~ ,~ ~ .' :\)0 Fir,j-(;PRi8,(7j-2J98 sn rr:ach~' D(~..-I° ~QvJ::.r'; n ,~nt () i ..j' ~"'T"","".I,_..,. """v' ,,\~.' J F'iQance (Pay ReVJE;iorl)Department. ~rom n' e P""'~t..~1 ~"' cr-'c.,""",, ( '-'n,..,!\...c; ~-~o\ t" ."0 ; ':, ,:Ij.JI!-'q;..,~ ..t:Lc;.!y,\j-; ;.r,,~ Gcveinmer:t of Himachal PradeSt\, ""!" to . "T- 1, ,'.\11Admj!")istra~:'je Sec!"et3rie~ to th9 ~~.""~ h .' Go' /er ,""-"""'+ "110'01 'I. (\/i' ..1 1Ui :, m.i:l.", "" o I rades ,t, 2 , ""'"' R G ' HP "' h ""' 1"t """'" I ne e~:s..r,~r -er,erC1 "r"!IOi ~O',,;! ~nlm;a-, 3. Ai; Heads of Departments in HimaGhi:i1Pradesti. 4,' The Secretary: H.P, Vidh-an Sabha Sh!rr!!.a.4, " D ;. , ~ h ' 3..20 "". 1mIa- "--"ri ,I J O"" 7' "\;hIe I i I.' .-.fo ., 'Subject: : ! ' Sir: ,,~ 1/ S ejo.!Lcrrl ber, 20'.J,j, ,..., /~"""~ .1..) Clarjfi~ation regarding date of arirlLJa! 1ncrement On grant of four tier pay scates, I On the subject cited above: 1 am directed to 5ay' that It has come to the notic~ of th!s Depa,"!;-neflt that in ~ome cass;s, the' clarIfication issl.iea by this De~~artment vide !etfer No, FIN-{PR)8(7)-: .'98-!11dated 1s!h 'April, , 2002 (copy enc'!osed) is being app!1ed to such categories who have alreac',/ 'been. a;:owed the 4 tier pay structLire end therefore'.../h::e fixing thfJ ~3Y of these . , ' eight -;z:teg~r;es, in ceitaln cc:~es, o','er-.!:'1dymer:tshave been tr,ade, tc Which t1Zy' '.,'je~efi;"\t tJnti:16d, ,..:::-..;111",\.;, .,.."':a ..if 'Orl fh;:." "...~-" " J'nht ca fegor i s "' h ;c'" incl ' 'r! ,i...;;c';;._:1II"" ""~Y!II\.\,A"",, e HP I Adm:n!str-1ti\'e Se!'\/fc.es-:-~1,P: Po~::::eS9M,/ices, H,P. Health Services CJass~1 (GF(:11erau~t.):H,P. \/eterinarl Health ServjcE.~s Clas$-I; (Denta!): C.iass.; Se:'"\!ices, Assista,'lt Engineer.. Animal Assistant Husbandry ArchiteCt and AGsist,-:ntTO';vn P!arr!er. !n their cases, 'their pay 1$being regulated under the ;nstruct!ons issued vIde tf.:$ Oeoartme1-:f.letter t'Jo. Fi"J-(PR)~(7).;1/98-1! dated 23,;),2000, kno',.n as :'Assured Career P:-ogre'3sion 'Scheme':: which is ~n ind£-Qenderrt 'scheme, ,app:icab!e to' the above~ mentione~ e!.~ht ,:::.ategorles of ee"",,'!ces,Tf1ese instr\lct;ons are ver~r c!ear:'and prOv!de thafthe next Increrrlent 111 t::~ hicr!er scaie srI;'!! be a!!o\~!E:'dafter Qlial!fvii"!;J service of 12 months and II ~ -.~;: o\acemer.:s ir. the h!ahe~ scaJes s;'1ai! be ", . gr\/sn effect from the F:rst day of .' .Ja,nuary.of the i'e.;: r.e~'(Tto the ~.' j l I ~ :..re raingthis ,[macha! ~ SUChc~tc'9ories of posts covered unCE'r the 4 tierr.aystructure who have been given a sep~rate promotional structure: as per in:strJctiO/"1S ,jate-d 2362000. as mentioned above. As such, you requesteC to ensure that the pay of ~Vchr categories of flosts Covered unde th~ 4 tier pay ~trjj'::turen.lay be reg;j1.ated contained In this Department Jetter (\40. F=If\,J-{PR)B(7)1,198-11dated,'23.6,2000 and If in al 1y s1;ch cases the instructions contained inR)8{7j-1/98-UI this Der;>artment letter No. F'~J-(P qated 18th AI:.)ri!,2002 have been incorrectly appiied in respec of these eight. categories governed under the. 4 tier pa:,/structure, such cases may tIe revie~Jed immediately and recovery , under the instructions may be effected, " ~ "' '\o,""""' n r ~-.~g I. ":',, at 1"'0 - may be cqr:vey'edgiving d~tails af such overpay'm~nts arid number of such cases of overpayment and proposed a '"'+'0 '- !'"In ~'ne ""'me 0 ,I..;~ ,",.'1jV'!.','~Q'.., UI~I"'... InanCA~ =r"\-..40 me ( ,t J""1"'~'l ...I. :' .. . Ycursfaithf'..;liy. 1'\/ ~ 2 l l c ea ;;( If\l-PR) to theal r Av~,.. l"iriir lO litO '-'~~ r, , 'J It: Go:/ernffier1t of Hil:nach Pradesh. .t'.J0:~~IN-\PR;)8(7).;2f~1jat~d Shirrric!;.171002. the 'ct!\.:~:~Ptember. Cop')!'f;::;rwarded for infc!rmatfcn and necessary action: ' 1. 2. The ,The Accauntant Senior Genera', Deputy" Himacf)Cli' Accour,tant Pradesh G~n$rai Shimle-3 (ME), Wlth:20 'Himachal spare 2003. copies. - Pratiesh;Shim1a=':J'~ v/ith 20 spare copies 'jvith the r~~ques'(t'nat the audit parties may be instructed to check the PS'I fixation cases of th'e above mentioned sight categories s.ince "I. 1 1qql:';u \,; ,Ajo..Q'S n n,"'Q , 3. 4 5 6 l .A.jl OeptJt)1~(j!-nmissior1e'rs in H Hima~~ha:P desh. .. 1 ,:HimachatPra prad h.' Ail Orstj-i(;t & Sessions Judges ii All SiJperjntenderlts of Po!iceil1 esh. The L';)irectorTreaSL!ries and ,A.C( .Ir ~ r- p.,i .i t~O'~I~~ f A 0I ... , ' t 2~gal '.' ~t!on, SH,m,a~g. I~~!.,r;f"':': ' 'OJ..'~;;.;!~. '~"'V'.' "' f'" -..,. '~ficer~i~, " 'r:.. , .. Jsury 1 II!CCrs ~n H.P. 5. Ail CbntrO!ierjJo;rit Con~rolierfDI ~pu.ty Cdntrojjer/A~,sistant Contro!!er (F&:~};in Himacl-,al Pradesh. 0V"- Thp Ex ~..v-; t~ er.,.t oc~! !':l+ U P .\"0,., _..,\",._~~.;~ .t"u rli+:!"'Ie"";: ,., rt me'-" m'a -~ -" I i, 'I ", n'111. 10. The Controi1e:, Department of Pi 3fSOnne!, H.P, SeCI:t" ..\llth 5 spare copies, "'1.. .Section '::)fficer, Final~ce Comr'ni~ >sion, H..P,Se it., V/fth 5 spare Coptes, 1? r:'; :;...,;~;,,", ~::p ~1 0"" 1 ~p ~" e CO;",'-. I~iPS """-~~O""'-"-""U - ~ , ~,etarf(FJt'J"'PR; to the f l-I:m~,.~r'~1D.."""",""",,,