Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 The role of interstitial Ti atoms and O vacancy sites in the Ti(3d) defect states in the band gap of Titania Gilberto Teobaldi Department of Physics and Astronomy University College London Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 Rutile titania faces are among the key models for metal oxide surfaces: - “easy” to prepare - thermodynamically stable - extremely reactive in the presence of point-defects - high-k Applications in the fields of: - biocompatible materials - catalysis - photocatalysis - gas sensing - MOSFET (gate) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 Grand canonical (µVT) formation energies[1] (from DFT calculations) defect CLEAN nO = -1 nH = -2 CLEAN H2O X ( )= E (q)− E Ef X q X q: charge state of the defect X clean − ∑ ni µi − q∆µe + ∆Fvib CLEAN i ni: number of atoms (of chemical potential µi) to be added (ni<0) or removed (ni>0) to create the defect X µi: chemical potential of atoms i. 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Phys. 124, 219906 (2006) the slowly decaying long-ranged part of the Fock exchange is replaced by the corresponding PBE counterpart Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 3-fold coordinated O (as in bulk) Rutile TiO2(110) + H2O(g) 2.97 Å 6.5 Å [001] bridging OH (OHbr) _ [110] O vacancy (Ovac) 2-fold coordinated bridging O (Obr) 5-fold coordinated Ti (Ti5c) + O2(g) O2(g) H2O(g) which desorbs from the surface (300-320 K)1 O adatom (Oad) [1] J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 534-545 (2003) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 BGS EELS-peak O vacancy (Ovac) Band Gap States bridging OH (OHbr) Band Gap States O adatom (Oad) NO Band Gap States (EELS) J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 534-545 (2003) (STS) Phys. Rev. B 66, 235401 (2002) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 • Besides O vacancies (Ovac), also interstitial Ti atoms (Tiint) are present in rutile TiO2 samples (up to 2x1019 cm-3)1 • Negligible Tiint mobility for T< 400 K1 • The larger its formal charge (≥4), the larger the stability for Tiint2 • Very low (LSDA+U) polaron hopping barriers for rutile TiO2 (<0.3 eV)3 • High e-polaron affinity reported for O vacancy SITES in other high-k systems (HfO2)4 • (de)-localization of Tiint-donated electrons (at RT)?!? [1] Surf. Sci. 419, 174-187 (1999) [2] Phys. Rev. B 75, 073203 (2007) [3] Phys. Rev. B 75, 195212 (2007) [4] Phys. Rev. B 75, 205336 (2007) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 OHbr Ovac rPBE (GGA) hybrid DFT (B3LYP) Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 166803 (2006) Science 320, 1755 (2008) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 1.9 e donated from Tiint HSE03-3x2-4L (2-2) (ih)-Tiint as from HVEM and HAADF-STEM images of reduced TiO2(110)[1] QBader(Oad_1) = -0.9 QBader(Oad_2) = -0.8 QBader(H2O2) = +0.03 QBader(Oad) = -0.8 1. Both Ob-vac and Tiint induce BGS 2. In the presence of Tiint, Oad favoured over H2O2 [1] N. Shibata et al., Science 322, 570 (2008) 3. Tiint-donated e (rather than Tiint) induce BGS Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 +1.5 V, 0.2 nA +1.5 V, 0.3 nA A F E B C Experimentally, NO STM footprint of Tiint for positive biases (at room temperature) Chem. Phys. Lett. 437, 73 (2007) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 Obr TH: +1.5V, 10-7 eÅ-3 Ti5c x Å Å clean Ovac/Tiint(1st/2nd) Å Å Oad/Tiint(2nd/3rd) Tiint(2nd/3rd) x Å Ovac/Tiint(2nd/3rd) Å 2Oad/”Tiint(2nd/3rd)” Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 Rlxd (216) Tiint(4-5), Ueff: 5.5 eV1 (8 tri-layers) ~13 Å (ih) fixed (72) TH: +1.5V, 10-7 eÅ-3 ρBGS: 10-5 e Å-3 Tiint(4/5) not detectable by STM for positive biases _ [110] [001] [1] Phys. Rev. B 77, 045118 (2008) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 Ob-vac Ob-vac/Tiint Tiint Ob-vac/Tiint (-1.85 eV) OHb/Tiint OHb/Tiint (-1.36 eV) OHb Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 STM: +2V Figure S2. Modelled STM and CITS appearance for pristine surface defects. Simulated STM images (left: +2V, 10-7 e Å-3) and LDOS maps (right: -2 V, same height above the surface as from the corresponding left-side topography) are shown for Ob-vac in (a) and (b), for Ob-vac/Tiint in (c) and (d), for OHb in (e) and (f), and for Obvac/Tiint in (g) and (h). Heights are reported in Å, LDOS in 10-9 e Å-3. Ti5c rows are indicated by black lines. (X) marks the Ob-vac site, (■) marks the OHb site and (+) marks the lateral position of Tiint on the scan areas. CITS: -2V Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 d 2V (z ) = −4πρ (z ) 2 dz µσ = z0 − c / 2 ∫ ( )() dz z − z0 ρ z z0 − c / 2 ∆V = 4πµσ ∆Vvac µ δ+ (110) (011)-2x1 -0.3 eV +2.0 eV *e- h+ (110) δJ. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 19, 213203 (2007). δ(011)-2x1 h+ *e- δ+ µ z Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 STM: +2V (HSE03) Ob-vac/OHb e-charging Figure 3 Calculated electronic structure of Ob-vac and OHb. (a) Right: The integrated number of electrons in the BGS calculated as ∆n=n(E) – n(EVBmax) where EVBmax < E < EFermi and n(EVBmax) is the number of electrons below the valence band maximum. Left: the total density of states for the optimized layers. Figure 4 STM and STS of the Ob-vac along with theoretical simulations. (a) 10 Å × 13 Å topographic STM image at ~4.5 K (2 V, 0.03 nA) recorded simultaneously with the STS data. (b) Current map (-2 V) recorded at the same tip-surface distance as in (a). Simulated STM images (+2V, 10-7 e Å-3) and current maps (-2V) are shown for Ob-vac0 in (c) and (d), for Ob-vac1- in (e) and (f), and for Ob-vac2- in (g) and (h). Ti5c rows are indicated by black lines and an ‘X’ marks the Ob-vac. CITS: -2V Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 µσ = z0 − c / 2 ∫ ( )() dz z − z0 ρ z z0 − c / 2 ( ) () E f X q = E X q − Eclean − ∑ ni µi − q∆µe + ∆Fvib i Fermi energy for polarized Xq system ∆µ e = E F − EVBM + ∆V Change in electron potential ∆V = 4πµσ Shift in electrostatic potential due to surface polarization (Xq) Fermi energy for unpolarized bulk system (VB maximum) [1] a) J. Appl. Phys. 95, 3851 (2004); b) Phys. Rev. B 46, 16067 (1992); c) Phys. Rev. B 51, 4014 (1995); d) Phys. Rev. B 59, 12301-12304 (1999); e) J. Phys.: Condens. Mat. 19, 213203 (2007) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 Conclusions • Both Tiint and Ovac induce Band Gap States (BGS) • Both Tiint and Ovac induced BGS are scavenged by exposure to O2(g) • Tiint-donated electron surplus is necessary to account for TiO2(110) reactivity towards O2(g) (and other oxidants...) • Questionable presence of Tiint in the immediate subsurface region (1st-3rd tri-layer) • TiO2(110) reactivity governed by accumulation of Tiint-donated electron surplus at surface traps (Ovac/OHbr) • Suggested mechanism fully compatible with the absence of BGS for TiO2 thin-films (high-temperature annealing of pre-adsorbed Ti layers in the presence of O2(g)) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 Acknowledgments (involved .AND. bothered) • Werner A. Hofer • Nikolaos S. Beglitis, Andrew J. Fisher • Anthoula C. Papageorgiou, Chi L. Pang, Gregory Cabailh, Qiao Chen, Geoff Thornton (bothered) • Alex Shluger, David Muñoz Ramo • Daniel Sanchez Portal • Georg Kresse EPSRC-UK (EP/C541898/1) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 Outlook Experimental maximum Tiint concentration: 1 every 800 cells1 (4800 atoms) finite size effects vs accurate description of 3d states HSE06: 3x2-4L slab (2-2) 24 cells (144 atoms) LSDA+U: 3x2-8L slab (2-6) 48 cells (288 atoms) Surf. Sci. 419, 174-187 (1999) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 Linear scaling O(N) methods NO CUTOFF ↔ NO SPARSE MATRIXES ↨ cpu: O(N3), mem: O(N2) Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 243, 989 (2006) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 xσ e −2 xσ / 3 2 2 / 3 ρσ5 / 3 = π 3 xσ − 2 Qσ ( ) 1 Qσ = ∇ 2 ρσ − 2γDσ , γ = 0.8 6 ( 1 ∇ρσ Dσ = tσ − 4 ρσ 2 fitted parameters: α, β ) 2 F. Tran et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 226401 (2009) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 • electronic affinity at (3d) site (?!?) • energy localization of BGS vs CB and vacuum level (?!?) • real space localization of BGS (?!?) • polaron hopping barries (?!?) F. Tran et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 226401 (2009) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 N. Marzari, D. Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. B 56, 12847 (1997) • MLWF exponentially localized • ground-state energy invariant with respect to Umn(k) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 FFT: NFFTln(NFFT) ρij(r) i,j=1,Ne PW implementation: Ne2 x NFFTln(NFFT) X. Wu et al., Phys. Rev. B 79, 085102 (2009) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 Bloch orbitals -> MLWF ϕ j (r ) < ρ cut ⎯ ⎯→υij (r )ϕ j (r ) = 0 2 • reduced number of non-zero pair exchanges (vij) • calculated on reduced (real space) grid • independent of system size (ρcut) Discretization of eq. 9) finite-difference linear matrix equations: Ax=b CD-optimization of f(x)=½xTAx - bTx + c X. Wu et al., Phys. Rev. B 79, 085102 (2009) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 • ρcut vs electronic affinity at (3d) site (?!?) • ρcut vs energy localization of BGS vs CB and vacuum level (?!?) • ρcut vs real space localization of BGS (?!?) • ρcut vs polaron hopping barries (?!?) X. Wu et al., Phys. Rev. B 79, 085102 (2009) Warwick EPSRC Symposium 2008/2009 Challenges in Scientific Computing 24th-28th August 2009 THANK YOU