9th of March 2016 TERMS OF REFERENCE Warwick Evidence Advisory Group Warwick Medical School University of Warwick Warwick Evidence (WE) Warwick Evidence is an interdisciplinary health services research unit with a primary focus on health technology assessment (HTA). It was established on 1st April 2011 by Professor Aileen Clarke within Warwick Medical School (WMS). Warwick Evidence undertakes reviews and evidence synthesis on the clinical and cost effectiveness of health care interventions for the Health Technology Assessment Programme, for a range of research funders and policy makers including the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Warwick Evidence is contracted to deliver a mix of Single Technology Appraisals (STAs), Multiple Technology Appraisals (MTAs), Health Technology Assessment Reports (TAR), Diagnoses Assessments (DA) and Short Reports for the NIHR HTA Programme totalling five and a half TAR units each year. Aims of WE To undertake high quality technology appraisals for the NIHR HTA programme and for NICE. To be a regional centre of research excellence in health technology assessment and to increase local, regional and national awareness of the potential of health technology assessment in healthcare. To provide capacity in Warwick Medical School (WMS) in systematic reviewing, health economics and cost effectiveness, modelling and meta-analysis, and to increase numbers of future Principal Investigators in line with the WMS research strategy. To strengthen links and tie together important current research themes across Warwick University related to health evidence, technology appraisal, assessment of cost effectiveness, clinical trials, economic modelling, and to contribute to knowledge diffusion and dissemination. To promote the exchange of knowledge between Warwick Evidence and the NHS. To attract external funding to support related empirical and methodological work of the highest quality. To disseminate research findings via high ranking journals, local/regional NHS and academic networks. Page 1 of 3 Terms of Reference Warwick Evidence Advisory Group 9th of March 2016 9th of March 2016 Terms of Reference The Advisory Group (AG) is a locally instigated arrangement to provide the Warwick Evidence with independent oversight, support and advice. It has been agreed as forming part of the oversight and governance arrangements for Warwick Evidence in the University of Warwick’s contract with the Department of Health. Its terms of reference are to: 1. To provide advice to the Director and Senior team of Warwick Evidence on academic and strategic planning and direction. 2. To meet at least annually. 3. To review contractual and academic objectives. 4. To receive suitable key performance indicators (KPIs) and to assess progress against objectives. 5. To provide annual oversight of WE’s financial governance. 6. To provide oversight of WE’s quality assurance processes. 7. To receive and review an Annual Report. 8. To review AG Terms of Reference and WE aims periodically for fitness for purpose. Membership Membership will be reviewed periodically by the agreement of the Chair and Director; deputies and co-opting will be accepted only by prior agreement. All members should have a background and/or interest in the work of Warwick Evidence. For quoracy advisory boards should include at minimum: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Two members from the University of Warwick, external to Warwick Evidence. Two members external to the University of Warwick. A Chair drawn from 1 or 2. The Director of Warwick Evidence (or a deputy). Two senior staff members from Warwick Evidence. A financial officer from the University of Warwick. Membership will be constructed to provide a range of experience and expertise including local and regional NHS and clinical links, advanced methodological advice; social science, social policy, health policy and qualitative expertise; senior and experienced TAR leadership advice; academic PPI advice and external policy NHS, NIHR and stakeholder. The Advisory Board will be supported administratively by the RPA to Warwick Evidence. Working Methods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Advisory Board will meet at least annually. All matters relating to the Advisory Board will be treated as confidential. Electronic or written communication may be used between Advisory Board meetings. All members will have equal standing within the group. Term of office for members who are not employed to work within Warwick Evidence is normally 5 years with the possibility of renewal. Page 2 of 3 Terms of Reference Warwick Evidence Advisory Group 9th of March 2016 9th of March 2016 6. The Advisory Board will be chaired by a member who is not employed to work within Warwick Evidence. 7. Conflicts of Interest will be declared and recorded. 8. Meetings will be quorate (see Membership). Page 3 of 3 Terms of Reference Warwick Evidence Advisory Group 9th of March 2016