Organising a small workshop: administration and logistics WHAT? Arrange the time and location of the event Organise the publicity: Prepare the poster Advertise via websites and by distributing posters/leaflets Send an email invitation/reminder. HOW? 1. Check if there are no time clashes with other events (departmental council meetings etc) 2. Seminar/conference room booking: a) local room: contact, x22080 (list of the local rooms is available at: ist/) b) IAS seminar room F204: contact c) Centraly timetabled room via Ad hoc Room Booking Form at: or contact Rob McClean, 024 76551203 1. Arrange the announcement on the websites: a) Project website in the "upcoming events section":, b) Global History website: contact, 02476 523350, c) Arts Faculty Online Calendar: contact: or 2. Put a message about the event on the noticeboards (in the department and the venue where the event takes place)To put the poster on the glass noticeboard next to the Humanities café entrance contact Kerry: 1. Departmental email distribution lists are available at: Arrangements for invited speakers and external participants Accommodation 1. Available accommodation options: a) Warwick Conference Centres: Scarman (recommended), Radcliffe, Arden contact sales team on 024 7652 3222; when arranging the booking provide the appropriate costcode; if related to the project - R.HIAA.3073.TRA b) Cryfield Grange; minimum of 4 nights and up to 1 month maximum stay, to book fill in the online form: or contact: providing the appropriate costcode; if related to the project-R.HIAA.3073.TRA c) If the above options are not available then go off campus (eg B&B in Kenilworth). Important!!! Please follow the instruction provided in the document B&B booking process. Travel arrangements 1. Provide the visitor with the information on the best travel options and the directions to the University; detailed information is available at: All accommodation places have their own websites with the detailed directions). 2. Arranging a taxi: Trinity Taxis Ltd are to be used for all regular taxi work: Telephone: 02476 631 631 or 024 7699 9999 Fax: 02476 229 591 Web site: Trinity will accept bookings to be paid by Purchase Order (ask Anna/other administrator to create the PO) Name tags Badges available in Anna's office or ask Jean 22080, Reimbursements of the costs Reimbursement forms are available online (after logging in) at: Facilities and refreshments 1. Before the workshop, verify availability of: screen, data projector for computer presentations, , 3 flipcharts and markers etc. 2. Organise coffee/tea breaks and lunch, and (if required) reception: a) To order a catering contact Warwick Food&Drink team: And provide them with the following details : food & drink requirements number of guests location - the building & room number time and date of event contact name and telephone number cost code (if project related 09HIAA12) any specific delivery instructions any special dietary requirements. Menus and ordering details are available at: b) To book a table in EAT, Fusion Bar phone Food&Drink Team: Kathryn Bennett, Sales Co-ordinator 23789 Justine Hunt, Sales Co-ordinator 23279 Mia Goldsmith, Sales Co-ordinator 24233, Or email: . Payment after the meal with the purchasing card (ask Robert). c) To book a table in one of the conference centres(Radcliffe, Scarman, Arden) contact Warwick Conferences sales team on 024 7652 3222. and provide the costcode (if project related: R.HIAA.3073.OTA). d) To book a table in Xanana call 02476 572750 or email and provide the costcode (if project related: R.HIAA.3073.OTA). e) Refreshments can be also purchased in Costcutter on campus using the purchase card (ask Robert x23453,, glasses, plates etc available from Jean 22080, 3. Provide juice/water for the invited speakers during the workshop