The Big Picture 1 From The Dean 2 Clubs and Activities 15 Undergraduates 25 Faculty & Staff 33 Dedication 34 Advertisers 44 Closing 48 Above: The cool but beautiful Portage Canal provides for a host of activities such as sail boating. Left: Ships from surrounding parts pass through the scenic canal enroute to other destinations. Sometimes they unload their cargo fo r local use, such as this tanker. Left: During a visit to Muskegon by several students to attend the State of Michigan SAF conference, a tOur of a Consumers Power facility was given. This view is of one of the power plants across from an educational forest developed by Consumers Power. '93 Forester 1 A Word From the D E A N Greetings from all of us here at Tech. At the time of this writing Uan. 20), we've received our first 100" of snow. Our students are working on their Winter Carnival statue in front of the Forestry Building. We were glad to see several alumni at the Alumni Reunion here last summer and also at the SAl Convention in Richmond. We hope to see many of you at these functions in the coming year. We hope tc have a large contingent of students at the Indianapolis SAF Convention. We'll be going through a review of our programs by a team of external experts next month. This i~ organized by USDA's Cooperative State Research Service. These reviews are held approximately every fiVE years. We'll also be having an Accreditation review by an SAF team, but that's a couple of years in thE future. We've lost some faculty members to other schools and agencies recently: Steve Shaler, Al Solomon, anc Johann Bruhn. We're recruiting for replacements for some of the positions. Also, we recently hired Pau Desanker (PhD, MTU, 1992) as an Assistant Professor. Support is being garnered for an Environmental Sciences and Engineering Building. There should be mOrE to tell you on this subject next year. Send us your news for our newsletter. Visit when you can. Thanks to all of you who continue to take ar interest in Tech Forestry, especially those whose contributions make this yearbook, scholarships, and othe: student benefits possible. Sincerely, W.E. Frayer, Dean 2 The Big Picture Life on Campus .-,..·r""""""'......... Clockwise from top left: Looking down from the top of the ME-EM Bldg. Giant cottonwood devours student, film at eleven. Labbus dendrocus. Specimens abound in the dendrology lab. '93 Forester 3 'i" I' I· t ,. 1.,1, .2..~ , Oockwise &om top left: Doin' the cross-campus shuffle. What happened to my file?! Attention bookstore shoppers . .. The dorm-room from KECK! 4 The Big Picture , • - Clockwise from top left: Five minutes to class. Run out of clean clothes? Just wait till this ice's over! No snow .. .YET! _ _ _ __ ...._ _ _ 1_ .. ~ - . .. . '93 Forester 5 Top Left: Des Walsh worked in the Cook County Forest Preserve in Chicago, It this past summer. Dutch Elm Disease was a common sigh' inventoried diseased trees and marked them for removal . T op Center: Marking trees is a common summer forestry job. Here, Todd Miller plays with the paint used on the trees. Todd and Brenda J worked for the USDA Forest Service in Raco, Michigan. Top Right Who's the taU furry one in the middle? l~s Brenda, moonlighting as SmoKey the Bear at Tequamenon State Park. Bottom Left: Neil Besteman withstood a chemical attack at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin during annual training of his reserve unit. Bottom Right: Students definitely experience a wide variety of sununer jobs, Tonja Caniere drove a huge dump truck hauling iron ( Cleveland Cliffs Mining Corporation in Ishpeming, Now who says she can't handle a Tech van? 6 The Big Picture Top Left and Center: Jane Hamilton worked for the Bureau of Land Management doing forest inventory and other special projects. Top Right: Idaho has attracted many Tech students recently. In the past two summers, Tonja Carriere, Craig Foy, Jason Egan (92 Grad), Jane Hamilton, Kate Jarvi (92 Grad), Dan Kos, and Andy Londo (92 Grad) have been employed in the mountainous forests of Idaho. Middle Left: Kris Darra stops by the scenic 5adlands 01 South Dakota On her way to a stay in Idaho. Middle Righi and Bottom Left: For the past two summers, Tech has sent several students to work on a USDA Forest Service timber crew in Gunnison, Colorado. This year's crew consisted of (left to right): Lisa McDonald, Jeff Morse (92 Grad), Tracie Murdie (a local), Carl Helquist, Paul Etten, and Brian Hamilton. The major task of the crew was marking trees for national forest timber sales. They also got a taste of cruising and using a Global Positioning System. '93 Forester 7 c , COP ~ E R U N T C RUIS/NG Y 8 'POSITE PAGE, clodcwise from top left: ust keeps going up and up... The Copper County doesn't bother with measuring snow in inches - if it's not in feet, it's not snowing. Shown ~ is the snow meter located south of Phoenix. • beginning and end of US-41 in more than one sense, located just north of Copper Harbor. uglass Houghton Falls winds its way thtOugh a canyon near Calumet. :annan stands prepared for a battle that will never come at the historic Fort Wilk.i.ns in Copper Harbor. ov"" A feat of modem engineering and forestry combined. this wooden bridge spans the Eagle River in Eagle Harbor. nom Left: Everywhere you look in the Lake States there's water; faWng. flowing. beautifying the countryside. !ton Right: You know you're lost when you see THlS sort of sign! '93 Forester 9 K-Day! Above: Matt Kastner (right) and friend enjoy an afternoon swing at Meuin State Park for Keweenaw Day (K-Day). Above: As part of many activities to celebrate K-Day, sho here is mud wrestling by Becky Bigari • engineer (kneeling) i an unknown opponent. Above: Skill and balance, not to mention the mattress, come in very handy in this ladder cllinb. 10 The BIG Picture Loft Hot Dog Patrol! Mark Books (left) and Mike Wa· terman enjoy a traditional cook-out of hot dogs with all the fixin's. Middle: K·Day attracts hundreds of students each year to a glorious fall day. 80«001: Down at the 01' watering hole. Refreshments abound - all non-akholic, of course. '93 Forester 11 ROCK VOTE Paper recycling alive and well at MTU Paper recycling at Michigan Tech i, alive and kICk· Ing. With the help of the people of MTU. our program" currently recychng 1.5 tons of paper a .:.~",... week. with hopes of soon doubling. We need your ...,~., help to achieve our goal,. t::J0~~ \.0 o()~t; ~'f$ ~~~ t;e~ Michigan' In the past two presidential elections, Michigan's vote percentages have mirrored the nation·s. Catholics - more than 60 percent of the population in Macomb and westem Wayne County - oould hold the 1992 key. • Electoral vot. .: IS" • Reglatered voters: 5.9 million Population Michigan convoy carries aid to Florida Total: 9.3 million ~ 13.9% By CONSTANCE C. PRATER FftlC,Pre. StIlI Wita' MWO- Maria Garcia's eyes tit up when she Ieamed the bounty of canned goods, juices, nuts and bottJed water she had just received came from MidIigan donors. "It's from Michipn1 ReaDy?" asked GaIria, 4& "I was born in Muskegal." Garcia was one of three women who flagged down cars Wednesday carrying supplies collected in the Grand Rapids area for victims of Hurricane Andrew. Unemployment Sept. '92 CJ8.8% (7.5% in U.S.) Oct. '88 07.1% (5.4% In U.S.) 1988 presidential vote Latest poll Bush I;awmakers scramble to rein in Dr. Death Despite more than • year of deliberations and four public bearings, the Michigan Legislature bas not come up with a way to deal with Dr. J..,k Kevorkian who helps people commit suicide with his "death 10.:_" mac'W><' • 12 The Big Picture Clinton Perot I 133% 1:==:::::::!~I 4ft. 0 10')(, '8Ih1orgool bloc - ----'_IOm'el:l =';':~..z"'~ 000r0iI-' _ _ nwgIn "'. --"" '* ,..,. "'*"" T H-E DET ROIT N EW ' ANDAC Left: Good food huh, Dave! Xi Sigma Pi forestry honor fraternity fall induction banquet seemed pleasing to this group. Left side of the table, closest to the camera: Mark Books, Dave Buckley, Jennifer Russell . Right Side: Des Walsh, Neil Martinko. Itt: So Lisa - Who's the 1?! R: Brian H.milton, Paul Et, Wes Windover . Lisa )onald holding Jonathan liIton (Usa is not the Mom) - " '93 Forester 13 Top: Front Row (l to R): Tracy Snowaerl, jeMY Langen, Nicole Shahan, Melissa Millde, John "Bub" Cowell, Jenny Mazias:, Katrina Schl Amie johnson, Amy Hubbard, Eric Perrault. Middle Row (l to R): Lori Craddick, Todd Bishop, Sheila Moore, Jeremy Parkinson, Mark Hitzeman, Patti l.ydon, Cynthia Cooper, Jull. Micky Kelley, Hope Pruden, Mike Hummel, Marsha Klein . Back Row (l to R): Chris " Pops" Pappas, Lon l.ukach, " Uncle" Bob Berg, Anne l.und, Eric Trott, Eva Lindbeck, Gordy Mouw, Ed Rice, Eri Bob Burnham, Eric Niemiec, Doug Bates, Ryan Mattson, Chris Fin k, Scott Brinkman, Andy Kett. Bottom Left: Mike Hummel and Scott Brinkman enjoy a day of traversing. Bottom Right: Bum jackpine, BURN! Pyros Mark Hitzeman , jeremy Parkinson, and Chris "Pops" Pappas. 14 Clubs & Activities Top Left: Terry Sharik brings his infamous handouts to the field to the delight of his forest ecology cla... Top Right: Sheila Moore got an "A" in tree-cutting class. Middle Left: Gordy Mouw and Bob Burnham wreslle for the right to cut down the last jack pin •. Middle Right: Ros Miller shows Jenny Langen. Eric Trott, and Lori Craddick the wonders of computer output. Bottom Left: Scott Brinkman helps Katrina Schnobrich read the distance during an oh-so-fun traverse. '93 Forester 15 MTU Forestry "Stuff" Well, yes, the SAF Club picture should go here but it was really blurry so here's a few snapshots instead. Above: Gordy shows off his brutal side for the camera. Above: Mike Tighe stands in front 01 his very first car at MTU, just in time to graduate, Above: Long time student Carl Helquist helps out with the Forest Club Winter Carnival statue. Above: Brenda Haskill pulls her trusty sled with field equipment lor her work with Hal Liechty. 16 Clubs & Activities Back Row, L to R: Keith Magnusson, Bill Burns, Craig Foy, Mark Books (hidden), Ralph Sheffer, Bob Kling, Scott Pugh, Brian VanPatten, Paul Etten, Carl Helquist, Dave Buckley. Front Row, L to R: Todd Miller, John McCabe, Kris DaPra, Jess Turino, Lisa McDonald, Don Bragg, Jennifer Russell. Not pictured: Jodi Helland, Des Walsh, Amy Collick, Jane Hamilton . I 1 " . ~ " \,. Mike Tighe - Ranger Paul Etten - Fiscal Agent Usa McDonald - Forester Ralph Sheffer - Associate Forester '93 Forester 17 Yearbook Staff Editor Brenda Ha,kill and Coeditor Matt Kastner. Back Row: Neil Martinko Front Row: Lisa McDonald, Neil, Shane Fullerton, Jane Hamilton, Matt Kastner, Kris OaPra, Cheryl Colosimo, Ralph Sheffer 18 Clubs & Activities he Cutting Edge Wo od Cut '92 Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Senior Wes Windover keeps his saw sharp in order to keep up with the splitters. Senior Paul Helser lets the chips fly as he takes part in one of the many wood cuts to raise money for the Forestry Club. Enough people at one wood cut allowed for a "Chain Gang" assembly. The prisoners (left picture, l to R): Dave Buckley, Craig Farrer, Steve Hruska, Jane Hamilton. Right picture, L to R, Amy Collick, Cheryl Colosimo, Jess Turino Splitting the hard way (L to R): John McCabe, and Todd Miller took turns battling the burly logs. '93 Forester 19 VE Above: Des Walsh and Neil Besteman strain to place in the Bucking Competition. Bottom: Denny Baril volunteerS to judge the tobacco spit contest. Sottom Right: Dave Buckley prepares to start spitting! 20 Clubs & Activities PURDUE 1992 Top: Bob Burnham and Gordy Mouw demonstrate proper log rolling technlque•. Top Left: Bob and Gordy collapse, exhausted after the log rolling event. Middle Left: Usa McDonald attempts the special event - log burling. Bottom Left: Usa enjoys an unintentional swim after the log burling! '93 Forester 21 ~- lnter Carnival "Heroes So Bold in a World So Cold!" Right: Delta Sigma Phi takes fu>t place with this scene of an emergency team at work. Above: "Torti" Battle Ship." Just One of the many small but unique statues built for Winter Carnival. Right: Alpha Phi Omega built Snoopy and his dog house to attract visitors for hot cocoa and "dognuts." 22 Clubs & Activities 191~~"" Left: Babe & the Blue Ox were heroes for the MTU Forestry Club in this year's Carnival. Middle left: A deer peering from between two conifer trees provides a beautiful setting (and many hours of delicate work!) • " delle right: The great Trojan horse immobi..lized in ice &: snow. Even , chain link you see is made from snow and ice. ttom right: The prairie wagon symbolizes the heroic feats of our ticn's pioneers. -~ '93 Forester 23 Science Mi Right: After getting a bird'. eye view of the operation, Laura Baril heads back to earth. Far Right: Uke a giant game of Pick-Up Sticks, logs wait to be processed at the mill. Above: Inside the mill, logs are cut into lumber right in front of the class. Above: Neither rain nor sleet nor a broken clutch could stop this fi trip. 24 Undergraduates Left: Dave Buckley (left) and Bob Burnham help construct the SAF snow statue. Right: He looks just like me! Wes Windover holds Jonathan Hamilton, son to Amy and Brian Hamilton. Left: Kris D.Pr. and Molly enjoy a little Winter Camival fun. '93 Forester 25 and Women) Above: '1ust because I'm new here doesn't make me a Freshman!" Anne Lund joins MTU Forestry this year and experiences college life again. Above, Fresh-woman Cheryl Colosimo Oefl) socializes with graduate student Christine Bliss at the Forestry Oub Banquet. 26 Undergraduates 5 Top: inseparable! Gordy Mouw (left) and Bob Burnham are rarely seen apart. Here they are out on tn, Baraga Plains at Fall Camp. Left: The Pointer Sisters? Not quite! Sophomore Jenny Maziasz (far right) chimes in with seniors Tonja Carriere and Usa McDonald at the Forestry Oub Banquet. '93 Forester 27 Right: "Mountain Dew the ultimate eye-opener!" Junior Mike Hummel studies for spring term final exams. Above: Todd MUler (senior-sitting) gives Jodi HeIland a laugh in the computer lab. 28 Undergraduates Above: "Queen of the snow mound!" Junior Jane Ham- ilton stands atop what would become Babe the Blue Ox for Winter Carnival. Spring Graduates Hardllock CHICAGO William A. Bums B.S. Forestry Matthew A. Bess Mark A. Books B.S. Forestry B.S. Forestry Tonja S. Carriere Kristin M. OaPra Paul j . Etten B.S. Forestry B.S. Forestry B.S. Forestry '93 Forester 29 Bonnie M. Foster Craig A. Foy B.S. Forestry B.S. Forestry Brenda L. Haskill B.S. Forestry Robert L Kling B.S. Forestry Shane Fullerton B.S. Forestry Not Pictured: Patricia O. Lydon - B.S. estry Kurt W. Gutting - 30 B.s. Wood SCence B.s. Forestry John M. McCabe B.S. Forestry Lisa R. McDonald B.s. Forestry Not Pictured; Gerard J. McKitty B.S. Forestry Todd K. MilJer B.S. Forestry Scott A. Pugh B.S. Forestry Keith A. Magnusson 31 Jennifer L. Russell Ralph W. Sheffer B.S. Forestry B.S. Forestry .:. Michael E. Tighe B.S. Forestry 32 F A C U S T A F F L T Y AND GRADUATE STUDENTS '93 Forester 33 Thls year's edition of the MTU Forester is dedicated to the man behind our clean floors, bathrooms, and all that needs fixing. Terry is more than just a custodian to our School, he is always the friendly face that greets you for those wonderful 8 o'clock classes, he salts Our slippery sidewalks to keep our feet on the ground, and if you haven't noticed, tasty odors emanate from his office at noontime. Terry has provided the School of Forestry and Wood Products with exceptional service and very clean rooms. I'm sure a big thanks from all of the people here in the School is past due, but in honor of such a great job we dedicated our book to you because, Terry, you do make a world of difference to everyone and everything. 34 Faculty & Staff LEFT TO RIGHT Dennis Baril, Training Specialist Glen Belkola, Research Associate . ,r Johann Bruhn, Research Scientist Peter Cattelino, Research Scientist Vincent Chiang, Professor Terry Clouthier, Custodian Janis Coleman-Plouff, Clerk John Diebel, Research $dentist/ Marketing '93 Forester 35 Lett to Right, John Forsman. Research Associate Ed Frayer, Dean ZoSe Gagnon. Sr. Research Associate Margaret Gate, Assistant Professor \..- • J • Bruce Haataja, Sr. Research Scientist Martin Jurgensen, Professor Mary Jurgensen, Staff Assistant Douglas Jurtr\u, Research Associate 36 Faculty & Staff Left 10 Righi: David Kamosky. Professor Suzanne Knott, Secretary Kenneth Kraft, Associate Professor Peter Laks, Sr. Research Scientist Susan Leppanen, Research Aide Hal Liechty. Research Scientisl Andrea Longhini. Siaff Assislanl Ann Maclean, Assistant Professor '93 Forester 37 /' Left to Right: Gary McGinnis, Director, IWR James McLaughlin, Assl. Re..,arch Sdentist Roswell Miller, Associate Professor GleM Mroz, Professor Blair Orr, Assistant Professor Robert Palardy, Research Sdentist Rolf Peterson, Professor Jalnes Pickens, Assodate Professor 38 Faculty & Staff Left 10 Righi: Marda Pruner, Research Scientist David Reed, Professor Dana Richter, Asst. Research Sdentist Jagdish Rughani, Ass!. Research SOentist Sherry Sandretto, Administrative Aide Jill Schultz-Stoker, Lab Manager Terry Sharlk, Prolessor Stephen Shetron, Professor '93 Forester 39 Mary Ellen Stevens, Staff Assistant Bernard Sun, Assodate Professor Rich Rudnicki, Computer Lab Assistant William ytjana, Research Associate Kelley Tafel, Researth Sdentist 40 Faculty & Staff ate Students Master of Science ick Balster Muhammao. Arsyad Robert Hawke Jane Cameron Christine Bliss Ma..hall Strong Ben Travis Not Pictured: Janet 8a11, Charles Breeken, Linda Carruthers, Eir:nar Kuuseoks, Qian Uu, Scott Miller, Priit Pechter, Theresa Reilly, Kuan Zhong '93 Forester 41 Doctor of Philosophy David Buckley Teny Debruyn Brian Mclaren )Ganzhi Quan Anne Marie LaHaie ~Uil..llg £.nao Not Pictured: Jeff Andrews, Lisa Andrews, Mary Blickendener, Ian Brodie, Steven Delour, Philip Forboseh, Lin Ge, Greg Kudray, Hal Liechty, Hua Ouyang, Thomas Ruckeishaus, Ying Ping Sheng, Dong ill Shin, )Gao Hang Song, Chung.Jui Tsai, lndrajith Wijayaratne, YI Zhang, Yunleng Zhang 42 Graduate Students Veronica Lessard Minyi Zhou Left: ProfessorS Terry Shari!< (left) and Marty Jurgensen give us a taste of th.eir singing at the banquet. '0: Sertiors Mn<e Tig!>e and Tonja Carget in on the fun, too! Above: Faculty memberS socialize before the wonderfu1 food was served. Above: The hall was packed this year, the best turnout in a long time for our Forestry Banquet 82 people! Left: A final fareweU (L to R). Todd Opperman, Tonja Carriere, Matt Bess, S!>elley Wi!liams. '93 Forester 43 Managing woodlands with integrity Publishing Paper Division Escanaba, Michigan 9061786-1660 ', .. ~~.:.: .; : .. ."" .. SOCIETY OF AMERICAN FORESTERS Devoted to advancing th,e science, technology, education, and practice of professional fO'restry I." ,nlo " "'~ I",n .,n n",n,I>t',.h'r rr"Kf.m • ••r flu!'l .. ,h.,,,_. '''\II' I ~4oo G r Ul>n'n or LlInt' 8('lhc:~d:. . \10 2, UOI)89"· 8"'lO SOtllt'l y o r Amuinn Fnrt"lcrl> " 44 _ _ 18II88!IIISIIS38SIS8SSSI=~~':m;=i::!~:::::::~::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::;:; Forestry and Science- Related Fields An exciting expanding caree r national opportunity company . could Osmose seeking highly motivated ind ivid uals United States. outdoor work communication be Wood challenging with a Preserving, rapidly Inc . is to lead crews in the Central Applicants must have a good driving history, enjoy year around, skills. We and have provide effective on -t he-job Competitive wages and good benefit package! a yours year and advancement, leadershl p paid and training! If you're looking for round position with an opportunity for travel then your next career step should be with Osmose. Send your resume to : Osmose Wood Preserving, Inc. 6123 Bethesda Way Indianapolis , IN 462 54 Osmo se is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/ V. LAKE SUPERIOR LAND COMPANY. • • • Forest Development • Forest Product Sales • Mineral Development • Land Development • Land Sales Lake Superior Land Company 101 Red Jac ket Ro ad Ca lumet, M ic higa n 49913 Phone: 337-0202 45 Group Headquarters I -ih,I • NORTHERN M ICHIGAN VENEERS. INC. WISCONS IN vENEER & PLYWOOD. INC. BUTTERNUT VENEERS. INC. BESSE FOREST PRODUCTS . INC. BIRDS EYE VENEER COMPANY Northe rn Michi gan Venee rs. In< P. O. Box 352 Glads tone . M ichiga n 49837 Phone: 906-428-3113 FAX: 906-428-3310 BESSE FOREST PRODUCTS GROUP 46 1993 PATRONS e Forester Staff would like to thank these partons for their support of undergraduate education in Forestry and lod Products at Michigan Tech. Stephen Albee 708 Hecla St. Hancock, Ml 49930 John Barbieri 7017 NE Hwy. 99 Suite 204 Vancouver, WA 98665 Deborah &'!Cas Dumroese 714 East D. Moscow, 10 83843 Dennis Hannon Karol Cerovec 18707 Cambridge Lathrup Village, Ml 48076 38038 Sherwood Westland, Ml 48185 Mark Koski 5802 Rosebrook Drive Troy, Ml 48098-3829 HC 60, Box 10160 Oe Elwn, WA 98922 Floyd Marlta 1707 W. Liebau Rd. Mequon, WI 53092 5325 Carlingfort Drive Toledo, OH 43623-1521 Brian McManus Guenther Frankenstein Hillcrest Drive Pinckney Island Hilton Head, SC 29928 Timothy Foss Charles Nielsen Patricia Palkovic 412 S. State St. Elgin, IL 60123 Lebanon, NH 03766 Valerie Novak Gary Saunders P.O. Box 83 Winnemucca, NV 89446 138 Bjork Rd . Crystal Falls, Ml 49920 David A. Vyain 217 Chapin St. Chadron, NE 69337 Alan Olson 2701 Aspen Dr. Anchorage, AK 99517 Erwin Gene Lambrecht Rt. 4 Box 580 Orangeburg, SC 29115 Glen L. Weinberg 4170 North Marine Drive Apt. 17-E Chicago, IL 60613 Robert Todd Rt. 2 Box 509 Cenrrl, AL 35960 Donald Mazany 2935 W. Wurtzel Drive Freeland, Ml 48623 Richard Yankee 575 Broad Ave. Manistee, Ml 49660 Neil Paulson P.O . Box 36 Drummond, WI 54832 Matthew Capaldi 16125 Reedmere Birmingham, Ml 48025 Dennis Robinson 256 Timberlane Marquette, Ml 49855 David Freeman 35810 Fredericksburg Farmington Hills, Ml 48331 John Ball 1533 Orchard Drive Brookings, SO 57006 Kurt Friesth 295 8th St. #2A Wheeling, IL 60090 Ron Church 7202 N. Millbrook STE 205 Fresno, CA 93720 David Sampson P.O. Box 1264 Fort Collins, CO 80521 Patrick Hallfrisch 4271 Riverside Dr. Sault Ste. Marie, Ml 49783 Enzo Becia 2315 St. Elias Dr. Anchorage, AK 99517 Authur Hamman 518 County Rd. 705 Athens, TN 37303 J. Hornick Rt. 1 Box 66 Baraga, Ml 49908 Dennis & Bonnie Baril MTU FOrestry Peter & Sue Cattelino MTU Forestry Ed &, Chris Frayer MTU Forestry Martin Jurgensen MTU Forestry Mary Jurgensen MTU Forestry Dave &, Sherry Karnosky MTU Forestry Glenn & Gall Mroz MTU Forestry Blair &, Robin Orr MTU Forestry Stephen &, Ruth Sherron MTU Forestry '93 Forester 47 I Well, here it is, another book finally finished. In case you hadn't noticed, we reduced our book size and the content which it holds. We on the Forester staff hope that you enjoyed this year's edition. A big thank you to all the staff members on a very good year. I personally would like to thank Kris DaPra and Mary Jurgensen for tons of last minute help. We responded to some of your desires by cutting back on the amount of written text and including more pictures so hopefully it pleases the majority. This is it for me; I now enter the big bad working world of the Forest Industry. I take with me some very valuable experience, most of which is how to deal with people when you are holding a camera. Seriously though, MTU has given me the most I could ask for, along with more - like a tuition increase every year that I enrolled, not to mention those wonderful lab fees. Was it all worth it? Ask me in 5 years when I have a "real" job and am really in debt. I would like to commend everyone here in the School of Forestry and Wood Products for making it seem like a second home. The contribution of every individual in this School is what makes it an exceptional place to attend college. The one we tend to forget to thank is Prof. Ros Miller. Without him most of us would not have our summer jobs or permanent jobs. He does an excellent job at keeping the job boards up to date and the students informed with what is happening in the job market. Thanks Ros!!!! I hope every one enjoyed this year's edition and if you ever need help with an alumni copy, don't call me - I'll call you. Senior, Brenda Haskill, 3rd Year Editor 48 Editor's Note