" "--, ; ':'-,~--.:,--B(7)..-15/~8-11 'f ~imachal Pradesh I": ." Revision)Depa~ent.--Ji::. .-,- , Secretary (Finance) to the. f- Hi-machal Pradesh.' .., :, :!:..' .. .-., 1.. Air Administrative Secretaries. to-the Government of Himachal firadesh. .-' "".. .;': . All Heads of Depattmentsin ' .:. :1':!.': -th 0O2,.the ..' : ;~-'" : 1 B .: ..Subject: .. '."\!. " c\;i~'.":!"~1 in HimachafPradesh.~ i , , .- : ,~ Himacha1Pradesh.' ..'. 3. Alt""D,sputy Commissioners D~ted Shlmla-1/1 .-~ August, "'.i~..\C~';I::' :"'; ; :1.. ..co., 2003 , 'i';:;';;.1 i;~~ .:., .,";~ ;0.. rates of wages of daily wage worker~ and Qed on part..time basis in Him~chaI.Pradesh.. . , -. on of this Departme~t's. I~tter .of even n~mbf;!r .. -., e subject cited above, 1 ~m directed "to say. tn;at. '. In respect of vario!..is categories of v/o.tki3rs. in .Himachal Prad~sh. are revised' v.J.~~f; 15th " -' " -, ' ...1", . ~".:-~ ' . ': ~ . .., ~:' , , ..:.. '0' , .,. . ;':~ ,~; .;;~' ~ -, .:., ' ,"" .t~o, FrN-(PR)B(.TJ-15/98-11 Dated Shimla-171002. the Copy-.fefWefdedfor-tnfOfmatOn-snd necess.aryaction: J 1 The Accountant '2 ., The Senior General, Deputy Himachal pradesh, Accountant 18th August, 2003. ' Shimla-171003, General,(A&E) Himacha~Pradesh, ' 3 4 5 Shimla-171003. The Registrar ,;; General, Himachal Pradesh High Court, Shimla-1. The Divisional Commissioners/Kangra/Mandi/Shimla Divisions. The Resident ,Commissioner, H.P., Sikandra Road, NevI Delhi, t: :; 1: 6 The Secretary, H.P. State Electricity Regulatory Commission. Keonthla Bha¥/an, Khilini, Shimla-171002. AI! the District and Sessions Judges in Himachal Pradesh. All the District. Treasuryl Treasury Officers in liimachal Pradesh. ..: ,.';,:.;:!.{" 7 8 9 Secretary, H.P, State Electricity Boards, Shimla-171004. 10 The Registrar, H.P. University, Shimla-171005. 11 'The Registrar, H.P. Krishi Vishwavidyalya, Palampur, District Kangra. 12 The Registrar, Dr, V.S.'Parmar Univer~ty of Horticuiture and '; , Forestry, , 13 00:,- : ~ ,. '14 15 16 .:17 The K ...! ,,- ~.,.: Sol::1n (Naun~), Himachal Pradesh. Secretary. ~.P, Board angra. of School ., ";::.~",,, Education Dharamsa!a, Distt. ° 'j;""" ' -.f,. '.. ",'if )i" 'j;r All PublicUndertakings/Corporations/Boards in Himachal Prade~h, .." The Deput-J Commissioner I Relief and Rehabilitation, Seas Project:, TalWara Tovmship, Punj"b. All Sections of Finance DepartmGflt.' Guard File 1 CO spare copies, ...7 .:' , . " ' .. , , ! ~ ,\ , , , .'Additional _/ ;., y " .~:' " Secretarl ., Government (FIN-PR) of Himachal to the Prad~H. i .( '1 , ;~' :.. " ,0" ~.,:-1-":. I'.: 0' .i1 , , ,I , ; .' .'~, . ~, ;' ° ,: .. ,.?' ~ . .. " .:':" .'..' .';'11' , : '. i' . ~' I. 5,c! ,0I. J':i:1'." ., .;~':.; ,':,i'.'.;~~;.";;j;.." ' : .: :0.",;' ..-' I ° ,'0 - "illi!.' , c . ~ .c'- i , , ;. : " ..,.;\,t .." ...': " " '~",' .; .".' . .1, r~ ~=~~~"_..'."'" ~':-: (~! ,"'-SC-uesign-ation ,u - , , ' ",. t!:1~t.J1;:;&Y~85~ ,. " """ ...'... ,., ,~..~-_.,.F~E\jISED PER DAY R.t, TE v.v, C,;.. r::.I:' 1 5TH N :. O. 2OA~ '1..., .', .., .,. ~. r A" GU "" 1".u ~ " " : , , .'J~: " , ,'" ,, '. .,,;~i ~:;:'.: ;;, ',.: :I. r: ~-eeidar:(Ma.2e'OOi;Cas4~1J.~tfer 2 ,1'iJ ~-a "Le 3 .."",.', Cook 4' : Rs:; 69,00' " R".. ~ 6~ ~,JC'" ~ Rs a;~ OL. Mali Rs + t= -I T, Ma..e (_lectI11.181) ChO\!vkidar H e,uer I ,; Svleeper 9, 10. 11. 12. ' Ciea."'Ier Swereman' Khalasi Electricai Beldar Rs. Rs. , Rs, Rs 13. 14 8h:sti Store Atteildant Rs, 65.00 Rs, 65 00 15. 16, 17: Laborato~ Attendant pymp Attendant Bcat:Man 18. "0 I... PrncessServe: V'ihi'fc.'A/:2 er V.,:._v st '""". 20 21. Syce Peon ":2 '-;"~, 24, '")C; .:;.'." 26, 2'7 2~3, ~~ j...J, 31, ,J," ,.).c. ',..',) J.;J, 34 "3~~. '" UnSkUI~ -' I "'~' .",~c: ,:'..,' ',,"', " ':' . .";,c' , ' .c, L~bljurcr Q! ...j,i"l:I'arr ' M ~:... "", . Jlimper ;..1an Dr:;:er' ~;praym9n .A,ssi$!~r~! S(i\~ Ii;!: O~)~rator F~ller J:(':'~,ra'il} LCCC9r ", ~... ~"l'o IF ""...;.,~",,; ' " ,.-,.e~,"wr\,""",:,'I'" (";'r:1"."' ..'~t,,"~r'f i:" ...;.:.f r\1..,.'",1"'"" Zoo Animal Atterida!'"rt; Fire\t\J~,t~~!ar . . .0 ,i ~ :' b""J" \ .- - Rs65 . 00 R ,:, t'; "",0, 5 00 Rs6 &:. au " ..,., Rs6500 .." Rs. 65 00 i ~ . ~s, 65.00 6500 Rs 6500 ,Rs, 65.?O Rs,65,OO Rs, 65.00 R 6-, 00 $"v, Rs ' '. 6:~ "".00 Rs. 65.00 Rs. 65,00 ~1" ("ur ,. Q \"'-r"'" r Ch ~ r " o "'! B ",'~lnn ","';"'i;"'!',',~,,"',",\, Pi..~ ""c man 'I--""l ,'...j, S K' h " urvey aiaSI Bf!! Distiiblrtor L~i~,., !.."",'-" I . ' , ,I.. ' I ---'~- "".;..,.;~.",. , .c ~ ,- i , R,.."~. ~ 6 ~ 00 , -Rs ' c, ,.1~~-~(!ic;_~~.3~~S':,¥c__"_"_'-'.'-CT~; -'/, ~:"J!if , Rs , h~ -'.I,00 Rs65 , .., &: 00 Rs, 65.00 '"c.A ..1- <..~'V~.. :-;:" ,'"' " ,,'; Rs, 65.00 Rs 6~ OO Rs, 65,011 Ria, 65,00 Rs, 65.00 Rs,'65,OO A ...1 ;~2, , R$, ,6500. Rs, 65.00 ' Rs, 65.00 Grir'icer for C~ii:::: ~!ooring Ca';;iper:r,:::.r: ~o 'oJ"" .\' ,;' .;; , ~~'",' .\,' :Ct" 'f 65.00 65.00 65 00 65.00 3f3 37, 'L1~ J\.', c' Rs, "" 00 Rs.6500 R~ 6500 ,;:J, , Rs, 65,00 I: rw,';). ~-h ~""" n'-2 n ,.;1\1;"\,II~ .' Rt::or. '~~: '"': 5. -6, I. 8, :- ...,c' ---,,-,--'" ~ ;_c.~~.~:. -.',:. " " ,~.' ':'i ':0. " , '- ., I . , -~: I]j :~~-~" r-".' t i f j. .. -' . Water Guard~ , 45. 46. Stone Dresser Keyman 47, 48. 49, 50. 51. 52. 53 .oj Assistant Fitter Valueman Library Attendant Luskar Gauge Reader Ohobi ..~ 3. 4. 5 Firsrr:an P.ump Operator -cum-He!\'.'Ier , Pi umber 2"~ C~ass -: --'~- Cs.t"leman ~~ ~._-,--, ,-., ~-~ , ,- ,."'.""."".' , ... # Rs. 69,50 Rs. 69.50 Rs; 69;50 Rs. 69.50 Rs~.71.50 Rs.71.50" RS:',71.50 Rs.71.60 u_~ ,-,-",~".",,-:-:--~ ; ~..~ ' ,,-" ~ ~ ~.,'---' ~ ' .c>cc;,ir:I'" GuZlrd. ~.;. ~~ , ..' --, ~~:._?9~.O -,~.-- (Grade-!V) 2, White Washer 3. Bar Binder 4 S~\"'Yer (Charanr) e,. iv1uieteer '-- c_~,-.~ :.~..~,._~- 1. R8.65.00 Rs. 65.00 ,..~-- Carpenter " I " Rs. 65.00 Rs. 65.00 Rs.6500 Rs. 65.00. .Rs. 65,00 Rs.65.00 '""\ ~.~ 1".5. o~. 00 ' 2. 1. . ' Rs. 65.00 0 YPr~.<?I~~~~. ~--~ .; ".J' (Class~IV) .'j .. . tt \ .f i",--.' .44. ":., l._"-_'_";---"""""".~--'f' ",--, '- ~...~..,--. '---_.~-" -~ : ._~ ~ Rs. 76.00 ~, Rs, 78,00 . :~~ ~ ~---~~---~"-" ,_._,..,..~--~ c c.~-_c; ' '.~ . 4 5. .~,... Fitter Grade-It ;:'tter Grede-1 ;y '.;;...::':;.' , " ...,'wi. .U,,;'.-, , .Rs. ,.. ..., 7, , Black Flttf:i ,.., S1;ruc;tur:;:! ~. Srr,'th ";;:.-' ...'..' V'Je:,je:, 82.50 .Rs, ".""~--." .'...'..""':"'.'."...:' "'..."..'" , ,.. , ,. ; .Rs. r~eGham(; ' ,1.1... '.--"'-"-. ...E.i~?~~c.~19ha~g~~!~~:~. """ .." .,..., .' : .!" °umoCX>e"~.or. .~. ;;.'.~a~.~.!.~~:t 20. fvlason Grade-III , 8 .';';'~' ,.. , . ""--"""-"-' O "" , ,,.'" ' ,"""."'-"".'.""."'.'" , ,.,. ,. ' -10. RE.82.50 ,... 8.~:.'~:~g , .Rs , , ,.- - 82 1;",0 ~ .~1'~ ,~. ...O.P?/'.'?:~~:;r O"'ver 0"'" 'gen: F:l~rl" "}.'~:. r.);uriber (_,rece-l! .;~ 7. ...,. , ': S P:i jtTlber Grade-t R ..."' .-.'.'-"""."-'.'.' Rs. Rs.:62.50 , 82,50, , .' 8250 , " , ,5. ,. . 8250 ,.. B.?~§~:;~Q !~s 82 60 ; .Rs. ( Rs. 82.50 ,. ..." Rs. 82.50 8250 : ~ ,... , ... -. .'.. ...-.." ~. , ! I i -I .". I I I I I I I .I ,,1 ..;'.:~~~--:~.'--:._"' .' ::. .,--:..~'." ~ 1. -, ; ; (5' \:,'V , .".'.'...'.""."'._"...'-'..'" Fainter G rade-! 8";;'~ O :"':.".'-:'.'-~""".' 'D7" I\S, 4,'"" :.'.""--'--""""""'-'-"." 22. Blastman Grade-II' , , ,.. "23. , Roar Finisher' .15. Rs. 82.50 ,... .c '..'.".'.' 31. Receptionist .., 32: Lab Assistant '..'."...'.'..""' 33.. Elecmcian-il : ~ .~ " 34. ,. ' ""."'" Electrician Auto , p~rator General" ,. Operator. 1 42. Road Inspector Rs. 82.50 44. Store Clerk Rs.82.50 46. Water Works Clerk Rs 82.50 50. Plumber. .51. Data Entrv Onerator ' :-I; ~ 52. Electrical MistN ..f;5:;?:I~.i).~~ ,, :.1 : 54. .Clerk 55. 56, -.,57. 00. ".. c '.."'..' dc... ..' ' .Rs. .14. Instrumen.. 1v1_chan-' e5. r' Fitter Mechar;ic Rs ,.., ~ ,..' . '.. "" ...,.. ...~ .'.'.' ' , "" , .' . ~ .;.'-: ' ~ ~ -:~_. ,... " 82.50 8?:~Q 61. ,Met~r ea e, ..Rs. ..-I""'-'-i--.'._.'-';:"~""-;"":;:._;'-c-". p "".-:"..""'.-'..'.-.'-."'-"..'.-"'-Rs. ...r ~,. As;;),stan. $to e Kee t3. t..ab. I echn.clar. .., , Rs.82.50 .Rs .Rs" ,.., ,-".,-.,. Rs. 82.50 82.50 Wirerr,an 8ill Clerk' ,.:.l R , Rs. 82.50 Rs. 82.50 , Rs. 82.50 R~:.~?.f!.Q " ".."." ' . . . ,,".' ~.~ ' :'" " Rs. Rs. 82.50 '.. ,"..'..' 82.50 .." ' Saw ~~i!1 OnPrator ~~ Work Mistrv ..., .. ..'..'.'.."'. , ". ' ,.. , 36. 40. '...'."."'..' -' , Rs. 82.50 '. , . Rs. 8250 Rs. 82.50 ' Rs. ,82.50 , "'.""."_.'-' , ." .Rs. 82 50 Store t:'i Munshi P . ~"..., .,.".,"'.-'" Rs. 82.50 Mortar Mate Grade.,{ -2Q.. ...'.:""',; Rs 82.50 ".'.."..""-1'".'c :. , ,.,... 8250 . ~82.50' , ..,. 82.50 82.50 , 2 50 ~~:..~...: . ~ , : ,.'~.. .' ,:-.:" ~.,...I~.:.--=~" " -(cv,,:"',i' , .'" :--,~.;:'c~:...~"~~.~... iit!.: --" ,. '. c .', ~e)t ...(._: g?_r:t.~!..~!}.~~~.9r. 76. , "!rri 17, aticn 9 Com Booking laint ',' creri<-.: , Attendant '. ' ' Rs. 82.50 " -'R9:-.82:5'6.' '..."_..':'_..~.'."'.."Rs'8' ~.'.."."..'~"..' '."- '50.'.-".'. , : , . : 1. c-c-c.-- Driver .Rs. {Tractor "2' I JeepiCar IT ruck/au Idozer '~fJ~~)g~)i:r.~.h~.~~I , _.~;~::::f~!~~~~:~~!~g:~~~~.{~~i~st 6. Distem 1 ~ erer Junior , 'Forest /R '.-'-' 88.00 '.'.-' :'.-'-.""'.R-S:'-S8:00'...' (Tracers) ,._~~.Q~~~..?2~.I.~_.t?!~nc '-'. '.'.:'.'. .88.00' ~ .'."-'.-'-'"..' :~- cad bePai1m.e"ntl..-"."..."RS.. Draftsman ."-'-".'. ..~: , C_C'_._"~ ,~~, ~ Rs. '... 104.00 ~--"" " ., ,.~ "-.C' , 1... --.R.s. 104. , OU , : ~ ... . . '\ \~..!~:.. g. 1 ~~R~~!~!.Q.~~g.~~!.! ' ,.. ".~.~""--;.':c, f3.~:. 'c--~~c =-" Jl~f!i.\?~.I9.ii.qrir}g.~jstr.es~._: .; ..;--- R~..jj.~..9Q... .'...". c'... . $ Assistant ~. Assistant 2. Rs. Foreman. ,'\.ucticn ~., !Sp< Chemist' Recor~er ,:;..., '118.00 ..Rs, .Rs, 118.00 129.00 ' .,... " ';,,' , .f , 1 .. .':.'.' 1. G).W. Instructors ,'... ; -"c.._co. ...1 ~Y_I:'!!~r._~_Q9.i.Q-~! , cO"":'~o~oc- 2. Draftsman 4. Coach'.." Rs.143.00 ,.,.,-"-"..".."",,.,.- "'0.'_'-0'-'-' ; 0. 'o._.c-co__co. -"-~ e , '~='o-~ , ...: Rs 156 00 '._- ' Rs. 156 00 e ' "'--'-'-" ..3.: ~.Y.9 r~ f};~ ~~ ~~. ~ -'. : .- .-,_.'c---o'o...=:o:-O,"", ~.s:j5.~...OO.- : , ~ ".-."'.-"-'.-' , , ,..13 ~'...1. ~~:QQ. ANNEXURE.B °,- -.' .-,- ' '--- i 51. 1.DeSignation/Category i No. of posts; I No. I of the post.. ! of daily i :. I i '. I; '. r1i Ll-, 2:-.-L- Existing ! Daily rate. ~ for dally wage rate. ..-I .: wa~rs. -.:-.3~-~4-:'5--:'}.;---= '- I EquivaJerlOE basis: ' ; pay Scale of i engaged: ; against a daily engaged; -; against ( : engaged. : vJ:thout any; I .I d , d ; wage ! 9reate 51 po I ! regu ar .I.. With 1 sanctioned the con"'v urrence : post. Of .: ! ,, 6 ...,.' ' 7 ,.,... "c'-O . .i If e; i ~ny. I. ) 1 .I '. 1 ! ., ."1 i ./. ..'\. .; ! .' ..~._~,_. ~RernarKs, : post. i Finance: .' ; j. i ; De~rtment;., , I ~! i ' :.: '--'--"""---'" i Whetller . i :. .~ 1 Whether tt'ie post. . ; L i 'Whether ' 1.1 .1.'-; ~ . :! ;' .i :: ~ 8 '"' ",-,,--,' .-,- ., I 1 i .. I ! . I I . ._. O IJ ~ -~ J' QW-11-Jj sc:;; , ./ ., f -. -, ,/' J ~". ~ .. ,\ 1 .i i .j "-", \ .~ Y' . .~ i'Jo.Fif\l-(PR)8(7)-15/98-1! ~ Government of Himachal Pradesh Finance (Pay Revision) Department. I rom . I To The Additional Chief Secretar'f (Finance) to the Government-of Himachal Prade$h. ., 1 .Ail Administrative Secretaries to the Government of Himachai Pradesh. 2. All Heads of Deoartments in Himachal Pradesh .1. AI.' Deputy Commissioners in Himachat Pradesh. .. Dated Shjmla~171002, the 12th August, 2005 Sub!ect.: Revision of rates of \ivages of dajiy vJage workers Qnd "vvoikers engaged onpal:'t-time basis in Himachal Pradesh. Sir/rv1adam. . In suP~rsession'of this Deoartment's letter of even number dated 18th August, 2003 on the subject tited abqve., I am directed to say that .the rates of dajly wages in respect of variQus-cat-egQfies'cl vyorkers engaged on daily wages in Himacha.i Pradesh, are revised ",Y.e.f. 15th August, 2005 as shown in Annt:xure.:'A". 2. The per houirraieclpa"rt:tiime vvorkers is also revised from Rs. 8.00 per hourto Rs. 9.00 per hOUi v1/'.e.f.15.8.2005. ~. All those engaged on daily wage basis/part-time basis in the Scheduled Tribal Areas of the Stote $halj be allowed 25('k-eob?nct'Ment 011 the revised dajjy 'Nages as per Finance Department's Office tl/1emoranaum r.Jo,FiN (PR)B(7)-1/95-11 dated 17,04.1998. A T h -"'~ rat1:;';)'.~'i'UQfJ"'II\"~UI:;Val..11 ~ -'III';!! I-. "'t. , '-:;:;:>1:; n \I"'r' ou'" "'" "" or i' I' ng ,i""":;:> e "'1~p !i-~t.; I '~ t'" ""' 1 ..I.. os vv,'/\ Governmerlt Dep~rtm(~nts. .li.s for as the P:SUs/Universitie$! AutonomOlJS Bodies IBoards ~tc. are concerned, these enhanced rates shall be ap:p!i.::;.ab!e to them oriy if the managements of theze PSUs/Uni\!ersities/ ..AUl~n()moIJs BOdIes i8oards etc. taka a d~cision in this regarq, consideiing the ~vajlabflity of resources .in their organization. ; '1 ..1'-"7 .~ -. . ' Yoursfai~hfully, .;' ( .'"-'" ~ ,I ,1 y" / """' L ---I _:£! ~. ...,,' ~ .~./ Deoutv Secretary (FIN-PR) to the ;30:.;ernment of Himachal Pradesh. "., -'-"- ,,:--,--, c"' l.;OnL i "'d P 21.. , ---' . . , ., , , !"Jo.F!t'l~(PR)B(7)-15/98-11 Dated Shimla-171002. the ,1Zb, August, 2005. Copy for\l'/3rded for information and necessary action:' 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 15. The Accoynrant C~eneral, Himachal Pradesl" Shimla-171003, The Senior Deputy Accountant General.(A&E) Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-171003. , The Registrar, G~neral. Himachai Pradesh,High Court, Shimla-1. The Divisional Commissioners!Kangra/Mandi/Shimla Divisions. The Resident Commissioner. H.P., Sikandra Road, New Delhi. The Secretary, H.P. State Electricity Regulatory Commission. Keonthia Bhawan, Khililti, Shimla-171002. All the District and Session& Judges in Himachal Pradesh. All th~ District-Treasury/Treasusy Officers in Hi~achal Pradesh. Secretary, H.P. State Electricity Boards, $him!a-171004. The Registrar; H.P, University. Shimla-171005. The Registrar, H.P. Krishi Vishwavidyalya, Palampur.. District Kangra. The Registrar. Dr. Y.S;Pprmar University of HorticuJture and Forestry, Sclan (t'Jauni), Himachal Pradosh. The Secretary I H.P. Board of School Education Dha\amsala. Distt. Kar.gra. .' 14. ,All Public Undertakir.gs/Corporations/Boards in Himach~j Pradesh. 15. The DepLJtyCommissioner, Relief and Rehabi-Jitation. Seas Project. Ta!vJara :Township. Punjab. 16. All. Sections of Finance Department. 17. Guard File 100 spare copies. . . ..-~ (, --, '\_:; SL ) ~-~§~u Designation R~ REVISED PER DAY No. RATE EFFECTIVE FROM 15TH AUGUST 2005 ""' ...".. 1. , 1 Biidar'(~'azdoor/Casuailabourer ."" " Mats Cook Mali T. Mate (Electrical) ChO\AJkidar Helper Sweeper Cleaner Swereman i<.halasi 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Oi'"'", l !.-.of'i-l~ n" 70.00 70.00 70 .~ On ,..' 70.00 7uOO . 000 ~ . 70.00 .70.00 70.00 .70.00 Ferro r'., I ~!a.aSr I .-. .I. ~-;.--, '.'..".."'.'.."..". 70.00 70 00 70.00 70.00 70.00 7 0 00 '7 -': 42, SnlOlstrlb.utor. /J.! .Sulveyl'\h;:llaSi, 4.13 -, 70.00 70.00 70. 00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70..00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70 . 00 70.00 70.00 Dr.esse: (Pachan)} .70.00 C!ir-:j.~.r (Looper) Zoo Arli~1!Attendant Fire W.t1tcher ..' Grinder fOiCh[os Floorina CaUipern1an' -7000 .",,'1iG::;. Labourer Charcoa:tBurning Labour. .\~"..-,_,-l,_.i.- ~n ~ 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 7000 70.00 70.00 12. Electrical Beldar 13. Bhisti 14. Store Attendant 15. Laboratory Attendant 16. Pump Attendant 17. Boat Mal-' 18. Process Server 19 .~t..'~I!tC \,:,Iasher 20. Svce 21. Pearl 22. Ff~sh 23. ChalQmar! " 24. Un SkiHed Labourer. 25. Quarry flJ1an .70.00 26. Jump~r Man 27 Of-iller 28. Sprayr(lf~ 29 Assic;;taht Saw t..~ij!Operator 30, Feller (Garani) , 3 1 .,.. I 0 gC '. Pf -. 32. 33 34. 35. 36. 37. 68. 39. ".70.00' . ~~ ,". . -~ /" ( l~:::;;i:::: (/ ~ (~;\- ../.'1' 1- -./' 1 0 /' ,...' , ..,':. 7 ,' '~,,~'.; , ( (41 f>1j' .~;~ 44: WGter Guard 70 00 i;::~ 45. Stone-Dresser iO.OO :;1 4~: 4/, .48. 49. 50. 51. 52. &:.~ ..'..5. .Key~an ,t.,Ss1stant Fitter Valuemarl Library Attendant Luskar Gauge Reader Dhobi O . a: (ClasS-IV) 70 00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 " ,-.:i ;~ . ;; ;{ "70.00 70.00 '70.00 r]~~==::::::::=::::~==~====::= 2. 3. 4. 5. Carpenter (Graqe-IV) Fireman' Pump Operator -cum-Helper Plumber 2no Class -~--_f~£!::.~i~!]l:£~. '75.00 " 75.00 75.00 75.00 0 'Ierator 75.00 , . 2~ 3. 4.' VVhlte VVasner Bar 8indei Sa1iVYi;:r(Cbarani) 5 .,...u.ei/l' J : teer =L==~~~~~--";"-: 1 Securjt\/Guard. .--L-~ t " ---""--.;~--Electrical 4. -5. 6. 7. "'. \ JO. 1i '_-"-"'-_':'~~=====- Fitter Grade-I! '. ' :--t; ---~ 1~istry 89.00 ! . .89,00. . 89.00, ,89.00' ,.. 'c... .89.00, '" ~ ". -.. ""." '", , ,.: 1: " '. ~;ecrtzrJI_., 89.00 8901"\ 89.00 Efpcj:tii"':"'t-eha~an---~ , .~ . --. --89,00 \ , ..14./ Ooerator ..16 17. HatMixPlantOoerator ,..1 F'iumber Grade-)! 89.00 .' :... ..., I ~- .84.00 : .Fitter Grade-! Turner. Fittcer S'tructurat, S. BiackSm.ith .'~:"-"'.A.?:~:e~.:.',:." 9 Vv"" ( 700 . _ ~- ~ .2. 1700 77.00 77.00 " , , , 8900"'.. ""."...".""" 89.00 ' , ,..,.., . " . 21. Painter Grade-f 23. Floor Finisher ~~ .' ~ , , 89.00.' , ,."."., """..".;'.'.-".."".,.,-,.,...", 'vVork Inspector 89.00 29. 30. Store Munshi Forest Guard 89.00 89.00" 31. R-eceptionist. 89.00 33. Electrician-II QP.~;@!2~ Carpenter Grade-III 42. , Road inspector. ." ,..- .89.00 , Water Works Clerk : c , -89.00 Data".'. EntNOnArator Electrical :.l Mistrv. ,.I":.~ 53. 54. '" Taiicr Clerk: " ,.-"-., .-89.00 .., ""'-""--""'-.'.'."...'...".' ,..."",'."-.'.."'" : ,.. 55. 56. Saw M!II Ooerator. V'Jork ~II1IStrv. , .' 60. 8'il~Cierk 89.00 , 89.00 89.00 , ,.."--".." 51, 52. "'.""' . 89.00 89.00"".-""--".'-.'-".'-',.,..-" " Cinema ProiectorOnerator ComoUter l I": Plumber , , ,. .'...'.'.' , """ "'."-'-.-' .. 89.'00 43. Wo.ikSuPervisor. .'.'-",.,.-",.--,' 44. StoreCierk ' 48. .49~ ., 50 ., . ; -89.00 37, 46. ,. , 27. =?_?: . " 89.00 , "'.'.".~'.".."'..'..r""'._'..." 89.00 "" 89;00 : 89.00, "'...'-."' " , ; "'--"'.'-"."".'-"'-.""."""'.' .. " ---'. , 89.00 ~~:-Q.Q..:; ' "., : , . ,.-, , ~ ::- , 89.00 .. - 64. 65. ~ 60. " Ins.,'..'..".",m~l,t ...' Mvt,h~nlC '."c " ,.,."-,...",,...,... Fitter; Mech3nit '.'."""""'."."_""'~~':' ~ -.89.00 Loaaer .Jperat9f , ..' "'.' , 00 1( '---'_."-"'--"" ';-, ".0.'..' "'..." ' '.'.".(' " ."'/"\. ./" .. { ,'\.. /" . ./ ~~c . , " ~ .,':":::::,..; l6):c 'F:.Q: ~a!'okQQc""er' "".~: ~ .~ ~~t-:~ . .,69. Steno-typist '. , .~'.q: LlbrarvAssistant. ':' ' (1. BookBinder '..-7;;"."."~: .f L. ' Tabla '~'.'~~astel ::..""C' " 73, Dark Room f 5. Canai Inspector, .(6, Ferro ' 79. ,., AO .""-,: 81., ."'..."'::."' " ,..::..., , Clerk: ..., " ,... "'" Jeep/CarJTrtlCk/8uldozeri.R;oad ,Distemperer (Forest . Department): Department) , :,..., "" L , J U' nii",~ C:"'~!Q S tQ !io oo Graae-! , '" " ,...,. '" ' D ' ~ nr!. I! ~.S,",ISta, ,l, r..er , Pioe FitterGrade.;~( , 9 ,,'" , to, " ."""" ."., ,'." j~.DieseIAlJtomechanic. ."'." ., 1.2, 13; ,--,, , ,. ""'" ".", " Biack Sm:th Grade-IV CarpentelC , Gr~de-tf , --"-""""~ "' "'~'...~.'~ ,~ ,2:'..,.. '" "' "; ,..., c.." '."..'.'.'..".""".'--"'." .112.00 (,aroellts, t"SSls.ant . '..-".._"".';:'."".../ 112,00"',. , ': , """'.."""""";"..' :'. ,.,c. 112.00. , , ' , ...c, 112.00 , ,. . ~. 1 '17 0" ~--~--:,".,..., , -127.00'-, , O . ,,-,radc I Chem,s..; ,.. " -~ "'-""' T!sttlass{Forest a.,:1,-.., r,ng~;~~':"--"'-'--~IV""'"Jes~ r..1ason ..., .., ~. '.'."... Pepanmenr) , '::.'-,."-'",_1 '-'." """"'."' 4. . , " ',) 11 ~"'~ ,.""U. 112.00:.. 1 '-""-i',~7~ .1 v~nlQr ,: . , .",.'.." '.. , ' ..- 112.00 ., .., .-""".""0""""""..".'.".'...".' ~v1(;lson '..'.". C~Dde-~V '..'.'. , 11,.0'-.1 "..""..'..:.'..' " , ..' 112.00 , ,... ,..c, , Ort , .' .., " ~,: . "'.Y'.""." h Electrician , , 112.1J0 " 11-' "".'.."""-'..."'.""" _.01"-',1 v""""'" --"""', .3. AaricuJture E:J\1ensjon Officer. ..;:'.. ..'c. "~, ,v!\.JIo.Ietlln~ ,ns..,uc.or "', '.."".-"'" J"' ' ., c o'-'5 , r , )'" -. c."" ..", 95.00. I i'::l em ~ L.". '" n jL:n..;cr '~-"" ur3nsmar,'"'""'--c !Tracers ~ ".. c . C!ass-{Forest ~~ ". 95.00 8 .,...' '-':';";';""--"~"'~-""~--""'--"""9500";""_~- ..~.a:son-2nd 6. , " 1..: "'-'."':"."-"""';:";"'0""" ,._:c.: :'"..'..;; :::',.., : , _.:1: :7' " .. : ."'-" :, :89.00 QO 95.00'," ~~: , -; ., "-'." 1, ~ :., ..!"; Roller) Driver Shavv~t' ') St'"'ne ""'hisler 'Ct; ."":"' 3. ".".'-~::""'~._.~ Carpenter21\C ".'.' CJass..(Fores~Department) ..., -.., .'.._' 3. : ..., 89.00 , (Tractori , ; "'..'."'" , . ,..., , :... , '.'.."'..'.' ..., ~._. "':'."""_"-"C""""';"'C"".""-"".'._'."""' ; " , .agnn; , 89.00 :""~, 'i .c1-""'Drj~ c' "89.00 '."." " 89.00 ProofReade1' .89.00 , ""-".."."." '..."-,, Photn<"1r::4pher '~...c'~~'~.~'-'~",_."".", ' Ledger" BockirlgCferk .,.. --, . -' , 89,00 89.00. , 8':::1,00 ;; Printer'. ...,.. ," :, """."";,,,";c,.., .89.00 ..' ,., l/TJoationBookioo 78... 80 on Assistant, '.-""."'."".."'0"'" ,. , "--"""""-""'--""'""'-":""""C"""""~-::-c~'" 1 '-I. "7 00 ,,7.0 O , A . , . ' "..,...,..~, ,. " , 7 '::arnente; (1st Ciass) (Forest Deeartment) 127,00 ',... { ( (- :.\-":./ .. ',' .c '" ,- 'H ...