@ I l' ~~, NOoF IN'(C),:-\(3) / :..1/85 GO'J'F.RNMENT. OF HIMfLCH~L f IN.A~JCF. (REGULATION~) PRIJ\DESH DSP;;A.rtTW~'NT.. o,?\TED SHIMLA--:2,the Q.ELl9~.J!.§. M.Q.~!J.M EXERG ISE OR OPTION.B Y M~LITI;i.R \I.PE tlJ5IOIlJERS RE-EMPLOYED IN CIV IL SERV ICE OR! POST UI\1DER-' RUl..E -~.l9 (1) OF THE CCS (ffir-JSIOr-J) RULES, 1912 DELEG.~TION OF PO~R.S FOR RE"LAX'A- subjects- T ION':' undersigned is dirf~ct9d to invite ~ ; say that under may exerciS9:,option seTvant within" for a period the f<?llowing two alternatives,¥" 1'« ..;" c", i;~,\ of D,;~partme'i1ts is asked I ~ead for in authori,ties. . relaxation ':'~.!!':"';!"'J~I'II~', '. 4... .,! o~: Offices .. by thi?sa to F..D. for many Cas~ the ,Cor from " :,:/1 '" f' ".. prov\isior1 'of I _.~"~~".' Ice t"ne&- i n-cuJnbore(feI'red of RulC.C.S(Pension) e~19 of the . IY Gqv~rnment " .'. Jr ~S ~nd. no option l31'e of the A ,)r\j ~"f,(. Rules. India, 'M.lnistry of Personnel, theIbllc. ()f Pt Grievances , and Pensions, Office, Department of Pens. ion & Pensl Mcmorandum No. 28!26/8,5-POnsj,ol'l, ~ ., Fe br ua'ry; 1986, the ul'lders igned Welf.are dati j. s d ir~ cted ~0 the : :24;th ,- say rt 11a t ;',' Gove,rhor, Hi.machnl . containeq , 10rr In Pradesh is pleased to order in res~pect other of by the Office of the woeds, q.f ~(?{. --:.-19 thj.s the, . the Memorandum shall G~vernf!!ent powers for 1\d;mini~trati.vG also to the ,Pradesh down ~y' the dated 24th supject Government to of the OJ t- he prG" i5i'o:;~s allall India February',1986., " Memorandum dated '0' , '" 11-1-1982' Of f ice ; ;! ce mber, 1982.~_.and a period of ,6 months. j ih9-'"'dat'e ...1 rule-J.9 all offices 'vide ~!r1an~'e , . ..'8:;',' date~ , th? .;:.' .'~ :' .:- .' ( .,I,,; W'8S' e x~e hd'";J(' . of' opt i() ..-' . of ,.under you'%' .cpntrol P9n!$ion Rules 1972, ..0.. '.)t~d J " " ;: .;! of "'\t{4 \~f3re ado~ ,,'" However ,. ~t may be .bro\JQ.h:;.:'Y9 the I: r In di ';a I,, ...' - I' ;~ 4;. . Memora nd urn r!o.~ rf.J{G) A (3 )..-2/ .\ 15th[.-31.stDe for the f of .~..overnment ' Da part mentis I' ..Memo r a a:d~,?1 / Ti;)e provisions ~ , I , Office ielines'leicJ' .;/ ; . .': ., . . ," , ~. .' in ,thelr,:;Jffic£ . 1 be "'e~e"rc ised ~he Go,' lr, 1 ffi'3-': t' 0..": f '~j conditions/'i!ui( . 'rradGS .. Himaqhal de cj,'s':' ~e applica- of p~machal !. Rules,19n Secretaries . , employees rl)laxation .. C.G.S(J'ens1on) ,t he ' .that . ble"in '~ ~ ~ 2. oners' .~d '. '..~ .c ;" that not,1cf . pr?}:1siO 11$...,/'of may be £cilow~d ! ...:, " tr~' '".;: ~ ;l(: ,,(t ~: fv / ;J ~.. , ' '.,,:,'.::'~. " '.. , '"~.' 'I,~ ,~,..1' ' ~'I' ,I! I '1" :;'. .'" ' ..'\,...::(~- 1~~~'t '. .'.' :r.,..i:"" ~: t~ -"Oil. " "/ 'i,I " I \\',\"" '~ " ~' . .~:"';':I-:~' ~ ~:j'. ..,. ; .,.. .., .". ,:" .. .~ ~ ~-ti~ should.' 'be as:ked to exe.ro:clsehe /' ~: -:;;¥-~ ~ ,/ :1 ", "~t C~vl1 -~_1s.ervice. .~-- C) ~»-~ ;---: ,.. ~~~~"" ~ ." / .. '" Under Secretor-! [J ~i".aance--E of H.P. to the Governre.1t xr) To ~ll ~dministr~tive Departments Government of Himachal Pradesh. of , ,I ; No~FI!'J'\C)~(3)-1/85, ~ "" 1. r:"'_."A_rlOrl j tn. The Divisional ,ommlssione't, angra' Div1sip'n,DharamsalQ;1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 'enera1 .icco\lntent, (1o\cCo1.;,nts).. deMi""~l \'1:'.tQ .:'1.Q (;j.;~di,~t) 11. h." Ex3IJ\ir!-$r, .1.0091 ~udit ,1201".\11 13.!h'e tir. P\'b~lC f}op,i~:-. .J".. "f!~;.~:,;,~:Oi.:~~P4~.S/ ~. ., Regil\t.rar, H.P, . Y.S.llarlllar,Ho:rtioult~t'e .\ I _..Go.p y to. ..~ --i-'A :-t\;.f.-: "( _: 0"';- i "~;" i_! iJi~.p. ., o~: ~~;:f:")~t' I , . ,I :),r~;~:; ~.. "10 ." \ ..,-..~ I \'"-Jry...~?:;"-"'- ! " .tJ.nd,~i:;' it. 111.11 sectlo~S ; : .,' - ~epar:tlT:-3nt" a'vii1 ~.l' , ,~~~f:~ 8. ,;1], Sr. ""c~o\.lntsqff,ice1,'s/,~cc'ou,;n~s of T~"'O't~a,r\f5at~ ~n ,.i~~ (). t~Q 'It)e: ~dmn. ~s s1 $t CdntrQ.t' ant Dtra ~tor, ij IP~, F~i:t:L8'TVlt~,.$q~ml e ~ ', , .Ir a ,'}d.j:,~H.1?;. Shimla Dl"lSjO!\i Mal1di Div~s"io:r, 11 Heads of ~pgTtments ~n Hlmachalfr.e~E!s1:i he Regist-aar, H.,P. High ~o~rtJ,Sh!r(I~e""!~ ' 11 ~istrict a'nd ~es.slon jydC)~,s ~nij~F.:' ; 11 Deputy, Co~m~s,9~one'L'~ +11 HimaCI:1~l pr~,de ~h, !I ~:'l he Resid~nt Co~m}sa.!o~er. H~,P1«,O'~al ,Z>r'a;de;9h~ t}avan,Slkandra Road" N~w,Da~h;i,. ",:'" 1,1 Treasury Off\~er5/, tAS,i.9t.a'nt ' Of lO. . 5him.ia,1 . 't of F,;. .!'~" )'. ... ~ '" -i;~e9..1 '.Gove""n':!13 nt -"<Tl':'-r~..-~'" , cre'~.~8:h:~-e~-'.x~~ Q ..,.J..~_. ~H:'P--~~.~t.~. "Sh'l;~l~~'t: .,~;i-ri 2..H.p.Sectt., The Research Sh~m Off f a.t:,er,F1n~~?-ce'CqJ1fJ11i.$9~<5I:..y~1,J.' ! / .. 3. The Sr. .Accoun}s Offi.c.e'{, F'e~'onn91 [).3j.ltt,H:, ~ectt..,Shimla-f with 4. Guard 1=iJ.ec--~-- .. : 5 ~oF1:,~.~. . _with ',((~ ":;opies. ,. "~:i , r. ~, (!f!J~ -1. \ ,~;;. ~ ,; --%"-' ", ~ / ~ ' I ..,,~ , ".. " I , - NOe28/?O)S5-pena .Government of ion !nqia/Bharat Sarkar Ministry of Pe:t,sonnel, Pupiic Griev'ances Dep,attmeritof Pensior'l & FensiGne~s' ., / I !f , " ~ ( .I"",i ", '., t' '1i , ~ & Pen~ 1°" Welfa3 e j New Delhi, the, 24 Februal'y,1986. I . gWgLM~MQE.~!:!Q.~ subjects- ExeTcise of employed in civil optiQh by military service r1 1- pensioherS or post 19"ion undet Rul' (1) of the CGS(Pensioh)Rules,1972 ..of pO~er9 for relaxation. --Delega y ,- termS of pensioner months of tl:ie date of issue 'post, optior'ls as underl(a)~tt to draw mil~tat'Y received mili~ary\'Set'v1ce ( in military would (b}.9:t se1"~/ice cease the civil -" on dischaT'ge such an event riot qualify pen! ion ~~ "~ to draw the military servicegratulty ormer1 £1 om .I pens: Includinq on , period of re-employment. ::j ';' . !14..'f d4 at;.-. " ..; cum-retirement gratuity, if any, and cO111ntthe previous military service fo'r subject to necess~ry ~dju9tment civilbe,in rensi6n,". mirde fn . respect of milit:ary perysion drawn d~rin tl1e ,. ':" ,-,13 ",';7 ~ for1v1 his for ); to refund In of. confirmation " gratuity p~nsion J.,j of ordexs to continue .retain ,.- inilitaryhree The undersi~ned is d~rected to say the sub-~ule (1) of Rule 19 ~, a re-employed II is x-equired to exercise within a period of t J .[ F"' ; j i" jOJi ~ 1 f ls1 , ) ( ( ; I v ,/' ... J J,/ :1 .:1 ...~I K'J;.' ~\ :~;;~Y;t all1i.lch r\ 30-?-ei i.. "'"' ., '" ,.~ ;'" th I (, 'l~;;)( ~\cj ~) ~ ~11) - ~ '-of.. ' ~ . ~'N,. t ~~~ conf irmi ty yd:t ~ the f 011 owlh~ that guide..iineSI ~ thQ authority issuing the order oi appoin~~nt to a civil service or post, reqliireln ¥it'iting the Government servant to ,e~l')~,cise t.he .option with~n 3 months ,-'or ,date' of .u1ssue of such\'orderor his r~turn'£r6m ...~ l~ave 'whichever is latet','lln ic (1) substartive terms of ~ui~1,9(i}.(a)1f!.i.54 . ' ..'! ~'. .:.: , (lli)th~t the competent '~uth6rj.tY b~oU9l)t tothe I notl,;;e of the individual GovernmeQt's~,rv8nt .C OL'1Ce'r ned, the' order issued by the Department' ',-Qj f,G,rso!1nel & ~.R." .;ill! C.M.No. 2S/24/S1-,":" Pe.f?$!9n'U~it,.:da,ted,:1,t~1':'1ge2, wnich in'ter...al _PTe~q:~lb~4 th~ :la~,t ,4at9'. for exercising opt! ~or:, tt}~, ~V) if the ~\Jrpqse, ~,s'c~1_12-~982. afqres'aid' po!lntsar'e not ' sa-t5~sfied, \. I~ ~!r the 'co_lI1pe~el1t ~y,t.hQrit¥Si""quld be directed t :,.,~~.It'.ak~- 'ac~~o.~ ~,9~cl:f\Sr::;~he 6f'f'.cez($) re'spo$i '13; f~r;,such; alaps,e :~,q!,:a.~?,i(i recurrence ,of suc 1'Ca$~es. .i oJ " ' . '! " ,- (a) E~~h ~uch c~!3e 'of ,re.tctx~t4~~:ma~. recommerided.~ln ~onsl:Jlt;atidn with : Ihtegrated'Fin;~ncel' Off ~.cers' concerned , ~pecif ic \~pp1'O¥~l the Pay 'at1d tACCounts in tha Departme'~ of th~ secretarY ~, ';.: .c ,';.. f o~, ~ the cB.dlJlinistr~~iv~~~nistrYld~partment. oncsrned' ' ,.' ."', ..' '--'-' .:'! ,;' .th)Of!1Ce;S ~];;l'Owed to exerciso 'o.~ti9n in: ~ rela?CatiOQ .of ilu19. ~9(1)of the cg~' (pet)sl,qn} Rules,l::1-r2,may:boaskSd 0., in one the ].umpsum"a9 r~fund affiO\Jnt containedc1rl of .p~n'3ion/g~at\l!Rule 1.9 Y . f,. by (1) .p' (b)1b1d is~: -&;A5;-: -ft.!ongwith-;t'nterest ."::, c' .'as -;., ad i I \ .f' 3f~ .. ~' ""'r~~c" ,r j,~ ,1/ 'rJ -3.,. ' r , \, :: - ~ ""-' ~ Q.6?7:J ..,I~ :.;, ..i '.. f7i\ ,< I .( " I j f" /"( ~:~ ~..j . of.,. "" (, Sd/ - 0 ~-:.~: hi;: --"- , " IIf _ ~..I'"i i' t J"! '.}j ". ok , 'J c r". . ;'. ", , i~ r .' , °, ! , £ ;" " ;' "~-~ .