t' 1J'7'~""::.". -v"'" 1 ~~nses r "-i V ,;;'eC ;","'; '"-""""' '-'L.r,;.i; ""'~")_V nil~ Yr!'-Uf~t~If~prescribe<l 2.; ~o Uv o' th9 9f_,,~~~ paJl]nerit of \)ovt. fI'{,m sa!-arles time "" to up "os'os\ e.nti toi'ill1;lP . t,ime.~aillst resultant , "" ,..,..",-j,.".;.-. S 'o.:)J.\"'T On ~ a.J:;.i;;J."'L_~V ,F 1.1J ~T.-~ n'1a ,j ,--U 1a"-,;:i;c --U""y.vo -. Fu,ll. PO1.ol9i:--Sas per' snpp~9Clentary (reJ ~t:~_ng -to T ,.A.",/'t. 1;...,.) (I F.ules Contdo . H F.) ~ 12. 13. .\. Full 4. Liveries powers as per rules this Office Rent ~tes Taxes Full !'owers Rules.7. & in ald:- Full!'owers - Otl:.er charf!estRoad and diet to witness' Full money limit of liberty subo~::nate by the Gonl) powers as per IJ,rescribed rate~. powers shall allocated discretion as they may deem fit; to re-delegate' on tpe1r be exercised i'rom time mentioned above may at their or in ent1re1y restrictions as exercl~eable the budget such economy I!leasures at of existing 'norms, and full -<10- Enhanced fii1ancial Autl..orit1es by the -doFull powers tJJ£ replacement vehicles as per prescribed powers for repairs~II. r!lonetary by the as p3r i-,feaical J~ttendance Ver..1cles$ 28 ,..5. -do- SumptuaryGrant! the for Full powers as are exerciseable Government. 80 PrQfess1onal Service:9. Grant frar1ed purpose. expensesl-Full powers as are exerciseable Govern-mente 6. Medical Reimbursement lO.Motor .;~$ own,~sponsibillty as they' nay l~ke to impose, to tin~e. ebserve and they th~ powers delegated dthin shall to them, and subject be partly to such to any authority to them. By order Kro.s~ham$her Singh Financial to No.Fln(C )-34/75 A_copy is)1..(3 forwarded l, Comrr.:1ssioner-.cum..Secretary{Fln.) the Government of Hi!!l~hal Pradesh. to:- Pated 'Sh1.mla-17l002, ' t;he ' 811;December,1.994. Tr~e Regist:-ar, Righ.~ourt of Himachal Pr~ldesh2Sh1mla-l with the remarks that thls sanction has been j:ssued in pursuance to item-2, of Chief Justice minutes and tcle of r:leeting held be1;ween the Hon'ble Honfble Chief Mil1ister on 7th Oat. ,l994~ tte " . 'J .'<. I .: c :' ..., , ' 'GOvern~el'1t otHi;,,~'.cl~al Prad'esh Finance (Regt11at::iQn)~t~partment ." . '~":\;... Nr2IM.l! Q.AI1.Q If- 8th tt ('Vii) Chalrmant H. P1Stato ;Backwa:rtL Classe:3. , Com~lss1on for tt By ()1'der Kr.Shamsher Singh Financial C()mmissioner-cum-Secretary(F1n to ti,e Government of HimaCbal Prade.sh. ,) ' EndstoNo~F1n(C)A(3)-34/75A copy is f')rwP,rded. ; 2. '¥' ~. Dated Sh1mla-2,tlJe li~Februaw,1995. tOI- The Chairrnan,H.P.State Commission foI' Backward Classes,Shlrnl!"l alongwjth a, copy of t-lot:i!:.1cation dated 8th Dec. ,1994. AJ-1 Adm1n1stra~jve Departments ,to tl1e Govt. of H.P. Shimla. The Accountant ('eneral( Audi t)p. F. Shimla-3. 14~ The Sr.D.A.G. (A&E)H.P.'Shimla-3. .:;. The Secretary,b.p.Vidrjan Sabha ,Shimla..,.3. ~ 6.. Tbe Secretary to Governor, H1macl al Prade~ 1.1Shimla-2. ' 7. ,~he Secretary(Lokayukta)to the G()vto of h.f.Shimla"'2. I,A, The Registrar,H.p.Iiigt C~urt and..Administrative Tribunal. ,9. Tt!e SecretarY1.I-~.P.PUblic Servic~ .'Commlssion,Shimla-2. i 10. All District l'r'asury Of."j oers/Treeshry Off~ cere .H.P. 11. Tt-lffJCoPtroll.er,Pririting & Stationery; H- P. Shimla-5 for 'publication in the Rajpatra~ .. ,1". AJ.J. 'Section l1:."'.icerS(Axcept Fln.Reg.,)H.P..Sec!'eta.rtat,Shlmla-~',1 ',la.. Shr1 S,K;Duggal,Atl,a C:Jttage Annexe,Upper Kalthu,Sh!m1a-3. .,14', Spa:r:-e oQP1es,i, 01."" .°c:>pies. ' ., ..C;(:).", \X~\"""2- Q ,~ I 1'1. , I ...~~ -1. ,_\ Under "'Seeretary(F1n. Reg. )to .the Gcverrpet1;t of H;~macbal Prad~~h. Dated ",Government of hit:1achal Pradesr.; Finance (Regulation)Department (J) ... Dated S1"..1mla-~71GO2,the 4th March,1995. No.F1n(C)-A(3)-34/75 N9_TI.¥ JJ~cAXl..Q.! Tt.Le Governor, f;1macbal Pradesh =rder the addition in Notification of even 8th Dece~ber,1994 below Para-I "(v11~) is pleased to number dated as follows:- F'resident,E.P.State Disputes Bedressal Consumer Comm1ss1on.tt By order -Kr. Shamsber Singh Financial Comm1ssioner-cum-Secretary(Fln.) to the Government of Himactlal Pradesh. Endst.No i'in(C)A(3)-34/75 Copy forwarded to:- .~~ Sh1rnla-2,ttJen 1. Consumer The Freside~t H.P.State COQo1ssio~p~lmla-2,alongw1tb .dated All 3. The Under reference The Disputes copy of 8th Dede~por'i'1't)94 ~nCl 4th Administrative .llipartr!1ent to 2. 4. 5. 6. a Secretary(F&S)to to their File Accountant 4th Redressal Notification February,199Se. the G'.)vt. of H.F.Shimla. the Govt. of H.F.Shinla-2 ITo.FDS.B(2)-(1S)-l3/'89 Dated for Backwal~ The The The The ll. 1.2. Tr~e Secretary E. P.PSC ,Shit:11a-'2-. All District ~reasury ()??1cers/I'Tl'ea..;ury Officers Ttie Controller~Printing & Stationery,R.P.Shimla-b l30 with 1'3.2.95.. General(Audit)R.P.Shimla-3. The Sr~D.A. G. (A&E)H.P.Shimla-3. The Chai~an,Fl.F.state Commission 7. 9. 10. 8. March,1995 Cl~sses,5h1ml Secretary,H.F~Vidhan Sabha,Shimla-4. Secretary to Governor,b.P.. Shir;J.la-2. Secretary(Lokayukta)to the Govt. of H.P.Shimla-2. R'.:gistrar.,H.F.H1gh Court,r-nd I;.:Po.,it.1mlnlstrati~ Q,,-- <;""., 4 y::: Trlbuna~ t R.P. for I~ Under Secretary(Fin.~g.)to the Government of H1~achal Fradest... ~ r.;O'v'E,Ri"'r1Ei~TOF ,Hli-iACHAL. ...v...,..."../..,..., r .l "'IHI"IL,i:: I,. Kc:.I~ULH PRADESH ."",""r""","r,~r"""""'" I .l \"'1"'1;;:' ) UCi'"'f-1K I 1'11::1'1 I (~'CIO No.f OdL.~\..i if I (C) --A (3) ---:34)/i'S I'!U .., 26Lrl ,idy:o'fSw I .L r,..., .1. 1...1-1I 1 UI'I , .~ Tfl~o~ Sr'!llIld-2:oLrle ,._-~~,~~-~.-' ur.u~r.o will i~dke "UIII erret.:l Lilt;;! .i~~ue or Lrli~:; i-J.QL.ir.i~Cl.Liurl" By ,..'. KdllWdf. ,.'.' .."., Srli:iIIJ~rl~r. r. .I.fldfl~~J.dl. \.,UIIIIJIJ.~~l.rJfl~r. .., , ,'. LI;.) Lfle ~O"'~flllll~11 L. UI tll(j::;.L.i"iu.f UC.Ut:1 UUIII 3iflc,.J! I "..".. ~euy r:lJ.ll.1dL:flC:il. 1" .1.11" ) ,.,'. . 1-'1 (:iU~~fl lll((:;)-"A(3)"-34;"i'S ~? A:tl " ';5 AJIII.illi::;.LI'~L:i.\/e 4. I f..~ Ar..;r..;l-'url L~11L " .,' " ,.. ,.} 6. ~ t r1~ C.rl~lr.ItIQII., ,::>~{.ll.IJr' uy" Tile ",' -" -,., Oepol:LlllellL Ci!~rler~l .", "., Lu ('AuuiL) ",. ,., L!te H>P> Guver'rI11Ie(IL UI i-iP. SlliI.l\1~-3. ," H\:~r11-' .:::>11l.1.l1l.~-'~ riP -:;;,;Li,;f.L~ CUllltlti::;.::;.JU(1 ':UI 8o,r..;kwc.tr'u ' clo::;'::;'~:::; ,';) f .ll. 1.1\1,~ . 'i'" Itl~ ::3~r..;('~L~ry riP ",/:i.Jhi:i11 .s~url~"S\rlllltlo-"4. ci.' lil~ ';.1.. Tlte -".,:, J..v~lr.lt;: l.l~All S~r..;I'~Li:ii'Y Lv Guve('r,u{.HP.::31Ii'l,li:1-2.~ Ser_:1~Li:iI'y(Luk~yukJ~i:i) Lu Lr..~Guverlll.l\efIL UI HF::,SHli',LA ,.,'-' ",.,..'.."", ,.,,-.,~ ,..-," K~gi'.::>l,I;i:ir.11t-' r1.1.grli..,UUI'l,ci:i1IU HUI!I.l.jl.l.::;'1..r.i:1l,J.v~ 11'.l.I.)urli;il.. Oi::;.Lr'ir...:L Ir.~c.t::;.UI'Y Oli'i.r..;~I":o::i I'j'.T'~i:i::;'I,JI'Y orl:li..:~I::o::i, irl 1-1[:). 12"Ttl~ Cu(1LI"ul'1~1 I " -" r,.>UOl.l.r..;~Ll.Url 13"AllS~r..;Llurl ~\.4.Si1~3_K.L:'u~<Jc.tl,Al,llt~ 15"3J.>~I'~;':'~(.)~).I.~~ ,PriIILl.rlg " .", .1.11 L11~ &SLc.tLiurler'y,.HP f"y(' " -, Ki:ijIJc.tl,I.c.t. O[lir..;~r'1:>(~.x;r..;~r,.>L ~.."."". Srlllltli:i-S CrJLL~g~ .1-0 Fill.1~~g") UI Allrlex~.Upr,.>er' " ~ Firl~rlr..;e ut:!r,.>Ll.." KijlLiIU.:?(1111..1~'-3. ~, ~ 0 ~" :~ ~ 0. "" ,-~i\( e'i C'i"~IU~I. S~l.;(.~ L.C:i.r.yj:F~;'" R~~) .,.. "..., ~~~'f~' ~ ;" CE: I :..) ""~""'- .. GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH FINANCE (REGULATION) DEPARTt~ENT .. NO. FIN(C)A(2)-6/96 DATEDSHIMLA-171002, 30/10/1996 t~OTIFICATION order addition The Governor. of following"as Himachal Pradesh is item No.(X)be1ow cleased to item ~~o.(IX) below para-1 of this Department's notification bearing number Fin (C) -A (3)-34/75, dated 8th December, 1994, and subsequent notifications of even number dated 4th February,"1995, 4th Mar<;h, 1995, & 26th t-1ay, 1995:"(X)Chairperson These orders state Human Rights from the effect take Commission of date issue of this notif'ication. BY ORDER KR. SHAMSHER SINGH. FINANCIAL COMf.1IS'SIONER (FINANCE) No. FIN (C) A (2) -6 DATED THE 30TH'OCTOBER, 1996 /96 Copy to: 1.The'Chairman, State Human Rights Commission, Shimla,-2. 2.Ths Commissioner -cum~Secretary (Home) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. Shimla-171002. 3.All Administrative Departments of the Government of H.P. 4.The Accountant G~neral (Audit),H.P. Shimla~3 with 5 copie£. 5.The Sr. Deputy Accountant General (A8.E),H.p.,Shimla-3 with 5 copies. 6.The Chairman, State Law Colrimission, H.P. ,Shimla:--Z 7.The Secretary, H.P. Vidhan Sabha, Shimla-4 8.The Secretary to the Lokayukta, H.P., Shimla-2. 9.The Registrar,H.P. High Court, Shjmla-171001. 10.The Registrar,H.P. Administrative Tribunal, Shimla-2. 11.The Chairman, H.P. state Backward Classes Commission,Shjmla. 12.The Secretary toH.P.P.S..C. the Governor, H.p.,Shimla-2. o. 13.The Secretary, ,Shimla-2. 14.The Chairman. ,State Consumer Redressal Forum, Shimla--;9. 15.All District Treasury officers / Treasury Officers Himachal Pradesh. 16.The Controller, Printing 8. Stationery, publication in the Rajpatra. 17.Guard File / Spate copies --20.\ , .\;~." Under to the Vc~ Secretary"'-, Goverilment H.p.,Shimla-5 ~ in for \:-~'---~-.." :::>c.,.t (Finance-R) ~\ of ~ \ 1:11macha1 Pradesh Depa Government of Himachal Finance(Regulations) No.Fin-(C)A{Z)6/96 Dated Sh;mla-1710D2,. N OTI The enhanced -the of the specific !:-! Govt!:rnqr" financial PraQesh Department ~ AI the ~arCh/2001. ION. Hi,macha l Pradesh powers to the following items of expenditure is pleased Commissions enumerated in this to order in to respect Department's , Not if; ea.!; on No. Fin (C)A (3) 34/75 dat ed 8t h December " 1994 exc~pt the Ite,m No. 10:" Motor s~ lari es,' Motor Vehicles and Foreign Tours they shall exercise Wages the powers Head of the Department only:(XI) (XII) The State ELection The H. P. State Commission. Elect ri city Regul atory BY Cor.1mission ORDER F.C.-cum-Secretary(F;nance) to t-he Government of Himachal Pradesh. Copy to:1. The 'Cha~rman,. H.P.State 'Electricity Regulatory Commissiol:'... Shimla., " ' 2. The Chairman,. State Election C.:;mmissipr". H.P.Shiml3. 3. , All ~he Adm'inistrative Departments of the Government of Himachal Pr~desh. .4. ~ The Secretary,. State Election Commission,. H.P.Shimla. 5. The A.ccountant General '(Audit),. H.P.Shiml3-3 with 5 coples. 6. The Sr. fly.A.G.{A&E),. H.P.ShimLa-3 with 5 copies. 7. The Secretary,. H.P.V.idhan Sabha,.Shil1lla~4,: 8. The Secretary to the Governor" H.P.Shimla-2. 9.. All District. Treasury Officers/Treasury Officers in Himachal Pradesh. 10. The Controller,. printing and Stationery rtment," H.P.Shim.l.a-S,. for publication in .the Rajpatra.. 11. Guard Fj.le. 'f) Additional Se.cretary(Financa) ~-C"'t' , to Government ~,!-fimaC,hf}l Pradesh. J~, .. the Govemment..of Himachal Pradesh Finance(Regulations) Department 1'-40. Fin(C)B(15)-5/2005, DatedShimla-171002, the ::l.~~ril;2009. NOTIFICATI9~ The Governor, Himachal Piadesh is pleased to order to enhance the 'I POW~I'"Sof expendituic. specific items of expenditure, No. Fin(C)A(3)34i75, as enumerated Commission in. this dated 8th December,.1994 EX~- Item No.1-Salaries I.2.Yi!. to the State lnformation Item No-2-Wa es in re~t Department's of the Notification vv'ith respect to the items of Item No-10..f\.,1otorVehicles and Foret n For these items nam~ly;Salar.ies, Wages, Motor Vehicles and Forei.grl Tours,. the Commission shall exercise the powers of sanctioning expenditure, to the e>ctent exercised by the Head of the Department only. For filling up of vacant po?ts and for creation of ne'# posts, the , Commission shall follow the economy instrUCtions issued by the State Go'.Jernment from . time to time. Other Ecpnomy' Instructions, issued by the Govt. fi'om time to time, would afso be applicable in exercise of these financlaipowers by the Commission. BY ORDER Principal Secretary(Finance) to the Governme~ ~OfHimachal Pradesh. No. As Above,. Dated Shimla-171002,the ~~'\ Copy 1 to : Chief information Commissioner, A~ril,2009, H.P, Shimla, 2 All the Adminjstr~tive Departments of the Gove-rnmentofHimaChal Pradesh, 3 Secretary Information Commission, H.P. Shimla, udit) HP h" ~ d, T.e, h ACCOljnt.an. t Genera... I (A "... S .1m. a...,. 5 The Sr. Dy.. A.G. (ME) H..P..Shfmia-3 6 The Secretary, H p, Vidhan Sabha, Shlmla. ., 7. The Se.cretary to the Governor, HP. Shimla-2 8 Ali District Treasury Officersff"reasury' Officers in Himachal Pradesh. 9 -The Controtler, Printing and Stationery Depailment, Himachal Pradesh, 10 The Controller , Printing and Stationery 'Department H.P, Shlm!a-5. for publication in the Rejparta. of" I I Guaid File. . Special Seci taryCFlnance) to the G.over~~entWaCha! Pradesh.