R&DE (Engineers), DRDO rd_mech@yahoo.co.in 2D Theory of Elasticity Ramadas Chennamsetti Summary Field equations Boundary conditions Problem formulation Plane strain Plane stress Airy’s stress function Axially loaded bar Pure bending of beam 2 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Introduction In principle all practical problems – 3D problems – very complex – difficult to handle Reasonable assumptions – bring down the complexity in the problem – reduces a dimension => 2D problem 2D problems – two independent variables – static problem – three independent variables – dynamic problems Field variables, φ = φ(x, y, t) 3 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Introduction R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Conservation of mass Principle of momentum Principle of moment of momentum First law of thermodynamics Second law of thermodynamics - inequality 4 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Field variable is independent of third dimension => ∂∂φz = 0 Continuum approach – the following laws hold good Introduction No inertia effects – quasi-static / static Small deformation and rotations Material => isotropic – same properties in all the direction Homogeneous – material properties are uniform over the domain Linear elastic – Hooke’s law holds good => Hookean material 5 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Field equations R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Strain-displacement equations 1 ∂ui ∂u j 1 ε ij = + = (ui , j + ui , j ) 2 ∂x j ∂xi 2 Six equation ε ij ,kl + ε kl ,ij − ε ik , jl − ε jl ,ik = 0 Six equations – three independent 6 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Compatibility equations Field equations R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Equilibrium equations – σij, j + Bi = 0 Three equations ε ij 1+υ = σ E ij − υ E σ kk δ ij Six equations 7 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Constitutive law – Linear elastic – Hooke’s law σ ij = λε kk δ ij + 2 µε ij Field equations R&DE (Engineers), DRDO ℑ(u i , ε ij , σ ij , λ , µ , Bi ) = 0 Unknowns Lame’s constants Body load Not easy to solve analytically 15 equations to find out 15 unknowns Ramadas Chennamsetti 8 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Total – 15 equations = 3 Equilibrium + 6 strain displacement + 6 constitutive laws Unknowns => 3 Displacements, 6 stress components and 6 strain components Boundary value problem casted as Boundary conditions Solution of a differential (partial) equations – boundary conditions required Boundary conditions influence the solution – field variable in the domain BCs play a very essential role for properly formulating and solving elasticity problems In elasticity – boundary conditions – displacements, tractions and combination 9 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Boundary conditions R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Tn Traction boundary conditions U Displacement boundary conditions Tn U Mixed boundary conditions 10 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Various boundary conditions in elasticity – Boundary conditions R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Tractions – At ‘A’ – Direction cosines of area normal => (0, 1, 0) σyy σxx is inside the boundary – this need not be zero τxy σyy Tx = τxy; Ty = σyy τxy σxx B y At ‘B’ – Direction cosines of area normal => (1, 0, 0) Tx = σxx; Ty = τxy x T x = lσ xx + mτ xy T y = lτ xy + mσ yy σyy is inside the boundary – this need not be zero 11 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in σxx A Boundary conditions R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Tractions – A r B Tractions in Polar co-ordinate system 12 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in θ Boundary conditions R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Boundary – 1 – traction free Tractions – DC => (0, 1, 0) y Tx = 0. σxx + 1. τxy = 0 1 ⇒Tx = τxy = 0 ⇒Ty = 0. τxy + 1. σyy = 0 => σyy = 0 Boundary – 2 – DCs (1, 0, 0) S Tx = 1. σxx + 0. τxy = S = σxx x 3 Boundary – 4 u = 0; v = 0 Ty = 1. τxy + 0. σyy = 0 = τxy Boundary – 3 – DCs (0, -1, 0) Tx = 0. σxx - 1. τxy = 0 Tx = τxy = 0 Ty = 0. τxy - 1. σyy = 0 => σyy = 0 13 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in 2 4 Boundary conditions R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Boundary - 1 – DCs (l, m, 0) Tractions This is a traction free boundary y DCs are constant on this boundary Tx = lσxx + m τxy = 0 Ty = mσxx + l τxy = 0 n Boundary – 2 – Constrained boundary – U, V = 0 σxx 3 τxy 1 σyy o 2 Boundary – 3- Traction is acting x DCs (-1, 0, 0) Tx = -1σxx + m τxy = S => σxx = - S Individual stress components are not zero Ty = mσxx + l τxy = 0 => τxy = 0 on boundary - 1 Ramadas Chennamsetti 14 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in S Problem formulation R&DE (Engineers), DRDO 3D elasticity 15 equations and 15 unknowns - 2D elasticity – 8 equations and 8 unknowns Reformulating elasticity problems – mathematically convenient way Two approaches – Displacement based – express filed equation in terms of displacements, ui – Navier equation Stress based – express filed equation in terms of stresses, σij 15 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Displacement based Stress based formulations Problem formulation R&DE (Engineers), DRDO In displacement based formulation Primary variable – displacement – solution is obtained for displacements – stresses and strains secondary / derived variables Strains – derivation of displacements Stresses – use constitutive law Primary variable – stresses – solution is obtained for stresses – strains and displacements secondary variables Strain compatibility equations 16 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in In stress based formulation Displacement formulation R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Governing equation expressed in displacements Field equations – Equilibrium σ ij , j + Bi = 0 - (1) Constituti ve law σ ij = λε kk δ ij + 2 µε ij - (2) - (3) 17 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in 1 ∂ui ∂u j Strain - displacement ε ij = + 2 ∂x j ∂xi Displacement formulation R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Differentiate (3) wrt ‘j’ σ ij , j = λε kk , jδ ij + 2 µε ij , j - (4) Plug this in (1) Express all strain components in (5) in terms of displacements – Use equation (2) λ u k , kj δ ij + µ (u i , jj + u j , ij ) + B i = 0 λ u k , ki + µ u j , ji + µ u i , jj + B i = 0 18 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in σ ij, j + Bi = λεkk, jδij + 2µεij, j + Bi = 0 - (5) Displacement formulation R&DE (Engineers), DRDO λ u k , ki + µ u j , ji + µ u i , jj + B i = 0 (λ + µ )u j , ji + µ u i , jj + B i = 0 This gives three equations for i = 1, 2 and 3 ∂ (λ + µ ) ∂ x1 ∂ u1 ∂ u 2 ∂ u 3 + + ∂ x1 ∂ x 2 ∂ x 3 ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 + µ 2 + + 2 2 ∂ x ∂ x ∂ x 2 3 1 u 1 + B1 = 0 Combining all three equations into a single equation (λ ( ) + µ ) ∇ ∇ .U + µ ∇ 2 U + B = 0 ~ ~ ~ 19 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in For i = 1 => x - direction Displacement formulation R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Governing equations in terms of displacements – three equations - reduced from ’15’ equations (λ + µ )u j , ji + µui , jj + Bi = 0 ℑ(u i , λ , µ , Bi ) = 0 - (U) Navier equation Boundary conditions => ui = Ui on ‘S’ boundary ui = ui ( x1 , x2 , x3 ) Solve second order PDEs – get displacements Use strain – displacement relations for calculating strains Constitutive relations for stresses 20 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Equations (U) known as Navier’s or Lame’s equations Stress formulation In displacement formulation compatibility equations play no role – displacement obtained are single valued and continuous In stress formulation express governing equation in terms of stresses Stresses – primary variables – obtain secondary variables displacements from strain-displacement relations Integrate ε-U relations – compatibility equations come into play 21 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Stress formulation R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Boundary conditions – only tractions From the filed equations eliminate strains and displacements Compatibility equation For k = l first three compatibility equations are obtained 1+υ υ Constitutive law ε ij = σ ij − σ kk δ ij E E Differentiate this wrt k and l, plug in (1) Ramadas Chennamsetti 22 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in ε ij ,kl + ε kl,ij − ε ik , jl − ε jl ,ik = 0 - (1) Stress formulation R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Three compatibility equations for k=l = 1, 2 and 3 ∂ 2 ε xx ∂ 2 ε zz ∂ 2 γ xz + = 2 2 ∂z ∂x ∂x∂z (i = j = 3, k = l = 1) ∂ 2 ε yy ∂ 2γ ∂ ε zz yz + = 2 2 ∂y ∂y∂z ∂z (i = j = 2 , k = l = 3 ) 2 23 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in ∂ 2 ε yy ∂ 2 γ xy ∂ 2 ε xx + = 2 2 ∂y ∂x ∂x∂y ( i = j = 1, k = l = 2) Stress formulation R&DE (Engineers), DRDO This gives – σ ij , kk + σ kk ,ij − σ ik , jk − σ jk ,ik = 1+υ (σ mm , kk δ ij + σ mm ,ijδ kk − σ mm , jk δ ik − σ mm ,ik δ jk ) δ kk = 3 equilibriu m eqn. σ ij , j + Bi = 0 σ ij , j = − Bi Make use of equilibrium equation to reduce further 24 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in υ Stress formulation R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Governing equation in terms of stress – 1 υ σ ij , kk + σ kk ,ij = σ mm , kk δ ij − B i , j − B j , i 1+υ 1+υ ℑ(σ ij , λ , µ , Bi ) = 0 “Beltrami-Michell” compatibility equation Six equations can be obtained for i, j = 1, 2, 3 Only three are independent – similar to strain compatibility equations Three more equations are required – complemented by three equilibrium equations - Six unknowns – six equations Ramadas Chennamsetti 25 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Compatibility equation in terms of stresses, known as Plane strain R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Out-of-plane dimensions are large compared to in-plane dimensions All loads and boundary conditions independent of ‘z’ co-ordinate y The deformation in ‘z’ direction assumed to be zero. w = 0 Deformations in ‘x’ and ‘y’ directions depend on (x, y) only u = u(x, y) and v = v(x, y) z Reduce a 3D problem to 2D problem All cross-sections have same displacements Out of plane strains vanish 26 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in x Plane strain R&DE (Engineers), DRDO In plane strain εzz = 0, γyz = 0 and γzx = 0 Linear elastic material – Hooke’s law σ ij = λε kk δ ij + 2 µε ij σ yy = λ (ε xx + ε yy ) + 2 µε σ zz = λ (ε xx + ε yy ) τ xy = 2 µε xy = µγ yy xy 27 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in σ xx = λ (ε xx + ε yy ) + 2 µε xx Plane strain R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Equilibrium equations – σ ij , j + Bi = 0 ∂ (λ (ε xx + ε yy ) + 2 µε xx ) + ∂ (µγ xy ) + Bi = 0 ∂x ∂y ∂ ∂x ∂u ∂v ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂v + 2 µ + B x = 0 + + λ + µ ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x ∂x ∂y 28 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in ∂ τ xy ∂ σ xx + + B x = 0 - (1) ∂x ∂y ∂ τ xy ∂ σ xx + + B y = 0 - (2) ∂x ∂y Use constitutive law and strain-displacement equations in (1) Plane strain R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Governing equation in x – direction ∂ ∂u ∂v µ∇ u + (λ + µ ) + + Bx = 0 ∂x ∂x ∂y 2 Use second equilibrium equation – convert to displacements ∂ ∂u ∂v µ∇ v + (λ + µ ) + + B y = 0 ∂y ∂x ∂y In each of the above two equations, equilibrium, constitutive law and displacement – strain equations are inbuilt - Displacement formulation Eight equations => reduced to two equations in displacements Ramadas Chennamsetti 29 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in 2 Plane strain R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Stress based formulation - ∂ 2 ε yy ∂ 2 γ xy ∂ 2 ε xx + = 2 2 ∂y ∂x ∂x∂y In 2D case, compatibility equation Use constitutive law – convert into stresses ε yy = ε zz = 0 = σ zz E − υ E E σ yy E (σ γ xy xx − − υ E υ E (σ yy + σ zz ) (σ xx + σ zz ) + σ yy ) => σ zz = υ (σ xx + σ yy ) 2(1 + υ ) = τ xy E Ramadas Chennamsetti 30 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in ε xx = σ xx Plane strain R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Compatibility equation in terms of stresses [ ] [ ∂2 ∂2 (1 − υ )σ yy − υσ xx + 2 (1 − υ )σ xx − υσ 2 ∂x ∂y ∂ 2τ xy yy ] = 2 ∂x∂y Use equilibrium equations to eliminate shear stress from above equation ∂σ xx ∂τ xy ∂ ∂σ xx ∂τ xy + + Bx = 0 => + + Bx = 0 ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂τ xy ∂σ xx ∂ ∂τ xy ∂σ yy + + B y = 0 => + + B y = 0 ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x ∂y Add Ramadas Chennamsetti 31 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Above equation is obtained from compatibility, constitutive equations Plane strain R&DE (Engineers), DRDO This is obtained as – ∂ 2σ ∂ 2τ xy ∂ σ xx ∂B x ∂B y yy + +2 + + =0 2 2 ∂x ∂y ∂x∂y ∂x ∂y ∂ 2τ xy ∂ 2 σ xx ∂ 2σ yy ∂B x ∂B y 2 = − + + + 2 2 ∂x∂y ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂ 2σ xx ∂ 2σ yy ∂Bx ∂B y ∂2 ∂2 + (1 − υ )σ yy − υσ xx + 2 (1 − υ )σ xx − υσ yy = − 2 + 2 + 2 ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x ∂x [ ] [ ] Simplifying this expression 1 ∂Bx ∂B y ∇ (σ xx + σ yy ) = − + 1 − υ ∂x ∂y 2 Single governing equation for stress based formulation of plane strain problems Ramadas Chennamsetti 32 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in 2 Plane strain R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Governing equation ∇ (σ xx 2 1 + σ yy ) = − 1−υ ∂B x ∂B y + ∂y ∂x In this equation, equilibrium, constitutive and compatibility equations are inbuilt. Only one governing equation – three unknowns In 2D two stress equilibrium equations exist – use these two with above governing equation Boundary conditions given in terms of tractions. Relate them to stresses Ramadas Chennamsetti 33 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Three stress components in 2D – σxx, σyy, τxx Plane stress R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Third dimension – much smaller than inplane dimensions Out of plane stresses σzz, τxz and τyz negligible Body can have out of plane deformation y εzz is non-zero, γxz and γyz = 0 Stresses are functions of in-plane displacements x Thin plates – structures Reducing a 3D problem to a 2D problem σ xx = σ xx ( x , y ), σ yy = σ yy ( x , y ), τ xy = τ xy ( x , y ) Ramadas Chennamsetti 34 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in z Plane stress R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Formulation of plane stress problem – two approaches Formulation procedure – same as in plane strain Formulation takes care of non-zero out of normal strain and zero normal stress Use field equations 35 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Displacement based Stress based approach Plane stress R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Displacement based approach – ( 2 ) 1 ν 0 ν 1 0 ∂σ xx ∂τ xy + + Bx = 0 ; ∂x ∂y ε x 0 ε y (1 − ν ) γ xy 2 0 Plug in stress equilibrium equations ∂τ xy ∂σ xx + + By = 0 ∂x ∂y ∂ E Eυ ∂ E ∂u ∂v + + Bx = 0 ε + ε + 2 xx 2 yy ∂x 1 − υ 1−υ ∂y 2(1 + υ ) ∂y ∂x ∂ E Eυ ∂ E ∂u ∂v + + B y = 0 ε + ε + 2 yy 2 xx ∂y 1 − υ 1−υ ∂x 2(1 + υ ) ∂y ∂x Ramadas Chennamsetti 36 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in σ x E σ y = 1 −ν τ xy Plane stress R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Use strain displacement equations to convert strains into displacements Governing equations in terms of displacements E ∂ 2 (1 − υ ) ∂ x In the above two equations – equilibrium, constitutive laws and strain-displacements equations 37 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in ∂u ∂v + B x = 0 + ∂x ∂y ∂ ∂u ∂v E 2 + B y = 0 µ∇ v + + 2 (1 − υ ) ∂ y ∂ x ∂ y µ∇ 2u + Plane stress R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Stress based approach – field equations in plane stress problems Equilibrium equations ε xx = ε yy = γ xy σ xx E σ yy − − υ E υ σ yy σ xx E E 2 (1 + υ ) = τ xy E ∂ τ xy ∂ σ xx + + Bx = 0 ∂x ∂y ∂ τ xy ∂ σ xx + + By = 0 ∂x ∂y Compatibility equation ∂ 2ε yy ∂ 2γ xy ∂ ε xx + = 2 2 ∂y ∂x ∂x∂y 2 38 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Constitutive laws Plane stress Use constitutive laws in compatibility equation – eliminate strains in compatibility using constitutive law Compatibility equation in terms of stress – stress compatibility equation Eliminate shear stress in stress compatibility equation using two equilibrium equations Differentiate x – direction equilibrium equation wrt ‘x’ – y – direction eqn. wrt ‘y’, add these two get shear stress Plug this in stress compatibility equation 39 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Plane stress R&DE (Engineers), DRDO The governing equation – ∇ (σ xx 2 ∂B x ∂B x + σ yy ) = − (1 + υ ) + ∂x ∂x 40 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in This is derived making use of strain compatibility equation, constitutive laws and equilibrium equations Summary – Plane stress and strain R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Plane strain µ∇ 2u + (λ + µ ) Displacement ∂ ∂u ∂v + + Bx = 0 ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂ ∂u ∂v µ∇ 2 v + (λ + µ ) + + By = 0 ∂y ∂x ∂y Stress ∇ 2 (σ xx + σ yy )= − 1 1−υ ∂B x ∂B y + ∂ x ∂y Plane stress µ∇ 2u + E ∂ ∂u ∂v + + Bx = 0 2(1 − υ ) ∂x ∂x ∂y µ∇ 2 v + E ∂ ∂u ∂v + + By = 0 2(1 − υ ) ∂y ∂x ∂y 2 ∂B x ∂B x ∇ σ xx + σ yy = − (1 + υ ) + ∂ x ∂x ( ) 41 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Formulation Summary – Plane stress and strain R&DE (Engineers), DRDO No elastic constants appear in governing equation Solving these equations – difficult – some text book problems 42 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Basic difference – coefficients involving elastic material constants Solving one type of plane problem gives solution to other type also using simple transformation of elastic coefficients In absence of body loads – in stress formulation – governing equations of plane stress and strain are same Airy’s stress function In stress based formulation – one equation in terms of normal stresses and two equilibrium equations for finding out the complete stress state Reduce the complexity of equations Introduce a new filed variable ‘Airy’s stress function’ (φ) Aim – reduce the governing equations from three to one Find the distribution of single variable ‘φ’ – get stresses from that 43 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Airy’s stress function R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Airy’s stress function (ASF) defined for stress based formulations – both plane stress and plane strain Basic stress equilibrium equations – Body loads can be derived from potential function ‘V’ Defining potential B = −∇ V => Bi = V,i ~ ∂V ∂V Bx = − , By = − ∂x ∂y Substitute in equilibrium equations Ramadas Chennamsetti 44 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in ∂ τ xy ∂ σ xx + + Bx = 0 ∂x ∂y ∂ τ xy ∂ σ xx + + By = 0 ∂x ∂y Airy’s stress function R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Equilibrium equations become ∂τ xy ∂ (σ xx − V ) + = 0; ∂x ∂y ∂τ xy ∂ + (σ yy − V ) = 0 ∂x ∂y Defining ASF as τ xy ∂ 2φ =− ; ∂x∂y σ yy ∂ 2φ −V = ∂x 2 ASF, φ = φ(x, y) ASF satisfies both equilibrium equations. In stress based formulation – it has to satisfy one more governing equation Ramadas Chennamsetti 45 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in σ xx ∂ 2φ −V = ; 2 ∂y Airy’s stress function R&DE (Engineers), DRDO In plane strain – stress based formulation – governing equation 1 ∂Bx ∂B y ∇ (σ xx + σ yy ) = − + 1 − υ ∂x ∂y ∂ 2φ ∂ 2φ 1 ∂ ∂V ∂ ∂V − + V + = − + + − ∂y ∂x 1 − υ ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y 2 ∇ V 2 ∂ 2φ ∂ 2φ 1 + 2∇ 2V = ∇ + ∇ 2V ∂y 1−υ ∂x 1 2 2 ∇ .∇ φ = − 2 ∇ 2V 1 −υ 1 − 2υ 2 Bi-harmonic operator ∇ 4φ = − ∇ V 1−υ Ramadas Chennamsetti 46 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in 2 Airy’s stress function R&DE (Engineers), DRDO In plane stress – stress based formulation – governing equation ∂Bx ∂By ∇ (σ xx + σ yy ) = −(1 + υ ) + ∂y ∂x 2 2 2 φ φ ∂ ∂ 2 + 2∇ 2V = (1 + υ )∇ 2V ∇ + ∂x ∂y ∇ 2 .∇ 2φ = (1 + υ − 2)∇ 2V ∇ 4φ = −(1 − υ )∇ 2V Ramadas Chennamsetti 47 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in 2 2 ∂ ∂V ∂ ∂V ∂ φ ∂ φ 2 = −(1 + υ ) − + V + ∇ V + + − ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ y x x x y y Airy’s stress function R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Governing equations in terms of ASF 1 − 2υ 2 ∇ φ = − ∇ V 1−υ ∇ 4φ = − (1 − υ )∇ 2V 4 Plane strain Plane stress 4 4 4 ∂ φ φ φ ∂ ∂ 4 ∇ φ = 0 => 4 + 2 2 2 + 4 = 0 ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y Bi-harmonic equation – solution to this equation => ASF Problem of elasticity reduced to a single equation – find φ in solution domain and boundaries – BCs - Tractions Ramadas Chennamsetti 48 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in If body forces are neglected – V = 0 – In both cases the governing equation is same Stress formulation This formulation is appropriate for use with traction boundary conditions Use Hooke’s law for calculating strains from stresses Compute displacements from strain-displacement relations Since compatibility equations are used in formulating governing equations, the displacements obtained from integration of strain-displacement equations yield single valued, continuous filed All equations are used for solving the problem Closed form analytical solutions for elasticity problems – difficult – rely on numerical methods 49 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Uniaxial tension – ASF approach R&DE (Engineers), DRDO A bar subjected to tension y 2 2l T x Boundary – 1 Boundary – 2 DCs => (1, 0, 0) DCs => (-1, 0, 0) Tx = T = lσxx + m τxy = σxx = T Tx = -T = lσxx + m τxy = σxx = T Ty = 0 = mσyy + l τxy => τxy = 0 Ty = 0 = mσyy + l τxy => τxy = 0 Remaining boundaries – stress free. Stress in x – direction = T = constant Ramadas Chennamsetti 50 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in T 2c 1 Uniaxial tension – ASF approach R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Stress in x – direction given by ASF At x = ± l, σ σyy and τxy = 0 υ ∂u T εx = − σy = = - (1) E E ∂x E σy υ ∂v υT − σx = = − - (2) εy = E E ∂y E x Integrate (1) and (2) T x + f (y) E υT v = − y + g (x) RamadasEChennamsetti u = f(y) and g(x) – arbitrary functions 51 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in σ xx ∂ 2φ 1 2 = constant = 2 = T => φ = Ty + c1 y + c2 ∂y 2 Uniaxial tension – ASF approach R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Shear strain, γ xy τ xy ∂u ∂v = + = = 0 ∂y ∂x G => f ' ( y ) + g ' ( x ) = 0 ∂f => = − ω o => f = − ω o y + u o ∂y ∂g = ω o => g = ω o x + v o ∂x ωo, uo, vo – arbitrary constants of integration. Ramadas Chennamsetti 52 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in => − f ' ( y ) = g ' ( x ) = ω o Uniaxial tension – ASF approach Functions ‘f’ and ‘g’ represent rigid body motions Rigid body rotation - ωo and translations in ‘x’ and ‘y’ directions => uo and vo Terms related to rigid body motion result from straindisplacement relations Displacements are determined from strain fields only up to an arbitrary rigid motion For complete determination of displacement filed – additional boundary conditions required – evaluate ωo, uo and vo If rod has no rigid body motion => ωo, uo and vo = 0 53 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Pure bending of beam – ASF approach R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Beam subjected to pure bending – y M M 2c x 2l (x, ± c) = 0 τ xy (x, ± c) = 0 τ xy (± l, y ) = 0 Boundary Conditions yy Fx = +c ∫σ xx ( ± l , y ) dy = 0 −c Statically equivalent boundary condition +c σ ∫ Ramadas Chennamsetti − M = xx −c ( ± l , y ) ydy 54 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in σ Pure bending of beam – ASF approach R&DE (Engineers), DRDO In bending, variation of bending stress is linear along ‘y’ co-ordinate ‘φ’ should be a cubic polynomial 55 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Key point in ASF approach – selection of an appropriate stress function - φ It has to satisfy all boundary conditions – capture physics of the problem Some knowledge about structure’s behavior helps in selection of ‘φ’ Pure bending of beam – ASF approach R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Linear variation of bending stress ∂ 2φ σ xx = Ay = 2 Integrating the function ∂y A 3 φ = y + C1 y + C 2 ASF satisfies all BCs 6 +c ∫ σ (± l , y ) ydy = − M xx +c +c y 3M ∫− c Ay dy = − M => − A 3 = M => A = − 2 c 3 −c 3 2 3 M y3 M 3 φ=− + C1 y + C 2 = − 3 y + C1 y + C 2 3 2 c 6 4c Ramadas Chennamsetti 56 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in −c Pure bending of beam – ASF approach R&DE (Engineers), DRDO Stresses and strains M 3 ∂ 2φ 3M φ = − 3 y + C1 y + C2 => σ xx = 2 = − 3 y 4c ∂y 2c σ yy = 0, τ xy = 0 σ yy ∂u 3 M ε xx = y −υ => =− 3 E E ∂x 2 Ec Integrate strain – displacement σ yy σ xx 3 Mυ ε yy = −υ = y equations 3 E E 2 Ec u=− 3M xy + f ( y ); 3 2 Ec v= 3M υ 2 y + g ( x) 3 4 Ec Ramadas Chennamsetti 57 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in σ xx Pure bending of beam – ASF approach R&DE (Engineers), DRDO ∂u ∂v 3M ' ' γ xy = + = 0 => − x + f ( y ) + g ( x) = 0 3 ∂y ∂x 2 Ec 3M ' ' => − x + g ( x ) = − f ( y ) = ω o Integrate 3 2 Ec 3M x 2 g ( x) = + ω o x + vo 3 2 Ec 2 f ( y ) = −ω o y + u o Functions g(x) and f(y) represent rigid body motions To evaluate constants, ωo, uo, vo – constraints required Ramadas Chennamsetti 58 rd_mech@yahoo.co.in Shear strain 59 Ramadas Chennamsetti rd_mech@yahoo.co.in R&DE (Engineers), DRDO