Warwick Evidence Annual Leave SOP Warwick Evidence ID number: WE AL AG v1 Amy Grove 26th January 2012 Division of Health Sciences Warwick Medical School The University of Warwick Signed ...................................................................................Date....................................... Signed ...................................................................................Date....................................... Signed ...................................................................................Date....................................... Signed ...................................................................................Date....................................... Page 1 of 10 Annual Leave SOP WE AL AG v1 Table of Contents 1 Procedures: Annual Leave for Warwick Evidence .................................................................. 3 1.1 Scope and Applicability ....................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Summary of Method............................................................................................................. 3 1.2.1 Statutory and Customary leave for 2011/12............................................................. 4 1.2.2 Annual Leave Calculations for Part-Time Staff ........................................................ 4 1.2.3 Statutory and Customary Leave Calculations for Part-Time Staff ........................ 5 1.3 Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 6 1.4 Health & Safety Warnings and Cautions .......................................................................... 6 1.5 Interferences ......................................................................................................................... 6 1.6 Staff Requirements and Responsibilities .......................................................................... 6 1.7 Equipment and Supplies ..................................................................................................... 6 1.8 Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 6 1.9 Data and Records Management ........................................................................................ 7 1.10 4. Quality Control .................................................................................................................. 7 1.11 5. References........................................................................................................................ 8 Page 2 of 10 Annual Leave SOP WE AL AG v1 1 Procedures: Annual Leave for Warwick Evidence 1.1 Scope and Applicability The annual leave (AL) provision forms part of phase two of the implementation of the Framework Agreement and was effective as of the 1st October 2009 for the majority of eligible staff at the University of Warwick (except for those staff still undergoing consultation with regards to the new Terms and Conditions). It applies to all staff employed by Warwick Evidence (WE). 1.2 Summary of Method The following leave provisions apply for each staff group in the University: 1. The University's leave year runs from 1st October to 30th September 2. Level 1a to 5 full time staff are entitled to 30 days (reached in October 2011) Levels 6 to 9 full time staff are entitled to 34 days (reached in October 2013) NB: these figures include four customary leave days or specific shut-down periods as specified by the university or by your head of department/line manager. In addition to the above entitlement, all staff receive eight statutory leave days. Please see http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/humanresources/harmonisation/leavephasing/ for more information regarding phasing of annual leave entitlement 3. Outstanding holiday may be carried over to the following year(10 days maximum), but any annual holidays which have not been taken by 31st March in the calendar year following the leave year shall lapse 4. Staff who work less than 45 weeks per year receive pay in lieu equivalent to their proportionate holiday entitlement. This sum is added to their salary and paid throughout the year. The pro rata holiday entitlement includes an element for 8 days statutory leave and 4 customary days. Usually, these days fall outside the staff member's normal working weeks. However, some statutory days may fall within the normal working week. If this happens, (most likely the early May bank holiday which falls on the first Monday of May), the member of staff has already received an allowance for this in their pay. This means that the member of staff should either make the time up elsewhere or take a day's unpaid leave on these occasions, in agreement with their Department 5. In those situations where employees are transferred to posts within other departments of the University, they should be allowed to take their annual leave entitlement with them, rather than be paid in lieu of any untaken leave. The Working Time Regulations prohibits payment in lieu of untaken leave except when an employee leaves the University 6. Employees who start after 15th of the month will not be entitled to any annual leave for that month; likewise if an employee leaves before 15th of the month they will not be entitled to the annual leave for that month Page 3 of 10 Annual Leave SOP WE AL AG v1 7. A maximum of three weeks leave can only be granted at any one time, any leave requested for a longer period than this will be in exceptional circumstances only. For leave to be granted over a three week period at any one time the request form will be signed off by the Dean of WMS for any level of staff 1.2.1 Statutory and Customary leave for 2011/12 Christmas/New Year Friday 23 December 2011 - Customary Saturday 24 December 2011 - Christmas Eve Sunday 25 December 2011 - Christmas Day Monday 26 December 2011 - Boxing Day Tuesday 27 December 2011 - STATUTORY (Christmas Day in lieu) Wednesday 28 December 2011 - Customary Thursday 29 December 2011 - Customary Friday 30 December 2011 - Customary Saturday 31December 2011 Sunday 1 January 2012 - New Year’s Day Monday 2 January 2012 - STATUTORY (New Year’s Day in lieu) (Term begins 9 January 2012 and ends 17 March 2012) 2. Easter Friday 6 April 2012 - STATUTORY (Good Friday) Monday 9 April 2012 - STATUTORY (Easter Monday) (Term begins 23 April 2012 and ends 30 June 2012) 3. May Day Holiday Monday 7 May 2012 - STATUTORY 4. Spring Bank Holiday Monday 4 June 2012 - STATUTORY 5. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Holiday Tuesday 5 June 2012 - STATUTORY 6. Late Summer Bank Holiday Monday 27 August 2012 – STATUTORY 1.2.2 Annual Leave Calculations for Part-Time Staff These guidelines only apply to staff who work more than 45 weeks per annum since staff working less than these weeks have annual leave paid with their salary. Table 1-Holiday calculator, this excludes customary and statutory days Number of full-time Equivalent number of weeks equivalent holidays* 23 days 4.6 weeks 24 days 4.8 weeks 25 days 5 weeks 26 days 5.2 weeks 27 days 5.4 weeks 28 days 5.6 weeks 29 days 5.8 weeks 30 days 6 weeks Page 4 of 10 Annual Leave SOP WE AL AG v1 Holidays should be calculated by determining the full time equivalent days leave. This should then be converted into weeks using the table above. The individual’s working pattern should then be identified to the holidays to be pro-rated up or down accordingly. Example The following calculations are made on the basis of a full-time annual leave entitlement of 23 days. Where staff work an equal number of hours each day, their annual leave should be calculated on the basis of the number of days worked each week. For example, someone who works 6 hours each day for 3 days per week works 3/5ths of full-time and is therefore entitled to 3/5ths/60% of annual leave. 60% of 23 days holiday is 13.8 days (each day being taken as 6 hours). Where a member of staff works a varying number of hours each day, but the same number of hours each week, their annual leave should be calculated in hours as follows: Members of staff receives 4.6 weeks annual leave (ie for a full-time member of staff; 36.5 hrs x 4.6 = 167.9 hrs annual leave). Therefore a part-time member of staff’s weekly hours should be multiplied by 4.6 to calculate their annual leave entitlement. For example, a member of staff who works 19 hrs per week would received 87.4 hrs annual leave. NB Staff are entitled to long service days after a certain period. The weekly hours will need to be multiplied by a different figure to take account of this. One other scenario is in the case of a member of staff who works half-time (ie 18.25 hrs pw) in the pattern of 2 full-days and one half-day per week. In this instance, they would receive 50% of the holiday entitlement (ie 11.5 days) and their holiday entitlement would be reduced according to which day they took as leave, eg a full-day or a half-day of their normal working pattern. 1.2.3 Statutory and Customary Leave Calculations for Part-Time Staff Entitlement to statutory and customary days leave should be calculated in a similar way to that for annual leave above. The following calculations are made on the basis of a full-time statutory/customary entitlement of 12 days* Where staff work an equal number of hours each day, their entitlement to statutory and customary leave should be calculated on the basis of the number of days worked each week. For example, someone who works 6 hours each day for 3 days per week will get 3/5ths/60% of the 12 days = 7.2 days per annum. Where a member of staff works a varying number of hours each day, their entitlement to statutory and customary leave should be worked out in hours. A fulltime member of staff receives 2.4 weeks statutory/customary days (ie 36.5 hrs x 2.4 weeks = 87.6 hrs annual leave). Therefore a member of staff’s weekly hours should Page 5 of 10 Annual Leave SOP WE AL AG v1 be multiplied by 2.4 to calculate their statutory/customary entitlement. For example, a member of staff who works 19 hrs per week would receive 45.6 hrs statutory/customary leave. One other scenario is in the case of a member of staff who works half-time (ie 18.25 hrs pw) in the pattern of 2 full-days and one half-day. In this instance, they would receive 50% of the statutory/customary entitlement (ie 6 days) and their entitlement to statutory and customary leave reduced according to which day of their normal working week they took off, eg a full-day or a half-day. Where a part-time member of staff has to take a statutory or customary day off (because if falls on one of their working days) and their entitlement does not allow for this, the balance should be taken from their annual leave entitlement. Also, where a part-timer cannot take all of their entitlement to statutory/customary days (because not enough statutory/customary days fall on their working days) the balance should be added to their annual leave entitlement. 1.3 Definitions AL WE HoD Annual Leave Warwick Evidence Head of Division 1.4 Health & Safety Warnings and Cautions NA 1.5 Interferences In the first instance WE staff should aim to schedule their AL in line with the WE programme of work. The project plan can be viewed at P:\Research data\Warwick Evidence\General\Project Mang\Plan 2011\WarEv project plan. It is updated monthly by the Project Manager. If there is a scheduling issue then the Director for WE will have the final decision on whether AL can be approved. 1.6 Staff Requirements and Responsibilities Staff – all staff are responsible for booking and requesting authorisation for their AL from their Line Manager and submitting the AL form to the Project Manager Project Manager – will schedule AL in line with the work programme, maintain the WE AL database and send completed AL forms to the HoD Line Manager – will discuss the AL request with the staff member and authorise the AL form Director or WE – will be required to make decisions regarding AL when there is a conflict between the work programme and AL requests 1.7 Equipment and Supplies NA 1.8 Procedure Page 6 of 10 Annual Leave SOP WE AL AG v1 The WE Evidence holiday database is stored on the P Drive P:\Research data\Warwick Evidence\General\Project Mang\Annual Leave. It contains the AL entitlement for each member of staff currently employed by WE. Discuss planned AL with Project Manager and Line Manager Complete the DoHS 'Request for Annual Leave’ form – Appendix A and obtain signature from Line Manager Give form to Project manager to update the AL database Project Manager gives the form to the Head of the Division All leave agreed will be recorded and monitored by the Institutes/School Secretary For Institute Directors, the request form will be signed off by the Dean of WMS and entitlements monitored by Institute Managers. 1.9 Data and Records Management The project plan – a PDF can be viewed at P:\Research data\Warwick Evidence\General\Project Mang\Plan 2011\WarEv project plan The WE Evidence holiday database - is stored on the P Drive P:\Research data\Warwick Evidence\General\Project Mang\Annual Leave Request for Annual Leave forms can be found in Appendix A and P:\Divisional Policies and Procedures\HEALTH SCIENCES PROCEDURE POLICY AND 1.10 4. Quality Control The Project Manager will audit the WE AL database annually during the first week in October. Any discrepancies between actual staff AL and booked AL will be brought to the attention of the member of staffs Line Manager. The Project Manager will update the statuary and customary AL dates in this document annually during the first week in October. Page 7 of 10 Annual Leave SOP WE AL AG v1 1.11 5. References NA Page 8 of 10 Annual Leave SOP WE AL AG v1 Appendix A Health Sciences Research Institute Warwick Medical School REQUEST FOR ANNUAL LEAVE This procedure applies to all HSRI staff. If you would like to request Annual Leave, please ensure you complete this form (typed where possible), gain approval from your line manager, and then forward to Jackie Brittain. Name: Job Title: Date Dates of (inclusive) Leave requested Number of days requested Number of remaining: days leave Page 9 of 10 Annual Leave SOP WE AL AG v1 APPROVE BY: {COMMENTS} Signature: ………………….………………. Date: ……………… Print Name: ……………………………….. LINE MANAGER Please note that wherever possible a month’s notice should be given. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…. Employees Record Name: Date Dates of (inclusive) Leave requested Number of days requested Number of remaining: days leave Sample – this form can be found on shared ‘P’ drive under ‘Current Procedures Page 10 of 10 Annual Leave SOP WE AL AG v1