BS CpE Computer Engineering at Path B Suggested Transition plan matriculated 2011-2012 (calculus-ready students) Update EE4900/01/10 fall 2012 Path B: Computer Engineering with first year engineering, without Chemistry (CH1150/51). Early entry into computing courses. Choose alternative Math/Sci electives in place of University Fall Year 1 Spring MA1160 (4) or MA1161 (5) CALC I MA2160 (4) CALC II F, S, Su F, S, Su Co-reqs COPY 3 - adjusted Fall Co-hort courses Year 2 Year 3 Fall Spring MA3520(2) Linear Alg Differential Equ ________ F, S, Su F, S, Su **Substituion List below PH1100 (1) PH2100 (3) EE1110 (1) EE2111 (3) Physics Lab I Univ. Physics I Essential Math Elec. Circuits I MA1160/1 ENG1101(3) Engrg Analysis F, S, Su F, S SPRING CS1121 Co-req EE3131 (4) Electronics & Lab EE2112 MA3521/20 MA2321/20 F, S, Su CS1122(3) *** Intro to Programming I Intro to Programming II F, S, Su CS1122 MA1160/61 EE1000 (1) Explorations in Computing UN1001 (3) Perspectives CS3411(3) EE3160 (3) Linear Systems **UN1002 (4) or UN1003 + HU______ F ______________ Co-Curr. Unit (.5) 14 or15.5 MA3710(3) Data Structures Engg. Statistics CS2311 (3) F, S, Su WORLD CULTURES S ** TWO SEMESTERS OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE ALONG WITH THE WORLD CULTURES ACTIVITIES LAB (UN1003) MAY SUBSTITUTE FOR UN1002 + HASS 17 EE Design 2 S EE3173(4) H/S Integration EE4173(3) Comp System Architecture F, S F, S EE4272 and CS4321 Recommended Tech Elec Systems Prog. CS2321 (3) ________________ ****Technical Elective (3) ________________ ****Technical Elective (3) F, S, Su F. S UN2001 (3) Composition F, S, Su HASS Elective (3) PH1100 Physics Lab 2 C for java pgmrs Must be SO stdg F, S, Su UN2002 (3) Institutions F, S, Su ______________ Co-Curr. Unit (.5) 16.5 175 ________________ ****Technical Elective (3) __________ _________ ***Dept Specific HASS Elec (3) HASS Elective (3) F, S CpE/EE doubles: MA3160 ____________ *Math/Sci Elective(3) *Eligible Math/Sci electives are: MA2310 or higher BL1040 or higher CH1100 or higher PH2300 or higher **** Technical Electives: See list of Approved CpE Technical Electives. Plan in advance. Choose minimum 12 cr Technical Electives w/ Senior Design; or 10 cr.with Enterprise for Design option. Add 1cr if CS1131 taken. **CS3911: substitute one of the following: MA4620, MA3202, MA3740, EE4496, MA4610, MA3203,MA4710,EE3180. ***One HASS elective must be from the following list: HU3701, SS3510, SS3520, SS3530, SS3630, SS3640, SS3800, SS3810. ________________ ****Technical Elective (3) F, S PH1200 (1) CS1141 (2) Can switch PH2200 (3) Univ. Physics 2 F, S, Su ______________ Co-Curr. Unit (.5) Undergraduate advisor: EERC 131. Call 487-2550 to schedule appt. MA2160 PH2100 _________ cS1122 Discrete Structures EE1000 Not required. EE4910 (2) EE Design 1 Look up pre-reqs and semester offerings for Technical Electives. See note below. F, S F, S EE4901 (2) F, S, Su Comp. Org. MA2160 CS1121(3) EE3173 MA3710 or EE3180 CS1141 CS3421 ***Will accept CS1131(5) + 1cr tech elec in lieu of CS1121 & CS1122 *** Spring F CS3421(4) F, S F, S, Su F, S, Su CS1141 cS1122 Digital Logic & Lab MODEL & DESGN F, S, Su EE2174 (4) Spring Only Electrical Circuits II & Lab Co-reqs ENG1102 (3) UN1015 or UN2001 EE2112 (4) F, S, Su Electronics (EE3131) EE3901 (2) Design Fund. May take in another semester Year 4 Fall Spring **CS3911 Substitution required: MA2320(2) Co-reqs F, S, Su Co-reqs Not required:AY 201108 (recommended) PH2400 CS4321 EE4272 Chemistry. 4 credits. EE1110 is 1 cr math/sci elective. Accelerated MA2321 and MA3521 may replace MA2320 and MA3520. MA3521/20 is p-req to Circuits II. Last Update April 25, 2013 16 _________ _________ HASS Elective (3) HASS Elective (3) Recommended HASS elective: EC3400 (3) ______________ Co-Curr. Unit (.5) ______________ Co-Curr. Unit (.5) 16.5 18 14/15 May take 4 sem. Enterprise in lieu of EE4901 and EE4910 and 10 cr.Technical Electives in lieu of 12 Year 3 Fall ENT3950(1) Year 3 Spring ENT3960(1) ______________ Co-Curr. Unit (.5) Year 4 Fall ENT4950(2) Year 4 Spring ENT4960(2) EE3173 EE3901 & EE3131 ENT4950 & ENT4960 must be consecutive. Total 128 plus 3 units co-curricular activities