~' ..+. .. ,"'" . '~'rj .,~ ' , ~T ~T .1.'11 (pR C J.'.ti'l- \n 1'"1\ \.)V\/)-.1; 1 Ino TT ;10-.1.1 G~verp_ment ot~Hi..machg} Prgdesh Finance (pay Revlsion) Department n~tf".~ Sh1m1~-17100?.~ the r\P F TrTi' ...". .'-"' ~ -~-~~ .'\rdM~v, 7001. '.,;" 1\KTi'~Kr\D" ND TT~K .L~.LJ.L'.""".'-l.~ '-".L~'" Tne undersigned is directed to invite a reference to th.1~ hf".pArtmf".nt "nth ":"0 T 1 JULY, otQ() .1;10 4 Offire WIU 1 Mf".mOf'~f1~;lm l U . l :)l~ No, F1f1(C'.)R(l)9/79-m .1 ., Ul~l. f.:U1l:)eqUt:1ll t UPU1J. ,\ .1 UW ' .J n1 --: UVW VI de i if !,.- c r\ 1.{ '--'...LV -.-&.'-Ila:.-- bI:;CII ,.,_c", --",.1..- bVV U LV a LC1.-.'1.1 U [ p~y : scales w.e.t: 1.1.1996, the criteria ofcl~~sif1cation ofp~ts "I .. 1.tVl:)lU1l ~iltf".~ 1 "'~~:---b d, VICW an AO" previously laidII d :.. 1- --J&.-: d -.1 IL IIi;!:' U \.-1 CU that classit1cation of posts should be determined. on the basis of the ... C~II"""'T 1'~,...arm ~. LV11VW J.1!; J.1 LJ.1". Ciass-I Posts in initial 1 -.,-~ ,I laAllllUlll -C U1 R J entry revised scsles of pay having -11 :). t:t:t\ .1j"vvv -_J WlU -1.,.-.,... ~vV"C. .. Ciass-II Posts ~---: IJ.J.~"-! Class-III in initial entry revised scales of iC ' to 11 m .' m ngl' ng' 1..~"""T~~ n 1 0 i:.4Q 1 U1I -~ 1.a! 1 Posts in' initial U\.-LWI..\- 1 J. ,v 1- p;ay with :. T.C:t\ I J..J.,VJ:J I ~. entry u.J.1 ~ ..".."...;.., """",v:""' J.1J.D.AU1J. L.:u'!;U10 revised scales of pay ~irh ..I; 16{)!VI i-", R .. h~+""T~~ u l.w",,"'" n R """'" "v"". 10,639! -. .' C ..l "~"5 ,,_T" P"",to" ,.." T; ;.,.,;to:"l ~~+-"'T ".,.."1",,, t "",. ~...,~~~ '--"'~~J""5~""~"'~' """"""T "~'T;""',J. ..", ~ .."-~'--~ ...,.. !:'~J t:\...~ .,..'~ maximum of which is less than Rs. ,,16UI~. . ..;;;} It has also been decided that the officigls plgced in ;- .Class.:I, onI). shalt be given the gazetted status. \')'t)liJ Wi yr ,;( Provided thgt the powers of gttestgtion here-to-fore .. , t:x~l"(;ist:d: by Ga2t:ltt:J OfGct:£s W(Juld hence [<.>r:U 1 b~ eXt:r;ciseJ by all C1~Sfi" T A.nd 11 OffiC:f';1"S. .. \.' '. C 0111,1.1...1"-""'--1 n"'\' \ .. .- . . .~ 'l;f:1ese revised norms th 110.:~ O cr._~ J.J.l,"-,"- Ciass of an,T posts +-h be ettect1ve .trom the date n _.:11 W111 under .~ ~.. "cc,,_.. "J.J."-,"-L lVL a specific or: speciai order of ~... '" t. This T) ~~..J i:U1U aireadv ass~ed .~ e r:."""T~ ""-L ~,f~~~ ~~~..J..~ .J."',"-111VJ.i:U1UUlll will nrt-.." ,+ ~~t'~..~~~~~~~~. :with p "~A..,..,..r ~..~~...~-~ Ar the d Ahtn~"'.. .~~~~..~~ concu.rrence "T~r1.. .~~~ th..~~~., ~~~~~ F -"t;R N o ...~-~ J.-'), r1nt..r1 ~~~~~ ~ \ ~j , !, I " ' oj , '" """ (R~N. BfI.ita) ..illDmONAL r.'-' & tt & t ." .C' 1\.11ftUrnlD1Suatl Government "'-.i J.~U. , \TH'"Q .A-J""" 1\oThIf , " ')-.1/ ,-, H AT ~.. TO P"Q mE H A TlH'~ ,A-JV," to me Pradesh. r-.,'1C'1' :10-.1.1 (Ffi-'.J-PR) Ar , ,t ve ~e("Tetarles of Himachal (7 \1/(\OTT ~ilT\n\-n L°.1J.~-\l-.1'-)V o SECRETARY. E ...,.. 1\oT'r n'-' F ~Tl\1f 1 uatt:u 1'"71(\(\'"\.1 "111111!a-.1'J.v~£", U!t: '!rdl\6 J COP)T fo~}!arded for 1fT'_i'llediate necessa~T compliance: The Accountant C::;eneral, Hfinachal Pradesh, Shimia-i '"\(\(\ J.V1ay, £.,vv 1. 71003 20 Spare copies. 2. .The Senior Depl_1ty _ACCol_1ntgntG.energl (_A&E), Himgch91 Shimla-171003 ~ 4. ..I. 'T'h~ Tht"; .&.11'"- R'-'"-""-11 ~"T,","' U Rt";s1c1ent. ~ , Pr~de$h, with 20 spare copies. ~ '"- ~ T C '""""" m ;~~;~"'~VllC()mm1SSt()11er~ l l""lVll,"-L, U;~~~h~llJ-~,.Jo~~h ":"'1111d,"-1141 H.P, ~t..;~1~ H1mac-.h~1 J. LdU,"-"ll, -..Ill Rhaw~11~ l11d-"" 1 '71(\(\,) "'VV Stk~11c1r~ ,,' 1\0aa, l"1eW l.Jeln1. ~ 6. '"7 p """""" ,...rn"' '-"J..&.-',,Commissioners aJ.L1~" 1111 H """.J,. AlIUeDutv ,,-au.. 41 } I ..tU J. . ,", ',1, <> L Dpn.:~t r ~~,... n~ H .1'..~61~~ ~n-h ~5~' PPradesh. .."r1 e ,.h J .-."" ;11..in HHimachal ..; ",..h,,1 .o.u~lCA..l..a.. in1' ':)upt:1:ml~nU~nts 8 .~~.~ Th.. e ' l'<>11C~ C ~..,,u rt-' -.::r .~.~. R "" 1f1 .1-. 1J ,h~i"T\ln ~~ ~. . 9. The Secreta!);, H.T.). Vidhan Sabha:- Shtmia-i7iOO4. 1r1 1\1 1 1.-ln.-_1_-1. J.V. -'-~ LliSlf1Cl aiiu vcSSiOil JU d g-cs iii .1A.ll-l1aL la,! r 1auC:'ll. n'~.~ 11. The .-"'-"~ JC' Director ' T 'TT' '- TreaSl_lries 9...f1d_I\ccounts ~~~,~ O~f1isation, ~~~ ShLi'llla-9. .~~~ 11.. -,-'\11V1stnct 1 reasury Uthcers/ 1 reasury Utl1cers in H.1"'. 11__'A_ s :~"-"""' r /'n~ e PUlY :' r-t 1.Uller/ -_11IT_:_.. r\-.UIIUUllC -11L.3 .l,\11 1:11 l..'Jrl JVll1l '-'V nll1.UllC1./ .L1:", ~= l 1"' 1 14. ('.()11tr()11~rrF&A' 111Hjm~~h~1 Pr:1~e",h, , .The Resident Commi~sioner, Pang(, Chamba, 15. ...1JlPublic Himachal Scctor Undcrtakings,/BoardsjUn1T,Tcrsit1cs 16. The Examiner" Loc~l Audit Department, Pradesh. i" in H.P. H.P.Shimla-2. , . , c , \.~, ,.~ ' , . . .":) j ,. , .. ~ \ \'o.Per(AP-'II}A(4J9/83~B-I of Himachal ~ .Gov~rnment ' .Depal'tment From ' of Personnel.(AP-Ilr) ;, ',\ ,/ ". the Commr..-cum-se;cretary(pers.} l Govelonment of Hi\.a'chal , p.. ,/ '!". .. . .:;, to, the , Prades'b.'" '. To. c f , c '., '.. " '1.. All tpe Z. " ,'. All .' ~ revi"sion of ~apuary,\1996, nor.ms f\r ',' C...ted ~ '" .., pa~" Scales;, in I .l , , ."".' ..' it August., 20.01 ,. " :. that HiIUacha.1 th~ 31-1:1 'fay ,2001: -~. ~. their f611owing Po,sts ih scales of '. -. ,initial pay entry, having Carr~'ing also revlse-ct , maximum of '.'1 revised beenctecided " '..-\$ a f',esult, ' . is '. initial of less pay the' ' .. entI!-;. ., maxi-mum than Rs, 5, 160-/-. , that the officials be:gi ven the gazetted placed in status.." ~ ; ~ . QI1.l~' shall .\ . ,." scales ~of ~hich I i '.. jj: revise;d ..Itha;s ... O.TlI. NoiFIN-(PRtB(7)- " ' -'Posts .~"': are' floom, 1st dQt.11' the required ., ,. ,." P~st,s, in intial, 'entry'. revised ~c[a!es of pay fI'l'th maXImUmrang-lng, ;~ ! .betw,een Rs.5;.160/:,- ~o Rs.I0,639/-. C:lass-:-;V Rules la~d effect the , . ranging. scales of pay.with ma.\;inlllm tetwe-en 10,640/-' to 11,659/-". , ClassILl, ' ' ~ ..CiaS,$-:-l t,'ith ufJon ~ R,s.11".660 abgve. entrv " -Posts in aild initial , ,.',' consequent Pradesh of POS~5 vide .':( Class-IT '. 2. . ,they F,inaQge Department 'have t f'!'4mv~ion in. .". .c , say to, '" "qass-I ,'.. ...~ e, 8.m di,rected re-classifica~ibn ,) " 20th ',....' ~!\ I \ " ' '. 1 ". " 1.(9g~I.r '.. " " Pradesh. Sit' i in Clas-,?ification or Posts' i11 the re,'ised, pay scales.. Amendments il.1 ~bli! R'ecruitment al1ct",Promotion Ru.les. \ ,. Departments Dated Shimla.-2 jibe ., 'Subject:- ". of A1l t};e Deputyf,COllllllis5io;1ers .Hlmach~l " Heads ' Him.;ichal Pradesh. '3', . ~ . . '. ; , , Secr~ta.rie£ to the of Himachal Pradesh. .Government .., ="" Pradt;sh thereof, """. to "I most ,be ame~ded of the in Recruitment ~o far' as the,.) r';!-cl~ssificatioJ1. of' posts {s:,concetnect. As such, this matter had heert u,nd~r consideration'of this Department fot some time past:and.. f .", ", ", j~t h.;iS been'decided that aU the posts in the Gove~nment. Departments ." , ma\: be re-classifiec1 H1 .the rele\"~nt Recru-itmenl. an,d Promotion.Rules" , \'.'. I ., '" ~ Contd..2/.',', , al~ct, " ,. ,,:~~:!,-;'~',-;.~~:":~..t;:~~,., , \.',. ", ~:' , .' .' ,,~,'..' ,:~:::.,,'. { ". \ I " t '~ ' .~i'; '~ J.' I ',~;; . :@~ :-2-:, . ; --' ! "1.,\:'" " . - ..,k" ac.cord,ingly. Further, (01..12 of- tl,~ R & P Rules may 8.1.:.50be al1!ended in , :, . ,'ie~" of th.e re-classific-ation of' posts, : where\:er neCeSS8;ry~t';h~ie doing ~ so', instructi-ons;' lssued .\o,Per(API.I)A(3}2j.80--liI kept in ,'iew .' in this- dated 5.8.95 b~" this , ' " , ' " I regal'cl \' ideci~t:ter Department. may a;lso.ioe . / .,'. , 3, Since with the, . 're,vision the Cla$siw,cation 'of pa~' s~a1:es for 'of , posts is ; di~ectly ,,'hich th~ ,Council linked .. of ~lini~t:rs ...' bas al.read~' authorised the Finance Department to.J issue the orders.. linke4, with thf} r~vision of pa~~ scales; the Fina,nce Department has '. .already r fi~ed the \ revised norllls for re-classification Qf , the . :c" posts " , 1,10need under the pO1\'el'S delegated 'b~' the Cabinet. As such, 'there is I ' tofo,llow the prescriI5edproced.re, for making necessaF~~ amendl1!ents in~ , the- concerned R~truitment...and " ameridinellt in all : the , ' Promotion Rules. ... , ' I ,am,/ therefore, 4. L r~levant to req~es~ you', to Recruitment' carry and 'Promotion ' ~\,lt this Rules after ~ ~" getting the draft ~tifi'catiohs ,.etted from the Law gepartment. , \' , ..' -;). ',In this' co.nnectjon, it" is further stated that, any / ' classlficatioll, which has b~en assigilea to any ClasSi;1nder a ;spec,if~c , ' .:.' } 01:' special ordere. -G-roe~s of the wvernRleni:; , ma:,"be re,'ised ..i." ..joint Yours:,-;fai ;hf / ?t1::/JI'1 ~.:.:.y:, f~: ,. .. i ." v Ul1!': ,. ~~ . to the~ p~desh. , ..;~~;\" , . ..\ ' , ..,1,- . . ." I . ... , " .' .. ;; , t .- ' ..,,- . " -i ; :' "... ' , ..' ( .. ~ ', I ..+ ., . ; ~ ., , . .., .' -, -. Sec,r'etary'Pers.} Gp,"~rriment of Himachal I " o1?t&~ning .' " .\ , after , .;', ,~ ' :." of the .Governm~nt , £urtl~r ~ . " ~ --.'.. C .. .. .oc.::: ' ., "'. 'c ': ", .;i~c.-. '. ',7 '.. . . : .. ~ :, (.:,.-'@;j' ;."'O.Pi.IC(AP';IrjA(4j9!~3-i3-I GOVel(.n/nen.t ... Q~ H-imacha-t PJr.a.de.6h " " ., "JT; .iJepa..Jt,tmej1,t FJtom " . Q-6 P~on,'te.e{AP;-III) I .:" , , .., The , PJt. Sec.Jf.e,tc.,.Jt.IJ(P:~.J: .to .the: , ~. .;. Gi; Ve;tnfn('JI-t ;J 6 H.JJndcha-t p,ta.d.e.~h... " T" v -., ,, , .. J 1; , ~.4:1?-~ -t.~e, SecJt.e.tM.£a~-t1J ..", Gove}[.n.'7ie.t1..toi 2. AU -the ~ .' H.,{.ml.'tc/~o,tPJt(tdt'4J~. ." .,," AU -the Deputy H.;£mttc~ . - Ccimm"("6.~.ion"e.IIA.fu , ",' .0" PJr.a.de.5h.' Da..t~ Sh...im,ia-2 .the -C~~\6":'caUo.~ - :t T ,th JaituMY, 2003 ,06 PO;~',t-6.in .the Amc.rl.dmelt..t~ .in. the Rec."4tlrleJ1.;t .i'tev.t..~et1.pay and PJtomQ-t.ion Ru;;?u. , ;, ., I;;. (t'n: .cL-i.Jf.e.ctea ttJ ,~ .Dep~v!.-t.men7. .!~u.. }i: )1,,';;' ~ubje.c.t : ill a~oJl.u~r.t ". '- , ,~c.."!..te5 S.u, ~~-, . - f:!ead.,s 0,6 Vept1.4.tme,~;6' .in _H4na.Cha:;{: P/Ulde~'1:" " 3. Subjec,t: .. .,"" 06 C'..«e(!,'.aD,::ve .iI?,v~te yvU./l aUo?n.tA:"n th..u ..- . e.v'en t'lUmbe.Jl.a/l..ted -the 2().th Au,g:u~ ,20v 1 'on .the .- q;i1d.tv ~'Q.y .t1'ta;t .tJie. tMt plJ.;,'l.tl ,i '" .e~~ :to .'nay p.tei14<Z. be -t~~a..ted -., No.5 '-'-6 .the ... .c.",' a..~ ddued. --~.: j ~ .}/C<,t.M 6a.-£:t.h6u-f.ty, c' , ,'" '.f\). .PeptJ,;t:y ..L. -..-::~-'--- 6'~ .-(J C ' . . ~ SecJt.e.tIt.1tY(PeM.) .to .the GoVe-'t,'l,mef'l..t06 f-1-i:ma.ch~ Pltad.e6h, ..':. .../. ,. . I .. "~ ; -' .. I " 0 . . ' -,. " -. . . " . .';, --. 'f ',- '. c ,: " , :; , ' ';' ...' ,..' . ..~ .".@. Na.PeJt(AP-II}A(4)9!83-B-I GDveJtnmerl..t 06 Hoo<:n7acha.t PlI.ad.uh Depa.JL.tmen..t .o.() PeM"onne.t ( AP- II I) The Pll.. '.Sec~~y(P~.) ~o the , GoveJtnmen..t 0-6 Hoo<:n7acha.'P1I.ad.uh. To 1 .AU -the SeCJt.e.ta.Jt..i.u ~o .the GCVelUWe.n.t 0-6 Hoo<:n7acha..t PJl.a.d.uh, A~t Hea.d.-.106 Vepa.)f.,tmeJ'!.t-6.~ H-i.Jnach.a..t P J!.a.(te..6h . AU ~he Dep~y Comm~~~~on~ H.unacha.~ PJtad.uh. D~ed Subdec~: S~ta.-2 -C.f..M~~-6.ic~cn Amendmen..u the .26~h ~ , M~ch, 2003 oft Po~u .in .the lI.e.v,ued pay ~cci.e.u ~n .the ReCJt.u.A.;tm~ a.rtd P~omvUori. Ru.-f.u. S.(.)t, I , am Depa.Jl..tment ~et.teJI. ~ubjec.t cUed d.(.)tec~ed o~ ev~1t n~~b~ abo1/e ctM~~i~ca.Uon ~o w~ch y uU~ .to ' ~ da.~ed ~he on a.nd ~D ~ay ~ha..t .th.e qu~AUDn hOA been ~4l9ne.d ~Q any ctM~ M the .to whe.th~ undeJI. a ' - .the ~pe.~~c. t ulL ~pec.-La..t' o~d.e.-~-5 "-6 cJl~~-6.icaUon ~OIL ~u.t..te .the Gav.t, may be ~e.v~e.d 0-6 po~u ~ome :time con,.,.1~de.JLa.tion ol>.the pa.6~. I~ hM now .been d.e~ed. a.~o~ua:;(.d. wt;r.ucUbM ,~ b~en. M~~9ned any .to any .Ot. pU.lt.6(.UlrJ.t .to -the new ctUA ~o ctM~~ca.Uon O/f. ca..tegOJl.Y by .the P,tov~.i.Oi'l. M\,'eMUy. M Thi 1 P/f.ovi-?l:.on, wUt ..L,.1~ue.d.by :the' F.indnce now be ~ Depa..lt:tmen.t v.i.de w~ch GOVe.ll.fU7le.n.tpJr.i.o.'t ~o :t.'1.e lte.y..L.6ed. n.vJl.m~ 6o/f. clM~;(.~-l.caUon, a-6~ecte.d Gov.t. w.i..u no.t acco./tda.nce be w.-i..th .the. -the.i.Jt \ (PR}8(7}-1/98-II 2. .tetieJI. da.-ted 3.5.2001. Keep-<:1l.g 1..r.. v~ew .the. even ,"I.u,'?1be.lr.. da..ted. .the. above .the c.(.)tCu..tc.Jr. 27th YOUlt.6 I,a.-i..thl,uUy, .-/ MN~2 Depu.,ty Se.C/f.eU4y (PeM.) .~o .the. .~QV~lme.n..t. o~ HiJno.cha..t P;r.a.duh... ,