Crossing Numbers of Random Graphs Joel Spencer, Géza Toth a lecture by Puck Rombach The crossing number, denoted by cr(G), of G is the minimum number of crossing points in any drawing of G. The rectilinear crossing number, denoted by lin-cr(G), of G is the minimum number of crossing points in any drawing of G, with straight line segments as edges. The pairwise crossing number, denoted by pair-cr(G), of G is the minimum number of pairs of crossing edges over all drawings of G. Let γcr = lim n→∞ cr(Kn ) n 2 2 and define γlin-cr and γpair-cr in a similar way. Let κcr (n, p) = E(cr(G)) e2 where e = p n2 is the expected number of edges of G, and define κlin-cr (n, p) and κpair-cr (n, p) in a similar way. An order type of the points x1 , x2 , ..., xn in the plane (with no three colinear) is a list of orientations of all triplet xi xj xk , i < j < k. Let X be the set of all order types of the points x1 , ..., xn in the plane. For any graph G with vertices v1 , ..., vn let lin-crξ (G) denote the number of crossings in the straight line drawing of G, where vi is placed at xi in the plane and x1 , ..., xn have order type ξ ∈ X. Theorem 1. For any fixed n, κlin-cr (n, p), κcr (n, p) and κpair-cr (n, p) are increasing, continuous functions of p. Theorem 2. 1. lim supn→∞ κlin-cr (n, c/n) = 0 f or 2. lim supn→∞ κcr (n, c/n) = 0 f or c≤1 c≤1 3. lim supn→∞ κpair-cr (n, c/n) = 0 f or c ≤ 1 4. limc→1 lim supn→∞ κlin-cr (n, c/n) = 0 5. limc→1 lim supn→∞ κcr (n, c/n) = 0 1 6. limc→1 lim supn→∞ κpair-cr (n, c/n) = 0 7. lim supn→∞ κlin-cr (n, c/n) < γlin-cr f or all c 8. lim supn→∞ κcr (n, c/n) < γcr f or all c 9. lim supn→∞ κpair-cr (n, c/n) < γpair-cr f or all c. Theorem 3. For any ε > 0, p = p(n) = nε−1 , lim inf κpair-cr (n, p) > 0. n→∞ Theorem 4. For any c > 1 with p = p(n) = c/n lim inf κcr (n, p) > 0. n→∞ Theorem 5. If p = p(n) log n , n then lim κlin-cr (n, p) = γlin-cr (n, p). n→∞ Define the bisection width of G, denoted by b(G), as the minimal number of edges running between T (top) and B (bottom) over all partitions of the vertex set into two disjoint parts V = T ∪ B such that 32 |V | ≥ |T |, |B| ≥ 31 |V |. Theorem 6. Let V be a set of m vertices. Let T be a tree on V . Let G be the random graph on a V with edge probability p = m . For a > 0 fixed almost surely b(T ∪ G) = Ω(m). That is, there exists η > 0 dependent only on a such that P(b(T ∪ G) ≤ mη) approaches zero as m approaches infinity. An order type of the points x1 , x2 , ..., xn in the plane (with no three colinear) is a list of orientations of all triplet xi xj xk , i < j < k. Let X be the set of all order types of the points x1 , ..., xn in the plane. For any graph G with vertices v1 , ..., vn let lin-crξ (G) denote the number of crossings in the straight line drawing of G, where vi is placed at xi in the plane and x1 , ..., xn have order type ξ ∈ X. Theorem 7. Let G(n, p) be a random graph with vertices v1 , v2 , ..., vn , with edge probability 0 < p = p(n) < 1. Then P |lin-crξ (G) − E(lin-crξ (G))| > 3αe3/2 < 3 exp(−α2 /4) √ holds for every α satisfying (e/4)3 exp(−e/4) ≤ α ≤ e. 2