3TXQThIPi !J PLT SIZE A F PROG5D FAJW XU V OL? JM :1uDi r :T oi ALUt *t tG rint tox th. 0 un 957 Redacted for privacy Pr.Sas*oir of Artou1ti&raJ Icøntcs Redacted for privacy Redacted for privacy Redacted for privacy of Gduats School ThNI* peiented *ptfl $, 197 TypW by ftutthtns CrxO11 $trsth The wtthDr 4ebee to zpr Iis $.ere pdtio to ,U wh I }r r itz4 wil3ingn*ss to acoipt at the Lut **tt the tiok of typla*, thta List ot Tab,es List of Fir4s ioa1 Sp Utt4sts ent Ints tor flve 3$ 3* z41dinj t**,tUtis and ?]ant Layout M14inj zat. and Mat.r1 1Ddt. PIrtt tyait amd Dietribti Pl4nt xziett 3tdazs Can oø2. ot F1.00i' psca 40 45 qtdi*ent torae? P*in çuipent iJot 50 St aptstor Boiler tr1.rstj q4*sst 52 UtUiantion 3eh4,s 5) 5, o. 44er Lba and aU.e d Utilimiitti P'ant Cre wd Lat ...ox'k Sohdu1os otU.e, C,, snd sn 3tp1tøs n.rs3 ?ict upp1is g ou Wst Produot Loss Pttcai. Inpi&ts Piw z*rt b' Cost 1osts P dcat Ir4puts tO $tS* sntl 4aint.nM 11? 3)9 13, 135 k*7 .nd Canc3us.ons là', U List o( ie$ Table 3. Disttttui of floor spae. to oost centers tar five isod.1 plants based on mna1.is of Oreg* plants, 1956. Table table 5. 6. The number of aen and total n hira per ;r required in five ad.l plaat. with can intake A4 glass and paper outpzt, Oregon oenditiis, 1956. 65 5gbedule of s*ppUes (or five de1 plants with glass and paper Oregon oonditiona, 1956. 66 rwrFm1 ; Table 9. stiaLted annual co u-iption of ,lastrtcity b lights and eqtzipaant in Ave sode1 plants with can jn$.k, nd glass and pa per ootput, Oregon conditions, 1956. table 10. 75 5uaaz7 of total physical irkt. for five 4I1 plants with can intake and glass and paper ontpat, Oregon conditions, 1956, 19 ?able 3.2, Avrge daily labor for tp.oited functions in five mo4eX 3..nt,s with can intake output, Oregon conditione Table d 1aes arid paper 1.956, ITtJts per quart for *pecifirnd piccea cit op*ipuant in five nodel p13ntJ with can intake and paper output1 Oregon conditions, 1956. ?sb31 4. Table 15. Table 1.6. Table 1.7. Table 1* 1aee and Fow..r requironets per quart by specified function for five nodo1 plants with can intake and glass and paper output, Oregon ma tious, 1.956. $6 $ quart equivalent for each kind of aupply for five aods1 p1nts with &au and paper output, Oregon conditions, 3.956. 90 Floor space per 1,000 quarts by specifies twicttcis tar five iaodsl plants based on an analysis of Oregon plants, l956 93 List of prices for the physical. npu% of esdel plant X, Oregon prices, 1956, 94 Suazy of total costs with the sane price faa' all ical inputs for five sodel plants With OSfl, intake and glass nd paper output, Oregon pri, 1956. Table 3.9. Table 23.. Suneary at unit coats with th. sane price for all physical Inputs for five el plants with can in. take 3nd glue and paper output, Oregon prices, 1956. 1'L*1 oil. costs for tiv ;cdsl. pl&nt.a With ci take and glass and paper 1956, Tabis 22. Table 23. 99 tput, Oregon prics, Power Goats for five 404*2. plants with can intake and glass and paper output, Oregon rates, 3.%, 3.0* 109 eUaat.ed annual exp.adtures on boiler Water for five isodel plants With can. intaks and glass and paper output, Oregon conditions, 1954. ill Tab].. 24, Table 25. Table 26, Schedul, of sup1ies for tivs model. plants with glass 4 paper autpat, Qregoi price., 1956. EMildi,ng oosts ttmates for five 133 dl plants, 1956 pricea. 120 Total tnd unit aosts for building intancs and repair for five nod3. plants, Oregon priaes 1956. 3.22 :TZ. Table ø. table 29, Table 3].I ThIs 33, Table 34, Total and unit aUmvsnces for equimt aaia tenance and repair for five øikj plants with can intake and gloss and paper output, Oregon prices, 1956. 3.26 Estimated values for building lets for tue sodel plants, Oregon conditions, 1956, 1) .atimated interest on investment for five ode.l plants with can intake and glass and paper out put, Oregon rtee, 1956. 133. Other coot, for Live mad.]. plants with san intak* in4 glass and paper otitput, Oregen prices, 1956. 334 5u**ary of total oosts for five model plants with can intake and glass and paper ontput, Oregon prices, 3.956 Table 35, Table 36. sary of unit scat, for Liv. modal plants with can intake and glass and paper output, Oregon prices, 1956. 33? Costs per quart aquivs].ent for five madel pl&nts coepared to the costs in the eamUest plant, Oregon price., 1956. 140 List of Figu's ?Lgnr 2.. Figure 2. Figure 3. The relationship between total, ti3sd, sad varl*bla c*ste. 7 Tb. average unit cast curve 1er a hypothetical plant 7 The relationship between long run and abort rue av.rap cost curves. rigsz'e i. . Figure Figure 6. 7, Long run average cost curve with canstant aVera casts per unit. 9 Long run averae cost curve with svage costs per unit decreasing at u eontant rete, 9 Long run. average cost curv, with averfte ecots per unit increasing at a cenet9nt rate, 9 Long run average coat osrvs with average costs per unit riret decreasing and then increasing, 9 Figure a, discon.tinz*ow areg. cost curve for labor in p.th.tto*l dsirr plant. 13. f f.i13r of h7potttesl averse cast curves with a diseontinos long run average cast curve, 13 a Figure 9. Uir [L! P flgura 15. Libor itpat op*'*tio and ti1i$stiun i4 øz 1nt ØX with øan int Lad Zus d pcp.r oLttut, Fi4pU 17. Tha tianahj, b.Wan tetml p*'qda p.s' qrt, LqivasuL and aLas at plant tGI ta with oan Intake imd glaa az8 prper aiUgw*, 3956. 300 Ltionijp between labor ait per qua*4 at plt tar five ode1 p1L%ta with aiw ink, and Laas and r O&*' pit, Qreon rt*a, 1956, 106 outpitt, Or. FJ4si 57 ie. The i8Ur. 2*. coiç*ri. qumrt of icel input. and oets per va3*t foP bsi1tI diprieI.ti* and a in liv. de1 p1nt., OrSij øanstxaotion east .stjmatas, 3956. 121 FItir. 23. Ca,srjsen betimas .quipet daprsoiatian and teasnee comt per quart equivalent and aLas or pInt for tiv. t.3 te with a intake ad paper aut*t Orson, 1956. [j 4 12$ E3 in t.he 1i;_:i* ?roe1 p.3i pty &ttie t4 4oe rot rquLr pitti Dititirn ptttexns &ta bv Cnst M thfr aor hv daLd the 1th r uLtty both pe £ thLr snd inmcttoris ite wlit pr*i J*7O tLL. er4*1tn mar i.tin *vra $j$ action hss tdd to bre LT rsther U t. t,o Lt th ctin to ions Zs or *ss, t 1at ty Seth pu*ira Tfl rs m ists have b p*'orsm. cni rthr th sonal prrerc P!ier a1i* olin t *10 siabiø ee o Lnt wttt pro.sMn4 cet, d ndL as the stse ot oprsUrn .Lzr'ues rtation wtit T eoste, on the ether b&ii, ncese tLth the qion ot A b st nrnn,red stio t tt p4xjt do e4*e beji atz tz fluid r4lk ir th soae in pL..t ra1td y ir'd to b th CGts iA th md. Jtotrtbtioi et d1k. Itt*nsbip bet* deJ v e0a%$0 ot 4]Jt; pse to tin aeaa3 p1nt pr twe t t buti L1 i, otwj *' tJie rtionthip at ixpo r o of this Wy w to unit pi pl*t op raw j*g Th - Tha of one 'oits at p*ri io r*s eov 2G tha'e pJt phieai porzt, ttr.t*4tion, !h itt tjr we O ritt. oC t1ut 41k p*s rnLttiwa, This ty w tr ot ti riL t pr4*sriij $th rr of t& aQç1.Mt ir pI:;t (27). t Xah by zue h 7 Total daily cost Figure 1. The relationship between total, fixed, and variable costs. Average cost per unit Daily volume Figure 2. The average unit cost curve for a hypothetical plant. Average cost per unit Individual plant average cost curves --- / Long run average cost curve Daily volume Figure 3. The relationship between long run and short run average cost curves. 9 Average cost per unit Figure 4. Long run average cost curve with constant average costs per unit. Average cost. per unit Figure 5. Long run average cost curve with average costs per unit decreasing at a constant rate. Average cost per unit Figure 6. Long run average cost curve with average costs per unit increasing at a constant rate. Average cost per unit Daily volume Figure 7. Long run average cost curve with average costs per unit first decreasing and then increasing. p1nt ii2 coat ron Jatry fx . L ithr Of fon b ot ud- k ot pituit ivm tr:jt TL 4,it Y7 to 1up. Yt . g i. £n 5J COti%, 4Y a 4 m&&t 1te 3kbJ t U' t3i$ prGirW. 1!t $j øst 3.or tUt .iiL !XJ vo1ue pth t t;V Of jjr Ui ILth$r Of cL Vrt;1 or Will. iLr .trt or $It rator, Lbor U i 1at.L' tt n b tfA*t . c ur t4:: in T ;t iOr 8 F.tre to p1nU J, uint, t i iU ikor ntpiit U4 *t4 th Thi rt t sot 7, :d li it iLth:Lp rte ;u o: nit tgs 't . i of V1I1t tO Cot O. p.ft. .trr; £it tAt tiht t 11 Average cost per unit Daily volume Fi'ure . A discontinuous average cost curve for labor in a hypo thetical dairy plants. L: (1' 9), tV t Ltr, f t. rw c tr r.t:1j; pi'e. xit t ir Lpt v$ ttc tJ1 Lt* to çg rtitur42,' ug onLy Lr ctity to O Th o i11 ipL .tpttt. t tW 47g . b aLa. tun &vw& t i Oi'i. c :, t rft .o.t Ioti r tWO i th, k1nu i O R;} ( t4 xtt : tO 1ti3tL to gI p4tii '4 .:r&;L tI2. t ii. c.. :'jr iM2tj. t YL, at Individual Plant average cost curves Average cost pr Unit Theoretical long run average cost curve Daily volume Figure 9. A family of hypothetical average cost curves with a discontinuous long run average cost curve. u1zi& o &t,G1, t vi1bjU, o tbc dMa. U, i.i wt ed, b,r t.h o e therm a,r r4ps Q pLe eiin. If iterr at t. oo or t tBe he 34 D i e t* f th wiLhIc. .GT Uto1 tnyeis i iih1z. lri or uu @:t tid £r epLe to y t*r, tht sail.bie eie ythetLc tcty. rhtti or bget tabJ.ot. to the aoMs. it httoric wev, Uoro vu,b to r tore t * p1& or wpLo of pInt om tL tatd ipLed erlior, th ho exp TAc lzbox" r;ixi i: U !r *oet isij tt f.rv ntheU at±ttc1 tho ed ctt* Gt .no ievo3p. iri a yothett o1 07 d the wor ditl, stu8ied tL4jeijj' Yoritied. be rth dth e zndox* op.r4.ti in troye4 3te. it t Uattetic&1. be fcund. tziq vri iqze he v r&gee or the U 4ysb, it aUa#e t*4 ritt1ow o pt of pob1s era1i, Wa tbi othe hind., ie not joti iid to the ta IA oc qte iilr ude Ii41 objøt.ion rr. at C tbø th t the 'tIv Th 1r t t atti h o *4 CLU to to L7 pflt% L2ai 14. tU* t t riflJor4t7 p1tgud bath emJiig for r1ti ot i4ta t. .ith Vn rctor tfcti Dt pLcdn d*M .t w eportet aot on 4tliLct to s td1 Thi .. priar to th ver .tr t rpctiv tti it y. a ir*prp.r toal tar mdust pret* t thti thod. hxe O PL i tL t tMe ttttia1 itã thot tlrnt tuid r1.yix r&1 th at jd at.dned tr'rr4 !r i od1 lik*ly a attu&1 p1zts iv.1j trnt zthitic rtui twt1 Orn ctt the o*t& diiop dtAtti t t rar1 ta ti at aOt 3t Uts A pzott1 gdi gop pL*nnii *d* iy vtI* Thetftr8, ti in rica irt1d how: to titit. athods, rvv $ i.1ir vdt ; rAit.1 b48et. toø ti erae ast *i**t th Inithl survq at tai pb.rzts id a2ittio thor.ti&i aat. Aø bav 4$ to co1 is ojr LtJ rot zrut thsia ia rtips? -I (7) 14 (36, a d o thi WI) *f eo.t by h t:t AXt th o tev rr prb* r.tti tt Uo4 t atjtii irrii.. Cs tit **p1 o tw ete tdis. *s thi* a4 .A itht i bar9 o Tftat ctkriø (7). isteaii tiwrt!t ud i o;C t1.y, $a o*ti c i LbIi .i* siz., pra*et ri*ttGn w3 1924 it I r th iatw.. a rdti to y it Ai teiSa. To rte tJ ethoI '* wr odtc. ti eprations. ThL* e*taU i th 1t 192O u*d hrø a btwc to 1t1itt ozospt v*z1 i1 by ti 47i s4tit. tutry 927, Urt1tt (47) '3r*g im (ii) i4 ?wke (4S) j 1929 *ah p1i tt%m d1 ttt, b 1bor, ot vri..t; J tot;1 Att f ct .t$ Ui ppli, 192g, (4) civ1n. prnt Itcr ivi flO*, cn &bO bg ct wL ti td to inoi$ ct1 t.totp fr t; r i. ttL Ltory y t.t8 i.9O'a, Thsi wcie ttIr1 £ st*d ttii liLtiornthips, or d iverigø uiit oete tor p1nt rgin raUor, iet t, r*th.r, en aveNe rt in t 3j, ot ot tha reeu1th hUd durin te saLer f. oor rp ted (42) L..ter, he Alio, in 1.9%, It thiie4 b ..do Th Uier ne.*t cate tot 22 p1nt in d rçLne it f th rjin into 1eerttz7 eaet s of th totai riirin, I1C ci*r$, of deier rr hit4artea1. . :tik o! t4ik &zetttt p.4bli1thed n tiee (23). :Tor y) sttdy at upt&t ie dutd W Ui r.et ot or tor th. benefit of the*e agtee. in 1.9%, Co**Wflt itet aYr et Vtrinia f.øent et4y of pret Prob3.y tM rnost el tti tO o&t at this era wa prepared in 1.)ó tot the 4ette ilk Co,i1 ioar4 u*as.1. rvoy of proeesir gineerLn ti plant orde ty tot n ting i eots of proc aJ.eo, were tt p tot itdti;1 :tt of Ariittre rort, t&; fl.ui.d id1k in ut ettte (e. ,12) as.d on edi ot4iee fo iUoeati Tho teohnj etd 4th to eprt.mte. Thie iatLon of ieent, it aba aLLowed dat There were many caLif oet pp e The *f r4t.ian at vrg unit ..ete t proi%r. not oraj a1Aowi d aest. ouso ti ?, :t.it at h&d1er a iin tiae oste to individual. prthcte. deonetrited in t)ree reotz Liter bt eintiaj an4tjo*1 too3,. rot atring base date. tor etbetta .b I939 .fr -r wdt :]. Qu o*t (L7). 1p e or cb 1.*t curt o rçu i ii .O1LM4 of Jeree (4), Th tt Yi co ptt 4i WT 4tte1)t th OeC L t c çrt pac ftW7 Of t b*tLg gj in Uk t . rn1t. øesin thie at ft at iz Thu, tJMie fd i k wi pitnt pnta. the TP'ø qitboti n&iy % t & f Th& dtic iatz Um tar itg t ttii t rwy tb'iq& b4 Ai, rher brDe tc7t1 tto u ipt aoet. Xiit.r, t.h eo*t UX rt iir rrda. or '3 !3 th p3tt sr tWt ro.p thtt ts to ;tth 4. Ot cUt a fte ot i*!t r .p1t ir otnt i; Uu e LtiOrL of p]y rerth *IUi jvjr t. O. 1' iJ t ('a), pubttv 01 tht Th. ti4 e.s tion, 3ri.r' wøzic *w, foflowe e.t Co t4t&t t twjV hiverolt7 UUd .tj*t4n jjen of the *4 nthtto deex*t ton or (22). th It 1Ler p.in tot Iot t* to oji oo to date othw Fo or pIa* the nttutj itr o*etvoIe d.tet*in&Ue o tIod wj t tt*i, 1952, Fir? e1a, 4 I td' eer, cLjy 4t ted p to 4sv*1p inpt.t.o*pt th't * itsrei the uxti4n Tho Ltra1 .catt* od.1s i*r o &ptu'4 dth e1ta. zt tUY f t r ve tw1 p1t wi', a bsj tot yith itn' rtv* xoUw id Xr 1954, , ilsy, M o *b1tahtd pe tjsu (s), ooat* x*att t.oth rov tat tro v Wtter pts (SO). tor q thUi ttic, thc pIu (5O) * n Vee iog t wwo tot d4' pInts. nlng b i94B t4a i: iz of op j spray prce*, plante. qrtbtte Th øtiy for a tv both tv ate eite4 operati. re th jjyjj to ourv tbUj. rnze re 15b in milk Th (27). appisth t $4e ti ptht. a1.ys&a, VØ3 I 1951, crtr, othu' tr t]4 rd Tht ito 4n tin revtewed inth t, rthr, tc ret to <et*to einIt coto, wd pica1 a;ifiti thod UOe nd tbr a d1k reivtng ttirn (i3). ditterd fr tr poee wo U4 xpLad for w thod hts t* peio1 pctt .tin st4id t w t.tt1.titi. vtr twt;: foUes rU:r o27 ttt Of UeU fon4 rtt uiy (or thii prcjot. in tht The r pbUd htLott pd proU preb. 4* *11e wi3 itd e d t nt in p1rmir; a1taria a ivL; A irU. .r ws 3.bIJhc in 39 in thts i5,)t)3 :t ntheU nr, pner, y It tlit1e of t d in the ot.udy wo 2yi& pmt L.t1a pilot study to dtry t.hod for The irttpit t&t vt i1tionhip 'qjthj in i1k d ri.rae (15). c*0t4 '*re a3ao preaantoi. Uoti.r*t to po teat . lop 1ly j e tir of ixy pL'tt c** for th t ttt Yert .riitue, A osoo o thi ty i.*s in 1956 by 4 5) 51. n by Our Piroe t de?*p i d .St* itiittc* pLL fat dvrt of t4t Le rib1y r*thod .r tUa f d tbttt aw1.yie V of Anoth it at prtOa th pcuots. i.rs at otte the priet. t. orpio fi tta aacL pøUex to poc i5I. LA 1.95 to Ut dve1.op axt Pta ThØ *thd t03* OW Lyi pJ4 LA ry it t3y eWtry (24). voute o L4 natie a i Ixt %ó, H *xi t ti othw riiis at raearob. *. 0 for tnw *ftes at estbtit th. y Ut r pio nt oet tt n?tic t at wjvtsJ. 'g tf t i :c4 of coU1u id oti *tUs (1) et p* 7fltHi$iocI 67 tr (i.Id. c Lt t ieo tic. th Wt* H td d*11)pd. of t pt.ati perte1 ittoe, t work o 3n Lo&ips £ar tht thi tdi* icrip o in i1k ot wir. Goat It ia Car pit p 1do $a1A ot*. i *z7 atdt rooeuin i1vtL.y r pt tb1* zy LZtt1ftd tae for sU 4th r be Prthsr evid*a that th ddty Thid OQ$t$ not u&ti th wy thod, this ti, th tdtry ctho of r1yt kd bzt int?e Ie tw t1 rcqutr 'ot *t4**t 4at. tht to bt t.*ni*e1 e*t id py d1i. PrUr cr ti flt *irq n34yste. Otw ,*tho4 døt8fl*4 niste ve* ie dght be c11i* b theø oe t iaet, eo ot the pttø*1 eito I t1r wed. dty vttIfth1e w ?U*rcor, tt Uts dtI t idsrb1 i.t.outpat reLt ipe rned@ i& sthtL but n qnthia we Pxb&iy the ot eit Stbe Ztr Gt i4 33) tar *. exive averg ot ti4i co*t p iz erte p* L.hd 194w to 95 tire (29,3U,,32 CttOn oft eve t tt ior dt.e4 opertim unit Uo c :ieo bti ive 4eierP. *r&tt*t. ntei w eibilttL ti the i&ti Øf Y k cpe oott bstwee pLnt vith the fernt jee, wr, th dd& that tz Ut v..1oped, *4Af d dned in Lthte detiil 1 within wa si ti were 8ert1k e to Lnt tC tti#m t o dtZ ccpi1d thtia sthi by Ciør, Spneer nd i publishd Qøthz Ig i952 .i3rt.ett th of proceuing pLt (3) * stx ;e were deYc1op Uou or *Ua ig fl qur per iad ot 1Lø in etaU e r anU p7ia1. d*t th of tM ot 1atxr xir. t Thi .bliattn br ota x' iddJar piant8. wua1 trwt,itor7 W&t rvid for a 2*& iu .f'ilUn tt.h wIth for ee punt after it awithed to ai aU paper operation U6), earcb workor te&ted p to fror b mter4 with g1u, anc to by tU plant. w coats, for itab. theU aa7ai of a id Ja. nthi *tjn, Ce o.f c,et rc:ird 2,5X) to 3,5(X) c;u*'t pr d. of four pJit thxt o d t t'to pirt were I.ici) tooI pt (39) tu 1 tht pro.ci. ott pub1ithad U nth ti pr Uq for uze in a T in 1ive pit hore pcer hur, of the a ttty ot1 M.ring the 1 tnt nd *rr&pd to ty *tO$ iresi, eottn, th O bO%ht h Uery operatior per & s prerrM tth t4rpa of iVed 41k, beth ae at ot of pin& silk in te.rtn th Th xleta7 Mt1dLa of red re cot' T dtG no teu1t have bn uUhed spplicsble to tb pbntb. ttta o' voessjr cot fr t ct th tLt pc,, vy ft in 1 ø*toIwø r ationhtp in th txdi tt:atee Li proiig p3rt, O.t U tbiid roi4, onLy th000 by *m int for .h of iior1 iu trick (22), i4 eti Iker (27), I*i oever, beth of ittv ot Ond it Ufl$utt4Lble WW a rct of orition, b1aiW, vio$ or oo joz'it.y ot t. wori rit prtc vra t g1p ot pt t}t ift sh study of cotiIu tionhtpa. of the tudtc Crtr, *ao, an .3oott, on t1 ufftd tdtd or xp1. thw hd, twted optrsticn, int. in oitry terie. ht thG' of p1nts, re baed ,ra kro 11 th cost tte ctu1d b tng evdl*bie iwz aeriøa poidin U ehJ4* cm bich they for iYin orati. on A few studtee prtet4Jt tl4tailed oo*t m4jwtod & in ot h Upt sre not aU. in1v he preen ted. on2r tha r in jart on1 th.th OtJ to bid. btb in u4. aXI itho totton aU.r prt. twiio into oni ctt Or* t eoiftid iiss o p2nts. tas w.r for t4di4d y.tcii re1at-k*t- to ppste tose for 14pe y v vr tt or botwen iit !4$ In th iot.4p &a intox it1io to d.trtieaItio#, th tt if a 1rg fr e of t t prior eUes w*re uhie, s1mtiry ot.in woL1L n*d b, otx1 to op1ta ti Thg, i Of prtar xetrah etther ws ar.portd io. d3td or i? iti (iWOft4 ottwr' of 'aiL -io, Lb. it tw1i , Ls 4ø*tbry* :%3pfliJ1 bofl hi1ri r.eo oi rhej* tr robl ot i O3 Of th' uI t thi prior rasearc to th epeeitts it ocr X th U.r t tui1 In this ios, The Ucio o tudy will b. 4j$I* Efl Ptze ot o 1the d&t. cbt&jsd trus tLe prc.or ware trtUy .qunt1y, ti1eG 4ncr*tion ab*t nut. pr.s.A ted, Howevr a t th indvt enu'a1 Qbr&ttors th th* jnt*i s, th& pirt ot th* orthvsat ho14 dCEtptjOfl U.e u iitat r in ji 4ct pL$i WJ.c th pt ; 1M3 in t fr 'r thi a .se tt 4,XX p*id.e pr probi O. o*rattv. CQr 4a w.tit7 ot ree*tpt* than wUd ot-herwj t cew paet.urid oocolte iUk. ckf Pv ba tilL*. lso, tn as posW.e with ). w ri*t. Moøt p'oucta w..re shii't p3ert ? tfll7, n to the cpraUve. ase, tivw4*i'wsek pat.to s.ortj nd ar rftt prt r all of t h44? ith nad beafl the $C# p;.es wd pratee tFt* i.ii7 3rãar Ue tO GthY hiht thie ijtfjciI to tht*zaie. Qxgcrn $.te M t*17 t th tthW ttbt3it t.fl u1n w*vsr, pnt, bGth lu* eral ea1l, vat pLirts v.t ptatuise ak tterdlIt. The ba*e Lte were all 1etd OregQn, All tt the eaUeet ths i'e Uq of t te 1reet vr peratin meat pi- ii iti..3 rUy br c,ttft4o. b;. hiiiA fc*, *t ic1ad pwer.t 41k IUyLUth drir breed witit tivttL 3 41i p 4 U'i t)p fo t !orthwit, U tx'th ppr in; zi4 iis t p(*ød pp f .til1bj. In tht ptr. c p*rt*t pi tps. bfttn thece t d tM ce pr h.f thed t *tti. th 4 pi ctii21 of th vd1k taer. we i thdtd Thi .t the ti etx' th La i ribu Lt7 r psrtod of tiss The aLL.at oat 41k flt4 t p *prat1..n ot .qtd s c&.tm4 in Ut. prøc.Lam stad bA bwt), Wuap snd .arvi tp rt øtty i pnatic*i or noNssl. tbtd boUt ott U o- n*rdU.y U pit fttrtbt PU pUO, bt)3.k tut boUi. vet U La cAttU r thei* ti.4r ptt &e fiU tt1 La pLat co t.h thr i1k M%. pL.xt pd i1c .t ?pt r Uk, £Utd n*'1 otLs t r t Thm IXf M , nd t1J 4 p.*t rr4 2 ot of th ptnt Pr iàtfl wtth . IsXf hou' tOr U4*laJ time. at *q*i*.i*t rSd*". . .i t wis opttag at tess than pr.ctioe a.ety, opwtj swkt ø prat.tcs1 a*dt, r Iq tqsnu t! uiw .*u TT!3 14fl uT *aw Td Jt: T t1 .i1T ;o $T4OZd O IZJ tr PTVU 'C1 çfl0P: W 'r000 Ctt C5 'trp ç uer.4od uad *3* enrq w q ';x * p*tt jxe p ç ¶jUeXød 0 wr4 9TPTØ utd wtd ei d% o o id TtØ.ZA Jo dio UT JPM }$oq e q ;o u yq npod oj ujd t!t3 a3 Cc u; 'i zod itd o o d r ded tr T*it wrti e Jnd pire p3u a uoo c19 1u*z*d td u; ptq IUt 9 a3ed TJ.dDd zd 1ao, iq d $0 pxi WId JO U3 iiwdo tr 't%D * todod uo u tjTp o etz et bU the wr L1 rirg t of r41t 1Lfl$ Th y$', 1955, pi to intervtw it the p1wt tt i rQrc11s her psetig th Lit. *tp d e, btibod fr p1 ti1iti f4, *t. obtne trs ptt. iq4ipwt rsd sippI titt* of bt*int tr'o the tLin tsiri, pro*rt tua, 1LM?5* 4so wars VLdt$d. 3 4*ert nd p1es, ?rj w*'e d tothJ, zsit ttLW*Dce aOst, nd tPa. izt*rest rtes I96 pxiae3 toz tt re unjt. pri abir7 p1nt fUss. rd their irn*ttz titsd thth ins' he4 potb1a, phyt*1 q fil*s. w' ppii G ipt. w oit .w pt a Th wøttt.tu of 1kd]4 pLz Orwt, ib itio at .tiow, ths p3tt ar, 4 the wer, otdxd pXkte btt athoo t di. zot eLtnc th or td n pp1t wsra btbcd t5 tor .14? intiUm ir rt 1t1e. Crrt Litor ts ra Qbtie4 rrc 19 cd*t trrt. FLy. w4 bt4d te rpr.set th ** I Th dt tc sic th ho4at. thL i .hmi S,n ie 1. 34 Thbl* 1, rodtct qiz vith tr all ød.1 p1ts 4th nib *V of flci kLn * f*1 p1* I L U-._ t 4&-& t,t*1 L fi ci htt $$t 67,787 353,715 £1,415 apactal 33,62 4T,..* 3 23% l595O Q1.Le totai. a rat ot glad. u'z*t 2,00 1,564 2,004 9,192 2,96 4,496 1.22 745) t5 3.55% 95.5 QtU4 167( 255,240 411,035 41 36 a,6 1.30 CAM VØ* 22,X) Lj3 3,400 l( p625 25,59 1,Z48 6,672 3571 9,43 .46 .20 4,52 1,52 1.46 buttr%iLU i.r totsi ii0,6q0 3 , ioflent of 65(* 2, 7.5 M1k eW 421.0 3,02 3,6 th ?bs, o prow .propDrtic t in tt*t ldnds oC . he p1nts, t73)IOAL ot U 4th the sitd pduct 4.z &d prd*t ts*ts, any a u1t. 0! '*.as *i ai1 tor t. p**ittn f ot tm pa pVGii1 d 34X en ve or ekb thzA the type t*i t the ti Iiee])y, Utate cost of iiLtng, th p i the dsvlop ole i1. irtion. d to fatore oe3. for a&y gvon ptant bize qstthotio rnnterprto, del., no I. tion plants vere not A,w In the inetanee,, we th iiett rt ra.ed bttLe d.l*. &e peible t thtn tho tein tto for a eht34 e*t.t tho f*u*d in tpi For of th* e3oott tor the nt1tt xiated between these two cowe$e. in a .uL pivtt 1rnie 4 large a f ld be ee nar t tudid. On the oth.r hn4, to bp Ct) indLI5tXV er* rp3s ski3 or ere. Ptt Z b4 en optd ae tunv 34 14*e .re of the pLt vietted *ott prtod ppr wr 1nt axs in a th tadel eual1 plant iftd slimt... to rprsent p in tr f t.hi pl&nt equally a4ted to w.pt ir a dade dUie foi. in thia ty also tices follow.t in the atial -a. e lit the .iol pLints. the aszptiorn dopt s t&w fr sli of , ria'tt opto . rt or U ot the Uk we reeet ooporUv*, The, v.ro The rw ei The pvothaat tr ' o1 se*eoreit7 cs pius tar t. ot o irit aUk wer 3. th twce or iov4e ont* 'wne the aUk e tho *U eb4 ct'd Ut vtI est w ott 4 1m but rtat. 10. n pvwte iee et*it tize peateuri$d. 5. P1t labaP wti uftiovit, oprtw on 6. The pi 7. . bottUng a9.rt.isT2 ocec et ert: The i1k p ftv iy i. haU hoir with th ?ST p the pittied apoity Gpettt4 i*l to e 8, rsteit cscty. t1ttUer lr e: tG hu1 s t 41ab1e % the tte there8. : int. the eAse or tM t thie ire Gtts filling .t 80 perent ut it .e*wptito h i**r ojsrtthg 4t wte tar e'Ly rti th ta Code I I homogenized milk regular nilk mujl..jvitamjn mlix COO,R half and half cream chocolate drink milk skim t;:: TOL buttermilk v1 II BLUt.IFILa S::I vvr I I HOOENI#11 I.Isw.D.1iII Figure 10. Product flow for five model plants with can glass and paper output based on an analysis plants, 1956. intake and of Oregon &a1 1p ifLciOtw rbioz piu iut: ixt !np4td fGr j-t j b c t$ i*&tLcU.& ox t OthW WerO o1., &nit up tnto 1Y OtherS wr* 1OC> U tiveLy btcLe by t wr ezpatid. kw 4thokt thc i U .ttfla to * L1.trd p1at ;cytt we qoMi* rfle*tdM d, tI, i piiit watt po4n Th.rttoro, t itiV or t hpud, tUoiI, teTn Lig the e$tinii iyoat V Yeloped &nd iter Ldot tjrg the pi:t b 1t ettt eey ee i.dt d 1ey*t buildir in w.re d* pLnt to keep 'e .0 thee pt tture 4MLW 4Z with Wrcd fo eervie Ltrø oir tIte et cZ.r i r. * bildjA for 11 frte type. &i t rseset the oti iLocf w1Is. oC tnt rue! de1 pitt w&s ti. 1 eea ie zpporto4 oy by tnturd or Iver, i. tveti,r gt1y ii fdbi1itiy. LL of i4 rw itht *Zfect tut rzs pLr, or isie tip ort s Th to U.v fl t iLtLUy ii 1ii1 i gnr4, ca rt1 riLi wet d wo1. AU. rLac t4h z'tø te f the tnd Lth ttae pr'itu roo wrs fr4w Th fl*ii with u waii Th otri d p esi ,a]*r *oc.s end ny ti.t b&.* p1terd w*re Zurred. this was bøt to *Um iit,r tutai. ovsr3.ay ro we3i w4Is vere covered with f& w The *'oof frr pi'wo.d 4ckd, gt tO t4 tzc u o voo. T with thr.. o4mtreotore fo toz tb (?Ls 24), Liv. ioi co1sr w *, TM r*t we itio, Ui ciLt r1di4 t est uge i4 wt tsi. AiKt. 4th itziig oe.tth Gtb Las b* ,t th &t uin txaGt4ire. p*i ]$ b 4 it1G eutt i1 withozt tsu1 tit t o tiLe we ot p. r stLtt i1a £tt ieeticwi tn of 1yot r bdidiu vaodal pint in Zrncti ntt wa ef tleor t alat Lpt at tr for all to sth iitrii*tton of th boae 2nt. bi ot total piutt Q tdrd pLat ti .qzi.tt rnt i dv.op Th floor sp. in peiicttu, Lij a dispr Prior to sltg a ii. *Lo om of th* Atit o i2ou pLaAt spui. alboostød aodtl iw bui14i: . 4piw ?sbe 2. atbod ot 4lo*th ruk thcd b&Ikirk ø*n tnt&k. ri.. tor4 Pr4$dE 'v,ra 8*t1, voiu to floor epace Total rw dL roipt 365 pomti of ilc rue*LY in ea Tot.&1 rtW iik xo*ipts 365 aZ',$ * w 'ot.&. £4, Un*z' ft ott11 b4ling sre& batti nd oø* doc* øttl vir 1ui 260 260 pead of 260 rot pod G:t pradt of poduut botU*8 in 1su Fd* of produot bottlø in *$e iU'r Mi! 20 260 pmd of prodi*ct botti..4 in halt papør fiILr ds of p'oduct bottld tn par 260 26 Sped&tt.7 *r.. ow wd riu pounds product in bulk on proce*sin Yst$ ttl CocLr ar ott' prot GnsrI p&nt fra$ loar spae s trt or U ts oC pbit. 260 Tsbl. 3, )iatrtb ot Floor kds.t flsists d on to C.tsrs for Pi dsis of Gs Pl*s, 1956. - ru Cost Ceit.r (,WO (3Q (54,000 Lbs. lbs. ø d) rr ___ ri- d) ) ;.'-- (IU,00U (Z4CJOO r d ,osiyj 1!!! ifs, 1i3 I 'WiN: W. 4 WI Ji1 - n''r U, ;" flL,.,,flr :' Z' .," ,: t, ,UJfl '',rU TV] 1. To woYid* .4 42k Ur oz4 ixto ar$ ibi thrQt U pnt. To protcte 2. the azt hog4, for tottL o pravid. br dr', pit line of t.rv4 Ltfl. t (rrrthx Ur eri ert nc 4. To poid t itt.rrice in beten U th pU To . th natoz o pl1 bov a given int without obtrtirg th* ti p1nt in tho tutr'e. td.y wa rt irtLj Thi d **t ot with th ot zpa cever, i pint arr#geent tt did not P'14* tr plt ered 2fl;fl4 s ?efor ob jective tire was inctat. ijtt the sp wi* in S.iio roo.t n$joA waz j ei1est th iest. buUi 1iiU her tp ot U4g pasto in both lenØh 4ind width wald hv ri*ird ht differt iniUJ. plttent. poip1ss the 2.y*tt tion w'e suitable for nstrateci in tht t4th 4X of 434ing.. A. floor ii far pLnt Y of floor pae li ab.ot4ves in ind. t * aa aao$n to the ditrthâi* it the #beVe lszt n, to inidie 1ayt irti bo* mad.1, ptsat (bjetie tour'), 4r dr th floor plafl for plant 21. 4X wee n expa*jo of the preaeitg si*e (?r'e U). Uewiee, 44 Recevrnq Storaye b Vats Roam Tonko Can 0 -loll Lab Washup Processng Area j Paper 0 Glass Gal FlIer Filler Filler Bottle Washer Separator I FlIer Supply Plant 4X rn a Bulk a Coaler t WorkshoP U LOcker Rooter v Route Room Cone Raorrr Builder Ice a Dock p Rest So i er w OIfICC g Retrgerotafl x Truck Stora S CALF Alternate tnt a 4X j ij r 0,1511 y JTr Plant Plant 8)1 2X Ib_ [JE11 ° Ott) i I 10L1] Plant Plant 6)1 X ° 1 b LIIEJ LtTrH Figure U. Plant layouts for five model plants. Shed 1trmt .p1c w fø pLMt f*r %; At4 .6X. rn*sr vriti ipnt rgct bten th dtfFert Thts proo4ir'e rtUy 1tdxat in baU4. ituj p1.nt. InLc4tiy, It xpirs h w1t 3, of 2int r etrs th prtor tkd ettg irss S Oi1y ty 4Xod or ir th. pLat ;r dtbdt. IL5 ritj fLar tx. th rw )GttL The rataet to 11otnt ootrred i tz rtoo tro b*tIt zq*r bottL i14r, ?or ah hut it*. ried i 4 *Lt* ie ndIir otti* td pat4ris, h- kT d o]rittr, bbo,¼ tu,ter, bUk &1p 4pnt 4 ho;, -p iird M,üt t rit of th for Thm we th r4]. &c 1OCC.r aorti *r. *ter tort re#liiy i Th. tai ita vr.t4 cotby 1n their pLtm itt at variots pta.e tar 1i 4s vt4 i Th tre 11 4tet. L3 .Ad. typ. TM apd euit vera o 7Lnt, Ar to *U pt rIitt nd tiL f caarLtity jg4r1 odeU oS hovn iz Tbi c4d b* 8V 1 uijt' ot t tth quipmt w ot th at f iut arid t. hr 'e1zxe thIe p3nt. a2so vaz'i tctd mit pot ALtto Th V1t1. IA *rcthu, prta ad 1ntb of lifm aftot4 prith* oo*t. V th th Ltiont tçt tthin: o Uwh erteot on pt rai baten t parto to rr pLud4, UAit i3fd ot it nifor! opti4. The deiribed bew. oesibi, U I ing ste .ti obiti pratic th 4ec ot t,4e,x'dB foUowed in sttn at The or pLant (T1e ii). etsad to aLlow inke of the rgs daUy roeit in to and a to rrtv tj.qwt ca tn a1-t hzr; tt, tht tora taflks i417 r*.tpt previd*L for t4iVtt tbait ,re oormtc ti,.o the ?eitn rtd. t of atMd to ho14 ip to l30 over 4t, In cttt1an, o uZy Zn the lrer bsLeo pLit7 dIk V$ Th dAtj a ave at 70 The pp we* ai'ed at ae rd the i . ii*ent ier LU can reodving 0 int * :tp Un th nptr ta* &2i. nur of tnL raad Vb torge ctqiciy oo4d flv, bseo tU$ 1* a S I * t H H F1 Fál 11 liii' / / N br with £r tt: f isr tk. Uoce, 1.r*r i1tm grtr tXib11ity of øtit. i* t.t *Uer tk, dz4g filWi a at djed b j u ó1AP$Od greeter vrt.tjy 1ding trkt ftt th*i ta The m*ber t r&w rnt]J trtt tethed tr t ho1ili th pLttrn wtt 4e ii1ie of t) øbs4 th. b40 piflt, This eqet sized ta *Uo p oe*stj of the atp.zt between A,. end 2tO P.. with the it ia*g it Ue tit pit7 e &tquipitt s eight end L ent peetr'&eeP epertt th* boUi westtg erd fUhig øpert.tg t O perceflt of adrna tiun of t .rgø 41y peett T'J.a eUod th pzsg an4 ptk it th O th product or wo* zhtft .6X tid not *t tdi preper r pl.ent X1 s icwo4 to Th tit4 Th$, V1Lt 1aiy th were iad o th 1W ti of 3Jit tø tG pit ped ct't: )L!1) th tU tU1 1d 1*1ht th4 ec' tttori3k, 52 Thc Th Iat bJj.er wu izd to axta 1od w ipLftat r,u1r.n 1jrd mt th t Jin tht for twd ioad trwd, th ti&tptd 1Gd or 11 pit 11u tt errwy itton. The meer ve ted to oitLe o the the tot&1 oprs. )* to. b*ti4.r ws sisad th store toe .ror dqs petin. Ztnoe cpreere rU zm dri# the orti this ba*t * 24 h*w to. LabGr sn e&u!pnt zti ttts oheddae were prred f IM -v.-. proci* i*s.iviz iio.iVifli Ut. it.ioi a1es er*tLo* ozid rct be atøduie4 t*utU o rw tI to wait c4 eok.d1ed at. autiotpated rrttts *i ie*s pett bsceuø o the arrtv*tof tbe sit¼ tiw*e etth 54 A. Euiptnent Operation dod UOhzatotS Schedule time ?t do 4AM Ii 0 9 7 6 5 6 5 3 2 1PM t2NoO lb niM If Sto,sget0k [________ NI - -------- 2 .__i- . --- -------- - .1__.LJ r: INN " - INS 1I::: I/I -- Pip., f 11055 lI5, lbs . _____________________________________________________________________________________________ - IS Hillir a. 2 I5 'a . 2: I.. em 2: ', & ,_q 0: .. ... iO, Ill. :::": I ,pl 0 12B Of do1 I&MJ 7 5 9 6 o a ,n,'. R.c.io., CuSp. tIll., 0 Figure 2. tePId f//op till SOCk 2 1PM' I 1/OS/SI (pus, l&// *0/F i.. .000sr, sash bolt/fl, SCh.dole -' m,/ft [_ 00511 ssOSt5t lb. l2NOe II OpOf -es's'. g/oss a0 Crew md Labor Work Plant J'-I 2 Es:: ---- ---- ,.c.,.,ip boom ..essJ floors! nMsh 1/000* w051 q1..s.]loaCeI .5.5 ti//er. heW, (p//erg. 55,5, PP00555I*9 erect 11050, 1osr00 .5.55', Labor and equipment operation and utilization schedules for plant glass and paper output. oa nsa X a with can intake and lane at day--4AM 1 6 S,o0.!o* I II 0 9 8 and lJtil*zaton ScI,edule Equipolent Operat*on 3A 55 4 3 2 PM !2Noo 6 5 (0 8* _,000 is. n----- W 2 ]1j0D50 I1 ,'e l,h,mr h)" --------''---- *00* lbs i. 1.3°' ':- I.. I W' - 30 so p., *)I!0 Oh)!f so p., 'hO.' - ' 30 _____________ iii U - - 5. p.05 IO0 ... 8.0 C,' - 3 B_____ lb. p.' - L 38 f doy 4AM! 6 8 9 Crew and Lobor Work Schidule Plant II 0 0*00* [ 050008*l 4 Baths ii.* SOIl'S "I'., 5 Figure 13. 1PM.1 2 4 pp.2.0 rc,.q,,g q*op a 0,_b,. wrsr -nob [__n "l .os* (lob,,, COfl119 q/fls 09000P . I2Nows ioncft ........ 3 It9 '(00 cB.s., - 2 I.. to//i, 14ICOL/o// 9/011 ]hrncA [e.ft flPl.e first. a j] niP /ü,'., , ,np;p. P.55.,, deep eece, LIIII Labor and equipment operation and utilization schedules for plant I 2X with can Intake and gloss and paper output. - 56 14k Equipment Operation and Utilization Sciledul. do1 tImi T 4AM C,, 11000 510,09, ,,o No 1102 No 3 1000 II 10 1 5 4 3 2 5 5 100 flY *10 IN. IN.. L1O 150 '7.k.k.j,00 LJ hem. oug 1PM 12Noon IN. s. - II]t°°° r . un r 5 N,, so lfll0 001? It20 .4I. IN. J 60 .I I. IC 4 .0...g50/ 510,0 00,00 5.00,,?,, L__I - 48 I I I 1 -------- - d0 6 p.. I I 5 to. wit 60 ----- -- 4&y. 60 ll 8 Crew and Lob Plant 9 10 I I t'°°° Wonk SChSduts 2Noón II 2000 IN.' 2 4 3 5 I I 6 I __________________ ston.r l''C* C'tClE0Q(.t :'/(C1 O 9 &l.1l., o 8o,rl.,0.0.( 1 Donk I P P ('Ito B ofl,a,t n, 0,/fr gloss n300p,.CraOm Poll., aP.l. IITST Iotc0 j a 0nlrtt.flfre, L P.O B agn,o. 0.2 go j *900 bIle? S s_eel _'-I lb_I I 1,11., eOp Ja..o. nMoe DIII. CbGO 8 laId Sfl load done Ono.slo, CellS Il/ada C0f1'J ';';ad, ,,o,, .1,00 I0lC0[ (ICE/it sep., roe,,,. S ii.rf bo.h ( 1000(01 t1 Is_eel tO. Figure 4, ' 11*9W lw..a *IM 1 9WSD Pt ....... Or Lobor and equipment operation and utilizøtjon schedules for plant 4X glass and paper output. ' with can inlok. and 57 ISA. Equipment Op.ratIon and Utilization Schedule I I 1PM. 12Noon ii 2 '00ma pm 1: flak. Ca, IS.. 510,0 p 00 No I (S.. 30 2 ma. No 3 NO I I '-S - -- Sail, 0,) NO 5 Lii -12,000 Inn 80 I P(*. lafi Sa000 No a _____ I No 2 .00 ma. No 3 - nail- 60 ma. pm win I,IIa, 001 Pop., 11.0 30 IS. p0 . 120 ma. pmml. _205' 5/05 00,0/ No I E- E NO 2 ma. pa.ml. III., Glaaa j] IiII' Ca, (6*. pen mm. no ma. pan in N. pa l@I 0 NIlt -fl2p p.:: pat ! : Skll01IIkaal o, C,. am aa0 i5p 0 'Aid. . I Crew and Labor Woab Schedule Plant 0 0 P 10 I 12Noon II _ I 1PM: 2 I I 4 3 I 5 I I I ....... C 0 I__________ -: HH H ,,,, 0005ioOq 010 _ 0 .n;p ;iot , 1 S OOP'PI0 O r- O o 0l.fiiTn., at -'0(0', S011'.a. 0,00 0 o,,,o'a [_ ___ no, [ . 2,00 non.,. 1____ff,, II Salk a.a San I! CN.pN.n J,00s t,lo 11010 [._ on,.,. ''' L.o,oio&nro 0,1,10 .0,0,, .000 P P Opacto, /0 tot, ton. _ oOJ" 00000fl [_l/.o Cu,, C,Cfle,. ho (lIe COMEt C/.OI.2010 __ lead doCk, a ,-p.,o,. 1/P Vt; 0,,,., neal Sn/don; ..k.. B prepare tol/. etc. CODS .uoo S0.. COOS,, ret.,,. &Sw1,ap551 nfl Ih* I Steen, IIMCSI tulle, Ih,'e*! III! COOS, 252ing OS dock, S,OCSCOS.. law. filler .225 Sop, Sleo'jtl.p. pmt. 2 }..l]5.enN pae..l ... EiI....... 3 I0 Figure 15. _ .s]in L op.ret. pep. to,., P.11., 0./nt are. IN. C.i.... IS. PI..t an, _ as.... a ..wi mm..pen Labor and .qwpment operation ond utilization schedules for plant IX with can In$sks g gloss and pop.r output. f 58 hA. £quhpffiSflt 0ptotIe9 and UShIastIQ4t 0 II 2N009 ScidwhU I PM. I 2 S Mt C,, mItt. Is. St.'.,. tab No I U0 I Is.. No S IIb0 .. . Is.. I rIM S i150 .- ::': is. :: I., Nt. 4 1.1? P.p.I 9.1 tibIrt no 00 4*. tub, orsoE. 0*4 .. 9. 9 M.. Nb... till., =C., tibIt t too t I: IN. - pa - too _ 00 S-m karat., Niurg tOt S.tt.,a,Ik C,..S tot Is. tot Figurs $. Lobor ond squipmenl optsrohon ond utilIzotion sctidulss for plant IX with coo Mobs sod gloss and popor Output. 59 6B 7e,r of day 4AM.' 7 6 5 Schiduls Crew and Labor Worb P'ant 9 8 ' PM' fNø.k II t , . iIl iiiiiLIII1 L__ti_: 5 CCC ,ck79,,C7 I'' a ccc; L I I eleCt cons & Ch.Ct 0 7 Catch l,,vflS Check #0 d,,ntS j o SIQckCQ55 5 S CheCk IhCh 0 [scctcos.s 9 [IIIIIII1 ,c.' PP0ps' .C*ccns 0ChJ hock ietco[j specs casts 7 7/'., -. 5- ,r., hcpl,, p /l'/fp' #-/1 cone; pPfaC tote/Cs 55P0,P f /_/' 7° :5 *#,k.# 7 OSlO 5SO., 9 5/kS, P _ 1' 7 7.C'#7 B ;oft, desk S pncate 1 bulk 0505 0/,. 29 pan.77s, 24 C/SOleD 0O 23 CI OileD won coo., ' 1 dec.11 I I PIll SOt CdI,ul 03 507 SoCk [ L:e_ hit cc.., fleecy - Sea nn per,,,, a 0,7 P2 spa,. PiP f j/77c7 I dat.e4ccs., t-7c5o, 0: o"orQa CC711CC05, /7075 ,,5#0 ______I' 20 C/,7, S /7770 - { ta_V ,., Set I W sf1.. 26 C..n,p... 21 Cl...ep loon Clans. won cs.no, won r 29 1 .a I . .&s 30. B011P 5., 31. £ng,n..n 32. Eo$ta..n 33 P100* fOOICr J edL piacd dq 4a1. Th pd *f *pr ch.thi1is iec tLdZ* Uw thtr i*jor tuks (Ytg&ri 'ar instance, in pjant ax th. $*nt crew and 12, 3311, 348, ii, 1), the eprater øf the rrtv4 it w* ttxtz orLc b, ii *MX L.., h Oitd iI acted thio tr hn p4Nt4P. tari*tn th 1et'rieri UZQQ *tp. prttg d Uz30 te h* p*t ad hL the h st dc dws bcing pzrid t L2:25 1inb, r(tt hour bZa th Pr44Ut thxg te. t11 ptr5i, .b fi%re it*zt, hU wu trd thra., rt.r th.t, iviti ruiz d1k, ekia dri* wwe p are, i1nU, t 25 J,, tne th int rear t t &r'ii4 in t prou1n we s3O P.:, tho oprt*r o th* p tri*r went wii* bere the crew tk ø'tr the rathp ot tha eutt, Mith the h4p ! t tuie-e, tk itW* ipwt opertit bsr a ea Ut ew we deviXoped. 1i.r ptt th prb tr The 1bor th in t .b Ccnr, (2.5, p, l9.Z4), Crtr, ivtel4, (2.3, p. L2.), rd:ott (39, p, 14, 2.9, 2k), F*r the lrr plwtr, t cr t4tnd in th tnt4rviiw o2 p1t end Tn eli. tp L,r rqi e ti ie ij.t th rr *f Ln 2.43, th totel i* ee eOI.t*dU bcu to n it t d 23), ob t irnt iiwe 2.28, 2.3, er yr required in eh t twr of 5. five 6i1 os*, Or t1n 4th p 7*L r*q4zd tac* .uad 4*aa p* tttona, 956 dJ *id.1 pL4. op1d, tq w iit roz' renabia4*a Gtezd th 1g afora of :1Lt n ixtr 2 prr*t % U. - Th 4.rti the trLppg e 4O3$ b 4s4n4 rUOi of u$t ot oitput 4 tb b* tth -V T;' fo ttw a4 $at 4th g1 Orspn ctiitta1 194 rii. ptper 6, t3chdte t tripp. ci$ be fzct the fr cio bes**s ieiete bei&mjn an anthuj ix vet, d-1od 3X trt aed GGuer, )pec.r, tiwe wi th e iz iere *øt ke. * th *ct, b (51, p. O) d Ua tiu ?Lrce (5, p. 46) d h' bath nr pwcr, ?LXS (15, p. 44) 4: ty W.betr (51, p. entorie ee tth bath svLleble for oaurt.e3y St27 ?OW1, x*t4tin Un the trtppa eç*rienee in the to inttvidud ite ertnL 1brtca1s, .1wdiy, fr ottier reearaber t h s eps, 1ecnn d wtZo* helpful In xpiiis for dtttezt s1zs* of rttud, no *qica. wntiti suppii1a, ww eetabUod tor t,h-e wt etii (n.y .a fU1 oil ooriswptio! tQoI eqdv4Lent (Tt1e 7).. Th 0! hours it u hu1 per tht w prtad y ti the. n*Z het cw'tig thb into it; uthit Th. rt tar }at1y ot ai.nt. p1 ii óollare a.d stt rtrntt ior .ah pit a r te wae id tLpU.*d y dat. 1M4 b piao* ett th T4DO r2*r bp the nwther ot days the ytsr. The io$y w te tar cen web.ers, eae d.tmr4ned *4! * sbere, p13rtaj the d bitt* a boi'er b***pW rating by 3, 500 t11J'e per horpawer & sbown ir ?arr*U (18 p. 95) The bau per tr of o*rtia inaZe4 an period beters .aeta apertton began. toe ob in$ pat a tir te The ht tar pteriz4tio* v ot s*Wc received. Thia fiur we ebstei' .iao cttr heat up ed thLa c*thod requiren.t*ta (51k, p. 57). cauiatd .a 32 cr 75 percnt 3$; per pouid eatien re 7, irtt h*at d ruel oil cti ro ttvip d.1 p1nt* vith cn 1as awi pepez' output, 0ron aoiUtona, 1956, (1,4,100 u*e, U' (,32x) 335 (6,36x (1.;472,X 3 4 8 452,000 67Q,000 837,500 ru *f QpUi 34 1,675,000 .0 ,2. U's o4y usmge, , 2,0,00 1,eO,OOQ 2 3 4 335,000 452,000 670,000 X3Uts I3 VV*t s, flhJ a L (2,c25,60O t) I ta*e, 3'ZV' ,500 I3i,00 %02,)Q 5 10 167,500 5 3,750 3,350,000 A.,Q ,700,C0O 6 452,000 )4,000 _______ 10 167,500 5 3,730 3,750 o cperattø" AL]y 3 5, 4 37,500 CI iU's , ,000 10 15 251,250 6_, 167,5w hours ot catio&' (3 D*i1 uag, ?U's ,0(X) ott1e *sier, Si 201000 or1j *s**, IJ' 54 402,000 _j 266,rY)Q Z*urs ot Litil7 zs 4,00G 1,j4O 2 000 IT3?, tai1.y 1s .r t1 aU.j 2,211,O0 ., 3Z , r- VVV -r- - 1, 1. c , J.. 335,000 6 8 2, , 160 93,000 ,4?, 3,752, 000 , *L 1L0 6),000 , 0(X) 3, 11 , - ;i. iI Ii J.IIJ%L 'tSr -'-,- -' 'r ,-__-_--,-' ,:- -' is S Zfl,V'S , ,,,,JVUS ,T ,L5Z,. Cl EJ It (,368,2X (6,736,400 timted A*i .on* by *1 (1,472,a00 (26,%,,600 øf p1at i;pj EITzI1 W3az I;&L L!!Er) .tTJE7* 73 '! 3OO,OOO I3TU' p*r L2c or oil. TKt figux wa pr*it of tho JJ iD L1 r--E) rates of the LIgts and the s1eetrøai o4el plants (Tabrn 3) T3I; To *11w for icnE drLvn equijMnt in the tai inetfS*ianq, dl møtor rxrT\i LL 1 r ; I 4 i T'i S 4 I* * 4$ I 1 4 'iii i. ,fl 41 beiLr ,625 r.trigr.ttcn39,756 1,724 7$ well Ii_ ),6 2,412 7e,u,e 2,574 21,2% x,ioa 29,663 9 U,)10 22,620 3,0O0 3Y7,14D 493,556 n2,la 427 104 Pl 99,014 3$,974 _-ir - th* bae pt*9 2* this or the aw sa obt4n t thø prodrict iss vu asd to be r*.ipt* is su sises ot p1**t s11*. psrcat 71 I ij!j.ii !jT ?, O. fr tiv* p1tt tpt, Or4i* h7 o' 4d ppr tt.* ew, 4Ut4fl$, 956S tth (3,6%OO (& 1tia hf 1s.. (67%CG (3,472 2,oe Z.2,O6 atrnpl..s , lbs** 96,%4 472 * 27 55 46 pr1 %t** da,it pto* 4$ psr $01 2,IO0 4* qt %a 213, %6O 2%720 922 42$ 5 IDIO 1,Z4a,a)0 53,9w 1U7,D ,4o0 4,414 2$ o,es 5 pt* 40,5 es ao 7 a,640 5222O ao 40 iI4., q,tt. L1k 2bs l* r $,3 58,4O o r 24),ae4,so 4,00 23,944 ppLs, th*r 2,O 1, pt*ic4 iml*t*4 t b* *nt4btas t U6,aoO øit* th nttLv tx1 In aUrazi.s *t a .M w sn% Zr imt. at'. ?b1* U, sb*] .tnt pr rt*rt .uivthnt (or .tLv. ondttton*, 19g. rLi'i U 3 4st 3ts 1ae ad ppr ot%tt, O'sbn wtt,h aMr intr. sn b1c 32, I vrge d41.3r Lbor tars psdfi.d Zu cUct* L& liYe 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 14) 3.75 3.75 3,75 5.0 2,0 4,25 6,5 2.5 6.25 445 645 4,25 6.25 3 .5 .75 2.25 2,0 4,0 7.0 4,75 6,25 645 * d*1 4.0 8.0 3,75 7,00 7,00 S 4.0 8,5 10.5 16.0 28.0 eo.o 128,0 256,0 5.25 ?rp.ratii, waaI*p and n*gt Pnt tot4 40.0 48.0 _,I 2 -- - iJ cmn 254.1 C&$ 57.5 193,9 3J.5.2 90.1 90.1 13.2 153.6 2244 199.7 71.9 53.0 27,0 35,2 57.4 4.2 39,0 ttthcr bott* ah,r HTST 370,0 308,3 .254.4 215.8 196.9 69.2 69,2 69.2 69,2 69.2 31.9 I.2 *IZLU*r apc. *t heat 3.aa PLnt total -. ri 190,3 3.1,3 77.5 65.5 462 194.0 233.3 104.7 80.1 59.3. 49.5 29.0 24,1 18,2 17.8 948,5 727.1 576.3. 459.4 406.3 j . -._.. coa4:pt.ia ot eiecd..ity per quz't (?ble 3..t) P3t Z u 58,7 w*tto per qart of outpttt.' The other p1irnt* ranged b.twe* tt p this ftjure ad 3J5 ut i*s p'ant c17 54 Thts 6L, pero*At O tbt fur p1nt X. Tha ocons*tei 1i pawsi' eoeption WGto de priirUj to grater Si U (Tzie L4). int cowu&ed 23.6 X, but orJ othr .5.8 itt of otLtpxt tn pLr* .t4s p? i, p.ut 16x. Ltewi, °' iri10 WftW o povr ,uird 7,6 ttt pr qttrt o rg.st in 1rt X but in ior *ç1 r* tø tht 1y 6.3 vitts pr itrt in t6X, S*Uv ' t'iciao7, 1*t n a atiIur e1s, wr' ob' a*rvs4 tor ost of thi *quit in th Th p.r qwrt rqutr*nte 1*r ti e.te 0! p1*nt. rious Ictrd of supplies IA!Zfl equia1eMs for each k1d of eupp szft equivelent (Tabis U), u's p sort in TM1* 15. :t) I74i1!ii.iw: vsett by th. avrge nv of trips - battIs. JK This, tp o4t1.s ..LuLru: _: I1t tT *:fj 4L1h 1 tw'1 pI Jad vqtf eAT; tu*1z .retD '4rr *t! 1. t utt ror' p jj :c W&t.b g1L iflt *per *utz, Orsgi citi.n.,9S iLE $ ' I, 1uu1 4., 4 i ,. I. T] . 4 4 I quart ot ti&c p up i per bctie J$ pin .20 h&1J pint dtvtd..4 by tt Laa re .t 20 bott1os per $M4 qut. vaIt. %E8titi to Were (or ior t Jn1tk. co A,r cbs. d ttner sQppUoa v.r. se&ed 1i. ie of p.tnn, Uere, sio $'eica1 eoad*s y* r4ner ot p1nti. i cas, gnmr1 p1n oup1L&. were note *zch ua ia punt x, KI rth,st.au qatitis. ?ab1e 14. pac ti **c1 1956. Floor' Proo.atLnl or.es RTST .143 tenke sur , bottLe Weib ,311 g1aa All ,2 *p*r fill ba3i g4 till .303. Total .489 1.034 .591 1,000 qrts ' vpeifti4 fot2cte f a of 0roo p1ants tb bese .071 .019 .036 .017 .025 477 427 .198 .068 .295 .517 .340 413 .074 .Q5 .051 .052 .055 .303 .259 .227 Perc*4ot plant X 100 57.5 recOi?i2 .299 .178 cooler 499 380 487 1.105 .73,7 433 .078 .107 .582 bottl.e dock bQlk *ano boiler z'efrtjeratia 366 ppr *tcwa .811 other storige 1,366 truck abed .990 .314 other .399 Total 4.187 Pot of plant Z Plant Toi. of plant 1 .284 .517 .223 .352 2.798 100 .100 .229 .233 ,523 .057 .065 .375 ,5fl 3438 65.7 424 449 25.2 U5 .1% 482 2.140 2.367 49,5 .02* .022 .053 .037 .326 .144 404 17.6 .084 410 .194 .4 .191 .371 .Z0 .057 .316 .362 , 53,4 100 4.779 38.4 ,Q4 .0% .242 .293 45 422 .1*3 .133 l.6 40.7 1.055 38.8 1,260 304 1.365 20.6 5i*oe the upose of thie eectjcn Vi* to show cnly the .ttects of pdo.i arAcisucise, the prig,. Ltms w.i'e the s lbr .eh ot the verieue ior eli sLees or pzde, Th:.e. were the prioee tor plent I (tsb1e 17), In the next seotion, the etteot ot .xMiing prie.s will be ak1ed to ov the et retetionship between *et pw qist end the use of plirt, sbl 1?. List of prices for the Oregon priose, 1956, 1 tl $pet. or eu4el p1 V1 f lsbe, per dey Azel oi3 per 4 ictricity, per KWK neet4 bi3J ao,i6 l5. l.392 5.l7 P5P1P1 IL pts,t glas qts, 3.0.734 wize, per lb pepet qts, pepez pt 3,65 Z9,0 5O pts, lso belt gela,4 wix per lb gl*s per lb 1, fleet specs, per eq,ft. pz&,&at lees, per owt. $ 4.9575 3 0.75 * 0, 5.20 1,36, JL j Lsk*r q entities were ultip1te by 2O.76 per dsr to give total slues tot the lebor (Ttb1s 3.8), b7 1.8 ute, ileatrioity ws OellerL$ of fzsl eu were ei1U.pU.d nert,.d into doUers et the Wft!AL ° pX4* tor x 7 2X, ET'! iIiicI n ! ttttee Lu the ba&s* ZZ! !Iri.I rLi!u i 5t'pp11 h1 ais tp1s $ 6,257.% I ,5Z5.t8 193.70 96.*5 psp - qta 11,994.92 6.95 Paper pta 3,351,84 jlau qta 3,473.66 23,989.84 1,513,90 6,703,46 6,947,36 353,OQ Pcr pta gLass t. glass Cap. Cases 76,3C) pta 270,72 2,061,71 1,536.79 17SJZ) 43..44 4,123,42 3,073.51 10,965.11 23,9Q.22 $ 4,860.44 2,956,97 233.fl 70.56 47979.6$ 5,933,% 95,95.36 191,918,72 3,027.80 33,407.36 6,055.60 3.3,694.72 27,769.44 612,00 2,345.76 14,493,68 306.00 l,.88 $ . 6,14744 w1.. !I U,e27.$* 267.% 14342 6,$2h,.72 3.2 32 i iti t 12, Z) 53,629.44 5557$.8ø 1.,2.O0 4,333, 32,7.36 21,M.6 !!M&1 .1 J_I;1 dsçs Tetal. c B,ø&3.QQ $ U,92Z.6O 591.AQ 3,$4Jô X#a*aranc. . 50,69.0O r.JaQ5 4 2,LIJ 1,635.72 $. 5,189.20 649.47 4 2I,$4.10 $ 31,108.40 2,416.48 6,t30,95 11,149J0 863.78 1,445.88 3,944.35 $ 44,6&O , 5,891.4$ 4 9,04049 14,66530 : 25,554. 2,154.87 $ 3,340.56 5 4, ror th otwU ecut prt Lk* to t zc1 $'nts (s4 rtou ttte), f tte oL both tor Ui probii the stUy ot unitor:a Th fjjJr oap VU Thrror, ztr o $yicJ. ts re 1iit or the cli! rreQo pz theaa in p2picmJ. tiM.iiti Ths pi.L uit i root rs tor U otio rt for lot, bdldivi, (Thble J0, 21, output r&iect o1y five LL*6 Of ieo ot be U. ugt oi ttootry 4La very cetni t.tte*t.t iilr r. zi0 Li 1atid yertod irto Uo1Lr, dizpiay.d the s thowt ot , iteret, or [or tit £ i a tri o s e.rior&nt, stt th wd, 32). Th &n wather u;'liei. 1t$ohip tt1 fcr lbr:t, Thrø n ro rubeJ f4ot of floor -pa* to b id fl w. hottI, per' ratred pr vhi ce ths . w ibes' of ork,r caajr in te Lrr pLnt t pU WLIt er :t to pQrch untity o O e tcai. 7or 1.o j;r ;Lnt w...a sa1Ler in t.t* p14 cUo*u to te .bt;w or tv ci .it qwirt wz oottin.t ints Th prIce th 115 for t tr inputs o co.t .*tt eet ri4r4 tit. d*lize w& .atb1id by this 'T*t& py*tc*i inp*i3 iOX p1tt 1b 9 Thba .9, U*a47 of tmtt COtrG with the * pris, to sU p$3*tt five *o4.3. p1t 4th on inte II*4 j2i4s i*d inpt.s ft, paper o&*tia*t, Orei .a, ,O34 3..6012$ i; EZ ': - L i I41 4; w - -fl 6W 6.0 0 Cents per 5.0 quart 0o 4.0 0 0- 3.0 2.0 ) Figure 17 2X 4X 8X Size of plant 1ÔX 0 The relationship between total physical inputs per quart eauivalent and size of plant for 0 five model plants with can intake and glass and paper outout, Oregon conditions, 1956 ml 4tiabips or Pxtcc.utng cost P*r Qarb t4 $ Ot Ptt e with p1-ati u4* ri. fr *ait d 1bo? 2Q I : : _1t *' _prg : - - V. EJ [r *fti 5*00 P,4. Th. plant mnag.rs A stin4u'A rat thedul engin..ra vn oi dapti*d f Ths &.rs in t The A U priss for U tejn,4 fo t *1 or Narø b pits w.a baed o on the ai oapa prtcs qLa%Lne lii Z97. the 4tft.rnt t*ee or g&U, At te other $s*te (Vbts 4), PLAnt X ptd 15. tt** p3.att peid otr 9.4 or oz1y 61 p.rcet at the eut to plwit or th&t £br p2Mt X. per L the lsrjor p1nt* elao hat prioe eGaAt.ø (?1ju'* 19). percent eints pe ?2 16K 2. Cents per quart 1. X 2X 4X Size of plant Figure 18. 16x The relationship between labor cost. per uart equivalent and size of plant for five rode1 plants with can intake and glass and paper output, Oregon wage rates, 1956 .20 Cent pr Costs with physical economies quart .10 Costs with physical and price economies X Figure 19. 2X 4X 8X Size of plant 16X Comparison of physical inpts and costs per quart equivalent for fuel oil in five model plants with can intake and glass and paper output, Oregon prices, 1956. P!' I. T&b1 22. Povr p1wt dth a tor Cti 1tie .xi g3sas 76% 307,140 493,556 9U,32* 8,251.2 14,747.8 25595.0 41,129,7 ?6,C)1O,6 .63 5.63 14.38 14.38 14.3* 14.38 14.3* 29.38 29,3* 29.3* 29.3* 29.3* 67.53 332,48 314,3* 99,fl4 'oth 1ver W$ i!irøt 3.50 5.63 $ $ 5.63 $ 5,63 350 WR *xt 1,000 WH 14*z t.QG 164.3 1E4,3* 364.38 364,3* Uezt 210CX) IC4H 84.16 . 0Q00N Jo, t)*d rge Totd i'vr**,/KWZ Annual, power P* ea.t/qt * . 3.3UO3, 3.7 1.3.6500 3,27&,6ø 2302.32 3,9.6* 5,949,% ,Om.90 ,0684 .0551 83.5 67,? 3..3924 9,55'?. .27$ P.rceot *f p3.*tt X 100 L iWrm 43,3 ent per juart Size or plant Figure 20. Comparison of physical inputs and costs per quart equiva1nt for electricity in five nodel p1nts with can intace and glass and paper output, Oregon prices, 195b 0 !1 tho sm a thou. hcr n in thii cie, w*r Unit. pr.edin s*utia. W1* 23, *rnisI. t with *a, dtt.r.a at botX*N w*tL 1r Sit'. itW sr Orø* coditieas, 1.9%. Tb. ph7ioa1 th Tks 5. p;Lt.s tor Live As 4th oth.i i pLaMa *a's ast ita, suppUee t1etL t.n c*4 tr,r cptttt.ies. ThreA*e, t the 2er have a uftit east 123 T*bl* 24, ZcMdn1 of' p.Ui. ai t d1 t with g14* $ 6,257,9 1.94? .1 .:, I 754 .95* 3 .1t 4,704 .644 3,351 I t452 2,%1,fl* .365 .102 .103 I -I 175.0 A gds. 2,435 t4p1 p*p.r qts, ,O7 1,947 3.109 p&p.*1 Pt,. p*p.14 k ptn. 1u -* 1.452 .323 .103 i I 1,1 lbs. 47 1b, 4, lbs. - qt. 4 I. 4- 4, . $0. .014 ii I!. 1,939 3.149 i 1i. 4 .4 4 .1 - 4 * 1.452 . 4,4 4., 4 ;t ' .323 .100 .103 M JOJ flV*tq '4*OD $tL W6 6r £&V oc'tL' 6r oC'a6 rC%'9 .QO46 o6'7 w 9 ø6C OØ9'1COOOO9' ¶ ad*d 8 ,, 099 'i .O9'O6t C6t .Ot'9tt01 44'9øi 900" to. 9W 0t OdL& 0'?'h6'C Ov'i14L'C LL( tL'tP O96'9s6 art ')rs4 O9'aatoU'6't 'enr 'h zt 'rc ,*dd o4t9'9OOO't oa6io6'96 jd 1 * . 1F r (OVóóo 09L'091'to%'Utrt cx"oo't uoC'rt c4rt t'6rr c*' L'c9t b 000'w' ed i4 ztdic5 .WPV7'6 9*79 $9 C6t O&'T c'i6't w9w096'cz ,Z3dd *ot't zL's6&t Lo 1T' tz' L'a6i't i"% 'x vrIzc'c *16t .9L9 hq jzidd 000'0L5c6'6Jt cP'U6'V L'9t7 .9'6'9 aw'9V10'L'L ad u yj so .tt U? !li4 119 C loildiog eubag. 001,14. diennsj,n OZAiflgIfldl.veling $ 6xcavation .20 1.60 2, C,ncr.t. work Footings slo tow.dittons1 floor, 4" with hard.v.r floor, 4' with querr)' tile 3, Walls Conaret. block, 8' DScICing, ' eq.ft. sq.ft. 90.ft. 350. 700. p1 5. Insulation loot, 1" ridged Co.1.r, 8 40 10' Door., wood 7. Painil_z.g, 3 coats 8. 0vttrs end 4 spout. Oil stoesge 1.3. .o.1iMsou., scaffolds, ..t.l, 14. OsnIonstoes profit.3 Tatsi Crw.t3 0.54 fiuw. stool, bonds str. 5,490 1,450 2.800 L200 2.4.00 .1.ft. sq.ft, .q.tt, 440 216 2,500 6,656 1,848 4,225 3,927 4,158 8,032 2,536 10,340 3,160 2,240 2,200 7,445 7,605 1,008 7,700 6 2,100 2,2(X) 135 65 each each - $ - 1 500 140 224 70 4,550 4,739 3,50) 170 95 $ 700 272 4,800 120 5,708. 12,336 3,608 6,175 7,278 8,116 11,600 3,680 2,800 2,400 8,352 9,090 1,260 8,400 12,410 4,360 2,600 2,9(X) 6,935 10,769 1,260 10,150 7 2,450 1.0 3,500 - 5,0W_C - - - tS. 12.790 2.750 19,580 5,1.22 17,030 5,760 5,60) 3,500 $ 960 ___L 33) 6,000 280 1.100 11,552 12,177 29,2 7,484 12,262 14,227 2,520 12,250 34,250 6,160 6,080 5,300 $ 1 140 117',,28S 2b..' 1S _910 - U 16 8,400 8,400 2,772 8,232 10,080 10,080 3,326 9,878 15,330 15,330 15,023 23,520 23,520 .20 1.20 sq.ft, 8,400 1,928 1,680 2,314 10,080 3,416 2,016 6,099 15,330 4,106 3,066 5,770 23,520 4,706 8,669 35,280 8,614 .10 4.20 1,100 880 1,20) 960 1,071 330 1,386 1,450 255 300 1,160 1,260 1,750 300 1,400 1,260 2,650 .10 .q.ft. .q.tt. q.ft, 31,840 3,184 36,480 3,648 43,780 4,378 62,220 6,222 16,260 7,626 .67 Un.tt. 240 161 272 182 368 247 400 268 560 375 .06 cu.ft. 160,000 1,000 9,600 120 192,000 2,000 11,520 240 292,000 3,000 17,520 446,000 4,000 26,880 612 000 360 48o 5000 O 320 600 6, U,600 10,440 14,600 24,9w .90 12. Nrlaet.r fencing, 6' chain liM 4,240 1,200 .q.tt. .q.tt. .12 10. llsstrio.l 7.4.. U. P5,ing2 3,9(X) 2488 O *20 .33 .98 9, Heat sod ventilat. 3,54w. 140 & 160 Z 20 400 1,700 7,762 23,050 6. Window. end doors Window, sis.1 fr. cu.d. .72 3.50 baling, earruge-t,d e-1ndnw. .q.yd. c..yd, 4. *o*f true... truss., 360 492 22(X) 5,00 .59 2,25 Concret, black, 6' with fee, til. 2.47 We-U finish, furred and pLut.red .45 Glass block, 8' 100 a 144 a 18 392 1,100 lzt.rior glass brick sr.a 448,000 292,000 2;000 44) * 96 & 18 100 a P.rtnater £xt.rior nail surface tsrtor window ar.. 3.00 ,q.ft. gal. sq.ft. lin.tt. .68. 5,400 7,900 7,110 9,000 8,100 - 3,960 - 4,550 - 5,610 4,20 1,260 460 1,380 51.0 1,63) - 2,033 - 2,363 - 3,122 63) i$..t. 127308 106.196 sink ha.. ste-tb., end profit. W,33 360 2,120 15.912 - 7,280 1,880 780 2,340 3,990 5,133 _n1 pip. suet.. dost.. 30o.dousd %, fesa, psundt., end enrvs 10*, oeusingsnci.s 55, 11,842 6,480 26. 3C flit.,.., ttains, 7,224, 1.1 35,280 35,280 18$. floor drabs. IM,218 240,803 Cent per quart . - Figure 22. Size of plant Comparison of physical inputs and costs per quart equivalent for building depreciation and imaintenance costs in five model plants, Oregon construction cost estiiaates, 1956. ab1* 26. Øt41 find w$ oost for psit diiiz* tar rYe *d*1 p3.ts, Orgc pris, 19%, - 1r- (!0 (3,34$ Itaa U- __ I (6,736,400 (13,72 1273O i6sze 2,%6.16 ;,365,76 20,ef3 (z6,4 .:326,9 4,a16.o6 vi;;- --v Li gr.st &s ahz the a1a, tbe 1' baquot L1rtbr !T targr pL&nt rjsLU7 hd oa'. toy Ue rd*1s, Canf.r.cies nd hoetese A:-. kitøhons inrporae4 tut* rr:! (!iW;i:i 2z; rmr4ier p2uts, --. T. - 123 Table 27. Inventory of enuiient by cost, center for five aodel Model Plants Iquipeant Can Receiving can cniveyor canduap scales weigh tank receiving tank vacuua sanplsr can washer plat. cooler puap, centrifOgal storage tanks storage tanks storage tanks storage tanks storage tanks sanitary pipe puap, centrifugal Total Can Receiv1n I 21 (14,000 lbs/day) Size Cost $ 1,000 lbs 500 lbs 800 lbs - HP HP Size 442 30 1(X) 1,075 425 - R., 24 CPM 1,180 4,000W/hr 2,0(X) 1,000 gal 1,000 gal (28,000 lbs/day) 160 4,684 4,684 735 160 Cost $ 1,0(X) lbs 750 lbs 1,000 lbs - 6., 3CPM 8,000W/hr 4 HP 1,500 gal 1,000 gal 1,000 gal 41 (56,000 lbs/day) Size - 1,865 2,2(6) 196 5,273 4,684 6,686 _j 23,359 1,000 lbs 1,000 lbs 1,2(1) lbs - 1,312 745 - St.,4CPM 3,049 16,000W/hr 2,900 1 HP 1,5(6) gal 1,500 gal 1,5(6) gal 1,500 gal 283 5,273 5,273 5,273 5,273 1,557 971 4 H) 85 898 3/4 HP 260 161 81 (112,000 lbs/day) Cost Size (224,000 lbs/day) Cost Size $ 9,527 $ 5,230 $3,116 642 45 898 1,2(X) 705 Cost plants. 1956 prices, 1,000 lbs 1,000 lbs 1,500 lbs - 95 898 1,312 870 - St.,8 CPM 5,937 32,000W/hr 4,620 1 HP 3,000 gal 3,000 gal 3,000 gal 1,500 gal 283 7,377 7,377 7,377 5,273 1,838 1 HP 95 941 1,000 lbs 1,000 lb. 2,000 lbs 1,660 1,158 550 - St.,16CPM 9,227 ,000W/hr 7,000 5 HP 434 5,000 gal 5,000 gal 5,000 gal 3,000 gal 3,000 gal 9,846 9,81,6 9,846 7,377 7,377 3,146 2 HP !777 48,770 9,600W/hr 11,738 9,400W/hr 1,011 9,600W/hr 8,680 12,000W/hr 4,720 18,000#/hr 16,032 18,000W/hr 1,041 18,000W/hr 10,400 22,000W/hr 5,711 7 Processing HTZT tt.ing jzp hosogenisar clarifier clarifier 3,000w/hr 558 5,000W/hr 4,100 3,135 100 gal 150 gal 1,209 1,639 3,0000/hr crag,. surg. tanks surge tanks surge tanks sanitary pipe aiscellaneous Total Processing Bottle Handling cas. conveyor case washer case washer 7,192 3,000W/hr 5,400W/hr 5,400W/hr 5,400W/hr 6,000W/hr 8,499 150 gal 300 gal 1,639 2,275 545 2,976 449 10 CPM bottle usaher 20 8PM 28 BPM bottle tiU.r, glass bottl.s tiller, paper botti. filler, bottle filler, 20 8PM 35 8PM 2,960 1.945 1,103 10,000 5,680 1,526 10 8PM jag.jtj7r pip. otac.11a,.sus Total BOttle 545 300 gal 300 gal 300 gal 3,171 1,255 10 8PM 5,510 3,643 -p ..21,299 5 CPM bottle conveyor 658 30 8PM 35 8PM 3,728 2,551 3,710 2,118 2,005 10,000 5,680 1,625 5 1PM 10 1PM 54 8PM 50 8PM 50 8PM 545 2,275 2,275 2,275 4,354 9,082 1,255 2,551 6,416 3,515 3,659 23,090 16 8PM 3,205 600 gal 600 gal 600 gal 545 3,240 3,240 3,240 4,625 5 CPM 15 CPM 110 8PM 100 8PM 50 8PM 75 8PM 16 8PM 17,591 1,255 3,659 13,620 4,639 6,916 23,090 19,800 37,500 3,402 35,0000/hr 22,500 35,0000/hr 1,166 35,000W/hr 11,620 22,0000/hr 5,711 22,0000/hr 5,711 1,090 1,000 gal 5,021 1,000 gal 5,021 1,000 gal, 5,021 2,500 gal 7,059 7,0&l 10 CPW 20 CPN 160 8PM 21,980 2,551 4,355 21,61,0 9,140 145 8PM 8,771 110 BNt 38,000 35,000 70,000 6,602 1) 8PM 33 8PM Table 27. (cootinueu Hodel riants &uipaent Spacialtiec can washer can filler, hand can filler, mechanical vats, cream Vats, outtezisilk vats, cHocolate vats, skim pumps, centrifogal sanitary pIpe starter incubator Total pecialties Cooler cooler blowers General Plant separator separator timing pump timing pump bowl crane (14,000 lbs Stay Size Cost 5p4 2 (28,00) 1bs/day Size Cost 131 - - 1,139 1,098 100 gal 152 gal 290 gal 2 HP z,11b 600 gal 2 - 3/4 l,9? 1,49 II 379 1,602 522 338 243 4 OPF 25,000 Hfl) 553 1,aOO#i'hr 3,585 2,000a2hr ,,333 1,400./hr 387 2,000./hr 553' 300 gal 3300 gal 2 - 3/4 HF 8 C8F4 1,649 3,147 5,653 520 00 gal 000 gal 400 gal 1,500 gal 3 - 3/4 HP 2,256 128 13,934 '5,00 'TO 4,000./hr 4,000./hr 545 545 (112,000 lbs/day) Coat Size - - 200 gal 1,934 128 1,934 128 15,000 3111J e5jt - 5o gal 75 gal 392 (5,,(XXJ lbs'day( 207 29' 1374 208 - 1.6X 2X H 726 5,231 558 50,000 HTU 6,C)00#/hr 0,0 if/hr 545 3,012 243 1,240 3,147 4,886 3,662 5,273 780 3,076 1,106 ,140 658 (224,000 lbe/day) Cost Size 6 CPtH 600 gal 600 gal BOO gal 3,000 gal 3 - 2 HP 6,033 243 1,465 4,886 4,886 5,653 7,377 1,197 4,721 70,000 HTU 1,652 6,000W/hr 6,000W/hr 6,000W/hr 6,140 6,140 658 6,000#/t 658 1,090 545 boiler boiler 25 lIP 2,814 30 HP ,196 50 HP 4,018 85 HP 7,236 80 HP 125 HP 5,968 8,444 cpressore cpresaore cpreesors cpressOrs 7 7 HP HP 1,660 1,640 7 7 HP HP 15 HP 1,640 1,640 2,265 15 HP 15 HP 25 HP 2,245 2,245 3,362 25 HP 25 HP 40 HP 3,362 3,362 4,771 17,5T 9,000 lbs 2 - 2 HP 1,295 4,854 620 33.2T 19,200 lb 1,758 8,214 660 b7.BT 36,000 lbs 2 - 5 HP 2,795 13,000 694 40 HP 40 HP 40 HP 40 HP l49T 71,000 lbs 3 - 10 HP 4,771 4,771 4,771 6,771 5,349 22,000 1,335 condenser ice builder pimp, industrial air cpressor air cpre5eor aink acid dispenser bottle shaker centrifuge water bath acidity teeter bottle washer 8.BT 4,600 lbs 2 - 1 HP 2 PH 12 bottle 12 bottle 24 bottle 12 bottle aisc.11an.cus pipe wash tank asp. disc washer C4.P. unit floor scrub machine wash sink 10 ft 3/4 HP - 832 2,915 666 460 245 68 102 83 73 25 39 30 378 773 934 295 1 HP 2 HP 26 bottle 24 bottle 24 bottle 24 bottle 10 ft 1 HP - 375 660 245 68 116 118 73 25 80 60 378 773 977 350 3 HP 2 2 HP 460 HP 685 5 24 bottle 24 bottle 24 bottle 24 bottle 12 ft 2 HP 245 68 116 118 73 25 80 60 392 773 1,061 330 360 3 hF HP 7 36 bottle 36 bottle 36 bottle 36 bottle 535 1,193 245 68 124 186 100 25 104 10 HP 10 HP 515 3o bottle 36 bottle 36 bottle 124 186 100 36 bottle 25 104 70 12 ft 3 HP 392 773 1,083 330 360 1,284 1,286 70 12 ft 5 HP 392 1,545 1,102 990 720 1.25 Tabis 27. (contjinisd) Mod4 Plant. I Squit (14,000 lbs/day) Cost Si .st.r t 220 gal 2 HP chloyinatC? Tal Oosey.l Total Inv.sta.t AIESa1 Dspr.ctatic £quigat Gaits pr art 41 21 (28,000 lbs/day) Si.. 38, 150 110 Cost 3 HP 518 315 gal 200 )30 (56,000 lbs/day) Si.. 7 Cost HP 750 gal 948 275 1311,086 $25,*2 t35,O $88,630 $216,942 5263 3540d 21,694.10 .32208 (224,000 lbs/day) Gist 31.. 25 NP 1,525 15 HP 1,500 gal 300 $119,228 11,922.80 161 325 300 $50,)03. $18,97 8,863.00 II (1.1.2,000 lbs/day) Cost 31.. 31,U)8.40 .2309* 3, gal 2,373 531 $88, $506,490 50,649.00 .i880$ *11 .qt4pesnt wu dpret&t. tig*r3 wa obt&tned rr the r.port 10 pe.nt per y..t. o.t t?e e. 5 psrosnt per year of the new eot (rthie 20), PU9228 416,9ia. 5,961,40 10047.05 Thte This ttgs*x's wss .11,0% 3506,1.90 JUewane* for 4,133jØ 25,324,50 cost per qsrt Pct of .26334 100 J .i7O .3$10 .115W 0940 65.6 61.2 43.9 35,7 - bu.d on Wtsrf roport on t). *xp4n'in6e in ht* re Vr 3tttJa rrneaxet .pLp*ant 21 fr coeti .ror dtry th. b*ae plants c &prte4 too (52, p. 14), all a *pl. to O%tabss lish a rate ca to Oregon plants. Iw,sr, thetr repsi'ts it*ti that an Allowance ot at, l*t 5 pere was needed. Luij*mnt dOp?esiation and repair eøt high aS .78% cent (7igu 23). in p.sr srt r*ng 1r a plant X to a 1ev at ,O snt in plant I6X. ui.nt cots par quart in plant 16X were on1r 6 cant of that Cot plant X. In Actual practice, the ciifte anoc* in e4ui1t aosts betwean the various dana of plant.* was net quite raat as showa tar the . Cent per quart Size of plant I-s tb.) Figure 23. O Comparison between equipnent depreciation and maintenance costs per quart equivalent and size of plant for five model plants with can intake and glass and paper output, Oregon, 1956. Tb. tax : U r,t1 ac roa1 property wa et4ted P! Costs not dir.etiy ms.ociate with pint aim, all imt values were iulated at a stsndar4 rat. r 32 oe*ts p 1cpars ICot. The *3a Ta4 O, i *tr 1 U&ttx pt* dth (6,?)4,4 £4364 44,31$ t4t4. ie*1 tiv 1itvssLt L$ tuaa nd p&pr oput Or. * (Ztt,3 1jeatnt V4$4 n 6,Z4 T4* 59 Q317t 13O,%$ 249O# ::%2,,3a L plant X .tO9 255,%Z ? .L $4249 O1.,%3 ,5fl,% 45 ,os, .52 6.O ó2.9 24 prot t pao L,46*. 1,A5.72 23O947 1,.r.t oI (33,7,i13O (26,%S,&D t'i ,O79 at Ccr p1.ant X, and .O2 p1axt L6X. t tu r L6 wa on1r 26 pro.t ot' tb The t*x per owt for pit X (Fju 24), $ot U of tha base p1t.a paid tntrest ehargs. Xnt4wt øie$ per zrt rued tr For this Rtu&y, .3W1 cent per quiut tar seat of thn uote to pLut X (?igtu'. 24). Avarsg. tota:L iv.stit $,943 $2,14 434,29 $.U),Q97.35 14,440.O $21,7Ue)5 &103,784 i30,548 5 perct 3fl9O $6,527.40 Thtersst cost per quert P.rceot ot .)*iØ 49384 .3499* O0 62,9 48.6 punt Z -- n- .3D72 26,0 Cent .30 per uart .20 + interest Taxes .10 + xInsuranceo X Figure 24. 2X 4X Size of plant 1ÔX terest, and thsurance costs per quart equivalent and The relationship between taxes, size of plant for five model plants with can intake and glass and paper output, Oregon, 1956. Qth*r costs 1.no).udcd a to piant licenses (Thb3 3) aUisa*c. tc ptiot io.s and 334 t* $53,099 $63,6S4 Uf.,1&4 $120,402 369. Si. a46 49'.9, 163,44 IA.. s.eo/000 3O3.2 q*zi. ast* ZA..at ,33.5 59,6I4 $loe,4fl $.155,%2 253,25 .70/$1000 341.23 459.03 35.23 1,197.67 1,%9.97 1,9.47 $eae.54 $1,323.68 $1,96.6O $2,933.47 T.t*1 I.eat In.. eet per quez Pezt pLit X ,03$6 .0246 .01960 3I00 63.7 50.8 .01.090 28.0 36.5 I , PS - .. A -( V. .i -. V. . .,. - .4 . . S - -S *5 a a -. 5-.5 , S__I I.. . - . - ,' ,- I .5 I .5, 5 .- 4 -'1 a . . 4 . - S - ,, 'J._ _p S.. IS . - v -_ ? : S S Sr - I. - I 4 -55 5 5. $ 44 4 .5 -I V. ' I. a. - ' -.5 5r . -11. 'r * I .5 I I, 1, l4 4 .- II T't I - SI -, i ' II .. bY I 4 S 5 S ). V. * II S S S 55 I , - *.v S a 5 5. S S 5 .5 .5 . .5.5 -, -I 0 , - S .1-I_I - a- - . - 5 5. 4 . S I., . I . 4 4 . ' .S - __S - I jii Iii r! IL Vi' 4 ELEf 6.0 Cents 5.0 per quart 'N___ Costs with physical 4.0 economies 3 0 th physical Costs and price economies 2.0 2X Figure 25. 4X BX Size of plant i6x Comparison of total physical inputs and total costs per quart equivalent in five model plants with can intaze and glass and paper output, Oregon prices, 1956 qurt lear t.a the .sccont Ueøt pint (?abl 36*) desl eftir4.ennL*a for a.o73 cert,s or 914.6 percent of the ngs. The rest octctd of the svtng in larger pl'nt was dtze to the loiv.r prices with the &rhasa of larder contsin eaots SrEl gePLt euppI7 coats wore the 3.ergeat itses et u4enae tar 4.1 eupp3. antjtt.s, t pinte. o sical etticicocj were costs in plant tax. Additiu1 savings Lbr general pleit *ipp3.iu broght the ea to .616g cent per quart (?ab3.e 36*) or 20 porocot of the total r.duatjd*% (Table 36a), Labor s the next largest itr of expens. in There all planti. 1dinj costs per q&art showed a greater percent reduct.op twesn p1at .( and 16x thin any athr cost alenent. Hrevr, theas costs were suCh a part i,f the total coat that their net, affect was 3.e*. than for either labor oz' supplies. 14*41cts scaconted tar i.iced building apses sent or 5.5 percent of the tots]. ATY Lii: :TTT W WTVi UIf b1 6, Cijt per qustt equiie1.zat or ttve ode1 tt **re4 to the o*ts IA the eUeet pIuit1 ire* prtc.i, 39S i:t (i,64,300 (3,368,o (6jt36,400 (33,472,800 (26,945,0. UtiUttes upp1i.e 1,60120 .2505 2.2283 .MtO 34 23C .00*24 .2303 .4712 .2584, .3063 .%9 .3437 .5578 .3343 .4431 .4434 Other Tht1s1 .1090 .(M04 a .0340 .0190 5MO $1is. 4.4 38.0 7.5 33.4, Z4ter.st 3.9 5.2 a? 43,6 5.4 13,6 11.5 16.8 2.6 7,4 .9 ,4,5 ___ 353 32.5 20.3 20,0 12,0 5.8 21.2 12,0 13.8 z.s 114 36.1 2,6 7,3 .9 74 .9 340. Lsbor Ut4liti. Obhr a dtt'eiio j6.4 Other ?otaZ Cest 57,9 67,7 ,61 Ocet e3.eut si s et t 27.3 .96350 .1808 . .Q94L 360, ts pz in 36A. L*bor 100 100 100 300 100 300 200 300 100 90.6 60.0 65,6 62,9 62,9 63.7 96.9 78.9 39.7 48.6 48,6 50,8 95,3 39.8 36,7 75.0 2B,3 43.9 34.8 34.8 36.5 94.6 300 7:3.7 62.2 53.2 49.5 (44 2,7 7.7 .9 eø** 1 . 4,9.6 174 39,0 304 724 19.4 35.? 26O 26,0 28.0 94.2 494 3iaz!y j$j Caw1udcis US E1!1 jt Us w3.th sscI* put1 tws1 'ir! rzrxi : izx: 1t ax, tt**t, 4Ue6. w*re 44 srts; for &.X, *t for ex, 3,32 IRLIcAT 1, AUr4 '.LZa 4, *nd I4wara H, Was, Co*t at f1U14 U%&b *tte *rS** at AtaL1 xp.rint station. a, trtf4t at . m 1946. 3, qLtt7, *d prtc** a tt*. ltrl. oU.j*, 1953, 4. (Ut. in rural izid iMLl.etin 365) . York, : &18 202p. &rUett, *olrmd Y, J. Gothar, , Urb*Lb * .#rttig efflcina7 ot stt of ZUii*ts, 1952. 5e (flUflOt*. AX4t4l *JPS1'*ant stti. 4, 1%1tt, oJ.K1 W. and , C, 4U *IflC*t4ng 1* vint**1hi4,ping itaticr opt4.o*. 5t414 aoU* £r*t , ssda t*t* 192B. )p. (?'nay1vsnL. Aria1.turs1 exp.ri*ent sttior, afl.t4n 239) 7, a1a4c, J. D, and . 3, Cthrts, t o'pzisstion. asp.ots of erosz ivit' o dsis, 1924. 1 Ulp. (ttn..ota. ArL1t.ur1 z*.nt ststtv, ctial bUtin 26) B, Jc*t Thoa. Th. vttliv in boUar, t.e4itar, az*t erim*ortss, and ir1os, at .*uot st . orv*it tngtot, ii. tine afft* 193, Z3p. (or b&t iatar In tht (U, S. rt*Pnt of .gri Ctrar 209) 9. ar..al.r, trd,ø , 'i., pt with * trj 3oeton0 Psw lør . c;,, s1e. ths op.atL *1 ?Ot*rCO to Of Efli'. w4 jlazi4 r.wah ouncU food *ppy, 1942. 10. aa 92p. g...arct tj.t *ftW*1 of ta j*tL(m of coniaa 27 5Z5)9. 1%5. Of U. i3rmvstr, Jo1m , Cparativ. stfidarci*s of dtttrsbt *7ps* Ei! 21. a*U, Thos atry 1ctors, tine t;tttoe øoop.r*tiv 22, H.rn . ., R. (1. 1955. 29p. (U, r . rca ireulsr 10) to., r.e*1.r, Jr., . Frt, ttoir 0. c.ttng in Cennctiut, 11, !aoncj** in specialized thgver'sit torts s 27, Ot of Comecttiau%, ]%1, 61p, Lltuyjsl *pertamAt st&tien, oiiroe, ti13.i.a J, ad Sct * (*1k.r. of tOW$, t$. eut, sUn 29) An .eanenie $ Dr *U tl*d4 nW plant prob1s in northern Xd*ho. '(e4 Univ ty f Idahe, 19%. 43p. (Idaho, Arioit*l .p.rint etatin, 1izLL,tj r, 225) 2$, teneon, W, P. ooic id.rst4gns in 1tettt f3nid *Uk. Udersit$ of Wisconsin, 19%, 56p. (Wi**sij, &gcgttLrt sx*riaert støtten. Re5S*roh 325) 29. .w Yorc (stafe), Tporsry eensiden en ze Al 30, New *iture, An*s1 Au tna17sis f the sprd bstwesn tsr and cor prices in A*ster4,a er prest peticee. , 311ians su, 1951. 42p. * t*t). ?orsr oøntssion en aricz1tare pr'r4 $f t1 Afl Or tb5 *1X'SId b5tI* priMes in tnjhiiten tn4sr ibi, $llisas pes, 1951. lp, Ant*a1 SO1 ss*t tiess, 31. Ne sur *t1 Al 32. 34k. 36. H ,orery edutc n (stat..). tame a, 1950. 73p. ru4t (*t&t.). ?or*'y aam*tsston o rth o.trd C c W., .4. datx'7 *.thig to ratdl distr$btion. 14U CtcStt, A. kL 39. cuXtus. Mil di et the epeid b.timen fizz md prt.e 1i Mtf*to wsr prie*t prmottmea. 1956, ob.rt A. L*bor ilistan 1* sUYo pasts4riainj mad bttLt ti. itMes, (nU frtvT ett, 1953. )p. (sew Xow. Ajrtsa1turm1 statteri. 40. s11.ttn ajth, Itilan V. mad L4s . djatrttJan. ig .rvio., 19%. )Bp, ;4*rc.tin .rvann. Lnjag p*tteits in mehthton, Agrioltrd *t (U, $, tsprtnt et rea.arch rpø?t no, 13$) 4L picsr, Le34. Cost. of 4iLritth v*itc, ot l%. 9$p. 44. pm*r 1*I4*L *t trei in in *mtO of tfø J the eals, eosts, *M profits of in the $ Xork *ez'.t. *ivsrit, 1951, lop. (,i Th$c. it stin A.E 774) 45. t*z'r, 0. . iidLi,tr ;(Uk distrt .5t 1955. 1954. dis a3.*er, S3att U, Hartz' J. resta, end C1*t T. ecrtartc snalyeia of buttr.oantst th7 0w, eqe?i i1tc, :tU.k 6p. 46. St].ee, t. L, &4 ¶t, 4. Thrton. e, ttb.c*, CoreU e4tl pert bztt uoetm in .lsaa. An ti. 34O* iYsrsity ot 1d*, l9, 90p. (do. øtsti. Imavch bzUetin , ) Lz1Uz'al