C. L. White Publications 5/30/2015 1. “Influence of Crystallography on Aspects of Solid-­‐Solid Nucleation Theory”: W. C. Johnson, C. L. White, P. Marth, P. Ruf, S. Tuominen, K. D. Wade, K. C. Russell, and H. I. Aaronson, Metall. Trans. A, vol. 6A, pp. 911-­‐919 (1975) “Experimental Techniques for Studying Grain Boundary Chemistry”: D. F. Stein, W. C. Johnson, and C. L. White, Can. Met. Quart., vol. 13(1), pp. 79-­‐90 (1975). “Study of Grain Boundary Segregation Using Auger Electron Spectroscopy”: D. F. Stein, W. C. Johnson, and C. L. White, Chapter 9 in Grain Boundary Structure and Properties, edited by G. A. Chadwick and D. A. Smith, Academic Press, 1976 “Two Families of Analytic Gamma-­‐Plots and Their Influence Upon Homogeneous Nucleation Kinetics”: J. K. Lee, D. W. Dooley, D. E. Graham, S. P. Clough, C. L. White, and H. I. Aaronson, Surf. Sci., vol. 62, pp. 695-­‐706 (1977) “Sulfur Segregation to Grain Boundaries in Ni3Al and Ni3(Al,Ti)”: C. L. White and D. F. Stein, Metall. Trans. A, vol. 9A, pp. 12-­‐21 (1978) “The Spectrum of Binding Energies Approach to Grain Boundary Segregation” (invited): C. L. White and W. A. Coghlan, Metall. Trans., vol. 8A, pp. 1403-­‐1411 (1977) “Investigations of Deposition and Wear Problems with Hardfaced Coatings for High Temperature Liquid Metal Surfaces”: D. P. Edmonds, G. M. Goodwin, and C. L. White, ORNL / TM-­‐5740 (1977), available from USDOE OSTI, Oak Ridge, TN “On the Upper Limit to Equilibrium Segregation at a Grain Boundary”: C. L. White and D. F. Stein, Scripta Metall., vol. 11, pp. 613-­‐616 (1978) “The Effect of Phosphorus Segregation to Grain Boundaries in Ir-­‐0.3%W Alloys on High Temperature Impact Ductility”: C. L. White and C. T. Liu, Scripta Metall., vol. 12, pp. 727-­‐733 (1978) “The Effect of Trace Element Additions on the Grain Boundary Composition of Ir-­‐ 0.3%W Alloys”: C. L. White, R. E. Clausing, and L. Heatherly, Metall. Trans. A, vol. 10A, pp. 683-­‐691 (1979) “Intergranular Embrittlement of Pt-­‐30%Rh-­‐8%W by Se Vapor”: C. L. White, J. R. Keiser, L. Heatherly, and J. F. Newsome, Scripta Metall., vol. 13, pp. 543-­‐547 (1979) “The Effect of Trace Element Additions on Grain Boundary Composition and Impact Strength of Iridium-­‐Tungsten Alloys”: C. L. White, R. E. Clausing, and L. Heatherly, Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc., vol. A295, p. 301 (1980) “A Study of Grain Boundary Embrittlement in Cu-­‐3%Al-­‐1%Si Using AES”: C. L. White, T. R. Odom, and R. E. Clausing, in Microstructural Science, Vol. 8, pp. 103-­‐114, edited by D. W. Stevens et al., Elsevier (1980) “Outward Diffusion and External Oxidation of Thorium in Iridium Alloys”: C. L. White and C. T. Liu, Acta Metall., vol. 29, pp. 301-­‐310 (1981) “Boron Segregation to Grain Boundaries and Improved Ductility in Pt-­‐30%Rh-­‐8%W”: C. L. White, J. R. Keiser, and D. N. Braski, Metall. Trans. A, vol. 12A, pp. 1485-­‐90 (1981) “On the Mechanism of Intergranular Embrittlement by Phosphorus in Transformer Steel”: R. G. Thompson, C. L. White, J. J. Wert, and D. S. Easton, Metall. Trans. A, vol. 12A, pp. 1339-­‐51 (1981). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1 / 7 C. L. White 17. Publications 5/30/2015 “Grain Boundary Segregation and Intergranular Failure” (invited): C. L. White, pp. 141-­‐170 in Aluminum Lithium Alloys, edited by T. H. Sanders, Jr. and E. A. Starke, Jr., TMS-­‐AIME, (1981) “Sulfur and Phosphorus Segregation to Creep Cavities in Type 304 Stainless Steel”: C. L. White, R. A. Padgett, and R. W. Swindeman, Scripta Metall., vol. 15, pp. 777-­‐782 (1981) “Use of AES and RGA to Study Neutron Irradiation Enhanced Segregation to Internal Surfaces”: G. R. Gessell and C. L. White, pp. 239-­‐52 in Advanced Techniques for the Characterization of Microstructure, edited by F. W. Wiffen and J. A. Spitznagel, TMS-­‐ AIME, (1982) “The Effects of Se Partial Pressure on Intergranular Embrittlement of a Pt-­‐Rh-­‐W Alloy”: C. L. White, J. R. Keiser, L. Heatherly, and J. F. Newsome, Scripta Metall., vol. 15, pp. 805-­‐808 (1982) “Effects of Sb, Sn, As, and P Additions on the High-­‐Temperature Ductility of Ni”: C. L. White, and R. A. Padgett, Scripta Metall., vol. 16, pp. 461-­‐466 (1982). “The Influence of Traces of Sb and Zr on Creep and Creep Fracture of Ni-­‐20%Cr”: J. H. Schneibel, C. L. White, and R. A. Padgett, pp. 649-­‐654 in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on the Strength of Metals and Alloys, Vol. 2, Pergamon, (1982). “Auger Electron Spectroscopy Analyses of Fracture Surfaces in TiB2 Ceramics”: V. J. Tennery, C. L. White, R. A. Padgett, and C. B. Finch, pp. 118-­‐124 in Advances in Ceramics, Vol. 6, Amer. Cer. Soc., (1983) 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. “Effects of Antimony Additions on the Fracture of Nickel at 600 C”: C. L. White and R. A. Padgett, Acta Metall. vol. 31, pp. 1005-­‐1012 (1983). “High Temperature Embrittlement of Ni and Ni-­‐Cr Alloys by Trace Elements” (invited): C. L. White, J. H. Schneibel, and R. A. Padgett, Metall. Trans. A, vol. 14A, pp. 595-­‐610 (1983) “Thorium Segregation to Grain Boundaries in Ir-­‐0.3%W Alloys Containing 5-­‐1000 ppm Thorium”: C. L. White, L. Heatherly, and R. A. Padgett, Acta Metall., vol. 32, pp. 111-­‐119 (1983). “Preparation of Ductile Nickel Aluminides for High Temperature Use”: C. T. Liu, C. L. White, C. C. Koch, and E. H. Lee, pp. 32-­‐41 in High Temperature Materials Chemistry II, Proceedings Volume 83-­‐7, The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ, 32-­‐41 (1983) “Sulfur and Antimony Segregation to Creep Cavity Surfaces in Ni and an FCC Fe-­‐Ni-­‐Cr Alloy”: C. L. White, J. H. Schneibel, and M. H. Yoo, pp. 347-­‐358 in Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, edited by B. Wilshire and D.R.J. Owen, Pineridge Press, Swansea, UK, (1984) “Retardation of Grain Boundary Self Diffusion in Nickel Doped with Antimony and Tin”: R. A. Padgett and C. L. White, Scripta Metall., vol. 18, pp. 459-­‐462 (1984). “A High Temperature Specimen Holder for Use with the PHI Model 2100 Specimen Introduction/Reaction Chamber”: C. L. White, R. Dimas, and W. Losch, Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol. 55, pp. 1171-­‐2 (1984). “High Temperature Behavior of Pressureless-­‐Sintered SiC in a Steel Soaking Pit Environment”: G. C. Wei and C. L. White, Ceram. Bull., vol. 63, pp. 890-­‐93 (1984). 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 2 / 7 C. L. White Publications 5/30/2015 32. “Surface and Grain Boundary Segregation in Relation to Intergranular Fracture: Boron and Sulfur in Ni3Al”: C. L. White, R. A. Padgett, C. T. Liu, and S. M. Yalisove, Scripta Metall., vol. 18, pp. 1417-­‐20 (1984). 33. “Creep Fracture in Austenitic Stainless Steels Containing Antimony or Titanium”: J. H. Schneibel, C. L. White, G. F. Petersen, and R. A. Padgett, 1984 ASM International Conference on New Developments in Stainless Steel Technology, ASM Reprint No. 8410-­‐034 “Effect of Boron on Grain Boundaries in Ni3Al”: C. T. Liu, C. L. White, and J. A. Horton, Acta Metall., vol. 33, pp. 213-­‐29 (1985). “On the Improvement of Creep Strength and Ductility of Ni-­‐20%Cr by Small Zirconium Additions”: J. H. Schneibel, C. L. White, and M. H. Yoo, Metall. Trans. A, vol. 16A, pp. 651-­‐60 (1985). “Interfacial Segregation and Fracture” (invited): M. H. Yoo, C. L. White, and H. Trinkaus, pp. 349-­‐382 in Flow and Fracture at Elevated Temperatures, Proc. of 1983 ASM Materials Science Seminar, ASM (1985). “Concerning the Mass Transport Mechanisms for Sulfur and Antimony Segregation to External Free Surfaces in Ni-­‐1wt%Sb”: C. L. White and W. Losch, Scripta Metall., vol. 19, pp. 665-­‐668 (1985). “Boron Segregation at Grain Boundaries in Rapidly Solidified Ni3Al”: C. C. Koch, C. L. White, R. A. Padgett, and C. T. Liu, Scripta Metall., vol. 19, pp. 963-­‐66 (1985). “Weldability of Ni3Al Type Aluminide Alloys”: M. L. Santella, S. A. David, and C. L. White, pp. 495-­‐503 in High Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys, edited by C. C. Koch, C. T. Liu, and N. S. Stoloff, MRS Symposium Proc., Vol. 39, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh (1985). “Design of Ductile Polycrystalline Ni3Al Alloys” (invited): C. T. Liu and C. L. White, pp. 363-­‐380 in High Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys, edited by C. C. Koch, C. T. Liu, and N. S. Stoloff, MRS Symposium Proc., Vol. 39, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh (1985). “Study of Solute Segregation at Interfaces Using Auger Electron Spectroscopy” (invited): C. L. White, Cer. Bull., vol. 64, pp. 1571-­‐1580 (1985). “Wear of Ion Implanted TiB2 Surfaces”: C. S. Yust, C. J. McHargue, C. L. White, P. Angelini, and M. B. Lewis, in EUROTRIB 85, Proc. 4th European Tribology Congress, Elsevier (1985). “Effect of Test Environment on Ductility and Fracture Behavior of Boron-­‐Doped Ni3Al at 600 C”: C. T. Liu, C. L. White, and E. H. Lee, Scripta Metall., vol. 19, pp. 1247-­‐50 (1985). “Recent Developments Concerning Segregation and Fracture at Grain Boundaries” (invited): C. L. White, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., vol. 4, pp. 1633-­‐1637 (1986). “Formation of Hot Cracks in Austenitic Stainless Steel Welds -­‐ Solidification Cracking”: V. P. Kujanpaa, S. A. David, and C. L. White, Weld. Res. Suppl., August 1986, pp. 203s-­‐212s. “The Effect of Thermal History on Intergranular Boron Segregation and Fracture Morphology of Substoichiometric Ni3Al”: A. Choudhury, C. L. White, and C. R. Brooks, Scripta Metall., vol. 20, pp. 1061-­‐66 (1986). 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 3 / 7 C. L. White 47. Publications 5/30/2015 “Examination of Weld Hot Cracking in a Transition Joint Between HP 9-­‐4-­‐20 and 21-­‐ 6-­‐9 Stainless Steel”: M. W. Richey, C. L. White, and M. W. Doughty, pp. 669-­‐ 677 in Advances in Welding Science and Technology, Proc. Int’l. Conf. on Trends in Welding Research, ASM, 1986. “Dynamic Embrittlement of Boron-­‐Doped Ni3Al Alloys at 600°C”: C. T. Liu and C. L. White, Acta Metall., vol. 35, pp. 643-­‐649 (1987). “Auger Analysis of Hydrogen Embrittled Grain Boundaries in a Boron Containing AISI 1520 Steel”: A. Chatterjee, J. P. Hirth, R. G. Hoagland, A. Choudhury, and C. L. White, Scripta Metall., vol. 21, pp. 79-­‐82 (1987). “Grain Boundary and Surface Segregation in Boron Doped Ni3Al” (invited): C. L. White and A. Choudhury, pp. 427-­‐441 in High Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys II, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 81, (1987). 48. 49. 50. 51. “The Segregation of Boron and Its Effect on the Fracture of an Ni3Si Based Alloy”: W. C. Oliver and C. L. White, pp. 241-­‐246 in High Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys II, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 81, (1987). 52. “Panel Report on Micromechanics and Physics of Fracture”: V. Vitek et al., Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 94, pp. 1-­‐69 (1987). “Characterization of Heat-­‐Affected-­‐Zone Cracking in Austenitic Stainless Steel Welds”: V. P. Kujanpaa, S. A. David, and C. L. White, Weld. Res. Suppl., vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 221s-­‐228s (1987). “Anisotropic Ca Segregation to the Surface of Al2O3”: S. Baik and C. L. White, J. Amer. Cer. Soc., vol. 70, pp. 682-­‐688 (1987). “Application of Auger Electron Spectroscopy to the Study of Trace Element Effects on Weldability”: C. L. White, S. A. David, and M. W. Richey, pp. 101-­‐114 in Welding Metallurgy of Structural Steels, J. Y. Koo ed., TMS-­‐AIME, 1987. “Boron Distribution in Sintered Silicon Carbide”: W. D. Carter, P. H. Holloway, C. L. White, and R. E. Clausing, Advanced Ceramic Materials, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 62-­‐65 (1988). “Evaluation of the Effects of Segregation on Austenite Grain Boundary Energy in Fe-­‐ C-­‐X Alloys”: M. Enomoto, C. L. White, and H. I. Aaronson, Metall. Trans. A., vol. 19A, pp. 1807-­‐18 (1988). “Auger Analysis of the Fracture Surfaces of ordered Ni4Mo”: A. Choudhury, H. P. Kao, C. R. Brooks, and C. L. White, Scripta Metall., vol. 22, pp. 1057-­‐62 (1988). “Interface Segregation and Cohesion” (invited): C. L. White, pp. 47-­‐62 in Diffusion in High Technology Materials, D. Gupta, A. D. Romig, and M. A. Dayananda eds., Trans Tech Publications, Brookfield, VT, 1988. “Free Surface Segregation in Boron Doped Ni3Al”: C. L. White, C. T. Liu, and R. A. Padgett, Jr., Acta Metall., vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 2229-­‐2238 (1988). “The Effect of Bulk Boron Level on its Segregation to Grain Boundaries in Substoichiometric Ni3Al”: A. Choudhury, C. L. White, and C. R. Brooks, pp. 261-­‐ 268 in Interfacial Structure, Properties and Design, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 122, (1988). 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 4 / 7 C. L. White 62. Publications 5/30/2015 “Grain Boundary and Cavity Surface Segregation in Crept Ni3Al+0.2at.%B and Ni3(Al, Hf)+0.2at.%B”: P. H. Au-­‐Yeung, J. T. Lukowski, and C. L. White, pp. 517-­‐522 in High Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys III, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 133, (1989). “The Role of Boron in Ni3Al”: A. Choudhury, C. L. White, and C. R. Brooks, pp. 667-­‐689 in Proc. Conf. on Precious and Rare Metal Technologies, A. E. Torma and I. H. Gundiler eds., Elsevier, 1989. “Relationships Between Plasticity and SCC”: D. B. Kasul, C. L. White, and L. A. Heldt, pp. 219-­‐222 in Proc. Int. Conf. on Environment Induced Cracking of Metals, R. Gangloff and M. B. Ives eds., NACE, 1990. “An Auger Spectrometric Study of the Crack Tip Surface Chemistry for Liquid Metal Embrittlement: Beta Brass Embrittled by Gallium”: P. H. Au-­‐Yeung, J. T. Lukowski, L. A. Heldt, and C. L. White, Scripta Metall., vol. 24, pp. 95-­‐100 (1990). “Metallurgical Aspects of Electrode Wear During Resistance Welding of Zinc Coated Steels”: J. A. Wist and C. L. White, Paper No. 6 in Proc. Sheet Metal Welding Conf. IV, AWS-­‐Detroit Section, 1990. “Discontinuous Crack Propagation in Ga Induced Liquid Metal Embrittlement of β-­‐ Brass”: J. T. Lukowski, D. B. Kasul, L. A. Heldt, and C. L. White, Scripta Metall. et Mater., vol. 24, pp. 1959-­‐64 (1990). “The Effect of Cathodic Hydrogen Charging of Substoichiometric Ni3Al on Auger Electron Spectroscopy Measured Intergranular Boron Segregation”: A. Choudhury, C. L. White, and C. R. Brooks, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., vol. A8, no. 6, pp. 4114-­‐16 (1990). “Interfacial Segregation Effects on Fusion Zone and HAZ Cracking”: C. L. White, pp. 65-­‐72 in Weldability of Materials, ASM International, 1990. “Grain Boundary Cohesion and Fracture in Ordered Intermetallics” (invited): E. P. George, C. L. White, and J. A. Horton, Scripta Metall. et Mater., vol. 25, pp. 1259-­‐64 (1991). “The Intergranular Segregation of Boron in Ni3Al: Equilibrium Segregation and Segregation Kinetics”: A. Choudhury, C. L. White, and C. R. Brooks, Acta Metall., 40, 57-­‐68 (1992). “Comparisons of Electrode Wear in DSC Electrodes Having Different Hardnesses”: M. D. Gugel, J. A. Wist, and C. L. White, Paper No.A3 in Proc. Sheet Metal Welding Conf. V, AWS-­‐Detroit Section, 1992. “Progression of Electrode Wear During RSW of EG Steel”: M. D. Gugel, C. L. White, and J. A. Wist, Paper No.A4 in Proc. Sheet Metal Welding Conf. V, AWS-­‐ Detroit Section, 1992. “The Behavior of Zr in Ni3Al in MMCs Reinforced with Single Crystal Al2O3 Fibers”: D. Ringer and C. L. White, pp. 487-­‐499 in Proc. Symp. on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials for High Temperature Applications, TMS, Warrendale, PA, 1993. “Segregation to Fiber/Matrix Interfaces in Ni3Al IMCs Reinforced with Single Crystal Al2O3 Fibers”: D. Ringer and C. L. White, Intermetallics, vol. 1, pp. 127-­‐ 137 (1993). “Intergranular Fracture of Polycrystalline Ni3Al at 77K”: K. H. Lee and C. L. White, Scripta Metall. et Mater., vol. 29, pp. 547-­‐552 (1993). 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 5 / 7 C. L. White 77. Publications 5/30/2015 “The Effect of Aluminum Content in HDG Coatings on the Wear of RSW Electrodes”: M. D. Gugel, C. L. White, M. Kimchi, K. Pickett, Paper D3 in Proc. Sheet Metal Welding Conference VI, Novi, Michigan, 11-­‐14 October 1994, AWS -­‐ Detroit Section, 1994. 78 “Weldability and Electrode Wear During the RSW of Various HDG Steels”: M. Kimchi, K. Pickett, M. D. Gugel, and C.L. White, Paper D2 in Proc. Sheet Metal Welding Conference VI, AWS -­‐ Detroit Section, 1994. “Influence of Resistance Spot Welding Electrode Alloy Type on the Nature of Electrode Wear and Tip Life”: J. A. Wist, C. L. White, M. D. Gugel, and F. E. Goodwin, pp. SE4/1 -­‐SE4/12, Proc. Intergalva 94, 4th International Zinc Coated Sheet Conference, 5-­‐ 10 June 1994, Paris, France. "Effects of Processing on Fiber/Matrix Interfaces in Ni3Al /Sapphire Single Crystal Composites": D. Ringer and C. L. White, pp. 125-­‐130 in MRS Symposium Proc. Vol. 350, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh (1994). 78. 79. 80. 81. “Intrinsic Ductility of Ni3Al with and without Boron at 77K”: Ki-­‐Ho Lee and C. L. White, Scripta Metall. et Mater., vol. 32, pp. 1871-­‐1875 (1995). “Strain Rate Effect on Moisture and Hydrogen-­‐Induced Environmental Embrittlement of Ni3Al with and without Boron “: Ki-­‐Ho Lee and C. L. White, Scripta Metall. et Mater., vol. 33, pp. 129-­‐137 (1995). 82. 83. “Mechanisms of Resistance Welding Electrode Wear on Galvanized Steel”: C. L. White, M. D. Gugel, and M. Kimchi, pp. 133-­‐144 in Advances in Welding Technology (Proc. 11th Annual North American Welding Research Conference, November 7-­‐9, 1995), Edison Welding Institute, Columbus, 1995. “Mechanisms of resistance welding electrode wear on galvanized steel”: M. Kimchi, C. L. White, M. D. Gugel, pp. 839-­‐850 in the Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation. Vol. II; Florence; Italy; 3-­‐6 June 1996. “Kinetics of Water Vapor Reaction with Intergranular Fracture Surfaces of Ni3Al with and without Boron”: K. H. Lee, J. T. Lukowski, and C. L. White, Scripta Metall. et Mater., vol. 35, pp. 1153-­‐1159 (1996). 84. 85. 86. “Reinforcement/Matrix Interactions in Al2O3 and Al2O3-­‐ZrO2 Fiber-­‐Reinforced Ni3Al Matrix Composites”: A. Murut and C. L. White, Acta Metall. et Mater., vol. 45, pp. 2547-­‐ 2563 (1997). “Effects of gasous hydrogen and water vapor pressure on environmental embrittlement of Ni3Al”: K. H. Lee, J. T. Lukowski, and C. L. White, Intermetallics , vol. 5, pp. 483-­‐490 (1997). “Resistance Welding Electrode Wear on Galvannealed Steels”: C. L. White, F. Lu, M. Kimchi, and P. Dong, 1998, pp. 219-­‐228 in Proc. Symposium on Zinc-­‐Based Steel Coating Systems: Production and Performance, edited by F. E. Goodwin, TMS, 1998 “An International Industry/University/Collaboration: Norsk Hydro/Michigan Tech/NTNU”, C. L. White, W. W. Predebon, E. Wathne, and P. K. Larsen, pp. 6D2-­‐7 -­‐-­‐ 6D2-­‐10 in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education, 6-­‐10 August, 2001, Oslo, Norway. 87. 88. 89. 6 / 7 C. L. White 90. Publications 5/30/2015 “Measurement of Interfacial Tension in Fluid/Fluid Systems”, J. Drelich, Ch. Fang, and C. L. White, pp. 3152-­‐3166 in the Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, Marcel-­‐ Dekker, 2002. “Patterning of Gold and Polystyrene Nanoparticles into Mesostructures Using a Laser-­‐based Particle Deposition”, J. Drelich, E. M. Nadgorny, E. T. Zellers, J. Xu, Ch. Zhou, C. L. White, and W. M. Cross, pp. 85-­‐94 in Functional Fillers and Nanoscale Minerals, edited by J. Kellar, M. A. Herpfer, and B. M. Moudgil, Soc. for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., 2003. “Effect of Surface Characteristics of Metallic Biomaterials on Interaction with Osteoblast Cells”, L. Bren, L. English, J. Fogarty, R. Policoro, A. Zsidi, J. Vance, J. Drelich, C. White, S. Donahue, N. Istephanous, and K. Rohly, p. 1121 in Proceedings of the 7th World Biomaterials Congress, 2004. “Metallurgical Engineering”, (primary author) pp. 219-­‐220 in The College Board Book of Majors, First Edition, College Board Publications, 2004. “Materials Engineering”, (secondary author) pp. 214-­‐216 in The College Board Book of Majors, First Edition, College Board Publications, 2004. “Probing colloidal forces between a Si3N4 AFM tip and single nanoparticles of silica and alumina”, J. Drelich, J. Long, Z. Xu, J. Masliyah, and C. L. White, pp. 627-­‐638 in the Journal of Colloid and Interfacial Science, vol. 303, 2006. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. “Measurement of Interfacial Tension in Fluid/Fluid Systems”, J. Drelich, Ch. Fang, and C. L. White, pp. 2966-­‐2980 in the Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science 2nd ed, Taylor and Francis Group, 2006. “Laboratory Tests on Mercury Emission Monitoring with Resonating Goad-­‐Coated Silicon Cantilevers”, J. Drelich, C. L. White, and Z. Xu, pp. 2072-­‐2078 in Environmental Science & Technology, 2008. “Effect of orientation and extrusion welds on the fatigue life of an Al-­‐Mg-­‐Si-­‐Mn alloy”, N. Nanninga, C. White, T. Furu, O. Anderson, and R. Dickson, pp. 1569-­‐ 1578 in International Journal of Fatigue, vol. 30 (2008). "The relationship between extrusion die line roughness and high cycle fatigue life of an AA6082 alloy", pp. 1215-­‐1224 in International Journal of Fatigue, vol. 31 (2009). "Effect of specimen orientation and extrusion welds on the fatigue life of an AA6063 alloy, N. Nanninga, C. White, O. Mills and J. Lukowski, pp. 238-­‐246 in International Journal of Fatigue, vol. 32 (2010). "A Review of Fatigue Crack Growth for Pipeline Steels Exposed to Hydrogen", N. Nanninga, A. Slifka, Y. Levy and C. White, pp. 437-­‐452 in J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol., vol. 115, no. 6, (2010). "Charge Weld Effects on High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of a Hollow Extruded AA6082 Profile" N. Nanninga, C. White, and R. Dickson, accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2010. "Design of an Eta-­‐Phase Precipitation-­‐Hardenable Nickel-­‐Based Alloy with the Potential for Improved Creep Strength Above 1023 K (750 C°)" M. J. Wong, P. G. Sanders, J. P. Shingledecker, and C. L. White, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, vol. 46A, p. 2947 (2015). 7 / 7