WMG Service Systems Research Group Reading List Updated: Dec 2014

WMG Service Systems Research Group
Reading List
Updated: Dec 2014
Note: All papers should be read in chronological order
Value and Value (co) creation and co-production
Payne A & Holt S (2001). Diagnosing customer value: Integrating the value process and
relationship marketing. British Journal of Management, 12, 159-182.
Payne A, Storbacka K & Frow P (2008). Managing the co-creation of value. Academy of
Marketing Science, 36(1), 83–96
Vargo SL, Maglio PP & Akaka MA (2008). On value and value co-creation: A service
systems and service logic perspective. European Management Journal, 26, 145– 152.
Smith L & Ng ICL (2012). Service Systems for Value Co-Creation. A book chapter in
preparation for Managing Services: Challenges and Innovation, Kathryn Haynes and
Irena Grugulis (Eds).
Interim location: WMG Service Systems Research Group Working Paper Series, paper
number 01/12, ISSN 2049-4297. Accessible at: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/41098/
Ng ICL & Smith, LA (2012) An integrative framework of value. Review of Marketing
Research, Special Issue on Toward a Better Understanding of the Role of Value in
Markets and Marketing, Stephen L. Vargo and Robert Lusch (Eds) Vol 9, pp 207-243.
Also available as: WMG Service Systems Research Group Working Paper Series, paper
number 03/12, ISSN 2049-4297. Accessible at: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/41761/
Ng I, Parry G, Smith L, Maull R & Briscoe G (2012). Transitioning from a goods-dominant
to a service-dominant logic: Visualising the value proposition of Rolls-Royce. Journal of
Service Management, Iss 3, forthcoming.
Also available as: WMG Service Systems Research Group Working Paper Series, paper
number 05/12, ISSN 2049-4297. Accessible at: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/42144/
Service and Service Science
Vargo S & Lusch R (2004). Evolving to a new dominant logic in marketing. Journal of
Marketing, 68, 1-17.
Vargo SL & Lusch RF (2008). Service-dominant logic: Continuing the evolution, Journal of
the Academy of Marketing Science, 36, 1-10.
Vargo SL, Maglio PP & Akaka MA (2008). On value and value co-creation: A service
systems and service logic perspective. European Management Journal, 26, 145– 152.
Spohrer J, Vargo SL, Caswell N & Maglio PP (2008). The service system is the basic
abstraction of service science. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International
Conference on System Science, January, p. 104.
Ng ICL, Maull RS & Smith, L (2011). Embedding the New Discipline of Service Science in
The Science of Service Systems, Demirkan, Spohrer and Krishna Eds., 2010 volume in
“Service Science: Research and Innovations (SSRI) in the Service Economy” Book Series,
Springer - ISSN: 1865-4924, forthcoming.
Interim location: Ng ICL, Maull RS & Smith, L (2010). Embedding the New Discipline of
Service Science, University of Exeter Business School Discussion papers in Management,
paper number 09/01 ISSN 1472-2939
Ng ICL, Badinelli R, Dinauta P, Halliday S, Löbler H & Polese F (2012). S-D Logic: Research
Directions and Opportunities: The Perspective of Systems, Complexity and Engineering,
Marketing Theory, Jun, 12 (2), 213-217.
New business models
Johnson MW, Christensen CM & Kagermann H (2008). Reinventing Your Business Model,
Harvard Business Review, 86 (12), 50-59.
Nenonen S & Storbacka K (2009). Business model design: conceptualising networked
value co-creation. In The 2009 Naples Forum on Services: Service-Dominant Logic,
Service Science, and Network Theory Naples.
Zott C, Amit R & Massa L (2011). The Business Model: Recent Developments and Future
Research. Journal of Management, 37 (4), 1019-42
Ng I & Briscoe G (2012) Value, Variety and Viability: New Business Models for CoCreation in Outcome-based Contracts. International Journal of Service Science,
Management, Engineering, and Technology, forthcoming. Interim location: WMG
Service Systems Research Group Working Paper Series, paper number 06/12, ISSN 20494297. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/42446/
Product Service System
Oliva R & Kallenberg R (2003). Managing the transition from products to services.
International Journal of Service Industry Management, 14(2), 160-172.
Baines TS, Lightfoot HW, Benedettini O & Kay JM (2009). The servitization of
manufacturing A review of literature and reflection on future challenges. Journal of
Manufacturing Technology Management, 20(5), 547-567.
Smith L, Maull R & Ng ICL (2012). Servitization and Operations Management: A Service
Dominant Logic Approach, conditionally accepted for International Journal of
Operations and Production Management. Working paper at http://businessschool.exeter.ac.uk/research/areas/topics/management/outputs/publication/?id=682
Digital Innovation
Yoo Y, Boland Jr R, Lyytinen K, Majchrzak A (2012) Organizing for Innovation in the
Digitized World. Organization Science, 23(5), Sept–Oct, 1398–1408
Modularity, Incomplete Product, Product Architecture
Baldwin C (2008). Where Do Transactions Come From ? Modularity , Transactions , and
the Boundaries of Firms. Industrial and Corporate Change, 17(1), 155–195.
Campagnolo D & Camuffo A (2010). The concept of modularity in management studies:
A literature review. International Journal of Management Reviews, 12(3), 259–283.
Salvador F (2007). Toward a Product System Modularity Construct: Literature Review
and Reconceptualization. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 54(2), 219–
Simon HA (1962). The Architecture of Complexity. Proceedings of the American
Philosophical Society, 106(6), 467–482.
Ulrich K (1995). The role of product architecture in the manufacturing firm. Research
Policy, 24(3), 419–440.
Voss C & Hsuan J (2009). Service Architecture and Modularity. Decision Sciences, 40(3),
Yoo Y, Henfridsson O & Lyytinen K (2010) Research Commentary —The New Organizing
Logic of Digital Innovation: An Agenda for Information Systems Research. Information
Systems Research, 21(4), pp.724–735.
Value and Value (co) creation and co-production
Mattsson J (1997). Beyond service quality in search of relationship values. Management
Decision, 35 (4), 305-06.
de Chernatony L, Harris F, & Dall'Olmo Riley F (2000). Added value: Its nature, roles and
sustainability. European Journal of Marketing, 34 (1/2), 39.
Prahalad CK & Ramaswamy V (2000). Co-opting customer competence. Harvard
Business Review, 78 (January), 79–90.
Khalifa AS (2004). Customer value: A review of recent literature and an integrative
configuration. Management Decision, 42(5), 645-666
Prahalad CK & Ramaswamy V. (2004). Co-creation experiences: The next practice in
value creation. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18 (3), 5-14
Anderson JC, Kumar N, & Narus JA (2007). Value Merchants: Demonstrating and
Documenting Superior Value in Business Markets. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard
Business School Press.
Sanchez-Fernandez, R & Iniesta-Bonillo MA (2007). The concept of perceived value: a
systematic review of the research. Marketing Theory, 7 (4), 427-51.
Smith JB & Colgate M (2007). Customer value creation: a practical framework. Journal of
Marketing Theory & Practice, 15 (1), 7-23.
Ordanini A & Pasini P (2008). Service co-production and value co-creation: The case for a
service-oriented architecture (SOA). European Management Journal, 26(5) (October),
Messinger PR, Li J, Stroulia E, Galletta D, Ge X. & Choi S. (2009). Seven Challenges to
Combining Human and Automated Service, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences,
26(4), December, 267–285.
Ng ICL (2010). Value and systems perspectives in combining human and automated
services: Commentary on “Seven Challenges to Combining Human and Automated
Service”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 27: 81–84
Ng I, Guo L & Ding Y (2012) Continuing Use of Information Technology as Value Cocreation: The Role of Contextual Variety and Means Drivenness. WMG Service Systems
Research Group Working Paper Series, paper number 07/12, ISSN 2049-4297.
Service and Service Science
Johns N (1999). What is this thing called service? European Journal of Marketing, 33
(9/10), 958-73.
Chesbrough H & Spohrer J (2006). A research manifesto for service science.
Communications of the ACM, 49 (7), 35–40.
Sampson SE & Froehle CM (2006). Foundations and Implications of a Proposed Unified
Services Theory. Production and Operations Management 15 (2), Summer, pp. 329-343.
Woodruff RB & Flint DJ (2006). “Marketing’s service-dominant logic and customer
value," in The Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate and Directions,
Robert F. Lusch and Stephen L. Vargo, Ed. New York: M.E. Sharpe.
Spohrer J, Maglio PP, Bailey J & Gruhl D (2007). Steps toward a science of service
systems. Computer, 40 (1), 71-77.
Lusch R, Vargo S & Wessels G (2008). Toward a conceptual foundation for service
science: Contributions from service-dominant logic. IBM Systems Journal 47(1), pp 5-14.
Ostrom AL, Bitner MJ, Brown SW, Burkhard KA, Goul, Smith-Daniels V, Demirkan H, and
Rabinovich E. (2010). Moving Forward and Making a Difference: Research Priorities for
the Science of Service. Journal of Service Research, forthcoming
Smith L, Ng ICL & Maull R (2012) The Three Value Cycles of Equipment Based Service.
Ng ICL Vargo SL & Smith LA (2012) Reconceptualising Service through a ServiceDominant Logic. Book chapter in preparation for Managing Services: Challenges and
Innovation, Kathryn Haynes and Irena Grugulis (Editors).
Interim location: WMG Service Systems Research Group Working Paper Series, paper
number 02/12, ISSN 2049-4297. Accessible at: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/41099/
New Business Models
Mahadevan B (2000). Business Models for Internet-Based E-Commerce: An Anatomy.
California Management Review, 42 (4), 55-69.
Amit R & Zott C (2001). Value Creation in E-Business. Strategic Management Journal, 22
(6/7), 493-520.
Hedman J & Kalling T (2003). The business model concept: theoretical underpinnings
and empirical illustrations. European Journal of Information Systems, 12, 49-59.
Yip GS (2004). Using Strategy to Change Your Business Model. Business Strategy Review,
15 (2), 17-24.
Morris M, Schindehutte M & Allen J (2005). The entrepreneur's business model: toward
a unified perspective. Journal of Business Research, 58 (6), 726-35.
Shafera SM, Smitha HJ & Linderb JC (2005). The power of business models. Business
Horizons, 48 (3), 199-207.
Tikkanen H, Lamberg J-A, Parvinen P & Kallunki J-P (2005). Managerial cognition, action
and the business model of the firm. Management Decision, 43 (5/6), 789-809.
Chesbrough H (2006). Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting
from Technology. Boston. MA (Harvard Business School Press), pp.2006.
Chesbrough HW (2007). Why Companies Should Have Open Business Models. MIT Sloan
Management Review, 48 (2), 22-28.
Eyring MJ, Johnson MW &Nair H (2008). New Business Models In Emerging Markets.
Harvard Business Review, 89 (1/2), 88-95.
Baden-Fuller C & Morgan MS(2010). Business Models as Models. Long Range Planning,
43 (2-3), 156-71.
Chesbrough H (2010). Business Model Innovation: Opportunities and Barriers. Long
Range Planning 43, 354-363.
Teece DJ (2010). Business Models, Business Strategy and Innovation. Long Range
Planning, 43 (2-3), 172-94.
Chesbrough H (2011): Open Services Innovation: Rethinking Your Business to Grow and
Compete in a New Era [Hardcover], San Francisco (Wiley) 2011.
Systems, Variety
Ashby WR (1958) Requisite variety and its implications for the control of complex
systems, Cybernetica 1:2, p. 83-99.
Weinberg G (1975). An Introduction to General Systems Thinking, Wiley.
Checkland P (1981). Systems Thinking, Systems Practice. John Wiley & Sons
Beer S (1985) Diagnosing the System for Organizations; John Wiley, London and New
Alcott B (2005). Jevons' Paradox. Ecological Economics 54(1), 9-21.
Frei F (2006). Breaking the Trade-Of Between Efficiency and Service. Harvard Business
Review, November, 92-101.
Maglio PP, Srinivasan S, Kreulen JT & Spohrer J (2006). Service Systems, Service
Scientists, SSME, and Innovation. Communications of the ACM, 49 (7), 81-85
Golinelli GM (2010). Viable Systems Approach (VSA) Governing Business Dynamics.
Milan: Wolters Kluwer Italia Srl.
Badinelli R, Barile S, Ng I, Polese F, Saviano M & Di Nauta P (2012) Viable Service
Systems and Decision Making in Service Management. Journal of Service Management
2011 Naples Forum on Service Special Issue, Issue 23, No 4, forthcoming.
Also available as: WMG Service Systems Research Group Working Paper Series, paper
number 08/12, ISSN 2049-4297. Accessible at: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/45743/
Product Service System
Vandermerwe S & Rada J (1988). Servitization of business: Adding value by adding
services. European Management Journal, 6 (4), 314-324.
Tukker A (2004). Eight types of product service system: eight ways to sustainability?
Experiences from SusProNet. Business Strategy and the Environment, 13, 246-60.
Baines TS, Lightfoot HW, Evans S, Neely A, Greenough R, Peppard J, Roy R, Shehab E,
Braganza A, Tiwari A, Alcock JR, Angus JP, Bastl M, Cousens A, Irving P, Johnson M,
Kingston J, Lockett H, Martinez V, Michele P, Tranfield D, Walton IM & Wilson H (2007).
“State-of-the-art in product-service systems” in Proceedings of the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 221(10), 494-519.
Pawar KS, Beltagui A & Riedel JCKH (2009). The PSO triangle: designing product, service
and organisation to create value. International Journal of Operations & Production
Management, 29(5), 468 – 493.
Ulaga W & Reinartz WJ (2011). Hybrid Offerings: How Manufacturing firms combine
goods and services effectively, Journal of Marketing, 75(6), 5-23.
Outcome-based Contracts
Ng I, Maull R & Yip N. (2009). Outcome-based contracts as a driver for systems thinking
and service-dominant logic in service science: Evidence from the defence industry.
European Management Journal, 27(6), 377–387.
Ng ICL, Williams J & Neely A (2009), Outcome-based contracting: Changing the
boundaries of B2B customer relationships: An Executive Briefing. Advanced Institute of
Ng ICL, Nudurupati S & Tasker P, (2010) Value Co-creation in Outcome-based Contracts
for Equipment-based Service, AIM working paper series, WP No 77 - May – 2010;
http://www.aimresearch.org/index.php?page=wp-no-77 under second review in Journal
of Service Research
Ng ICL & Nudurupati S (2010) Outcome-Based Service Contracts in the Defence Industry
– Mitigating the Challenges. Journal of Service Management, 21(5), 656-674.
Ng ICL, Ding X & Yip N (2012) Outcome-based Contracts as New Business Model: The
Role of Partnership and Value-driven Relational Assets. WMG Service Systems Research
Group Working Paper Series 04/12. Accessible at: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/41763/
Pricing of Service
Tung W& Capella LM (1997). Service pricing: A multi-step synthetic approach, Journal of
Services Marketing, 11 (1), 53.
Hoffman KD, Turley LW & Kelley SW (2002). Pricing retail services, Journal of Business
Research, 55 (12), 1015-23.
Matanovich T (2003). Pricing Services vs. Pricing Products, Marketing Management, 12
(4), 12-13.
Fleischmann M, Hall JM & Pyke DF (2004). Smart Pricing, MIT Sloan Management
Review, 45 (2), 9-13.
Feldman, DM (2005). Cents of Making Pricing, Marketing Management, 14 (3), 21-25.
Ng ICL (2007) The Pricing and Revenue Management of Services: A Strategic Approach,
published by Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis, under the Advances in
Management and Business Studies, hardback, released Jul 2007 (paperback release Mar
Hinterhuber A (2008) Customer value-based pricing strategies: why companies resist,
Journal of Business Strategy, 29 (4), 41-50.
Ng, ICL (2009) A Demand-Based Model for the Advanced and Spot Pricing of Services,
Journal of Product & Brand Management, 18(7), 517-528
Ng, ICL (2010). The Future of Pricing and Revenue Models, Journal of Revenue and
Pricing Management, 9(3), 276-281
Modularity, Incomplete Product, Product Architecture
Baldwin C & Clark K (1997). Managing in an Age of Modularity. Harvard Business
Review, 75(5), 84–93.
Fixson SK & Park J (2008). The power of integrality: Linkages between product
architecture, innovation, and industry structure. Research Policy, 37(8), 1296–1316.
Gawar A (2009). Platform Dynamics and Strategies: from products to services. In A.
Gawar, ed. Platforms, Markets and Innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing,
Miraglia S (2014) Systems Architectures and Innovation : the Modularity-Integrality
Framework. Cambridge Service Alliance Working Paper, 1–18.
Ng I, Scharf K, Pogrebna G, & Maull R, (2014) Contextual Variety, Internet-of-Things and
the Choice of Tailoring over Platforming: Mass Customisation Strategy in Supply Chain
Management. International Journal of Production Economics, (May).
Ng I & Wakenshaw S (2013) The Role of Marketing in the Design and Innovation of
Future Products in the Connected Digital Economy. Working Paper. Coventry, UK: WMG,
University of Warwick. (WMG Service Systems Research Group Working Paper Series).
Yoo Y, Boland Jr RJ, Lyytinen K, & Majchrzak A (2012) Organizing for Innovation in the
Digitzed World. Organization Science, 23(5), 1398-1408
Yoo Y (2013) The Table Has Turned: How can IS field contribute to the technology and
innovation management? Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 14(5),