Brief No: RB828
February 2007
ISBN 978 1 84478 890 3
Pam Sammons$, Kathy Sylva+, Edward Melhuish#, Iram Siraj-Blatchford*, Brenda Taggart*,
Yvonne Grabbe* and Sofka Barreau*
University of Nottingham, +University of Oxford, #Birkbeck, University of London
and *Institute of Education, University of London.
Effective Pre-School and Primary Education 3-11 (EPPE 3-11) (2003-2008) builds on the work of the earlier
Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) project (1996-2003) which investigated the impact of preschool provision on a national sample of young children in England between the ages of 3 and 7 years. EPPE 3-11
is following the same sample of around 2,500 children to age 11, the end of Key Stage 2. This Research Brief
focuses on the relationships between various child, family, home, pre-school and primary school characteristics
and measures of children’s cognitive attainment in Year 5 of primary school (age 10). It compares these
findings to the impact of the same factors when the children were in Year 1 (age 6). The brief also reports
findings about the combined influence of pre-school and primary school experience on children’s cognitive
attainment in Year 5.
Key Findings
The key findings are reported in terms of the three main sets of influences studied: child/family; evidence of
continuing pre-school influence; and the contribution of the primary school attended.
Child, Family and Background effects
• The quality of the early years home learning environment (HLE) and parents’ (especially mothers’)
qualification levels are the most important background factors relating to a child’s attainment in reading
and mathematics at Year 5, followed by low birth weight, need for support with English as an additional
language (EAL), early health or developmental problems and socio-economic status.
• Taken together, child, family and home influences on children’s attainment in reading and mathematics in
Year 5 are weaker predictors than they were in Year 1. This is likely to indicate the increased primary
school and peer group influence.
Pre-school effects
• There is evidence of a continuing positive effect of attending higher quality or more effective pre-school
settings on children’s subsequent outcomes in mathematics and reading at the end of Year 5, once the
influence of background factors has been taken into account.
• Those children who attended low quality pre-school no longer show cognitive benefits by Year 5; their
results are not significantly different from the children who did not attend pre-school. This is a change in
comparison to earlier findings at age 5 (the start of primary school) when all pre-school experience was
found to be beneficial.
Primary school effects
• The academic effectiveness of the primary school a child attends (as measured by independently conducted
value added analyses of national assessment results for 2002-2004) was a significant factor in accounting
for variation in EPPE children’s reading and mathematics attainment in Year 5. Children who attended a
primary school identified as academically more effective had better outcomes at age 10 than children who
attended a less effective primary school, after
allowing for the influence of child, home and
pre-school factors.
Attending a more academically effective
primary school was more important for the later
attainment of children who had not attended
pre-school or who had attended a low quality
pre-school than to those children who had
attended a more effective or higher quality
Equally, early experience of attending a better
quality or more effective pre-school appeared
to act as a protective factor against the
limitations of later moving to a less academically
effective primary school, in terms of fostering
better reading and mathematics outcomes in
Year 5.
Overall the results indicate that the combined
influence of attending a better pre-school and a
more academically effective primary school can
give a significant boost to children’s later
cognitive outcomes at age 10, especially for
mathematics. This effect is similar in size to
the impact of having a high rather than a low
Home Learning Environment or a mother with
the highest level of educational qualifications (a
degree or above) rather than none.
The EPPE 3-11 Research: Background
The original EPPE study monitored children’s
intellectual and social behavioural development
between the ages of 3–7 years. The EPPE 3-11
extension follows up the sample to the end of
primary school (age 11 years). The EPPE website:
www.ioe.ac.uk/projects/eppe gives further details
about the study and the sample.
This Research Brief reports on a range of analyses
related to the cognitive progress of all children in
the EPPE3-11 sample. The focus is on exploring the
factors that predict children’s reading and
mathematics attainment in Year 5 (age 10 years).
In addition to exploring background and continuing
pre-school effects, the study investigates the
influence of primary school on children’s outcomes
and the way primary school and pre-school
influences jointly affect children’s attainment.
This Research Brief outlines the analysis strategy
used to examine the relationships between child,
family and home learning environment factors and
children’s cognitive attainment at the end of Year
5. Changes in the effects of these factors on
attainment between Year 1 and Year 5 are
compared. The additional effects of pre-school and
primary school experience are then explored.
For further details on the research and analyses
used in this study see the Summary report and full
Technical report (Sammons et al., 2007a,b). A
separate report will provide equivalent information
about important social/behavioural outcomes for
the same child sample in Year 5.
Analysis Strategy
The findings reported here are based on analyses
of a wide range of quantitative data about
children’s development, child, family and home
learning environment (HLE) characteristics and the
characteristics of the pre-schools attended. It is
important to consider the influence of background
on attainment outcomes in order to investigate net
pre-school and primary school effects, because preschools and primary schools differ considerably in
the characteristics of their child/pupil intakes.
Additional ‘value added’ measures of overall primary
school academic effectiveness have been derived
from independent statistical analyses of national
data sets conducted for all primary schools in
England based on successive (2002-2004) pupil
cohorts (Melhuish et al., 2006) as part of this
study. These have been incorporated into the child
databases to provide indicators of the academic
effectiveness of the primary school attended by
each child in the EPPE3-11 sample to complement
the measures on pre-school settings collected
Standardised NFER tests of reading and
mathematics were administered to provide
measures of children’s educational outcomes in Year
1 and again in Year 5. Primary Reading NFER Nelson
Level 1 and 2 were appropriate for the age range of
the sample. Tests were administered to relevant
cohorts in the spring term of 2003-20061.
Statistical analyses (using multilevel models)
investigated the influence of different child, family
and HLE background factors on children’s
The EPPE sample was recruited at entry to the pre-school
study and covered four age cohorts reflecting differences in
their ages. This means that the NFER tests were administered in
four successive years when pupils were in Year 5 of primary
attainment at the end of Year 5. These analyses
identify the unique (net) contribution of particular
factors to variations in children’s outcomes, while
other background influences are controlled for.
For example, the impact of family socio-economic
status (SES) is established while taking into
account the influence of mother’s qualification
levels, low income, ethnic groups etc.
This is
important because the research shows that much of
the apparent difference in attainment associated
with certain characteristics, for example, ethnic
group membership, is attributable to the impact of
other socio-economic and demographic factors (e.g.
birth weight, income, language, family SES, parents’
qualification levels and HLE). It also means that
analyses of any continuing pre-school effects and
primary school influences on children’s outcomes in
Year 5 as well as their joint effects, include control
for the influence of background factors.
Similar analyses were conducted when the children
were in Year 1 (age 6) enabling comparisons to be
made with the latest results in Year 5.
investigated the progress made by different pupil
groups during Key Stage 2, and sought to establish
the changing impact of individual background
factors on attainment as children move through
primary school.
The Findings
Background and home learning factors
The impact of background characteristics was
explored to identify the size of the equity gap in
attainment for different demographic factors and
whether the influence of demographic factors had
increased or decreased across Key Stage 2 between
Years 1 and 5.
Child characteristics - At the end of Year 5, gender
differences were identified, with girls doing better
than boys in reading. Boys tended to show higher
attainment than girls in mathematics. Children with
very low birth weight had significantly lower
attainment in both reading and mathematics.
Children from larger families (with 3 or more
siblings) and those with early developmental
problems, showed significantly lower attainment in
Children who needed support for English as an
Additional Language (EAL) showed lower average
attainment in reading and mathematics (with
stronger effects for mathematics than reading).
For ethnic groups, reading attainment for
Bangladeshi and White European children was
significantly lower whilst in mathematics, Indian
children showed particularly high attainment by
Year 5. It should be stressed that differences
relating to ethnic groups and mother tongue
identified here are net of the influences of all
other factors including SES and mother’s
qualification level in which there are also significant
differences between ethnic groups.
Family characteristics - Being from a family with
low income (measured by entitlement to free school
meals [FSM]) showed a negative relationship with
Mother’s education level shows significant positive
effects that were stronger than found at earlier
time points, especially for reading.
father’s highest qualification also has a statistically
significant effect on attainment, mother’s highest
qualification showed a stronger link to children’s
attainment at Year 5, again in line with earlier
All socio-economic groups (SES) that were lower
than ‘professional non-manual’ were associated with
lower attainment levels for both reading and
mathematics with significantly lower attainment for
children whose parents belong to the groups ‘skilled
non-manual’, ‘skilled manual’ and ‘semi-skilled’ in
mathematics. In reading, the category ‘unskilled’
was also associated with significantly lower
The Early Years Home Learning Environment (HLE)
- The early years HLE is a measure of the quality of
the home learning environment during the preschool period, made up of parents’ reports of
specific learning activities undertaken in the home.
Sammons et al., (2002; 2003) gives more details on
the items in this index and reports on its impact on
children when they started primary school. In
these Year 5 analyses, the early years HLE is found
to be a powerful predictor of better cognitive
attainment at age 10 even after 5 years in primary
school. It had a slightly stronger effect on reading
and mathematics (and had a similar effect size as
for a mother with a degree compared to a mother
with no qualification).
There are only modest
correlations between HLE and parents’ highest
qualification levels.
The most important background, child and family
factors - The influence of different single
predictors was evaluated in terms of net effect
sizes (ES). This provides a measure of relative
strength of association for a single predictor while
simultaneously controlling for the influence of
other significant factors. An ES of size 0.5 can be
viewed as a fairly strong predictor, one of size 0.2
as moderate.
The most important background predictors for
reading and mathematics were mother’s highest
level of qualification (reading: ES = 0.64,
mathematics: ES = 0.54, for children whose mother
had a degree compared to no qualification) and
early years HLE (reading: ES = 0.61, mathematics:
ES = 0.57 for the highest HLE-category compared
to the lowest HLE-category). For comparison: The
effect size of the statistically significant gender
effect in reading was weaker at 0.10.
Changes in the impact of family background
(from Year 1 to Year 5)
Child characteristics - Girls still showed higher
attainment than boys in reading in Year 5 (as they
did in Year 1). The results for boys in mathematics
show a reversal at Year 5 compared to Year 1; as a
group they had not only caught up with, but had
overtaken, the girls.
At Year 1 and Year 5, children with very low birth
weight showed lower cognitive scores but the
strength of the effect decreased for both reading
and mathematics by Year 5. Family size has also
lost some of its impact on attainment in reading.
Being identified as having early developmental
problems has increased in its impact on attainment
in reading but slightly decreased for mathematics.
Although children who needed EAL support were
still showing lower attainment in reading, the
relative attainment ‘gap’ compared with other
children decreased.
Given the relatively small sizes of some ethnic
groups in the EPPE 3-11 sample the results by
ethnicity should be interpreted with caution. The
results show the importance of taking account of
attainment for all children as they account for
much of the differences in average attainment level
found for different ethnic groups. However, having
taken account of these factors some ethnic groups
still show lower or higher attainments in reading
and mathematics than White UK children.
Comparisons between the White UK children and
other ethnic groups reveal the following: Black
African children had slightly higher attainment in
reading in Year 1 but have fallen behind at the end
of Year 5. Other ethnic groups have stayed at the
same level in reading (see Sammons et al., 2007b
for full details). For mathematics in Year 1 Indian
children had relatively lower scores than White UK
children, whereas by Year 5 they have not only
closed the gap but had significantly higher scores.
Black African children have fallen further behind in
mathematics, whereas Pakistani and Bangladeshi
children have improved their attainments relative
to White UK children during Key Stage 2.
Family characteristics - The impact of mother’s
highest qualification on cognitive outcomes show
that this had become even stronger at the end of
Year 5 than it was at Year 1, especially for reading.
The father’s highest qualification (although
relatively less important than the mother’s) had
become stronger for attainment in mathematics.
For attainment in reading, the SES gap between
Year 1 and Year 5 has become slightly wider but
this is not the same for mathematics, where the
pattern is more inconsistent with an overall slight
decrease. The impact of low income (measured by
eligibility for free school meal status FSM) though
remaining moderate has become slightly stronger
for attainment in reading (ES 0.27) but is little
changed for attainment in mathematics (ES 0.22).
The Early Years Home Learning Environment (HLE)
The quality of the early years HLE a child
experienced during the pre-school period was still
found to be a very important factor for academic
outcomes in Year 5, controlling for all the other
background variables. In fact it was one of the
strongest predictors of cognitive outcomes in the
analyses. For attainment in reading the influence of
HLE seems to be of the same strength as in Year 1
(change in ES approximately 0.05) but in
mathematics the impact has slightly decreased
(change in ES between 0.06 and 0.14).
The impact of pre-school
Given previous findings that pre-school experience
gave children a better start to school (see
Sammons et al., 2002; 2003), an important aim of
the analyses was to establish whether there was
any longer term continuing pre-school influence in
Year 5 and to explore the influence of primary
school. Earlier follow ups to Year 2 had found
continuing pre-school effects across Key Stage 1.
In contrast to findings at entry to primary school
(age rising 5 years) and at age 7, two of the four
pre-school measures used no longer showed a
statistically significant relationship with reading or
mathematics attainment at age 10. These two were
whether or not a child had simply attended any preschool centre or not, and the duration of time in
months in pre-school where they had. The two
other indicators - related to the quality and the
effectiveness of the particular pre-school attended
- were still found to be predictors of better
cognitive outcomes in Year 5.
Quality2 and effectiveness3 of pre-school - There
were small but significant differences in attainment
in reading associated with pre-school quality.
Children who attended a low quality as opposed to a
high quality pre-school setting (ES 0.15) had
significantly lower attainment, this was similar in
size to the effect of gender. At 10 years old,
children who had not attended any pre-school also
showed no worse outcomes in reading than those
children who had attended a low quality pre-school,
but poorer results than those who had attended a
medium or high quality pre-school. The results on
quality of pre-schooling for mathematics were
Attending a high quality pre-school
appears to be relatively more important in long
term reading achievement than in mathematics,
where attending a medium quality pre-school also
provided a small boost.
Similarly the effectiveness of the pre-school
attended still showed a modest positive impact on
children’s subsequent attainment in both reading
and mathematics in Year 5. Children who had
attended a more effective pre-school showed
significantly better attainment in Year 5 than
children who had attended no or only a low
effective pre-school. These results were somewhat
stronger for mathematics (ES between 0.20-0.25
for the highly effective pre-school categories).
Quality of pre-school was based on observations in each
centre, using rating scales (see Sylva et al., 2004).
Effectiveness of pre-school was derived from a ‘value added’
model of EPPE children’s progress across 141 pre-school settings
(after controlling for prior attainment and background factors).
Pre-school centres where children made more progress in prereading or early number concepts were classified as more
effective (see Sammons et al., 2002).
Pre-school quality was more influential in shaping
effectiveness in promoting early number concepts
was more influential for later outcomes in
mathematics in Year 5.
The combined impact of pre-school and early years
HLE - Children who had experienced a high early
years HLE and also went to a medium or high quality
pre-school showed the strongest positive long term
benefit in reading by Year 5. Children who did not
attend pre-school also benefit particularly from
high early years HLE and interestingly, they show
higher reading achievement than high early years
HLE children who went to low quality pre-schools.
But for children who had low early years HLE, those
who went to a high quality pre-school showed
better attainment at Year 5 than children with
similar characteristics who did not attend preschool.
These findings underline the positive
benefits both of high quality pre-school and of good
early home learning environment, in line with
findings for the same children at younger ages.
They also illustrate the way the two combine to
influence children’s development in the longer term.
Different pre-school effects for less and more
disadvantaged children
Higher quality and more effective pre-school
appears to give a long term boost for all children
but for the most disadvantaged children only high
quality is associated with a significant long term
boost. Lower quality pre-school appears to offer no
long term attainment benefit in Year 5, this was
more apparent for disadvantaged children. Again,
this highlights the importance of quality in preschool intervention, especially for the most
vulnerable groups of young children.
The impact of primary school academic
Children in the EPPE3-11 sample who went on to
attend a very high, high or medium academically
effective primary school (in terms of value added
progress in national assessment results) were found
to obtain significantly better scores in NFER tests
of mathematics in Year 5 than children who had
attended a low effective primary school. The ES
was 0.29 - stronger than the effect of FSM (ES
0.22 for mathematics, for example).
Likewise, EPPE3-11 children who went on to attend
a very high or highly academically effective primary
school (in value added terms in national assessments
of English) were also found to have significantly
better reading skills by Year 5 in NFER tests than
children who had attended a low effective primary
school. The ES was somewhat weaker than that
found for mathematics, however at 0.19.
These results indicate that the variations in
academic effectiveness identified between primary
schools, as measured by our independently derived
value added indicators, have a significant influence
on children’s attainment in other measures and at
other time points (standardised NFER tests), over
and above the influence of child and family
background and HLE. Children who attend a less
academically effective school are likely to do
significantly less well by Year 5, especially in
mathematics, taking other factors into account.
For disadvantaged children, attending a less
academically effective primary school is likely to
further increase the achievement gap.
The combined impact of pre- and primary school
Further analyses investigated the joint influences
of pre-school and primary school on attainment
outcomes in Year 5. The research provides new
evidence concerning the combined effects of preschool and primary school in shaping children’s
educational outcomes. These analyses sought to
establish whether going to a high quality or more
effective pre-school had a protective impact if a
child subsequently went on to a less academically
effective primary school (in value added terms).
We also investigated whether home children or
those who went to a less effective or low quality
pre-school did better later if they went to a more
academically effective primary school.
For reading: at Year 5, children who did not attend
pre-school achieved better reading outcomes if
they went to a medium/high academically effective
primary school than a low effective one (ES 0.17).
Children who did not attend pre-school and went to
a low effective primary school had the lowest
reading outcomes. Children who attended a low
quality pre-school centre also showed little extra
benefit in reading in Year 5 even if they went on to
attend a medium or highly effective primary school
compared with home children who went to a low
effective primary. Children who attended a medium
or high quality pre-school centre showed better
reading attainment outcomes in Year 5 and were
less affected by the academic effectiveness of the
primary school.
We conclude, therefore, that
attending a higher quality pre-school seems to have
some protective effect in terms of later reading
outcomes for children who go on to less
academically effective primary schools.
For mathematics: at Year 5, results on continued
pre-school effects are stronger than for reading.
Children who did not go to pre-school and who
attended a low effectiveness primary school had
significantly lower attainment than all other pupil
groups by Year 5. In all groups, including children
who did not go to pre-school, there was a strong
benefit from attending a more academically
effective primary school compared with the home
group (ES in range 0.47-0.53).
children who went to a low or medium quality preschool centre and low effective primary school
later on were still doing better than those children
who did not have any pre-school experience and
went to a low effective primary school. Children
who went to high quality pre-school were doing
particularly well, even if they went on to attend a
low academically effective primary school (again
indicative of a protective benefit of pre-school).
Children who went to a high quality pre-school
centre and a medium/high effective primary school,
showed the most positive effect (ES 0.53) in Year
5 controlling for the impact of all other background
The results show that the relative advantage of
attending good quality and highly effective preschool on cognitive outcomes persists to Year 5.
However this advantage reduces over time and is
less at Year 5 than at entry to primary school.
Although the effects of pre-school are generally
stronger for more advantaged children, it is
important to note that children from more
disadvantaged backgrounds are still attaining higher
scores by Year 5 compared to their peers with
similar backgrounds who did not have the benefit of
high quality pre-school experience.
The research also reveals the strong influence of
the early years HLE but also highlights interesting
interactions. An important finding is that the
effects of pre-school are, in part, influenced by the
child’s home experiences – particularly the HLE.
Raising the quality of learning in both the home and
pre-school are likely to be more successful in
improving children’s developmental trajectories,
concentrating on either in isolation.
In addition the research points to the important
influence of the academic effectiveness of the
primary school that children go on to attend,
particularly in fostering better mathematics
attainment in Year 5.
No one factor is the key to raising children’s
attainment and promoting cognitive progress – it is
the combination of experiences over time that
matters. The child who has a better early years
HLE, experiences a high quality, more effective
pre-school setting and who then goes on to attend a
more academically effective primary school has a
combination of ‘protective’ experiences that
benefit current and future educational attainment.
They are unlikely to overcome all the powerful
effects related to child and family background, but
their collective contribution can substantially
moderate them (see EPPE Team Report, 2007 for
further discussion of equity implications).
The results demonstrate that primary schools that
are successful in ‘value added’ terms offer benefits
to children’s longer term attainments in reading and
maths. This is likely to be particularly beneficial
for more disadvantaged groups of pupils given
evidence of a significant attainment gap from age
3+ years at the start of the EPPE research. In
addition, they also indicate that the quality of the
pre-school environment (at home and in pre-school
settings) has long term implications for children’s
later outcomes.
The findings suggest that
interventions to improve the pre-school and home
learning experiences of children are likely to offer
some protection against ineffective primary
schooling. Similarly, attending an academically more
effective primary school offers benefits to
children, particularly those who did not attend preschool and those who attended low quality preschool.
The EPPE 3-11 project contains a series of three
‘nested’ studies or ‘tiers’ which help answer specific
research questions (www.ioe.ac.uk/projects/eppe).
Tier 1 answers the research question about the
effectiveness of the 950+ primary schools the EPPE
3-11 children attended. It used statistical data
(matched KS1 and KS2 national assessment results)
for successive pupil cohorts derived from every
primary school in the country (over three
consecutive years 2002-2004) for English and
mathematics to provide value added estimates of
the academic effectiveness of each school.
Further information on Tier 1 can be found in
Melhuish et al., (2006a, b).
Tier 2, on which this research brief is based,
involved collection of information on academic and
social behavioural development for every child in
the sample in spring term of Year 5, during 20032006. The analyses involved a sample of 2556
pupils from the original longitudinal EPPE research
study tracked from pre-school entry to the end of
Year 2 of primary school (age 3+ to 7 years) for
whom reading and mathematics data were collected
in the spring term of Year 5 (age 10). The sample
were originally drawn from 141 pre-school centres
covering 6 types of provision (nursery classes,
nursery schools, integrated settings, playgroups,
private day nurseries and local authority day
nurseries) and included a group of home pupils who
had not attended pre-school.
The research
included independent measures of the academic
effectiveness of the primary school attended by
children in the sample (based on the Tier 1 analyses
described above).
The full report (Sammons et al., 2007b, EPPE 2007)
on which this research brief is based can be found
on the EPPE website.
A summary version is
available from the DfES - Sammons et al., 2007a.
Tier 3 explored classroom practice through two
observations. This addresses the question of what
constitutes good classroom practice in Year 5 and
what makes effective primary schooling.
results show that, over and above background
factors, school matters in shaping children’s
developmental trajectories. See Sammons et al.,
For further information about EPPE 3-11 contact:
Brenda Taggart Room 416, The Institute of
Education, University of London. 20, Bedford Way.
EPPE website: www.ioe.ac.uk/projects/eppe
EPPE Team (2007), Promoting Equality in the Early
Years. London: The Equalities Review Team at the
Cabinet Office. HMSO.
Melhuish, E., Romaniuk, H., Sammons, P., Sylva, K.,
Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. (2006a),
Effective Pre-school and Primary Education 3-11
Project (EPPE 3-11): The Effectiveness of Primary
Schools in England in Key Stage 2 for 2002, 2003
and 2004.
Full Report. London: Institute of
Education, University of London.
Melhuish, E., Romaniuk, H., Sammons, P., Sylva, K.,
Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. (2006b),
Effective Pre-school and Primary Education 3-11
(EPPE 3-11): The Effectiveness of Primary Schools
in England in Key Stage 2 for 2002, 2003 and 2004,
Research Brief No. RBX06-06. Nottingham: DfES
Sammons, P., Sylva, K., Melhuish, E. C., SirajBlatchford, I., Taggart, B. and Elliot, K. (2002), The
Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE)
Project: Technical Paper 8a - Measuring the Impact
of Pre-School on Children's Cognitive Progress over
the Pre-School Period. London: DfES/Institute of
Education, University of London.
Sammons, P., Sylva, K., Melhuish, E. C., SirajBlatchford, I., Taggart, B. and Elliot, K. (2003), The
Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE)
Project: Technical Paper 8b - Measuring the Impact
of Pre-School on Children's Social/Behavioural
Development over the Pre-School Period. London:
DfES/Institute of Education, University of London.
Sammons, P., Taggart, B., Siraj-Blatchford, I.,
Sylva, K., Melhuish, E., Barreau, S. and Manni, L.
(2006), Effective Pre-school and Primary Education
3-11 (EPPE 3-11) Summary Report: Variations in
Teacher and Pupil Behaviours in Year 5 Classes.
Research Report No. 817. Nottingham: DfES
Sammons, P., Sylva, K., Melhuish, E., SirajBlatchford, I., Taggart, B., Grabbe, Y. and Barreau,
S. (2007a), Effective Pre-school and Primary
Education 3-11 Project (EPPE 3-11) Summary
Report: Influences on Children’s Attainment and
Progress in Key Stage 2: Cognitive Outcomes in
Year 5. Research Report No. RR828, Nottingham:
DfES Publications.
Sammons, P., Sylva, K., Melhuish, E., SirajBlatchford, I., Taggart, B. and Grabbe, Y. (2007b),
Effective Pre-school and Primary Education 3-11
Project (EPPE 3-11): Influences on Children’s
Attainment and Progress in Key Stage 2: Cognitive
Outcomes in Year 5. Full Report. London: Institute
Sylva, K., Melhuish, E., Sammons, P., SirajBlatchford, I. and Taggart, B. (2004), The
Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE)
Project: Technical Paper 12 - The final report.
London: DfES/Institute of Education, University of
Sylva, K., Siraj-Blatchford, I., Taggart, B.,
Sammons, P., Melhuish, E., Elliot, K. and Totsika, V.
(2006), 'Capturing Quality in Early Childhood
through Environmental Rating Scales'. Early
Childhood Research Quarterly, 21 (1 1st Quarter),
Additional Information
Copies of the full report (RR828) - priced £4.95 are available by writing to DfES Publications, PO
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The views expressed in this report are the authors’
and do not necessarily reflect those of the
Department for Education and Skills.