. 2. 4. ii) ~..1') t No. Fin(PR)B( 7 )-4/98, Governml!nt of Himachal Finance (Pay Revision) Pradesh Department From The Financial Commissioner-cnm-SeCl-etary(FiI1E\rJce to the GovernlTlent ot Himachal Pradesh. To All the Administrative Government of Himachal 1 Heads of Department A J. ') Secretaries Pl-adesh. t~1e in Himachal ;}desh The Divisional Commissioner, Shimlal Mandil Kangra and Dha.ramshala H.P.High The Registrar Shimla-171001 Court 5 Al District and Sessions 6. A.l Deputy Commissioners Dated Shimla-171002, th~ Judges in H.P in H.P 14th January,1999 Grant of Special Allowance H.P.C.i.vil Secretariat and its Subject to for posts ot.ber than in equivalent Offices. Sir I am d.irected of Specia-i Allowance Himachal Prade::;h other Offices w~~ (.;, onslJerat5.on = ~d tv p,p~~~ under to say that for certain of the matter. decide posts/ thaI'. H. P. Civil c(>nsideration the matter categories Sec!"etariat of t he the Governor of employees and its Government. Himachal grant regarding in equivalent After Pradesh careful has been as under In cases R1,lle 4 of 19:98. where the 'q£ speci&l H.P.Civil substituted 'Fin(fR)B(7'-1/98, 1.1.1996, These categories no are (Revised vide dated w.e.f. pay st,~nds abolished Services' the. special specified as per Pay) Rules, Notification 1st allowance in No. September, the "is 1998, J?ayable, Annexure 'A' enclosed. In all cases posts before stated in 31-8-19j7. ~;hall 4-1-", -J- -;;"""" ""'- be Cl' where special pay was attached to various 1.1.96 and has not been abolished as i) above, it shall stand abolished as on A ~peGial allowance at double the rates p.:1id in such cases w.e.f.l.9.97 al P -v o:t,. in lieu of '\. 'f:. ) 2 iii) It will be the responsibility of the Head of the Department/ Drawing and Disbursing Officer to ensure that special allowance is allowed! paid after due verification from original records wherein special pay was sanct ioned Every Drawing in resr:.ect of tr.e post (s) concerned. and Disbursing Officer shall record on each bill in which such allowari.ce is claimed for an E'.mployee! employees for the fi.lost time after the issue of this letter the particulars of alJ.thority under which special pay was drawn before 1.1.96 and certify that the same has not been abolished as stated in i) above. In case of difficulty in tracing out the original sanction such allowance can be drawn provisionally for three months i.e. upto Feb..1.999 paid in March, 1999 on the basis of pay bills for December,1995 paid in January, 1996 by recording a suitable certificate by th~ Drawing and Disbursing Officers to this effect. It shall be his personal responsibility to trace out the authority or settle the matter in consultation with the Fina.nce Department by 28th February, 1999. 2. The 1-4-1999 and arrears General Provident with a lock not eligible credit of in fund period arrear Allowance 1.9.97 of Allowan(:e Government becomes fund thereto, accounts by the time or before issue the arrears be paid 1::hearrears bf employees had closed this letter are credited b, employees during any to fund be in interest wil\ who haTie retired their to the till the provident arl-ear from or ceased G~neralProvident who might General of Special Allowance 1999, of accrlle close of the 1stApril,1999. to be Fund their Pi:ovident 1999 is the amount the employee April to from .to deferred contribute and cash April, Gove'rnmen.t opened or in be credited shall is paid would provident eligible account credited Service the Allowance The Government in the Where to Special provident of 3 years. subscribe shall .to 31.3.99 Accounts of concerned and the Special il-om Fund .to employees Special Fund account shall in cash. Yours faithfully, .-() 1/; 6l, (I...t.\,~}) It, '--111 (AbhaYhWt)Addi tional SeCl-etary (F in- Reg) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. l<~ \ Contd ~ ~ if ;4;', ;,\)f . . '; I .he Fin(PR)B(7)-4!98 ,. No Dated Shimla-171002 Copy is forwarded for information 1. The Accountant General (Audit) and necessal-y action H.P.Shimla-171003' 14th to:with Jan.1999 20 spare copies. 2. The Senior Deputy Accountant General (A&E) H.P. .Shj.mla-171003 with 20 spare copies. 3. The Director Treasuries and Accounts Organisation, Shimla-171002. 4. All District Treasury Officel-s/ Treasury Officers in H.P. . 5. All Divisional Commissioners in Himachal Pradesh. 6. The Resident Commissionel-, H.P. Himachal Bhawan, Sikandra Road, New Delhi. 7. All Heads of Departments in Himachal Pradesh. 8. All Deputy Commissioners in Himachal Prad.esh. 9. All Controllers I Joint Controllersl Deputy Controllers I Assistant Controllers (F&A) in Himachal Pradesh. 10. The Resident Commissioner, Pangi, Chamba, Himachal Pradesh. 11. All Pl1blic Sector Undertakings! Boards/ Universities in H.P. 12. The Examiner, Local Audit Department, H.P.Shimla-2. 13. The Pay and Accounts Officer, No.1, Reserve BanJc of India, Parliament Street, New Delhi. 14. The Director, Accounts, Ca.binet Secretal-iat, Government of India, East Block. No.5, Level.5, R.K.Puram, New Delhi-110022. 1'5. The Senior Research Officer, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Pay Research Unit, North Block, Room t~o.261, New Delhi. 16. The Deputy Director, Central State Finance Cell. Ministry of Finance, Department of E;~penditure, Government of India,New Delhi. 17. The Director, Defence, Land and Cantonment Head Quarters, Northern Command, Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir. 18. The Deputy Director, Defence Land and Cantonment Head Quarter, Western Command, Shimla-1.. 19. The Divisional Organisor, Punjab and H.P.(SSB),Direc1::orate General of Security,Shimla-4. 20. The Commandant, Training Centre, Directorate General of Security, Sarahan, Rampur Bushar, Shimla District,HimachalPradesh. 21. The Deputy Commissioner, .Relief and Rehabilitation. Bias Project, Talwai;a Township, Pl1njab. 22. The Controller, Department of Personnel, H.P.Secretariat with 5 spare copies. 23. The Department of Personnel, Appointment-III 24. The section Officer, Finance Commission, spare copies. 25. The Department of S._~.Accounts, with 5 spare copies. H.P.Secretariat with H.P.SecreteJiat, Shimla-2 with 5 5 spare co!:1ies. 26. Sh.Bhaga1:: Ram ThaJcur, President. H.P.Secretariat Class-III Services ~ssociation. 27. Sh.D.R.. Chauhan, Genearl Secretary, H.P. Secretariat Class-III Sel-vices Association. 28. Sh.Gopal DB.ss Verma, President. H.P.NGO's Federation, Set No.17, Type-III, New Brockhurst, Shimla-9. 29. Sh.M.R.Saqroli, Secretary General, H.P.NGO's Federation, c/O Tribal Development Department, Neal- H.P.Secretariat, Shimla-2. 30. Sh.S.K.Duggal, 3246, Mohindra Park. Shakur Basti, Delhi-110034. 31. Sh.R.P,Sharma, Genel-al Secretary, H.P.State SAS Officers Association, Directorate of Social and \'iomen's Welfare, H.P. Shimla-171009. ... Contd 4 ~ \. \.. '~"'" 4 32. Sh.H.R.Vashist, Vashist N_lwCls,Near Kausllal NU1"sin!;!Hcne Road, Una, Hirnachal Pradesh. 33. Sh.S.B.Gurg, Gurg House, Dakhni Mandir, Jind, Har-;al-ia. 34. Guard File. 35. Spare Copies(lOO). JIB.illi I'pur ;,) Additional ( Abhay Pant) Secretary(Fin.Reg.) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. 1.l..A'~ . 1. AnneXllre-A (Referred to letter No. Fin(PR)B(7)-4!98 Special Pay! Allowance stand abolished w.e.f. of the following 1-1-1996 2. Education dated 1. 2. 3. 14th January,1999.) of categories posts 3. 4 Registrar Admn.Officer Establishment 100/200/-100/- Officer 2. Information and Public Relation 1. 2. Deputy Director Distt. Public Relation 200/200{- Officer 3. Public Relation 200/- Officer Information Offjcer I .., " , oJ -- 200/- r."I t',.. i ;..L.-- ,;1'-' . ,;(,. /)".;.. .-- shall - 1. 3. ~ No.Fin(PR)B(7)-4/98 Government of Himachal Finance (Pay Revision) Pradesh Department \ From Financial Commissioner-cum-Secret~ry(Finance) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. To 2. The Secretary, H.P~Vidhan Sabha, Shirnla-171001. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Registrar, H.P.High Court, Shimla-171001.. The Registrar, H.~.Administrative Shimla-171002. Tribunal, The Secretary, H.P.Lokayukta, Shimla-171002. The Secretary, H.P.Public Service Shimla-171002. Commission, . Dated Shlmla-17\OO2, Subject '--- 14th January,1999. the Grant of Secretariat Allowance Pradesh Civil Secretariat and :- for posts in its equivalent Himachal Officelo. Sir, I of Secretariat H.P.Civil am directed Allowance Secretariat, for to certain Governor High Court,H.p.Administrative Service Commission and H.P. the Government. After Governor, Pradesh Himachal say that the matter regarding posts! categories of employees Secretariat, Tribunal, Vidhan careful H.p.Vidhan H.P. Lokayukta, Sabha was under consideration has been pleased grant in Sabha, H.P. H.P. Public consideration of to decide the of matter, as under the :- fI1't- h f'...t,. ;)\' ('I V!''~ :.( ;.;;f)1II' ~ " r l,., I\.~:I {\".-\~"" \ ,--on. td I t ... 2 ~ 2~ i) In cases where special per Rule 4 of Annexure-'A' ~i} In all abolished as stated as rate categories stand -TtB" It be the will Depart~ent! for that stated in tracing I:"'~; ;-.' (1,,:.! can upto The with the existing in H.P. offices 1.9.97 as pe: and of the Head of the Disbursing allowance the pay the i) Officer original in Every is record claimed first time was to is allowed! from the particulars certify would allowance/ w.e.f. shall such allowance special stand 1.9.97 pay was sanctioned Officer which shall equivalent concerned. letter been special responsibility special employees it employees its verification Disbursing its Allowance'. attached special the post(s) and attached. that due above, pay! and to and has not of posts! Drawing wherein this in and w.e.f. doubled Annexure which i) 'Secretriat Secretariat after specified pay was attached 1.1.96 in allowance category/ ~"~ before of special Secretariat ensure is Secretariat as on 31-8-97 be termed shall allowance are in H.P.Civil offices Civil Notification special categories equivalent abolished iii) no where special posts existing (Revised enclosed. cases various vide as Dated 1st September, 1998 ,w.e.f. 1.1.1996r These abolished Services as substituted Fin(PR)B(7)-1/98, payable. stands the H.P.Civil Pay) Rules,1998 No. pay records respect of Drawing and on each bill in for an employee! after of paid the issue authority under 1.1.96 and same has not been abolished as above. difficulty in ou,t the or~g~nal drawn before of In case of sanction be drawn pro'vlslOnally Feb .1999 paid in March, for such three allow~nce months 1..e. 1999 on t.he basis Contd...3. of . ~ 3. 3pay bills by for December.1995 recording a suitable Drawing and It be Qis personal shall out the Disbursing in January, certificate by Office),"5; t.o this responsibility authority or with the Finance consultation February, ~aid settle the effect. to the 1996 tr~e matter Depart~ent by in 28th 1999. Yours faithfullY, /'\ :") () ;~,t~\,V~~- '-~ Additional (Abha-y Pant) Secretary (Fin-Reg) Government of,H;machal .'<~ Dated Shiml.a-171002. No.Fin{PR)B(7\-4f98 COpy is forwarded for 1. ?. informatiofl Tt1e AccQ'J.r}tan-e General (Audit) 'i'he Ser.io-r copies. Dire~t0"l; 20 spare The All 4. 5. 6. All All Distr~Gt Deputy Treasurie3 .copieg. TreasUry Accountant and Officers! Pradesh. the and necessary action H.p.Shimla-171003 General Accounts (A&E) 14th Jan.1999 to :with 20 sI'l:are H.P.,Shirola-171003 Organisation, TreasurY to the Shimla-171002. Offic~rs in H.P. Adi1iJ\islr~tive Departme~ts in Himachal Pradesh. Divisional Commissioners in Himachal Pradesh. c()ntd...4.. with 1. ,\ .' .... - Annex111-e...A -{Referred to letter No.Fin(PR)B(7)-4!98 Special Pay/ Allowance stand abolished w.e.f. Sl. No. of the following 1-1-1996 :- Nameof Department 1. 14th January,1999.) of cate~ories Category of post 2. H.P.Civil dated Special Pay (Rupees) 3. Secretariat Bill 4. and Cash Messanger 2. Governor Secretariat Comptroller 3. Treasury & Accounts Controller 70/- Household 400/~ (F&A) -~- posts 400ft l'... 11\" ).. ,..\ '")- tv\f'l1,:;!-::;-c--,/ shall . 1. AnneXl.lre- (Referred SI. No. to letter Name of the categories employees 1. of 2. H.P.CIVIL dated 14th Existing rate of Special Sectt. Special Pay. Allowance Allowance Joint Secretary Deputy Secretary 3.4. Under Secretary Director Deptt.Enquiry 5.6. Sr.Spl.Private Secy. Spl.Private Secretary 7.8. Sr. Private Secretary Private Secretary Section Officer 9. 10.11.A.L.D.(Hindi & Eng.) Chief Librarian 12. Superintendent 13. Supdt.(Ex.Cadre) 14.15.P.A. Assistant 16. Sr.Scale Steno 17.18.19. Head Gatekeeper Jr.Scale Steno Sr.Clerk 20.21.Clerk Library Attendant 22. Book Binder 23.24.Care Taker Gatekeeper 25. Gestetner Operator (Photostat) 26. Gastetnor Oper~tor Class-IV 27. Gastetnor Operator Class-III 28. Furniture Supervisor 29. Record Lifter 30. Jamadar 31. Daftari Peon 32. 33. Chowkidar: 34. Mali 35. Frash 36. Sweeper 37. Driver 400 400 400 400 500 .500 500 300 200 200 200 100 100 .150 - - \ 80 \ &0 80 60 40 60 60 60 100 40 40 50 50 50 40 40 40 350 40 40 40 40 40 40 / -100 -80 -80 -160 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -700 1999) Revised rate of Secretariat Allowance. 5. 4. 3. January 6. SECRETARIAT 2. Senior No.Fin(PR)B(7)-4/98 B 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 600 400 400 400 200 200 300 160 160 160 120 80 80 80 80 120 120 200 II -2 3. - 5. 4. 5. ~ H. P.PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Secretary 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Addl.Secretary Deputy Secretary Under Secretary Registrar Addl.Registrar Private Secretary S.O./Asstt.Registrar Personal Assistant Supdt.Grade-II Sr.Assistant Jr.Scale Steno Clerk Gestetnor Operator Driver ~ Daftri Jamadar Peon Chowkidar Mali Frash Sweeper GOVERNOR'S - ... 80 40 50 3504040 40 80 80 40 40 40 40 40 80 80 80 80 ~ECRE"1ARIAT 1. 2. 3. Under Secretary Private .Secy. Section Officer 4. P.A. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Superintendent Senior Assi~tant Steno Clerks Drivel" Jamadar to Governor J~nadar(T) to Governor Peons Messenger Chowkidar Daftry Jamadar of Sweepers Sweepers 400 300 200 150 100 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. CaJT!PJ .1ffiadar 2. 1. '.40040040040040030030020015010060 r' .;'. i;' ,..,.,"''. 800 600 '.. 80 40 350 60 60 40 60 - 40 400 400 350 - - 31)0 ~-; 800 800 700 80 80 40 40 120 100 60 60 60 4lJO 200 160 120 80 700 120 120 80 80 80 160 160 80 60 GOVERNOR'S HOUSEHOLD WING1. ADC to Governor Comptrller Drivers Cook Clerks EPABX Head Khidmatgar Khidmatgar House Bearer - -~ 40 40 40 40 40 . 800 800 800 800 800 600 600 400 300 200 160 120 80 100 700 160 - 120 ~ 120 120 ~ 7~ ~.:')Pt-; ~ Cont..lS.r I ., 10.11.12. ,- -3 - Masalchai Peon Garden Supervisor 13.14.15. Dhobi Dhobi's Mate Tailor H.P.ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL 1. Chairman 2. Registrar 3. Deputy Registrar 4. Assistant Registrar 5. Readers 6. Pvt. Secretaries 1. SectioQ Officer 8. Superintendent 9. Sr. Assi'stant 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Personal Assistant Sr.Scale Steno Jr.Scale Steno Clerks Gustetnor Operator Drivers Daftri Ushers' Court Jamadar Process Server' Peons Mali Chowkidar Sweeper Frash 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Registrar General Registrar Vigilance Distt. & Sessions Judge (Rules) Addl.Registrar(Admn.) Spl.Secy. to Hon'ble Chief .;Justice Dy.Registrar Asstt.Registrar Court Secretary Secretary District & Sessions Judge Addl.Distt. & Sessions Judge Sr.Sub-Judge-cum-Chief Judicial Magistrate Supdt. Grade-I - 80 80 40 80 40 80 40 80 80 40 ~s(!)O 400 400 - - 1000 800 800 800 600 600 400 200 160 300 160 120 80 100 700 160 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 400 300 300 ,200 100 80 150 80 60 40 50 350 40 40 40 - H.P.HIGHCOURT 1. 2. 3. 40 40 - 500 500 500 500 500 400 400 500 500 300 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 - - 1000 1000 1000 ;- - -- - - 1000 1000 800 800 1000 1000 &00 - 200 400 200 400 200 400 Contd..:4.. P"')I.(.,--- ~,~~ ---~ ",""fA/ -'-~ C f", ""'1 Supdt.cum-Leave Reserve Reader 15.1~.Reader 17.18. Private Seca:-etary Chief Librarian Dy.Supdt(II) . 19. Personal Asstt. 20.21.judgement writer Reviser :?-2. Reader to Registrar General 23. Court Officer 24.. Senior A~sistant Sr.Clerkl :{5. Jr.Asstt./ Clerk Sr.Scale Steno Jr.Scale Steno 28. Driver 29.30.31. Daftri Usher Court Jamadar 32. Peon 33. Chowkidar 34. Mali 35. Frash 36. Sweeper 200 300 300 200 100 150 150 150 100 Secretary 2. Sp.l.Pl-ivate Secy. 3. 4. 5. 6. Deputy Secretary Under"Secretary Editor of Debate. Senior Reporter 7. Documentation Officer8. Private Secretary 9. Reporters10. Supdt.Grade-II11. Sr.Assistant Ex.Cadre Supdt. Persoanl Assistant Sr.Scale Steno Jr.Scale steno Jr.Asstt./Sr.Clvltl Clerk Drivers' Gestetnor" Qperator 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 2. 14. ~ 26.27. """"'-""--::-"_.;4" - 600 600 400 200 300 300 300 . ZOO - 200 160 80 80 40 80 - - 160 60 350 120 700 80 40 40 40 . 500 500 400 400 400 400 200 300 200 100 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 40 40 40 40 40 - - 1000 1000 800 800 800 800 400 600 400 200 160 200 300 160 120 80 100 150 80 60 350 50 LOKAYUKTA1. Supdt.of Police Under Secretary - 100 H.P.VIDHANSABRA 1. 400 300 400 40 80 - ." 700 100 - 1"\ "'A f 600 800 :;:te~~=~ ~ '~ : ~ . n 1. -- fl \ ., . ,~\ -5 ... ? 3. Reader 4. Section Officer 5. Personal Assistant 6. Senior Assistant 7. Clerk 8. Jr.Scale Steno 9. Driver 10. Processor 11. Jamadar 12. Peon 13. Chowkidar 14. Frash-cum-Mali 15. Sweeper - 3. 4. 5. 300 200 150 - 80 40 60 350 40 40 40 40 40 40 --- 6. . 600 400 300 1.60 80 120 700 80 80 80 80 80 80 ~, l'\{j~~ ~ ~ ~ Government of Himachal Finance (Pay Revision) -x - Pradesh Department Dated Shimla-171002, No.Fin-(PR}B(7)-4!98 tile 1$t May,1999. CORRIGENDUM Fi'JUres Finance bepartR\ent'(;letter serial No.1 under "1000" respectively. "1000" alid "2000" appea1:ing No.Fin(PR)B(7}-4!98 H.P.Administrative dated Tribunal of in 14-.,0.1-1.999 against may be rea.d as "500" J-c, and -- Additional Secretary(Fin.Reg.) to the Government- of Hinlachal Pradesh. -~,-I No.Fin(PR)B(7)-4!98 Dated Shimla-171002, 1st May,1999. :i :$ } \ y .1 2 .22. The Divi~ional Organisor, Punjab and H. P. (SSB),DirectO!:::ite General 23 of The SecuritYJShimla-4. Comm"'" da n t m ral nl nq (-' entr a r.; l "" c t o ""i'" ("-=-"""r'",," -0 .--o..J. ~.,-,V...~-_J.C"_""'",-:.t"'")"'-'-"'i, Sarahan, :Rampur Bushar, Shimla District!Hirnac.:a.l Pr~desh. ' 24. The Deputy Commissioner. Relief Talwara Township, 25. The t:;ontr-:>ller, spare copIes. 26. The DepartJ}ent 27. The 28. ' Section spare copies. The Department Punjab. Departmet of, 'of \ Personnel, Officer, of and }i.ehabjj;t,ati\")n. Pel:sonnel, ~ e t!,'r.; t Bias Project, ti.Z 3~c:r~tarlat Appointment-III with " . 5 ~pare with 5 copies. Fir.c3.nceCommission, 1i.J? Bf'Jc.t-etariat wi tb 5 S.A.Accounts, H.P.Secretariat. Shimla-2 with 5 spare copie~. 29. Sh.Bhaqat Services 30. Sh.Ga.."lqa Singh Thakur, President, H.P.NGOts Federation, S.E. ,-IV Circle, Winter Field, Shimla-171001. Sh.P.S.Bharmouria, Secretary General, R.P.NGOts Federation, Executive Engineer, FWD, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. 31. iam Thakur, Association. 32. Sh.O.p.Sharma, 33. -34: President, I H.P.Secreta.riat Class-III Se'cretary Gene-ral, H.P.Employees Confederation, 0/0 0/0 C/O Directorate of Health & Family Welfare. Kasumpti,Shimla-171009. Sh.S.K.Duggal, 3246, Mohindra'Park. Shakur Basti. De.lhi-ll0034. Sh.R.P.Sha:t;ma, General Secretary, H.P.State SAS Officers Association, Directorate of Social and Women's Welfare, H.P. Shimla-171009. Sh.H.R.Vashist, Vashist Niwas, Near Kaushal Nursing Home, Road, Una, Himachal Pradesh. 36. Sh.S.B.GurQ! GU1-g House, Dakhni Mandir, Jind, Haryana. -37. Guard Fiie. 35. Hamirpur 38. Spare Copi~s(1.00). c: .~""""- .- Additional ~ecretary(Fin.Reg.)to Gov~rnment of Ffimacha.1 Pradesh. ;" .~\ ~ the