;r Nol. the SIJBfECTc- I ,. ..The! under signed is directed ., ~bje trnent:ionedl~ove and to sa.Y: tbat.tqe -ons el atin~ to~ plermarent trans.fe r o.f the to aU nomous bOd~s/ public sector undert .: refer to the temst::l1,d conditiVerment serVaJ1ts :J.ngs and grant of I ret1r Offi .ent ~ .I ~ene fitls. were prescribed Memorandum ~o. vide 14/2/64..Fm(ffiE) th , d~te 8 ~art~ent Js 8th JUlY, 1976. Ther.e fter, -these'lterrns an,d conditions \ere' In d1fied' !"rom t1me to' te md vide this IX3pa;rtznent's O.ffice Me. randuml o.f eVen nunbgr, dated 18th MaY,1992, oome of the :iils u~t.ions b~ thf Government <pf" lndia gJ.ven Ipro spective ~ffect. t"lere adopted 2. the Government o.f India I' Sinbe carr:iJ d out 1976, co ns1d,r ablei liberalisatfun I issued :In ~ « and they were '°, jn have ese terms and ,', oondl,1ons, and gj°t of these, mstructfuns 1..e Ie not adopted H,.p. ,,'Matter relat}ng to ~pdating the policy instructions thi'~ e gard ~ ega;rdfngra~~ icab 11 ity ,state (;1overn:1ent :tn HiTJachal Praiesh o'f tbe GoVe'l"IJr'Jent for .~n'e' tfue past to the. ~ ployees .111 in of' the Was un jar oonsiderat:Jon and th.e ~vernor, Hfuachal Prade , is pJ.e ased to order that the decis', PS ~ntained :h1 .! . the :instructions ot ~verlli'::Jent of L1c.ia ment <j)nad below (copie s 0 f wh ch are enclQ$ed) sh"ll "I EX)be apPlica' ~e to the anployee s of H:fmachal Pradegl't I Govern:".ent se~k:1ng aboo t,.iDn in State Public Sector Unde~takiniZS/ Ji.umnomous ~difJ i and Vice..versa with e rfect from t~e date of issue 0 f these otders:! I 1. ~ Nur1ber .c) ~ i! It Date + ~ject in Brief ... 2.8, 10 i '+-r ~n ~-""'q Un 1.uL c'iD.ted 291984 &: 12/9/ ige5 -~~ JE~:~:~:~~ir:; and ~ica v ~rsa. 2/.. @ ~(by ..~ of Govt. of Indi~ &J l1..R. ~ar"\:r:1ent .".f' of Perronnel O'.~.No. 28-10Ifa4-Pension Unit, dated the 29 th,Au st,1984 As per existing orders, service rend red ou;~side <Sntral Cbverm1 ent doe s n=>t ~unt for pet1s1bn in CB!\tr81 Gove1;'nrnent e:x:cept ~ the Case of -scientific emp pye'es of,'atiton:>mous bo die s finaJ'lced or oontrolled by the v~rment ~o on permar:Lent ab rorption under the ~ntral, ~ ex~:e,nt ~ ,~iO,\A.ed to oolun~ the.1rp~l~evio,?sservice for,pens ,~~pjeot fucert,ain cx:,ndJ;.tions. In respect of peroonnel.. 0 '~ ~an scientific employee s, \J10 are permarent tin' Ce~W , ,,"Qq,"'i[~rnroep~, in the event 0 f tl1e ir sub seq~ent perm anent aDoo:r t:i,on in public sectoJ." undertakmgs or aJ1Y a.utorornous bb ,p!'6port:ic?T»",~te ret1i"enent benefits fo:'J:' the service render in GOvt~ t:tJ.l the date of permanent 'aboorptjon a;re allp d ~s p~~ rules in force at th3 tjme of dJrorpt:1on. Nosu h ~anefit is allowed tote!!1pora"r'Y employees golllg over to a t.()nornotlS' b'ody or undertak:f.ng. 2~ A number 0 f 03ntral aUtDnomous~a bj1t;Y'Foe-1iJs:c have al~ lI1~trodUced pens:1onschemefor ,thejr , ld~ees9:h th,e l1nes of the pens:ion scheme avanal:>le to the ce 'tI:-~ G6vt~ employees. :[t has, therefo re, been urged by s~c a,:t.o~mou,~ I statu tory bo die s that the service render ed by 'h~'1.r ~mployees under the C;.;ntral Govern'nent or other autommous bodie,s'be'fora joining the autommous body ~aY be allowed to be ()j~ted :in oombination with service in the autonomous b dY, for tile purpose of pens:1.c>n,subj?~t to certain oonditi ns. p:frnilar provisions for employee s 0 f autommous bodY go ng over to Central Gov"erment have also been urged. In ot! er \o.ords, the s~g~~st"1on is that the ben3fit of 'pension base on oompined service shoUld be int..roduced. ' 3. This m~ter has bef.n carefullY and :the'_;Pre:s1deht has ,now bel3n pleased t:> decide that the caS'l9s f Ceptral G overnnent,enployees go 1ng over to a Central auton;>rnous body body or vice ',moving Vers,a and' employees to a~ther centi'a1. regUl ated .as per of tl1e Centr automrnou9 bo" the fo110 wing provisjons:- .. $.~tbro1;!10~s maY be 't-«r-In case of mtonomous Bodies \-ihere .P nsfun ..Elcheme is in ope~at:L:>n:.<1) mere a CE!'1tral Governnent gnp'loy e ~r~ , pens1onal:>le establiShment is allowe in an au,toromous body, the service :to be e:~r~ed on aPoorbed b'y h1m ...under the Government shall "be allo d to be oollnted towards pensfun under the autoromous body jr"'espec.;;. ..tive 0 f whether the S!lploys e was enporarY o~ permanent in Government. The pensiOnarY benefits wi -ll,' ~\lJever, acclIUb onlY if tanpor ry '. service is fo1lov.ed by oonf1rmat:1o ". If he retires 'as a temporary e~ployee in the aU oomous body rle will g3t termin~l benefits a;s e ~r~ally a~~:iJ..?-~I\e to te!!pora;r'Y employee s der the Govt. '- ~ ..oontd/- I I "-- ~ ..,. ~ ./ " "t' 0'. ,y of Govt. Cb ~ Department of Indi~ O'~~.No. 28-10/a4-Pension Unit, ~of da ~ Perronnel & l1..R. d the 29 th h1 st,1984. I-.. A~; per existing orders service rende ~rttral Cbverriinent does n:,t ($junt or pe1Js:iOn in GQv:ernment ex<:ept ~ the case of -scientific empl 'a:.utoromous bodie s fin~ced or ront lledby th$ ~C? on permanent ab ~rpt;lon under the Central, Gbv ..:~lo,~d tot) ooun~ the1r~l'evfu,~s 'se vice for ,pens, fucer:t.ain oondJ;.tions. In respect fperf;JJnnel,o , scientific in the event employee of fueir s, ilio are permari3nt subseq1.:l;ent permanent dn' :".',;pub-lic sector undertakmgs ,.,a,te rettteme11t benefits ttil the d:ate of 2~ have lines nl~ of perma:nent 'aboorp A number mtrodUced the :pensfun Cen~ aPoorp ",q9,v~rnrnep~, .:ionin or '(J11Ye.utoromous bodY fo,r.' the ervice render~ fun a;re al19~ ...rules in fOrCi3 at 1113 tjme of wrorption. al.lo\.Jed to ,te!!1pOr a1:'Y employee s i!> ing b'odYor undertaking. of 03ntraJ.. penS:lon,sche scheme aVaU Nosuc over to aU urged by su;ch rendered by t er autommous a1.1o~d to be :in oombination with service in t autonomous bo purpose of pens1On.,subj?~t to ce tain oondition provisions for employee S 0 f auto mous bo dY go i Central Goverrn.ent have also been urged. In ot.~e of 'pension based ' propqrt:1<?~ in ~vt~' ~s p~~ ~en~fLt nomoUS ' is tonoI!,lous(s,iQ~ 1t.~':Fo~l~s': e ,for ,thej;r .;d~ees:on Ie to the cert ~ aovt~ employees. It ~as, therefo r~, bee I statutory bodJ.e s that the servic under the Clmtral Go'Vern-nent or 0 joining the a~utoromous body ~aY b ..SUfS~~st1on i~~ that the ben3fit service shou1.d be intiroduced." , ' ed ou;~side !\tr81 ye:es of, ,~~It!ient rr¥r!:e:n~ ~ :~St:tPJe~t ,~~~ th.e a,,:ton?mOtls: 8;'J.J;'~mployees bodle,s"bef'6re cri~t:ed ,for the .e1milar over..o \o.Qrds, the 11 oompirn:d ' , 3. 1~his m~ter has be$.n carefullY and t e,:Pre:S1dent has ,now been pleased to decide t at the cas-sS of Ceptral G overnnent,E~ployees bodY bodY or vice .moving reg~,a~e~s ~In , , over per the, following case of to a Central aUn;'>mous f fue Centr~ tommouo;>' body p o,visions:;..' mtonomous dies , :\;1:OO:OO~o~s maY be : , yjhere Pen jon .Scheme is in ope~at1On: 1) J,.,here a CEIltral Gova nnent snp'lOyee " rr13 on pensiona1Jle e stabliShm nt is allowed, be aP:prbed ir1, ~n au,t.ooomoUs bodY, the service reo ,reed b'y h1rn ..( , going vers,a and' employees to amther central ..ul1,der the Government mwards pensfun under .a:~ ..tiive 0 f wbetb.er the permanent in Governmen -n., , OJ\Arever, accmub 0 sE~vice is follo".,ed by a tem'OorarY er:JploY a1.1 :,be 8110",ed he autoromous ploye e waS te7l .The pensiOn Y if ternpor arY oonfirmation~. e in the auto ~J..e~will ia t term in~l b nefit s as a;r e a'1~:i1,?i-Qe to tE!:t1pOra1:'Y emplo:'{ees unne "-- -./r. to beGJl1nted odY ~.espec.;. crarY or Y benefits wi f he retires mous body rr:J ally the Govt. co ntd/- r '~~ ,,:ti~, CA Qj The' s~e pro CEidUre will applY in the case 0 f empl au to rpmou s bo (lie s "klo a;r e pe m anen t.ly a1Jrorb ed un 67 \ ees 0 f r the Oen tr a1 Goverrnnent. The Cbvernment /autommous bodY wUl dis'harge its -oension l1ab iJ..ity by paYing in lump sum as a one.~ .ime paYment, the pro-r ~a pensiOn! service gr atui ty / ~ nninal raJcuity and retirement gratuity for the service up to the da e of aPoorpt.~iOn jn the aJ1tpromous bodY / Government, as the caSf3 maY be. L~p s~ gnOunt of the pro-r ata pens~n :will be etermiried Wl.th' -at1on I'e~renCe to oommutatiort table laid down of, Pension) fules, 1981, as anended fICm -tlO~E_: 01 India c~..1tral ~'arious Ministries/~parments maY acc~pt pension Gover~ent snployee liaP:l1ity s move to of :In all Central \.fl.ch p1OP~perm:l. $S1on a.nd dischs;rge 'filaJes~e maaner. For thi:3 purpo se 'proper pe rmissiOn' Sl rv~tapplies cr,annel J End he for. the r ~signs post with CCS( 'Cbmmut1rne to. time. th these aumno in the me a;ns in auronomous bodY due int:lm ation that GoV$rnment ages where 6us bodie s rescribed at Governnent th ugbJproper be j,.s dOing so tc t~e up assii:!mrf3nt jn, autpnomous bo.dy or the 6over~ent servant i:~ relieved 01' .his dUties by the aoverInlent Department! Office to t:3k8 up assignnl~nt L'rl an autoromoUS 1IJbdY. pens:iDI1 iability m a.Y a1.oo be ,~ok u:p the accepted in past cases provided ass,1grment in autOnomoUs bodY tbe Go errtrlent servant .with pro er permiss:io.n. .:r~e ~in:tstryofDef3nce.' et6.,rJaY please l.SSue spe .m tJ.'lelr F:inanc:ial Mvl.ser s to advise the autoromo bodj,eg.., under ~Leir administrative oontrol to make -s:tOns in.theil:' ~18S a;nd regulat:lons. In cases wh ot~er than tha1~ mentioned fi)ove is present1.Y being ~::111e maYbe re11ised in acrordance with these decis laY al 00 provide for accep tance 0 f pen s:1on 1 iaP n rnseJivice. (G.I.. Deptt.of 1o/8~Perisjon Penswn . ,and Pensioners' Uni~Vol1A'"l1eI, \~ dated tbe 1 if1c direct:1.Ons s / statutOry e aPove provi... re any practice followed 't tbe ns and heY y fo r tll e past e OM No.28/ eptember,85.) (i1) J~ Cen~t ai Government S!lployee .wi tb Q)ntri u tory p~V1rlent F1;.:ndbere f:~ts on perm e.nent aP rorpt:1.On in an aU romous' DdY wi1.l haye "Ghaoptbn either to receive (1>F b.e m-its '.-Jhicb b9r"'C9 accI'ued to qjm from' the Government aPd sta'J't h s service afresh in ttlat bodY or c~ose to 001.)rlt servicJ GOvernment as qualifY'ing service for pens:lDn body by fo:t-going GOverrm~pt' s sha'J'e of cpF 00 interest, ~ich wfil be p::-1.id to the concerned ~ the con,cerned Government Depa;rbnent. The 0 exercised' within ona' Y01).1:"'from th~. date o'f~'"nP rendered in n tbe auto~mous tributiQn wl.th a1.~tonomous body tJOn shaJ-l be rpt1On. If no .o-pt1on, is exercised within stipulatAd period, employee sha1.1 be db~ed tD have opted to recaiva ..(pY_..ben~fi ,s .The <ption on~ 'ex.erI11.sed sha1-1 be finaL.- , ...contd- / b)/4l.1ton,mo.ls j]1 opera~:fcn: bodY where fue~E!1SjonSch~'e i,s not oontd/- -(1) 5.(1) The empl yeas of a Centr,'3l klUtonamou.. bod}'" or Central Gov(~rnnent,.,. as the Case maY bet who hav.a alroa-dy bem sanctionad orr;1i LYe received pro-rata retir ant benefits or other t.eImipal, bC3 ti,ts for "t!1eir page servic w:!J.l have th~ 0P tjon e 1,th?r- .. " '. ., .I (ta)to ret~iri ~ch bGnctits and in at event their past servi-ce w111 nJt qualify for pens fun under the torombus bodY or tha Centr Gov"emont, as t ~se r.1ay be; :or ,(b) bJ ~ ve th~3 past service counted s qUalifying serv ce' fo'r:-pens:ion under the new organisation in w ich be~f.its, Case' the pro-rata retirereo ent , ,t~mal if alre'ady ived orby other than, w:iJ.l. :1:iave to 'be d~ si,t.' d a1..ong ith intere st ther n !'rom. th~' dat3 ot ore ce;i~ t f too s13 bene 1 ~s till tho date 0 f ddpQ,s1 ~ th the aJ1tn. mou-s"t):)dy or the Cal tra1: .".- :vernment, as the ase maY-be. The right to CD t'pl-eV~S serv ,unt othe .hav ,.."be cpn -u se,r in can be ce as qUalifying sorvi~ sh i rot revive the wt}:)l.W' gnou-nt' has been: e;funded. In cases where pro-rata. reti already been sanctioned but .,e .p,.~fJ-ble, ~e roncGrn..3d ~ l' t))e, sanc"t1bh "as soon ooncerned' opts for counting ice for pe nsion and m form iting about accept:t~g h~s b l1,a,tior; 0 f tho sanctwn. Th ~~cised within a perjod of _ant benefits have m t yet ori.ties shall s the individof his previous e ;indivi.<lUal ti."')n and opt~n shall n,c yea!' from the .date 0 f issue 0 f.,these or oe s* It no opt.1on is xer'cised by such ~ployee s :,ithin the pres-or ed t.1me-l jzni t they wUl b deemed to have op t d for ra tentfun 0 f thG bene its already r(! 9ivad by th,3rJ. The opt1on ,on exercised sh 1 be final. N.Q1~ It Pas been decided in ron tation with the l'Ilinistt'y ()f F ance that th3 rate o..f inter st..in such caS3s VDuld be s~-pla :1nt~est of: 6% per armt.U11 ... liUrth the entire rerovery maY be !!lade III monthlY instalmen s It) t exceeding thirty-six: numter, the first mstalment eginning from the month foll wing the month in ~ich ~er ron ncerned exercised opt:fo n, pr vided that the entire recoVe y in instalmc:~nts does Ibt g:!Jbeyond. t.~.~ actual date of r.stirr;1nent. The right to coun~the previous sorvice as quol1 ing seI'Vice shall not reviye until tl1e ~().le amount has been r funded. , The.. tire [c1J";'Jount includmg 1;lter stmay-be creji."b::Jd to tho rm~ head to whidl contriliu jons a;r'e credited. ' (G.I. Deptt, of Pension and Pmsfunersf clfaJe O.M. No. 28/10/ 4-P~ns:iDn Unit -Volume IJ~~- .3d me 12th ,Ie ) . Sep tan1ber ,. , Sr;:' ~ oontd/' ~ " !i~ ;, @ ,. [ ~' b\., .. ,1'..., ,; ~ .. '. (2) Wlere 1'b teroirial bero'fit.s. for ~erv1ce have been received" the prev~us ssrvice' .as qual.ifYll.'1g service for pension 1/1Ul be ooun~d t:)revwus emplo:rer accepts pens:lon liabiJ.ity for t .n acoordance 1enora-nJt1lIl, ';'lith In no the principles ca.,.se pension laid cbwn in thi contt'ibution/ 1i the previous su'ch..Cases nlY if the service Offi(!:'., i1,ity shall Ie accept ed ~)m the eop1oyee concerned. .These orders will be appljcable nlY ,J1ere ~he transfer 03,[' the employee from one organisation to t:f1other Nas/ is with tJ1e consept of the organisation under which he was serving earlieJ:', including cases \Ohere the indiv1 a1 had secured d1rE~ctlY on his O\\rn volition provided h had applied E ~mploJ'ment t.brough proper, channell with proper permisSion of e ldm:ll1istrativel aut.h.::>rity cOncerned. ''. These orders wUl take effect fr m the d~te issue and t119 revised policY as enundiated abo e wUl bd ( )f applicable...to 'those enployees mo I'et1re from Gov n!1ent/auto.rommus body Sl;? !'Vice 0 n or after the issue 0 f the order s. The 'provisions Ct:)ntained 111 the m1stl'"Y 0 fFmance Office 1-1emor~dt!I1 No. 26( 18)E.V.(B)/75 1976, andl OM No. 25( 1) E.V ./83, dated 8th d tad tbe 8th.Aprn, Sep a\iber,1983 )r 8.rry 0 ther orders shall in 00 :fa1:' as it provid the matter s OOlntainad in this 0 ffice Menor andum, s for any of e af:13to1.perate. ..The Ministry' of Educat1on and lture, etc., are reque sted lto advise the autonomous /stab.ttory <:t-dies under th~1r ~dninis]rative cx:>ntrol, with specific d1.rec ...ij!1s to the F~1anC:I.al .I~d\T:L"ser s ooncerne d, to en sUl~e to maka 11.;:' C{~ss~~Y nrovisions in the ir Rule s and Regul ations/ Artic: S of Associa~ion 1n acoord.ancQ wi~ the provisfuns oontamed n this, Office MenoraTIidun. Irl cases y;here any practi~ 0 er'f1se than enumera-ted above is presentlY being folJDYlUd the SgnS maY be revised in ac~Drdan~ witll the provisions of this Offi~ Memqra-ndum 9:) thatl1niformity is maintaired ,in such ma er s jn all the organisE:lt~ns. " ,C"...;;. i, :~;" ;~,. '1 .'" ". @ ~ ~ ~y- of Goit'ernnent of In,dia.'; ~parU11ent of Pens1o & Pensioners' Welfa;re O.M. ]~o. 28/2/85~P&~~, f1~,,~d the.' 22nd Frj) uarY,1988. , .' , : " ~he': "utro.er- s1gre d is ",C' dtre'Co;ted to s:a.y 2..,tv1ci~ p.$ a-7 0 f the instru,~tjons, issue d vide tb~ ,1;)81] at'ttI ent 0 Per so me"1 and Administra.ti~~ '~e'forros,.. 0 .M.No. 28/'9/8~Pen s1on nit, dated t.,he 29 th August, 1~)84 -the?e, ,ins,~uct1ons are -e ffe ct1ve from the date of issue i.e.:! ,~,t11,:~g~st,1984,. It i~ furthnr tipUlated therein yhat '"coo-revised ,pol1-cY'. as emnc1ated tb ,reunder \..auld be applicable. to tbo,se- enployees who retired frOl:ll Government/ aJ.ltonJmous body service ort or afte.1" the' issue 0 f hese orders. ,: 2. " ,I1~ has been: bel-dby the Suprane, Court of India in its judgement§,d,ated-the '12th' ,August,.1987; 'in \ol!'i petitw" n No.3731 of 19c35 --case of Sh. R.L. Marwana v. Un n of Iridia ~dothers, trlat para~~aph 7 of the (bvernment or eX", carmot be used against perrons 1n"tne po sition of the pe't.it ner to deny th'6n the be nefj;t ~ f tha p"ast sarvi~ for purpo se sf, <ornputing the pens:iDn. ~' ',:;. " 3. Tt:l6 que stion r egarding ~plernentat1on () f the' :$Upreme Q)urt judgem~I.'t has been mder rons1deration of t e Gov6~men.t. The President, has row be(;i:) p19ased to decide ~~at the benefit under the ins'txuct1ons oontained in t.l1E:ord~rs da "ad 29-8-1984 should also be extended to all toose ~o had ret ed'pr,1or to the issue 0 f s:a1d orders and who are 0 therw1se el g:Lble for the benefit of oount.1ng o:C sery1ce' th'3reunder~ .. 4. The at" re a;rs 0 f pens~DIi, if "r;nr, whi' h.~e<':(me due to the ooncerned pansiQners; wUl,'::t be disbursed 29-8-1984 i.o., th~ d:~te of the Gover~ent Ordei' they ~U1alDt,beentitJ.ed to get any relief inr per iDd pr:iDr' 5.' may review requests. to 2=)-8-1984. ' tnEtJ1 w.e.f. onl~r aPd that spectof the '-'.1.1'the M1i1~str1es/ Depa;r~~nts/ Auto omotl',s Pod:~g: -the: cas-es-o,~":-~:_pans:lon9rS-.On:'~e'c~ip _of',tbeir ~ GJ , ,r,," O:>py of Govt. of 88-1D(PS) , dated @ Inq1at ~ptt. of Per & Trg. 16th 'August, 1988. OM No. ~1( 20)/ , ..As per the ~xist{rig instruct:Jons on rorption of deputationists fron1 Governnent services tQ Public R1te~ri-ses laid rown iJ,1 the Bureau of Public &terprises 0 No.5\'25) /8}-BPE(PS:E3), dated the 6th M~ 1985, ~utat1on f . Governrnent6rf1c.ers with Public En'terpzolses is lbt permissible except under certain specified exceptions an:! such officers can jom po sts j~n Central Public Ehterprises on tI .mediate Abrorp tio,n'l b as:Ls. l1'\.1rther the ci""i1 servaJ1t s el ig Ie to go on daputat1on tc> Publ ic Enterpr 1se s are required to exerc;lsf? ~ option with;n th'9 deputat~n period, e ith~r for eversion to the parent cadre or Enterprise ooncerned. for permanent abrorption in e Public 2. In certain exceptional cases, wher the idninistrative Ministry or the Depart2n!?J'lt f'ecl tha ~' extension of deputa,tion is aPoolutelY es$ential an unaviodable, they are requir'ed to send prop6'sals' to the EstaPli hment 0 f[icer in the Depa;rbnE~nt of Perromel and Trainillg' ",~ll b fore tile exp:try 0 f the J.'1:)rn1 al per 1od 0 f deputat:Jon for obt wing the pr1or cppr~va1 of the Appointments Q,mmittae of th 'Gab1!lat. In drder to avoid belated submission of propos s to the .AGO, mstructions have ~readY been issued in th past. In this co~ctiop attentfun is invited to this DepE:rt!lentfs OM No. 41( 3) J!DCP$/76 , date,'l thc:. 16t.~ Nove':;1b31~, '1916 and 41 ~ 13) ill{PS)/79". dated the ~th Novemb8t-, 1979. ' 3. Daspite the instructions mentw'ne :tnstCi'lces havl=: oome t.o the noti~e of this ~Pa!'t2!1 ~vernrnGnt Officers have been retai~d beyon:l,.,t1.1e per1od with the Public Sector Undertakings with')u to their parent officGS, or aboorption 111 the Und wr~re they are \lDrkin[:;. As delaYed aPsorption ma." place in .Jl;3re the approve} proposal abo}'S, .1t where the deputat:ion revers:ion rt~ings take s1:lcb, cases, embnrrassing situations h.9.v-e W be fa~ed -'-L.C;.C. may have to 00 approached fur ex post fe.ctc:> fur the excess psrfud of deputation, ev J2'where th~. for a further extension had rot been ae eed to ear.1J.er '\ ~ -To ~l be ti4~ date ensure that the date 0 f aP 9:).. tion whi,cb a dc.to ao~eed to by the officer, is rot later t11an of e:xpiry of daputatfun or extemed 9&;1 'ta~1.qn, foJ..'{Q wing gti,idel ine s are 1 aid for do wn 5t ri;Jt,~ ~ ob s~,yance:abfor rorption .-I Ir1 CaS3s wb?;!'e d:ptionLhas been ()btai~ 'of=ficer the ..'i.dr!inistrat1ce Ministry thl3 Public Sector Undertaking in \J'lich ~s on deputation s~uld initiate actio !'~ard at least 6 months ahead of the ~'Putat1D n, 00 th'1t there is adequate ~.a;r1fic8.tjon on the p:Jints that maY b t!:'.f;;~verrnr~t serva:rlts be1rlg--~OOr. pI J.ancel . from the ncerneJ with the of~icer ~'1 th+s mplEJtmn of :!me1'bl' raised by ---an1,10r' thp.- ..~ntd/- - '? ...:;. , .. l ''! ~. ~ '.. P~lbi1~ s..ctorUn~.er_.t.a.king concerned. 11) If for is:sue 0 f Mjn,istry .l?E!fo:,re' '$proved A. C. C. t pa.rerit c ,of 'the p .5. ..ested" .. t:> J ke ep Cases of abror J?ub.lic Ehterpr aPY rearon in the pro ces s 0 f ab rorp t~:Ion, re ce'ssa;ry otders' by the Ad1I1nJ.stratj.ve concerned c~ot be completed on or e ern of the deputatwn per:iQd.or1ginallY or th.e per~d of extensw'n approved by the he 0 fficer s~Uld' be r everted to h'1s p a;r'e dre /org~i~atio.n on the date ofexpi;IV rm1tted-depu.tat1on. Th,eMinistrY tr:C3se of' 'Industry, instructions tlOn of tl1.e officers ses. .'. ' etc.,' in :view deputed pre whue pro tD req~ ce ssing ~ 1/3/8f-P :- tl:)lnily ~lo~&s .The .undersi~d pensjonentitle:nents aP rorbed in ~n,tral is directed to, s~ 1nthe case of Pti~11c, Sector (:t:>.S.Us)/ AutQndmQus,Eod:rJes'on ,.~div1dual in term s (I r the :- \ , ..d~ted 0 .ff1ce. memo'r anda'mentione'd' i)GI,M.F.,D.~~.M.Nc). B/:I-f-/19?6. , tq~t, '. , ; 26(18)-:E..V~,1:i)!J?sJf \ ..' : 11)~~~;~M1~i6/1;~~~ .M.N~. ~6(:1:a)~E :V~(~~175; \ tii) G.I. ,M.F. t:I?.'E~, 0 ,M.No.. 4(10),.. .v. (B)/77:, dated ,10/7/1978. , .:.' 1V)G.I.,D.P. &P.W., O.M.No. , ension: .p~;;t:t :' dated 20/911985. \:1,: ,- These ordetrs, 1nter-a1ia,provid~ that the a'b-<.?Oed ~~:pfp~:e:$ \opUld be eligible ror t.ha benefits under the v~.~en,t,': F~ ily pen. sion scheme: orQy ir a f'gnily pens n. $~~~:.i(ic4~:'~'. &iployees' Fa}nilY Pe:rtsion Scheme, 1971) fr~e, ~p4~;:~ ~Q :c, &p~oYeesJ Provident Fmds and Miscellarnous IOy:i:~lOn~; . AG"t.,1952 irsnot 1ncperation 111'the P.S~ $.(J%1~~~~~'~"; BOdies co~lcerned or w~ere such a sclleme is in oper:~t n ~~~ are I'}::)t eligible for J.t for one rearon or the oth.r;]J:',(~:e;..g.,,: they may b'e drawing more PaY than the prescr ed ~.~:.~t:.fO~ be fng eli@;ible under that schaDe), aIfd tAat. .1 .:~~a:as~~ .: ~~. the aboorbed employeel s' "-Ould be 'cornpUl oor.i1.Y over:~q bJ'f .th~ 1!li1~loyees!' ~mi1Y PalsiDn Sd1eme, 1971 rr~ed' ~de~ ~~e c. 1~52 Act. , 2. sc- The stat.f' side in the ~th ., 0 rd:1n,' ..~e~~.:t~:;of; the NatioI:al .Coun ciJ. (.Ja1) requested that the res~'~'9~~n$ .!'eferred 1~ ill para 1 above maY be ranoved, :1 neceq~~Y by even gJlending the 1952 'Act, aPd a1.l aPsorb d enp!o.ye~~ give.n a ch~ce toopt e ithl3r fo r the benefits ?der yne E'gnny PensJOl'l Scoome of the Central Goverrme .t or ;..t;.he &ployees!1 FamilY Pensjon Scheme,1971'. , : 3~ The deril~d 0 f the Staff side was eferred to a Joint O:>mrJittea of the Nat:ion~ Q:>mciJ. (.raYl), which recornn1en~ded that the anployee Sf Provident lt~ds ~d .~scell~eo~:s ProvisiOns Act, 1952, has since been c:f1ended, rov~d.:I.ng for ~ grant 0 f ~3~mpt1on tI.)I anY employee or class df emp"loye.e:~ fIQtr t.he oper ation 0 f the en1ploye est .Fa.rnllY P ens.1.o 8cllemet 1971"" '. the a):)sor"be d employe es who will 0 therwise be governad by ~c pens.1J:>nar:YbenefJits of the PSUs/ Autonomous Bodia s may be' ~,Jo v.ed to ex~.r cise an op tion--t(oL r ~t.~in t e FanUY Pens:ia.t,; un d 9r"~~~ C3n t;r-;;-J.~ tv '?;r'~3 nt. ~ " + ...<$:>PIJ d/ - , , Lt-. " j - .-"'/3'"~1ail~ This , re~mn " Go~.~rnent. '!he Pre5;~deQt is, that, in p~.t~ial m?dJ.fi ~ ~tion '--' ..- . be~ accep'te ther efore, .no w pIe of t~~,Off'J.ce M~o in pa;l;'q. 1 aO~)ve, tne fr:j11UY pens1on entitlements ~mployees wUl bo regul ted as 'u,nder:, by the sed to d':!,:ide and a mentJOned of the atJoorbed I (i)-the' aDsorbed emiPloyees shall have aP op ion to be go.vE-J:nede ithe;rfby the, Farn'ily Pen~iqn S erne 0 f the .Cent:.ral Gov::;~nrnlent.or by that of the P sl :/"'Iutonornous .' .Bodj.es, ,Pen i but n°"t:r both. Ho~veI:-, f the Central ~;jon scherne .the be~e it of Famil Y Governmen will be ..' avajiJ.able to s ch of the"'aP~rbed 'ernplorees wl-p ~~ service, ' 0 f ' r.o t 11'3ss , .perm therl ~ent ten yeand a;I'S;1a:ve and a 1qU"alirying " ;-('11), the liabnity 9f the Ce~tr~ 'Gov~rnme'rt in th~s r eg~d , :' ~ wnl be frozen: O,f 1~he jn.diVid ~ of j:arnjJ.y pens .as\ on the al n enip1.oyee-s;. paYable cate.of will that be perm -is ,to calcU ent saY, ated ~ ~~ the \'lith tJOn ~oun1~ .' re.ference to e p SY dl'awn and the rule ,in for ce on the date of p rm'an~nt ab g)~.t:lon. .'1 5. .~~he abrorba.' emplOY1ges 'woo' 6p.t for t e Fam~Y ~ Et~sjon ,Sqheme 0 f tna C ntr al GoVerrJl1ent w1J.l h e to seek exet!!pt~Dn ~om tbe oper tion o,f, the.Provi~ons 0 the EnployeesJ --:~ Fgl1ily Bension Schem', 197'1, 'under SectlOD 17 1-9) of.,the ".anployees. P:rovident ds ~d. Miscella;r:e.ous Pro is1Dns Act, 1952,: wheree'ier ne ce ss y. 'For th is .purpo se, the roncerrDd .fo.m'al appl icqat1on fur xemptdon to -emploY~e ',v.\1QUld swmit ,r,ri3 ~J3n ~ral J?rov:ident q \ Cop'lmissiOner tljr'ough their employers i.e. the col"t: erned PSUs iu.:('tonomous.Bo,dies. , 6" -Iroo other t _.1m$;a:nd conditio.ns ~i~Ulated in the mentioned in par'a.1:.~o e which ha~e v:jl;!j,ous office m'8rrk:)r'ar1d TO.~ ~n ~ e.ciiri cally' m d i~ie d "9y thi s 0 ff.ig-e lvI or andurn, 10111:1 oonti~ to pe opera,tiv~. .'. .,.,' ? rrheise order' .take effectf'rom the.a te of issue. 1h~. Central Gowrment ployeOes ,aP~rbed ~:So $/~-tD1b.mo~s ~ies and "rr,kJ'are in s rvice 'on 'tl:lJ:s date ,wUl, ;e t).igible ~, exercise the opt'ion for being gov~rrted ,by he FaJ11ilY ?en,sjon Scheme of the ntral Go°veu'nment. Thisption shaJ.l be ~ t ~ xercised wj.thina per' d 0 f six months from th ()f this Offj.ce l"lemoi'a):ldWl. The option once exer .'l' in ", aL. 8.' In their 1;ri tm Indi13J1 .t-\.udit & ir., ronsUl'taJt.1on wi~hIrldia. ~ ~ date 0 f issue ised shaJ.l be Plicat:i.on W the perronsbelongin~ cco..unts D3partm anti the s orders J.ssue e~ptroU.ar ~o~J..u,~it.or enaral of ° .' -",~ ~ -::~-- -I -flt- ~ J Government of Ir1d1a Deptt. of Pension &~nsione s Welfare Office MemoraindumNoI4/15/~9-PW(D) dated the 3Jt. March, 1990 PermanfJ:nt Ce tral GoverCIIJent emploYE'es a payment of pro rata e'~irement benefits on absorp Public Sector Undert Ings/Centr~ fjnt1tled to :f.on in Cert~~al Autonomous Bod eS, ~ ;p~r tpe option exercised by by them, and the same is rom ss1b1e 4n~er. the Department of Fe' sonnel and Trg. O.M. NO. ~80.6/,/B5...Est~.. .:<C), 'd:ated thE331st antiary, 1986'-.:.. "~-" ,~'~' ~. ibis: Departmentts 0.. No 4(12)/8'j-P & FW, dated ,he 3(j;$t , March., 1,987. The Adm nistrative Min1str1esjDepartet;its' pavfJ :~re~" ,;b~en delegated power' to deal with $uch cases of: b.sorptibt} w.1i;hout obt aining p .~ "oncurrence 0 f this Depar me~t. '. 2. After the issue 0 f this' Department's O.M. NO:4(,1/$6' p&PW, dated the 26t Ma-:-~~986 " ...:..~ " :~.. -.' ~:.' ut1d;e~ Wh:'J.~.h a format: was p scri,bed tfor deal~pg with ca tfs, of 0 , ab;sorption of Centr~ GOYe'rnment employe~s in Cen I'.al aut:ono~p\J;s bbd,1es, no other form ts have been prescribed by bis, Dep:a;r,t;rlent. With :the issue of the 0 Jvis, dated the 31st Januar , 1r;86"f'~: .: ' 31st MCO1rcb,.1987, it ' as been become essential. .th t f,pe or~,e-~ pf p:ennanent ebsorptt n'in a Central public secto unde.r.te;~~g' ~hicb bas taken place on and after 6tb Mar:cb, 198 a~d, t11:e: . absorpti~n in a Centr autot1om~us body ':Nhich has take~ p;1..~e::on ~nd af~~r 31st Marcb, 1987, should be issued by g,e~cr~b~.t1.g, s~parat.a set oD,f fcrma s since the terms anJj cond1 ions of atsorp~tion have'unde gone change during the Cburs of tjJje", 3. The position ~as now. b,et3n reviewed and it as bf.en d.ec:i;~ej that, sanction :)f pro rata retirement benefits to ermanent Government servants absorbed in Central. publ:icsec or ~pde1!:t'aking pn and after 6th March, 19'85 ~nd in CentraJ. ~bQno :;;us bbdief? ~p and after 31st March 1.987, have to be issued' by t e Admifii$tr~1..,~linistries/Departments in the enclosed fornlat (s) ':>~ats .I',;:II;;I~1: which contains:! the terti1s and c;:>nditi::>ns of perman pt. abso.rpt-ion Fbr th~ cas.es of peroanent abosrption in a Centr8.l PubJ.1c sector updertaking wh:ich has taken place from a date prio .to 6th: :MarCh, 1985, the fJrm:~t prescribed by the Bureau of Publl Enterp.risf;i$ wll,l continue 1:0 be used. F6I1nanent abs:)rpti'.)n whi h bas taken pl~e in a Cen1~ral autoOOffiOUSbody prior to 31st M r~h 1987, f::)rmat pre.scribed under this Department's O.M NO. 15/86-P-',:& PW dated. the 26th Ma,.':t 1986, ~id~f;J~~t-IV} may be In e use of. -2... ptiQn ';i'~~JTen.t. j) -.2-F~r[Jat tJ Undertaking Central be uselJl -':\n absJrption in rE3spect :)f C$ses (j) in a Central Public arising ,::In ::)r after tJct;:>r -3-1985 P,ubl1c Sect~ r Undertakings) SubJect: ~eroarl:n~ ~.S~'rPt1::-.n :)f Designati~n)in Shri/S::lt (Nme I. ..Nall1e ':)f Jrganisati.Jn) Sir, I arJ :jirected t:) r efer t~ y:,ur letter ~o.. dated -.. :in the aboverJen:ti)ned subj;::ct and t::> c::lnvey the sc:n tion of the P~side.nt to t'he parrJanent abs;:>rpti:)n in of Shri/Smt/ KUU1ari .** a p~rillanent Central G~v~;rnment ecp yeas and *** in t~a Ministry/Departr.l~nt/Office.. ****.)n the terms ~d c:)ndittons envisaged in ~bd DC;iP artuJent ~ Pclrsonnel f'.nd Training, O.M.N;). 28o16/5/85-Estt(C) dated the 31 t January,1986 as &landed fr~r::1 ti~le t;:> tillie, w.e.f.th~ date and n the terms and cc>nditions as indicated hereafter". 2. Date.:i of effect effect frJr.1 3. The .pi.J,I'rJanent abs;)rption (d ate)f:)renoon/aftert'1:):)n. Pens,(i.:;n/'Gra-tuity within six l:l0ntbs 0 f the (1)- 01 th,~r t:. (1) He/'Sha will d .;;,te ;:)f issue receive ( "' .~" ::Ir t '. rece;i;~ .!...L," rJ:) ''It The :)Pti~r~ :,:'lUl shall be '(.';' ;: . .\ P -r1 ".'4 h.t./..,..,. -."VI' rj -,..~, .-J. l ~" s ") "~CC"""'\ (' ( ':)c;.~ ..,' ( .,', .. 1 .) .:;,..,.l._~ (N-_,r,..." lr -L.." , -., .1y ~.) :Jption be d$Goed take exercj.bA an these :)r~e rs-- ".l.)it'hly lie ns i:Jn . sum ar.l:">unt in ~ieu (I ex9rcis(",d 1 pr.:J rata ~e. luup pe,I..J..in of shall I ~f I in W!,iting :!os «,T?9 GPt.~ t excrc;J.sed" t:J ha'To bptgd Wi in fa n. "bJ.n once eyercis~ase the stipul :Jur ::1f sub- ~ of h~Si/!1I'r ;Jpti:::,~ in f8V::Yl:t .of sub-cla~se J f clau.s'ci ,.~~), r1~~/sh~ Wl.Jl d!'8-W pr.J "L"C.t,apen J.:1n pnd retJ.re! ~ratll i ty. f~:'. Lobo sdr",ic(; r~n:::t;rod 1.:,11er t~'}~ Go ernr;1ent. HG /Bh G W11'.,j.. .;...~..~; r,,-, ';') "b~) eligiblE; t::> C:;;.1L1uta upto 1/3 of his/har (1 Pens1:>n. (3) If ha/s.h3 ::>pts in faV:;L1.:r :)f sub-clause he '.she wili r~I.:;\'Jive lU:-'lp sum C'.:'~lJU:1t :iln lieu ::>f p ftnd retirer.:',ent g:r'atuity the lUL1[J SU!:1 anount will by applying 'i;he C.).;lt~1utC'.ti:;)n t6b~J under the C .C ::If L:>PJnsl::::n)F.ul,-:s ~ 1981, at1plicable.Jn t116 d ate Ciils!1ati::n :)f 'SI;;1r\jic~ under i:he G~varn!:Jent. Tbe c be f: Llbject t::, L1f:'J ic~1l exaI.lination ~The pension s:) shall r,.::Jt be: rest: red at any st egG. 11) af clause(1 0 rata $}QBsi:)n be ccu.culatej .(C::>r:JtJutati:::l!1 of his(her mmutatl.:)n shall cor.1rJuted --3-- (jjj) 1--3-- ~ @ . (1+)C~lculation :)f pro rata retire::£Jent bebefits--Th retirement gratuity p,nd p~ rata pensi;;uwlll be calculated i a.cc~rjance with the CentrftP'l CiVil Services (Pensi:)n)Rules. 1 72. NarE: ; ~h~ benefit" of ;"tha "'s~her"~e.of voluntary reti emertt isf'ued vide Departrnen1; of ?er!s.~nnel and A.R. O.M. N:> 2501 /7/77/Estt. (A) d~ted the 26th August, 1977, as eooJdied in Ru e 48-A of the C.C.E. (Pen~3ion)Rules, 1972, is J'!:)t a:l:~1is$ible n this. case. The (5) :>f a;lount pension Date of :ret1r,:,mfint of payment whe'rev~r date :)f r;:J:)nthlj thd date his/her pensi:5'n following CentraJ. G::>ve m;:1ent. opted gratuity of pro will rata.r.etiref.16n.t.b rnd lUfJp sum be payable. aril:> t1e.t:its nt in i:~d.1at lieu J...y.. after L)clror:.nent ab~orpti~n. The ao:>unt whereyar ~pplicable will ~s:> '~be th~ dc,te 'jf ces5ati:)n :)f servic the Q pr:>-rata payable fror.l under the (6) Lir.1i,tati.Jn as tJ tht;J t:JtaJ. aI:.1::Juntof gr tuitY~--"Tfie.:iot8l gr8't;nity adf1issibl;e in respect :Q.f~.;..the-.:_£rvice renaer:d ;undar. the .G::>-..:f:~.jent pf, .IndJ.,8: and that unde~ the. sh all n:)t exceed the a.!::>\J.pt th at w:)uld h ~ve .R..een.. I. SSJ. J.~ had Shr:ljSmt ..i,** c:;>:ntinued J.n G::J.vl~~n:.e.r:~.~er:vl.ce __,1 "':'-'..:..'.~:. 0'T~1'e" "PW W!1J..c!:lhe/she drew:)r1' et1.I'8'oerrt from " ; (7) , Effect jf Libe'ralifati:;)n :)f pensi::>riii'G'ra uity Rilles afti::r absarpti:)n Any' further lib..?ral1f pti~n.. :f.ropsI!l:)n gratuity rllles der:;idetl up::>n by G:)v,rn;;Jent .::f Iudi bi respect :If its ::>fficeJrs after 'tbe pcrrJanent abs,:)rpti,:)n .Jf ShjSLJt. : ** in * rn-ce,seSF1-aj~,rJt ar:J:Junt in lie!l -** :)f-peQsl:)n:)n ebs'Jt'pti:)n t:::.ken which given has place 'will NOT be extende ,to l1im/her has ::;pted' tJ' re'ceiv lUtJp sum absorpti:Jn e,nd t,pe p r:nanent frJm rationC'~lisati:)n/liberalisatiDn effect .t.~ by the Central a da...te prior to he in Pensi:ln R les ..Gov.ernment.. ," , d8t~ has from been 4. Fa:1ily Pension ro~issible fr:::>ffi ane s:)urce only per::Jp,nent abs:)rpti:>n in (n C'r,1e:)f ~)r:;anis ati:Jn', th 8hr~/6~t ~ will be eligible f:Jr fa~ily p ~d~~1.ssibIo L1naerthe Cantrnl G:)vern:nent only' .if t fC'L1ily pensi~n scll~i1e in the (n-c::.r:Je :::;f :Jrganisatio if hd/sho is not eligible to jain the fPJJily t;)ens available in the (na~le ::;f organisation) ar anly i is s~ucifice1ly exe~1pted by the Central Pr~vid~nt COiJilli8si:Jner on the bzsis :Jf a f:::,rraal applicab.ien bim/hor thro ugh~;::;:.ie 0 f Organisat1:Jn) f~ ~ t~e co On bis/her far~lily of nsion as ~ ere is n:) ) or only on scberJe he/she Fund' submitted' by e ra1;?'e af f~11ly pensi~n :::>tbor s1 tuatj.';)n schelile bejsh:a af the(nalie :Jf the orr;;811is will be carJpuls:::>ril:;t:' cove. 1?n)In all by the f2:)ily schcill6 ';)f the (npn.e ';)f organisati:J i,)ensi:,n ,. .. ,-+- , . ~ ,. f Ibenefit lmder 1f be;"fbe ,.. servi,9;G ,'Ito aqcept e:nc;shment ance :) f b is.f 2~(j days. .¥;f~1~~i;!; ,1?:r~icer c'_,mpet~ftt t~ iss~~ the sanct IrvIJ the,MiniE:t:ry /D. p4rtr;l~nt. I' ~ rrorJ ;;;ne s,:)urce t~q(n erne of the Ibenefit under if he,"fbe service .", '- . 6. teave:..-Shri 8mt/ ..will be "of earned leave to his/her credit at the heI)6redit at the tiule ~f acceptance':) " fl':,:)!:1G=>vernment" service subjec'ti ",:;;) a Half pay leave will stand fjrfeited. ...Ito e:nce,shment aq~eptance of his! 24p days. ~~~11V',~, ..Df.ficer c:,mpetlJfttt'J issue thE,3 sanct frorJ thG..Minutry /Di-p*rtrrl~nt. pension. '" r (Ji) ;,:'1~ ".. , I!{!'~ I. --1 .1 :;,. : .' J, ; ...'. i -2- \, ". . ., , @'" .~ .'(3){a) In ~a,sQ he/she opts in f av:)ur f sub clause (ii) of cJ.ause (1 )", 'ne/s~~ .will h avo further opt1=,n w':1ch will also have to':) b~ ex~r.c1sep, al::>ng wj,th the apt1o':)n refe rod to. in clause '(1) his '?-bove~~ 1 .In beh~f, case n~1 specific opti:::>n is indiP8te h.e/sbe will qe de~med to have ,~pted inby favour hirJ/her of in sub,-clallse (1.) of th1s clause . ' (3) '(b) In the 'event of his~er option ip favol.;t:r of sub ,91ause (i.) of clause (3) (a); he~sbe will draw pro rata [Jension and ~etiret:Jent gratluity f:)r the ser\T:(.ce rendere under the Goyernt1~nt. H e/sne' ;will also be ~~igible to co (Jute .uP to 1/3rd ~f bis,/her petnsion..' -' , , , (3)"'(c) I .' " Iflhe/she , q,pts " in fC!-vour ,ofsu , -clauselii) of claus.e: 3 (a), h~/she' will ,'receive lUlJp sUrJ ',8moun in lieu. of pro ra'~a,pensi:)n Md retirepent gratuitYee ~he.lump Lm1 f)I:lount will be celcul~ted;by applying the c::>r.1rl1utati::::n able under the C.C.S.(Comralltation pf Pension) :Rules, ,198~, app icable on the q ate of his/11er' cesjsati,ori 0 f se'rvic'e unde r the overnment. Tb,e comrJutat~ion sh~l,be subjeqt to I:1edic~l e,x ina~io!1.The pens:!.on s.') (~or.1mutedl.st:1all n:)t be"',restored at an st~ge. (3~)(d) C~cUlati:)n ..' Jf'p~ The r etire:!!E~nt gra~ui ty and p~ rata in ac~ord an(~e with Ithe Central Civil. ruta " retire::l t nt.benefits-. pensi:)n .w~ 1 be c'i'J.culated S.ervice (Pe s~an)Rules .1972. NOTE'. ~Thebenef~t of the sche:-,1eof voluntary 'l1de Departr;1ent of 'Pers::'nnei pnd Administrative 25013/7/77-Jr.stt 0(1;), dated ~he 26~h August, 197 Rule '48-A 0:(' the C.~. (PensJ.~n)Rules, 1972, J.S in tbis CBSla .:... retirement issued Re.forms, O.M. No. " as e~bodied in :)t ed~J.ssible , (3) (e) Dtte of p~YD~nt of pro:),rata' re The" al:launt Gf retireQent gratuity and lucp ,sum, of pensiaQ wherever opted will be payable il:lL1ed date of his/her perr,18nent.abs:)rptiDn.The OCl~unt ireQent benefitsaunt in lieu ately after the .~ of pro rata !:i1ontbJ.y pension wbEjlreJ"srapvlicable will~so the date fallowing I the date of cessation of Cent~al G::Jv-;Jrnoont,.' ... payl3ble from ir::o under the . ~e. t:::>tal li"(}~~r the b so (3) (f) L1r.1itation as to the t:)t~ ~ gratuity' OO::l1ssible, in r~spect of th Gjve1'1.1De t ,:)~f India,.'" and tl1at under unt::>f gratuity-service rendered the * sh 8Ji Tio.'I; exceed t ~ a:-.1;)'untth at, wc.uld have be' n ,a1of:ss3.bIe had Sn'~,~~8..::.-t.", *,* C:Jntinu"ed in GOVC3 m:- e,nt service en:-l r~t~_:'~j;,' .;.~ 'c."::; ~~1d ~.:y \:l-,~ ", l1c;'S:1e Jre. on.. retire:Jent frQIJ ~- '* 0 -- -3-- "", m ~ --3(3) (ig) Effe t ~f Liberali -~ -~ Pens1 Rules after ab:s~rptiq Any furtrn r l1bdralisa .g~atl:lity rl:l~es decide upon by Governr.1ent of Indi~ ofre'1cers after the pe oanent abs.:>rption of Shri/i!Im in Shr~~mt'.-~ *' will NOT be extended * * has opted to n/Gratu1tY'-ion of pensiorJ in respect i'J j . to hirn/her lnc~~e; receive a ~m; su;m _~unt in tte"U'" ofpt;:llSlion on absorpti.:>n and the pe m~nt 8b;~d~Pti~n bas taken place fr:::>m a date prior t;:> tb dat:e f:ro~ wbic :r;at~onalisation/libe;r,~1sat1on in pensian rulesb beec~ g;fv~n effect ~-(~), t'.) by the .,0 t~e n his/he1:' 4. FaJ1i1y family q,f' pension as is, if ,sdher:1e ~v~abJ.e the 'In call the is in on the through (11) of by b~1s will be Gove of (nane a e rnIi1ent on~:v' (narile:>f: the :rE'lJi' oro the ly be of S relevant " ( ource, name ($.11) tj.me. ]~ar:ltl'i 1oe., ~~ith':lr of organJl.satl.on) the fe.mil.'fpen~)ion NorE : The .fatlily I 'IIill 5. be free Fi:tation to ~ l Gove rnept in regard f adQ1ssible, P ~Y.'"from 0 nrlt be eligible his ap; ~~ the ~nisation):and and :the rules gibility 9f gule~ted in ,"in force Rt Governm~nt J1jtb 0 . for t erJ.1':Jlul:Jentswitb Shr;i./8 "one fro~/:tbe any ne efi.t Gove:mci~~ aabsO1'ptioI'l qualifY1- Qlr p~y Qn absorptiQn-- negot~ate 1?Y ", ! eme-rOf the Centra.1 is and not n.:>t les~ permanent than 1;en'yea s, so ond,::>es 'the not date have of ;-, c'o:v-e:r~g$ dn). I., " per1S10n \,?~lJ,;" be rom the Central ¥d ~ot from sc will , cove.~~d to thee amount of the.. f.am1ly pension will be froze date of perqaneint :abs:)lrpt1oI'i in th;e(netle of the or will be C~culatec1 with reference to the p'ay draWt1 farce an the d~:lte of peromlerlt. a bsorpt1Qn. The ,e1 family oeobers to .receive fanl.ily pension will be r accara ance witll ,the Celntr~ Government rul~S/Order the h$/sh~:~1s 5~dfit1.): organ1S' OF ti:1e Centra if the Drg~ corJpulsorily of .' ubPittQQ from (n~e f~4y if n:d organ1satiop) (nar:le' ,for O,rg!;a;tji~sa'~ljn) y pE:~sian application t~e will Tho l1~i11ty eligtb Provident foroaJ.. 'jf I::>f the join Centl"~ of he/she sc:blel1~ in to of s:>u ::> ce g~,i'satiq~~ 011l;Y organisation) the :shh~e sj.tuat1on: (name:>ne tfie~Cen.trU thie(nane the pen~~1on in pt:lJnsi::>n scherJe ~'jt eligib,le pension othef fem1ly ' ** iJiiJef' exet:lpt,ed family , ,,',.. absorptibn admissiblefr:>m nQ f (~~y he/~3he CQillm1sstoner him/her p~maqent perlsion f?hr1./~rJt. specif1c~lil' of GovernQeht~ MI:i1j~ss1b],.e ~pe~e or only by Centr~ under if be!$he g .serVl.ce . of t ** al1t':Jn m.5us""'6ojy~ On his/her ws~)rption, be/she will be at par with ecployees of tha autc~moUs will be go~e rl.1les of the a\lton:)m,:> us 'body body in ~land respects. tb,s:r' ed 'by the ° t.J of be entirtled at the tirJe t service 6. Le:3.ve 0-Shr1/Sr:lt. *0* wi an encasboent ,jf e rned lea. ve toh1.s/her credi acceptance of his I er t'esignatiJn 'froo GovernrJe sub j e at t~ a cr13.x1rottll°. ,...f-240 r~:.r'ffl1.:t.<3d. day-s-._RaU" pay le aVr w '1l stand -4- :.- ~ .~\ .'..4.. ..~ (7) ,Benefit after pemanent wsorp'ti:Jn. of servi...;e rendered y StrifE-Qt. ** in from the date of per..anen.t absorpnbnhejsne wil tQ the in all the benefits seid '.)rganisati'.) all missible t'.) and c6ntinue'to respec1;s. I , ' (8) the ",. --F'.)r the jeri e en J. eo corrdsp~ndi bij, gov:-,rned g e~lployees by its rules :Jf " Prqviden\t Fupd.:-- Tbe arJount of s ~eeiption together with interes,t th~reon standing to the Qr d:l.t of S'hri/Sot. '' **'\ in the Genercl Provident Fu: j ~c~unt w:hll be transferrea~isYhe;, new Provident rund Acco nt under the (Orgn) with its conseJt1t. In case the auton~mous b:J Y does have Provident Fund S herile ;)r the, Provident Fund 8 aut'onomvus body dQes' ot pI':)vide f:)r acceptance of other Provident F\1nds the G.l? .F. balance shall be 8hri/sot. ** in' cash,. Once such a t Provident FIjOO ?nC as' 'tak,en; place, 8hri/smt will be, subjec"t; tQ th 'i?rovident Fund Rules of t e r.nd nvtof the Provide t 'Fund Rules of ,the Governo not berne of balance from paid to CJJlsfer 0 f ** rgan sC!:.1.Jn) nt Qf Ind1.a. y.') urs .f 8i ~h fully, Officer C~IJpetnent t~\.iSf'ue fr~m the MidistrY/De~artment Copy f:)rwar::1dd 1. f'~r inf~~rr11at1;=,n f1nd.;necessary :pey arid Accounts 2..Sbri/St1t. -~ * N Of1(~er... i - 0 f f1 -"*.'WSi~atjLonat ~.~ NcjJ1e0 f Office .'..hiGh sanct p.c~1~n\ to: Officer c~Qpetent to from the Minis~rY/Dt3p gne :0 f thl3 0 rgEll sat1on to which pro ceedmg.. ~ ~ N ~e 0 f tIle the pI'O ce&i 1al. ~ '. ssue the tr..1.ent. : '.. tbe ~~e of p~rman.ent .,j) rorprion g. Depar1:J;ne.n-t'.MinistrY -' -from \ .'. . sr:ncti - ~-, j ' (l:J ,;, 0" \ .;"'1 Fb1~at to be us~j on abs~rpti~~ i~~dntr~l not having a pensi n scheme l.n respect or To' 'after r - ~ d".ut;~~: ~r:j:us Bo.1y ,:.f casas arl.sing on 31-31987 ° -I (Cen,tral. ~utOlr10m:)us :&ody) fubject ;.. Permc.nent absorpt;on ~d ~signati:)n) of f:hr1/f.~t J.n ~... l -'~'.~~ (Nane.~r!'Org:~;~!s"Ctt;).;on) ~ ~ 1r ,. :. ,I am jir~3cted to refer t.') your letter No d ~d , :>n the ebovem~nti:)nedsubjQct and t:> 0) 'ey' "e &..al1~~n'o~e ?residerl, t:) the peroe.nent absorpti.Jn '" ~ or ~brl/£mt/KQmr.)~i ..** a permf:.nent ~tral GOv mmeP empl.')yee and *** in the l"linistry/Departm nt/Or"fice of , ..** on "terms and condit1ans env1r, ge.i in 't;QS " :p'e1jar"Effieht-.')f i.>ens1on anJ i'ens1oners 'Welfe.re ,.Off! eMem6'r~rli;um No.4 (12)/85-P&t?W,date 31-3-1987, as .amended fr3m tifll~ to :~~n1e, w.e.f. the dc.te and 0 the terms and c~nditions a ind"1ce,.ted " hereafter. 2. Date ::'.f effec .The pe rmane,nt absorption effect frJm (date) fo en'):)n!aftern.jon. ..' :" ~;~,,:?enSion!Gi'.e.tu tY8_(1)He!fhe will exercis with Six m:Jntbs of th (i) \ either (11) , exercised the The t re' e1Ve p~ ::IPti:)n shell Sh~l b~ i f1 pbri~j of sub-clause . beaJ.. exer~ised In he/Ehe ( 8(2) In the event (1) Qf clause~1)t hel li1ent gratllity for the she ~1ll f?J.sf!e e11gi PensJ.on. of this )above. no ~il1 en !)pt1on monthly penSl0 ~~ sum a:J;:>unt'1n . c~se take order rata or to 'rece,1 e a lump pension. stipula.ted favour to issue sh all in be writing. opti:Jn deemed lieuf monthly ~ Th exc is t:;J h rc:1sej opt.ion e , onde, within opted' in . of his /hor option in favou of sub-clallse he will draw pro rata pensio and re't1:J;'e-. service renJer(;jj und63r the G vernr.lent. Rei le to commute up to 1/3rd 0 f his(r1er ., (3) If Qe/she.:>p s in favour .~f sub-clause ( ) of clause (~), hl3/she \'lill rece ve luliJp SUrl1ar.1.:>untirt lieu 0 pro rate, pension and retiI\.~Qent g atuity. The lU(i1p swn 00:) t.1nt 1),.1.be caJ.cu~ l~tQd by applying the c:)mr.1 ut a'bion table unje r the .C'.8 .(COffirtlUta:,",~on :)f Eens:ion) Ru es, 1981, ap[Jlicable ;)n the d te ::-.f his/her ces~ati;)n :)f s13rvice nder t be Govemr:.1ent. The c~r.1.utation sh~l be s~..ect to !j1{ijic eJ. exf::Jination, The pension so ommu'ted sh all n:)t be ~.~tored at ~n stage. r The retirern6nt benef tS <4} I~~~~,:..l~.ti=,n ~f p~ rata retir'~)L.lcint b'!"£.t'-lit}. p. j pr:) rz.t a per.si~n will be c cuXated in ~cc=,r:3f!.nce with ~:~-:-4 ntraJ. Gj"!1.1 fervicc,::'{?Ans-ion) l1ules,1972. (5) Date ofpaym",nt of retirer.lont ;gt'atuit 0 pro 'and rata lump retirement bt:>nefi 'sun1 'C1W.')unt in lie s.:)f The arn,:>unt .~nsi.')n wh.arever optt:Jd will b pay'aple imtl'Jejiately after thf;l date of h.i s !h'er per,.ijandnt absorp i:)n. rrhe ~l:)!;I;nt ~.f pro rate. monthly pensi::>n wherever appli~a.ble ill ~so be payable fror.l the date f()116wing the Jate of cessation of service under the Cintr Goverlli:1ent. (6)' LirJita1on pS to t e tot£Q 8mQ'unt of gratuity. The t~teJ. g,ratuity CJ.jm~:ssible i respect 00:[ the service rend t'ed under tbe G.Jvi;1rnmant of In4ia a d that under the * h~l nJt ' .;..exceed thee.r.1QUnt' thO t' wo111dfuave beena':I5iss1bl , hen Shri S41t. '** co tinuad in G:)vern::1ent servic 'f'nd retired on: t:Fie-same paT'whicb be./sba drew on retirer.1ent f om -* (7) Effect of. L1ber,aJ. setian of Pension/Gratuity ules attar wsorpt~ione---4~ny..ru ther liberalisation of pens on/gratuity rules decided officers lb~ up;:>n by GovernrJent after in. * will OT..Lextended .Sh~~r.1t:-~' * 1.'r'llieu O.nen-slan~on 11M taken ple.ce fram r.C'.tion.P:li.'s.pti::).n/l.iber effect to by the Cer1;t (" 4. F~ily .1) .On his/t1er of India the p rr..1anent absorption pensi pertJ~ t.be ;f:'rmily'bf:.&hri/f>m ?enpian as?dmis5ibl'e ,,-ana f3!i1ily pensijn ,jrJ.y if he/she is not in resp of Shri t.') him/ber in ~t or. its mt. cse. * . Hks opted. to received lump sum '?rJ:)unt oosorption and the perm8nent absorptian d2.te priJr to the date fro which ls'C'..ti:)n in pensiJn rules h been. given a1 Government. ri admissib3;e .(r:)G1one s:,.urc only.--:nt ebsorptJ.on in(n~e of 0 gp.nis2tJ.on), .-* Qfij~rtbechd;;Je in eligible.t:) Will be elig Ie for f awily Centrf:,l. Govern41en only if there the (nZ'.rJe :Jf organ satian )Qr J:>in the f8:l1ily pensijn sGh~we. avf,Uable in t e (neLl~ afthe org£'ni~ f.tion she is specifj.cally e empted by the Central A?r:>vi :ommissi:>nar' an the- b sis :>f a fo roi;Jl applicati:>n her thr:>ugh the (nc'.I:1e.?f the -.:;rgan1s~ti:Jn) fr.?~ t. 't~,. .faI:li~j pe,ns1:Jn sc e...Je :)f the (n~a :>f -.:;rgani~c ;)r :)ply if he/ ent Fund SUbr..1i tted by hi~ t: c-.:;verageaf ion.) f, In en otb s1tua~J.:)n HEfshe .:Jfwill compulsJrJ.ly pensi,:,n scherJQ the. be (neJil6 6f .:Jrganis c,:,verad ~'ti:)n). he - (it) ~l:lUnt of aDs?rpti~n The 11ab1 ityof the:'Ce-ntr~'G:)varnme forJily p\:.n ijn will be f:uozen as :In the in tte(nr.i:.e of organisation) 'rnd. will with reference t~ th .J f pdrr.1 anent ?bs~rpt. pay drawn e~n,-1the ~n'~ The eligibUity r~..ce1've f~.rJilypens1 n will be regulated Ce'c.t~aJ. Govi.'!rnrJentRu es/Orders in f~rce -~~t) by ,rf~(.LnistJ.tij't~~~'\.:i tin regard t:J t jpte ~f permanen e c?lculated orce on tbe rJer"1b~rs to P n~ " -~ ~ _1r-rJ --,' b~t.h d atf in acc~r ance w~tb the at th~ re ev:;lnt tirJe, t ns1~n wui be adrJissible Jrtl f ' frJm ~ne the CentraJ. G:Jvernmsnt or fr~m t e (nC1rneof' Far:1Uy :.e('~ eit.~e1-f1:'J:~ rlties in ~f ,f(3ffiiI ff"tJily .:" SOt1rcc the -r @ ::: NOTE: The fam~l; Will not ~:3~~1g1b~Or any hen fit under the fet:tUy pens1:)tl scbe~lc.'of the CentraJ. GOvernrJent i he/she is .not '~erQ~ent at1d als~ does n-.:>thave a q\l~J.ifying ser ice Qf not le'sE th~ 'ten years:~ on the d ate of aQsorption. I -~. .,,' 5. ~etj;Jn of':Vay =>n ebsorpti?n. .~br1./Sr:it.. "l!~r::, tj. negotiate his emol.~rnent~ wit~ auton.:>mods '... w$: be ,:dy." g~O~1~/ a.\it~'romous and will °b()dy" ::in all b::>dy: respects.' 0.1" tbtJ ' °811tpnqr4:J\ .'" " ~~~.~sorpt+on. he/she: w~ be at p,ar with other eIPP+oYfJ.es Q:f ~ bo g~veI"[l1"d by the rqlos ' .. 9"'~~~~ of ...1 .--S.hri/Smt.. EJ.,a'rned lea-via to b.E3',p:~s1gnatio:rl from ~4p: days Half .wil:L his/hef: be ent.1~l~ ~ cre.:JIt~at Government P?y le~ve the time \ ser'f1ce ~a subject. wi1,l ~.tand forfe.1tGd. : to f'P~l~1hqe:pt :c~pt8tI~::.ib;f1 .to .: !his ~'~mai1tn.~~d:~ : ," ... 7, Benefit ~fter permaneT)t absorpt1on;e-'rendered by Sh:ri /Gmt ** in Fbr tb ' period?~ * 'from T~ d».. tQ, of permPJ1ent a.bs~rPti.?nne/sbe ween, ?-1 t;:> ~ene,:f:'1ts adm1s131ble to the co rees pond ing- 'etJploY;o.Ss of t~a 9r;ganis&t1on e,nd' continue to be gJve,rped by its ru es in' re'S~cts ' ' ,t"" . ser~ ~.~1i~ .:St~i *:: ;~ ..;',' I 8:. .Provide(11~ lrterest tbere~)n Fund .--Tbe st?nding ta am::>ijnt of subscr1pt.1op the credit af Sb~i/&m Gwera 1 Provi~ient F...und account new Prav1jent I Fund Accountunjer ce.sethe aut:)na~10us baJy' d;)es n:)t will the have o.get~~~.~~~~t~ '."~ :t~e be transferr l:;~t5: p~9:mQr (orgn)with 1 $ ppn~(8.n~:,In Pr~v1dent 11\1d ~:cheme: o~ the P.F. Scbame af Autono::laus Body does not to~ .acceptance of b a).ance frorol other belan.ce sb~l be paid to Bhr1/Sr..1t. such a transfe'r of 8b'ri/smt, '. 'Rules of ~~Isa'tion) Provident. ** will Prbv.ide Pr6vident. nds, th~ ~;.P.F. **:1; O~~.,iOf1q.e. Fund OaJ:m1ce has- taken pJ.$;Ce;,. be subject to the l' v1;d~~t ~~d and not of the Prov1da t: .!Fund .n~~s Of the Government of India. :;..,:.: -:'..°\ :.\ Yours rei t:~fullY , ';11\'" ' ~-PY forwarded" " for Officer infOI'1lation from competent the Ministry and neCGSs-ary actio 1. Pay and JAccounts Officer ./ 2. Sbri!3mt** ~ $le 0 f the Orgi3Pisation "' to ,...hich proceeding.', ',~ gr.e ,0 f ti,1e of'f,ic1al iesue tpe p~~rhentl to : 1 . .: s?n ,f . . Officer comp~tBnt tossl;le ~ the ~anct: from the Min1.stry /Dep irtment.. I ..-'"Da s1.gn-c.t1.Onat the tit-ne 0 l' ***. pi:;rnl '~ aren t ab gJ'rp t1o n.. j!'W,1eof 0 ffiae/ top a.1"t;~*'- +,M:1nis~Y to ~i~ pro\ceedin3. ~ : --3-- Nom: The fam:lly WU fBtl1iJ.y pens1:)n scbem w ~) not be eJ.1gib~far any ben 'of the Centra:l. GOvernrJent i '~em~ent ai1d a1s~ d es n:)t have a qll f:'J..1fy1ng se th~ 'ten yearf;', on th date of apS;!).rption. " 5. ~at:l;:)n ;f~r:: of' ~ay ~p absorpti-:>D. ...Q.bri/Sot. t',:), negot1,ate his emol~ment~ with fit under the he/she is ,not ice 1. Qf nDt lesf '.. auton:Jmotis ~$ be .:dy." 9t:1'r1~1 ~~p ~sorPt1oJ1t he/sh ..wilJ. be at p~r with other ~P~QYfl:es o,:f~ ,a4to,po.tnous b:Jdy and 'b()dy" ;1n ~l respects.' oj" tne ft-,.:~e~:G.-- Shri/Smt 0 f (;J.;aroedleave to hi ~.E;r,r:re$~gnatio.n from ~4p: days H~r p?-y lo? 11 be g:1vent)C1d by the ' rq1es ~/her '811tpt1pfrJO , ,::; " ~ will- be enti't;~ ~ to f'P~j.~p~pt cre.::tIt-at the titrle ~ a c~pt8ncp::,~o;I1.1h1s vernment \ serf'1ce su~je.ct 'to ~~~ai1t1'~~:O:t; e wi~ s,tand forfe.1tGd. ." '.:' , ': 7, Benefit after p rmanent rendered by Shri /Gmt ' absorption;.~**, in da tQ: of permment ab :>rp .1.:::>n a/she wl penG,:f~1ts admissible t the co rees pondlng' 9r~a't1is G.t1on e.1ttd' cont nl.1e to be g:)ve.rned re'S pe cts' : .". period; o,~ ser~ * 'from 'l'.If;li1 e en t e.1 tp 4tLj.~1i~ 'er;:tplo~oes of t1:1& .:Sf~$ by its ru es in' ~:, : ,- 8:. Providen~~ Fund. lpterest there~)n stp.n. Gwera 1 Provident F... new Prov1jent Fund i4. cesetheaut:)riomous bo -The amoijnt of subscript.1o~ ogetb;e~ ~~~t~b; ipg to tile credit of Sbri/,&m .:. ').it:tqe d account will be transferr .~~~: ta:---h~~.mG;r countunjer the (Orgn)w£th 1 $ ppn~entl,In y. d,:)6S n:)t have Pr.:1vident 11\1.1 S:cbe~e : 0'(" the P .F. Schame or for' 8.Cceptance of b beJ.anpe shq11 be paid such a transfer of P 8hX-i/Smt, ' Rule$ of ~org~ s Of the Government of utohdrJous Body does not Prb'V.1de ance frox.} other PrOvident nds, th~ ~;.P.F to Shr1/Smt. ** 1: ca~~.,iOp~.e v1dent Fund oaJ.ance has- taken p~ace:,. ** will be subject to the I? vi;d~~t fY~d ion) and not of the I'rov1da t; .!~u~dEtil:e.s nd1a. .:.;.:~ : .' ... Yours fait~fu1lY, ~'PY forwarded :for in ormation Officer competent t i~sae the from the M1n.1st~y p~~ment. and neces-s-ary actio to: 1. Sbr1/Gmt** 2. Pay and 1Acc~unts0 ricer ~ cfrle 0 f the Organisat "' to \\i1ich proceeding. ". n ',~ W1e0 f the official **""~ * signz"tion iiC:{:~' Officer . competsnt to ~S51;te the from the Ministry /Dep~rtment.. at the t e 0r ** v~rm arent ab SJrpt1on.. ..J.\'~,1e of Office/ Ibp ti~*'- s ?T. -IMinistJ.'Y to VJhich pro\ceedin3e sanct ~ ";7t-- To be u~)ed on in r~3spect of ,. SQrpti~n ina CentrF.J. Auton:;;ul0us Body ases which ar6 S.e, pri~r :to -- ...". ,,' .' ..". To Sub: " @ "" ,. ..: - .' ,; peI'tnat1eri~Jab~o:r~t~bn:'~f8hr1/smt'.~.' De.iignatl n)ln .' .(Name I, am dire '-.':ted'to .' " -a~ted on of the-1Tres~nt ~~d Desighat 'as, (Desic on fiiS7F;er-own vol and condi ti;)ns env ,of E~PQnditIJre) 0 1976" ~,.S ~'3nded..f end'. on t~e :i~rincipa1 .(1) effect of ~ . ' refer r',:.'to 'your Name ~d orge,nisatian)- 'letter N::) the above sub"ject,' and to -c:)nvey the sanct::(op "the, permanent absarption of ..Name ti) .~ti' :tbe pe'rrn~nent pos~ held' " , ati"CI,n) in .~~e of Organ-1sl!:tIonj tfon/in thepubl1d i'n~~rest* :>n t.Pe te,ros s aged in the Ministry of Finance (De ~",..rt!I1et;t .NO. 26(18):!E.V(B}/75, dated the 8th AprJ:l, om t'.tr:1G,to "tiin~,with effect from the d~te terms. and co'nditions as :r.~dicat'ed hereafter~ Date oW effect .:-~; ~be permane.nt absor~tion from ~~=J(Q.at'e} forenoon/afternoon. sp~l . hav! ., (11:) I:!ens,1 n/Gratuity.~on his~-er permanent ,absorpti;:>.t\ 1p, (11erne 0 f th'e :Organis ntion )Sh rQSmt. ,shall ~e-eIm5Te f::Jr pr rata Pf?nsi9n and retirem,~n:e gr-a:tui~;y, base:d on the l.'ang1:h :6f h s/r1er qualifying servicg' ~jer thff Governr.1ent or ,India t1JLl the, ,-ate Qf' his/her; pe:rme.nent.-absQrpt1op .in , .'.' (l~er;le 'of 0 gan1sation) as a1m1ssibl.e un,der the rules appIiCaE:Le 1jO offi e1'S ;:>1'the CentraJ. 9 n tbe' a1~':) VE~m.en,ti ned d ~te , Civll'Serv1c'e in force (iij~) C~c lation :)'f Pro rata r~tiret:1ept' ben:efj.ts~-'[he pr:). :rata ret1 rJent gratuity md pensi:>n,wiXl 'be' c~~cu1ated :especti'/el)r 6nth basis of !'erJoluments" f1J;1d, '~avere.ge emolument'" as defiw3d jLn 'Rule 33 8.nd 34 of the Centr'aJ. 'Civil Serv'i,ces (]Pension )RuJ~es,19 2. fhe 'IIil1 arJounts (iv:) be :0 the ~fDatepr~ 'Nor~:e;j out (Org~mis2,ti ez.rlies1i f',Jr vCYluntz.ry of India ar -.,-_.~~~11Er dz.te fr:)m of t. or which the rata retirement., retirement t:J be ment ha1 e date 'of anis:?ti:;.n) t ~f ~nd pr~ intirJated would J.:JrJ reti ~ f Shri/Smt.'.' 'as.. dibursable t:J he/she could he/she hisl'lJ.er whichever cont~nqed perm~ent is Sch8-;~1e grptu,1.ty benefits which of v';Iluntary Jf Per '-':;:I;;(~~ v., -,""., " :;'nu\sl. ",4~") &A.Ro 010 '.' 7'7 I e'~"'4 ..IUv'" . have well ~he6rficer become as fr~rJ eligible under Go~ernme.nt ~s:J~pt~on in late:r. -' " rat.i~rerJent- tho. ,issued in ru l e 48 A o,f the ~",B,~ (::'~~I.s.1-::,k::w-u~_\...19'l;:I- 1.::,..n?~- ,~l::1issible in tbi,S case, Deptt~ .::1.~-'t~),~ ,I~, t'"" C. c-.nd n) N' aTF.3 T~1e beriQfit vije rete. f p~Y:Ilent pension O"MCI ,~"'"' t"\~ ~ NO: 1. e [1 25013/7I.77-£stt(;III.) '\ .(vii) L1mit~.t \~e total grntuity 1), ~\S rorn' ss1ble to tQtal in: arfi':)unt respect of of the gratui:ty . :-' .; serviG':e~reI~de :Qnder the GOV8j-:nrilent 0 India and that under ' (org~i:s1~t:iQn) ~he.ll ntt e:xceed the 'aunt tha.t wou~j. have b~-a;:jmisfibil(~r;i -. ~Q~ 8hrl/8mt. co t;i.nued in"G::>vern;nent serVice and r'e:i~ired on the 'Se.llle LJ:ay-WF}Tch e/she drew an retireQent froql .'. . (Orgenis~t1on). . ' , .' (viii) J~~ily' '\ ensi;Jn/Admi,ssibility '.. f-:,om one so~r~fJ;' .c'nly (1) On hl.s/be permanent absorption 1.n (orgn.) Bhri/Smt. IS f~i Y will be el'.ig1ble for l"~llYP'ensiD)1;. 'J:.S,oom1ssI5Ieunde.r th CentrclGovernment if there is no .~P4Uy officer ih~ pensioh ~3aheme n the does n61~ becom e11g1b-i~to (0 rgarlis ?otto ) 0 (Orgro1isation) or 11'" th:~ join famiJ.y pensi!)n.;~ribIGme ..., ..'\" (2) :WamjLly pen 'ian will be a1missible :>nly fl"P,lI1one, "qourca, i.e.; ej-tber f :)m the centreJ. Governmel1t or. f'rom.tbe ~~1)nomob.s body in Ct'"s such an organiset1on bas a scheme Tor pa-;ment ()f f:a.rnily ens1on. , , ,,:' ("Lx) Ef1:ect 0 f l1beraliE at1:)n of pens1on!gratut ty rules " after ~bsorpt1on An ,further 1;lberal1sati3n of pension! g:!:'~uity rull;:s decided uvon by Government of India in respect 0 r lJtti(}ors ()f t;he Cen ral Civil Services, after the r)erm~nent abcorption. o:t Bbri/Smt in ---~---'(oY'g:;1nis::-.tion) wi;Ll NOT be extend,~ to h-lm/ber .'.'r- ) - " I'Gd 'rot ic Yo\lrs ~ti~n ;nd.: ' ~p~y -.-l- (x~(' Fi)!:ati~n:;> '. ' ,~ ,,(£]> I ,I ~ ~n abs~r.i7t'1.::;n~---The ~ ;'7 e f Sbr~/smt. will be fixed on. oosor,.;ti:Jn 2.s for pensioner wltn affect f m tbe date be/she becomes draw the pro rz.ta retir ment benefi.ts. (xi) Effect ~f (Orgn) bis/rer resigna.t tJ;'f'ated as resignation f:>rfeiture of eerlier s pensionary benefits inc (xii) re-e~i1p1.oyed ntitled to esignation.-If 6hrijSmt. resigns on for purpose of these 0 rs will be rom government service, ant iling rvice under Government and ss of uding gra tuity under ~bese orders. - lE1ave The ca:rry-forward of leave n average pay learned leave in the a'tlsorption .(organi wi t~ the prov.Eions 0f P (Department ~f Expendit 8-l."'1976 quoted above. c?se' of 8hri/5mt. on hi /her pennanent ption) will b,e regi.i'!ated in accord~,nce ragraph ,7 qf the Ministry 0 Finp,nce re) O.M. NO. 26(18)E.V(B)/7 12ted cc~rdingly the benefit'is a ailable only i'f the officer is absor case the absorption is leave on average pay to of bisjber permanent ab 61 in public interest. '*Sin e in this n the p'ublic interf?st the e rned le ave/ the credit. o'f the officer? on the jE,te ~rption will be. corJmunicate sep?rately 0 or interest, of Bhri 8.ince carry in smt forwe.rd thif. of (xiii) C ~ lea the e.' Benefit the period of from the j ate will s.e not abs:Jrption be eligible is the benefits organisation in all respects. tb in 1 the benefit publ ... after p@.r;:uanent absorbJtion seirvi~e r ndered by 8bri/8mt.o... of perman nt absorl)tion, be/she to aJ.l tbe'said 1,'or not rom ssible to e d continue the to .in. will corresponding be gov~rned ---For (Orgn.) e entitled employees b .its rules :) f faithfullY, A Copy is f:>rw-c..rJad fa Tpe Pay &Account~ . Off ~Strike ou+, wbi('.ht:;~J"er 1 not cp~1:i-c3,",~1.,3~ inf?t'laati;:;n nace ss ary to-- cer~ t:J iEkue the Officerc~,"J:'etent list l'J /l:Jc~) [.~t{l1en t l' fr;..,~ tha lvlii s2.ncti -. "'" " ~ ~- No.4C6) /85 -P&P w(D) (?!!J- Governrnent 0 f India Minis :tr'y 0 f Per oonnel,PWlic -tment (Depar <k'1e'lt ance s & 0 f Pens:1on & P en sic fer ' WalfaJ' Ne w Delh 1, the l Pensions~~ e) 31'd J anu ary, 1995 Q.l.E!f:i]j;..11~ ~J2lli Subje ct: " the provisions Perm anent tr~ sfer of Gove rnnent Governn1ent <1>mp anie s I <1>Ipor-atwr retirement benet:its. The under signed contai~d is in directed Ministry to of ~ ,ervants to ~s --Grant Sa;}' that Finan 0 f as per repaT;'Unent 0 f' EJcpenditure OM No. F. 24( 12) -E~ V./66; da~d 16 tb June, 1967, perm~ent Government servants were entitled to the payment of the pro-ra-ta retirenent benefits on aPsorpt1on in central Publ 1c Sector Undertakings, provided, the abrotptfun in Central Public Sector Undertakings was in Public interest. The provisions contained in the above OM were' plicable in re spe c t 0 f' th:> se Gove rnm en t servants wro central PSUs on or after the above date. 2., 1m its \olere rorb e d in th e judgement dated 17-2-1993 i 01v:i.1 AfJPe a1 the SLP( C) No. 12010 o,f 1988) vs. Un:1on 0 f ndiat the Ron'ble Supreme Q:>urt has held tha.t restrictin, the bene fits 0 f' OR dated 16-6-196? only to tho se Cen tral 00' ernnent No. 666 of 1993 (a1:'ismg out of filed by ~ri T.S. Thituvengadgn employee s who were b e ar:b i tr arY . abrorbed in PSUs after 16th J'1.U1e,1967 1-.oUld I a. The manner of 1n1plementation of th, Supr911e Court judgement has been mder oons1derat1on of the vernnent for oome tj.rne past. 'A'fter carefm eXalninat:ion o.f t1 e judgement, the P\1'eside lIt h as row been pIe ased to de cide t1 of' OM dated 16-6-1967 may be extended to all CEat the be~fits ntral ~vernment. employees who ware absorbed in central Public ctor Undertak-ings pr:ior to 16/6/196?, $ubject to the folIo ing oondit funs: 1 ) The aJlsorbee sh:)uld satisfy all 1 I e t~s am oomitions rega.rding gt'ant of reJ ir EJnen t benefits as laid down fu the Min: 'stryof Finance DEpa;rtment of EXpendituJ e OM da,ted 16/6/1967 as clnended vide OM Noj 44(8)!E. V./71 dated 19-6-1972. The que'stion of roport1onate pension will no t at'ise in case s , er e an 0 ff1cer, at the tjme 0 f absorption, had I'E ndered Ie ss than 10 ye ars 0 f service under G.:vern.'11ent am Was r'}:)t entitled m pension. In ~ ch cases, he will onlY be eligjble to proportj nate service grat111ty in lieu of pension aI}d to D.C.R. GrE'..tuity be.sed on the length of ~erV1ce. i1) 'rh6 ab rorb ~a shoUld ,h'c:.,v=:"1 pro-eeec ed to a C",ntr al .2:::IJ' .:L: :';'.. !;.,~}i.~ ; ,,4-~.a ,~t oJ: aP oorb ed ..contd/- "" :~ ,~ .:~4~~pr;iDr".~ '16/6/~;67. @.., '-,:, ." '~'::' , iii)Th ..qe ; :" .: ~:Of , '" ."...;.', -,': ..: :.i .., ';' :.: :""": ::' .;.,~: ;:..., ." ': , .":... ~:: ..,. '; ,;- ..' ,,' i !.".. ~ ' :., , '. ,.'., lJ...' , 'a1;>~rbee shoUld have et'its as ~er Ministry ,re"ce i ed ,the retiri3!ne nt of ,Finance, Depa:t'tment ~~end;1tu.~ OM N,o. ,F.Z (3~)/,tI;V.A/bO, dat~d , 10 "NoV~be.r,1960,Y1z., an ai- untequal -eo VJh 't' Gov,ermJent ":'\-.oUJ.d,have con. jbuted had the 0 ice!:' 'been on ContriliJu'ro:ry P. vid9nt F'-.md ~9 ,1$; uhde,r .G-o,Verr:Jl:?1'ent1r1 "tOgethe wit,.~ si'11ple. ill eI:'8$t ther.oon a-t 271i fa:!;" th~ per JOd of knJ.S pe' .s'ionable. se~~ce ~nd-e;~. .~ver .m.erit, .'shoUld ha.e been cl".edJ.ted to 'hlS' Contr" btltory . Pro videnp J:t"UIi"dACCQU#t, 'with .the PSU as ~ ope n.. .--g b a1.ance within ope .y.ea.r fr m tl1e date or -;.. ' , .' h.1/her,penna,X1ent , , '" aPSQrption.. .' : ,. .:'Mi ~s~y of Finance:, e"tc.~. ~~e r q~ sted to . ; ..." :... set.t~e' "tt:le cla:l1, s of the '(';entral"G6:V"erirIe;nt : '.ployees Wh::> .~re:'pernl.anentl a.boorb ed ~n th~ '0i3n,tX:a1 P,SU ,p'r.ior to _.,16/6!196?' on tb abo:ve. basJ.s, on :rece1pt' of,' for~~ request , ,-:from? ach. such J Co plo ye e. CP. F ,benef;tt s re ce ved J.n term s of M,mist;ry of inanC'e OM 'dat.ed 10/11/1960 VI:IJ~have to be, r:~f1.;rrld~ed by ,he. ~aid ernployee1l ~',Go VeI:'l1in flt,'tDge ther , with tnt'E~est a 'th~ ra,te fjppl.1cabie to GPF 'do,W1ulations on. t1:"~ date-of, uch refund am Calc~ateq; in th~,.,sgne roamer as m..terE~s,t on. ~ F is 1'()r'ked out." ..,. ..' .,H~n i.v,ersion of" this OM is s.pcl ;:;ed. . ' ." , , , .D , y_Secreta1:'Y .(Swaran'., -to the ..-, ...' . Sd/ ~vertrJle - -, . -, Da s) t o.f , Ii1dda.'," ~ c-.a-- 0': ;' ; '.: , No.F 2 /10/95..P&P w(B) fif Gover, nt 0 f India ~p at' en~ o:f ,Pension & Pensioners' , f ,*~*****:!'. , .: , :,:, ' , oe\.1..~h; : :3oth ¥~, 1995. .:'~; Q.£!i:oo'M,:,oi,t,o"I:' W31fare ., °of' ~bj'eqt'i~ .'lofOh:tl1 '..," .." D~er' ',: ,:' j:~: :'of ,~tii'JMei-, be'tween ~~tSlo (jo,~~~t1t ehts :~d;'Aut6f1Omt:>US Bosie-s' !qf e:~~11~~~~ect~ to :t:"er"X' '~~~~ tQ ~:I;~ ,~... 'No~_:tm.J:i;~ ;'8~~~~~ ~ "',~d ,cj)qYf?' ~~;:tO e f,~ ct' ~..~i~ tt ;,a;!' ~ha~ ~d;'b~:;; D~a!' ;ut,(');Udmd,US\ ~n,&!,Y: ~~llt ~~e,~ Ooxr' ~ :ts the ,in i~~~~S~~...~~ 9a,se~'~ ~; tige' ~r~~~~1~~~ ep,q$ie s have been, ne..pess;~y iQ:r the I? :t!)ody' to ',~lch "tJ1-e a;de tf) t:~: ;:' e~t ,('ro~;l;"~~l;1-:: discha;r~ :ro.l':a~a employee a~ ::p~-If1s1.1! r:~~:rf~4; l~ss ,th'~,:, )..c,~;a]:'s ,of gua\11',yipg se~v1c~ and ,;l ~';t: :en:Q~~~d .to ~! ,;t~:;~p)al: be ,rit~ 'd~ ::~e ~a.te of ':his !,~.Ii1r:_~et~~ a"J:lro~t;o,l':1 ;~c\ tha "t.olb~o\JD$':,bodYI Government.' 2., ' "', ~:'-,,;_!'~~~ma ~er has)b,e~n -d, ns1dered .1n: n~~,ta~¥l1with, th.'e:,M,~tt:$'try ,f F~,$~ tDep~trnent of ~: r~,~~~[~;~:f"t-: is clar!lf;e~i; ~!at ischa!'~e" qf p~..rata pens:t.ona1."yl~iib;~~Y:~r the p~etlt 9tog:anis tion is pecess'arY in all ca s o~ ~o,b~l~Y", of p~r~!u)~~'k,.ftom ov~rntnent ~: Autonomous BOd" s ~q :"I1;i~~:, Ver$a,"1fi~1~~, empl, ',Ve,eopt's:' .fpr,the pensionary en-e'f~t'~'~~$ea, on combin~a ~~erV;lc in accotd~c'e With the a1:X) ment~Md offige:~~~;o~,:~~.u.11'. ;"rhe s~ttl~~~ ,of p aYTnents 0 f p+'P.;;.r;~ta. penS1On;;,eiq,II:",1S rs iii!"ed 'to !'.b~rn;ade b,etween a. v~nnent. dep~~El'lt.. '~d an. °utonomous 'bod:l and ~t betw en ~:vernm~nt :~1d..tbe-~d~,7v-:tdu~.,:£h~ que',s-tlJ4ij,of em~loyeet ~c'~a1;ent1t;L-el~lent .-'at"!t1.ie t:trrie :o:r: sucl1 ' mdbUity i~ no" -r-a1'~Vant. The ,g:I:r:,t;r2[t.-' &1b~1-~-'~pr Pf:1atolY b,~-:'p'a1;cuJ:. ated pro.. 'at~ b'~~ on. 1:,'1,&,,:r;..o,f:iser~~"'i,...~~1 e:r.;jf:?J~\~~d~ ;~1ild comprise r th~ te¥m~:a+ go'!'; atuJ.ty ,o'r, is!)i.''\~1c, [1;)~a.(O~':Lty, br-p~nsion, as th cag.~ m-a:ybe, a-Yl~1(',~ti~M6in-t ~a uity for the ~~p19yeeS o~ p.e siGnable e~ b t ~"h't;s1-,'£:lH' CI.~~\-.,L&\J;;+!",n'1;3. ' ,'., :" '. : 3. :' :..'~, ,0;;Ii.~ the' c~~-e o'r ail arffp,loy~e of 'autb ~us ,bqdY, withQ?~':p~~.fj_t,s, ~e Go~~jr.1d.nt the jrJ.i-;er-os'~;f(jl~ Jcl"1'e p body i1:'respe:.ct1ve' actu.ally~;;eI1.~itled aProrpt~n. ~~ "i" Minist this po~1tj.on admin'is-~a.~.i~;,~ to t:i"~~ auto'n:JInoUS,',b0dY wUl ha e to,p:fJY W ,ernployer"!J$ Oo~t:rjbut:1on to thero..with, r1(:jd of 'se:J;'v~ceiren;l.er~ b":{h1n1 J.n the said f :fact wh~t1)f!f.'-or o~'t the e. p~oyee is recai ve ,:t;Je~fit$ at the t e 0 f his : . y c'r De';fen~ et"p. e;re reque '1 autliQrit1es und ~o1_.ooncerned ' , "', To ) ,'; '. r ad/-' , ( s.. c. _B a D:\p'1.t::,"J;~~.r~tRr'.l~.-tD the tad to r the:lr cl"a,1:'iry a) ort. iI.:l1..~i:in..i.nt41?:iIe.s./;)~Lt.S,-~9._f' thA_fJOvt. of ~d1a. 0 f IrdiaC E "3';') No. :8/2~/94-P&P K B)' Gov rn-,'1ent of India ])epar'tm t of Pens1on & Pen,s:iD~rs' ~,.",* "",.''.' '.' " ' New Delhi, the tiel fare JJth lIlay,199f. .Qj'~t~GEMEt;I().B:AtJ..mM... Subject:- °Gr t of pro-rata pe .anent Central al:' In retir~':t}ent' be efits to the Government an loyees who a:bsorbed in .t:he Nationalise ance Co.:I;'poration aPd its BaPks, General bsidiaries-- ... Qu stio n regarding. 'Ih undersigned is directed to efe!' to tJ1is Depar t:1ent' s O.M.N s. 4~8/94-P&P W dated 14th M y, 1986 & No. 4/23/87-P~W dated 10t.~ No~e:nber, 1987 on the s ject ment:loned sPo-ve anj 'GO saY at inqulries have been made to the effect whether the ?e.nefi G f oount:1ng 0 f service for the purpo sa of pensionary berefit as admissible in terns of this D?:parment's O.M.No. 28/10 ~4-Pensjon Unit dated the 29th ,August, 1984 is to be allowed i the case of mobUity of perromel fI'om GoverI'Jr!1ent to N at. nal ised Bani.s and financial in stitu tic ns like 1 ife J:nsur a):1 Q,rpor ation 0 f India & Gen ral In sur ance Q)rporat:lon etc. vice versa. 2. 'l'h e m attar has be en oonsid~red in the 1 ight of mstruc1;ions i suad by this D;:partI~ent in r. :sara to mobility of perro al bet1t'13en Goverment a}1d r~-Government OrgaJlisatic,ns incluo.:1.ng Public Sector Undertak :;1gs and ~torol:10US Bod ie s. The order s containe d in thi DeQar ~ent' s Of'l No. .4/8/8 &P W dated 14th MaY, 1986 and OM No .4/23/87P&PW ,dated the 10 Novenb er, 1987 stated that the National i-sed Banks includ ng the Reserve ~a,nk of Irdia and the State B~k of Inclia am its subsidiaJ:'ies, the Gener Insurance o:>rporatio1rlof In ia aJ1d its tbur subsi.diaries are to be treat-sd as .I~utorouous Bodies for the purpose 0 grant of prorata 1":3tirsment befits to. the pernla.nent Cent al Cbverrrnent employee s \\1\10ar~ absorbed by th:::;se 8:)dies on he terms and conditions envis ed in Ivlinistry of Finance, D partm9nt of Experrliture OM No 26/(18)/EV/75 dated 8th iJprU,1976, as g:1ended froll' time to 'tjrne. I-t is al3J.'ifi!.~ d that such employe': -6 S a;t"e rot enti ed to count thc service rend l'aj. in GoVerm1a. -ant for 'che pur se of pension on afJsorption in the N ation-al1sed B;mks inc uding the Reserve Bank of I ia and the State mstitutL:ns Banl~: of Ind mal 8. ding and its Life robsidia;ries Insurance Gerer9J. In3Uranc Cor~oration of India as per ()ur' OM No. 28/10/84-Pen sion Unit l~lol !L1st, 1984 refe r3d ,tA) aPove. '). ~ed s'Jrvi~~G in t ancial in:stitut India/G~n::;rru.. In -6nt in tile G3n and Cbrpora other ion financial of India, and i s subsidia;ries dated the 29 th ntral Governnent employees 0 have rendere Nat:1onalised B~ks as well as oth?r fin":", ns .inc1ud111g L"11S -Insuranc,erporatio~ of uran~e (brporation prior to e:1r appo1nwa1. Gover1:'l~ent ~J;r'e~so no t e titled to contd/- - 4. /" ~1 oount such servilce '. for Goverment. They ,are as admissible u~l~er tiIe N ationalised Barii(l:'San1 had rendered ser~vice' re he I its under 0 waver, free tD seelc t(;;)r'T:1in rel..3vant .rules trom the co uch other institutions in ore being apJ:X) i1I1ted in the C the C~tral bere fits erned ch they tral Governnent. ~,MiIilistr of Defence, etc, are reque ted to clarifY this position all ooncerned a\:lthorities u der tbe:lr administrative control. Tbe past cases. decided other ise than th G pro c edure C:Lar ifie aDoVe rnay be re vie IAfad in cae tl1 e concerned anploy~~e s are still -in service,. ". 5. .~ 00 f as perrons servmg j.n the ndian Audit a1id Acoounts Dep.tm ent at' e cancer-red, these 0 d ers are issued after consUltat n with the O:>rnptroller aPd 11:ditor General 0 f India. .Sd/- D~uty : l (s.c. B'atz-a)' . Secre,t~.rY to the Gov't of India. ~ ~,., j (]QVEINM T 0AC F ~3) H 1M A(jf.At P RAD.FS:I ~lo. Fih( en) -1/94 :Flli A-TCE DBP ARl:M ENT ( P :ENSID N Cl!LL) DATED IMLJ,.171002, ~'1e 24t.~ Oct., 199>+. Q.m.Q~ ;1]110B.L~mH India In en Dep a1:"tm~ t osing herewit..~ a COpJf of the Government or f Pen:31on& Pen s1oners. veifare Offi()e Memorandum No. F. /1/9)...P&P~F} -gned is dire cted t() ," .S1~ that dated 25-8-1994, the undersithe Gov9rnor, H:fl]Dachal Prade sh is pleas9d to or.d r that decisions contained in the aJ.>ove 0 ffice ]tY1emorandumshall alro applY to Government servants of ll.1rnachal P;r'adesh. Sd/";' (Ja.gde~ Sehgal) .To.1nt Secret~y (Pension) w the Government of H:in1acha1Pradesh. All Adm:lnistrati Governmlant ~p artrn ~ ts, of H:f1il cha). ,Pradesh. ~ No. F / 1/9)-P&P W (F) Gover ~parrant ,0 nt 0 f ;India 9f PS:1s1on d: Pensioners Welfare )rd lI'").oor, Lpk NaYak Bhaw~t KhCi'l M,;:,;rket, New Delhi110003. Dat9d 2,th August,.--199lf. Q:lFlf Subje.ct:.- qU3 stion ~aP e:Jent of ra.te of interest paYable on delayed p8.;yt;1e.t; of DCRG.aX1drate of interest charg@le on refund of pensionary benefits alreadY dra"m, in ~nne.. tion with oounting of past service under c~ "Pens n) Rul~s,--1972 and D3partm~tO.fPension& Pens1o~rst Welra}:'e OM No.28/10/84-PU, datl?d 29.8. 84 8.S ~ end ed fron1 t jJne to t w.e . The Go. ::rment have ha.d under ronsideratfuJl, the of em cing the rate of in';.:.ere st paYable to a Go"ernr:Jant s.~rvar t on delaYed paYment of Deatb-cum-Retirenent Gratuit;y ""hdre d laY occurs on acoount of ad:1.1.nistrat1w l~se or for t e r.3aoons,beyond the oon~o: of GoveJ:,nment servaP'~ concerns. O.l-'I. No.?/3/84-P In supers:.;. ssW n 0 f thi s Departl11en tJ s dat(~d the 28th JulY, 1984, the Presid,ent is cmntd/- ~ 3:!::> I noW pleased to decide that vJh3re~ payrJen of DCRG~S been delaYedbeyon:l 3 (tlIlree) months from t e date of retirJment, an interest at the rate applicle to GPF depo sits ( at p l--esp..nt 12 percent per annum, ~ompounded ~nnua11Y) wUlbe paid to retired! df:pende t s of d9ceas-ed GoYI;Jrnment servant. , ' 2. ',' The Administrative Ministries to ensure that in ,all case s '\A.iher ~ interest requested pas .'cobe paid on' D3e,th-cU-.1_R3ttr:'30ent Gra.tu1ty, "bec se of adminJ.stri?.tiv'e delaY, action shO1j11dbe ,ta.k p tD fix re sponsibUity and disciplinal:'Y . 'action sho ld be taken ... agajn,s~ the officer respons,~le .for the ,d 3. The President is al.9:> ple:a~ed ~ere:ver the employees , .;:ire requ~~d . decide to refund tha-t the pensiona;r-y benefits rece ived by it~~ for e service a).readY render ed by th~ unde!" tJ:1e Central' or State Go\lernm6nt auton:>rnous bodies in order to tali o'f the , I benefit of oounting of past services -for" in terns of the pro-'lisj.ons of fu18S:17 to (Pan sioP) Rule s, ns1on purposes of'the CCS 1972 and Dep ~;r'l1nen~ 0 f P. nsfun & p~sion8rs8 \~:?lf,a:re O.M. No. 2e!10/84-PU ated the 29th August, 1984, as F'~lmde,d from time -!-..ot:hne, ithe rate of intere st wil~ be th,t! rate applicaPle on F accl.1rJ:ImUJ. ati-ons f'fumtjm,3 to, tfue, for the period fr m the date of r.:;c;~ipt of p'3ns'funarY b~nefits " to,date othe,;tl. refund to tl1e Gp-vernl:nent/ Autonomous Body. , ~. In cases Wh3reafter the issue o~,! the orders , .J by tha o:>mp3tcnt authority on the basis optfun exdrci-sed by an, :3mploY8$,for ri'Jun-ting 0 f P t service for pensfunarY puto!>oses, if the pension-a;ry ben9fits an individu~ ,c.o rot d3posit alrealY receive; y hw within on: month 0 f the r3c~ip t of oommunication i:'r i:1 the Governr;.1ent /autommous body, a penal ,~ntel:'est @ J p cent per amum .I 'will be cha"rged in ,mentiored aPove. addition to rormal ra . e of interest .i Dy.SecretarY ~ I, ~ @ \. /' (b)The rate of interest ment:1oned wnl be ap,PlicaPl in cases of Government ser of Auton:,mous Bod ~s l.J1ere pen sjomary benefits para 3 8.bQve nts/ employees already drawn have I:bt blgen re, d~- to Cbvernnent I AJ.1ton:>mus Podies as on date of issue f this OM. 6. ' AU, ex sting instructjo ns reI ating 'inte rest rate paYabl~e by 'tbeGovernnent or maY be, wiJ,l ceas to operate issue 0 f' tb is O.M. 7. JQl th advise tb~ attache , , bodies unde~:' tbejr 1n accordan:l~ with 8.. with erfect /sUbordinate Admmistr~tive the provision office s/.AutD control and of this Offi ?-s peroons serv~~g are oonc~rned, case e date of' are equested to mous /statutQl'Y settle cases Memorandt11!l. in the Indian these e!:~mptroller.~d as the from ar'bnGnts D9parbnen qonsultat:1Q~ with Ministries/'Dep :rn s::J f Accou;nts the employee order Ju1ditor (S.C. issue G 00/- Audit and after era]. of Indda. ~ BAT A) to the GoVel~ e nt o.f Ind fa. No. {PE-T} A( 1) -1/95. .-GO FIN ENT 0 F II IM ACH1J., PRADESH E (P Dr ~ION) DJiPA;RL'M.m~T ?a ,. d Shjmla-1710G2,'t~e 1 st broary,1996. b FFIC'" ~~M11)lli. The u: dersig~d tJJ this . DepaJ'Unent O.M. No. is directed to in ite Fin(Pen)A(3)-1/94, a reference ated the 24/10/ 1994- vide which pr visionscontairod Depar'tll1ept of Pens n .gld Pensioners' in Gov.er~ nt of India, Wel.fare 0 fice Memorandum No. \-.ere made. ~Pl ica[)le F/7 /1/93. Himachal. in the P&P11(' ') dated 25/8/1994: to Pr~desh 'vernment servants alS). Goverrtn ntof India have brought ,out rorne changes aft>ri9Said 1 tter vide their office memorarIdurn No. 7/1/ 93 P&P\-..(F) dated 3 -10-1995.. Governor of H.'fl!!a a1 Pradesh is ';, . pleasad t;:; Ci"~~r ' 9,t tl'1adecision oonta.1ne.d m the above OM (ropy encl~ 8e1). ~~-~11__a1_so,..app'.l:;" -t,o the.C1C~!erm nt .I ' serva.nt s ..co ntd/- ~~ =~~-- of Himac;~.alPrade~ Pradesh. l! Secretary Sdj- Jofut .I the GoveI"nnent All AdI!1mistrative P:3p artln ents Government ,of H:ima halPradero. ( f :In. of . N .7/1/9~ P&P~ F) Vernne nt of :India nt of Pens;ion & Pens1om'rs' ~ FFI SI1bj e c t: ,.. i .fbh~ce payment DR 1995.' I . to . 31st October, mM ,P. Welfare ***** New Belhi; P Ell) .. ent o.f rat~ of interest PaY o.f DCRG and rate o.f interes 1e onde~~ed cha;r:-ga1:jl~ ()n. refu d of pens~narY bme:rits aJ.readY ~aWl1; ::111oonn ction wi1fh oountmg of Pa:s't ~er:vic~ !.under; 1~:OO(Penion) Rule s, 1972 C1ndDep 81:.1111 ~ 1t.:q;f P~l;)~~n ~, P. W. M No. 28/10/S4-PensiDn Unit, dated ~/8/8t~ ~a.sl;:t'!1e ed .from tjrne to t:lme. .. Jf""ltl!ttlt'ttt 1~he und on tl11-s Depar't7ne on the g:;I,bJjE~ct men cas~ of refttnd of op tJ.!l-3 .pension 'f~r (~ount.1n ~n 'terms 0 r signed is rf.1re cted to 1rivit attentfuri t s OM o~ even mmber dated 2 ,/8/199lr :1onad above and to cla;rifyth't jn the he pensjonary benef'its by tl ' employ.ees o"f service already the .provis:ions of rerrlered Rule 17 by th~~ for 20 o-r.COO (PEnsion) R:tles, 172, re~r~ed to in pa;ra 3 of the OM, t~e jnterest w1JLl be c culated in .,the sgne roamer s is done 1n respect of GPF alances. The meJ1ner in which interest on Gp.Fbalance,s: is c culated islllustratcd ~'S1 e~e-A. 2. :Lt has so been decided .in consulta..:ic)p wit:h Mfuistry 0 f Financ th at t.~e penal interest tt:.) e ~a;r:ged, 1n addition to n:>r al rate of interest appl1cab e for PfF acwmuJ.ation;s, in ecase of non-deposit o.f pen :I.otJarY b?ne-tits by thE~ emplo es opting for cot:nting 01' s rvic<3 w1.'d'lin ~e stipula...ted pe 10 d 0 f 1 month after the l,9S ;~. of ord~rs or oompetent; autho ity will be 2 percent per a urn instead Of 1 percent per a urn as earlier indicated 111 a1'a 4- of tbe ,afore said 0 ffi memor andun. 3. .In ro f as per9:>ns serving in Inq1 i1Udit & ~tJoounts Da]Par"tr:1en ' a]:'e co ncernEf::l, these order issue afte~ ~nsultat1o1rl with e CoI!1ptroller & .tmditoI' Ge ral of Ind1~. ' Sd/- (s.c. Batra>"1:tr- ~r{)ter:y tc~t~e J G,V " e nt of oolntd/ - India .. ~ ~ INTE:REST CJLOJLJ:r;ION~1IN THE CJ'!.{:;EOF R~1JND OF P"B}l~IDI'l41RY ~~~~~-~~:~~~':~~:~~~~-- ~ ~- J... F<}r a full yeaX' 1993 Rs. 38600, :in te re st Balance on 31st Mar~, lflONTH b'UBS CRJ:l:> TIC N --~: If./93 5/93 6/93 7/93 8/93 9/93 10/93 11/93 12/93 1/94 2/94 3/94 .-- 1000 1000 1000 1000 ,--- --------- -- '..~- --- ' 6000 -- 1000 500 1000 'joo 1000 500 ------_:~~~--,..~--_:~:~ Intere J{r THE ];liD i-:::_::~-- l 1000 1000 , 1000 B.AttCE REliUND 10<X> 1000 112,%p.a. st ~ 15'14200 X-1/12 *~:c:;c",):<~:<~~ X'12j100 :-~\1~ :;:Rs. 15142 , @ "" :.-r ~ ..,.~~ ~ :' .~.- -. NO FIN( C) A( 3)-17 /76-II ~(i GO KRNl'i:&NT0 F HIl'1ACl"1.ALPRADi H F NT CE (REG UL AT10 NS) D:EPARl'M.OO . D : Subje.ct:.e .Governr;1~ I\o e ed Shim~a-171002, the 4th March, 1996. 0 I!:JfI-1:1~R~;Qill;1. Re iew of terms and conditions of abs::>rption 0 permanent Goverm1ant servants jn Public S c.tor Undertakings/ autonomous bodie sunder State Government of R.P. or Central t. ... T e under signed is directed to saY that the existing terms a d oonditions of abrorpticn of permarent Goverrmlcnt serVa ts in State Publ ic Sector Undertakings/ Stete AutQn:>~ous Bodies 8;J:'erelU1J.ated by t.hz mstructfuns oontemedin thi ..Depa;rtmront' s OM No. 1~2/64-Fin( mE), dated 8/7,119761 s ~ended' from t.~~ to tjroe. S:imUarly, tho terms and oondit ns of aboorption af St-ate ~overnnent and State Autonomous Bodies enployees 111 C2ntral Autoromous Bodie s or Centr Govar1.~ent and vice-nrsa have be ~ circul~ted vide his Dep'C)):,tmentl.s OM No. Fjn( C)A(3)_17/76-II, dated 'f/7/1986 a glle nded from tiD1e to t.ime. 2. .P maJ1ent Goverrln:Jent servants \Abo h#e rendered rot les than 10 yea;rs qUalifYing service under the State Goverent pr:.ior to t.J.1eir aboorpt.iDn and who have opted to receive pro:"rata pensionaJ:'Y benefits for th(~ service reniered under e State Government are entitJ. ed to exercise op tion for ~YA<> t~e ..folIo wing" tm op tic ns: -.(1)to dra pro-rata monthlY pens1on aJ1d deatb-curnretiranent gratuity .relev t rt:Qes; 0 R as adn1issible under the ' .(11)Pro-ra a gr~tuity-an-d. of pen ion.. 3. .L row The proposal a 1t:ni1psurn aJ11ountin 'lieu to review the exist.irlg terms a;nd. oond:ltions of abQ.oorption had been under considerqtion. 0 f th~ Gc> verc.ment for rome ti"il e past. The Governor, R:Irne.crl-al P!:'adesh iqipleased to order that tbe existingrerms and condit-ions of aboorption shall stani partially modified m the extent i:rl,-licated below:(a) The existing fac1J.ity 0 f receiving c@italised v 81u e e qui v al Ant to .1QO ~ rmJ1:LJ..t.at1L:ln-..o..L !1§D~10 n D.n-.eD..ro.r.p..:.I;,.1a n sh ~ll ~ t ~nd-1:l.1..t.Mr i;J:f1Il; (b) t.~e existing facjJ.1ty to draw pro-r ata l!1onthlY p 3nsjon from t,he date 0 f ab sorp tion (with op tion tJ OO!11rr1ute 1/.:3rd pension wher.~ver admiss.tble) shall oontinm to exist. 4. jJJove de.ci.t:rlon shall take sffe ct .from the date of issw ot this office mel!1orandurn. Othet' provisions/ terms 3.nd CJil*itions rel"",tin;; to absorptjon \-Ihich are in force at present I shall oontime to rEJl1ain Op erative. ~.'II