quantsim09 - Warwick A non non--equilibrium network model for magneto transport in the quantum Hall effect regime J.Oswald and C. Uiberacker Institute of Physics, University of Leoben, Austria Outline: Motivation/Introduction Basics of the network model Examples of simulation Results Conclusions Motivation Magnetic field sweep Rxx RBH I RH Rxx classical Introduction Landau levels and the edge channel picture B D.B. Chlovskii, B.I. Shklovskii, L.I. 2 Glatzman, Phys.Rev. B46, 4026 (1992) e I U H h q c B mc 1 h RH 2 e n ... Filling factor = # edge channels screening edge edge The edge channel picture suggests dissipation-less current flows directly at the edges edge bulk edge Experiment: E. Ahlswede, J. Weis, et al, Physica B 298(1-4), 562(2001) The network model - Basics Saddles of the random potential correspond to the nodes of the network Saddle point RH Network grid LL broadening in the bulk due to random potential fluctuations I RL J. Oswald and M. Oswald, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18, R101R138 (2006) The network model – the network setup In reality we get channel pairs from adjacent loops at the saddles, which become the nodes Handling of the nodes Net current flow in directed 1D channel pairs m1*= = ?m1 Scattering region Reservoir Reservoir m2 IL IL= e2/h*(m1-m2) 2 ILIL(m -m1-m )2*) = e /h*(m 1 2 IR m1 m2* = ?m2 Dissipation: PV = IR* (m1-m2*) Disspation from longitudinal values → PV = IL* (m1-m1*) UL Reservoir m1* IL Reservoir IR IL= e2/h*(m1-m2*) 2 m2* 2 IL= e2/h*(m1-m2*) IR= e2/h*(m1-m1*) P = IR/IL = R/T m1* = (m1+P.m2)/(1+P) = (m1 - m1*)/(m1 – m2*) m2* = (m2+P.m1)/(1+P) Handling of the nodes Transfer of chemical potentials m2 = (m1+P.m3)/(1+P) m4 = (m3+P.m1)/(1+P) P = IR/IL = R/T 2 T R 1 4 R T 3 The network model - Layout Tunneling between magnetic bound states EF > ELL EF < ELL hill valley L2 E F ( x, y ) eB P ( x, y ) exp eV h L is the period and V is the amplitude of the representative periodic potential modulation, EF is the Fermi energy relative to the saddle energy. EF < ELL EF > ELL 2 1 2 P>1 P' P 4 3 P<1 1 3 4 P' = P -1 < 1 The network model - Basics The role of a random potential L2 E F ( x, y ) eB P ( x, y ) exp eV h G xx R xx e2 P 2 R xx R xy2 h 1 P2 Example 0 QHE sample with gate across the Hall bar R.M.Ryan, et al, Phys.Rev.B48, 8840 (1993) Example 1 Single saddle on a 61x61 grid 2 2 1 1 Example 2 Array of 4 saddles in a 61x61 grid Example 3 Voltage and current distribution in a standard quantum Hall conductor 20000 Rxx () 15000 10000 5000 0 4,0 n=2 n=3 4,5 5,0 5,5 B (T) 6,0 6,5 7,0 Example 4 Anti - Hall - bar embedded in a Hall-bar : Sample layout E IAB F 5 A 1 3 C 6 4 I12 2 B D The layout for experimental investigations was developed by Mani et al. (R.G.Mani, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 65, 1751 (1996)) and is also the basis for the numerical simulations later on. Example 4 Anti Anti--Hall Hall--bar within a HallHall-bar structure: Network layout Example 4 Hall voltage Experiment Simulation M. Oswald, J. Oswald and R.G. Mani, Phys. Rev. B 72, 035334 (2005) J. Oswald, M.Oswald, Phys. Rev. B 74, 153315 (2006) Example 4 Longitudinal voltage Experiment Simulation M. Oswald, J. Oswald and R.G. Mani, Phys. Rev. B 72, 035334 (2005) J. Oswald, M.Oswald, Phys. Rev. B 74, 153315 (2006) Example 4 Bulk current distribution for the case of current compensation (IA,B = -I1,2) in the plateau regime M. Oswald, J. Oswald and R.G. Mani, Phys. Rev. B 72, 035334 (2005) J. Oswald, M. Oswald, Phys. Rev. B 74, 153315 (2006) Example 5 - Non-ideal contacts Ideal contacts Non - ideal contacts The puzzle of current flow in the QHE: Sample with narrow gate stripe in the middle of the bulk The electron cannel below the gate stripe (in red) is kept always at that integer filling, which is closest to the actual bulk filling of the non-gated region. The remaining bulk makes the usual transitions from the conducting to the insulating regimes while sweeping the magnetic field. QHE sample with narrow gate stripe Bulk region: near half filling > conducting gate stripe -contact + contact Sample with gate stripe: Gate region: integer filling > insulating 4 X 6 4 8 10 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 2 8 6 10 Y 2 potential (arb. units) + contact -contact contact Sample without gate stripe: 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 2 potential (arb. units) Simulation of the lateral potential distribution with and without gate: 4 X 6 4 8 10 2 6 8 Y 10 QHE sample with narrow cut Just a simple cut, hole or complete depletion at the position of the gate does not have the right effect. A cut in the bulk in longitudinal direction of the sample leads to the same lateral potential distribution like in a non non--gated sample n = 0,5 CUT n = 1,5 QHE sample with narrow gate stripe Interpretation of current flow I0 I0 gate stripe The experimentally injected current gets concentrated to the narrow gate region, where it flows dissipation-less QHE sample with narrow gate stripe Longitudinal Resistance and Hall resistance at different length of the gate stripe Simulation results: The gate stripe sharpens the plateau transitions 5000 26,0k 4500 4000 3000 2500 2000 1500 without gate short gate medium gate long gate 22,0k 20,0k Rxy 3500 Rxx 24,0k without gate short gate medium gate long gate 18,0k 16,0k 1000 14,0k 500 12,0k 0 10 11 12 13 B (T) 14 15 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 B (T) The length of the long gate stripe is 85%, the medium gate stripe is 22% and the short gate stripe is about 10% of the sample length. QHE sample with narrow gate stripe Simulation: sweep of the gate potential at fixed magnetic field Magnetic field sweep without gate Gate voltage sweep at fixed magnetic field as indicated on the left 1500 1400 1300 4000 1200 1100 1000 3000 900 Rxx Rxx 800 700 600 2000 500 400 300 1000 200 100 0 0 0 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 40 60 80 100 Gate potential (arb. units) B (T) From the experimental point of view it might be much easier to fix the magnetic field somewhere in the tail of a resistance peak and performing a gate voltage sweep. While approaching the right gate voltage the resistance should drop to zero, indicating a narrowing of the resistance peak. QHE sample with narrow gate stripe Simulation: sweep of the gate potential at fixed magnetic field Magnetic field sweep without gate Gate voltage sweep at fixed magnetic field as indicated on the left R1 17000 28000 26000 16000 24000 22000 15000 18000 Rxy Rxy 20000 16000 14000 14000 12000 13000 10000 8000 12000 6 8 10 B (T) 12 14 16 0 20 40 60 80 100 Gate potential (arb. units) Fixing the magnetic field somewhere before the plateau value of the Hall resistance is reached and making a gate voltage sweep. While approaching the right gate voltage the Hall resistance should move on to the exact plateau value, indicating a narrowing of the plateau transition. Summary and Conclusion Network model which describes exclusively the injected excess currents and potentials close to the real experimental conditions. modeling of complex sample configurations possible (geometry, gate electrodes, inhomogeneities) describes edge and bulk properties at the same time Dissipation-less current only in incompressible stripes, and no current in the edge stripes Outlook: Feed back of the excitation potental to the system Use as a “non-equilibrium transport modul” which takes input also from other equilibrium theory Financial Support