Environmental Pollution 111 (2001) 407±415 www.elsevier.com/locate/envpol Spatial variability in the degradation rate of isoproturon in soil A. Walker *, M. Jurado-Exposito, G.D. Bending, V.J.R. Smith Soil and Environment Sciences Department, Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK Received 28 September 1999; accepted 17 February 2000 ``Capsule'': Soils showing rapid biodegradation of isoproturon had higher pH values and more microbial biomass. Abstract Thirty samples of soil were taken at 50-m intersections on a grid pattern over an area of 250200 m within a single ®eld with nominally uniform soil characteristics. Incubations of isoproturon (3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) under standard conditions (15oC; ÿ33 kPa soil water potential) indicated considerable variation in degradation rate of the herbicide, with the time to 50% loss (DT50) varying from 6.5 to 30 days. The kinetics of degradation also varied between the sub-samples of soil. In many of them, there was an exponential decline in isoproturon residues; in others, exponential loss was followed by more rapid rates of decline; in a few soil samples, rapid rates of loss began shortly after the start of the incubations. In more detailed studies with soils from a smaller number of sub-sites (20), measurements were again made of isoproturon degradation rate, and the soils were analysed for organic matter content, pH, and nutrient status (N, P, K). Measurements were also made of isoproturon adsorption by the soils and of soil microbial biomass. Patterns of microbial metabolism were assessed using 95 substrates in Biolog GN plates. Soils showing rapid biodegradation were generally of higher pH and contained more available potassium than those showing slower degradation rates. They also had a larger microbial biomass and greater microbial metabolic diversity as determined by substrate utilisation on Biolog GN plates. The implications of the results for the ecacy and environmental behaviour of isoproturon are discussed. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Soils; Herbicides; Isoproturon; Biodegradation; Persistence 1. Introduction The main process leading to dissipation of pesticide residues from the environment is degradation in soil, and this usually involves the activities of soil microorganisms. The rate of biodegradation is in¯uenced by the chemical properties of the soil such as organic matter content, pH and nutrient status, and is also in¯uenced by environmental conditions that control soil temperature and soil moisture content. Variability in degradation rate between dierent soils is expected because of the variability in soil properties, and numerous studies have provided evidence for ®eld-to-®eld variation in the degradation rates of herbicides (Walker and Brown, 1983; Allen and Walker, 1987; Pussemier et al., 1997) insecticides (Gerstl, 1984; Parkin and Shelton, 1992) and fungicides (Walker, 1987a). In several of these examples * Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-1789-470382; fax: +44-1789470552. E-mail address: allan.walker@hri.ac.uk (A. Walker). (Walker, 1987a; Parkin and Shelton, 1992; Pussemier et al., 1997), the most rapid rates of degradation were associated with soils to which the study pesticide had been applied regularly, indicating that the phenomenon of enhanced biodegradation had occurred (Racke and Coats, 1990). Studies with soils from 10 dierent ®elds at Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne, identi®ed one soil (from Deep Slade ®eld) in which the herbicide isoproturon (3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) degraded unusually rapidly, with total loss of extractable residues within 10 days at 15 C (Cox et al., 1996). This compares with previously published times to 50% loss (DT50) in moist soil at 15 C of 15 to 40 days (Mudd et al., 1983; Blair et al., 1990). It was considered unlikely that the rapid rate of loss could be related to previous applications of isoproturon since none had been applied in the 3 years prior to sampling, although occasional applications had been made to cereal crops grown before that time. Also, similar soils with a more recent history of isoproturon application did not show such a rapid rate of degradation (Cox et al., 1996). Other 0269-7491/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0269-7491(00)00092-0 408 A. Walker et al. / Environmental Pollution 111 (2001) 407±415 degradation studies with isoproturon in soil samples taken from dierent areas of Deep Slade ®eld indicated marked variation in dissipation rate with some samples showing rapid rates of loss, and others providing results more consistent with the norm (Edwards, 1997). This suggested that there might be signi®cant spatial variability in the degrading ability of soil, even within ®elds where the soil appears to be uniform. The present experiments were made to examine this possibility in a systematic way by taking samples of soil on a grid pattern from Deep Slade ®eld, and measuring degradation rates of isoproturon under standard conditions. Some chemical and microbiological analyses of the dierent soil samples were also made. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Preliminary experiment In order to provide a preliminary indication of the variations in degradation rate of isoproturon in soil throughout the study area, soil samples (500 g) were removed from 30 separate subsites within the central part of Deep Slade ®eld at Horticulture Research International. The soil in this area is mapped as a single soil series (Wick; Whit®eld, 1974), and in terms of visual appearance and texture classi®cation, it is a uniform sandy loam throughout the cultivated layer (0±30 cm). The whole ®eld was cropped with winter barley and had been sprayed with isoproturon (3-(4-isopropylphenyl)1,1-dimethylurea; Arelon SC, 50% a.i.; Rhone-Poulenc) at 1.5 kg a.i. haÿ1 on 20 November 1996. Samples of soil were taken in January 1997, 8 weeks after herbicide application. They were removed from the 0±5 cm layer on a grid pattern, with samples 50 m apart covering an area of 200250 m. There were ®ve samples in a north/ south direction (labelled A±E), and six samples in an east/west direction (labelled 1±6). All 30 samples were taken with individual, sterile plastic scoops, and the sampling sub-sites were marked with ®breglass canes. The samples were individually processed by hand, using disposable gloves, to give uniformly mixed samples free from stones and plant residues. Subsamples (30 g) of each soil were dried in an oven at 110 C overnight to determine soil moisture content. A suspension of the commercial formulation of isoproturon in distilled water was added to 400 g fresh weight of each to give a concentration of 15 mg kgÿ1 with soil moisture at 9.8% (soil water potential, ÿ33 kPa; Cox et al., 1996). This concentration approximates to the maximum recommended dose of isoproturon (2.5 kg haÿ1) when present in a 1-cm depth of soil. The herbicide was uniformly mixed into each sample by hand, once more using disposable gloves. The soils were transferred to sterile polypropylene containers that were loosely capped and incubated at 15 C. Moisture contents were maintained by additions of sterile distilled water as necessary (usually once each week). The soils were sampled at regular intervals (3 or 4 days) during the subsequent 65 days. Amounts of soil (20 g) were weighed into conical ¯asks (50 ml) and isoproturon residues were extracted by shaking with methanol (25 ml) on a wrist-action shaker for 50 min. After shaking, the samples were allowed to stand until the soil had settled, and samples of the clear supernatant were analysed for herbicide residues by HPLC using Kontron Series 300 equipment. The column used was Lichrosorb RP-18 (25 cm4 mm, internal diameter; Merck) and the solvent system was acetonitrile/water/orthophosphoric acid (70:30:0.25 by volume) at a ¯ow rate of 1 ml minÿ1. Detection was by UV absorbance at 240 nm, with a lower detection limit of 0.10 mg kgÿ1 dry soil. Recovery of isoproturon in the range from 1.0 to 10.0 mg kgÿ1 varied from 97.1 to 99.0%, and no corrections were made to the analytical data for recovery. 2.2. Detailed experiment 2.2.1. Herbicide degradation rate Based on the results from the preliminary study, a more detailed experiment was made using a smaller group of soils chosen to represent samples with a range of degradation rates. Twenty of the original 30 sub-sites were sampled again in March 1997, 16 weeks after isoproturon application in the ®eld. About 750 g soil was removed from each sub-site at a position as close as possible to the original. The sampling procedures and the preparation of samples for the incubation study with isoproturon were exactly as described earlier. In addition a number of soil analyses were made. 2.2.2. Chemical analysis of soils Organic matter content was determined by loss on ignition at 450 C, pH was measured with a glass electrode in a 1:1 suspension of soil/distilled water, and extractable nitrate±nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were measured using the United Kingdom Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food standard method numbers 52, 59 and 63, respectively (Anonymous, 1986). 2.2.3. Soil microbial biomass Soil microbial biomass was measured using a modi®cation of the chloroform fumigation incubation method of Jenkinson and Powlson (1976) proposed by Mele and Carter (1996). Duplicate amounts (20 g) of moist soil from the 20 selected sites were weighed into 100-ml ¯asks and 2 ml ethanol-free chloroform were then added (1:10 v/w). The ¯asks were closed with silicone grease-treated glass stoppers, and sealed with para®lm. The samples, together with similar controls without chloroform, were incubated for 8 days at 30 C. The ¯asks were then opened and transferred to a vacuum A. Walker et al. / Environmental Pollution 111 (2001) 407±415 dessicator, which was evacuated several times until there was no further trace of chloroform in the soil. The fumigated and control soils were extracted with 50 ml 2 M potassium chloride by shaking for 1 h on a wristaction shaker. The samples were centrifuged, and the extract analysed for ninhydrin-reactive nitrogen. A sample of the potassium chloride extract (1 ml) was mixed with 0.5 ml ninhydrin reagent in a glass tube (20 ml) and heated in a boiling water bath for 25 min. After cooling, the residue in each tube was made up to 10 ml with ethanol/water (50:50 v/v). The absorbance of the resulting purple solution was measured at 570 nm against reagent blanks. The ninhydrin-reactive N (fumigated minus controls) was calculated using l-leucine standards, and the value converted to mg microbial carbon kgÿ1 dry soil as described by Mele and Carter (1996). 2.2.4. Substrate utilisation assay The functional diversity of the microbial communities in the 20 soils was assessed using Biolog GN microplates (Biolog Inc. Hayward, CA.) using the technique described by Garland and Mills (1991). Soils were preincubated with soil moisture equivalent to ÿ33 kPa at 15 C for 14 days, after which 5 g (fresh weight) of each soil was suspended separately in sterile sodium chloride solution in water (0.85% w/w, 50 ml). The mixtures were shaken in sterile Duran bottles (100 ml) on a wrist-action shaker for 30 min. The suspensions were centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 2 min to clear the supernatant, which was diluted with further sterile sodium chloride to obtain a ®nal dilution of 10ÿ2. The diluted suspension was added directly (150 ml per well) to all of the wells in duplicate Biolog GN microplates. These plates allow simultaneous testing of the ability of the microbial suspensions to utilize 95 carbon sources, the oxidation of which is determined colorimetrically following tetrazolium dye reduction. The inoculated plates were wrapped in para®lm to reduce evaporation and were incubated at 20 C. Absorbance of all wells was measured immediately after inoculation, and after 72 h using an automatic optical density (OD) plate reader (Anthos Labtec HT2, version 1.06) at 600 nm. Absorbance values for the wells were ®rst corrected for background by subtracting the absorbencies measured directly after inoculation. Secondly the absorbance of the control well (which contained no carbon source) was subtracted from that of every well containing a C-source. Average well colour development (AWCD) was calculated from each plate at each time according to Garland and Mills (1991). The utilisation of substrates by the Biolog-culturable microbial population was analysed as described by Zak et al. (1994) to give estimates of substrate richness (the number of substrates utilised) and substrate evenness (the distribution of utilisation among substrates). These were used to calculate Shannon's diversity index, which gives a measure of the metabolic 409 diversity of the soil microbial population. Additionally, relationships between the metabolic pro®les of microbial communities were investigated by canonical variate analysis using the statistical program Genstat (Version 5.3, Lawes Agricultural Trust, Rothamsted Experimental Station, UK). 2.2.5. Isoproturon adsorption measurements Adsorption of isoproturon by the soils was measured using a solution of analytical grade isoproturon in 0.01 M calcium chloride at a concentration of 5 mg lÿ1 . The solution also contained 14C-ring labelled isoproturon (74 bq mlÿ1 ). Herbicide solution (10 ml) was added to duplicate amounts (5 g) of each soil in conical ¯asks (50 ml). The samples were shaken on a wrist action shaker for 4 h, allowed to stand overnight, and then shaken for a further period of 4 h. After shaking, the contents of the ¯asks were centrifuged and duplicate subsamples (1 ml) of the supernatant were transferred to scintillation vials. Liquid scintillant (Optiphase HiSafe; 10 ml) was added and the radioactivity was measured by liquid scintillation counting. Samples of the solution without soil were counted in a similar way. The amount of herbicide adsorbed was calculated from the dierence between initial and ®nal measurements of radioactivity, assuming that this was directly proportional to herbicide concentration and that no degradation of parent compound had taken place. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Preliminary experiment The degradation patterns of isoproturon in soil from the 30 sites sampled initially in Deep Slade ®eld are shown in Fig. 1. The data are plotted as residual concentrations, expressed as a percentage of the amount recovered initially against time of incubation for each site. Degradation of pesticides in soils is usually interpreted using ®rst-order reaction kinetics with the data showing an exponential decrease in concentration over time (Walker, 1987b). In the present experiments, 12 of the 30 data sets gave an approximate ®t to ®rst-order kinetics. In a further nine soil samples, an initial exponential decline in residue concentration was followed by more rapid rates of loss, and in the remaining nine soils, rapid degradation began shortly after the start of the incubations. This suggests dierences in the reactions of the soil micro¯ora to the presence of isoproturon. A progressive, exponential rate of degradation represents co-metabolic activity, where the herbicide is degraded as a consequence of metabolism of other organic substrates, but the pesticide is not used as an energy source (Torstensson, 1980). Rapid decline after an initial slow rate of loss, suggests that components of the micro¯ora may have adapted their 410 A. Walker et al. / Environmental Pollution 111 (2001) 407±415 Fig. 1. Degradation of isoproturon in 30 soil samples taken on a 5050 m grid pattern. (~, sites A; *, sites B; &, sites C; *, sites D; ^, sites E). metabolism in order to utilise the compound as an energy source, or that an active pesticide-degrading micro¯ora has proliferated in response to the presence of the chemical (BergstroÈm and StenstroÈm, 1998). Rapid degradation soon after application indicates that a population of micro-organisms with the ability to metabolize the compound is present in the soil initially (Torstensson, 1980). Spatial variability in degradation rate may therefore be associated with spatial variability in the size or diversity of the soil microbial populations, or in the soil conditions that control their activity. With the complex kinetics of degradation observed in several of the soil samples, it is dicult to de®ne a single parameter with which to characterise the individual decay curves, but the parameter that is often used, irrespective of the kinetics, is the time to 50% disappearance (DT50). The DT50 was calculated for all of the degradation curves shown in Fig. 1 with the results shown in Table 1. Where ®rst-order kinetics apply, this value is the halflife derived from the lines of best ®t calculated by linear regression analysis of the logarithm of concentration against time of incubation. The remaining values of DT50 were derived by interpolation between appropriate data points. The latter values will be subject to error because they eectively take account of only three of the measured data points, and they will be strongly in¯uenced by the value of the initial concentration. Despite these limitations, the data in Table 1 do provide an assessment of the relative rates of loss at the dierent sub-sites and demonstrate a variation in DT50 from 6.5 to 30 days. 3.2. Detailed study The results from the second incubation study with a smaller number of samples are shown in Fig. 2. These soils were selected to represent the dierent kinetic `types' identi®ed in the preliminary study and were arbitrarily chosen as the 10 samples with the longest times to 50% loss, and 10 of the 11 samples with the shortest times to 50% loss. Soil from site A1 was not used in the second experiment because soil from this area had been extensively sampled for other microbiological studies. In general, the results con®rm those from the preliminary study, particularly with respect to the kinetics of degradation. In all instances where the degradation data from the preliminary study conformed to ®rst-order reaction kinetics, these same kinetics were appropriate to the data from the more detailed experiment (Fig. 2b,d). In all of the other samples, the kinetics of degradation were clearly not ®rst-order (Fig. 2a,c), which again is in agreement with the results from the ®rst experiment. In six of these samples, isoproturon had degraded completely within 10±12 days. In the other four soils in this group, rapid degradation began after a period of between 15 and 25 days, with residues below limits of detection within 35 days. Derivation of DT50 values (either as the times to 50% loss or ®rst-order A. Walker et al. / Environmental Pollution 111 (2001) 407±415 411 Table 1 Estimated DT50 values (days) in the ®rst and second experiments together with the pH measurement of the soila Sites A B DT50(1) 1 pH 7.6 2 pH 28.2* 3 pH 28.3* 4 pH 26.6* 5 pH 15.2 6 pH 21.4 a DT50(2) ND 6.50 6.14 6.47 6.44 ND ND DT50(1) 6.4 16.3* 30.2* 19.6* 26.3* 18.0* 25.2* 15.9 24.1 ND C 20.0 DT50(2) 7.44 6.31 6.26 ND ND ND D DT50(1) 7.1 8.0 17.6* 18.9 17.4* 28.2* ND 24.3 ND 25.9* ND 29.2* DT50(2) 7.00 6.70 6.36 ND ND 6.26 E DT50(1) 7.1 8.0 19.8 27.3* 17.9* 22.5 ND 25.3* ND 18.8 19.2* 20.8 DT50(2) 7.00 6.28 ND 6.20 6.26 ND DT50(1) 7.0 7.7 17.0* 25.7* ND 26.1* 15.9* 8.2 13.4 8.8 ND 8.6 DT50(2) 7.63 ND 6.17 7.40 7.15 7.19 6.5 ND 15.7* 8.3 15.4 5.6 ND, not determined; *, indicates ®rst-order half-lives; all other values are interpolated DT50 values. Fig. 2. Degradation of isoproturon in soils taken from the sites showing the shortest (a, c) and the longest (b, d) DT50 values in the preliminary experiment. half-lives as before), gave the results shown in Table 1. These times were occasionally dierent from those derived from the ®rst experiment, which may represent either small-scale spatial dierences or temporal variability in degrading potential of the soil. The changes in DT50 were most pronounced in the soil samples that initially showed the slower rates of loss, suggesting the possibility that soil micro-organisms in the ®eld may slowly develop the ability to degrade isoproturon over time, in response to a normal ®eld application of the herbicide. There is insucient evidence to make conclusions regarding these possibilities. The main features of the results are the close relationship between the DT50 values derived in the two experiments (r=0.892; 412 A. Walker et al. / Environmental Pollution 111 (2001) 407±415 data, where the coecient of variation in soil pH was 7.3%, and in soil organic matter content was 8.9%. The intercorrelation between the various soil parameters, and their relationship with the times to 50% loss of isoproturon recorded in the second experiment are shown in Table 3. They indicate a strong negative relationship between the times to 50% loss and soil pH (r=0.820; P<0.001) and a similar negative correlation with soil microbial biomass (r=0.839; P<0.001). The relationships obtained are illustrated in Fig. 3. Microbial biomass and soil pH were positively correlated one with the other (r=0.865; P<0.001), which illustrates the diculty of assessing cause and eect from simple correlation analysis. The suggestion of a link between P<0.001), and the reproducibility of the kinetics of degradation in the samples taken from the same subsites in the ®eld on the two occasions. Results of the soil chemical analyses are shown in Table 2. They show extreme spatial variability in several of the data sets, particularly those for extractable nutrients, with coecients of variation of 12, 19 and 71% for phosphorus, potassium and nitrate±nitrogen, respectively. Such large coecients of variation in extractable nutrient levels are not unusual (Davis et al., 1995; Delcourt et al., 1996), although factors such as pH and organic matter content usually show somewhat lower within-®eld coecients of variation (Beckett and Webster 1971; Singh et al., 1993). This was so in the present Table 2 Soil properties Site Nitrate (mg kgÿ1) Potassium (mg kgÿ1) Phosphorus (mg kgÿ1) pH Organic matter (%) Kd (l kgÿ1) Biomass (mg C kgÿ1) A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 C6 D1 D2 D4 D5 E1 E3 E4 E5 E6 4 8 8 12 13 4 3 12 9 4 7 6 10 5 3 16 3 8 29 7 107 104 111 115 128 117 94 120 98 101 141 125 121 102 129 120 107 180 144 179 58 51 68 68 62 62 60 53 60 75 48 54 56 51 53 59 64 70 66 53 6.50 6.14 6.47 6.44 7.44 6.31 6.26 7.00 6.70 6.36 6.26 7.00 6.28 6.20 6.26 7.63 6.17 7.40 7.15 7.19 3.01 2.37 2.27 2.69 2.51 2.44 2.50 2.51 2.40 2.25 2.63 2.80 2.72 2.30 2.28 2.58 2.22 2.93 2.60 2.70 1.44 1.18 1.22 1.33 1.11 1.18 1.14 0.99 1.08 1.08 1.32 1.05 1.32 1.37 1.10 1.03 1.14 1.38 1.19 1.06 173 159 140 203 257 124 125 254 191 134 166 237 165 154 135 233 172 267 221 288 Table 3 Correlation coecient matrix between the soil physical, chemical and microbiological propertiesa DT50 pH NOÿ 3 K P OM Kd Biomass Richness Evenness Diversity Canonical variate 1 a pH NOÿ 3 K P OM Kd Biomass Richness Eveness Diversity Canonical variate 1 Canonical variate 2 ÿ0.820 ÿ0.215 0.569 ÿ0.579 0.578 0.268 0.102 0.156 0.168 ÿ0.032 ÿ0.375 0.440 0.188 0.507 ÿ0.075 0.407 ÿ0.331 ÿ0.102 0.064 0.056 0.408 ÿ0.839 0.865 0.467 0.678 ÿ0.042 0.528 ÿ0.235 0.529 ÿ0.471 ÿ0.025 ÿ0.803 0.098 ÿ0.401 0.012 ÿ0.519 0.119 ÿ0.178 0.049 ÿ0.057 ÿ0.177 ÿ0.267 ÿ0.257 ÿ0.136 ÿ0.118 0.504 ÿ0.500 0.021 ÿ0.679 ÿ0.058 ÿ0.504 ÿ0.189 ÿ0.506 0.704 0.621 ÿ0.019 0.056 0.121 0.000 ÿ0.044 ÿ0.119 ÿ0.238 ÿ0.052 ÿ0.181 0.756 0.407 0.309 ÿ0.489 ÿ0.372 ÿ0.273 ÿ0.191 ÿ0.339 ÿ0.045 ÿ0.346 0.165 0.077 0.191 0.000 Signi®cance of correlation coecients; 0.444 (P<0.05); 0.561 (P<0.01); 0.679 (P<0.001). A. Walker et al. / Environmental Pollution 111 (2001) 407±415 413 Fig. 3. The relationships between DT50 in the second experiment and (a) soil pH and (b) microbial biomass. soil pH and isoproturon degradation by soil microorganisms, however, is consistent with the data of Cox et al. (1996). They demonstrated in a range of soils from dierent ®elds that there was more rapid degradation of isoproturon at higher pH within the range 5.0±7.5. Results from these earlier experiments also demonstrated that repeated applications of isoproturon to the soils in laboratory incubations were more likely to result in enhanced biodegradation if soil pH was >7.0. The spatial link between soil pH and isoproturon degradation is further illustrated in Table 1 in which the data for soil pH are listed with the appropriate DT50 values. There are two main areas of higher soil pH (from site A1 through to site E1, and from sites E4±E6). The areas of lower soil pH were generally associated with the higher DT50 values. The data in Table 3 also show a signi®cant negative correlation between soil potassium level and the times to 50% loss (r=0.579; P<0.01). This appeared to be related to just two soils that showed rapid biodegradation of isoproturon and which contained more available potassium than the other 18 samples. There were no signi®cant correlation if these two soils were excluded from the calculations. The results from the measurements of substrate utilisation patterns on Biolog GN plates are summarised in Table 4. There were signi®cant dierences between soils in total substrate utilisation (richness), in the evenness of substrate utilisation pro®les, and in the overall metabolic diversity of the soil microbial population. Richness of metabolism was signi®cantly correlated with available potassium, microbial biomass, pH and DT50, while metabolic diversity was signi®cantly correlated with potassium, organic matter content, microbial biomass, pH and DT50 (Table 3). Relationships between the metabolic pro®les of the microbial communities, as determined by canonical variate analysis, are shown in Fig. 4. There was no clear Table 4 Richness, evenness and diversity of microbial community metabolism of Biolog GN microplate substrates at soil sites Site Richness Evenness Shannon's diversity index A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 C6 D1 D2 D4 D5 E1 E3 E4 E5 E6 93.5 86.0 92.5 90.0 86.5 91.5 89.0 90.5 94.0 91.5 86.0 89.5 89.5 94.0 85.5 86.5 94.0 76.5 91.5 80.5 0.919 0.945 0.923 0.940 0.938 0.944 0.945 0.950 0.946 0.937 0.950 0.932 0.955 0.930 0.953 0.945 0.952 0.941 0.939 0.928 4.17 4.21 4.18 4.23 4.18 4.26 4.24 4.28 4.30 4.23 4.23 4.19 4.29 4.22 4.24 4.21 4.32 4.08 4.24 4.07 distinction between those soils showing unusual kinetics of degradation (`fast degradation'; Fig. 2a,c), and those in which herbicide degradation followed ®rst-order kinetics (`slow degradation'; Fig. 2b,d). However, with the exception of sample E6, there appeared to be some degree of clustering among `fast' and `slow' degradation sites, with most separation along canonical variate axis 2. This axis was shown to be correlated with soil pH (Table 3), indicating that pH signi®cantly in¯uenced microbial community structure. A limitation in the use of the Biolog system to evaluate soil microbial communities is that the populations of bacteria which are culturable on the Biolog plates have been shown to be predominantly members of the g-class 414 A. Walker et al. / Environmental Pollution 111 (2001) 407±415 are less likely to contaminate subsoils and groundwater resources than are more stable compounds (Gustafson, 1989). A full understanding and quanti®cation of the extent of spatial variability in degradation parameters within speci®c aquifer recharge zones is therefore of considerable signi®cance in de®ning the potential for groundwater contamination. Acknowledgements Fig. 4. Canonical variate analysis of microbial community Biolog substrate utilisation pro®les at soil sites showing rapid (&) and slow (*) biodegradation of isoproturon. proteobacteria, which includes species of Enterobacter, Pantoea, Salmonella and Pseudomonas. These are fast growing species adapted to high substrate concentrations (Smalla et al., 1998). Biolog substrate utilisation patterns, therefore, provide a measure of the metabolic diversity of this readily culturable portion of the microbiota rather than that of the entire community. 4. Conclusions Overall, these results demonstrate signi®cant dierences in both the kinetics and rates of isoproturon degradation on a spatial scale within a single ®eld. Although the reasons for these dierences have not been identi®ed de®nitively, the data strongly suggest that they are related to the size and activity of the isoproturondegrading component of the total soil microbial population, and these appear to be in¯uenced by soil pH. The data also strongly suggest that the overall structure of the microbial population at dierent microsites was in¯uenced by soil pH, and clearly, further experiments are required to investigate in more detail the inter-relationships between microbial characteristics, soil pH, and degradation kinetics in the dierent soils. The rate at which a pesticide degrades has an important in¯uence on other aspects of its behaviour. Persistence of a soil-acting herbicide, such as isoproturon, will control the duration of the period of eective weed control, and spatial variability in degradation rate may, therefore, contribute to spatial variability in performance in the ®eld. Degradation rate in combination with sorption is also a signi®cant factor controlling the potential of a compound to leach in the soil, since for similar sorptive properties, short persistence compounds This work was funded in the UK by the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (project PL0526), and by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. M.J.-E. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture for her FPI fellowship. We are greatly appreciative of the advice of Mrs. Kathleen Phelps and Dr. Julie Jones concerning the statistical analysis of the data. References Allen, R., Walker, A., 1987. The in¯uence of soil properties on the rates of degradation of metamitron, metazachlor and metribuzin. Pesticicide Science 18, 95±111. Anonymous, 1986. The Analysis of Agricultural Materials, 2nd Edition. MAFF/ADAS Reference Book No 427, HMSO, London. Beckett, P.H.T., Webster, R., 1971. Soil variability: a review. Soils and Fertilisers 34, 1±15. 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