Document 12837950

AS,cooridors and right-of-way containing railroad trackage are an important part of the transportation infrastructure in Texas; and
.public uses of abandoned rail cooridors include: recreation trails, utility coo~idors,roadways. light rail, wildlife habitat and other
AS, no central clearinghouse exists for the purp~sesof maintaining and providing information on the status of rail cooridom.
uses, funding sources and legal procedures; and
AS, no mechanism currently exists for the resolution of use conflicts arising from rail cooridor abandonments; and
AS, a strong need exists for timely notification of all affected parties upon commencement of abandonment procedures;
I,THEREFORE, I, Ann W. Richards, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me, do hereby mate the Interagency
doned Rail Cooridor Committee. Tht Committee is composed for designated staff from the following agencies: General Land Office.
le of the Attorney General. Public Utility Commission. Railroad Commission of Texas. Texas Department of Agriculture, Texas
m e n t of Commerce, Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Historical Commission. Texas Parks and W~ldlifeDepartment, and the
m r ' s Offi.
improve the notification process informing state agencies, local officials, and citizens of upcoming abandonments, their on-going status.
roposals for future uses.
develop a process to evaluate abandoned cooridors for various uses, including railbanking for future rail service.
al communities in their efforts to enhance their economies and consider the Interests of communities and adjacent landowners
future uses of abandoned corridors.
possible sources of funding for acquiring. developing, managing, and operating cooridors.
develop appropriate management strategies for railbanked cooridors that have been identified for needed current and future public uses.
Department of Transportation and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department are authoM, on the recommendation of'the
,to jointly file with the Interstate Commerce Commis.sion for Interim Trail Use/Railbanking and Public Use Condition on behalf of
name of the State of Texas on each coaridor proposed for abandonment, thus prwidmg a 180-day study period, and shall make sure
agencies shall absorb the costs of the Committee activities within their respective agencies.
AusSin. Texas,
on March 8, 1993.
Ann W. Rioharda
Qovernor d Texm
to es the Team, to assist in efforts to return such bffenders to prison:
I. O r g ~ o n
A. The Team is to be composed of:
(1) one or more peace officer from the Texas Rangers;
(2) one crime analyst from the Texas Department of Public Safw, and
(3) two or more peace ofkcer from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
B. Working in cooperation with the Team will be:
(1) the chiefs of police of Dallas, Houston. Fort Worth. El Paso. San Antonio, and Austin, representing the six largest urban po
departments in Texas; and
(2) the Parole Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, to provide identification of most wanted fugitives.
C. Federal law enforcement agencies wilt be invited to work in cooperation with the team.
assistance in apprehension of most wanted fugitives.
F. A member of the Team is entitled to reimbursement fw travel and W t a l expenses incurred in petforming d u t i ~of the
provided for member of state boards and wmmissions in the General Appropriations Act. Expenses s h d be paid by the Governor's
the Department of Public Safety, and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
IL Duties
The Team shall coonhate statewide cooperative efforts to identify, locate, mest, and return to custody paroled offenders mvi
violent offeases who have violated the terms of their parole.
This executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full effect and fotce until August 31, 1993.
Issued in Austin, Texas, on March 9, 1993.
Am W. Richards
Gowmor of Texan
AWR 93-2
WHEREAS,the Secretary of State, Chief Blection Officer of Texas, has been wntacted by the Presidential Designee under the U
and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, 42 United States Code 1973ff, con&g
the short period of time to mail ballots to
votus in the May 1. 1993 Special Election to fill the vacancy in the U.S. Senate; and
WHEREAS, the Presidential Designee has suggested that votus under that Act vote by q x d Federal write-in absentee ballot proced
cast ballots in a timely fashion in the May 1. 1993 Special Election;
NOW THEREFORE, I, Ann W. Richards. Governor of the State of Texas, by virtue of the power vested in me, do hereby order
Seaetary of State to cooperate with the FVedential Deagnee to ensure that overseas citizens of Texas who are currently living or statio
overseas are able to vote in the May 1, 1993 Special Election.
The Secretary of State is hereby directed to notify the appropriate county officials and tb prescribe such rules, regulations, or dire!&
M a y 1. 1993 Special Election and any subsequent runoff election.
This executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by
lssued in Austin, Texas, on March 10, 1993.
A n W. Richemfa
Q w m r d Texas