Wellcome Trust Visit University of Warwick Monday 14 February, 2011

With the kind sponsorship of the Wellcome Trust
Wellcome Trust Visit
University of Warwick
Monday 14th February, 2011
Dr Claudia Stein (University of Warwick CHM Director)
Wellcome Trust Visit
University of Warwick
Monday 14 February 2011
Radcliffe House (Warwick)
Conference Information
Provisional Programme
Postdoctoral & Student Research Topics
Wellcome Trust Visit
14 February 2011
Centre for the History of Medicine, University of Warwick.
Radcliffe House - University of Warwick
Radcliffe House is located on the main road into the University of Warwick Campus, it is marked as building 48 on the
main campus map. This can be downloaded at: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/about/visiting/maps/campusmap/ .
There are a small number of parking spaces available at Radcliffe, should you require parking please contact Tracy Horton
Once you arrive at Radcliffe please report to reception for the Centre for the History of Medicine Wellcome visit. Further
information on Radcliffe is available via the University web: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/conferences/radcliffe
The programme has been divided into two sessions. The morning session is for the Centre for the History of Medicine and
History community and Lunch through to the Afternoon Session / Open Discussion will be open to invitees. Should
afternoon invitees be interested in attending the morning session please contact Tracy Horton (T.Horton@warwick.ac.uk).
Catering and refreshments will be provided on the day, including a welcome drink with canapés followed by a 3 course
served lunch. (Should you have any concern about the type of food to be served at lunch please contact Tracy Horton
Please note that dietary requirements will be accommodated if we are advised beforehand.
The University uses Trinity Taxis for travel arrangements.
Tel: 02476 631631
For those claiming expenses, we would be most grateful if you could please keep your receipts.
Wellcome Trust Visit
University of Warwick
Monday 14th February 2011
Radcliffe House (Warwick)
Provisional Programme
Monday 14 February 2011
9.15 – 9.45
9.45 – 10.00
Welcome and opening remarks: Claudia Stein
10.00– 11.15
Centre Presentations
10.00 – 10.15
Peter E. Pormann, Claudia Stein
Classical and Early Modern History of Medicine
10.15– 10.30
Roberta Bivins, Hilary Marland (assisted by Claire Jones)
Household Medicine Project
10.30- 10.45
Mathew Thomson
History of Mental Health Care in Post-War Britain
10.45 – 11.00
David Arnold, Sarah Hodges
Medical Histories of South Asia at Warwick
11.00 – 11.15
Claudia Stein
Thinking of the Future of the History of Medicine
11.15 – 11.30
11.30 – 12.00
Centre Community Open Session
Perusal of Student/Postdoctoral Research
12.00 – 12.15
12.15 – 1.45
Welcome Drink and Canapés
1.45 – 3.00
Wellcome Trust
Dr Tony Woods
Wellcome Presentation
Followed by
Open Discussion (with additional University representatives)
3.00 – 3.15
3.15 – 3.30
Closing Remarks and Farewells
3.30 onwards
Optional Tour of Warwick’s Centre for the History of Medicine Facilities
Wellcome Trust Visit
University of Warwick
Monday 14 February 2011
Radcliffe House (Warwick)
Postdoctoral & Student Research Topics
Postdoctoral Fellows
Katherine Angel
History of female sexual problems in the UK and the US; 1960 to the present.
Angela Davis
Pre-school childcare in Britain: 1939-1979
Claire Jones
"Commercial medicine in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries”
Elaine Leong
Lay medical knowledge and practices in early modern England
Matthew Neufeld
Responses to sick and hurt servicemen in English society, 1650-1750
Student Researchers
Malik Hammad Ahmad – MPhil/PhD
'Civil Resistance Movements of Pakistan'.
Emily Andrews – MPhil/PhD
"Senility before Alzheimer": Old Age Mental Health in British Medicine, Politics and Culture, 1845-1914.
David Beck – PhD
Thoroughly English: County Natural History in England, c. 1660-1720.
Thomas Bray – MA in the History of Medicine
The Intersection of Health, Lesiure and Environment in Interwar Britain.
Josette Duncan – MPhil/PhD
Charity, institutions and dominion in British colonial Cyprus, Malta and the Ionian Islands (1800-1914).
Claudia Kreklau – MA in the History of Medicine
"The Medical Conception of Race in Colonial Mexico"
Anne Moeller – MPhil/PhD
The Economics of Philanthropy: Halle Pietism and the Medical Trade to India
Martin Moore – MPhil/PhD
Chronicity in the Twentieth Century: Diabetes in Post-War Britain
Josh Moulding – MA in the History of Medicine
Relationship between U.S. philanthropy and changing notions of bio-political
citizenship in developing nations.
Harriet Palfreyman – PhD
Visualizing Venereal Disease in London, c.1780 - 1860.
Claire Sewell – MA in the History of Medicine
Perceptions of mental illness held by patients' families during the Modern Period.
Stephen Soanes – PhD
Rest and Restitution: Convalescence and the Public Mental Hospital in England, 1919-39
Darshi Thoradeniya – PhD
Women's Health and Body in Post Independent Sri Lanka.
Greg Wells – MPhil/PhD
"John Hall's little book of cures: a new translation"?
Rebecca Williams – PhD
'The Khanna Study: Population and Development in India, 1953-1969'
Jane Winter – MA in the History of Medicine
"Alternative Medicine, Pills and Curative Culture (c.1880-1930)"