FIN uPrDep~ GO\Ternn nt. Finance From The Principal Secretary (FiIi'ance) to t,he GO\Ternment of Himachal Pradesh, To 1, The Secretary (S...W) to the Govt. ofH.P.. ~ .;,.. The S ecretarv to Uovernor. -.' H .,P S' h':_l HiLLa"l "'I lOO -'J_. f) ' .. 3. The Secretary, H.P. Vidh,ln Sabha. ShiInla' 171004. . 4. TheRe~t.rar, H.P, High CotU't. 'Shimla" Ij 1001. 5. The RegiStral'. HoP. ..L\diniiristrat,iveTribunal. , 6. The Secret,ary, H,P. Loka),ukta. Shjmla"2 Shimia" 171002. 7. The Secretary, H.P. Public ServiceComm ShJm1a- 171002, Dated ShimlaJ71002:t.h~ 18t,h~ta~", , Grant afS~;'i'"",~u'iat .I.\llQwancefor posts in H 'I ,~ Pradesh Ci\Yjl S~r~iari'1t and its equivalent Offices. Sir. f . ..Incontinqation of this pepartment letter OJeven number dated . 14th Ja ilLlro'y, 1999, on the subject cited above ,I aindirected to say that the Governor. Hi!rJachal Pradesh is pleased to ol'der etlhancement of the Secret.ariat Allowance in respect.. of the follo,\\ring (:ategorres "rith stiptuation that the recipients of the enhanced; Secretariat reSpect ofc (;lerieal t~ , .tillo\\~ance in. s-taff i.e. Clerks, Jr. ...~sist.ant, Sr. ...~sistant., and Superintendents,- Grade'II/Ex.Caclre, Superintendents 'shall have to paSs the .. ., , "', J No. 5sion. ;himla-2 2002 Lmachal ~'ithin -' , , computer test prescribed by the Secretariat "I.\.dmini",tration Department ",it~'lin a period of two yearsiailing ,,"hich the enhanced allowance "ill be , ..' discontmtled at the_end?f the said period. Th~ said COI11puterCoUl'se\'\illbe , " " -~ a penoct 01 one "~ .. ,;r ~ ~ 811 lIS] 81. : l'Jame ofCat e l 2:o~" I = ~ I . 'T l~O. i 1. i cl~ -: ;"2. ;.: ," I \ i 3.. , 4. ~ O. ! Class:fV P.-I\{ ~. ; , the , ..,., No.FIN(PR)B(7).4/~8 Dated .. 18tlr' M.ay, 2002. Cop,foJ:\\;c.arded for iMormatio11 and neeessm'~c. ~lct.jon: -." j 1 . 1, Th~ ~4ccountant.GenE'ral HimacharPtadesh. Shim18 ../ , i. ;' ".. c . sl"..." ! "."" .~ co"""" lJ , s .I I.' ',"2, ';r,b~J:Jut};' .. . ., ,,~:j' chatPrad~sh, ' - Q ,J. 4. 0.' The Sect.ionOffiG~, I 6, .T-.' , .i, Secret,.l.r: ~ imla-171002. 1m :"~SSOCia.riOn:s , , (Class. ..h~~lhan;(ienei'al Secretary, H.P: Secret ariatSer,,-ic-es 8.,Ram 9G .; \ Qlc.:' uI::lr!J 1a, )ec:t.t... "latSel'\-'ices -'"' "ry ()f ~) 10 sp UaI( , l eJ.J;J.e ) .c'.. ecoples. c. , .\ " ..~... ! \,tGti,,!,: i :z "' "- ~, 'rIJ i..~f~C:'; ~I