Version: Page: Issue Date: 03 1 of 2 25 May 1995 EMPLOYEE INDUCTION Name of Employee: Date of Induction: Peter Patterson Casual/Part-time/Full-time 21/1/1996 Induction Conducted by: Olga O’Grady Position: Metals Group Section Senior Technical officer- Minerals Reports to: Olga O’Grady Forms: (Tick where provided, explained and completed) General Pre-Employment Employee Master Record Employment Declaration for Tax Bank Details Superannuation Applications Expense Claim & Explanation Meal Allowance PROVIDED Quality Assurance Manager to explain, documents not available to Metal Group Section on network. Quality Policy Statement & Objectives Quality Assurance Questions Procedures & Training Explained Hours of Work Bundy Clock Procedures Non Smoking Environment No Food or Drink in Laboratories NOTES Understands quality control requirements. 05-009 Version: Page: Issue Date: 03 2 of 2 25 May 1995 EMPLOYEE INDUCTION (Tick where provided, explained and completed) Safety View generic sections of induction video SimuLab OH & S policy explained Individual OH & S responsibilities explained Risk register consultant and specific workplace hazards identified Applicable safe operating procedures reviewed Personal protective equipment issued and its use explained Hazard reporting mechanism explained Emergency evacuation plan explained Locations of specific emergency equipment explained and demonstrated PROVIDED NOTES Response for specific workplace hazards explained and demonstrated First-aid stations and officers details Accident reporting mechanism explained OH & S representatives listed I acknowledge that the first 3 months employment is on a probationary basis and that the above procedures have been fully explained to me. Signed: Peter Patterson Date: 21/1/1996 Witness: Olga O’Grady 05-009