TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Law Library is no exception; we have several projects that may spill over into the fall semester. A few o f available M essage from the A ssociate Dean to these projects include installation o f help you figure out how to ceiling insulation in the two study room s use the various research tools covered in in the lower basement to m inim ize noise class. For upper division students writing levels a directed or sem inar research paper, we replacement o f lab and other computers associated with group can help you identify and evaluate the located in common areas within the Law School Resources different and library, installation o f a second set o f On behalf o f the entire Law Library and introduce you to various other services doors on the first floor to m inim ize IT staffs, I would like to extend a warm you might find helpful. staircase traffic noise, as well as several other projects. W e are very m indful o f resources, and hearty welcom e to the 2007/2008 entering class and to all returning students. Although this issue is mostly geared towards the entering students, I hope that returning students will also find it useful. This new sletter contains articles written by various m em bers o f the library and IT staffs and is intended to help you in at least three ways: (I) succeed in law school. (2) use the law library, and (3) take advantage o f our terrific library In the same light, our staffs are available to help in the use o f library and IT resources and services, answer directional questions (e.g., W here is the CJS located? How do I get to West Hall your study requirements, please assured we will try to minim ize all disruption. In the end, we think that these improvem ents will benefit everyone. oA M - Midnight ,3at: S u n : JOam.-M'oni^ht p r e f e r e n c e £ )e s lc f l o u r s M - T h : ?am .-7p n » I K J: ? a m .- f p n i S a t - ' N o o n - 5 pm Once again, welcom e anew or welcome library and IT policies. Do not hesitate to back. Our best wishes for an outstanding and successful 2007/2008 school year. consult one o f our helpful staff members, M -T h : 7 * be law school?), and explain from the f io u r s study, The Law Library & IT ~Y our Greatest research C jrc .u la tio n [3)cslc S u n : 2 p m .-7 p n i II h e l p [ ) e s l c M o u r s no m atter the question— you will not inconvenience them! Sincerely, We try to schedule most m ajor projects Arturo Torres services and staff. M ~ 1 h: 3 a n i.- 7 p n i Remem ber that the library and IT staffs are here to help you succeed. For first year students we can be a backup to your legal practice instructors. We are always during the sum m er months, to minimize disruption. However, we are often unable Associate Dean, Professor, and Law Library Director to complete them due to circumstances beyond our control. This academ ic year From the Desk of the Associate Director for Law Library and Computing, Uwe “ Ed” Beltz / / As the Associate Director for Law Library and Computing I would like to welcome the new ILs (and returning 2Ls and 3Ls) to Texas Tech University School o f Law and in particular to the Law Library and IT departments. I am new to Texas Tech University School o f Law, having started here in October o f 2006. So, I will be going through orientation for the first time with the ILs. I am also a fairly recent graduate o f law school myself, having graduated in 2001. I believe that our Law Library and Law School are second to none in many important respects. As with any organization it is the team that gets the job done, and the library has a top notch team o f Library and IT professionals to provide service. The library mission statement, “We provide superior law library and technology services through leadership, innovation, service and teamwork," informs all we do each day. We hope you will take notice o f us providing that superior quality service, and trust you will let us know how we can better serve you. The Law Library and Information Technology (Computing) departments have undergone many improvements, completed or begun many projects, and have had several personnel changes in the last year. We stand well positioned to support you in your legal studies. i We hired a new Assistant Director o f Collection Services on August 1st - Sue Kelleher. Sue joins us from Barry University in Orlando, Florida and brings a number i o f years o f experience in Technical Services to the table, plus she has strong skills in utilizing the library's new Millennium integrated library system (see below). i In addition, in the Computer Support department we have hired two new computer support team members. Gary Bums joined us in March o f this year. He retired i from the US Army and was last stationed at Ft Drum , NY where he was a first sergeant in the 3/17th Air Cavalry. Jose Hernandez, who was bom in Dallas and i raised in Lubbock, joined us in June, and was last employed with Suddenlink.. Gary and Jose both will be gaining their A+ and Dell Certifications in the near future. \ Gary is also completing a M aster's Degree. Each o f our most recent hires bring strong skills to the table . The library is in the process o f interviewing for two | library positions that we expect to fill by the end o f the year. During the last year we have implemented a new Millennium integrated library system (a.k.a. OASIS - http://oasis.law.ttu.edu/) and Sue and others will continue to look for ways to improve the services this product will provide to students and faculty. This new system has given the Law Library complete control over our library catalog and we have already made significant improvements in the way information is provided. The IT department is in the process o f replacing c o n tin u e d on page2 F r e q u e n tly C h e e k e d O u t L ib r a r y T itle s Associate Director's Mess one Continued from Page I 120 com puters throughout the staff, and faculty as changes occur. law school, including all lab computers and classroom You have arrived at a great time and in a great computers. place. Approxim ately 70 new computers We welcom e you to (or back to) law have been installed and the rest should be school and encourage you to take advantage of installed by the end o f October including all A new public facing library our services. Please let m yself or anyone on the library or IT staff know what we can do to webpage will be completed and online sometime provide you with superior service. We are here shortly after this newsletter comes out. to help you! com puter labs. In addition to this and other projects taking place in IT and other Law Library departments, a new student/faculty oriented intranet portal will be in CSI: Crim e Scene Investigation/DVD Uw e “ Ed” Bcltz, Associate Director place by Jan 2nd o f next year. More information on these projects will be sent to all students, The Paper C'hase/DVD Legal Research in a Nutshell/KF240.C54 2007 The Uniform Commercial Code Law Letter/KF872.U54 The Law o f Tors: Examples and Explanations /KF1250.Z9G58 2005 Law School A dvice from R ecent Law School G raduates For most o f you, starting law school will be a brand new experience. You will be introduced to a new field o f knowledge and a whole new way o f looking at the world. No m atter your background law school will not be like any o f your previous experiences in school. W ith this in mind, I queried some o f our recent graduates and current students for their advice to you. Here is what they had to say. O 'C onnor's Federal Employment Codes Plus/KF3305.99.036 Law of Environmental Protection/Environmental Law Institute. KF3775.L39 1987 There are study aides at Circulation and in the OA SP library that you can use for FREE, don’t spend $500 buying them from the bookstore, use them, know them, love them! • Know your librarians and use them frequently. D on’t EVER EVER EVER talk about an exam after you take it or ask someone else what grade they made. Just do your best and m ove on. • Law of W ater Rights and Resources/KF5569.T37 1988 Take some time each week for non-law school activities. Find the study habits that work best for you and don’t worry what other students are doing. Have some fun during the year, all work is never a good idea. Federal Rules o f Civil Procedure/KF8816.A 1976 • Find a good balance between studying, classes, home life, and fun! — Good Luck and Happy Studying! Civil Procedure: Examples and Explanalions/KF8839.G58 2006 Moot Court Casebook KF8918.M66 Professor P helan's T op Ten N on-L egal Books Sharon Blackburn, Faculty Services Librarian Crim inal Law 'K.F9219.3.D5 Horn Professor o f Law Marilyn Phelan has taught Federal Income Taxation, Taxation of Crim inal Law in a \ utshell/K F92l93.3.L62 2003 Governm ent Code (1987)/KFT 1230.5. V4 Gov. Texas Family Code'KFT1294.A29 T4 International Transactions, Estate and Gift Taxation, Museum Law, Advanced Income Taxation, and Nonprofit Organizations at Tech for several years as well as publishing books and articles and serving on innumerable committees. You wouldn't think she’d have time to read anything outside o f law, but she does. In fact, Prof. Phelan says she reads all the time. W hat ten non-legal books has she found the most influential, inspirational, and just plain enjoyable? Texas Family Code. KFT1294.A29 T49 Texas Probate Code KFT 1344.A334 A2 1. The Bible 2. The Rape o f Europa by Lynn Nicholas 3. Spoils o f W ar by Elizabeth Simpson O ’Connor's Texas Rules. Civil Trials: Practice G uide and Annotated Texas Rules of C i\il Procedure and Civil Evidence/KFT1729.A194 4. The Iliad and the Odyssey Texas Litigation Guide/KFTI730.T4 7. To Kill a M ockingbird by Harper Lee 5. The Robe by Lloyd C. Douglas 6. Anne o f Green Gables by Lucy M aud M ontgom ery 8. M oby Dick by Herman Melville O ’CO nnor’s Texas Causes of Action KFT 1733.A29 0 2 6 9. Julius Caesar by W illiam Shakespeare 10. Curling up with a good mystery by Agatha Christie, Mary Higgins Clark, or M ary Jane Clark D orsaneo's Texas Discover.KFT1737.D677 W ould you like to peck onto the bookshelves o f other professors? Please let us know what professor Texas Rules o f Evidence H andbook KFT1740.T39 you'd like featured in the next issue. 2 B rief Bios o f ou r N ew S tudent A ssistants W elcome to our new Student Assistants working in the Law Library Circulation area this year. Our students are very knowledgeable and ready to assist you. I lere is a little bit o f information about them to help you get to know them. \ M eredith Coffman M eredith will be a 2L this fall and has an excellent library experience. She has worked in elem entary school libraries, public libraries, and the TTU University Library. Meredith is from the I Texas Panhandle area and is a Texas Tech graduate. She has a BA in Political Science with a m inor in English and French. Meredith also graduated magna cum laude in the Honors Studies program. W hen Meredith grows up she is interested in criminal prosecution. Lauren W aite uren has joined us as one o f our two Reference Student Assistants. She is a St. Edwards U niversity graduate. Lauren will work on various projects throughout the law library this fall and ipires to be a law librarian. A bbv G lisan A bby is from Northern Illinois and moved to Texas when she was 14 years old. Abby was also a com petitive swim m er for 12 years (age 6-18). She is also a Harry Potter fan as well as a mystery sleuth! Abby received her Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice with a m inor in German from Sam Houston State University. W hen she grows up, A bby’s goal is to be a prosecutor. K ’L isha Pace K ’Lisha is our m ystery student. She will be starting with us in the fall so, we haven’t got to know her as well as some o f our other students. K ’Lisha is also a fan o f Harry Potter and other mysteries. K ’Lisha received her Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice with a m inor in Business Foundations from the University o f North Texas. Andrew P rince Andrew is a very intriguing person. He was bom in California, grew up in Kansas, attended high school in Midland, Texas, was an undergraduate in Austin, Texas, spent 7 m onths as an exchange student in St. Petersburg, Russia and now lives in Lubbock, Texas. Andrew received his B achelor's! degrees in both Governm ent and History magna cum laude. W elcom e to all o f our new student employees! C ertificate o f E xcellence In L egal R esearch Uwe “E d '' Beltr . Associate Director Fall 2006 marked the official launch o f the Texas Tech University School o f Law ’s Certificate o f Excellence in Legal Research. Despite that, we already have the first graduate W illiam Denham who has received his framed certificate. Several others are also close to graduation and the program continues to receive significant interest. The COE in LR is offered by the law library as an extra-curricular educational opportunity for law students. The law library offers a series o f courses in all aspects o f legal research. Students must com plete thirty clock hours o f courses (21 hours required; 9 hours elective) to receive the COE. Each course has an evaluation com ponent that requires students to demonstrate that they have m astered the material. One Ls may not take the Certificate o f Excellence classes this Fall, however upon successful com ple­ tion o f the Fall Sem ester IL ’s may begin taking Certificate courses. This fall eight classes, each in two tim e slots, will be offered. More information can be located at: http: www.Iaw.ilu.edu lawWcb'library,COEinLR index. slum. A sample o f the certificate that will be awarded to students w ho successfully com plete the program is on display in the library lobby near the w ater fountain. The schedule will include classes at all tim es o f day, including one class planned for a Saturday afternoon. To register for classes go to: http: Vw'ww.law.ttu.edu/lro/login.asnx. For 2Ls and 3Ls you may notice there are some adjustm ents to the class offerings. Students will be able to gradu­ ate with the certificate under either the new class schedule or the old. Since there will be a limited num ber o f classes this semester, strict guidelines about sign up and attendance will be enforced. 4. The num ber for the m ain cam pus help desk is 742-H ELP (4357). 5. Y ou can access y o ur craider em ail anyw here you have Internet access at https: /m aii.tlu.cdu/exchaniic . 6. If yo u r w ireless is not w orking, you can alw ays access the Internet w ith a netw ork cable plugged into the m any ports available throughout the School o f Law. 7. If you forgot your laptop at hom e or d o n ’t have one. w e have 2 com puter labs available for use. They are located in room 228 and 226 o f the Library. 8. T here arc public access stations throughout the Library to aid in y o u r studies. 9. If we c a n ’t fix it o r d o n ’t know the answ er, we will point you in the right direction to get it fixed or answ er y o u r question. If you have questions about the Certificate o f Excellence in Legal Research, please contact the Interim Director o f the Program, Uwe “ Ed" Beltz, at 742-3990 x286 or uwe.bcltzto ttu.edu. 3 C irculation FAQ s for 1L Students (...o r anyone else using Circulation Services) How long can I check out these materials? Study aids are checked out by Barbara Painter-Moreno Access S e n ’ices Librarian for 48 hours, all other Reserve m aterials are checked out for 4 hours unless you are informed other wise. Occasionally a study aid w ill get in such high W hat kinds of study aids are available at the Circulation Desk? The Circulation Desk has a variety o f m aterials available to help you prepare for your classes. We have the following study aids: • Examples and Explanations • Q & As • Nutshells • Hornbooks Does the library have any study rooms available? The Library has two on the door. Please follow the directions posted on the sheets. Formal Law School organizations (HLSA, BLSA, BOB, etc) may reserve the study rooms in advance at the Circulation Desk. The Circulation Desk also has Barbri prep materials • Flash Cards • Hornbooks • CDs (Gilberts and Sum and Substance) two study carrels available for student use. These carrels are checked out for 4 hours at a time. I need a book or article that isn't available in our library. Is there some My Professor has placed an item on course reserve, where do I go to check it out? W hen a professor wants to reserve an item for their class, Course reserves are housed and checked out at the Circulation Desk. I forgot my Blue Book, does the library carry extra copies? Yes, the O ’Connor’s, etc. My Professor wants me to video tape m yself giving a presentation; does Circulation Desk offers a variety o f equipment for student use. Including: • • Laptop power cords Laptop batteries • VHS Camcorders • • Digital Camcorders Tripods • Digital Cameras • • Projectors Projector Screens • TV/VCR/DVD combinations have in our library via ILL (Inter-Library Loan). You fill out a simple online request form and Circulation staff will borrow the material for you from another library that does have it (check with us about restrictions). I have a headache from studying, can you help me? Yes, we have limited supplies o f Tylenol and Advil. W e also provide band aids for those little cuts and scrapes. We also have earplugs available for those who need a quieter environment. the library have audio/visual equipment for students to checkout? The Laptop computers way for me to still get this material? You can request material we don't The average time to receive a requested item is approxim ately two weeks. Circulation Desk also offers a wide variety o f research materials, including Blue Books, Subsequent History Tables, Texas Rules o f Form Books, • happens around m id-terms and finals. group study rooms in the lower basement. There is a sign-up sheet posted • they will place it on course reserve. demand its loan period will be reduced to 4 hours as well. This usually I really need a break from studying do you have any movies or magazines I can look at? Yes we do! In the reading area (located on the first floor o f the library in front o f the Reference Desk) there is a small collection o f popular DVDs. The DVDs can be checked out for 3 days at a time (there is a limit o f 3 titles). You can check out the DVDs by bringing the boxes to the Circulation Desk. There is also a collection o f popular magazines and newspapers that may be read in the library (these do not circulate). The Circulation Staff is a great resource! Let us help you get the m aterials you need. Am I able to reserve equipment in advance? Yes, you can come by the Circulation Desk and reserve items in advance. The Circulation Desk will m ake every effort to have the items available on the date requested, but there is no absolute guarantee. Texas Tech University Law Library 1802 H artford Ave. Lubbock, T X 79409 806-742-3957