Minimizing Migrations in Fair Multiprocessor Scheduling of Persistent Tasks Tracy Kimbrel

Minimizing Migrations in Fair Multiprocessor Scheduling of Persistent Tasks
Tracy Kimbrel∗
Baruch Schieber∗
Maxim Sviridenko∗
Suppose that we are given n persistent tasks (jobs) that need to be executed in an equitable way on m
processors (machines). Each machine is capable of performing one unit of work in each integral time unit and
each job may be executed on at most one machine at a time. The schedule needs to specify which job is to be
executed on each machine in each time window. The goal is to find a schedule that minimizes job migrations
between machines while guaranteeing a fair schedule. We measure the fairness by the drift d defined as the
maximum difference between the execution times accumulated by any two jobs. Since jobs are persistent we
measure the quality of the schedule by the ratio of the number of migrations to time windows. We show a
tradeoff between the drift and the number of migrations. Let n = qm + r with 0 < r < m (the problem
is trivial for n ≤ m and for r = 0). For any d ≥ 1, we show a schedule that achieves a migration ratio of
r(m−r)/(n(q(d−1)+1))+o(1); namely, it asymptotically requires r(m−r) job migrations every n(q(d−1)+1)
time windows. We show how to implement the schedule efficiently. We prove that our algorithm is almost
optimal by proving a lower bound of r(m − r)/(nqd) on the migration ratio. We also give a more complicated
schedule that matches the lower bound for a special case when 2q ≤ d and m = 2r. Our algorithms can be
extended to the dynamic case in which jobs enter and leave the system over time.
1 Introduction
Real-time multiprocessor systems have evolved rapidly in recent years (see, e.g., [15, 2, 11, 10]). Such systems are
used in avionics, automotive and astronautics systems, and also to control automatic manufacturing systems and
other autonomic systems [13]. In many control applications the system needs to run a collection of persistent tasks,
each of which senses and controls part of the overall system. Each such task needs to be executed frequently
enough to guarantee quick response. An obvious challenge is the scheduling of these tasks to ensure proper
functioning of the system. Frequently, each persistent task is associated with some requirement of resources over
time and the challenge is to allocate the limited resources to satisfy all these requirements in a “fair” way.
Fair scheduling has also been of great interest in general-purpose operating systems research, mainly due to
the popularity of “soft real time” multimedia applications. A variety of schemes have been developed such as
the ones in [19, 20, 14, 8, 9]. Recent research has aimed towards extending fair scheduling to multiprocessor
systems [11, 17].
Process migration in a multiprocessor system is a major cause of performance degradation, as observed
experimentally (see, e.g., [12, 17]). A primary reason for the degradation is the increase in cache misses due to
migrations. The performance impact becomes more and more substantial as the processor-memory speed gap
widens. Migration also requires system overhead to maintain process scheduling data structures.
In this paper we consider both fair scheduling and migration simultaneously, and demonstrate a tradeoff
between number of migrations and the level of fairness in the schedule. Suppose that we are given m processors
(machines) M1 , . . . , Mm , and n > m persistent tasks (jobs) 1, 2, . . . , n. Each machine can process one unit of work
in each unit of time, and each job may be executed on at most one machine at a time. For each time window
[t − 1, t], t ≥ 1, a schedule needs to determine which m jobs to execute and further must specify which machine
executes each job. In the applications that motivated our problem, the systems are overloaded and thus the tasks
need to be executed as frequently as possible. Consequently, we require that each machine must execute a job in
each time window; idle time is not allowed.
A job migrates between two of its consecutive executions (which may or may not be in consecutive time
windows) if these two executions are not on the same machine. We will think of migrations occurring instantly
at integer times, between the unit-length time windows over which jobs are executed. Since jobs are persistent
T.J. Watson Research Center, P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. email:{kimbrel,sbar,sviri}
we measure the performance of the schedule by the ratio of the number of migrations to the number of time
windows. We call this the migration ratio. Our goal is to schedule the jobs fairly, while minimizing the number
of migrations. The notion of fairness is as follows.
For a job j and an integer t ≥ 0, let PT(j, t) denote the number of time windows, out of time windows
1, . . . , t, in which job j is executed on any of the machines. We will refer to this as the processing time of job j
at time t. A perfectly fair schedule would guarantee PT(j, t) = tm/n, for every job j and every time t. Of course
this is not always possible since this value is not necessarily an integer. It is not difficult to show that there is a
schedule such that for each job j and time t, ⌊tm/n⌋ ≤ PT(j, t) ≤ ⌈tm/n⌉. Note that in this case the difference
between the processing times of any two jobs is at most one. We generalize this notion of fairness and define the
drift as the maximum over all times t of max1≤i,j≤n {PT(j, t) − PT(i, t)}, i.e., the maximum difference between
the processing times of any two jobs at time t. Our definition of drift is additive rather than multiplicative to
guarantee that it is bounded independent of time t.
We show a tradeoff between the drift and the number of migrations. Let n = qm + r with r < m and q > 0.
(Note that the problem is trivial for n ≤ m and for r = 0.) For any d ≥ 1, we show a schedule that achieves a
migration ratio of r(m − r)/(n(q(d − 1) + 1)) + o(1); namely, it asymptotically incurs r(m − r) job migrations every
n(q(d − 1) + 1) time windows. We show how to implement the schedule efficiently in a distributed system. We
prove that our algorithm is almost optimal by proving a lower bound of r(m − r)/(nqd) on the migration ratio.
We also give a more complicated algorithm which produces a schedule that matches the lower bound whenever
2q ≤ d and m = 2r. Finally, we observe that our algorithm can be extended to the dynamic case in which jobs
enter and leave the system over time.
The proofs of the upper and lower bound on the number of migrations use potential function arguments.
Interestingly, this simplifies the proof considerably. Previous versions of our proofs involved a tedious analysis of
the group of integers modulo m and the sequence of its elements as generated by r (assuming gcd(m, r) = 1).
The correctness proof of our algorithm is based on a careful analysis of the average processing times of jobs on
each machine.
1.1 Related work Early works by Liu [15] and Liu and Layland [16] consider persistent scheduling of tasks
in a uniprocessor environment. They presented a model in which time is partitioned into discrete time windows.
Each persistent task has periodic release times and deadlines and an integer processing requirement (number of
time windows) that must be satisfied in each period. Deadline i is equal to release time i + 1, each period is
the same length, and each processing requirement is the same for a given task. The schedule must meet these
requirements for all tasks indefinitely. Liu and Layland [16] give a scheduling algorithm for this model that
achieves full processor utilization. More recently, the problem of scheduling persistent periodic tasks has been
studied in the work of Baruah et al. [5]. Their setting is closer to ours. They considered the problem of scheduling
a set of n tasks with given (arbitrary) frequencies on m machines. To measure “fairness” of a schedule they
introduced the notion of P -fairness. A schedule is P -fair (proportionate-fair) if at each time t for each task j,
the absolute value of the difference in the number of times j has been scheduled and its “fair” share fj t is strictly
less than 1, where fj is the frequency of task j. It is not difficult to see that any P -fair schedule has drift one,
and vice versa. Baruah et al. [5] provided an algorithm for computing a P -fair solution to any feasible instance
of their problem. Since their introduction much work has been done on P -fair schedules. This follow-up work
includes (among others) simplification of the scheduling algorithm [1, 6, 3] and extensions to more general models
that include sporadic and persistent tasks, and fixed and migrating tasks [4, 18].
Central to the notion of P -fairness of Baruah et al. [7] is the lag of a schedule, defined to be the maximum
absolute value of the difference in the number of times a task has been scheduled and its “fair” share. It is not
difficult to see that any schedule with lag d has drift no more than 2d, and any schedule with drift d has lag d as
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce our algorithm, prove its correctness
and bound the number of migrations as a function of the drift. In Section 3 we prove a lower bound on the
number of migrations in any schedule that achieves a given drift.
2 The Algorithm
In this section we describe an algorithm that schedules n = qm + r jobs on m machines with drift d and migration
ratio r(m − r)/(n(q(d − 1) + 1)). We show how this algorithm can be implemented efficiently, by performing a
constant number of operations on each machine per time window, and a constant amount of fully distributed
communication between machines for each migration.
The algorithm maintains the invariant that at all times, each machine has either q or q + 1 jobs. It consists
of a migration phase in which some jobs may migrate from machines with q + 1 jobs to machines with q jobs, and
an execution phase in which each machine executes one of the jobs on it. We assume that initially each job is on
the first machine that executes it, and thus there are no initial migrations.
To describe the algorithm we introduce some notation. Let S(t) and F (t) (for “slow” and “fast”) denote the
sets of machines with q + 1 and q jobs, respectively. For these and all other time-varying variables, the value
at time t denotes the state after the execution of the jobs in the tth time window, but before any migrations
in preparation for the next; t = 0 indicates the initial state. Intermediate states during the execution of the
algorithm will be indicated using t+ .
For a machine M , let J(M, t) be the set of jobs on machine M at time t. Let
avg(M, t) be the average
1 P
processing time of all jobs in J(M, t); i.e., for M ∈ S(t), avg(M, t) = q+1
j∈J(M,t) PT(j, t), and for
M ∈ F (t), avg(M, t) = q j∈J(M,t) PT(j, t). For a subset of machines M, let J(M, t) = ∪M∈M {J(M, t)}.
Let minM (M, t) (resp. maxM (M, t)) be a machine with the lowest (resp. highest) average processing
time among machines in M. (Ties are broken arbitrarily.) Let minPT(M, t) = minj∈J(M,t) {PT(j, t)} and
maxPT(M, t) = maxj∈J(M,t) {PT(j, t)}. Define minPT(M, t) and maxPT(M, t) similarly. The algorithm MinMigrations-Fair-Schedule (MMFS), described below, works as follows.
Every time step the algorithm runs a migration phase and an execution phase. In the execution phase the
algorithm simply executes a job with the smallest processing time on each machine. In the migration phase the
algorithm compares the highest and lowest average processing times of all machines. If the difference between
the highest and lowest average processing times is (d − 1) + 2/(q + 1) the algorithm migrates a job with the
minimum processing time from a machine with the lowest average processing time to a machine with the highest
average processing time. Intuitively, the algorithm is “lazy” and tries to avoid migrations as long as possible. If
the difference between average processing times of two machines is exactly (d − 1) + 2/(q + 1) and no migration
is performed then after the next time step there will be two jobs whose execution times differ by d + 1.
Algorithm 2.1. Min-Migrations-Fair-Schedule (MMFS)
Migration Phase:
Let M1 = minM (S(t), t)
Let M2 = maxM (F (t), t)
If avg(M2 , t) − avg(M1 , t) = (d − 1) + 2/(q + 1)
Migrate a job with processing time
minPT(M1 , t) from M1 to M2
Update S(t+ ) and F (t+ ) accordingly
Repeat the Migration Phase
Execution Phase:
For each machine M
Execute any job with processing time
minPT(M, t+ ).
We show that the migration phase always terminates in the course of proving Theorem 2.1 below, which
bounds the drift and the migration ratio. First, we describe an efficient implementation of the algorithm. To find
M1 = minM (S(t), t) and M2 = maxM (F (t), t) we maintain two queues: QS (t) of all the machines M in S(t) in
increasing order of avg(M, t), and QF (t) of all the machines M in F (t) in decreasing order of avg(M, t). The
machine M1 (resp. M2 ) is at the head of QS (t) (resp. QF (t)). We prove below that when a job migrates from M1
to M2 , machine M1 leaves QS (t) and joins QF (t) at its tail and machine M2 leaves QF (t) and joins QS (t) at its
tail. It follows that if we maintain the machines in a circular list ordered according to their positions in the queue,
i.e., the machines in QS (t) ordered (clockwise, say) from head to tail followed by the machines in QF (t) ordered
(clockwise) from head to tail, then this order remains fixed throughout the algorithm, and the only things that
change are the locations of the heads of the queues, which advance one position (clockwise) whenever a migration
occurs. We also show that for each machine M ∈ F (t) the processing times of all jobs on M differ by at most
one, and that for each machine M ∈ S(t) the processing times of q out of the q + 1 jobs on M differ by at most
one; one job may be as far as d behind. This implies that a job with processing time minPT(M, t) can be found
in constant time.
Theorem 2.1. For any d ≥ 1, algorithm MMFS produces a schedule with drift d and migration ratio
r(m − r)/(n(q(d − 1) + 1)) + o(1).
To prove the theorem we first bound the drift and then bound the migration ratio.
2.1 Bounding the drift We prove the bound on the drift by induction. The drift is obviously at most d at
time 0, when the processing times of all jobs are 0. Assume that the drift is bounded up to time t − 1. We show
that it is bounded also at time t. For the proof we need a few lemmas.
Lemma 2.1. At every integer time t ≥ 0, the processing times of all jobs on any machine M ∈ F (t) differ by at
most one. The processing times of q out of the q + 1 jobs on any machine M ∈ S(t) differ by at most one, and
the processing time of the remaining job on M may be smaller than the rest.
Proof. We prove the lemma by induction. The basis is trivial since all jobs start at time 0 with processing time 0.
Consider a time t > 0 and assume that the lemma holds at time t − 1. If no job migrated from or into M at time
t−1, then since machine M executed a job with the least processing time, the lemma holds also at time t. Suppose
that a job migrated from M at time t − 1 and thus M moved from S(t − 1) to F (t). Note that the migrated
job is the one with the least processing time on M at time t − 1, and by the induction hypothesis the processing
times of the rest of the jobs on M at time t − 1 differ by at most one. Since machine M executes a job with the
least processing time, the lemma holds also at time t. Suppose that a job migrated from machine M ′ into M at
time t − 1. By the induction hypothesis the processing times of the rest of the jobs on M differ by at most one at
time t − 1. Thus, minPT(M, t − 1) = ⌊avg(M, t − 1)⌋. By the algorithm avg(M ′ , t − 1) < avg(M, t − 1). At time
t − 1 the processing time of the migrated job is minPT(M ′ , t − 1); thus it is also strictly less than avg(M, t − 1),
implying the lemma in this case.
Lemma 2.2. Consider machines M1 ∈ S(t) and M2 ∈ F (t). If there are no migrations from M1 or to M2 at time
t − 1, then at time t, avg(M2 , t) − avg(M1 , t) = avg(M2 , t − 1) − avg(M1 , t − 1) + (q+1)q
Proof. The average processing time of J(M1 , t) increases by 1/q and that of J(M2 , t) by 1/(q + 1). The difference
is (q+1)q
Lemma 2.3. For any two machines M1 ∈ S(t) and M2 ∈ F (t) at time t,
1. avg(M2 , t) − avg(M1 , t) ≤ d − 1 + 2/(q + 1),
2. maxPT(M2 , t) − minPT(M1 , t) ≤ d.
If avg(M2 , t) − avg(M1 , t) = d − 1 + 2/(q + 1) then
3. PT(j, t) is the same for all jobs in J(M2 , t),
4. PT(j, t) = minPT(M2 , t) − (d − 1), for q − 1 jobs j in J(M1 , t),
5. PT(j, t) = minPT(M2 , t) − d, for the remaining two jobs j in J(M1 , t).
Proof. The proof is by induction. The induction basis for t = 0 is trivial. Consider a time t > 0. We consider
several cases.
Case 1: There was no job migration into M1 or from M2 at time t − 1. By the induction hypothesis and
the algorithm, avg(M2 , t − 1) − avg(M1 , t − 1) < d − 1 + 2/(q + 1). Since the difference in the averages is an
it follows that avg(M2 , t − 1) − avg(M1 , t − 1) ≤ d − 1 + 2/(q + 1) − q(q+1)
. In this case
integer multiple of q(q+1)
Lemma 2.2 implies that avg(M2 , t) − avg(M1 , t) ≤ d − 1 + 2/(q + 1).
If either minPT(M1 , t) = minPT(M1 , t − 1) + 1 or maxPT(M2 , t − 1) = maxPT(M2 , t), then by the
induction hypothesis we have maxPT(M2 , t) − minPT(M1 , t) ≤ d. Under the assumption that there was
no job migration into M1 or from M2 the remaining possibility is minPT(M1 , t − 1) = minPT(M1 , t) and
maxPT(M2 , t) = maxPT(M2 , t − 1) + 1. By Lemma 2.1 the processing times of all jobs on M2 differ by
at most one. Since maxPT(M2 , t) = maxPT(M2 , t − 1) + 1, at time t − 1 the processing times of all jobs
on M2 must have been the same and thus avg(M2 , t − 1) = maxPT(M2 , t − 1). Since minPT(M1 , t − 1) =
minPT(M1 , t), at time t − 1 there were at least two jobs on M1 with processing time minPT(M1 , t − 1). From
Lemma 2.1, it follows that at time t − 1 the processing times of all jobs on M1 were either minPT(M1 , t − 1) or
minPT(M1 , t − 1) + 1, and thus avg(M1 , t − 1) ≤ minPT(M1 , t − 1) + 1 − 2/(q + 1). However, in this case since
avg(M2 , t − 1) − avg(M1 , t − 1) < d − 1 + 2/(q + 1), we must have maxPT(M2 , t − 1) − minPT(M1 , t − 1) < d and
thus maxPT(M2 , t) − minPT(M1 , t) ≤ d.
Case 2: A job migrated to M1 from machine M3 at time t − 1. (This also covers the case where machine
M3 is machine M2 .) By the algorithm this happens only if avg(M1 , t − 1) − avg(M3 , t − 1) = d − 1 + 2/(q + 1).
By the induction hypothesis J(M1 , t) consists of q jobs with processing time maxPT(M1 , t − 1) and a single
job with processing time maxPT(M1 , t − 1) − d + 1; thus, avg(M1 , t) = maxPT(M1 , t − 1) − (d − 1)/(q + 1).
By the induction hypothesis all the jobs in J(M3 , t) have processing time maxPT(M1 , t − 1) − d + 1, and thus
avg(M3 , t) = maxPT(M1 , t − 1) − (d − 1). It follows that
avg(M3 , t) − avg(M1 , t) =
−(d − 1) + (d − 1)/(q + 1)
−(d − 1)q/(q + 1)
d − 1 + 2/(q + 1).
Clearly, maxPT(M3 , t) − minPT(M1 , t) ≤ d. For every machine M ∈ F (t) ∩ F (t − 1), i.e., each machine M ∈ F (t)
from which no job migrated at time t − 1, avg(M, t) ≤ 1/q + avg(M1 , t − 1). This is because machine M1 had the
maximum average processing time among machines in F (t − 1) at time t − 1, and the average processing time of
machine M grew by 1/q. Since avg(M1 , t) = avg(M1 , t − 1) − (d − 1)/(q + 1), we get
avg(M, t) − avg(M1 , t) ≤
1/q + (d − 1)/(q + 1)
d − 1 + 2/(q + 1).
Since maxPT(M, t) ≤ maxPT(M, t − 1) + 1, and maxPT(M, t − 1) ≤ maxPT(M1 , t − 1), we also get
maxPT(M, t) − minPT(M1 , t) ≤ d.
Case 3: A job migrated from machine M2 to machine M4 at time t − 1. Similar to the analysis above,
avg(M2 , t) − avg(M4 , t) =
−(d − 1)q/(q + 1)
d − 1 + 2/(q + 1),
and maxPT(M2 , t) − minPT(M4 , t) ≤ d. For every machine M ∈ S(t) ∩ S(t − 1) to which no job migrated
at time t − 1, avg(M, t) ≥ 1/(q + 1) + avg(M2 , t − 1). This is because machine M2 had the minimum average
processing time among machines in S(t − 1) at time t − 1, and the average processing time of machine M grew
by 1/(q + 1) at time t − 1. By the induction hypothesis J(M2 , t − 1) consists of q − 1 jobs with processing time
maxPT(M2 , t − 1) and two jobs with processing time maxPT(M2 , t − 1) − 1, and J(M2 , t) consists of q jobs
with processing time maxPT(M2 , t − 1). This implies avg(M2 , t) = avg(M2 , t − 1) + 2/(q + 1), and thus we get
avg(M2 , t) − avg(M, t) ≤ 1/(q + 1) ≤ d − 1 + 2/(q + 1). If minPT(M, t) = minPT(M, t − 1) + 1, then since
maxPT(M2 , t) = maxPT(M2 , t − 1), by the induction hypothesis maxPT(M2 , t) − minPT(M, t) ≤ d. Otherwise,
since minPT(M, t − 1) = minPT(M, t), at time t − 1 there were at least two jobs on M with processing time
minPT(M, t − 1). From Lemma 2.1, it follows that at times t − 1 and t the processing times of all jobs in J(M, t)
differ by at most one. Since avg(M, t − 1) ≥ avg(M2 , t − 1), we also have
minPT(M, t) =
minPT(M, t − 1)
minPT(M2 , t − 1).
Since maxPT(M2 , t) = minPT(M2 , t − 1) + 1, we get maxPT(M2 , t) − minPT(M, t) ≤ d.
We still need to prove the configuration in case avg(M2 , t) − avg(M1 , t) = d − 1 + 2/(q + 1). By the
algorithm, if equality holds then a job migrates to M2 and a job migrates from M1 . (It may not necessarily
be the same job.) Thus, M1 ∈ S(t) ∩ F (t + 1), and M2 ∈ F (t) ∩ S(t + 1). By the algorithm, since avg(M2 , t) is
an integer multiple of 1/q and avg(M1 , t) is an integer multiple of 1/(q + 1) , the equality implies that avg(M2 , t)
must be an integer. Lemma 2.1 implies that in this case all the jobs in J(M2 , t) have the same processing
time maxPT(M2 , t). By the above analysis maxPT(M2 , t) − minPT(M1 , t) ≤ d. Thus, from the equality
avg(M2 , t) − avg(M1 , t) = d − 1 + 2/(q + 1) and Lemma 2.1 it follows that there must be exactly two jobs
in J(M1 , t) with processing time maxPT(M2 , t) − d, and q − 1 jobs with processing time maxPT(M2 , t − 1) − d + 1.
Lemma 2.4. For any two machines M1 , M2 ∈ F (t), at time t, avg(M2 , t) − avg(M1 , t) ≤ (d − 1) + 1/q.
Proof. The proof is by induction. The induction basis for t = 0 is trivial. Consider a time t > 0. If there were no
migrations from M1 and M2 at time t−1, i.e., M1 , M2 ∈ F (t)∩F (t−1), then since avg(M1 , t) = avg(M1 , t−1)+1/q,
and avg(M2 , t) = avg(M2 , t − 1) + 1/q, the induction hypothesis implies avg(M2 , t) − avg(M1 , t) ≤ (d − 1) + 1/q.
If there were migrations from both M1 and M2 at time t − 1 then by the algorithm both averages are the
same. Suppose that a job migrated from machine M3 ∈ F (t) to machine M4 ∈ F (t − 1) at time t − 1.
By the algorithm, the maximum average processing time among the machines in F (t − 1) at time t − 1 is
avg(M4 , t − 1). By Lemma 2.3(4-5), and since machine M3 executed the job with the least processing time at
time t − 1, for all jobs j ∈ J(M3 , t) PT(j, t) = minPT(M4 , t − 1) − (d − 1). By Lemma 2.3(3), for all jobs
j ∈ J(M4 , t − 1) PT(j, t) = minPT(M4 , t − 1). It follows that avg(M3 , t) + (d − 1) = avg(M4 , t − 1); thus
for every machine M ∈ F (t) ∩ F (t − 1), avg(M, t − 1) ≤ avg(M3 , t) + (d − 1). By the induction hypothesis
for every machine M ∈ F (t) ∩ F (t − 1), avg(M4 , t − 1) − avg(M, t − 1) ≤ (d − 1) + 1/q. Substituting
avg(M3 , t)+(d−1) = avg(M4 , t−1), we get avg(M3 , t)−1/q ≤ avg(M, t−1). Since avg(M, t) = avg(M, t−1)+1/q,
avg(M3 , t) ≤ avg(M, t) ≤ avg(M3 , t) + (d − 1) + 1/q. It follows that the bound on the average differences holds
also if there were migrations from either M1 or M2 .
We note that the proof implies that when a job migrates from machine M3 at time t − 1, then M3 has the smallest
average processing time in F (t) at time t. This is because avg(M3 , t) ≤ avg(M, t) holds for every machine
M ∈ F (t) ∩ F (t − 1).
Lemma 2.5. For any two machines M1 , M2 ∈ S(t) at time t, avg(M2 , t) − avg(M1 , t) ≤ (d − 1) − (d − 2)/(q + 1).
Proof. If there were no migrations to M1 and M2 , the proof is similar to the proof of Lemma 2.4. If
there were migrations to both M1 and M2 then the algorithm both averages are the same. Suppose that
a job migrated from machine M3 ∈ S(t − 1) to machine M4 ∈ S(t) at time t − 1. By the algorithm,
the minimum average processing time among the machines in S(t − 1) at time t − 1 is avg(M3 , t − 1).
By Lemma 2.3(4-5), avg(M3 , t − 1) = minPT(M4 , t − 1) − (d − 1) − 2/(q + 1). Also, by Lemma 2.3(5),
for the job j that migrated to machine M4 , PT(j, t − 1) = minPT(M4 , t − 1) − d. By Lemma 2.3(3),
for all j‘ ∈ J(M4 , t − 1), PT(j, t − 1) = minPT(M4 , t − 1). Since machine M4 executed job j with the
least processing time at time t − 1, PT(j, t) = minPT(M4 , t − 1) − d + 1, and for all j‘ ∈ J(M4 , t) \ {j},
PT(j, t) = minPT(M4 , t − 1). It follows that avg(M4 , t) = minPT(M4 , t − 1) − (d − 1)/(q + 1). Substituting
minPT(M4 , t − 1) = avg(M4 , t) + (d − 1)/(q + 1), we get avg(M3 , t − 1) = avg(M4 , t) − (d − 1) + (d − 3)/(q + 1);
thus for every machine M ∈ S(t) ∩ S(t − 1), avg(M4 , t) − (d − 1) + (d − 3)/(q + 1) ≤ avg(M, t − 1). By the induction
hypothesis for every machine M ∈ S(t) ∩ S(t − 1), avg(M, t − 1) − avg(M3 , t − 1) ≤ (d − 1) − (d − 2)/(q + 1).
Substituting avg(M4 , t) − (d − 1) + (d − 3)/(q + 1) = avg(M3 , t − 1), we get avg(M, t − 1) ≤ avg(M4 , t) − 1/(q + 1).
Since avg(M, t) = avg(M, t − 1) + 1/(q + 1), avg(M4 , t) − (d − 1) + (d − 2)/(q + 1) ≤ avg(M, t) ≤ avg(M4 , t).
We note that the proof implies that when a job migrates to machine M4 at time t − 1, then M4 has the largest
average processing time in S(t) at time t. This is because avg(M, t) ≤ avg(M4 , t) holds for every machine
M ∈ S(t) ∩ S(t − 1).
Lemma 2.6. For any two machines M1 ∈ F (t) and M2 ∈ S(t), at time t, avg(M2 , t) − avg(M1 , t) ≤
d − 1 − (d − 1)/(q + 1).
Proof. The proof is again by induction. Clearly, it is enough to consider machines M1 = minM (F (t), t) and
M2 = maxM (S(t), t). If both M1 ∈ F (t − 1) and M2 ∈ S(t − 1), then by Lemma 2.2, avg(M2 , t) − avg(M1 , t) <
avg(M2 , t − 1) − avg(M1 , t − 1), and the bound follows by induction. If this is not the case, then either a job
migrated from M1 or a job migrated to M2 at time t − 1. By the proofs of Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5 in this case
minM (F (t), t) is a machine from which a job migrated, and maxM (S(t), t) is a machine to which a job migrated,
thus it must be that a job migrated from M1 and a job migrated to M2 at time t − 1. In this case as shown in the
proofs of Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5 avg(M1 , t) = avg(M2 , t−1)−(d−1), and avg(M2 , t) = avg(M2 , t−1)−(d−1)/(q+1).
It follows that avg(M2 , t) − avg(M1 , t) = d − 1 − (d − 1)/(q + 1).
Lemma 2.7. For any two machines M1 and M2 at time t, maxPT(M2 , t) − minPT(M1 , t) ≤ d.
Proof. This bound is proved in Lemma 2.3, for M1 ∈ S(t) and M2 ∈ F (t). For the rest of the cases
we prove it by induction. Again, the induction basis t = 0 is trivial. If for some machine M , either
minPT(M1 , t) ≥ minPT(M, t − 1) + 1 or maxPT(M2 , t) = maxPT(M, t − 1), then the induction hypothesis
implies that maxPT(M2 , t) − minPT(M1 , t) ≤ d. Note that this case includes all machines that participated in a
migration at time t − 1. Thus, from now on we assume that M1 and M2 have not participated in a migration at
time t − 1. If minPT(M1 , t) = minPT(M1 , t − 1), then there are at least two jobs in J(M1 , t − 1) with processing
time minPT(M1 , t − 1) at time t − 1. Similarly, if maxPT(M2 , t) = maxPT(M2 , t − 1) + 1, then all jobs in
J(M2 , t − 1) have processing time minPT(M2 , t − 1) at time t − 1. It follows from Lemma 2.1 that the processing
times of the jobs in J(M1 , t) (resp. J(M2 , t)) at time t differ by at most one. The bounds on the average difference
of Lemmas 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 imply the lemma.
2.2 Termination and work per migration We note that in case avg(M2 , t − 1) − avg(M1 , t − 1) =
d − 1 + 2/(q + 1), Lemma 2.3 implies that after the migration and the execution phases, M1 ∈ F (t) and all
the jobs in J(M1 , t) have processing time maxPT(M2 , t − 1) − d + 1. The lemma also implies that M2 ∈ S(t)
and J(M2 , t) consists of q jobs with processing time maxPT(M2 , t − 1) and a single job with processing time
maxPT(M2 , t − 1) − d + 1. It follows that avg(M1 , t) − avg(M2 , t) < d − 1 + 2/(q + 1), and thus the migration
phase is guaranteed to terminate.
The proofs of Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5 imply that when a job migrates to machine M at time t − 1, M has the
largest average processing time in S(t), and when a job migrates from machine M at time t − 1, M has the
smallest average processing time in F (t). It follows that only a constant amount of work per migration is required
to maintain the queues QS and QF .
2.3 Bounding the migration ratio To prove the bound on the migration ratio we use the following potential
function. Let f (q, d) be any function of q and d, and let
Φ(t) =
2f (q, d)
j∈J(F (t),t) (PT(j, t) −
n )
j∈J(S(t),t) n
Let M (t) denote the number of migrations up to time t. We show by a standard telescoping argument that
for a suitably chosen f (q, d), for each t,
M (t) + Φ(t) ≤
tr(m − r)
+ O(nd).
nf (q, d)
This readily implies the bound on the migration ratio. For the upper bound we set f (q, d) = q(d − 1) + 1; in a
later section we use a different function for the lower bound proof.
If a schedule has drift d, the minimum and maximum processing times over all jobs differ by at most d, and
the fair share tm/n lies between the minimum and maximum. Thus each of the n terms in the two summations
in Φ(t) is bounded in absolute value by d and for all t, |Φ(t)| = O(nd).
Given the bound on Φ(t), to prove the upper bound on M (t)+Φ(t) we have to show that µ(t)+∆Φ(t) ≤ r(m−r)
nf (q,d) ,
where µ(t) is the number of migrations performed in the migration phase at time t−1, and ∆Φ(t) = Φ(t)−Φ(t−1).
We do this by considering the effects of executing jobs and of migrations separately. From now on we drop the
argument t and simply write ∆Φ[e] for the change in Φ in the execution phase and ∆Φ[m] for the change in Φ
in the migration phase. As indicated earlier we consider migrations to occur at integer times, and an execution
phase to occur for a unit of time between integer times.
In the execution phase from time t − 1 to t, exactly r jobs out of the (q + 1)r jobs in J(S(t), t) execute (one
per machine) and exactly m − r jobs out of the q(m − r) jobs in J(F (t), t) execute. So we have
∆Φ[e] = 2f (q,d)
m − r − q(m − r) + (q + 1)r − r
= 2nf 1(q,d) ((m − r)n − q(m − r)m + (q + 1)rm − rn) .
Recall that n = qm + r and thus
(m − r)n − q(m − r)m + (q + 1)rm − rn
(m − 2r)(n − qm) + rm
r(m − 2r) + rm
2r(m − r).
It follows that ∆Φ[e] = r(m−r)
nf (q,d) .
As seen above the inequality holds for any value of f (q, d). The change in the value of the potential function
at the time of a migration phase determines the function we can use as f (q, d) and thus the performance of
the algorithm. Since migrations are considered to occur instantaneously we must ensure that the change in the
potential function during the migration phase plus the number of migrations made at that time moment is at
most zero. Each migration at time t − 1 is from a machine M1 ∈ S(t − 1) to a machine M2 ∈ F (t − 1) and
those two machines each switch sets, i.e., M1 ∈ F (t) and M2 ∈ S(t). Accordingly, all jobs in J(M1 , t − 1) except
the migrating job switch sets from J(S(t − 1), t − 1) to J(F (t), t) and all jobs in J(M2 , t − 1) switch sets from
J(F (t − 1), t − 1) to J(S(t), t). The migrating job does not switch sets and is in J(S(t − 1), t − 1) ∩ J(S(t), t). It
follows that |J(F (t), t) \ J(F (t − 1), t − 1)| = |J(S(t), t) \ J(S(t − 1), t − 1)|.
Since the same number of summands switch from one summation to the other and vice versa in Φ(t) during
the migration phase, we get that ∆Φ[m] during the migration phase (but before the execution phase) at time t is
PT(j, t) .
∆Φ[m] =
PT(j, t) −
f (q, d)
j∈J(F (t),t)\J(F (t−1),t−1)
Consider any of the µ(t) pairs of machines M1 ∈ F (t) \ F (t − 1) and M2 ∈ S(t) \ S(t − 1), such that a job migrated
from M1 to M2 .
Let J2 = J(M2 , t) ∩ J(M2 , t, 1), i.e., the q jobs that stay on M2 and switch from F (t − 1) to S(t) because
of the migration. It follows from Lemma 2.3 that the processing times of the q jobs in J2 are minPT(M2 , t − 1),
the processing times of q − 1 jobs in M1 are minPT(M2 , t − 1) − (d − 1), and the processing time of the
job on M1 is minPT(M2 ,t − 1) − d. (Note that these jobs are in J(M1 , t) ∩ J(M1 , t − 1).) Thus,
= −q(d − 1) − 1. Setting f (q, d) = q(d − 1) + 1 ensures that µ(t) + ∆Φ[m]
j∈J2 PT(j, t)
j∈J(M1 ) PT(j, t) −
is at most zero.
3 Lower Bound
We prove a lower bound on the migration ratio of any schedule with drift d.
Theorem 3.1. For any d ≥ 1, any algorithm that produces a schedule with drift d has a migration ratio at least
r(m − r)/(nqd) − o(1).
Consider such a schedule with drift d. Without loss of generality assume that migrations are lazy, that is, a
job migrates to a new machine immediately before it is first executed on that machine. This assumption is trivially
justified by noting that any migration that does not satisfy the assumption can be delayed without changing the
migration ratio or the times of any job executions.
Without loss of generality assume that at time 0 each machine has either q or q +1 jobs on it. This assumption
is justified since any other initial configuration can be reached in O(nd) migrations, and this does not change the
asymptotic behavior of migration ratio.
We use the same notation as in the previous section. In addition, we define for each machine M and time
t, a set of jobs H(M, t) which is defined as the set of jobs whose home machine is M at time t. We note that
H(M, t) may not be identical to J(M, t). We maintain the invariant that for any time t, there are r machines M
with |H(M, t)| = q + 1 and m − r machines M with |H(M, t)| = q. Let HS (t) be the set of machines M with
|H(M, t)| = q + 1 and HF (t) be the set of machines M with |H(M, t)| = q. Initially, sets H(M, t) are given by
the job allocation at time 0. By our assumption the invariant holds for this initial configuration.
For each time t, define an edge-labelled vertex-weighted directed multigraph Gt = (M, Et , wt , Lt ). The vertex
set M of Gt corresponds to the set of machines. The set of edges Et and their labels are defined as follows. For
any two machines M1 and M2 , there are |H(M1 , t) ∩ J(M2 , t)| directed edges (M1 , M2 ). The label of each such
edge is a distinct job in H(M1 , t) ∩ J(M2 , t). The set |H(M1 , t) ∩ J(M2 , t)| consists of those jobs whose home
machine is M1 such that at time t, their most recent executions were on machine M2 . In G0 , the set of edges is
empty and all vertex weights (which are actually counters, as we will see shortly) are set to zero, i.e., E0 = ∅ and
w0 ≡ 0.
We maintain two properties of the graphs Gt .
Degree Property: For each vertex in Gt , either the indegree or outdegree is zero. In other words, there are no
directed paths of length greater than one.
Forbidden Edges Property: There are no directed edges in Et from machines in HS (t) to machines in HF (t).
We need to show how these properties and the invariant are maintained moving from Gt−1 to Gt . Each
migration at time t − 1 may induce a change in Gt and the sets H(M, t), HS (t) and HF (t) relative to Gt−1 and
the sets H(M, t − 1), HS (t − 1) and HF (t − 1). Initially, we assume that the sets remain unchanged when we
advance from t − 1 to t.
We consider one migration at a time. First, we show how to maintain the Degree Property and then we
handle the Forbidden Edges Property. Suppose that at time t − 1 a job j migrates from machine M1 to machine
M2 ; that is, j ∈ J(M1 , t − 1) ∩ J(M2 , t). If j ∈ H(M1 , t − 1), we add an edge to Et from M1 to M2 . Note that
the Degree Property may be violated. We may introduce one of three illegal configurations: (1) a 2-cycle on the
vertices M1 and M2 , (2) a path of length 2 that either starts at M1 or ends at M2 , and (3) a path of length 3
whose middle edge is (M1 , M2 ). If j 6∈ H(M1 , t − 1), let j ∈ H(M0 , t − 1). We remove the edge (M0 , M1 ) and
add the edge (M0 , M2 ). Again, the Degree Property may be violated. Since the Degree Property holds for Gt−1 ,
there are no edges incoming to M0 , but we may introduce a path of length two starting at M0 .
We show how to modify Gt so that the Degree Property holds for any of the illegal configurations.
Case 1: A 2-cycle on M1 and M2 . Assume that the labels of the edges are jobs j12 and j21 . Swap the home
machines of j12 and j21 ; i.e., move job j12 from H(M1 , t) to H(M2 , t) and vice versa for j21 . Increment the
counters wt (M1 ) and wt (M2 ) by 1. Accordingly, remove the edges of the 2-cycle.
Case 2: A path M3 , M4 , M5 of length 2, which cover the following three instances: (1) a path whose first edge
is (M1 , M2 ); i.e., M3 = M1 and M4 = M2 , (2) a path whose first edge is (M0 , M2 ); i.e., M3 = M0 and M4 = M2 ,
and (2) a path whose second edge is (M1 , M2 ); i.e., M4 = M1 and M5 = M2 . Let the labels of the edges on the
path be jobs j34 , and j45 . We introduce a “shortcut” as follows. Swap the home machines of j34 and j45 . Note
that after the swap j34 is on its home machine. Increment the counter wt (M4 ) by 1. Accordingly, replace the
path by the single edge (M3 , M5 ).
Case 3: A path M3 , M1 , M2 , M4 of length 3. Assume that the labels of the edges on the path are jobs j31 , j12 ,
and j24 . We introduce a shortcut using a “circular” move of home machines. Namely, set the home machine of
j31 to be M1 , set the home machine of j12 to be M2 , and set the home machine of j24 to be M3 . Note that after
the move j31 and j12 are on their home machines. Increment the counters wt (M1 ) and wt (M2 ) by 1. Accordingly,
replace the path by the single edge (M3 , M4 ).
Observe that in all these cases we have not changed the cardinalities of the sets of jobs in the home machines
and thus HS (t) and HF (t) remain the same.
Suppose that after the modification there is an edge (M3 , M4 ) labelled by job j ∈ H(M3 , t) ∩ J(M4 , t),
such that M3 ∈ HS (t) and M4 ∈ HF (t), violating the Forbidden Edges Property. Change the home machine
of j from M3 to M4 . Accordingly, delete the edge (M3 , M4 ). Note that after the change |H(M3 , t)| = q and
|H(M4 , t)| = q + 1. Thus, machine M3 moves from HS (t − 1) to HF (t), and vice versa for machine M4 . We call
the migration that caused this change a transfer and increment a global counter T (t) (initially zero) by one. The
counter T (t) is the number of transfers made up to time t.
P construction guarantees that the total number of migrations made up to time t is lower bounded by
T (t)+ M∈M wt (M ) since for every migration at time t an edge in Et is created and every counter is incremented
only when some edge is deleted, although sometimes we delete edges without incrementing counters.
Proof of Theorem 3.1. We use a potential function Φ(t) similar to the one used in the upper bound proof. Define
(PT(j, t) −
Φ(t) =
− PT(j, t)) .
2f (q, d)
j∈J(HF (t),t)
j∈J(HS (t),t)
Let f (q, d) = qd. We show for any t ≥ 0,
T (t) +
wt (M ) + Φ(t) ≥
r(m − r).
This readily implies the lower bound on the migration ratio.
As before, each of the n terms in the two summations in Φ(t) is bounded in absolute value by d and for all t,
|Φ(t)| = O(nd).
We have to show that µ(t) + ∆Φ(t) ≥ r(m−r)
M∈M (wt (M ) − wt−1 (M )),
nqd , where µ(t) = T (t) − T (t − 1) +
and ∆Φ(t) = Φ(t) − Φ(t − 1). We do this by considering the effects of executing jobs and of migrations separately.
From now on we drop the argument t and simply write ∆Φ[e] for the change in Φ in the execution phase and
∆Φ[m] for the change in Φ in the migration phase. As indicated earlier we consider migrations to occur at integer
times, and an execution phase to occur for a unit of time between integer times.
Consider the execution phase starting at time t − 1. Since there are no edges from HS (t) to HF (t), no job
whose home machine is in HS (t) is executed on a machine in HF (t). It follows that at least m − r jobs out of the
q(m − r) jobs in J(HF (t), t) execute, and at most r jobs out of the (q + 1)r jobs in J(HS (t), t) execute. So we
1 · (m − r − q(m − r) + (q + 1)r − r .
∆Φ[e] ≥
As before using the relation n = qm + r, we get
(m − r)n − q(m − r)m + (q + 1)rm − rn
= 2r(m − r),
and it follows that ∆Φ[e] ≥ r(m−r)
nqd .
Consider now the change in potential caused by migrations at time t − 1. Since migrations are done at the
start of each time window we need to show ∆Φ[m] + µ(t) ≥ 0. We consider the change in potential after the
modifications made to satisfy the Degree Property of Gt and then the change after the modifications made to
satisfy the Forbidden Edges Property. Consider the modifications made to satisfy the Degree Property of Gt . If
no shortcuts were done then ∆Φ[m] is zero. A shortcut of either a 2-cycle or a path of length 2 may result in
swapping a pair of jobs j1 and j2 between machines in HS (t) and HF (t). Since |PT(j1 , t) − PT(j2 , t)| ≤ d the
effect of this swap on ∆Φ[m] is lower bounded by −d/(qd) ≥ −1. Since at least one vertex counter is incremented
as a result of the shortcut we have ∆Φ[m] + µ(t) ≥ 0. A shortcut of a path of length 3 may result in swapping up
to two pairs of jobs between machines in HS (t) and HF (t). Since |PT(j1 , t) − PT(j2 , t)| ≤ d the effect of these
swaps on ∆Φ[m] is lower bounded by −1 times the number of counter increments and thus ∆Φ[m] + µ(t) ≥ 0.
Finally, consider a transfer made to satisfy the Forbidden Edges Property of Gt . This transfer causes q pairs
of jobs to swap between machines in HS (t) and HF (t). The change in the potential function is lower bounded by
−2qd/(2qd) = −1. Since T (t) is incremented, ∆Φ[m] + µ(t) ≥ 0.
Tightness of the bounds
We present an algorithm of mainly theoretical interest that works on instances with m = 2r and matches the
lower bound of Section 3 when m = 2r and d ≥ 2q.
Note that if m = 2r we may assume m = 2 since any instance for a larger m can be broken into m/2
identical subproblems. For m = 2 and r = 1, the function f (q, d) in the upper bound proof can be improved to
f (q, d) = q(d − 1) + 1 + min(⌊d/2⌋, q − 1). f (q, d) = qd. The potential function proof of Theorem 2.1 in Section
2.3 is modified for this improved value by using the following trick. We run the algorithm as before until time
t, for which minPT(M1 , t) = maxPT(M1 , t) and minPT(M2 , t) = maxPT(M2 , t) = minPT(M1 , t) + d − 1. At
this point we let M1 execute a single job j exclusively for q steps, and then migrate this job. Note that at time
t + q, PT(j, t + q) = minPT(M1 , t) + q and the processing time of the rest of the jobs on M1 is minPT(M1 , t).
After the migration, the migrating job j executes exclusively for q steps on M2 . Since d ≥ 2q, we get that
maxPT(M2 , t + 2q) ≤ minPT(M1 , t) + d and minPT(M1 , t + 2q) ≥ minPT(M1 , t). Moreover, at most q + 1 jobs
on M2 have processing time minPT(M1 , t) + d at time t + 2q and at most d − q jobs on M1 have processing time
minPT(M1 , t) at time t + 2q. This implies that if the execution of the original algorithm is resumed the drift
would be bounded by d. Note that the difference in processing times at the time of each migration is
PT(j, t) = −qd
PT(j, t) −
j∈J(F (t),t)\J(F (t−1),t−1)
as needed to show the migration ratio is
+ o(1) for d ≥ 2q.
We have presented a model for fair scheduling of a multiprocessor allowing the minimization of process migration
subject to a bound on fairness or vice versa. We have given a simple and practical algorithm and shown that it is
near optimal for a static set of jobs in the case that all jobs’ processing shares are equal. The algorithm requires
only a constant amount of work per scheduling operation and a constant amount of work per migration; this work
is distributed evenly across the machines. Notice that our algorithm can be easily modified to allow new jobs to
enter the system and completing jobs to exit, under a suitable definition of fair share for a newly arriving job,
although these operations may require more than constant time.
We concentrated on the case in which all tasks have the same resource requirement. A natural generalization
is the case in which each task has a different fractional requirement and the drift is normalized by these fractions.
It is not difficult to prove that the computation of a schedule that minimizes the drift in this case is NP-Hard
in the strong sense by reduction from 3-partition. Still, it is an interesting open problem to design a polynomial
time algorithm that achieves a proven bound on migrations in this case.
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