AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Direct Time-Integration Methods These slides are based on the recommended textbook: M. Géradin and D. Rixen, “Mechanical Vibrations: Theory and Applications to Structural Dynamics,” Second Edition, Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated, ISBN-13:9780471975465 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Outline 1 Stability and Accuracy of Time-Integration Operators 2 Newmark’s Family of Methods 3 Explicit Time Integration Using the Central Difference Algorithm AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Stability and Accuracy of Time-Integration Operators Multistep Time-Integration Methods Lagrange’s equations of dynamic equilibrium (p(t) = 0) Mq̈ + Cq̇ + Kq = 0 q(0) = q0 q̇(0) = q̇0 First-order form 0 M q̈ −M 0 q̇ 0 + = M C 0 K q 0 q̇ | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } AB u̇ =⇒ u̇ = Au −AA where u A = A−1 B AA Direct time-integration AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS 0 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Stability and Accuracy of Time-Integration Operators Multistep Time-Integration Methods General multistep time-integration method for first-order systems of the form u̇ = Au m m X X un+1 = αj un+1−j − h βj u̇n+1−j j=1 j=0 where h = tn+1 − tn is the computational time-step, un = u(t n ), and qn+1 un+1 = q̇n+1 is the state-vector calculated at tn+1 from the m preceding state vectors and their derivatives as well as the derivative of the state-vector at tn+1 β0 6= 0 leads to an implicit scheme — that is, a scheme where the evaluation of un+1 requires the solution of a system of equations β0 = 0 corresponds to an explicit scheme — that is, a scheme where the evaluation of un+1 does not require the solution of any system of equations and instead can be deduced directly from the results at the previous time-steps AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Stability and Accuracy of Time-Integration Operators Multistep Time-Integration Methods General multistep integration method for first-order systems (continue) m m X X αj un+1−j − h βj u̇n+1−j un+1 = j=1 j=0 trapezoidal rule (implicit) un+1 = un + h h h (u̇n + u̇n+1 ) ⇒ ( A − I)un+1 = −un − u̇n 2 2 2 backward Euler formula (implicit) un+1 = un + hu̇n+1 ⇒ (hA − I)un+1 = −un forward Euler formula (explicit) un+1 = un + hu̇n ⇒ un+1 = (I + hA)un AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Stability and Accuracy of Time-Integration Operators Numerical Example: the One-Degree-of-Freedom Oscillator Consider an undamped one-degree-of-freedom oscillator q̈ + ω02 q = 0 with ω0 = π rad/s and the initial displacement q(0) = 1, q̇(0) = 0 exact solution q(t) = cos ω0 t associated first-order system u̇ = Au where A= −ω02 0 0 1 u = [q̇, q]T , and initial condition u(0) = 0 1 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Stability and Accuracy of Time-Integration Operators Numerical Example: the One-Degree-of-Freedom Oscillator Numerical solution T T = 3s, h = 32 3 Exact solution Trapezoidal rule Euler backward Euler forward 2 1 q 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 0 0.5 1 1.5 t 2 2.5 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS 3 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Stability and Accuracy of Time-Integration Operators Stability Behavior of Numerical Solutions Analysis of the characteristic equation of a time-integration method consider the first-order system u̇ = Au for this problem, the general multistep method can be written as un+1 = m X αj un+1−j − h j=1 m X βj u̇n+1−j ⇒ j=0 m X [αj I − hβj A] un+1−j = 0, α0 = −1 j=0 let µr be the eigenvalues of A and X be the matrix of associated eigenvectors m P the characteristic equation associated with [αj I − hβj A] un+1−j = 0 is j=0 obtained by searching for a solution of the form un+1−m = Xa (decomposition on an eigen basis) u(n+1−m)+1 = λun+1−m = λXa = λun = · · · = λk un+1−k = · · · = λm Xa (solution form) .. . un+1 where λ ∈ C is called the solution amplification factor AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Stability and Accuracy of Time-Integration Operators Stability Behavior of Numerical Solutions Analysis of the characteristic equation of a time-integration method (continue) Hence m X [αj I − hβj A] λm−j Xa = 0 j=0 −1 Since X leads to AX = diag(µr ), premultiplying the above result by X−1 " m # X m−j [αj I − hβj diag(µr )] λ a=0 j=0 =⇒ m X [αj − hβj µr ] λm−j = 0, r = 1, 2 j=0 hence, the numerical response un+1 = λm Xa remains bounded if each solution of the above characteristic equation of degree m satisfies |λk | < 1, k = 1, · · · , m AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Stability and Accuracy of Time-Integration Operators Stability Behavior of Numerical Solutions Analysis of the characteristic equation of a time-integration method (continue) the stability limit is a circle of unit radius in the complex plane of µr h, the stability limit is therefore given by writing λ = e iθ , 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π m X =⇒ µr h = αj e i(m−j)θ j=0 m X βj e i(m−j)θ j=0 one-step schemes (m = 1) µr h = α0 e iθ + α1 −e iθ + α1 = β0 e iθ + β1 β0 e iθ + β1 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Stability and Accuracy of Time-Integration Operators Stability Behavior of Numerical Solutions Analysis of the characteristic equation of a time-integration method (continue) one-step schemes (m = 1) (continue) µr h = α0 e iθ + α1 −e iθ + α1 = iθ β0 e + β1 β0 e iθ + β1 forward Euler: α1 = 1, β0 = 0, β1 = −1 ⇒ µr h = e iθ − 1 the solution is unstable in the entire plane except inside the circle of unit radius and center −1 backward Euler: α1 = 1, β0 = −1, β1 = 0 ⇒ µr h = 1 − e −iθ the solution is stable in the entire plane except inside the circle of unit radius and center 1 1 1 2i sin θ trapezoidal rule: α1 = 1, β0 = − , β1 = − ⇒ µr h = 1+cos θ 2 2 the solution is stable in the entire left-hand plane AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Stability and Accuracy of Time-Integration Operators Stability Behavior of Numerical Solutions Analysis of the characteristic equation of a time-integration method (continue) application to the single degree-of-freedom oscillator 0 −ω02 q̈ + ω02 q = 0, A= 1 0 the eigenvalues are µr = ±iω0 the roots µr h are located in the unstable region of the forward Euler scheme ⇒ amplification of the numerical solution the roots µr h are located in the stable region of the backward Euler scheme ⇒ decay of the numerical solution the roots µr h are located on the stable boundary of the trapezoidal rule scheme ⇒ the amplitude of the oscillations is preserved AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods The Newmark Method Taylor’s expansion of a function f 0 f (tn + h) = f (tn ) + hf (tn ) + hs (s) 1 h2 00 f (tn ) + · · · + f (tn ) + 2 s! s! Z tn +h f (s+1) Application to the velocities and displacements Z tn+1 f = q̇, s = 0 ⇒ q̇n+1 = q̇n + q̈(τ )dτ tn Z tn+1 f = q, s = 1 ⇒ qn+1 = qn + h q̇n + q̈(τ )(tn+1 − τ )dτ tn AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS s (τ )(tn + h − τ ) dτ tn AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods The Newmark Method Taylor expansions of q̈n and q̈n+1 around τ ∈ [tn , tn+1 ] q̈n = q̈n+1 = (tn − τ )2 + ··· (1) 2 (tn+1 − τ )2 + · · · (2) q̈(τ ) + q(3) (τ )(tn+1 − τ ) + q(4) (τ ) 2 q̈(τ ) + q(3) (τ )(tn − τ ) + q(4) (τ ) Combine (1 − γ) (1) + γ (2) and extract q̈(τ ) =⇒ q̈(τ ) = (1 − γ)q̈n + γq̈n+1 + q(3) (τ )(τ − hγ − tn ) + O(h2 q(4) ) Combine (1 − 2β) (1) + 2β (2) and extract q̈(τ ) =⇒ q̈(τ ) = (1 − 2β)q̈n + 2βq̈n+1 + q(3) (τ )(τ − 2hβ − tn ) + O(h2 q(4) ) AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods The Newmark Method tn+1 Z Substitute the 1st expression of q̈(τ ) in q̈(τ )dτ tn Z =⇒ tn+1 tn+1 Z q̈(τ )dτ = tn (1 − γ)q̈n + γq̈n+1 + q (τ )(τ − hγ − tn ) + O(h q ) dτ (3) 3 (4) (3) 2 (4) tn Z = (1 − γ)h q̈n + γh q̈n+1 + tn+1 q (τ )(τ − hγ − tn )dτ + O(h q ) tn Apply the mean value theorem Z =⇒ tn+1 " q̈(τ )dτ = (1 − γ)h q̈n + γh q̈n+1 + q (3) (τ̃ ) tn = (1 − γ)h q̈n + γh q̈n+1 + ( Substitute the 2nd expression of q̈(τ ) in (τ − hγ − tn )2 2 #t n+1 3 (4) + O(h q ) tn 1 2 (3) 3 (4) − γ)h q (τ̃ ) + O(h q ) 2 Z tn+1 q̈(τ )(tn+1 − τ )dτ tn Z =⇒ tn+1 tn q̈(τ )(tn+1 − τ )dτ = ( 1 1 2 2 3 (3) 4 (4) − β)h q̈n + βh q̈n+1 + ( − β)h q (τ̃ ) + O(h q ) 2 6 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods The Newmark Method In summary Z tn+1 q̈(τ )dτ = (1 − γ)h q̈n + γh q̈n+1 + rn tn Z tn+1 q̈(τ )(tn+1 − τ )dτ = tn 1 − β h2 q̈n + βh2 q̈n+1 + rn0 2 where rn rn0 1 = − γ h2 q(3) (τ̃ ) + O(h3 q(4) ) 2 1 − β h3 q(3) (τ̃ ) + O(h4 q(4) ) = 6 and tn < τ̃ < tn+1 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods The Newmark Method Hence, the approximation of each of the two previous integral terms by a quadrature scheme leads to q̇n+1 = qn+1 = q̇n + (1 − γ)h q̈n + γh q̈n+1 1 2 qn + h q̇n + h − β q̈n + h2 βq̈n+1 2 where γ and β are parameters associated with the quadrature scheme AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS (3) (4) AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods The Newmark Method Particular values of the parameters γ and β γ= γ= 1 1 and β = leads to linearly interpolating q̈(τ ) in [tn , tn+1 ] 2 6 q̈n+1 − q̈n q̈ln (τ ) = q̈n + (τ − tn ) h 1 1 and β = leads to averaging q̈(τ ) in [tn , tn+1 ] 2 4 q̈n+1 + q̈n q̈av (τ ) = 2 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods The Newmark Method Application to the direct time-integration of Mq̈ + Cq̇ + Kq = p(t) write the equilibrium equation at t n+1 and substitute the expressions (3) and (4) into it =⇒ [M + γhC + βh2 K]q̈n+1 = pn+1 − C[q̇n + (1 − γ)hq̈n ] 1 − β h2 q̈n − K qn + hq̇n + 2 if the time-step h is uniform, M + γhC + βh2 K can be factored once solve the above system of equations for q̈n+1 substitute the result into the expressions (3) and (4) to obtain q̇n+1 and qn+1 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Consistency of a Time-Integration Method A time-integration scheme is said to be consistent if un+1 − un = u̇(tn ) h→0 h lim The Newmark time-integration method is consistent (1 − γ)q̈n + γq̈n+1 un+1 − un q̈n 1 = lim = lim q̇n − β h q̈n + βh q̈n+1 q̇n + h→0 h→0 h 2 Consistency is a necessary condition for convergence AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Stability of a Time-Integration Method A time-integration scheme is said to be stable if there exists an integration time-step h0 > 0 so that for any h ∈ [0, h0 ], a finite variation of the state vector at time tn induces only a non-increasing variation of the state-vector un+j calculated at a subsequent time tn+j AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Stability of a Time-Integration Method The application of the Newmark scheme to Mq̈ + Cq̇ + Kq = p(t) can be put under the form un+1 = A(h)un + gn+1 (h) where A is the amplification matrix associated with the integration operator −1 A(h) = H−1 1 (h)H0 (h), gn+1 = H1 (h)bn+1 (h) (1 − γ)hp n + γhpn+1 M + γhC γhK bn+1 = 1 , H = 1 βh2 C M + βh2 K − β h2 pn + βh2 pn+1 2 (1− γ)hK −M +(1 − γ)hC 1 H0 = − 1 − β h2 C − hM −M + − β h2 K 2 2 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Stability of a Time-Integration Method Effect of an initial disturbance δu0 = u00 − u0 =⇒ δun+1 = A(h)δun = A2 (h)δun−1 = · · · = A(h)n+1 δu0 consider the eigenpairs of A(h) (λr , xr ) then δun+1 = An+1 (h) 2N X s=1 as xs = 2N X as λn+1 xs s s=1 where N is the dimension of the semi-discrete second-order dynamical system =⇒ δun+1 will be amplified by the time-integration operator only if the moduli of an eigenvalue of A(h) is greater than unity =⇒ δun+1 will not be amplified by the time-integration operator if all moduli of all eigenvalues of A(h) are less than unity AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Stability of a Time-Integration Method Undamped case decouple the equations of equilibrium by writing them (for the purpose of analysis) in the modal basis q = Qy = N X yi qai =⇒ ÿi + ωi2 yi = pi (t) i=1 apply the Newmark scheme to the i-th modal equation recalled above to obtain the amplification matrix ωi2 h2 ωi2 h2 1 − γ 1+βω −ωi2 h2 1 − γ2 1+βω 2 h2 2 h2 i i A(h) = 2 2 h 1 ωi h 1 − 2 2 2 2 2 1+βω h 1+βω h i 2 i characteristic equation is λ − λ 2 − (γ + ωi2 h2 1+βωi2 h2 1 )ξ 2 2 + 1 − (γ − 12 )ξ 2 = 0 where ξ 2 = characteristic equation has a pair of conjugate roots λ1 and λ2 if 2 1 4 γ+ − 4β ≤ 2 2 , i = 1, · · · , N 2 ωi h AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Stability of a Time-Integration Method Undamped case (continue) the eigenvalues λ1 and λ2 can be written as λ1,2 = ρe ±iφ where s ρ = φ = 1 ξ2 1− γ− 2 q ξ 1 − 14 (γ + 12 )2 ξ 2 arctan 1 − 12 (γ + 21 )ξ 2 then, the Newmark scheme is stable if ρ≤1⇒γ≥ but recall that this is assuming 2 1 4 γ+ − 4β ≤ 2 2 , 2 ωi h 1 2 i = 1, · · · , N =⇒ limitation on the maximum time-step AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Stability of a Time-Integration Method Undamped case (continue) the algorithm is conditionally stable if γ≥ 1 2 it is unconditionally stable if furthermore 1 β≥ 4 2 1 γ+ 2 1 1 the choice γ = and β = leads to an unconditionally stable 2 4 time-integration operator of maximum accuracy AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Stability of a Time-Integration Method Undamped case (continue) Stability of the Newmark scheme AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Stability of a Time-Integration Method Damped case (C 6= 0) consider the case of modal damping then, the uncoupled equations of motion are ÿi + 2εi ωi ẏi + ωi2 yi = pi (t) where εi is the modal damping coefficient 1 1 consider the case γ = , β = 2 4 an analysis similar to that performed in the undamped case reveals that in this case, the Newmark scheme remains stable as long as ε<1 in general, damping has a stabilizing effect for moderate values of ε AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Amplitude and Periodicity Errors Free-vibration of an undamped linear oscillator 2 ÿ + ω y = 0 and y (0) = y0 , ẏ (0) = 0 A= 0 1 −ω02 0 the above problem has an exact solution y (t) = y0 cos ωt which can be written in complex discrete form as yn+1 = e iωh yn ⇒ the exact amplification factor is ρex = 1 and the exact phase is φex = ωh the numerical solution satisfies ẏn+1 un+1 = = A(h)un yn+1 let λ1,2 (β, γ) be the eigenvalues of A(h, β, γ) 2 when γ + 21 − 4β ≤ ω24h2 , λ1 and λ2 are complex-conjugate i λ1,2 (β, γ) = ρ(β, γ)e ±iφ(β,γ) where s ρ= 1− 1 γ− 2 ξ2 , q 1 1 2 2 ξ 1 − 4 (γ + 2 ) ξ φ = arctan , 1 − 12 (γ + 12 )ξ 2 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS 2 ξ = ω 2 h2 1 + βω 2 h2 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Amplitude and Periodicity Errors Free-vibration of an undamped linear oscillator (continue) amplitude error ρ − ρex = ρ − 1 = − 1 2 1 γ− ω 2 h2 + O(h4 ) 2 relative periodicity error ∆ φ1 ∆T = 1 = T φ 1 φ − 1 φex 1 φex = ωh 1 −1= φ 2 β− 1 12 ω 2 h2 + O(h3 ) AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Amplitude and Periodicity Errors Algorithm γ β Stability limit ωh Purely explicit Central difference 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 Fox & Goodwin 1 2 1 12 Linear acceleration 1 2 Average constant acceleration 1 2 Table: Amplitude error ρ−1 ω 2 h2 4 Periodicity error ∆T T 0 — 2 2 − ω24h 2.45 0 O(h3 ) 1 6 3.46 0 ω 2 h2 24 1 4 ∞ 0 ω 2 h2 12 Time-integration schemes of the Newmark family The purely explicit scheme (γ = 0, β = 0) is useless The Fox & Godwin scheme has asymptotically the smallest phase error but is only conditionally stable 1 1 The average constant acceleration scheme (γ = , β = ) is the 2 4 unconditionally stable scheme with asymptotically the highest accuracy AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Total Energy Conservation Conservation of total energy dynamic system with scleronomic constraints ns X d (T + V) = −mD + Qs q̇s dt s=1 1 1 T = q̇T Mq̇ and V = qT Kq 2 2 the dissipation function D is a quadratic function of the velocities (m = 2) 1 D = q̇T Cq̇ 2 external force component of the power balance ns X Qs q̇s = q̇T p s=1 integration over a time-step [tn , tn+1 ] Z tn+1 t [T + V]tn+1 = (−q̇T Cq̇ + q̇T p)dt n tn AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Newmark’s Family of Methods Total Energy Conservation Conservation of total energy (continue) note that because M and K are symmetric (MT = M and KT = K) 1 T (q̇n+1 − q̇n ) M(q̇n+1 + q̇n ) 2 1 T + (qn+1 − qn ) K(qn+1 + qn ) 2 when time-integration is performed using the Newmark algorithm with 1 1 γ = , β = , the above variation becomes see (3) and (4) 2 4 t [T + V]tn+1 = [Tn+1 − Tn ] + [Vn+1 − Vn ] n t = [T + V]tn+1 n = 1 h T T (qn+1 − qn ) (pn + pn+1 ) − (q̇n+1 + q̇n ) C(q̇n+1 + q̇n ) 2 4 when applied to a conservative system (C = 0 and p = 0), preserves the total energy Rt t = tnn+1 (−q̇T Cq̇ + q̇T p)dt and therefore for non-conservative systems, [T + V]tn+1 n both terms in the right-hand side of the above formula result from numerical quadrature relationships that are consistent with the time-integration operator Z t Z t n+1 T n+1 T pn + pn+1 1 T q̇ dt q̇ pdt ≈ = (qn+1 − qn ) (pn + pn+1 ) 2 2 tn tn Z Z t tn+1 n+1 T q̇n + q̇n+1 1 q̇n + q̇n+1 T T q̇ Cq̇dt ≈ q̇ dt C = (qn+1 − qn ) C 2 2 2 tn tn = h T (q̇n+1 + q̇n ) C(q̇n+1 + q̇n ) 4 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Explicit Time Integration Using the Central Difference Algorithm Algorithm in Terms of Velocities Central Difference (CD) scheme = Newmark’s scheme with γ = 12 , β=0 q̇n+1 = qn+1 = q̈n + q̈n+1 ) 2 h2 qn + hn+1 q̇n + n+1 q̈n 2 q̇n + hn+1 ( where hn+1 = tn+1 − tn Equivalent three-step form h2 start with qn = qn−1 + hn q̇n−1 + n q̈n−1 2 divide by hn subtract the result from qn+1 divided by hn+1 account for the relationship (5) =⇒ q̈n = hn (qn+1 − qn ) − hn+1 (qn − qn−1 ) hn+ 1 hn hn+1 2 where hn+ 1 2 hn + hn+1 = 2 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS (5) AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Explicit Time Integration Using the Central Difference Algorithm Algorithm in Terms of Velocities Case of a constant time-step h q̈n = qn+1 − 2qn + qn−1 h2 Efficient implementation compute the velocity at half time-step q̇n+ 1 = q̇(tn+ 1 ) = q̇n + 2 2 h 1 q̈n = (qn+1 − qn ) 2 h compute q̈n = 1 (q̇ 1 − q̇n− 1 ) h n+ 2 2 Stability condition ωcr h ≤ 2 where ωcr is the highest frequency contained in the model: this condition is also known as the Courant condition, and 2 hcr = ωcr is referred to here as the maximum Courant stability time-step AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Explicit Time Integration Using the Central Difference Algorithm Application Example: the Clamped-Free Bar Excited by an End Load Clamped bar subjected to a step load at its free end Model made of N = 20 finite elements with equal length l = 1 2 1 3 2 19 3 17 18 L N 20 19 20 lumped mass matrix Eigenfrequencies of the continuous system r r π EA 2r − 1 π EA 2r − 1 π ωcontr = (2r − 1) = = 2 mL2 N 2 ml 2 N 2 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Explicit Time Integration Using the Central Difference Algorithm Application Example: the Clamped-Free Bar Excited by an End Load Finite element stiffness and mass matrices ml M= 2 2 2 −1 EA K= l 2 0 2 .. . 0 2 1 −1 2 −1 −1 2 .. 0 .. .. . . . −1 0 −1 2 −1 −1 1 (6) Analytical frequencies of the discrete system r ωr = 2 EA sin ml 2 2r − 1 2N π 2 2r − 1 2N π 2 = 2 sin , ⇒ ωcr < ωcr (N → ∞) = 2 r = 1, 2, · · · N Critical time-step for the CD algorithm ωcr hcr = 2 ⇒ hcr = 1 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Explicit Time Integration Using the Central Difference Algorithm Application Example: the Clamped-Free Bar Excited by an End Load h = 1, h = 0.707 Node 1 3 Node 10 25 h=1 h=0.707 2.5 h=1 h=0.707 20 Displacement Displacement 2 1.5 1 0.5 15 10 5 0 0 −0.5 −1 0 50 100 −5 0 150 Time Node 20 40 1 100 150 100 150 Time Node 10 1.5 h=1 h=0.707 35 50 h=1 h=0.707 0.5 25 Velocity Displacement 30 20 15 0 −0.5 10 −1 5 0 0 50 100 Time 150 −1.5 0 50 Time AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Explicit Time Integration Using the Central Difference Algorithm Application Example: the Clamped-Free Bar Excited by an End Load h = 1.0012 Node 10 60 Node 20 100 h = 1.0012 80 h = 1.0012 40 Displacement Displacement 60 20 0 −20 40 20 0 −20 −40 −40 −60 −60 0 50 100 Time 150 −80 0 50 100 Time AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS 150 AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Explicit Time Integration Using the Central Difference Algorithm Restitution of the Exact Solution by the Central Difference Method For the clamped-free bar example, the CD method computes the exact solution when h = hcr Comparison of the exact solution of the continuous free-vibration bar problem and the analytical expression of the numerical solution denote by qj,n the value of the j-th d.o.f. at time tn if qj,n is not located at the boundary, it satisfies see (6) EA ml (qj,n+1 − 2qj,n + qj,n−1 ) + (−qj−1,n + 2qj,n − qj+1,n ) = 0 h2 l the general solution of the above problem is qj,n = sin(jµ + φ) [a cos nθ + b sin nθ] | {z } | {z } spatial component temporal component comparing the above expression to the exact harmonic solution of the continuous form of this free-vibration problem (which can be derived analytically) =⇒ nθ = ωt = ωnh ⇒ θ = ωnum h AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS (7) AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Explicit Time Integration Using the Central Difference Algorithm Restitution of the Exact Solution by the Central Difference Method Comparison of the exact solution of the free-vibration bar problem and the analytical expression of the numerical solution (continue) introduce the exact expression for qj,n in the CD scheme 2[(1 − cos µ) − λ2 (1 − cos θ)]qj,n = 0 2 1 1 ml 1 where λ2 = = 2 ⇒ 1 − cos θ = 2 (1 − cos µ) EA h2 h λ make use of the boundary conditions in space q0,n = 0, and plug (7) in the last equation in (6) =⇒ φ = 0 and µr = 2rN−1 π2 , r ∈ N∗ =⇒1 − cos θr = 1 (1 − cos µr ) λ2 special case λ2 = 1 (h = hcr = 1) ⇒ θr = µr and r θr 2r − 1 π EA 2r − 1 π ωnumr = = µr = = h N 2 ml 2 N 2 =⇒ the numerical frequency coincides with the r -th eigenfrequency of the continuous system AA242B: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS