John Doe

John Doe
123 Any Road
City, WI 45678
123 Any Road
Houghton, MI 49931
To obtain a Full-time position in the field of Civil Engineering
Michigan Technological University
BS Civil Engineering
Minor: Municipal Engineering • Minor: Economics
GPA: 3.36
GLIAC All-Academic Honors, 2012- Present
Passed FE Exam, April 2012
Houghton, MI
Expected Dec 2016
Robert E. Lee & Associates, Inc.
Sturgeon Bay, WI
Transportation Engineering Intern
May – Aug, 2014 & 2015
Project: WisDOT Michigan Street Bridge Rehabilitation-Painting
Objective: To inspect and ensure quality control of outside contractor work on project
 Communicated with the contractor every morning to confirm day’s goals and tasks
 Logged contractor’s activities to provide immediate and accurate reporting for company/WisDOT
 Inspected contractor work for match with reporting/billing and accuracy and quality of work
 Created punch list detailing work done on project and ensured match with contractor’s list/bill
 Met with city officials and WisDOT representatives to report project progress, challenges/gaps
 Trained to become certified in handling lead and in industrial paint inspection
City of Sturgeon Bay
Sturgeon Bay, WI
Project: Various
May-July, 2016
Objective: To provide technical support for construction of various projects around the city
 Assisted in the reconstruction and design of Fourth Avenue including total utility replacement
 Surveyed and staked for curb and gutter along the length of Fourth Avenue
 Assisted in installation of a drainage field and the addition of storm sewer at Otumba Park
 Participated in consulting firm proposal presentations for a future road and storm sewer project
 Surveyed and staked for future projects
 Assisted in the replacement of a double culvert in a swampy area
Michigan Tech University
Senior Design
Sponsor: General Motors
Project: “Plug-In Ready Michigan”
Objective: Work on a team of 4 to develop a plan and raise awareness of electric vehicles and
electric vehicle infrastructure in Upper Michigan
 Participated in Clean Energy Coalition of Michigan meetings to give input on planning, permitting,
zoning, and outreach concerns with electric vehicles and electric vehicle infrastructure
 Wrote technical report detailing planning, permitting, codes, zoning, forecasting, and
education/outreach for electric vehicle infrastructure in Upper Michigan and more locally, Houghton
 Wrote plan and curriculum for education/outreach portion of the report/plan
 Forecasted need and possible locations of electric vehicle infrastructure based on demographics
 Designed and created a website and blog to raise awareness
 Ordered and installed first electric vehicle charging station in Houghton
 Wrote and designed report and poster for annual Engineering Expo on campus detailing project
 Provided regularly scheduled project updates to GM
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Project: Michigan Tech Mineral Museum Infrastructure
Objective: Work on a team of 4 to estimate cost of construction of new, free standing Mineral Museum
 Estimated cost of construction including all material, labor and equipment costs using RS
Means and hand calculation methods
 Prepared spreadsheet with material, labor and equipment costs to most effectively compare
contractor and sub-contractor bids
 Accepted, analyzed and chose subcontractor bids for mock bid submittal
Michigan Tech University
Project: Regional Airport Planning and Design
Objective: Plan and design a new airport for the Copper Country to serve a growing population
 Worked on a team of 4
 Identified potential site based on location, topography and accessibility to customer
 Designed runway, terminal building layout, parking and traffic lanes and surrounding
airspace on accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations and Advisory Circulars
 Designed complete site layout/prototype using AutoCAD
 Wrote technical proposal report detailing site selection, runway and terminal planning/design
Michigan Tech University
Project: New Road Design
Objective: to design a section of new road in the local area.
 Identified location and course of new road using topographic
 Created 100 ft. cross sections overlaid on cross section of topography using AutoCAD
 Calculated necessary cut and fill along proposed road to determine net cut/net fill for project
 Designed horizontal and vertical curve alignments and thickness of pavement and
necessary embankment
AutoCAD Civil 3-D
MS Office, including Excel and Project
UGNX Modeling Software
4 year Letter Winner - Michigan Technological University Varsity Football Team
 2-semester daily practice commitment
 Balanced 3 hour daily practice and bi-weekly game travel with full class schedule
 Studied, learned, and executed numerous game strategies and systems
 Learned and practiced troubleshooting and problem solving techniques in high stress, realtime competition environment
Developed teamwork, communication skills, time management/prioritizing skills,
competitive character, highly disciplined work ethic, and performance excellence
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
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