TREES make
the world a
better place in
which to live!
DEDICATION .... . . . . .. .... . .. . .. . ........ 6
DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY . .. .. . . .. ... 9
FEA TURES . .. . ...... ........ ... .. . . . ..... 25
ACTIVITIES . . . .. . . . . ... .. ....... ...... ... 35
ALUMNI DIRECTORY . .... . .... . . . . . ..... 63
A DV ERTISERS . . .. . . . . . .. ....... ....... .. 75
Six years ago, the three forestry units at Michigan Tech
were consolidated with the creation of the School of Forestry
and Wood Products. Combining the academic Department
of Forestry with the two forestry research divisions, the Ford
Forestry Center and Institute of Wood Research , the new
unit enhanced the coordination of forestry personnel, facilIties and activities at the University.
The man chosen to head this school was Dr. Eric A.
Bourdo, Jr. who became the first Dean of Forestry and
Wood Products in 1968. The Forester salutes Dean Bourdo
for his accomplishments in advancing forestry at Michigan
Tech , as a member of the teaching faculty, as Director of the
Ford Forestry Center, and as Dean of Forestry and Wood
Dr. Bourdo hails from Muskegon, Michigan. During his
boyhood. spent on a farm near that city, Eric developed his
lifelong interest in nature, natural resources and conservation.
After graduating from Muskegon High School in 1935,
Eric found employment in the foundries and machine shops
of Muskegon. He was determined to obtain a college education , and saved much of his income for that purpose. In
1939 he enrolled at Michigan Tech, and graduated with
honor in 1943, receiving a B. S. Degree in forestry with a
minor in chemistry.
Following a period of employment with the Goodyear
Tire and Rubber Company in Akron , Ohio, Eric joined the
forestry consulting firm of Pomroy and McGowan, in Arkansas. The following year, in 1946, he returned to Michigan
~~. ~ ..:~~:~; ~
A day of hiking w hile a student
at MTU.
Tech and joined the Forestry Department faculty as an instructor. In 1951 he was promoted to the rank of assistant
professor, and in 1955 he became an associate professor.
Three years later he was advanced to the rank of professor.
During his early years at Michigan Tech , Eric also
continued his education_ He received the M. A. Degree in
adult education from the University of Michiga n in 195 1. In
1953 he took leave of absence and entered doctoral studies
at Michigan. He received th e Ph. D. degree fro m that institution, with majors in fo restry and botany, in 1954.
In 1955, Dr. Bourdo was appointed the first Director of
the Ford Forestry Center, a short time after its establishment.
In this capacity, he undertook the formidable task of bUilding
up the staff, facilities, a nd programs in research, demonstration and education which have taken the Centel' to the fo refront among th e nation's forestry research establishments.
On March 22 , 1942, Eric married Charline Leady in
Muskegon. The co uple have three children , Eric III, Laura
Lynn and Michael. They also have one grandchild, Eric IV.
In addition to his professional work, Dr. Bourdo enjoys
many outside interests. He is an avid bird-watcher, having
recorded observation of more than 500 species. His plant
collection contains more than 27,000 specimens, preserved
at the Ford Forestry Center herbarium . He also enjoys the
game of golf.
His travels have taken him to every state except Alaska
and Hawaii. Dr. Bourdo attended the World Forestry
Congress in Buenos Aires in 1972, and has traveled to
Mexico four times.
A member of many professional and civic organizations,
Dr. Bourdo is listed in Who's Who in America. In 1971 , he
received the Distinguished Service Award presented by the
Wisconsin-Michigan Section, Society of American Foresters.
He is a member of the Governor's Wilderness Board and a
former member of the Governor's Natural Areas Advisory
Board. He served as President of the L'Anse School Board
and as Chairman of the Baraga County School Area Study.
Through activities with regional planning and development
agencies, Dr. Bourdo has contributed to the economic
progress and welfare of the Upper Peninsula.
Since becoming Dean, Dr. Bourdo has gUided the School
of Forestry and Wood Products with vigor and decisiveness.
The Department of Forestry has increased in faculty, from
10 to 13 fulltime members and in total faculty from 12 to 17.
Rapid growth in student enrollment also has occured during
this period. The two-year Forestry Technician program, conducted at the Ford Forestry Center, has been enlarged to
include four faculty members.
Forestry education and research at M.T.U . has
progressed to new levels of attainment and recognition,
within the University and throughout the region and nation ,
during this period. Although space does not permit a full recounting of Dr. Bourdo's accomplishments, the Forester
presents these highlights of his career in this salute to an outstanding forester, educator, research leader and alumnus,
Dean Eric Bourdo.
This edition of the Forester marks its twenty-fifth printing.
This year's Forester staff would like to extend a special thank
you to Dr. C. Richard Crowther for his advising of the
Forester for 17 years. Dick's backqround in journalism and
forestry make him an excellent advisor.
Dick graduated from East Waterloo High School, Iowa in
June 1942. He entered Iowa State University and received
his B. S. in Forestry in March 1947.
After graduation he worked in New Orleans, Louisiana
on the Naval Stores Review for a year. He then returned to
Lake Mills, Iowa and became editor of the Lake Mills
Graphic. Selling advertising, taking pictures and meeting
deadlines kept Dick busy from 1948 to 1953. He also served
in the Army during this time.
In March of 1953 he returned to Iowa State and began
working towards his Master's Degree. He received his degree
in March 1956 and began teaching at Michigan Tech. In
1957 he became advisor of the Forester and had the
Dick as we know him
yearbook enlarged to its present size. He has been teaching
and advising the Forester since that time except for one year
spent at the University of Michigan , where he received his
Ph. D. in Forestry in December 1971.
Besides advising the Forester, Dick is a very active bowler
and has several fine trophies to show for his achievements.
He also cross-country skis, boats and canoes, and is involved
in politiCS. He is treasurer for the Republican County
Comm ittee and is regional chairman of the 11th
Congressional District.
Dick is an invaluable part of the Forester staff. Without
him the Forester w()uldn 't be what it is today- a fine
Ann Leach
Dick in his college days
L eft to right: Gary Pisoni, Paul Anderson, Dean
Bourdo, Walt S erranen, L awrence MacDonald, Dave
Undergraduate enrollment in the Department of Forestry
has again increased to 569-a gain of nearly 6 per cent over
last year -and all of our pre·enrollment forecasts for next fall
support the fact that this trend will continue. The job market
has been reasonably good; in fact, all of last year's graduates
have been placed. Enrollment and job placement of
two·year Forest technicians, who study at the Ford Forestry
Center, also were highly satisfactory.
The enrollment increase has caused some crowding
problems in our six year old Forestry building. Some of the
largest classes have had to be held in other university
Last fall, the Society of American Foresters informed us
that we had been accorded full S.A.F. accreditation. The
report of the accreditation team was extremely pleasing to
the Forestry Faculty.
At the Ford Forestry Center, a new Technician program
for diesel mechanics was initiated in 1973. Moreover, to
continue its service to the woods industry, the Center held a
series of saw filer and lumber grading programs. The woods
industry was also served by a continuation of contracts for
C.F.I. analysis, while the re·vegetation of iron and copper
tailings basins was continued.
At the Institute of Wood Research , the first phase in the
development of a continuous press system for the
production of structural particle board was completed. All
the machinery is on hand to begin producing board for
strength tests. Initiation of Phase II will begin shortly. Work in
the development of nestable pallets utilizing wood waste was
also carried forward and a number of other contracts were
Your School of Forestry and Wood Products continues
to function as a dynamic entity where sights are set high and
the deSire to excel characterizes teachers and researchers
alike. Growth and achievement have not dimmed the
atmosphere of youthful enthusiasm without which true
excellence is unobtainable.
Eric Bourdo
Occasionally there is need to refresh our thoughts on the
magic words we live by and these comments highlight one of
the key words -WORK. When we first think on the word we
envision toil, strain , physical labor and the exertion related to
these activities. Seldom do we think on the benefits one
secures as a direct or indirect result of work that has been
successfully completed. It is not work alone, but the spin-off
that often exceeds the direct value of work, that is so important to the man. Recognized or not, one of our human needs
is a sense of achievement-winning through competitiveness
in games, sports, politics, business. There is personal pleasure in achievement-the real pleasure of showing our earto-ear sm ile or possessing a light and happy heart, but the joy
of achievement does not always have to stem from besting
an opponent. It may come through sheer satisfaction of a
workmanlike job or a skillful accomplishment of craftsmanship.
Many of our alumni recall our janitor when forestry was
housed in the old Hubbell School bUilding on the west end
of the campus. Every student and every faculty member
soon learned that Oskar Groitzsch, who tended our building,
was the best janitor at Michigan Tech. Despite a physical
handicap (he lost one leg in an earlier mining accident),
Oskar maintained a degree of cleanliness for Hubbell School
that was unknown among any of the more modern bUildings
on campus. The sweat on his brow and the gleam in his eye
told of dedication to his job. He was proud of performing his
work and shared joy and enduring satisfaction in this
achievement. Oskar was a happy man !
We often confuse the word WORK with exerting physical
energy; bodily effort. But work applies just as properly to
mental effort required to make or do something, to design
some purposeful activity or to create a new principle or
theory. Often , using our minds wisely may save physical
work. Indeed, saving labor is one reason managers seek out
persons with sound judgement, those who use their minds in
an orderly manner with practical applications foremost in
their thoughts.
One of our goals in forestry education at Michigan Tech is
to cause our students to use and develop their minds for the
wise use and development of the nation's natural renewable
resources. To accomplish this, it is imperative that our faculty
develop a progressive series of work experiences designed
to improve the mind, body and social awareness of our
young people. Our mental capacity, like the athlete's capa-
Dr_ Gene A . H esterberg
bility, is improved only by proper use and exercise of our
thought processes. Too, as in athletic competition one's
mind does not perform well unless the study, exercise, or
activity is given wise direction and tempered performance
standards. Work of both the mind and body are essential to
overcoming the challenges of life. Remember, a kite rises
against the wind. It must face the competition; never can it
share the luxury of drifting with the currents.
Starting either mental or physical work is interesting.
Before work begins there has to be stimulus. Enthusiasm is
often that catalyst and without stimulus, work may never
occur. Here, Francis Galton's expression nicely describes this
influence in real life - "Well washed and well combed domestic pets often grow dull-they miss the stimulus of fleas. "
It is only when there is enthusiasm stirring that there is bound
to be work and resulting accomplishment. Work is the
theme, but spirit and enthusiasm are the ingredients so essential to spark and inspire the start and success of work.
Gene Hesterberg
B.S. Mich. Tech. Univ.
M.S. Mich. Tech. Univ.
B.S. Syracuse
M.s . Syracuse
Ph.D. North
B.S. Iowa State Univ.
M.s. Iowa State Univ.
PhD. Univ. of Mich.
Associate Professor
B.S. Mich. Tech. Univ.
M.s. Univ. of Wisconsin
PhD. Univ of Wisconsin
Assistant Professor
B.S. Taiwan Univ .
M.S. Univ. of British Columbia
PhD. Univ. of British Columbia
B.s. Syracuse Univ.
M.S. Syracuse Univ.
Assistant Professor
B.S. Northern Arizona Univ.
M.S. Northern Arizona Univ.
PhD. Univ. of Idaho
Dean , School of Forestry
B.S. Mich. Tech. Univ.
M.S. Univ. of Mich.
PhD. Univ. of Mich.
Associate Professor
B.S. Syracuse Univ.
M.S. Syracuse Univ.
PhD. Univ. of Mich.
Assistant Professor
B.S. Mich . Tech. Univ.
M.S. Univ. of Minn.
Assistant Professor
B.S. Penn. State Univ.
M.S. Penn. State Univ.
PhD. Purdue Univ.
Assistant Professor
A.A.S. Paul Smith's College
B.S.F. W. Virginia Univ.
M.S. W. Virgin ia Univ.
PhD . Univ. of Idaho
Professor and Head,
Dept. of Forestry
B.S. Purdue Univ.
M.S. Univ. of Mich.
PhD. Univ. of Mich.
B.S. Mich. Tech. Univ.
M.S. Mich. State Univ.
Ford Forestry Center
Manager of Operations
B.5. Mich. Tech.
Ford Forestry Center
Office Services Administrator
Institute of Wood Research
B.5. Univ. of California
M.5. Univ. of California
PhD. Washington University
Associate Professor
AS. New York Univ.
B.S. Mich. State Univ.
M.5. Mich. State Univ.
PhD. Univ. of Mich.
Ford Forestry Center
B.5.F. Univ. of Michigan
M.5.F. Univ. of Michigan
Forestry Aide
AAS. Mich. Tech. Univ.
B.A Univ. of Wisconsin
M.A Univ. of Wisconsin
PhD. Univ. of Washington
Forestry Dept.
Secretary for
Dean Bourdo
Senior Typist
Forestry Dept.
S ecretary
School of Forestry
and Wood Products
Forestry education at Michigan Tech received another
strong vote of confidence in October, 1973, when the
Society of American Foresters renewed its accreditation of
the Department and the University for a 10-year period_This
is the highest accreditation rating given by the S.AF
Enrollment has continued to climb_ as the Forestry Department now dominates in undergraduate enrollment at
Michigan Tech. Total student numbers in forestry amounted
to 557 during the fall quarter, a gain of 26 students over the
figu re for the preceding fall quarter. Forestry now accounts
for more than 10 per cent of the total enrollment at Michigan
Tech_ and is the largest individual major on campus.
Important additions of equipment were obtained for the
forestry teaching and research programs during the year.
These include several electronic, multi-function calculators
which are equivalent to small computers, and equipment
valued at $23,000, for pulp and paper processing and
testing. The Department also received a grant of $2,000
from the Dow Chemical Company.
A new teaching position was authorized, beginning in the
fall of 1974. It will be filled for a two-year period by Mr. Kim
lies, whose specialization is in computer applications and
statistical analysis in forestry. He recently received the M. S.
Degree from Oregon State University.
A new educational program in wood and fiber utilization
has been approved , to begin in the fall of 1975. Dr. B. C. Sun
will head this program. It is hoped that another faculty
member in this area will be obtained soon. The program will
offer options in Wood Utilization, Forest Product Industries,
and Pulp and Paper Science.
The 1973-74 school year has been a busy one for Tech's
forestry faculty. In addition to their teaching duties, most of
the faculty members have engaged in research , or have
published !)apers or presented research results at meetings.
Dr. Martin Jurgensen reported on his work in mine waste
reclamation, at a meeting of the American Society of Agronomy at Las Vegas, Nevada, last November. He began work
on a study of the effects of logging residue removal in
Douglas-fir and western larch forests of Montana, during the
summer of 1974. This will be a five-year project, in cooperation with the U. S. Forest Service.
Dr. Sun is participating in a research project, in cooperation with Dr. L. M. Julien of the Chemistry Department, for
development of an improved process for producing wood
pulp. This method gives promise of yielding higher quality
pulp and less residue than are obtained by use of current
Dr. Norman Sloan is continuing his study of mortality
affecting white pelicans in the Chase Lake National Wildlife
Refuge, North Dakota, and his investigation of bird predation
of forest insects following logging, in jack pine forests. He
also continues to serve as editor of the Bird Banding News,
and attended the annual meeting of the Inland Bird Banding
Association at Duluth , Minn. , in September, 1973. He also
participated in th e Western Larch Casebearers Workshop at
Bellington, Wash., in January, 1974. Drs. Sloan and
Jurgensen engaged in a study of forest fertilization for
control of jack pine budworm , during the summer of 1974.
Prof. H. M. Steinhilb and Mr. Charles E_ Hein have taken
a leading role in development of a program for the education of land surveyors. They attended a meeting for this
purpose at Troy, Mich., last February. In May, 1973, Prof.
Steinh ilb authored an article, " Harvesting Logging Residue
from a Selectively Cut Northern Hardwood Stand," which
was printed in the Northern Logger and Timber Producer.
He continues his research in weight and handling of northern hardwoods trees, under contract with the U. S. Forest
Service .
Dr. Douglas Frederick participated in a study of
vegetation and deer habitat, conducted by the Michigan
Department of Natural Resources, during the fall of 1973.
He traveled to the Forest Products Laboratory at Madison,
Wis., and the North Central Forest Experiment Station, St.
Paul, Minn. , to discuss pathology research.
Dr. Michael Coffman has continued his research of
northern hardwood forests at the Huron Mountain Club in
Marquette County, and conducted a study of snow characteristics in Keweenaw County, this year.
Dr. Fred Stormer and Dr. Norman Sloan were active in
the establishment of a student chapter of the Wildlife Society
at Michigan Tech. Dr. Stormer accompanied three forestry
students to attend the Fourth Annual Central Students'
Wildlife Conclave, held at Iowa State Univerisity, Ames, in
March , 1974.
Dr. C. R. Crowther attended the annual meeting of the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters at East
Lansing, in March. He presented a paper, "Forest
Campground User Attributes as Determinants of Misbehavior." He was named Wisconsin-Michigan Section coordinator for the Recreation Working Group, Society of American
Prof. James Meteer was appointed to the national
Working Group for Systems Analysis of the Society of
American Foresters, and will serve as representative for the
Wisconsin-Michigan Section of the Society_
Dr. Lawrence Rakestraw received the Theodore Bledgen
Award, presented by the Forest History Society, for the most
outstanding article on forest history in 1972. The article,
"Conservation Historiography: An Assessment," appeared
in the Pacific Historical Review in August, 1972.
Monroe, Ohio
Thesis: Composition, Structure, and
Dynamics of Climax Stands of Eastern
Hemlock and Sugar Maple in the Huron
Mountains, Michigan.
Pelkie, Michigan
Thesis: Aging Techniques for the
Common Raven.
Schoolcraft, Michigan
Wallace, Michigan
Canton, Ohio
Allen Park, Michigan
Farmington, Michigan
Detroit, Michigan
Kingsford, Michigan
East Detroit, Michiga n
Hamtramck, Michigan
Royal Oak, Michigan
Wyoming, Michigan
Detroit, Michigan
Southgate, Michigan
National Mine, Michigan
Shawano, Wisconsin
Laona, Wisconsin
Allen Park, Michigan
Dewitt, Michigan
Laurium, Michigan
J ackson, Michigan
G ladstone, Michigan
Washington, D.C.
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Sioux City, Iowa
Pigeon, Michigan
Ironwood, Michigan
Houghton, Michigan
Lewiston, New York
Gladwin , Michigan
Kingsford, Michigan
Houghton , Michigan
Drayton Plains, Michigan
Detroit, Michigan
Eagle River, Wisconsin
Westwood, New Jersey
Houghton, Michigan
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Eagle River, Wisconsin
Harvard, Illinois
Hancock, Michigan
Mishawaka, Indiana
Livonia, Michigan
Flint, Michigan
Michigan Tech's Forestry Technician program, under the direction of the Department of
Applied Technology graduated thirty-four technicians this spring. The many laboratory oriented courses and a close student-instructor contact
allows time to dwell into the practical aspects
and applications of forestry which has put our
graduates in good demand on the job market.
The program which is located at Alberta, turns
out some top notch technicians who have started out in careers with many of the leading
private companies as well as State and Federal
Standing left to right: Terry Coss, Helmulth Hoenig, Doug Leary, Dale Thiboudeau, Randy Moore, John Weiger, Jim Johnson, Dave Fogle, Fred Zweifel, Dan
Spina, Art Hubler, Steve Brooks, Kevin Boyd, Craig Spence, Chuck Vandame,
Steve McVicker, Jim Pond, Jim Southworth, Dave Wonder. Bottom, left to right:
Scott Robbins, Bruce Williams, Debi Ritchie, Dan Hanninen, Mike Hoffman, Jerry
Stemick, Paula Hannine, Mary Stoll, Bruce Maki, Dana Varvil, Jerry Hinch, Janice
Williams. Not pictured: John Ochman, Ed Kroodsma, Larry Mickesh.
Some practical experience.
This is a log!
The Michigan Tech Forester Celebrates Its Silver Anniversary
Twenty-five years ago, production of a new publication
began at Michigan Tech_ The Michigan Tech Forester made
its debut in 1950, under the auspices of the Forestry Club
and Department of Forestry, as a chronicle and emissary of
Michigan Tech Forestry.
Volume I of the Forester proved to be the first of a series
of annual publications which have continued without
interruption and with increasing stature to the present day.
This year the Forester looks back on its quarter-century of
life with pride and confidence gained through this
achievement of dedication and creativity. We salute, also,
the founders of this Yearbook and all of the students, staff
members and other benefactors whose devotion and
support have contributed to its continuing success.
The Forester Staff hard at work on the F orester in 1961. Have times changed!
The Forestry Dept. Staff in 1955. Back R ow- U . J. Noblet, J ohn H ornick, V . W . Johnson, Carl Danielson, Hereford Garland.
Front Row-G. A. H csterberg, R obert B?·own, H. M. Steinhilb, E . A. B ourdo.
Forestry at Michigan Tech was in its fifteenth year when
preparation of the first volume was undertaken. Professor
U. J. Noblet, Head of the Department, served as the
Yearbook advisor, and Ivan Kronberg was editor·in·chief.
The Forestry Club, under the direction of Chief Forester
Clyde Cundy, was the sponsoring organization as it has
remained to the present time.
The year 1950 was a busy but trying time for Michigan
Tech Forestry. The nation became embroiled in the Korean
War during that year, and many Tech forestry students were
veterans of World War II who had resumed their educations
and careers following their release from the armed forces.
One of the many outstanding groups of students to gain their
forestry education at Michigan Tech , the student body
included, as members of the Forester staff, Associate Editor
Clyde Cundy, BUSiness Manager Jack Noblet, Circulation
Manager Carl Ackermann , Photography Editor Robert
Bourdow, and Cartoonist Mac Frimodig.
The 1950 Yearbook consisted of 52 pages, measuring 5
1/4 by 6 1/4 inches. This format continued virtually
unchanged for the next ten years, although the number of
pages increased to 56 by 1960. Then , in 1961 , the size was
increased to the present larger page.
For Volume II, Dr. Gene Hesterberg served as faculty
advisor. Gene continued in this capacity until 1957, when
Prof. Richard Crowther became the advisor. Dick has
continued as advisor to the present time, with the exception
of the year he was away on educational leave. During that
period, 1965·66, Professors Bob Sajdak and Roswell Miller
took over the reins as faculty advisors to the Yearbook.
During its early years, the Forester was distributed free of
charge to all Forestry Club members and alumni. The cost
was underwritten by the Forestry Club, Department of
Forestry, and through the regular support of the College
Relations (now Communications Services) office of
Michigan Tech , as well as the backing of advertisers.
Each year, several hundred copies were printed for the
use of the College Relations office and the Admissions office
in publicity and student·contact programs. This practive has
been continued, although during recent years most distribu·
tion for public·relations purposes has been handled by the
Department of Forestry and the Dean of Forestry and Wood
By 1961 , however, the cost of producing and distributing
the Forester had increased substantially, and it became
necessary to make a change. It was decided that a
subscription charge must be initiated, and, to make the book
more attractive, it should be enlarged and revised to include
a greater number of pictures. These changes, in turn,
required the conversion from the usual letterpress printing to
the offset process. However, the Book Concern of Hancock,
which had been the Yearbook's printer, could not provide
this service. Thus, it became necessary to contract with
another publisher for printing arrangements.
The 1960-1961 year, then, marked a major turning point
in the publication 's history. Changes included a larger page
size, offset printing, many more photographs, a subscription
charge, and the first solicitation of subscriptions from
students and alumni. The printing job was assigned to the
Walsworth Publishing Company of Marceline, Mo., a major
producer of high school and college yearbooks. Volume XII,
consisting of 36 pages, thus emerged as the first issue under
the expanded format. John Franzen, editor, and Dick
Giebner, circulation manager, merit high praise for their
efforts to improve and strengthen the Yearbook during this
The following year, the subscription price for the Forester
became a part of the Forestry Club membership dues,
The Forestry Department, located in the old H ubbell School, before the new building was built in 1968.
entitling all club members to receive a copy without further
Its financial stability thus established, the Forester has
continued its growth in size, scope and quality.
In 1968, the publisher again was changed, this time to the
Taylor Publishing Company of Dallas, Texas. The Forester
was Taylor-made through the 1970 edition. Then, for the
1971 issue, the Book Concern resumed its publication of the
Yearbook. This change came about as a result of the
acquisition of offset printing facilities by the Hancock
printers, and the cooperative pricing policy of its president,
Mr. Matt Laitala. In spite of rapidly inflating costs, Mr. Laitala
has consistently held the line in printing charges and has
made possible the continued production of high-quality
books at a minimum cost to the Forester. Sincere thanks to
Mr. Laitala are in order for this helpful policy.
J. F. Hamilton
has under development a similar pallet except the manufacturing system will be simplified to reduce the capital investment required .
The significance of this development relates to the
difference between the conventional dense hardwood pallet
and the molded pallet. The currently used dense hardwood,
four-way entry, reusable pallet (40" x 48") may weigh 80 to
90 pounds. These pallets are about 5-1/2 inches high, and
one can stack about 16 high inside a transport trailer. The
nestable, molded, wood particle pallet of the same size,
weighs 35 to 45 pounds (depending upon the wood species
used), and 56 of these may be stacked under the same
transport trailer roof. Thus, the transportation cost per
molded pallet is very much lower than the typical dense
hardwood pallet. Other plus factors for the molded pallet are
that it is easier to handle, and requires little or no
maintenance and repair, as do the typical hardwood pallets.
A very important factor in the molded pallet development work at IWR is that mill and forest residues have been
used as the basic raw material. Therefore, these presently
unused residues can provide the basis for a new wood using
The title term is used to describe solid wood substance
that has been fractioned mechanically or chemically into a
fragmented fiber form and then reprocessed into a specific
solid wood form such as particleboard. The Institute of
Wood Research is engaged in extensive research and
development in the field of reconstituted wood products.
Wood, in its conventional solid lumber form , will alwa ys
be in demand beca use of its intrinsically good properties and
esthetic appearance. There are many more things that primary wood can become such as paper and fiber board products with which we are a ll fam iliar. However, research and
development during the past twenty-five years, using wood
as the basic raw material, has demonstrated that wood in its
primary form can be reco nstituted, so to speak, into other
usable product forms. Specific examples of this are the
structural particleboard and molded wood particle pallet
projects well under way in the IWR Pilot Plant.
The structural particleboard has as its objective the
production of constructio n grade building panels with the
same end-use capability as con iferous, structural plywoods,
produced on the west coast and more recently in the southern pine areas. More interestingly, this structural particleboard will be made with the wood resource indigenous to
the Upper Great Lakes area. A very significant factor in the
development project is that a totally new concept of
continuous press production will be employed. The panels
thus produced, will be of the specific length and width required thereby elim inating cutting to size to achieve the exact
modules required, which is necessary when using the
currently available stock panel sizes.
Molded, nestable, wood particle pallets are now produced in two commercial operations in Europe. The IWR
Mo lded wood par ticle pallet
Stephen G. Shetron
Lumber Recovery Project
The Ford Forestry Center is one of four branches in the
Research Division at Michigan Technological University. It is
a faCility with a dual purpose; research and education in
forestry. The Center is located in Baraga County, 40 miles
south of the main campus. Imm ediately accessible to the
Center is a 4,100 acre forest composed of old growth northern hardwood and the pine land forests of the Baraga plains.
Forest research at the Ford Forestry Center is able to begin
with seedlings and continue through to a marketable product
from the sawmill. The research program at the Ford Forestry
Center has developed into three main areas of study; forest
management, application of automatic data processing to
large volumes of forest inventory data and forest
Over eighty silvicultural and forest management studies
are in progress. These studies involve regeneration of jack
pin e, effects of thinning on jack pine, old growth northern
hardwood silviculture (selective logging with the primary aim
to upgrade the quality and productivity of the forest),
management of small woodlots typical of millions of acres of
privately owned land in Michigan, and lumber grade
recovery at the sawmill to name a few.
In order for the forest manager to maintain control over
the operation of a forest to maximize its growth and financial
return, large volumes of inventory data must be kept.
Therefore, another continuing research program at the Ford
Forestry Center is the application of automatic data
processing to forest management. Programs have been
developed to compress what would take months of hand
calculation to just a number of days on high speed computers. This kind of study is an important bridge for the forest
landowner and his ability to secure quick and reliable
answers from field inventory date.
The American society is a demanding society for wood
products such as paper, furniture, buildings and synthetic
fabrics. Although the forest is a renewable resource, the
demand for products manufactured from wood fiber is ever
increasing. Research at the Ford Forestry Center is also
centered on forest-site productivity. Studies in progress
involve the determination of which soils have the best potential productivity for growing trees, economics of
hardwood tree fertilization, and growth-yield studies of pine
plantation compared to native pine on sim ilar soils.
Research at the Ford Forestry Center also extends beyond
the confines of the 4,100 acre forest. Numerous industrial
forests have contracted the Center for automatic data processing of continuous forest inventory data. The Center has
been actively engaged in sponsored research on vegetative
stabilization of iron and copper mine waste, forest land use
planning and technical consultation with state and private
land managers concerned with forest management.
Under the direction of Dr. Bourdo, Dean, School of Forestry, the Ford Forestry Center has an active and viable
forest research program. The entire staff extends a cordial
welcome to all interested groups or individuals to view
firsthand the many projects and activities at the Ford Forestry Center.
John A. Sturos- Research Mechanical Engineer
The research at the Forest Engineering Laboratory for the
past few years has focused on the development of an
economical method of removing bark after chipping. A promising bark removal system has been developed which consists of steaming, compression and mechanical attrition of
the unbarked chips. During this past year two highlights
occured concerning this development. First of all, a U.S.
Public Patent entitled "Process for removing bark from wood
chips" has been granted to the FEL Secondly, a preliminary
design of a pilot plant to evaluate this process on a continuous basis has been accepted by the pulp and paper indus·
try. Due to the technical success and economic implications
of this bark removal process, the American Pulpwood Association is now in the process of canvassing all pulp and
paper companies for fund s to construct and operate this pilot
plant for two years. Several companies have already
pledged capital for this purpose.
Scale model of bark removal pilot plant
A scale model of the proposed plant is seen in the accompanying photograph. The plant consists of three major
L An input section where thE- material arriving at the
facility is unloaded and readied for processing.
2. The bark removal section where the rough chips are
3. An output section where the pilot plant output and the
refuse are handled and disposed of.
The input section is designed to receive either unbarked
roundwood or rough chips produced at a remote site. The
roundwood will be chipped and conveyed through a
pneumatic pipeline to a storage bin which serves as the plant
infeed. Chips received from remote sites are unloaded from
vans and fed into the in feed storage bin through the pilot
plant chipper screen.
The equipment which makes up the bark remov al
process and which are noted in the photograph in th e
following order are:
L Continuous steamer to pretreat the chips with low
pressure steam.
2. Compression debarker which removes bark by adherence to the compression rolls.
3. Three-deck rotary type screen which removes the bark
fines and concentrates the residual bark into the
smaller screen fractions.
4. Ball-type attrition mill which will process one or two of
the smaller screen fractions.
5. Single deck rotary screen which will remove the fragmented bark from the attrition mill output.
Clean chips are conveyed to the output section of the
plant by a chip flight conveyor from the two segregating
screens. A pneumatic blower loads the chips into vans for
delivery to their ultimate user. The bark flight conveyor
carries the reject bark from the compression debarker and
the bark fines from the two screens to an open bin where it is
periodically trucked away.
The proposed pilot plant is designed to process 3 cords
per hour of rough chips. It will be used to evaluate the
continuous operation of the process for a numbe. of species
and also to provide estimates on the development and
operating costs for production-size bark removal plants.
Dr. Anders E. Lund, Director of the In stitute of Wood R esearch
Dr. Anders E. Lund became Director of the Institute of
Wood Research on April 1, 1974, succeeding Dr. Hereford
Garland who stepped down from that position last year.
Dr. Lund has wide experience in industry, forestry
education and research . Prior to com ing to Michigan Tech,
he was a consultant to the forest products industry in
research and development, products and marketing. From
1967 to 1973, he was a member of the faculty at Texas A.
and M. University and Head of the Texas Forest Products
Laboratory, techn ical and administrative management.
Previously, he was a faculty member at Clemson University
and had industrial experience with the Koppers Company,
Timber Engineering Company and U. S. Forest Products
The new IWR Director holds membership in numerous
scientific, scholarly and technical societies, and has received
many honors and awards. He is a Fellow of the Institute of
Wood Science and is listed in the Dictionary of International
Biography, American Men of Science, Leaders of American
Science and Personalities of the South. He holds patents in
the United States, Canada, France, Mexico and Belgium.
A past General Chairman of the Forest Products
Research SOCiety, Dr. Lund also is Chairman of the
Research Committee, American Wood Preservers Association , and has been named to several other posts in research
societies. He has authored many publications based on his
Dr. Lund is a 1955 graduate of Colorado State
University, holding a B. S. Degree in Forest Management
and Utilization. He holds the M. F. Degree in Wood
Technology and the D. F. Degree in Wood Science from
Duke University. He served for three years on active duty
with the U. S. Navy, and four years in the Naval Reserve.
Dr. Lund brings a strong background of education and
experience to the task of directing the advance of wood
research at Michigan Tech.
The Midland Division of Dow Chemical U.S.A. recently
presented a $2,000 grant to the MTU School of Forestry and
Wood Products to establish a closer relationship with the
University. Lee Ballard, manager of community and education relations for Dow's Midland Division , and Steve
Lawrence, a 1973 MTU forestry graduate who is with Dow
are seen standing from right to left presenting the grant to
President Smith and Dr. Bourdo.
Dr. Lawrence Rakestraw was presented the Theodore C.
Blegen Award, at the annual meeting of the Forest History
Society on June 24, 1973. The meeting was held at Santa
Cruz, Calif. This award, named in honor of one of the
founders of the Forest History Society, is given annually to
the person who has contributed the most outstanding article
on forest history.
The article authored by Dr. Rakestraw, "Conservation
Historiography: An Assessment," appeared in the August,
1972, issue of the Pacific Historical Review. George A.
Garratt, president of the Forest History Society, made the
presentation of the award.
The newest recipients of the annual scholarship award for
forestry students at Tech by the Michigan-Wisconsin Timber
Producers Association are Donald Hoppe (left), a senior
from Shawano, Wis., and Daniel Bellinger (center), a senior
from Cheyenne, Woo Shown with them is Dr. Hesterburg,
head of the Dept. of Forestry. This is the sixth year that the
Association's board of directors has provided scholarship
funds for MTU forestry students.
I .
. M I C H IG AN · T E ·C H
·8 .
The 1973-74 Forestry Club continued in its
pursuit of being recogn ized as one of the most
well-known and active organizations on campus.
A good showing for Winter Carnival and intramurals helped to make the campus more aware
of our existence. The fine second place finish at
the Midwestern Foresters Conclave showed the
other Big Ten schools our enthusiasm and spirit.
This year our much outdated constitution
was rewritten to better serve the club. Work was
also continued on the Otter River cabin
rejuvenation project. An annual Red Pine
lumbering da y was initiated for fun , experience
and profit. Another record income also resulted
from the expanded Rifle Raffle. Although some
traditional activities were a victim of the changed
schedule and weather, most other events had
plenty of active club participation.
Our fellow club members from the Ford Forestry Center became very involved in the club
activities this past year. The so called "Alberta
gang" was a dedicated and hard working bunch
of competitive souls who became an important
and welcome part of the club.
Club officers experienced quite a turn-over.
Ann was elected to handle the secretarial duties
after Jay Federocko resigned in January. Chief
Forester Bob has temporarily left school, so I
assumed his duties for the remainder of the year.
Mike served his second term of office as treasurer.
The strong club spirit evident this year once
again illustrated that the fellowship and activities
of the Forestry Club are a rewarding experience
to all.
BOTTOM ROW, L-R: Ken Ohlrogge, Mike Strain, Dave Englema n, Bob Mayer,
Wayne Schalk. S ECOND ROW, L-R: Bill Akker, Ed Morse, Ed Eisworth, Mark
Anderson, Dave S haver, Tom Tauchus, Ken Klum pp, Tom Schultes. TOP RO W,
L-R: Kim DaVidson, Steve Spaulding, C huck Volz, John Lajza, Marty J urgenson.
- Dale Zschoche
Acting Chief Fo rester
BOTTOM ROW, L-R: Steve Betleski, Barry Lempe, Mike Underwood, Don Tom.
SECOND ROW, L-R: Bill Perkis, Joe Deniq, Bill S mith, Steve Blumer, Bill Ake rs,
Kerry Kilpatrick. TOP ROW, L-R: Richard Eigel, John Cedarleaf, J o hn Cro nkhite.
Let's not tell Dale about the next meeting.
Bob Mayer - Chief Forester
SEATED L-R: Ann Leach, Debra Kuenzi, Pat T~~en, Ann Goodman,
Liz McFarland. Edie Lichtler, Carol Buzzard_ STANDING L-R: Verna
Trippel, John Sunderland, Joan Cryderman, John Helge, Barb Whitney,
Dale Zschoche.
Mike Burkett (foreground) - Treasurer
Ann Goodman - Secretary
Keith Richmond - Chief Forester
Ken Klump - Assistant Chief Forester
Rod Dykehouse - Assistant Chief Forester (Alberta)
Lenny Almquist - Secretary
Dale Zschoche - Acting Chief Forester
THE 1974
Editor-in Chief: Catherine Riley
Business Manager: Tim Foss
Photo Editors: Dave Engleman, Dan Dolata
Advertising: Verna Trippel, Scott Hales
Production: Carol Buzzard, Ann Leach, Dave Gundy,
George Teachman, Bill Akker
Photographer: John Ball
Advisor: Dr- C Richard Crowther
TOP L-R: Dan Dolata, Dave Engleman, Bill Akker, Scott
Hales, George Teachman, Dave Gundy, Tim Foss, Ann
Leach, Cath Riley, Carol Buzzard, Richard Crowther.
Did someone say smile?-
Hope this works- Dave
Life is one big pork chop- Tim
George, how many times do I have to explain!- ed.
A rare moment- the staff working!
Oh no' - Carol
How is it Ann?
What cute dimples you have George.
It is the aim of the "Forester" to reflect on and record the
many activities of the Forestry Club and news of the Forestry
Department. It was not an easy task to do especially when
most of the experienced staff graduated in the middle of the
year, but we learned what had to be done and worked together to do it. This is the twenty-fifth edition of the
"Forester" and we are proud to have been part of it.
Things were hard at times and deadlines always came up
too fast. I want to thank all of the staff, club members and
faculty for all of their help. Th is book cannot be done by one
person alone. I hope that they are as proud of this book as I
- Cath
Another exciting staff meeting- Dan
That's what I think of that
idea- Dave
Thanks to:
Jack Landon - Front Cover
Cath Riley - Back Cover
Ford Forestry Center, 40 miles south of the main campus
at Alberta, is affectionately referred to as "home" by MTU
students enrolled in the Department of Applied Technology's Forest Technology program. Although F.F.C. lacks
many of the modern conveniences taken for granted by
Houghton-based students, the location and setting are perfect for turning human resources into well-trained,
top-of-the-line forest technicians.
Graduates of the program find careers in both public and
private employment. A graduate may become involved in
forest administration, management, utilization , or research .
Or he may find that the general nature of his
science-oriented curriculum and his business and management training have prepared him for employment in many
diverse occupations.
Students who wish to take an active role in an organization directly associated with their major educational field ,
have an opportunity to join the Forestry Club. Club members, along with their adVisor, Mr. Ralph Duffek, have
participated in all projects undertaken by their brother club
on the main campus. The club produced a healthy and enthusiastic turnout at such momentous occasions as Big
Brother Day, the Otter River clean-up and roofing party, the
Atlantic Mine pulping operation, the rifle raffle, the venison
"boo-yaw", and the inter-club hockey game at Dee Stadium.
The 1973 Conclave Team was largely made up of "Alberta
Animals", the nickname technician members have come to
enjoy from their sometimes less enthusiastic cohorts at
Winter Carnival, 1974, was a source of enjoyment for all
club members as their statup. was awarded third place in
Class Three.
Once again last summer, after the normal people around
this campus had gone home, a small band of us poor fools
remained behind to revive once again the ancient tradition
of summer camp. As we trucked out into the dense
overstocked stand of mosquitos, through which we could
dimly perceive trees and mirages of wood numphs, we said
to ourselves "This is like going to Chassel by way of Los
Angeles." How could we forget that glorious ride out to good
old section 27 each morning with "Safeside Sajdak" at the
helm, during which the roof of the bus and many a skull got
to know each other pretty well. Once we arrived at our destination, we were immediately met by a welcoming committee of mosquitos who seemed to consider "Cutter" as sort
of an appetizer and, with our tally sheets turning to pulp and
our bug dope dissolving our compasses, we headed boldly
Anybody know how to work one of these shillelaghs?- A.
Kovalchek, J. Springer
I, Doug Ehman, being of sound mind and body ...
out into the Tag Alder thicket. To this day, no one really
knows what timber types are found on section 2 7, but it is
rumored that Norm has an accurate type map of the area
which he reads late at night.
S urveying also held many fond memories, including
spending 34 hours calculating sun shots just to prove we
were in the Forestry building parking lot, and getting to know
the exact location of every gopher hole between St. AI's and
the Ice Arena. It also became apparent that it was utterly impossible to do an accurate topo map in the rinse cycle, but
the abundance of serviceberries and blueberries saved us
from complete disaster.
But on top of all those fun and games, we learned that
one great rule that all twigs live by: when in doubt, burn it
over and plant potatoes! Ah well, Say La Vee.
Tim Foss
It sure is murder cruising these clearcuts.
Lemme tell you guys about these wood nymphs I ran intoJ. Miersone and friends.
Hurry and pitch those horseshoes before Chuck gets back.
Is this what they mean by overrun?
Now boys, this is one of those things we've been telling you
Wonder where my transit went.
This year Big Brother Day had a great turnout in spite of
the cold misty weather.
The events that were the most popular were the match·
split, the two·man buck and the tobacco spit. The match split
served to distinguish between the newcomers and the
"axperienced" oldcomers. The Alberta boys took first place
in the two·man buck while the TECH four·year men took
first place in a little impromtu tobacco spit contest.
The Big Sisters muscled in on a previously all male part of
the competition-log rolling. I am proud to announce that
even though the girls gave it a good try the men were able to
overcome their surprise and win rolling away.
As always-according to ancient tradition, our president,
Robert Mayer, received the time honored traditional dunking
in the frigid waters of the Otter River.
George Teachman
The ever famous match split.
- Vern
Time for a dunk, President Bob.
Barry, learn from a pro- Ken
C'mon Whitney, get to work--Pat
Let 'er rip Ken
I think that was my finger!
Wonder if they'll be ready for Conclave- Ros
Watch out world, this one's going
in orbit-Bill Curtis
This year was one of the best in a long time for the Forestry Club Conclave
team . We took the largest team ever-24 team members and three advisors. One
reason for this was that this was the first year that the guys from Alberta had
participated. We departed Thursday night in one of Tech's luxurious schoolbuses
and after picking up the Alberta contingent, settled down for the 900-mile ride to
Camp Zoe, Missouri. The University of Missouri was the host school for the
conclave this year. On the way we were entertained by such sights as the Chicago
skyline at 3:00 a.m., the Saint LouiS Gateway Arch, and Ed Larson's imitation of a
baboon. After a good night's sleep in the barracks at Camp Zoe, we headed into
the competition ready to show everyone else how to do it. Throughout the day we
placed well in most all of the 12 events, with Mike Burkett taking first in the match
split, DenniS Oja a first in the bolt throw, Ken Ohlrogge a first in the tobacco spit,
Kieth Richmond a second in chopping, and the team of Rod Dykehouse, Marty
Siminick, Bob James, and Bill Curtis taking second in the pulp toss. This is not to
mention the numerous thirds and fourths the team also took. After the
competition was all over, Tech ended up second overall, with Missouri taking first,
Minnesota taking third, and Purdue taking fourth. That evening everybody
trucked down to the river for the ice cream social. Even though some of the guys
had a few too many dishes, the firewalks helped to keep the bodies warm until we
began piling back on the bus at 1 :00 in the morning. The first part of the return trip
was marked by pit stops every few feet, but after the effect of the ice cream wore
off, we settled down to another luxurious 22-hour ride home. The team also won
the award for the longest distance traveled to reach the conclave. That second
place sure felt good!
Tim Foss
Standing, left to right: R. Miller, D_ Oja, G. McFarland, M_ Simonic, P. Wagner, J . Sunderland, M_ Burkett, K . Boyd,
E_ Larson, B . Lempe, A_ Hubler, S . McVicker, J . Ochman, B. James, E . Kroodsma, D. Spino, M_ Jurgenson, P. Timonen,
R. Duffek. Sitting, left to right: R. Dykehouse, B . Curtis,D. Leary, M. Strain, K . Ohlrogge, K. Barlage, K. Richmond.
Hey, this is no time for a walk!-John :underland, Dan S pino
That sawdust sure tastes terrible
-Ken Barlage
"Hot Lips" Lempe in action
Talk about butt swellf- Rod, Kevin, Ralph
Happy Birthday, Marty!
Booze-the staff of life during statue bUilding.
This year, once again the Tech Forestry Club
entered class III competition in Winter Carnival,
with the theme "Sub-Zero Heros", and ended
up placing fourth overall in the class. Our snow
statue this year featured Smokey the Bear and
had the caption "Help Prevent Bears - Light
Fires." Although we began work a bit late, things
progressed smoothly and we finished on time
without even having to stay up all night working
on it; although the last night's work was done in
a driving blizzard and sometimes you couldn't
tell the workers from the statue. After the
judging the next morning, our statue came in
fourth place (in a field of 11) to our mild surprise. Alberta's statue, entitled "Dog - Gone - It",
did even better, taking third place in class III. The
club also entered most of the special events,
tying for second in snowshoeing and placing
second in broom ball and participated in skating,
skiing and dogsled.
Help prevent bears - start fires!
Hey guys, "the speed limit is only 15 mph!"
This is what our guys were pulling on their sled.
The making of a tree.
Come on Bill, Smokey's not that funny looking.
Late night touch-ups.
This tent guaranteed to fifty degrees below zero, but not above
Don't stop now
Visitors to the forestry building early in February might have been surprised to see the professors slicing celery, trimming meat, peeling
potatoes and other chores not usually associated
with forestry. What they were doing was preparing for the annual Forestry Club wild game
Booyaw stew. And then one cold winter night
most club members gathered at St. AI's to be
served the dinner, which this year actually contained wild game in addition to beef.
This year the conclave team was honored for
their fine second place finish at the Midwestern
Foresters Conclave Competition. Slides and
movies were shown and many stories told of
both the trip to Missouri and competition in the
Now, doesn't this look like a well fed group?
It's good isn't it Marty?
Eat up John, there's plenty more.
The Rifle Raffle this year got off to a very slow start but with a lot of
determination of a few individuals it turned out to be a big success. A
good sized profit was made. This year as in the past, the Mich. Tech
Homecoming Queen drew the lucky winners. The first place prize was a
Winchester Rifle. The rest of the prizes included everything needed for a
backpacker: food , tent, sleeping bag, snowshoes and a buck knife.
T he -winning number is ...
Guardian of the prizes?
The Forestry Club was well represented in the contest for the 1973
Homecoming Queen. Two girls who were also foresters, were sponsored
by other organ izations to compete. They were Melanie Reinhold, a
freshman in Forestry and Linda Cheek, a sophomore in Forestry. Linda
was crowned the Queen at the Homecom ing football game. Foresters do
more than chop down trees. Some are even pretty!
R einhold,
Forest er
A more profitable Red Pine stand is being developed by
the School of Forestry in cooperation with the Copper
Range Compan y. Students have been thinning a 20 year old
Red Pine plantation wh ich in 30 to 40 years should provide
monetary returns three to four times greater than a
comparable hardwood stand.
In 1972, Dr. Michael Coffman, MTU professor of
silviculture , established forty 1 / 10 acre plots in the 900 acre
William Paine LaCroix Red Pine Plantation, west of Atlantic
Mine .
Students gained experience in marking for thinn ing, and
learned to recognize types of trees to be included in thinning.
Trees thinned were injured , diseased, crooked, had multiple
boles, or were damaged by frost. Students also learned
proper cutting practices and correct handling of equipment.
A successful timber harvest includes the logging of accidentfree man hours as well as trees. Students logged 640
accident-free man hours in the field .
Students recorded growth response in each plot and the
economics of the stand. The thinning operations have been
very profitable. The wood was sold for pulpwood at $20 per
cord. Since the students provided labor, this was almost pure
profit. The returns were applied to student lab fees,
transportation costs, and thinning equipment. The Forestry
Club and individual students are now conducting separate
thinnihg operations in further profitable ventures.
Copper Range Company also shared in the thinning
profits, but, more importantly, has gained an estimated
100% increase in diameter growth in the plots thinned in
Phyllis Dorman
Hope it doesn't fall this way!
This is the w ay w e chop a tree _ _ .
It won't hurt much little tree--Joan
Hope I don't choke it-Che'ryl Reader
D.E.A.R. M.O.M . . . .
Sure that's where ya want it?
Chainsaw? Who needs a chainsaw?- Mike Coffman
A few nips here and few nips
there . . .
That looks too much like work!
-Dennis Baril
This Spring Field Day was rather unique; it
snowed! There was a great turnout of about ten
hard core club members, well after all, it was
held on the morning after a Saturday night. Part
of the morning was spent sitting in the Forestry
BUilding waiting for someone to drive out to the
camp. Kieth Richmond was finally convinced
that Spring Field Day would be more fun than
sitting at home with his wife watching television.
The day is normally spent trying some of the
various Conclave events. Due to the limited
number of people, firewood was stacked until
the rain began to turn to snow. Everyone
headed inside and ate enough Booyaw to feed
about fifty people. Nothing much else could be
done so we headed back to the truck and then
Upon reaching home base, there was a hellava snowball fight- and a good tim e was had by
This past year was a busy one at Otter River Camp. In the
fall a log rolling course was set up over on the island for use
in Conclave practices and on the Field Days. It also proved
to be a good physical conditioning course. In addition to the
new course, new shingles were laid on the cabin
roof- approximately 2700 sq. ft. of them . Plagued with bad
weather and a busy fall schedule, the work wasn't completed
until the tenth week of classes. The new shingles are part of
the plan to renovate the whole roof on the building. The
initial construction began in the Spring of 1973 with the roof
in the main room being replaced. Plans are now in process
for the construction of rafters in the two wings. Work on this
part will probably begin next fall.
On April 27, a few souls who braved the snow went out
to the camp for the spring clean·up. The cabin was cleaned
up, the northwest bedroom was cleared of all the lumber that
was stored in there, a load of hardwood slabs which was
brought from Alberta for firewood was stacked, a .few minor
repairs were made and an overall clean·up of the area was
The cabin is available for any Forestry Club members to
use. Its location is ideal for hunting, fishing, canoeing,
camping and for just enjoying the out-of-doors.
Am I just supposed to stand here with it?- John
Keith Richmond
Did he say smile?
If at first you don't pound the nail in straight,
try again.
The Xi Sigma Pi Fraternity was founded at
the University of Washington in 1908. The
Alpha Eta Chapter at Michigan Tech was chartered in 1970. In that span of sixty-two years,
twenty-seven chapters in twenty-five states were
chartered-all dedicated to securing and maintaining a high standard of scholarship in Forestry
education; working for the improvement of the
Forestry profession and promoting a fraternal
spirit among those engaged in activities related
to the forest. We who are members of the Alpha
Eta Chapter, firmly believe in these objectives
and ourselves.
The year 1973-74 was a different one for the
fraternity. In terms of membership, we presently
have fifty-one undergraduates, three graduate
students and nineteen faculty in the chapter.
During the year two initiations were held-one
during the winter quarter and one during the
spring quarter. Thirty-two new members were
initiated into the fraternity. Each member was
chosen for his high academic standards, professional interest, leadership and attitude.
The highlight of each year is the symposium
in the spring. The topic of each symposium is
Bottom , l-r-Les R ussel, Tom VanWagner, Sue Kesti,
Mary McKinnon
Row 2-Keith Richmond, Jim Jamison, Lief Johnson,
Duane Puro, Karen Potter
Row 3-Jack Brunell, Ed Workman, Dave Bergman,
Mike Bergstrom
Row 4-Mark A u ernhamer, Ben Klenke, Dan Depietro
Top Row-Jerry Ryzska, Andy Kovalchik, Dave Kensey
related to the field of forestry. Experienced individuals from around the country are invited to
speak. A banquet is also served and the response to each symposium has been extremely
gratifying. Due to the lack of time and a computer foul-up, the symposium for this spring had
to be cancelled. So that this will not happen in
the future, plans are already underway for next
spring's symposium. In March, a proposal to use
the funds in the National account of the fraternity for a scholarship fund to be awarded each
year on a regional basis was approved.
In May, elections were held for the 1974-75
year. The results were:
Forester - Dave Bergman
Associate Forester - Andy Kovalchik
Fiscal Agent - Mike Bergstrom
Bottom, l-r-Debbi Kuenzi, Lindo. Cheek, Barry Fay, Roger
Row 2-Eric Flaig, Dan Pertula, Dan Bellinger, Paul Call
Row 3-Bill Hensel, Rich Middleton, Dan Miller, Bruce Wentela
There's an old saying that goes, "You never
stand so tall as when you stoop to help another."
Each of us has our ups and downs and it is when
we are down that we appreciate help from
others. I believe the forestry students here at
Michigan Tech do 3tand tall and it is because of
this that the coming year for Xi Sigma Pi will be
the best yet.
David M. Bergman
The greatest hazard encountered in summer camp is (A) Tag Alder (Alnus rugosa), (B)
Yooper mosquitos (Biteus muchus) , (C) Stormin' Norman (Rantinus Ra venus).
Bob Sajdak was seen trying to buy a one-way ticket to Afganistan on the first day of Spring
term because (A) He wanted to participate in the international streakers convention, (B) he
likes Afganistanian cigars. (C) he saw his new dendrology class.
Who are these strange people and what
were they dOing?
The greatest physical exertion one encounters as a forestry student is (A)
trying to make it through the Tag Alder, (B) skidding logs in Silviculture lab,
(C) trying to take notes in one of Fast Fred's lectures.
Mike Coffman has been called (A) the terror of powerline road_ (B) a lot of
things we can 't print. (C) very little, since they disconnected his phone.
The term "C'vest la vie" really means (A) Diameter at Breast Height, (B) By
type and by forty, (C) you've done something wrong again.
The "Yellow Streak" is (A) the department bus, (B) what runs down many a summercamper's back as the black flies descend (C) Bernie doing his thing.
"Strip Cruising" is (A) a method of timber measurement. (B) streaking thru the woods looking for wood
nymphs, (C) driving down Sheldon Avenue looking
for action.
True or False:
Part of a twig's
favo rite pastime?
A winning tobacco spit?
Hope I hit the nail.
Why don't you lend a ha.nd instead of taking
pictures all day?
Hey you guys. Did I tell ya the one about . . .
C'mon. Keep working.
I think there's one in here somewhere!
The Forestry Club was again active in the intramural program sponsored by the Athletic Department
here at Tech. Teams were fielded in bowling, basketball, volleyball and ice hockey. Although our athletic
prowness wasn 't quite up to professional standards,
we did things our way and had a lot of fun doing it.
That's right, the ball goes over the net.
Two points! Maybe.
Hey- the puck's at the other end!
Nice save.
An enjoyable afternoon of bowling and fun was
had by the many participants of this year's bowling
party held at the Cooper Bowl in Ripley. Despite
differing levels of ability and experience, competition
was keen in the battle for class points. After warming
up dormant muscles and a few "instant lessons" for
rookie bowlers, action got underway.
The team of professors, the perennial champions,
again had some pretty good bowlers and enjoyed
man y beer frames, to their ultimate downfall. Flamboyancy was exhibited by the senior team , while the
Jun iors bowled consistently strong series. The Sophomores were the largest team present but "Skinny
Power" sagged in the end. The Freshman team had to
be stocked with recruits from the other classes but had
a respectable showing. High individual game goes to
Sophomore Barry Lempe who rolled a 199, while
Junior Ed Shibler had the best series with a 545. At the
days end the final scores were tallied showing the
following results:
To them it's a beer frame every frame l
The Prize Trophy
Now Barb, I think I can remember how to add
- Ann
The officers for the year are Bob Aho, secretary-treasurer;
Jeff A.dams, president; David Shaver, executive board;
Dr. Fred Stormer, advisor; Kim Davidson, executive board;
Dr. Norman S loan, ad'viso?·. Not shown is K eith Richmond,
One project completed by m embers of the Wildlife Society
was the construction of several hund1'ed birdhouses.
A student chapter of The Wildlife Society was organized
during the winter of 1974, at Michigan Tech. The Wildlife
SOciety is an international organization representing
professionals in the field of wildlife conservation. Composed
mostly of forestry students, the chapter has as its advisors Dr.
Norman Sloan and Dr. Fred Stormer.
Student officers are Jeff Adams, president; Keith
Richmond, president·elect, and Bob Aho, secretary·trea·
surer. Kim Davidson and David Shaver were elected to the
chapter's executive board.
In March, Dr. Stormer accompanied three students to
attend the Fourth Annual Central Students' Wildlife Con·
clave at Iowa State University, Ames. Making this trip were
Jeff Adams, Robin Reed and Joe Rozich.
In expanding the instructional program in wildlife, the
Department of Forestry added four new courses which will
be offered during the 1974-75 academic year and in future
years. This brings to seven the number of undergraduate
wildlife courses now offered in the Department. Two graduate-level courses in wildlife also are taught by facuIty
members in forestry.
Alumni Directory
EVERETT J . BENTLEY, 20 Floyd Circle, Silver Bay, ~ 55614 . Land Engr . ,
Reserve Mining Co .
WILLIA.1i C. BORSUM , 1822 N . Appleton St., Appleton. WI 54911. Kimberly Clark Corp., ~eenah Mill.
CARL W. DA.:.~IELSON. JR., 1213 E . Fifth Ave . , Houghton, MI 49931 . Asst.
Prof •• MI'U. IWR .
GODFREY B. JOfu~SO~. Ridley Park Apts . • 12- K, 2 Marshall Dr .• Camp Hill,
PA 17011. Supt.. U. S. F. & G. Ins . Engrg. & Audit Dept .
K.E..~ETH D. KILLMAR, 1514 S . 13th St • • Escanaba, XI
49829 . Mich . Dept.
of State Hwys .
JAMES J. SMITH . 21 Kimberlin Dr . , Brockport, ~ry 14420 .
HELMUTH M. STEINHILB, Box 222, Painesdale. XI 49955 . Prof . • MTU For.
Dept .
1901 Tcmarisk Dr .• East Lansing. XI
48823. Land Appraiser,
Mich. D . ~ . R .
ROBERT G. BAHR:.'1A.~, Rte . 3, Box 232. Petoskey. HI 49770 . Cons . For .•
Self Employed.
NEWMAN H. BERGH , 511 E . Court, Newberry , MI 49868 . Dist. For ., Mich.
Dept. of State Hwys .
CHARLES w. ROLL.:.'iA:.~, 1033 ~eufeld , Green Bay, WI 54304 . Owner, C. W.
Rollman & Assoc .
FRA..~CIS G. YOUNGS, 1222 Mich . Ave ., Gladstone, XI
49837 . Plant Mgr . ,
MacGlllis & Gibbs Co.
RUDOLPH BRATETICH, 3956 Wedge St., Calumet, MI 49913 . Mich . Dept of
Soc. Serv o
ALLEN H. HEIKKINEN, 1101 Owaissa, Negaunee, MI 49866. Mining Engr . ,
Cleveland- Cliffs Iron Co .
JOSEPH J . STACK, 13359 11th Ave . , N. E ., Seattle, WA 98125 . Design Engr . ,
Boeing Co .
RALPH G. SWANSON, 811 15th St . S., Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494. Mgr . ,
Timberlands, Consolidated Papers. Inc .
GLEN L . WEINBERG, 511 Brompton Place, Chicago, IL 60657 . Asst . to Pres .,
Royal Continental Box Co .
FRA..1'.j1C E . BLAKE, 49 Sparrow Rd., Ca r pentersville, IL 60110 . Sales Agt . ,
Self Employed .
ALLEN H. BOELTER, 6370 Fort Rd . , Rte . 3 , Birch Run, MI 48415 . Staff
For . , Mich . D.N' .. R.
DR. ERIC A. BOURDO , JR ., Ford For . Center , Lanse, MI 49946 . Dean ,
MIU Sch . For . & Wood Prod .
GEORGE C. FUCIK , JR., 703 Kinzie Court, Menasha , WI 54952. Coord . Waste
& Sal., Amer. Can Co . , Mara than Div .
GEORGE 1. JU:-'TUlIEN, 19430 Rock St. , Roseville, MI 48066 .
FREDERICK J . ROGERS, 971 Wis . River Ave . , Port Edwards , WI 54469 . For . ,
Self Employed.
DR . LEO F . LABYAK, 6120 Sylvan Dr., Columbia, SC
EDWIN W. AHO, Box 444, Pike Location, Wakefield, MI 49968 . Mgr . ,
Connor For . Ind., Mich. Operations.
WILLIA..'1 E. BAL'iER, 3682 Sexton Woods Dr . , Chamblee, GA 30341. For . ,
U. S . F . S.
LYLE W. BARDEN, 103 Colorado, Alpena, MI 49707 . Staff For., Abitibi
Corp .
A.'\THO~"Y B. BARTOSZEK, 6414 Riley , Overland Park, KS
66202 . Oper .
Engr . , Panhandle E . Pipe Line .
MILES W. BOURDOW, Rte . 3, Tomahawk, WI 54487 . Pilot-For . , Wis. D. N. R.
PETER A. COLLINS, P . O. Box 299, Chassell, MI 49916.
DUA:.~E 1. CORBIN, 1416 Third Ave. N., Wausau, WI
54401. Supt . of Parks,
Wausau & !1arathon Cty .
LESTER O. DR~, Box 462, Burns, OR 97720 . Constr . Foreman, Ed Hines
Lumber Co., Westfir Oregon Div.
ED~D J . ECKER, Indian River, D~R Box 10, XI 49749 .
Area For . ,
Mich. D.N . R.
E . H. HA.'1ALAI~E.~, 725 Pine St., Mar que tte, MI 49855 . Dist . Cons . ,
U.S . Dept . of Agr .
HAROLD E . HOLME, 4735 N. 74th St . , Milwaukee, WI 53218 . Inside Sales ,
U. S . Plywood- Champion Inc .
RUSSELL A. JOHNSON, 1640 Spring St ., Medford , OR 97501. Timber Mgr .,
Bur . of Land Mgmt .
JOH~ M. KEENER, Box 450, Madison, WI
53701. Wis . D. N.R .
CLYDE A. KNAPP, 11653 X' . Wauwatosa Rd . 76W , Mequon, WI 53092 . Land
Adjust . Staff Off . U.S . F.S .
MILTON J . KRIEG, 41102 Greenbrook Lane, Plymouth, MI 48170 . Contact
Rep.. Cen . Motors Corp .
ROGER K. McDONALD, 5331/2 River St., Ontonagon , MI 49953 . Firs t Natl.
Bank .
DR . RICHARD L. PIERCE, P . O. Box 900 ESC, Dallas, TX 75221. Sr .
Palynalogist, Mobil Oil Corp .
PAUL T . RECHA, 914 Pine St., Hancock , MI 49930 . Businessman .
RAYMOND C. ST . OXGE , 17364 Wes t b r ook, Detroi t, Mi 48219 . Cons . OfL,
Mich. D. N. R.
WILLARD C. ST. ONGE , Box 186 , Trout Lake, MI 49793 . Cons . Off. , Mich .
D. " . R.
HAROLD D. TEDDY, 3024 Manley Dr., Lansing, MI 48910. Ass t. Pers . Di r.,
Mich . State Police .
WILLIA..1i L . VEESER, Peepsock Rd., Houghton, MI 49931. Vice Pres - Admin . ,
U. P . Power Co.
ARTHUR R. ZEMSKE, 8100 Noid Ave . N., Minn eapolis , MN 55428 .
29206 .
U. S . Army .
THOMAS J . LORI NG, 517 Gold S . W. , Albuquerque, ~M 87101. For ., U.S.F . S .
ELMER R . WHITE, 315 W. Jefferson, Grand Ledge, MI 48837 .
J . DEVRIEl\>"D, Rte . 6 , Hayward, WI 54843 . U. of Wis . , Brooks Bldg .
HAROLD J . GRAVES, 1001 Pie rce S t . , Wakefield , XI 49968 .
REUBEN J . LAVER.l)IERE, 933 Memorial Dr . , Macomb, IL 61455 . ILL . Div .
of For .
WILLIA.1I1 W. LEICI-L.'1A:.'\, 6450 Dawson Rd. , Cincinnati, OH 45243 . Salesman,
Monsanto Co .
AR.~E A. METSA , P . O. Box 310, Gwinn, MI
49841. .1,.rea For . , Mich . D. N.R .
WILLIA.1I1 J . NA:.~CARROW, Denekei Lakes , McKinley Park, AK 99755 . Mt .
McKinley Natl. Park .
TAD 1. TAYLOR, Dana Bldg . Ap t . 813, 550 Ba ttery Sta., San FranCisco, CA
94111. Sr . Ar ea Civil Engr . , U. S . Dept . of Housing & U. D.
ROBERT B. VIAL , P . O. Box 172, Chassell, MI 49916 .
HARRY N. WAGONER, R.R. 3 , Box 166, Paw Paw , MI 49079 . Project Engr .,
Kalamazoo Conveyor Co .
EDWIX' J . ross, 855 Charles Ave . , Alma, MI 48801.
REV . CLAIR G. JE~"XINGS, 5025 Harriet Ave . S., Minneapolis, MN 55419 .
Minis ter. King of Glory Lu th . Ch.
HOWARD J. MAKELA, Box 96, South Range , MI 49963 . Teach, Cripple Creek
Victor Sch .
ARTHUR T . !iAKI , 8601 42nd St . W., Tacoma, \o,IA 98466 . Woods Mgr .,
Weyerhaeuser Co .
PAUL A. PARTA.,\E..~, 111 \o,l allinwood N. E . , East Grand Rapids, MI 49503 .
Mgr . of Mig . , E . H. Sheldon & Co., Amer . Seating Co.
WILLIA.~ A. TODD, 424 E . Arch St., Marquette, MI
49855 . Pres . , Longyear
Realty Corp .
F . Ao~DERSON, 2161 Lincoln St . , Eugene, OR 97405 . Area Sales Mgr . •
Monsan t o Co .
FRED V. DONEGAN , 25 Par k , Kapuskasing. Ont . , Can . Owner, Spruce !'fotors .
EDWARD J . FABER , 118 X' . Jefferson, Verona, t.,tI 53593 . Wis . D. N. R.
DONALD J . FISHER, Box 192 , Bergland , XI 49910 .
CHARLES P . AHO , 269 Rouse , Mundelein, IL 60060 . Div. For ., Commonwealth
Edison Co . , Northern Div .
WILLIA..1i AHO, 2232 Denby Dr . , Dr ayton Plains, MI 48020 . Parks Supvr . ,
Cty . of Pontiac Parks & Rec . Dept.
JAMES T . A.~DERSO" , 2321 Middleton Beach Rd . , Middle t on , WI 53562 .
Buyer, J. J . Fitzpa tr ick Lumber Co .
CLYDE Y. CUNDY, 707 Logger Dr . , Olympia , \o,IA 98503. Owner, A- Z Rental
LAWRENCE A. DEWEY , Rte . 7, Box 7916, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 .
Es timator , Manosn Cons tr . & Engrg . Co .
PATRICK W. ELLSWORTH, 225 W. Crescent St. , Marquette , XI 49855 .
DAVID M. FRlMODIG , 718 Lakewood Lane , Harvey Mar quette , MI 49855 . Reg .
Naturalist, Mich . D. N. R.
JA.fI1ES B. GOOD!iA..~ , 213 E . Wilson St . , Elmhur s t, IL 60126 . For ., Commonwealth Edison Co.
JOH~ B. HAKALA, Box 1235 , Soldotna , AK
99669 . Re t i r ed .
KARL D. HALTUG , 414 Pennsylvania, Ontonagon , Mi 49953 . Mich . D. N. R.
AR.'\E A. HANNINEN , 28988 Avondale, Inks ter, MI 48141 . Gen . Mgr . , Weld - Aid
Prod . Inc.
ROBERT D. HAXSEN, 2381 \0,1. Streetsboro Rd . , Peninsula, OR 44264. Pres . ,
Hansen Plastic Equipmen t Sales .
ROBERT E . HARJU, 610 N. Moorse St., Bessemer , MI 49911. For . - Land Staff
Asst ., U. S . F . S .
JOHN R. HOR..~ICK, 272 Hemlock Lane, Springfield , PA 19064 . Gr oup Leader Res . Use, U. S.F . S.
RAYMOND HOSKING, JR . , 317 Ogden Ave . , Escanaba , MI 49829 . Woodlands Mgr . ,
Cleveland- Cliffs Iron Co .
MILON J . HUTCHIX'SON , N80 T,n5 354 Plainview Rd . , Sussex, WI 53089 .
LAv.'REN'CE H. JACOBSOX'. JR . , 272 Keys tone Rte., Rapid City , SD 57701. For .,
Chicago & N. W. Rwy . Co .
WALFRED JARVI , 1660 Krueger, Snover, MI 48472 . Qual. Cont r ol Engr . , U.S .
Dept . of Defense .
GEORGE E . JEWELL , 803 Pine St'., Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783. Partne r,
Poglese Excava ting Co.
PETER E . KOTILA, Drawe r J , Wes t Palm Beach, FL 33402 . Gen . Mgr . , Owens Illinois Inc ., Pulpwood Div .
IVAN A. KRONBERG, P.O . Box 64, Norway, MI 49870 . For . , U. S . Steel Corp .
ESLIE H. LA.~I, 1953 Kiva Rd ., Santa Fe, ~"'M 87501 . Staff For., Natl .
Park Serv .
RICHARD L . MAKINEN, 5132 Russet t Rd . , Rockville, MD 20853 . Environment
Engr., U.S . Army .
DONALD L. MARTINDALE , P . O. Box 1061, Marion, VA 24354 . J . M. Huber Corp .,
Clay Div .
CHARLES P . NIELSEN, 5608 Olde Post Rd . , Sylvania, OH 43560 . Vice Pres . &
Cen . Mgr . , Owens - Illinois Inc .
JOHN C. NOBLET, 1919 23rd Ave., S . , Escanaba, MI 49829 . Pres . , Soo
Hardwoods Inc .
ROBERT E . NORGARD, 7846 Madison St . N.E. , Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 .
Vice Pr es. , Macgillis & Gibbs Co .
OLIVER W. PEKKALA , 407 Fifth St . , Waverly, OH 45690.
RAYMOND D. PETERSON, 909 Fourth Ave . S.W . , Grand Rapids, ~ 55744 . Science
Teacher , School Dis t. 318 .
ROGER E . PETERSON, 1019 Forest Ave . , Piqua, OH 45356 . Log Buyer, Ha rtzell
Indus tries Inc .
ALBERT E. PLOURDE, Rte . I, Box 77, Gladstone, MI 49837 . Dir . of Oper .,
Habitant Shop Inc .
WALTER H. Sk~DHUSEN, 10612 Hewitt Rd., Brooklyn, MI 49230. Dist . Rep . ,
Weyerhaeuser Co .
E. GORDO~ SEILER, 10 Bartok Place, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 . Nat1. Market
Dir . , Geor gia- Pacific Corp .
TAUNO M. SOMPPI, 2453 Palm Ave., Redwood Ci ty, CA 94061. Property Engr . ,
Southern Pacific Co .
GERALD A. SPOERL, Rte. 1, Box 361, Park Falls, WI 54552 . Wis . D. N. R.
RICHARD L. STIPE, 406 E . Douglass, Houghton, MI 49931. ¥.gr ., U. P . Power
Co .
LEONARD F . WOOD, R. R. 5, Box 250, Zanesville, OH 43701. Supt., Zanesville
State Nursery , Ohio D. N. R.
270 Riverside, Detroit, MI 48215 . Sr . Assoc . For . ,
City of Detroit, Dept. of Parks & Rec .
ARTHUR ~ . ARN'DT, 16315 Kalisher, Granada Hills, CA 91344 . Sr . Deputy For . ,
County of Los Angeles .
JOH.~ C. AVERITT, 3105 Shadview Lane, Wayzata, MN
55391. Cherne Contracting
ROBERT T . BOUROOW, 2401 Lily Lane, Wausau, WI 54401.
HAROLD C. BRUSHE, 314 W. Susan St., Roseburg, OR 97470 . Cruiser- Appraizer,
Bur . of Land Mgmt .
JOSEPH C. CALABRO , 402 Third Ave . , Wakefield, MI 49968 . Director, Ski
Mgmt . Programs, Gogebic Comm . College .
CHARLES A. DRIVER , 1051 Andrus Ave ., Lansing, MI 48917 . Mich . Dept . of
State Hwys .
JA.'1ES A. JOH.~SON, Rte . 2, Lanse , MI 49946. Asst Prof - For . Res . , MIU Ford
For . Center.
DO~ALD C. KRAUTTER, Alpine, \'1'1\'
JOHN J . LOUGHRAY, Rte . 1, Pleasant Lake, MI 49272. Sr . Acquisi tion Supvr .
Consumers Power Co .
ROBERT S . MOORE - BUN~EY, 14 Ross St ., Dryden, Ont . , Can . Chief For . , Dryden
Paper Co . , Ltd .
RAYMOND R. NORKOLI, 1822 Shadyside Dr ., Cadillac, MI 49601. Disc. For . ,
Mich . Dept . of State Hwys .
SA.~L J . PARSO~S, 15500 Auburndale St ., Livonia, MI
48154 .
ROBERT R. RAISA:.~EK , Rte . I, Box 103A, Chassell, MI 49916 . Mgr- Environmental Qual . , U. P . Power Co .
DR. LESLIE M. REID , 1202 Pershing Ave ., College Station, TX 77840 . Dept .
Head , Texas A & M Univ . , Rec r eation & Parks .
FR.AJ.\"K E . RICHARDS, 2416 Cogswell, Lansing, MI 48906. Mich . Sch . For
Blind, Ind . Arts Dep t.
ROBERT L. TODD, 1533 Whitman Ave ., Medford , OR 97501. For . , Bur . of Land
Mgmt .
WAYNE VA.~ORD, 1206 E . Dr., Urbana, IL 61801. Teacher, Math Dept . , St .
Joseph-Qgden H. S.
HER.~~ \'IIALITALO , 415 Shore Pines Ave . , Coos Bay, OR
97420 . For ., Bur . of
Land Mgmt.
CHESTER O. WALL, 1101 Arrowhead Rd . , Duluth, MN 55803. lli.nn . Dept. of
State Hwys .
LARRY G. WATSON , 260 Lamar Dr ., Kalamazoo, MI 49002 . Pres . , Ingersoll
Watson & M.
DUAINE K. WENZEL, 200 N. Fifth St., Crystal Falls, ~I 49920 . Mich . D. N. R.,
Game Div .
RICHARD C. AHLBERG, 1309 Hillcrest Dr . , Stillwa,ter, MN 55082 . Natl.
Sales Mgr . , 3M Co ., Electro Prod . Div .
JERRY J . ARCHER , 337 Roxbury Lane, Battle Creek, MI 49017 . Exec . Dir . ,
Girl Scouts of Amer.
W. JOHN BAER, P . O. Box 147 , Minocqua, WI 54548 . For . , Nekoosa- Edwards
Paper Co .
ROBERT E . BIRTZ, 3090 Stony Point Rd . , Grand Island. XY 14072 . Osmose
Wood Preserving .
ROBERT A. BORAK, P . O. Box 116 , Roscommon , M1 48653 . Reg . For ., Mich.
D.N.R .
ROBERT D. BORSUM, Box 245, Dollar Bay, MI 49922 . Insurance Agent, Frank
A. Douglass Agcy .
FRA..~CIS D. BUTKOVICH, Box 22, Wes t Glover J vr
05875 . ~ew England Area
Mgr ., Osmose Wood Pr eserving C" .
RAY C. CARLSO~J 1111 Fourth St . , Port Edwards , WI 54469 . ~ekoosa - Edwards
Paper Co .
ROBERT L . CROSS, Rte . 2. Box 3lA , Woodruff, WI 54568 . Midwest \'I' oodland
Mgr . , Hoerner - Waldorf Corp .
ALVIN K. FISHER, P . O. Box 252, Iroquois Falls, Ont., Can . Dist. Supt .,
Abitibi Paper Co ., Ltd.
MALCOLM H. FRA..,\Z, Rte. 1, West Burke, vr 05871. Vermont Dept. For . &
Parks .
ROBERT L . GOODRICH , 1464 S . Ivy, Medford, OR 97501. Timber Mgr . , Bur . of
Land Mgmt .
RAYMOND J . HALLISY, JR . , 201 10th Ave ., Antigo, WI 54409 .
WILLIA..~ E . HERRON, 423 W. Park St ., Marquette, Hi
49855 . Vice Pres .,
Portion Control Inc .
EDMOND W. HOLli, 3802 Vineyard Dr . , Redwood City, CA 94061. Teacher , San
Mateo Union H. S . Dist .
FLOYD R. JOH.~SO~, 2060 Campbell Place, Anchorage, AK 99502 . Public Serv.
For . , Alaska D. N.R .
JACQUES R . JORGENSEN, Box 12254, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. S. E .
For . Exp t . " For . Sciences Lab .
RICHARD H. KARSTEN, 1406 Franklin, Berkley , MI 48072 . Amer . Savings &
Loan Assn .
ARTHUR W. KRtJMBACH, JR . , P . O. Box 862, Conway, AR 72032 . Episcopal
Chaplain , State College of Ark . , Hendrix College .
TOIVO M. MATTSON, Rte . 2, Rogers, ~ 55374 . Owner, K. J . Clarkson Lumber
WILLIA.li R. SMITH , % U. S . Forest Serv . , St. Ignace, M1 49781. Dist .
Ranger, U. S . F.S .
JOHN R. SPOER.'<E, R.R . 1, Box 180, Eagle River , \'1'1 54521. Self- Employed .
MAJ . JAMES S. STIPE, 535A Ash St., Shaw AFB, SC 29152. Instr . Nav ., U.S . A. F .
EDMOND 1. SWENSEN , 3709 Caraway Court, North Little Rock, AR 72116. U.S . F . S.
WALTER J . THOMPSO~, P.O . Box 457, Olla, LA 71465 . Fo r. Mgr . , LouisianaPacific Corp .
GORDON C. TROMBLEY, 6246 Daytona Circle, Boise, ID 83705. Commissioner,
Idaho Land Dep t .
JACK A. ZOLLNER, R. F.D. I, Munising, M1 49862 . Mich . D. N. R.
JOHN G. BARBIERI, 6026 Osage Ave . , Downers Grove, IL 60515 . Partner, Frank
Novotny & Assoc.
ALBERT G. CLEGG, 312 W. Broad St . , Eaton Rapids, MI 48827 . For .
LT . CL. STEPHEN J . DANIS, Hq . U. S . A. Adgru Ngus Nc, P . O. Box 26268, Raleigh ,
NC 27611. U. S. A_ .
MAJ. KENNETH B. DUNGEY, Le Chat:lp de La Cour, St . Denis Le Gast 50450, France.
Retired .
EDGAR H. FALKNER , 8833 Powell, St . Louis, MO 63144 .
THOMAS P . FARBO, Box 1297, Orofino, ID 83544 . Timber Staff OfL, U. S . F . S .
OTTAVIO Q. FOSSA, P.O . Box 183, Lakewood , WI 54138 . Staff Asst ., U. S . F . S .
JAMES H. FREEMA..~, 4033 Justine Dr . , Annandale, VA 22003 . U.S . F . S.
CHARLES E. H. HEIN, 140 Calumet Ave., Calumet, MI 49913 . Lecturer, mu,
For . Dept .
PHILIP G. HILDEBRAND , Rte . I, Box 259A , Colville, WA 99114. Area Mgr . ,
Wash . D. N . R.
WILLIA.li J. KARLI~G, 513 Woodbine Circle N. W., Cleveland, W 37311. Bowater s
Southern Paper, Hiwassee Land Co.
DOUGLAS J. KOSKI, 212 N. \'I'ells St . , Kosciusko, MS 39090 . Oper . Supvr . ,
IntI. Paper Co .
ERWIN G. LAl.'1BRECHT, Rte . 4, Box 169, Orangeburg, SC 29115 . Dist . Ranger,
S . Car . Comm. of For .
KENNETH R. LARSON, Box 1194, Whitefish, MT 59937 . For., U. S.F.S .
MELVIN W. LEADER , Maryville Branch Box 185, Georgetown, SC 29440 . Koppers
Co . Inc ., South- Atlantic Reg.
GEORGE W. LIZENBY, 182 Redwood, Troy J MI 48084 . Gen. Foreman, ~ich .
Cons . Gas Co.
DONALD S. MASNADO, 1017 Rawson Place, Fremont, OH 43420 . Kiln Supt ., U. S .
Gypsum Co .
ROBERT A. ~NADO, 3015 Sabal Palm Dr . , Jacksonville. FL 32211 . Paper Mill
Supt., U. S . Gypsum Co .
WALTER A. OLSOK, JR., 1700 Calut:let Dr .• New Holstein, WI 53061. Chief
Prod . Engr . , Tecumseh Prod . Co .
LT . ct . LAURI F . PARSSINE:.~, 517 Lightning , K. 1. Sawyer AFB, MI 49843 .
Chief of Bomb- Nav . , U. S . A. F .
ROBERT J . PE!\TBERTHY, 11153 S . E . 52nd Court , Milwaukie, OR 97222 . Te ch
Serv . Mgr ., Omark Ind . , Inc.
EDGAR D. ROBINSON, 534 Dearborn Shelton, WA 98584 . Assoc . For . , Simpson
Timber Co .
BRUCE A. SHANER, P.O . Box 1430, Roseburg , OR 97470. Consult. Engr . ,
Shaner Engineering .
DALE C . SMA.RT, 428 Krueger St . , Orlando, FL 32809 . Safety Consult . ,
Employers Ins . of Wausau .
DR. DE~":\IS E . TEEGUARDEN, 4732 Westmore Court, Richmond, CA 94803 . U. of
Calif . , School of For .
JAY W. BASTIA..~, 10928 Countryside Dr . , Grand Ledge, MI 48837 . Mich.
Dept . of State Hwys .
RICHARD E . BIDSTRUP J Box 237 , Harbor Springs , MI 49740 . Atwell- Hicks Inc .
WALTER R. CLARK, 2211 Center Ave., St . Maries, ID 83861. Ar ea Supvr .,
State of Idaho. Dept . of Public Lands .
GUENTHER E . FRANKENSTEIN, Hillcrest Dr . , Lebanon, NH 03766 . Res . Civil
Engr., U.S . Army .
PAUL J . GOTTW'ALD, 107 Paddock , Par k Falls, WI 54552 . Wis . D. N. R.
RICHARD J . HALLISY , 125 N. 13th St ., St. Maries, ID. 83861 . Idaho Dept .
of For .
KENNETH A. HOLMES, 1117 8th St ., Lewiston , ID 83501 . Idaho Timber Co.,
Clearwater Lumber Co .
DAVID C. KNIEF, Box 52, Harbor Springs , Mi 49740 .
PAUL J . LEACH, 1335 Blanchette, East Lansing, MI 48823. Pres . , Leach
CLARK A. LEBO , 1305 \'IToodward hve . , Kingsford , MI 49801. Dist . For . ,
Universal Oil Products, Goodman Div .
RICHARD B. LITTLE, R. R. I, Box 399, Chillicothe, IL 61523 . Teache r,
Peoria Public Sch .
JACK P . LOCKWOOD, Box 2944 , Boyne City, MI 49712 . Dist. For . Supvr.,
Mich . D.N . R.
PAUL L. MATSON, Rte . 1, Box 603, Cent r alia, WA 98531. Mgmt. For . ,
Wash . D . ~.R .
THOMAS E. SMITH, 17611 ~ . E. Wasco, Portland, OR 97230 . U. S. Dept. of Int . ,
Fish & Wildlife Serv.
JACK C. WATSON, 1209 Fuller, Wenatchee, WA 98801. U. S . F . S.
EL.'1ER F . WERHANE, 639 Harms Rd . , Glenview , IL 60025 . Dist. For:, Ill .
Cons. Dept.
DR . HAL A. WILLlk'1S , RFD 3,1725 S. State Rd . , Ithaca , MI 48847 .
Osteopathic Physician, Ithaca Clinic .
ROSS M. WOLFE, 901 W. Geneva, De Witt, MI 48820 . Mich . Dept. of State Hwys .
LEONARD J . ARASIM , 341 S . Seventh St., Park Falls , WI 54552 . U. S. F .S.
STk~LEY R. ARDUCA:.~T, 1110 Union St ., Jackson, MI
49203 . Hwy . Supt . ,
Jackson Cty . Rd . Comm.
WILLIAM J . , BERTIE, 12 3 Bi rch St . , Lanse, MI 49946 . Asst . Pr of . , MTU Ford
For . Ce n ter .
DONALD E. BUR, Rte. 1., Box 45, Boul der Junction , WI 54512 .
DR . THOMAS J . OORCORAN, School of For estry, U. of Maine , Orono , ME 04473 .
Asst . Dir. , Sch. of Fo r .
DR. JOHN P . DANIELS, Box 564, Missoula , MT 59801. Mission Clinic .
JOHN J . DUNN, Alger, HI 48610.
LORIN W. LEITNER, P.O . Box 67 , Hoopa , CA 95546 . For ., Bur. of Ind.
Affairs .
KEInI R . MONTAMSO, 203 Third St . , Crystal Falls, MI 49920 . Office Mgr.
For . , Keweenaw Land Assoc. Ltd.
PETER N. NOBLET , 220 E . 13th St . , Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783 . Vice Pres . ,
Soo Hardwoods Inc.
DAVID E . OTTOSON, 2310 John St., Sault Ste Marie, MI 49873 . U. S. Soil
eons . Serv o
LOUIS RUCINSKI, Onaway , HI 49765 .
WILLIAM C. SCHWARTING, Rte . 3 , Richland Center, WI 53581. Vice Pres .,
Richland Hardwoods Inc .
DALE P . TUSBS , 1234 W. Hillcres t Dr . , Ancho r age, AX 99503 . Dis t. Land
Mgr . , Alaska D.N.R.
DR. JAMES A. BAILEY, 2101 Sandstone, Fort Collins, CO 80521. Asst . Prof..
Col. State Univ.
ENZO E. BEClA, 2315 St . Elias Dr . , Anchorage, AK 99503. Res . Inventory
Off ., Alaska Div. of Lands.
RALPH E . OOLBERG. 111 Alabama Ave . • Thomasville . AL 36784 .
RUSSELL R. EDMONDS , R. R. tJ2, Brimley, MI 49715 . Christmas Tree Grower,
Self Employed .
LIONEL S . FREESE, JR ., 1001 W. 11th St . , Rolla, MO 65401. Staff Off., U.S . F . S .
PAUL R. HAARALA . 3189 N. Mountain View Dr., Ogden . UT 84404 .
ARTHUR S . HAMMA.r.J , Rte . 8, Box 467 , Jasper, AL 35501. Bowaters Southern
Paper, Hiwassee Land Co.
DELANO J . HARMA, Trimountain, Hi 49966 . Mgr., Copper Range Co ., White
Pine Copper Co .
WILLIAM J . KALLIO, 423 W. Easterday Ave . • Sault Ste Marie , MI 49783 .
Plant Mgr . , Soo Hardwoods Inc .
GEORGE J . KRAWCHUK , 3510 W. Cortland, Chicago, IL 60644 .
JOHN N. KRESSBACH, 76 Johnson Ave ., Gillet te, NJ 07933 . Sr . Methods Spec . ,
Western Electric Co . , Inc .
RICHARD J . LAN·GLOIS, 2563 Red Path Dr . , Marinette , WI 54143 . Rodman Ind . ,
Inc .
DAVID A. LEE, Rte . 3 , Box 21, Ladysmith, WI 54848 . Wis . D.N.R .
RICHARD D. LINDBERG, R- l . Oregon, WI 53575 . Planner, Wis . D. N. R.
ROBERT V. ROACH , 442 3rd Ave. S., Park Falls, WI 54552 . Area For . , Wis.
D. N.R .
KENNETH P . ROBERT , 801 W. Badger Rd . , Madison , WI 53713 . Div . Admini strator . Wis . Dept . of Agr .
DONALD H. SCOTT, P . O. Box 45, New Durham,!\'IJl 03855 .
JOHN A. STEWART , JR ., 5568 Mary Court , Sagina.... . HI 48603 . Med . Te ch.,
St . Lukes Hosp .
LOUIS W. VERCH, 400 W. Lake Shore Dr . , Apt . 107 , Wausau , WI 54401 . For . ,
Wis . Land Comm .
RUSSEL H. BAKER , 1722 Hamilton Dr ., Macon , GA 31201 . Dist. Mgr . , Geor gia
Timberlands Co.
ED\,,' ARD D. BENSAL . 1769 Poplarwood Court , Concord, CA 94521. U. S . Dept.
of Transp., Fed . Hwy . Admin .
RICHARD W. BIRD , 47586 Riverview S t . , Oakridge , OR 97463 . Logging Engr . ,
Alas ka Lumber & Pulp Co .
GERALD C. BYRD, 6116 Coolidge Rd . • Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 . Sr .
Field Rep . , Ame r . Plywood Assoc . , Field Serv o Div .
WALTER D. CARLSON , 219 S . 3rd, Tumwater, WA 98502 . For . , Wash . D.N . R.
LOUIS J . CIUCCI, 4831 Do\rney Court , Woodbridge . VA 22191 . Realty Spec .,
Fish & Wildlife Serv .
VERNON A. FITZPATRICK , Mclain State Pa r k , M203, Hancock , HI 49930 . Pa rk Supvr .
Mclain State Park, Mich . D. N. R.
THOMAS A. GELB , Rte . 1, Box 272, Hartford, WI 53027 . Mfg . Mgc , Harley
Davidson Motor Co .
REV . LAWRENCE D. COLIN. 13026 Worthington , Philade lphia, PA 19116 . Merl.
Missionary, Assn . of Baptists, Memorial Christian Hosp .
CHRISTY T. HAUGE, 119 Fifth Ave . , Antigo . WI 54409 . Ext. For . Agt., u. of
Wis .
RAYMOND J . HENDRIKSE , 5107 McKenna Rd., Madison, WI 53716 . Wis . D. N. R.
RICHARD F . HITESMAN, Iron River, WI 54847 .
CARL G. JOHNSON . 818 S . 14th St.. Shelton, WA 98584 . Sales Rep., Himlie
Realty Inc .
DONALD D. JONES, 1422 Lakeside, Coeur Dalene. ID 83814 . Idaho Dept .
Public Land .
RICHARD J . MADISON , P .O . Box 171, Houghton, MI 49931. Supvr . , U. P .
Power Co .
WILLIA.~ O. MAKI . 163 Meadow Park Crescent, Sault Ste Marie , Ont. , Can .
Assoc . Mas t er , Cambrian College of Tech .
BER.~ARD J . MAYER, 3769 S . E . Bently Rd ., Hillsboro , OR
97123 . Res . Mgr . •
Bur . of Land Mgmt .
ARDEN R. MIKICH , Box 483, Winches t er. WI 54567 . For . Range r, U. S . F . S .
HARRY C. MILLS, 422 Woodview Dr . , Sun Prairie, WI 53590 . Chief - Cty . Fo r .
Sec . , Wis . D.N . R.
WESLEY O. NIEMI , 4115 Mor r is Dr ., Victoria, B. C. , Can . • V8X 2J8 .
JOHN R. NORLIN, 1244 Germond Ave. S.E . , Roseburg, OR 97470 . Timbe r Mgr . ,
Bur . of Land Mgm t .
NEIL R. PAULSON, Mt . Adams Ranger Dis t., Trout Lake , WA 98650 . Dist . Ranger , U. S.F . S .
DR. ROBERT C. PETERSON, 3920 Oxford Trenton Rd . , Oxford . OH 45056 . Asst.
Prof . , Miami Univ.
LESLIE D. PRICE , P . O. Box 507, Weaverville , CA 96093 . U. S.F . S .
RONALD R. SADLER , 450 Warne r Parr ott Rd . , Oregon City , OR 97045. Nat1.
Res . Spec ., Bur . of Land Mgmt .
ALAN D. SOiAFFER, 1891 Ha r va r d Dr . • Eugene , OR 97405 .
GEORGE H. SHEPPARD , JR . , 1115 Tainter St., Menomonie, WI 54751. For . , Wis .
D.N . R.
DR. NOR.~ F . SLOAN, P . O. Box 221 , Houghton , MI 49931. Assoc . Prof., MTU ,
For . Dept .
THOMAS M. SMITH, 233 Saund e r s Ave . , Pa r k Falls . WI 54552 .
KIRIL SP IROFF , JR ., 2116 Washington Ave . • Ishpeming, MI 49849 . Sales
Engr . , Armco Steel Corp .
DO~ALD R. STEVENS, Rte.l, Box 168 , Chassell, MI
THEODORE C. VOGEL, 4125 Doveville Lane. Fairfax , VA 22030 . Res. For .,
U.S . Army .
BRUCE G. WHITMARSH, 128 Columbia Way . Mont r ose , CO 81401. Area Mgr . , Bur .
of Land Mgmt .
JA.~S J . WIDDER. 623 W. Merrimac St ., Dodgeville, WI
53533 . Area For .,
Wis . D. N.R.
RICHARD A. Y~f!(EE, 575 Br oad St .• Manistee , MI 49660 . Dist. For.,
Tenneco Inc . , Packaging Corp . of Amer .
WILLIAt'l C. ALDRICH. Star Rte ., Leavenworth , WA 98826 . Refor. For . , U.S . F . S .
RENE O. BUNSTER, 11465 S . W. Fairfield . Beaverton, OR 97005 . For . , U. S.F . S.
BRUCE R. CARLSON, 1504 S. Main 3C , Milpitas, CA 95035 . Wash . H. S .
RO~ALD O. DAYNARD, Harwood Ave. N. R. R. 1, Whitby, Ont . • Can .
Scarborough Bd . Education.
CLAIRE. R. ENERSO~, DNR , Governor Dodge State Park , Dodgeville , WI 53533 .
Flambeau River St. Fo r es t.
GEORGE C. GLEASON. P . O. Box 119, Cedarville, CA 96104 . Dist. Ranger,
U. S . F .S.
HAROLD L. CODLEVSKE, Rte . 1, Laona, WI 54541. Asst . Dist . For . , U. S . F . S .
LAWRENCE GOLIN, % Assoc . of Baptists , 1720 Springdale, Cherryhill, NJ 08002 .
Missionary t o Bangladesh .
FRED A. KISABETH, 6316 Tah oe Dr ., Boise, ID 83705 . Div . Chief , Idaho Dept .
Public Land .
RO~ALD E . KLAMMER, 6202 Scotthille Dr. S . E ., Grand Rapids, HI
49506 .
Sales. Auto Club of Mich .
RICHARD G. KORSEBERG, Box 116 , Redlake, MN 56671. For ., Bur. of Ind . Affai r s .
HORACE H. LABUMBARD, 4260 M-5 5 W., Cadillac , HI 49601. Staff Off., U. S. F . S .
GEORGE F. LEHRER , 1730 Clermont St . • Antigo , WI 54409 . Area Supvr., Wis .
Dept . of Agr .
FREDERICK W. LINTEU1ANN, Rte . 1, Box 65, Glidden , WI 54527 . Dis t . Ranger,
U.S . Dept . of Agr .
MAJ . E UGE..~E P . MALKOFF. 48 Boyce Lane, Fort Rucker . At 36360 . Deputy Dir .•
U. S. Army, Aircraf t Quality .
JOHN T . MOORE, Box 666, Eureka, MT 59917 . Dist. Ranger, U.S. F . S .
CHARLES R. NIVER, 338 Garland Way N. , Salem, OR 97303 . For . U. S . F . S .
ULYSES S . ST . A&~OLD, 8116 Oxen Hill Rd . S . E ., Washington, DC 20022 . U.S .
Dept . of Int ., Fis h & Wildlife Serv.
MRS . KIRIL SPIROFF, JR .• 2116 Washington Ave., Ishpeming, MI 49849 .
PETER A. THEISEN, P . O. Box 12 . Shashe Botswana, Africa .
GERALD L. VA.r.JDE HEI. Box 450, Madison, WI 53701. Wis . D. N. R.
OOUGLAS B. WATSON , 4398 Country Lane N. E . , Salem, OR 97303 . For . , Oregon
Hwy . Div .
E . ARASIM, u.s . Forest Service , Lone Pine , CA 93545 . U. S . F . S.
ROBERT G. BOOKER, P . O. Box 382, Escanaba . MI 49829 . Timber Mgmt. , U.S. F . S .
DR . WALTER L . COOK. JR .• 360 Round Table Rd . , Athens, GA 30601 . Ass t . Prof . ,
U. of Georgia .
FRANCIS X. DUFOUR, Box 17, Mount Hebron , CA 96066 . For . , U. S . F . S .
JAt.'lES R. FALGE, WildYood Rt e . 1, Box 170, Dix on . MO 65459 . Owner . Wildwood
Safari .
656 Main St . , Rochester, MI 48063 . Gen . Motors Corp.,
Truck &- Coach Div .
WILLlA.'1 D. HECKEL , Sly Ranger Sta . , Sly , OR 97622 . U. S . F.S .
DONALD A. KEIKKINEN, Lakewood , \"'1 54138. u. S. F . S .
JACK E . HORAK . 1120 CalIon St . , Wausau, WI 54401. Owner- Mgr . , Texaco
Service Station.
JA.~S W. KIRSCHBAUM, General Delivery , Pablo, MT
59855 . For ., Burkland
Studs . , Inc.
WARNER C. LEWIS, Rte . 3. Box 961, Dequee n, AR 71832 . Raw Mat . Mgr .,
Weyerhaeuser Co., Arkansas-Dklahoma Reg.
JOHN F. LUNDBERG, Box 4 . Athelstane, WI 54104 . Coleman Lake Club .
OONALD G. NICKLE, 904 Palmcroft Dr . , Yuma , AZ 85364 . Staff Asst . , Bur .
of Land Mgmt .
ALAt.~ G. OLSO~ , 2701 Aspen Dr . , Anchorage , Ai(
99503 . Class & Appraisal
Off. , Alaska D. N. R.
ROBERT L . SAJDAK, Rte . 1, Box 73 U. S . 41 , Chassell, MI 49916 . Asst . Prof.,
MTU For . Dept .
CHARLES STADEL.M.A:.~, JR . , 500 Rivera , San Fr ancisco, CA 94116 .
GARY F . TUCKER. Grant Creek Rd . , Missoula, MT 59801. Res . Mgr . , Intermoun tain Co .
ORVILLE J . VA.r.JDERLIN , 1856 Easy St . , Medford . OR 97501. Ass t. Lands Off.,
ALFRED F. BURKHARDT, JR ., Rte . 3, Box 792B, Gresham, OR 97030 . U. S . F . S .
JOSEPH G. DESJARDI:\, RT . P . S . Box 10 , Prospect , OR 97536 . Supvr. For .,
U. S . F . S .
RICHARD C. FORD , 4515 105th Place N. E ., Marysville, WA 98270 . For . ,
F . R. Bradley Logging Co .
LEONARD A. FRA:.\tt< , P . O. Box 581, Grand Canyon Nat1. Park, Grand Canyon, AZ
86023 . Concessions Spec . • U. S . Na tl . Park Serv o
OO~ALD . P . HA.r.J"SO~, Rte . 1 , Box 567- A, Wa t erford, WI
53185 . Sec . Chief .
U. S.F.S .
GARY H. KEPP EN, Rte . 3 , E. Bass Lake Rd . , Eagle River, WI 54521. Dist .
Ranger, U. S . F . S .
JOR:.'\{ A. KWIATKOWSKI, P . O. Box 893 , Vernal, tIT 84078 . Bu r. of Land Mgmt .
FLOYD J . MARITA, Rt . 02 , Libby , !-IT 59923 . For . Supvr ., U. S . F . S .
DR . MICHAEL R. C. !-1ASSIE , 974 Bradley- Dyne Rd ., R. R. 2 , Sidney, B.C ., Can.,
Sr . Economist, Pac . For . Res . Ctr .
WILLIA.~ A. ODONNELL , 301 King St ., Porcupine, Ont ., Can .
Uni t Mgr . ,
Province of Ont .
CARL R. PUURI, 1006 E . Ha.... thorne, Colville, WA 99114 . Fo r., U.S. F .S .
WALTER T . ROSEK , Rte . I , Box 505A , Ossineke , HI 49766 . For . , Abitibi
Corp .
MAJ . JA.~S A. RYE, 34 Lemoy St ., Fort Bragg, ~C 28307 . U. S . Army .
RAYMO~D R. THEILER, Finley POint, Polson , MT
59860 . Dist. For . , Bur .
of Ind . Affairs .
JA.'1ES !,., l. I-niIPPLE, Rte . 4, Tomahawk, WI 54487. Wood Utili z ation Spec . ,
!'·as . D.N . R.
JA."1ES A. \.,tHITE , 320 Meadow Lane , North Bend , OR 97459 . For . , Or egon Bur .
of Land Mgmt .
ROBERT D. \.,TooD , Star Rte . 1, Box 96- A, ~oNay , HI 49870 . Mich . D.N.R .
GENE R. ARNTSEN, 2122 Orchard St . • Marquette, MI 49855 . Dist . For . •
Universal Oil Prod.
55604 . For .• U. S . Dept . of
Agr. , Gunflint Dist. Sys. NF .
MRS . DALLAS R. CHALFANT, Rte. 1, Box 359, Aut:lSv111e, OR 97325 .
OONALD N. EILERTSEN, Box 306. Washburn, WI 54891. For •• U. S . F. S.
JA.'iE S A. GUERARD, 40 Rupert St . , Thunder Bay, Ont . • Can . Hammarskjold H. S.
LYLE W. HA.~AHS. Rte . 3. Tomahawk. WI 54487 . Wis . D. N. R.
DAVID V. HOLLI, P . O. Box 117. Ishpeming. HI 49849. For., Wayne J .
Williams. Dealer 1n For. Prod .
LEON R. KABAT, 4811 Gibbons Dr., Carmichael, CA 95608 . Natl. Res . Spec.,
Bur . of Land Mgmt .
WILLIA.~ J . ~.AHALAK. Box 137, Naubinway, HI
49762 . Area For . Supvr . •
Mich . D.N . R.
DAVID W. MATTILA, Rte . 1, Box lOa, Amboy WA 98601. Timber Sales- Admin .•
U. S . F . S .
RODNEY L. NELSON, 504 7th St . Waunakee, WI 53597. Staff Asst .-Bur . Chief,
Wis . D. N.R .
DOUGLAS S . NORTON , 5685 Castleton Lane, Kalamazoo, MI 49001. Sales
Mgr . , Sound Room, Commercial Ed . Div.
HAROLD T . NYGRE..~, Rte . 2, Box 102, Sandpoint, 10 83864 . Multiple Use
Coordinator, U. S . F.S.
ROBERT W. PADDOCK, Black Duck, MN 56630. Dist . Ranger , U. S . F.S .
EUGENE J . PARTYKA, 1457 W. 92nd St., Los Angeles, CA 90047. Grad . Student ,
U. of S. Calif.
FRED M. PASTORI, 4596 Barr.ett Way S . , Salemn OR 97302. Cruiser-Appraiser,
Bur. of Land Mgmt .
HOWARD H. PIEPENBRUH<, 1204 S . Washington St . , Alexandria, VA 22314 .
Realty OfL, Bur . of Ind . Affairs .
DON R. PRESTON, 3720 N.W . Olympic Dr . , Portland, OR 97229. For . , Bur.
of Land Mgmt .
CLIFFORD G. REED, 4470 Balsam St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 . For . , Bur . of
Ind . Affairs .
NOR..~~ W. REMINGTON, 3294 S. Reese Rd., Frankenmuth, MI
48734 . Asst.
Plant Indust. Supvr . , Mich . Dept. of Agr .
RICHARD A. SCHINDLER, 517 Hamilton, Medford, OR 97501. For., Bur. of
Land Mgmt .
RONALD E. SCOTT, S . 21 Mile Rd., Rte. fJ4, Cadillac, MI 49601 . Dist . Ranger,
U. S . F.S .
ROBERT G. STREJC, 503 Coolidge Dr . , Midland MI 48640 . Municipal Arborist,
Cty of Midland .
LOREN S. WOERPEL, 624 Sauk Dr . • Port Washington, io,T! 53074. U. S.F . S.
JEROME T. \o,TOJACK, P.O . Box 212, Darrington. WA 98241. Timber Mgmt. Asst . ,
U.S . F.S .
CHARLES J . WRIGHT, 458 Addison St . , Alpena, MI 49707. Instr . , Alpena Communi ty College.
IRVIN R. ZIEMER, Box 175, Painesdale, MI 49955. Chief For . , Copper Range
Co., White Pine Copper Co.
LAWRENCE D. BATTEY. Box 311. Grand Marais. MN
HENRY J . AKERVALL , 145 Cottonwood Crescent, Thunder Bay P, Ont . , Can.
Varsi ty Hockey Coach, Lakehead l.Iniv .
ROBERT G. ARTIS, 817 N. Fairbox, Springfl.eld, MO 65802 . For., U.S . F.S .
ALAN J . BABBO~I, Rte. 1, Box 804 B8, Ketchikan, AK 99901.
JACK. G. BOLDT, 25D ~os Hill Circle, Tiburon, CA 94920 . Sales Engr . , Amer .
Air Filter Co . , Inc .
STUART W. BOWMAN, Box 2, Whittenberg, WI 54499 . Wittenberg Public Sch.
ROBERT F. BRISSO~ , 3206 Carney Ave., Marinette, v,T! 54143 . Nat . Res .
Agt., 1.1 . of Wis .
ARTHUR V. CARPENTER, 3248 Sycamore, Medford , OR 97501. Bur . of Land
Mgmt .
THOMAS R. CENTNER, Rte . 3, Box 272- B, Lake City, FL 32055 . Instr . , Lake
Cty Jr. College .
DO~ALD L. DEGENARO, 2312 Scout Circle, Burnsville, ~
55378 . Sys .
Analys t, W. Publishing Co .
RALPH E. DUDDLES , 19370 Old River Dr., West Linn, OR 97068. Fo!'.
Practices For . , Crown Zellerbach Corp .
IVA:.~ E . ERICKSON, 124 Vernanda Place, Medford, OR
97501. Hood River County
Dept . of For .
ALBAN R. R. FLECHSIG, 10258 N. Grasslyn Rd . , Mequon, WI 53092 . For . ,
U. S . F.S.
JOHN M. FRA.:.,\ZEN, 223 Dale, Oshkosh, WI 54901. Cty . of Oshkosh, For . Dept.
RICHARD H. GIEBNER, 6466 Lobdell Rd . , Linden, MI 48451 . Mgr . , Linden
Lumber Co .
RALPH C. HEWETT, Rte . 1, Box 45, Boulder Junction, WI 54512 . For . ,
Wis. D.N . R.
PETER A. KALK, 434 N.W. 29th St., Corvallis, OR 97330 . Res . Asst. ,
Oregon State Univ .
PAUL R. KA.~GAS, 911 N.t'L Harlan, Roseburg, OR 97470. For., Bur . of
Land :f.gmt .
DAVID R. KARLING, 1723 28th St . , Ogden, UT 84403 . Rec. Off., U. S . F.S.
WALTER F. Kml'TZE, Half Moon Beach; Chassell, MI 49916 . For., U.P. Power
Co .
RONAlD D. LEWIS, 14 Manqanita Court, Bend, OR 97701 . Silviculturist,
U.S.F.S .
DA.\'IEL A. ?-f.ATERO, 505 Melrose Apt. 505, Chicago, IL 60657 . WriterCinematographer, Self- Employed .
WILLIA."1 E . MORDEN, 7650 W. Sunnyvale Rd . , :f.equon , WI 53092. For . , U. S. F . S .
CHRISTOPHER NILSEN, 1101 Birch St., Shelton, \o,'A 98584 . Pres . , Nilsen
Logging Co . , Inc .
DAVID M. NORTO~, Rte. 7, Box 487K, Lufkin, TX 75901. For . Res . Supvr . ,
()..1ens - Illinois Inc .
WILLIA."1 K. RANDALL, Box 44, Stoneville, MS 38776 . Plant Geneticist,
U. S.F . S .
EUGENE S . ROBBI~S, 1802 OakYood St., Bedford, VA 24570 . Res . For . J ()..1ens Illinois Inc .
D.I\,NIEL I . SCHROEDER, Rte . 4, Box 151, Mio, MI 48647. Timber :f.gmt . Asst . ,
U. S.F.S .
KE~rm:TH D. SHALDA, 118 Paddock Ave . , Park Falls, WI
54552. For . , U. S . F . S .
DAVID V. SPAETH, 257 S . View Place S . , Salem , OR 97302 . For . , Bur . of
Land Mgm.t .
LADDIE M. STREJC, 811 Fulton, Wausau, WI 54401 . Sales Engr., Wis . Ind .
Tr uck Co.
MARTIN L . SUHR, 730 N. Jaye St . , Por terville, CA 93257 . For. Admin . ,
Bur . of Ind . Affairs .
JERRY F . ntEILER, 21 W. Lincoln, Tomahawk, WI 54487 .
PAUL A. THEISEN, % tockjoint Pipe Co . , P.O . Box 204 , Bethal, S . Africa.
Lockjoint Pipe Co .
CHARLES O. TROXEL, P . O. Box F, Priest Lake Ranger Station , Nordman, 10
83848 . U. S.F.S.
PETER B. WAISANEN, P . O. Box 29, Coolin, ID 83821 . Idaho Dept. of For.
RUSSELL J . WEISINGER, Box 77, Baraga, MI 49908 . Supt ., Connor For. Indus!:.
RICHARD A. WOODWARD, Box 444, Quilcene, WA 98376. U. S . F . S .
TIM C. ZE!'.:"KE , 3452 Stark St . , Eugene, OR 97402 . For. , Bur . of Land Mgmt .
MICHAEL R. ZUIDEMA, 1830 N. 8th Ave . , Escanaba, MI 49829. Mich . D. N. R .
LOUIS F . AR..liBRUSTER, 4170 Checkmate Dr . , Anchorage, AK 99504. Air Traffic
Control , Fed . Aviation Admin .
SVEN R. BACKMAN' , Box 213 , Dollar Bay, MI 49922.
ROLA.~D S . BALCERAK , P.O . Box 153 , Little Lake, MI
49833 . Asst. Area
For . , Mich . D. N. R.
JA.~S H. BATOORFF, Rte . 4, Box 455- A, Coos Bay, OR
97420 . Bur . of Land
KENNETH L . BODELL, 602 E . 130th St . , Burnsville, MN 55378 . Staff
Appraiser. Fish & Wildlife Serv.
WILLIAM A. BRIGGS, 4440 Westgate N. W., Comstock Park, MI 49321. Real
Estate Salesman, Westdale Co.
ALBERT H. CARON, Rte . 5, Box 95A , Eau Claire, WI 54701. Asst . Area For . ,
Wis. D. N.R .
TIMOTHY A. CHICK, 9974 Beaverland, Detroit , MI 48239 . Dist . For. , Mich.
Dept . of State furys .
THOMAS J. CIESLINSKI, Box 214, Winthrop, ME 04364 . Environ. Res . Planner,
Maine Dept. of Parks & Rec .
FREDERICK D. DUDDLESTON, General Delivery, Quincy, CA 95971. U. S . F . S.
RICHARD R. ERICKSON, 3585 Orchard Vie.... Dr ., Traverse City, MI 49684 .
Team Mgr., Procter & Gamble Co .
CARL F . GEBHARDT, 907 Lafayette, Doniphan, MO 63935 . Asst. Ranger, U.S.F.S .
RICHARD S . GEISS, Rte . 3, Merrill, WI 54442. Employers Ins. of Wausau ,
Safety & Health.
JOHN M. COGIN. 3045 N. 90th St . , Milwaukee, WI 53222 . Salesman , Moore
Bus . Forms .
DR. JAMES R. GOSZ, Biology Dept . , U. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87106 .
Asst . Prof . , U. of New Mexico .
PAUL F. HAERTEL, P . O. Box 867, Tulelake, CA 96134. Supt. Nat1. Park
Serv . , U.S. Dept. of Int .
ROLAND HA.R.~S, JR . , 2628 Mansfield Dr., East Lansing, MI 48823 . Sr . Land
Appraiser- Supvr . , Mich . D.N . R.
CARL F . HENSLEY, Rte, 1, Tomahawk, WI 54487 . Chief Photo Interpreter,
Wis . D. N . R.
JOfu~ R. HERBST, R.R . 82, Box 456, Escanaba, Ml
DEA:.~ L . HICKEY, Box 36, Walker, MN
56484. Dis t. Ranger, U. S. F • S .
ROBERT A. HIETIKKO, 2125 Ne....gate Dr . , Decatur, GA 30032. Chief - Appraisal
Sect . • Fish & Wildlife Serv .
DE..tmIS 1. HOHLFELDER, Star Rte. Box 14- A, Spooner, WI 54801. Res . &
Deve1. Coordinator, Wis . D. N. R.
KENNETH A. LATHROP , Box 304, White Swan, WA 98952 . For . OfL , U.S . Bur.
of Ind . Affairs .
JAY C. MADISON, Rte. 3, Box 461, De Ridder , LA 70634 . Unit For . ,
Louisiana For. Comm.
KENNETH H. MAK!, 3521 Briar Terrace , Green Bay , WI 54301 . Area Mgr . ,
Procter & Gamble Co .
RICHARD J . MEIER , 1242 Juniper Dr . , Auburn, AL 36830. Res. Assoc . ,
Auburn Uni v.
KENNETH O. MEVES, 1725 N . 8th S t., Sheboygan , WI 53081FLOYD J . MEYER, 943 N. W. Charte r Oaks, Roseburg , OR 97470 . Bur . of Land
ROBERT L. MILLER, 17369 N. E . Wasco, Portland, OR 97230. Realty Spec . ,
Fish & Wildlife Serv .
THOMAS W. PIEHL , 3110 June Apple Dr ., Decatur , GA 30034. S . E . Reg.
Appraiser , Natl . Park Serv .
ROBERT A. RADTKE, 1615 Spruce St . , Grafton , WI 53024. Jos. Schlitz
Brewing Co., Qual. Control Dept.
RODNEY L . RICKERD, 226 E . 14th Ave ., Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783. U. S . F . S .
FLOYD D. ROBERTS, JR . , 142 S . Lee , Appleton, WI 54911. Supt . , Cty. of
Appleton, Parks & Forestry Div.
DALE B. STAEGE, 373 4th St., Manistee, MI 49660 . Staff For., U. S.F.S.
DAVID L . STUCK , RFD #1, Bear Lake, MI 49614. Dow Corning Corp .
MICHAEL G. TA:.'JASCU, Box 163, Gardiner, MT 59030 .
PETER M. TOMLINSON, 11331- 19 Mile Rd . , S t e r ling Heights, MI 48078 .
DANIEL W. WELLER, Horseshoe Dr ., Millb r ook, NY 12545 . Asst. Reg. For . ,
NY Cons. Dept.
THOMAS E . WILLIAMS, Rt . 1, Box 425, Ironton, OR 45638 . Other Res . Asst . ,
U. S . F.S .
WILLIA."1 B. WOOD, 780 Meadow Dr . , Rhinelander, WI 54501. Unit For . ,
Wis . D.N . R.
DR .
P . ABRAHA.)'{sON , 2501 Wawona Dr . N. E . , Atlanta, CA 30319.
Entomologis t-Pesticide Sp . , U. S. F.S .
LEO F . BATOG , JR., 116 W. Lake, Petoskey, MI 49770 . Field Rep . , Daverman
Assoc., Electrical .
MERLYNN B. BECKER, R . R. 1, Moran, MI 49760 .
JAI'fES W. BOGGS, 6077 Ea r har t Rd., Ann Arbor , Ml 48105 . Fo r. Supvr .,
"'layne Cty . Rd . Comm .
RALPH A. BONDE, 2448 S . 18th St . , Mani t owoc, WI 54220 . Asst Dis t.
Range r, U. S . F . S .
VENDEL E. BOSMA."I , RD 11, Box 16, Ridgway, PA 15853 . Timber Mgmt. Ass t.,
U. S . F . S .
WILLIA."i B. BOTTI, 404 W. 14th St . , Trave r se City, MI 49684 . Pr oj . For . ,
Mich D. N. R.
CARL H. BROUSSEAU, 1018 Forest Ave., Crystal Falls, MI 49920 . Dist . Area
For . , Mich D.N . R.
WAYNE BUKWA, R. R. 3 , Nelson, B. C . • Can . Self Employed .
JOHN A. DUNKER, Star Rte . 3, 1 Mile McGra t h Rd. , Fairbanks , AX 9970l.
DAVID C. ELLIOTT, 2420 45 t h S t ., Two River s , WI 54241 . Logyar d- Veneer
Mill Mgr ., Egger Plywood Co .
CAPT . ALFRED T . GAUTHIER , JR., 2800 Claude Dove , Las Cruces, NM 88001.
Asst . Prof . of Military Science , New Mexico State Univ .
LEE E . GOTCHER, 31035 Adams Dr ., Gibral t a r, MI 481 73 . Osmose Wood
Prese r ving .
DAVID G. GRIMBLE , 4704 Falls Rd . , Marcellus, NY 13108 . Sr . Res . Assoc . ,
S t a t e U. of N.Y . . Colle2e of Environ . Sc . & For .
JOHN M. GROSMAN, Rte . 2, Rhinelander, WI 54501 .
FREDERICK H. HAAPALA , 3603 Mercury Ci r cle, Olympia, ~lA 98501. Wash . D. N. R.
OLIVER N. ~~TULA, P . O. Box 2012, Hinton, Alberta. Can . Oper . For . ,
Nor thwest Pulp & Power .
MICHAEL C. HENRICKSEN , Box 84, Au Train, MI 49806. Pres . & Co~ner,
Lake S tates Wood Preserv .
JOHN H. HER.~""N , 1241/2 Jewel St., Munising, MI 49862 . For . , ClevelandCliffs Iron Co.
ARMA..lW O. JACKSON, 543 Cedar St ., Apt . E, Chillicothe, OH 45601. For . ,
Ohio D.N . R.
CHARLES G. JONES, Red Ives Ranger Station, Avery, ID 83802 . Northern Pac .
Rwy . Co .
RICHARD S . JONES, 11227 N. Kendall Dr . , Miami, FL 33156 . Planner, Dade
County, Park & Rec. Dept.
JOHN G. KRAMER , 14 Ridgewood Lane, Scotia, ~"Y 12302 . Assoc . For . , N. Y.
Cons. Dept . , Div. of Lands & For .
WlttIA."! F . LATOCHA, 3901 Price Lane, Anchorage , AK 99503 . Alaska D. N. R.
DAVID R. LINTNER, Rte . 3, Box 39, Atlanta , MI 49709 . For . , U.S . PlywoodChampion Inc .
CRAIG T . LOCEY, R.R . 3, Tomahawk, WI 54487 . Pilot, Wis . i) . N. R.
DE~·nHS M. MAHY, 613 Hamilton St . , Portage, WI
53901. For . , Wis. D. N. R.
DR . JOHN A. NICOLSON, 234 Glen Ave . , Sault Ste Marie, Ont . , P6A 5E2, Can.
Res . Scientist, Can. Dept. of Environ . , For . Serv o
!HEOOORE M. REUSCHEL, Box 75, Beulah, MI 49617 . Area For . , Mich . D. N. R.
MICHAEL V. ROGERS, 11731 Faust, Detroit, Mi 48228 . Cty. of Detroit,
Dept. of Pa r ks & Rec .
DALE V. SARKKINEN, Brant wood, WI 54513 .
JA.lo!ES A. SCHULTZ , 519 E . Ohio St . , Marquette, MI 49855 . 4- H Youth Agt.,
Mich . State Univ . , Cooperative Ext . Serv.
WILLIAM H. TYl.ER , 392 1/2 Laurel St . , Chillicothe, OH 45601. Land Mgmt .
For ., Ohio D. N. R.
GERALD K. VAIRUS, 382 Central, Mohawk, MI 49950 . Supvr .-Rts . of Way,
U. P . Power Co .
JON H. WARREN, Rt . 1 , Box 237 , Menasha, WI 54952. Park Mgr ., High Cliff
State Park .
ALA..lV. R. WEBSTER, RFD, Mcmillan, MI 49853 . Area For . , Mich. D.N . R.
WILLIA.lof J . BALL, Box 121, Whitefish Falls, Ont . , Can.
GARY C. BARTSCH, 22016 Tredwell , Farmington, MI 48024. Parks Mgr . ,
County of Washtenaw, H- C Metro Authority .
JOHN R. BRAUER, 204 Vail Court, Midland, MI 48640 .
JOHN M. SUDZIK, 1480 Canal St. , Kalamazoo , MI. 49002 . Dir . of Surveying,
Gove Assoc . Inc .
DR . DAVID S . CA.~AVERA , 9 Woodland Terrace , Auburn, AL 36830 . Asst . Prof . ,
Tuskegee Insti tute , For. Dept.
WILLIA."'i E . CARMAN , Sox 107 , Mecosta, MI 49332 . U.S. Army, Corps of Engr .
WILLIA.lof H. COPEL.4.ND , State Office Bldg . , Room 116, Fairbanks, AX 99701.
Land Mgmt. Off., Alaska D. N. R.
GLE.~N W. DYE, 1777 Cedar Sauk Rd . , Saukville, WI
53080 . Asst. to Mgr . ,
Wis. Elect r ic Power Co .
JEFFERY L. FLORIA, No r thern Portage Lodge , Missanabie, Ont ., Can . Tourist Ou t fitter .
DR . JOHN L . FOLTZ, 4879 Mackinaw Rd . , Rte. 6, Saginaw, MI 48603 . Agr .
Missonary , Uni t ed Me t hodist Church, Mission Boar d .
GERALD A. HAS SLER , Perrat State par k, Trempeleaux , WI 54661. Wis . D.N . R.
RANDALL B. KINSEY , Germfask, MI 49836 .
JOH.~ D. KORHO~EN , 3501 Sherman Park Dr., Sault Ste Marie, HI
49783 . Assoc .
Engr . , E . U. P . Econ . Deve1. Dist .
DAVI D J . KOSKELA , 18630 Runyon St . , Detroit, MI 48234 . Sr . Asst. For . ,
Ct y . of Detroi t, Dep t. of Parks & Rec .
MICHAEL F . KRAUS, S tar Rt e . 1 , Box 311 , Iron Mountain, MI 49801. Supvr . ,
Wis . Mich . Power Co .
CAPT . OON E . KREJCAREK , R.R . 1 , Coleman, WI 54112 . Elec tronics Off., U. S . A. F .
JA..~S A. KRONSCH.~ABEL, P . O. Box 308 , Mon t ello , WI
53949 . Wis . D. N. R.
WILLIA..'1 C. MILLER , 208 1/2 E . Seminary , Charlotte, HI 48813 . Ind . Engr . ,
Hoove r Ball & Bearing Co .
DONALD J . OMER..~IK, Rte . 1, Rhinelander, WI 54501. Supvr- Field Serv . , .
Conso1. Papers Inc . , Timberlands Div .
ZAOlARY T . PHILLIPS, 424 Stimson ~ Cadillac, MI 49601. Self- Employed .
JAMES A. PIETILA, Rte . 2 , Box 152 , Minocqua, WI 54548 . For ., COmIll . of
the Pub. Lands.
JA.~S A. PIRIE, 140 Leighton St ., South Po r cupine , Ont ., Can .
No . ColI. App1. Ar ts & Tech . , Retraining & Apprentice .
THOMAS J. ROZICH , Box A, South Range , HI 49963 . Grad . Student , MTU , Bio .
Sci. Dept.
DOUGLAS W. SCHEUNEMAN, Drawer J, West Palm Beach, FL 33402 . Oper . Control
Supt . , Owens - Illinois Inc.
GAR..~Y W. SOORUS , 24253 Melody Lane , Taylor, MI
48180 . Enfo r cement Off . ,
Mich . Liquor Control Comm .
ROBERT W. SPALDINC , 3924 Par rish , 22nd Floor , East Chicago , IN 46312 .
S t aff Programme r , Inland Steel Co .
TO~ty J . VANDERHEIDE , Box d8 , Custe r , SD
57730. Hydr ologist, U.S .F.S.
LYNN W. WATTS, 1017 Amelia, Royal Oak, .:1 48073 . Admissions Counselor,
MrU .
DALE A. ZAUG, 5021 Tomahawk Trail , Madison , WI
D. N. R.
53705 .
Sys . Analyst, Wis.
KARL T . ADAMSON, Box 356, Wate r smeet, MI 49969 .
GARY E . A.~DERSON , Washburn Lake , Outing , MN 56662 . Dist . For., Minn.
For . Serv o
WILLIAM P . AVERY, 15505 A Dr . N., Mar shall , HI 49068 . Supvr ., State Farm
Ins . Co .
JAMES W. BALSIGER , Dept . of For . 126 Russell, U. of Wis . , Madison, WI 53706 .
Pr of., U. of Wis ., Dept of For .
ROBERT J . BERNARD , Rte . Ill, Box 786 , Roscommon, MI 48653 . Wildlife Biologist,
Mich . D.N . R.
LENORD F. BRADY, Kenton, MI 49943. U. S . F . S .
DR . KE.:."'NETH M. BROWN, 4623 N., 140 W. , West Lafayette, In 47906 . Asst . Prof . ,
Pu r due Univ ., Dep t . of For .
LAWRENCE W. bRYS, 22319 Evergreen, St . Clair Shores , MI 48082 . Cty . For.,
Cty of S t . Clai r Sho r es, Dep t. of Public Works .
DAVI D C. BUCK , 2576 Can t ebury, Eugene, OR 97402. Bur . of Land Mgmt.
BERNARD W. CARR, Picture Bay Trailer park, Lot 31 , Lanse , MI 49946 . Asst.
Prof . , MrU, Dept . of Applied Tech .
RALPH L . OlASE, Star Rte . 1, Box 129, Iron ~ountain, HI 49801. Asst . Area
For., Mich . D.N.R.
CLIFFORD A. DAHL, JR ., Rte . 1, Box 36A, Laona , WI 54541. Block For.,
Consolidated Papers Inc .
JOHN A. DA.lofSTED, Box 185, Pine Falls, Manitoba, Can . For . , Abitibi Paper
Co., Ltd .
JOHN C. DELA.~TER, Grantsburg, WI 54840. '·as . D.N . R.
RAlPH G. DUFFEK, Box 78, Baraga, MI 49908 . Teaching Spec . • MIU Ford For .
Center .
BRUCE H. Dm.~. R.R . I, Williamsburg, HI 49690 . Irishman Tree Farm .
PETER L . ECKARDT, 410 Old Mill Dr . , Flushing, HI 48433. Labor Standards
Engr . , Gen . Motors Corp .
ALL~ C. ERICKSO~ , P . O. Box 18 , Joyce, WA
98343 . Contract Timber Faller,
H. Clevenger Log Co.
MARTIN C. FAIR , P.O . Box 205, McKinley, MN 55761. Track Maint . Supvr.,
Dul. Missabe . & I . R. Rwy .
DA:.~ H. FA&~SWORTH, Rte. 2, Daggett, MI
49821. Asst. Area For . , Mich . D.N . iL
MARK A. FRA.~CK, R. R. 111, Aurora, IN 47001. Plant Mgr . , For . Prod . Div .,
Koppers Co . , Inc .
WILLIA..~ A. GATES, 1605 Woodland Creek St . N. E., Olympia, WA
98506 . Realty
Spec., U. S . Dept . of Transp .
DEWEY E . GIERKE, E. Star Rte., Box 73, Two Harbors , MN 55616. Logging
Sup t., J . C. Campbell Co .
DR . JA..~S E . GRANSKOG, T-I0210 Federal Bldg. , 701 Loyola Ave . , New Orleans,
LA 70113. Economist, U.S . F . S.
THOMAS W. IMMaNEN, 715 Mich . St., Ontonagon, HI 49953 . Dist. Conserv . ,
U.S . Dept. of Agr .
CHARLES G. JA..~OV, Rte. I, Box 223, Conifer, CO 80433 . Wood CraftsmanCarpenter, Self Employed .
DR . WILLIA.'1 E. JOa~S, 1513 S . Meyers , Tacoma , WA 98465. Res . Tech . ,
Amer . Plywood Assoc .
LARRY W. KETCHBA\o,r, Point Beach State Forest, Two Rivers, ~'I 54241. Supt.,
Wis . D . ~ . R .
RONAlD F . KITTLE, 2306 Sirkka, Centralia, WA 98531. U.S . PlywoodChampion Inc.
MELVIN L. KUIZENCA, 3590 Lakeshore Rd . , Manistee, MI 49660. Exec . Secty . ,
Cty . of !-f.anisttee, Chamber of COmIllerce.
ERIC B. i.1AHRINGER, 3208 N. 80th S t., Milwaukee, WI 53222.
DR . ERNEST O. MARTINSON , Rte . 3, Hayward , WI 54843 .
GARY E. MATTSON, Rte. 1, Box 411, Iron River, MI 49935.
LAWRENCE \o,T. MELLSTROM, Rte . 1, Box 20 A, Iron River, MI 49935 . U. S . F.S .
CAPT . THOMAS G. MOORE, 346345923, 345 TAS CMR Box 4271, APO San Francisco,
CA 96319. Pilot, U. S.A . F.
JOHN L. NELSON, Box 18, Willow River , ~ 55795. Area Staff For . , Minn .
D. N.R .
MAX E . NORRIS, Sylvanite Ranger Station, Troy, MT 59935 . U. S . F . S .
CAPT. JA..~S W. OLSO~, 39 Meadow Lane, Harrington, DE 19952 . Res . For . ,
U.S . Tree Farms Sys . , Inc .
WILLIA.~ P . OSWALD , 8026 Rondeau Lake Rd. W., Forest Lake , MN
55025 .
GREGORY M. PHILLIPS, 5104 7 Mile Rd . N.E ., Belmont , MI 49306 . Real
Estate Appraiser , Kent County, Bur. of Equalization .
JOHN R. RECTOR , 3006 Cir cle Way, Ogden, UT 84403 . Hydrologis t, U. S . F.S.
CAPT . RONALD L . RUSING , 2346 B Travis Place , Holloman AFB , ~TM 88330 .
Pilot , U.S . A.F .
Jk'fES A. RYA.~ , 2141 N. 185th St . • Seattle , WA 98133 . Grad . S t udent,
U. of Ariz .
LORIN L . SCH.A.B, 16832 Highview Ave . , Westhave , It 60477 . Adj ud i cato r,
VA. Admin .
JOHN W. SCHNEFF , 722 Sp r uce , Hoquiam , WA 98550 . Fo r ., Bur . of Ind .
Affairs .
DR. GARY A. SIMMONS, University Park Apts . , 32B Thode Island S t . , Or ono,
ME 04473 . Res . Asst . Prof., U. of Maine .
\o,lALTER S . SKOWRO~, JR . , 1810 N. St . , Suffield, CT 06078 .
DR . DOUGLAS M. STONE, 302 Silver Creek Rd., Marquette , MI 49855. Res .
Scientist , U.S . Dept of Agr .
JAMES W. THEIRING , 18520 Appleton , DetrOit, MI 48219. Asst . For . , Cty .
Park & Rec. Dept .
JON C. BETTS, 311 E. 18th St. , Jasper , AL 35501. For ., Bowa t e r s Sou t hern
Paper. Hiwassee Land Co.
BIE~rvENlDO T . CAPUL, JR. , P . O. Sox 614, Baraga , }IT
49908 . Asst. For .
Mgr . , All- Wood Inc., For. Dept.
JOSEPH F . COATES, 1845 Robe rt s Rd . , Medfor d, OR 97501 . For . , Bur . of
Land Mgmt.
MICHAEL L . CO!'o"LEY , 1225 Lake Shore Dr. ) Escanaba, MI 49829 . Mich . D. N. R.
ROBERT J . DERIDDER, Box 356, Gary, WV 24836 . Staff For . , U. S . Steel Corp .
MICHAEL J . DIEHL, Rte . 2, Box 333A, Post Falls, ID 83854. Carpen t er .
RONALD L . FELZER, 3129 A Lewiston Ave., Berkeley , CA 94705 . Instr .,
Pe r alta Comm. College .
MARK A. FRA.N'CK, lID 1, Marsh Rd . , Aurora , IN 47001. Plant Mgr., Koppe r
Co . , Inc.
HERBERT S. GARN , Box 936, Hamilton, MT 59840 . Hydrologis t, U. S . F .S.
JOHN W. HAARALA, Rte. 4 , Box 184B , Rhinelander , WI 54501. Dir . ,
Nicolet College .
NOR.~~ T . HARRISON , 1104 Jefferson St ., Algoma , WI
54201. U. S . PlywoodChampion Inc .
BER:.~ARD S. HUBBA..lU> , JR . , Box 94 , Gould Ci t y , MI
49838 . For . , Mich . D. N. R.
JOHN E . HULKOFF , JR . , 18201 Wormer, Det r oi t, MI 48219 . Asst. Fo r., Cty.
of De t roit .
DR . CLARK H. JUDY , 3211 Devons Rd . , Muncie , IN 47304 . Ass t . Pr of . , Ball
S t ate Univ .
ERIC L . KINDIG, 8010 Lafaye tt e Rd . • Lodi, OH 44254. Vice- Pr es . , tog
Cabin Spo r t Shop .
ROGER L . MAXIE , 313 Gratiot St. , Coppe r Ci t y, MI 49917 .
JORl.~ D. McDANIELS , JR., 17153 Glastonbury, DetrOi t , MI
48219 .
DAVID R. NANCARROW, 553 Gidley Dr ., Grand Haven , MI 49417 . Dr afting
Supvr ., John Kistler & Assoc. Inc.
PAUL N. PIERCE, 132 High S t . , Crystal Falls , MI 49920 . Ass t. Area For.,
Mich. D.N . R.
LAURI 1. PIIPARINEN , 312 W. Maple S t., Corin t h , NY 12822. Ass t. Tech .
Supt. , IntI . Paper Co .
RONAL)) A. QUILLIA..~, S tar Rte. A, Box 459K , Anchorage, AX 99 5 10 . Visito r
Informat i on Spec . , U. S . F . S .
CHARLES A. SCHEFFNER, P . O. Box 388 , Dodgeville, HI 49921.
GEORGE A. STOLZE, J1<.. , 135 Willoughby 54 , Sault Ste Marie, Ont., Can.
U. S . Army .
E . TA..~CHINSKI, P . O. Box 63 , Effie , ~ 56639 . Disc. For . , Minn . D. N. R.
DAVID T . \o,tAGNER, 5802 Hempstead Rd . , Madison, WI 53711. Rec. Spec.,
Wi s . D.N . R.
GUNNAR A. WIDERSTROM, 465 Everett Rd . , Lake Forest, IL 60045 . Disc. For.,
Minn. Cons. Dept.
PETER K. WILINSKI, 32467 Halmich Dr . , ~'arren, MI 48092 . For .
FREDERICK H. YOUNG, III, P . O. Box 40, Munising, MI 49862. Park Tech.,
Natl . Park Serv .
DE~TARD B. BEELER, 206 W. Maple St., St. Charles, MI
48655 . Fire Control
Off., Mich . D. N. R.
FREDRICK E . BRENNER, 303 November St., Garner, NC 27529 . Dist. Mgr . ,
Davey Tree Expert Co.
CAPT . DENNIS M. BUCKOVETZ, 40 Henderson Dr., Havelock, NC 28532 . Bomb/
Nav . , U. S . Marine Corps.
JOHN M. BUGGE, 310 S . Pine, Waconia, MN 55387 . Dist . For . , State of Minn.
FRANK BUNK, JR . , 7469 St. Marys, Detroit, MI 48228 . Sub. Teacher, Detroit
Board of Ed .
JA.11ES A. DOUGHIE, 1718 1st St., Menominee, MI 49858. Marinette Cty. For .
Dept .
MICHAEL T. EASTLAKE, 1108 Grant St., Hubbell, MI 49934 . Asst. Athletic
Dir., MTU, Phys. Educ . Dept.
GENE L. FRANCISCO, 102 Kelly St. , Antigo, WI 54409 . ~atural Res . Spec . ,
Wis . D. N . R.
LLOYD F . GODELL, 83 Third St., South Range, MI 49963.
JAMES E. HEBNER, Box 326, International Fall, MN 56649 . Dist. For . ,
Minn . Cons . Dept.
MELVIN B. HENDRICKSON , P . O. Box 292, Grand MaraiS, MN 55604 . Customs Insp . ,
U. S. Dept. of Treas .
DR . RONALD L. HENINGER, 3010 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48917 . For.,
Environ . Spec., Mich . Dept of State Rwys . .
THOMAS L . KELLEY , 730 N. 5th St. , Lanse, MI 49946 . Instr-Appl. Tech.,
MTU Ford For. Center.
PFC JEROME R. KOCH, 622 McIndoe St . , Wausau, WI 54401. For . , Wausau &
Marathon Cty.
DE~·nnS M. LA.~, Box 2406, The Pas, Manitoba, R9A L'12, Can.
Fo r . , Province
of Manitoba, Field Admin . Div.
DAVID A. LA.~INEN, 8435 N.E. Glisan, Room 314, Portland, OR 97220 . Student,
Multnomah Sch . of Bible .
EDWARD T. LINJALA, 32588 Hwy, 190, Porterville, CA 93257 . For., U. S . F.S.
DAVID M. MASON, Rte . 1, Box 65C, Aumsville, OR 97325 . For. Oregon Bur .
of Land Mgmt .
JON E. MYERS, 1505 Shady Lane, Owosso, MI 48867.
ALA.~ G. NEWMAN, 615 Garden Ave . , Manistique, MI
49854 . For . U. S.F . S .
MICHAEL R. PERAMAKI, 226 Sands St . , Gwinn, MI 49841. Teacher, Gwinn H. S .
DENNIS G. POEHU1A.l\1N, 331 Willow St. , Palmyra, WI 53156 . For. , Minn.
Dept. of State Hwys.
JONATHAN E. POLECHECK, 302 E . Oxford St., Duluth, MN 55803. State For . ,
Minn. D. N.R .
BRIA.~ J. RODDEN, 23137 Marlboro , Dearborn, HI
48128 .
WILLIA.),f E . RUTH , Century Mill Rd . , Bolton, MA 01740 .
JAMES W. SPILKA, 23916 Lloyd Court , Dearborn, MI 48124 . Time Clock
Repairman , Simplex Time Recorder Co .
LARRY S . STRECKER, 409 S. 12th St., Aberdeen, SD 57401 . Dist . For .,
S. Dak . D. N. R.
KEVIN P . TREPTOW, Rte. 82 , Cambria, WI 53923 .
JON D. VA.;\f!ILBURG, 23405 Stoneyb r ook Dr . , North Olmsted, OH 44070 .
CHARLES F . VERT, JR ., 2618 La VelIe Rd . , Flint, MI 48504 . Gen . Motors
Corp . , Chev . Flin t Engine .
JAMES D. VERVILLE, 1465 Idaho, Huron, SD 57350 . Area For . , S . Dak. For .
Div .
JOEL W. WAGENAAR , Rte. 4, Arlington, SD 57212 .
JOSEPH T . WEBER, JR . , U. of Az. Col. of Agr . , Dept. of Watershed Man.,
Tucson, AZ 85721. Grad. Student, U. of Ariz .
WILLIAM G. YPSIL&~TIS, 406 Ponderosa Courts, Apt . 201, Moscow, ID 83843 .
Jr . For., Cty of Detroit, Park & Rec. Dept .
GARY F . ALBIG, % R. Erkkila, R.R. 1 , Calumet, MI 49913. U.S. Army .
SHELDON G. A.~DERSON, Box 134, Red Lake, MN 56671. For . , U.S . Dept. of
Int .
NEAL J. BARBER , 532 Bear Lake Rd . , North Muskegon, MI 49445. Sales Rep . ,
Brown & Williamson, Tobacco Corp.
ROBIN K. BERTSCH, Box 233, Hackensack, MN 56452 . For. , Minn. For . Serv o
THOMAS M. CAIN, Box 142, Whale Pass, Ketchikan, AK 99901. Asst . Logging
Eng . , Ketchikan Pulp Co .
CHRIS T. CHRISTIANSEN, 2045 Shasta Apt. 24, Redding, CA 96001. Asst. Quality Cont . Supvr . , U. S . Plywood- Champion Inc .
DOUGLAS A. DAVIES , Frase r Lake, B. C. , Can . Assc. For., Fraser Lake
Sawmill Ltd .
OOUGLAS D. DRAKE, Rte . 111, Fredric, MI 49733 . Self- Employed, Drake &
Sword en For.
DOUGLAS A. DUBRAY, 253 W. Christina St., Thunder Bay F, Ont., Can . Dist .
Engr . , Great Lakes Paper Co . , Ltd .
DEA.~ R. FARR, Park View Courts Rte. 2, Bruce, WI
54819. Natl. Res.
Spec . 2, Wis . D.N.R.
MICHAEL R. HERTH , 17062 Oculto Place, San Diego, CA 92127 .
JOHN S . HOR.~ER, 10412 Inwood Ave . , Silver Spring, Me 20902. Mgt . Deve1.
Program, Gould Inc .
AlC RICHARD K. JUDD, JR., 404 W. Michigan Oscoda, MI 48750 . Instr.,
U. S . A. F .
DAVID E. KANGAS, Rte. 1, Box 240, Ontonagon, MI 49953 .
VERJ.~ KEESLER, %U . S . Forest Service, Dahlonega, GA
30533. U. S.F . S .
MICHAEL E . KERTTU, Arnheim S t ar Rte . , Pelkie, MI 49958. Grad. Student,
MTU, For. Dept.
DAVID C. KIN~ruNEN , Box 51, Pelkie, MI 49958. Seminary Student, InterLu the ran Seminary.
CHARLES L . LIGHTFOOT, 215 Alice St . , East Tawas, MI 48730 . Dist Cons . ,
U.S. Soil Cons. Serv o
GARY A. LINDQUIST, 5200 E . Highland Rd., Milford, MI 48042 .
GRA..~T L . LITTS, 4200 w. M- 76, Wes t Branch, MI
48661. Soil Cons., U.S .
Dept. of Agr.
THOMAS E. LOYELL, Rte. 1, 9110 Herbison Rd . , Eagle, MI 48822 . Land
Appraiser , Mich . D. N. R.
FERDIXAN'D LUNDBERG, 1000 Colony Dr . , New Bern, NC 28560 . Raw ~t .
~.arket Mgr ., Weyerhaeuser Co.
GREGORY M. LUSK, Rte. 1, Box 176 , Mio, MI 48647 . Fo r . Fire Control Spec . ,
~ich. D. N.R .
THOMAS A. RIVARD, 8573 Straits H\o,')' ., Wolverine, MI 49799 .
JOHN A . SA.'fULI, 215 t-"l. College, Marquette, MI 49855 . Transmitter Engr.,
X'XU, ETV Station .
DONALD L . SCHt-.'.ANDT, Rte . 1, Box 49, Hough t on, MI 49931. Res. Asst . ,
MTU, Ford For. Center .
JEFFORY D. STILL, 3064 Newton Rd . , Union Lake , MI 48085 . Matl. Control
Analyst, Gen . Motors Corp.
THO~ B. STONE, 858 1/2 Mich . Box 151, Baldwin, MI
49304 . Ass t. Area
For., Mich . D. N. R.
PHILLIP G. S\"!ORDE~, Rte . 112, Box 489D , Gaylord, MI 49735. Consulting
For., Self-Employed.
LA.UY D. TREUL, 11124 Portlance~ Detroit, MI 48205 . Asst . For . , Cty . of
DetrOit, For . Div .
CHARLES A. TRIPHAHN, General Delivery, Lewiston, ID 83501. Tech, Adv . ,
Int . Paper Co.
DAVID A. YA:.~KEE, 4411 Arbor Dr . , Okemos, MI 48864 . Grad. Student,
U. of Mich., Bus. Admin . Dept.
ARTHUR W. ABRA.11S0N, 1042 Summit St., Hancock, MI 49930 . Soil Cons . , U.S.
Dept . of Agr.
MOBARAK A. AHMAD-YAR, Moli Khost~ Paktia, Afghanistan.
JOSEPH E . ASIALA, 411 Greenland Rd., Ontonagon, MI 49953 .
ROBERT F. BALL, JR., 371 Prospect, Romeo, MI 48065 . State Trooper, Mich.
S ta te Police .
DONALD A. BARBER, 3558 Baldwin Rd . , Metamora, MI 48455 . Carpenter, B & M
Barber Inc .
NORo'iAN D. BENEDUM, 7202 W. Hampton Ave . , Milwaukee, WI 53218 . Elem .
Teacher, Milwaukee Pub . Sch .
l/LT. LOUIS R. BEST, Box 672, Fort Gulick, Canal Zone. Spec . Forces - Team
Leader, U.S. Army.
GARY R. BIRD, 31903 Roscommon Court, \o,lestland, MI 48185 .
TIMOTHY M. BULERA, 1040 Campbell Blvd . , N . Tonawanda, ~ty 14120.
PAUL w. CHAPPELL, P.O . Box 141, Cathlamet, WA 98612 . Timber Scaler,
Crown Zellerbach Corp .
JOHN M. DAt.'1OUR, 1824 Woodward, Kingsfor, MI 49801. Universal Oil Prod.
THOMAS J . DELA:...."£Y, %Great Lakes Paper Co., Camp 327, Ignace, Ont ., Can .
Great Lakes Paper Co . , Ltd .
Em·lARD J . DEPUIT, 94 S. 400 E., Hyde Park, UT 84318 . Res . Asst . , Utah
State Univ .
JA.11ES F. DUDLEY, 2006 Libal St . , Green Bay, WI 54301.
JOHN R. FABER, 2600 N. Main St . , Findlay, OH 45840 . Glen A. Peterman C. E .
WILLIA.'Io:f J . FR.E.~CH, III, 5410 Bradford Court, Apt. 230, Alexandria, VA 22311.
Mgmt . Tech., U. S. Farmers Home Admin .
RICHARD A. HA.~SON, 205 S. Center Rd., Saginaw, MI 48603 . U. S . Army .
ROBERT A. HARSEL, 1308 Lewis Lane, Wes tchester, PA 19380 .
WARR.EN J . HE IKKILA, P . O. Box 233, Crystal Falls, MI 49920 . For. Tech.,
Mich . D. N.R.
t-HLLIA..'!: D. HE ISS, 1485 Lakeshore Rd., Manis tee, MI 49660 .
JA.1o!ES A. HEWETT , 3237 S . 50th St., Milwaukee, WI 53219 . S . Dak . D.N . R.
JA.11ES H . HOKE, 219 Church Parkway, North Syracuse , NY 13212 . U. S . Army .
HARRY J . HOUSE. 4735 \.,'oodside Dr ., Rte . 1, Highland, MI 48031. For . Tech.
LEE W. JACKSON, R. R. 1, Box 129, Ontonagon, MI 49953. Shift Supvr . ,
Hoerner-Waldorf Corp .
JEFFREY J . JAHNKE, 311 4th Ave . W. , Kalispell, MT 59901 . Rural Cons .
Deve1. For . , State of Montana .
ADRIAN R. JE~"TOFT, 508 Leslie St., Lansing, MI 48912 . Mich . D. N. R.
RICHARD E . JOHNSO~ , R. R. 1, Box 42, Norway, MI 49870 .
JAMES w. JUOPPERI, 28547 Cambridge, Garden City, MI 48135.
RAYMOND B. KALDOR, P . O. Box 25, Iron Mountain , M1 49801. Miller Prod . &
Supply, Sales & Books.
CAPT . DANIEL G. KEA.l.~E, 814 D. Hamilton , Dulth , MN 55811. U. S . A.F.,
Aerospace Defense Comm.
MICHAEL R. KING, P . O. Box 312, Willow Creek, CA 95573 . For . , U. S . F . S .
DENNIS H . KOSKI, RFD, Aura, MI 49906 . Cons . Agt ., Mich. D. N. R.
2/LT DANIEL W. KRETZ, Rte. 03, Antigo , WI 54409 . Supply Off . , U. S . A. F .
LON P . LABUMBARD, 710 Myra St . , Spooner, WI 54801. Nat. Res. Spec . ,
Wis. D.N.R.
ALA:.~ R. LA..-qsEN, Star Rte. Box 7D, Michigamme, MI
49861. For . , Mead Corp.
ALTON L . LARSEN , Rte. Ill, Box 231, Vulcan , MI 49892 .
DANIEL D. LEMKE, 8680 E . Alameda 1229, Denver, CO 80231. Fireman, Ccy . of
Auro r a, CO .
THOMAS E. LITTLEFIELD, 412 S . St . , Bronson, MI 49028 . U. S . Navy.
GERALD M. LUKACH, R.R . 1, Box 122, Bessemer, MI 49911. For . , Iron '-'iood
Prod., Wood Procure Div.
JOHN C. MAURER, Box 182, Gwinn, MI 49841. Game Area Mgr., Mich . D.N.R .
DONALD M. MAZAl,\ty, 2685 Valley Dr . , Saginaw , MI 48603. Camp Admin . , Girl
Scouts of Amer .
GEORGE G. MEADOWS, 2812 Silver Lane N. E., Minneapolis, MN 55421 . U. S .
JOSEPH S . MINIER, 13230 Princeton Apt. 5, Taylor, MI 48180 . Mich. Dept.
of Agr.
JOHN M. MOFFETT, 3001 Harrison, Trenton, MI 48183. Acct.
ALAN L. NOGA, 15525 Delaware , Detroit, MI 48239 .
l/LT JA.~S T . NOLAN, Rte . 6, Box 18, River Ridge Park, Clarksville, TN
37040. U. S . Army, Corps of Engr .
SP/5 MATTHEW C. NOWAK, 136- 38- 0706, Box 1290 CO B USASAFS, APO New York,
09458. Interpreter- Translator, U. S . Army.
THOMAS E . OLDFIELD, 109 E . 1s t St. N., Hyde Park . UT 84318 . Grad.
Student, Utah State Univ .
DAVID L . OUILLETTE, 809 E . Montezuma, Houghton, MI 49Q31. Records & Regis .
Asst., MIU.
ERIC J . PAAVILAINEN, 213 Murphy St ., Linden, MI 48451. Village Supt.,
Village of Linden.
GLEN A. PINNELL, 147 9th St . , Box 215, Iroquiois Falls, Ont., Can.
THOMAS J . POKORA, 2478 S . 16th St . , Milwaukee, WI 53215 . Med . Student,
U. of Wis .
DAVID L . POSnER, Rte . 2, Wittenberg , WI 54499. For . ) Wis . D. N. R.
MRS . RONALD A. QUILLIA.~, Star Rte. A, Box 495K, Anchorage , AK 99510 . For . Grower, Self Employed .
MIGUEL E. RESUS. % LBLCI, P . O. Box 1305 MCC, Makati Rizal, Philippines .
For., Lianga Bay Logging Co . , Inc.
MICHAEL E . RYA.~, 47 Quail St . , Auburn Heights, MI 48057 .
ROBERT J . ST . PIERRE , 112 Sheridan Dr . , Monroe, MI 48161 .
AR.:.'lOLD F . SCHOECK, U. of \oiash . , College of Forest Resources , Seattle, WA
98195 . Grad . Student, U. of \oiash.
JOHN R. SCHULTZ, Rte . 1, % USDA, Florence Ranger Station, Florence, WI
54121. Dist . For., U.S.F . S.
STEVE..~ D. SIEDENTOPF, 6528 Coffey, Cincinnati, OH
45230 . Carpenter ,
Quali ty Remodeling Serv .
DONALD H. SIMM:>NS, Richland Meadows, Lot C285, Quakertown, PA 18951.
Field Engr . , Gen . Elect ric Co.
GREGORY M. SPRAU, 2301 Lakeside Dr . Lot 11 , Lynchburg, VA 24501. Salesman,
Davey Tree Expert Co.
PETER J . \oiACKER , Toketee Rte . Box 122, Idleyld, OR 97447 . For . Tech . ,
U. S . F.S .
KARL F . WAGNER, Hallmark Apts . fl6 , Dwight St ., Agawam, MA. 01001. Heath
Consultants Inc .
LT . WOLFGANG WALTHER, 201 H Signer Blvd . , APO San Francisco, CA 96553.
Co- Pilot , U.S. A. F .
MICHAEL E . WICHMANN, R. R. 1, Greenville, WI 54942 . Groundling Foreman,
Osmose \oiood Pr eserving.
WILLIA."1 K. WILKE, 2726 Kirby N. E., Canton , OH 44705. Self- Employed.
RICHARD R. WINDNAGEL, 2864 SOM Center Rd ., Willoughby, OH 44094 . Nursery
Foreman , Warner Nurserie s Inc.
DENNIS J . WYLLIE, Rte. fll , Box 137 , Wilmar, Ark . Asst. Dist . For . , GeorgiaPacific Corp .
JAMES E . ZIEGLER, 865 Lewis Dr . , Denver, CO 80215 .
JASPER C. ADKINS , 14282 Mulberry, Southgate, MI 48192 .
SCOTT H . ALMDALE, 1110 Riverview Dr . , Bluffton, IN 46714 .
PHILLIP F . ANDERSON, 239 N. Franklin, Oconto Falls, WI 54154 . Asst . Area
For ., Wis . D. N. R.
THOMAS M. BAHTI, % Colorado State Univ . , 310 Aylesworth Hall, Fort Collins ,
CO 80521. Nat . Res . Spec. , Wis . D. N. R.
JA.~S R. BEST, l4566- l54th, Grand Haven , HI
49417 . Seedman & Propagator,
Vans Pines Inc .
ERIC A. BOURDO,III, P . O. Box 1134, De Quincy, LA 70633 . For., Owens Illinois Inc.
RUSSELL W. BRITTAIN , 432 S . Sheldon, Charlotte , MI 48894. Soil Cons . ,
U. S . Dept . of Ag r.
DE.'iNIS J . BUSCH, 1190 Midland Rd., Bay City, MI 48706 .
2/LT ROBERT J . CONLEY, 277 50 7937, PSC Box 674, Malmstrom AFB, MT 59402 .
U. S.A . F .
GILBERT W. CROSS, W. 447 Owen Hall , East Lansing , MI 48823 .
JOSEPH R. DEMERSE, R. R. 1, Box 232 - B, Negaunee, MI 49866 .
JOHN D. DEPtrYDT, 904 Portage St., Houghton , HI 49931. USDA For. Engrg .
Lab, U.S . F . S .
BRUCE B. DOWNS, 1835 N. Lexington, Spring Mill Rd . , Mansfield, OH 44903 .
WILLIA.~ B. DREWS, 12196 Hillis Rd . , Trufant, MI
49347 . Osmose Wood
Preserving .
2/LT JOH..~ G. FILIOS, 7 Appletree Lane, Bedfo r d, MA 01730 . Pilot, U. S.A . F .
WILLIA."f L . GANTZ, 3120 N. Milwaukee Ave ., North Brook, IL 60062. Cook
County Naturalist, For . Reserve Dist .
liLT DAVID H. GOTHARD, 304 Fortress, KI Sawyer AFB, MI 49843 . U.S . A.F .
DAVID A. HARTLEY, 11143 S . Artesian, Chicago, IL 60655 .
FREDERIC C. HENDRICKSON, 7400 Baltimore Ave . , Takoma Park, MD 20012 .
MRS. LAURA HOGANSON, 6520 123rd St., Franklin, WI 53132 . U.S.F.S .
TAREN E. HOLLISTER , 104 E . Graham Ave . , Apt . 114 , Council Bluffs , IA 51501 .
Area Consultant, Heath Consultants Inc.
BER..~ARD F . HUEnER, 1209 Stuart St., Green Bay, \oil
54301. U. S. Dept .
of Agr ., Soil Cons . Serv.
LOUIS J . JEFFERSON, 311 S . 16th St . , Escanaba , MI 49829 . U. S . Dept . of
Agr . , Soil Cons . Serv.
TIlOMAS M. JENNETT, Rte . 4, Box 263, Big Rapids , MI 49307 . For . Tech. ,
Menasha Corp .
MICHAEL T . KENNEDY, Box 33 , Mossville, IL 61552 .
KEITH V. KILPELA, 345 M Rte . 1, Bonners Ferry , ID 83805 . Asst . Woods
Mgr . , Pack River Co . , Bonners Ferry Lumber Co .
PAUL M. KING, 6375 Harrison Ave . , Cincinnati , OH 45239. Grad . Ass t . ,
Stephen F . Aus tin State Un iv.
JOHN M. KOSKI , Box 251 , Be rgland, HI 49910 . Mich. D.N . R.
ROBERT P . KRAUS, 5885 S. Melinda St., Apt . 2, Milwaukee, WI 53221 .
Groundsman, U. of Wis ., Physical Plant .
FREDERICK J . KRUEGER , JR ., 4440 Walker Way, Sioux Falls, SD 57103 .
Dist . For ., S . Dak . D. N. R.
JOHN O. LACOURT, Box 245, Baraga, MI 49908 . Osmose Wood Preserving .
MARK R. LADUE, P . O. Box 87, Park Falls, WI 54552 .
GLENN E . LAMBERG, P . O. Box 156, Roscollmlon, MI 48653 . Soil Cons . , U. S .
Dept . of Agr .
TERRY M. LAN'E , R. R. Box 88, Gulliver, MI 49840 . For . Tech ., Mead
Corp ., Woodlands Dept .
JOHN LAWTON, % Lakeview Village, 9819 Joan Creek Box 68 ~ Ypsilanti, MI
48197. Heath IntI. Inc . , Tree Serv. Div .
DAVID R. LIEB , 31987 Lama r Dr . , Farmington, MI 48024.
CRAIG V. LITTS, 100 Iron St ., Norway , MI 49870 .
RICHARD L. MCKINNON , 38085 Or leans , Chautau Clinton , Mt . Clemens, MI 48043 .
RUSSELL G. MCKINNON , 38085 Orleans, Chautau Clinton, Mt . Clemens, MI 48043 .
U. S . Dept of Transp ., Coast Guard.
EUGENE E . MILL , Gene r a! Delivery, Kalkaska, MI 49646. Soil Cons . , U.S.
Dept. of Agr .
RONALD B. MORASKA , 342 Cedar St . , Vulcan , MI 49892 .
PHILIP T . MORSE , 312 Savanah Rd . , Lewes Beach , DE 19958 . Environ .
Protect. Off . , State of Delawar e, Marine Police Dept .
WILLIAM E . NICHOLS , II, 3725 Henry St., Apt. 211, Muskegon, MI 49441.
Process Engr . , Scott Paper Co ., S . D. Warren Div .
JOHN A. NISKANEN, 121 S. Maple , Royal Oak ~ MI , 48067 . Assoc . Dist. Exec . ,
Boy Scouts of Amer.
DOUGLAS K. PAVLOVICH , Rte . I, Box 176 , Mio, MI 48647 . Game Ar ea Mgr .,
Mich . D. N. R.
JOEL G. PRATHER, 626 6th St . , Lake Linden , MI 49945 .
BYRON R. SAILOR, Box 134, Foster City , MI 49834 . For. Tech ., Mich . D. N. R.
liLT THOMAS C. SAL'fi, 5515 First Place, Lubbock, TX 79416 . Flight Instr.,
U. S.A . F .
DANIEL W. SIKARSKIE, 310 Mecos t a Ave ., Big Rapids , MI 49307 . Soil Cons.,
U.S. Dept of Agr .
THOMAS E. SMITH, Cosmos , MN 56228.
JERRY M. SPARKS, Land 0 Lakes , WI 54540 .
HARRY W. SQUIBB, 827 Harrison Ave ., Crystal Falls, MI 49920. Biologist ,
Mich . D.N. R.
LAWRENCE G. STAAB, 24634 Bashian, Novi , MI 48050 .
GARY L. STA.\iLEY, III S . Market St . , Apt . I, Jefferson , OH 44047 .
DENNIS A. STONE, Deerwood Mobile Home 11 15, Deerwood, MN 56444. Soil
Cons . , U.S. Dept of Agr .
RONALD K . STUDER, Box 399 Providence Me tr o Park, Grand Rapids , OH 43522 .
Park Ranger-Mgr . , Toledo Met r o Park Dist.
JA.'101ES W. TAIT, 636 Mason Ave . , Drexel Hill , PA 19026 . U. S . Navy .
JOHN R. VA.~LLS, 1042 W. Crescent, Mani towoc , WI 54220.
LOREN K. Vk-':' HAITSMA., 739 Lincoln Ave . , Apt . 3, Holland , MI 49423 .
Municipal For .
GLENN C. WA.."tUCH, % Claris Garden Center, Haveland Hollow Rd . , Pat terson, h"Y
12563 .
RICHARD W. WHITE, Rte . 2 M 99, Osseo , MI 49266 .
DANIEL J . k~DERSON, RD 112, Ford City, PA 16226 .
GERALD E . A.~DERSON, Rte . 1, Box 358 , Ashland, WI 54806 .
DENNIS A. BARIL, 2526 Front St . , Lake Linden, MI 49945 .
PAUL E . BLETTNER , Rte. I, Box 120, Deer River, MN 56636 . Dist. For . ,
U. S . F . S .
JOHN V. BRUNING, Rte . 1, Box 3355, Spanaway, WA 98387 . U . S. Army .
JA.~S F . BURKLtJND, R. R. 1, Vulcan, MI
BYRON L. BUTTERFIELD, % Clarence Farcia, U. S . 41, Lanse , MI 49946 . Conner
Lumber Co .
ROBERT S . CANAVERA, 123 Ski Lodge Dr., Apt. 220, Homewood, AL 35209 . For.,
U.S. Steel Corp . , Raw MatI. Div .
MICHAEL D. CASSIDAY, Rte. 118 , Midland, MI 48640.
RA.~DALL R. COLEMk'l, Box 146, Ramsay , MI
49959. U. S. Army .
DAVID G. COLLE, 21 Barbara Lane, Camillus, h"Y 13031.
GLEr-."N M. COMFORT, Rte . I, Box 138, Baraga ~ M1 49908 .
JAMES D. DALY, Rte . 1 , Box 76 , Baraga, MI 49908 .
GARY L . DARLING, 5675 Woodland Pass, Birmingham, MI 48010 .
WILLIA."f H. DE~'NISON, Rte. 1, Box 745F, Roscommon , MI 48653.
DONALD A. DEVISSER, 6301 W. Mich . Ave ., Kalamazoo , MI 49001.
THOMAS R. DUVENDACK, 4659 Airport Hwy . , Toledo, OH 43615. Park Mgr.,
Toledo Metro Park Dist .
LUGARD A. ETUK, P . O. Box 2342, Prairie View , TX 77445.
FORREST E. FRAZIER, 12034 Hane Hwy . , Onsted, HI 49265 . Asst . Mgr . , United
He t hodist Church .
PV!. ERIC C. FRIMODIG, 718 Lakewood Lane, Marquette , MI 49855 . Surveyor,
U. S . Army .
DANIEL K. GREELEY, 1272 Roscoe St., Green Bay, WI 54304.
BRUCE E . HAATAJA, 113 1st St . , Centennial Hts., Calumet, M1 49913 .
JA."fES R. HERBIG, JR . , R. D., Manchester Center, YE 05255. Sales Rep .,
Bartlett Tree Expert Co.
CHARLES R. HERSHBERGER, 511 Spring St., Coopersville, HI 49404 .
JOHN G. HIETPAS, 980 Ellicott St . , Buffalo, NY 14209 .
ROGER G. HOEKSEMA, Rte . 1, Box 947A, Baldwin, MI 49304 . For . Tech ., Mich .
D. N. R.
JA.~S W. HOHNBERGER, 324 S . Fidelis, Appleton, WI
54911. Sys . Spec . ,
Olivetti Corp . , ABM Inc .
WAYNE E. HUGHES, 708 Lincoln Ave . , Stambaugh, MI 49964 .
ROBERT W. JACOBS , JR ., 89 Hemlock Lane, Highland Park, IL 60035. Heath
Consultants Inc .
THOMAS 1. JEWELL, P.O. Box 531, Iron River, MI 49935 .
THOMAS C. KOPLITZ, 1242 W. Evergreen Ave . , Oshkosh, WI 54901 . T & W
Spor ts Cen ter .
WAYNE H. KOSKI, HH8 2D BN 92D FA , Apo, ~Y 09169 . U. S . Army .
MRS . GERALD J . KUCAB, 100 Williams St., Hurontown, Houghton, MI 49931.
Grad . Student, MTU For . Dept .
GEORGE M. LAKINSKE, 11348 Erdman , Sterling Hts . , MI 48078 .
MA.RK W. LARSON , 291 N. Main, Richland Center , WI 53581.
DANIEL A. LAZZARI, JR . , 426 N . Main St ., Lanse , MI 49946 .
ROBERT E . LEFEVRE , 1927 E. Hed rick Dr ., Tucson , AZ 85719 . Asst . to Prof.,
U. of Ariz .
DENNIS A. LEITH, 722 W. Davenport St . , Rhinelander, WI 54501.
MRS . DAVID F. LE~'NOX, 3554 Wallace Dr ., Grand Island , NY 14072 .
JEFFREY D. MALNAR , Box 7, Shingleton , MI 49884. Woodyard Supvr ., Mead Corp
MICHAEL J . MCMANUS, 728 E . Second St • • Royal Oak, MI 48067 .
JAl.'iES A. MUNRO, 11944 Howell Court, Apt . 2, Mt. Morris, MI 48458 . Truck
Driver, Owens -Corning Fiberglas .
PHILLIP McCARTHY, Rte . 3, Box 4lA, Gaylord , MI 4'1735 . For . Tech . , U.S.
Plywood- Champion .
ROBERT C. MUSSMAN , JR ., 8619 Nottingham Parkway, Louisville, ICY 40222 .
Surveyor Trainee, Cleveland- Cliffs Iron Co .
ROGER D. NA.r.fflEY, 123 Deja- Lane Apt . 4, Auburn, MI 48611 . Soil Cons.,
U. S . Dept . of Agr .
JOHN L . NEILIO, Star Rte. Box 194B, Menominee, MI 49858 . Asst . Cty . For . ,
Marinette Cty .
CARL J . NORD IN, 807 E . Houghton Ave . , Houghton ~ MI 49931.
ALAN K. PIERCE, 15900 Forrer, DetrOit, Mi 48227 . Surveyor, Cty. of
Dearborn, Engrg. Dept .
DALE E . PIERCE, 1840 College St . ~ St. Ma r ies, 10 83861. Woodland For . ,
U. S . Soil Cons . Servo
GARY L . PISONI, 1203 College Ave . 115 , Houghton , Ml 49931. Student , MIU,
For . Dept .
THOMAS C. QUAIL , 241 Barden Rd., Bloomfield Hills , MI 48013 .
ROBERT W. RAADE, General Delivery, Bruce, WI 54819 .
TERRANCE A. REEDY, Wi t h lacoochee State Forest, Brooksville, FL 33512 . For . ,
U. S . Dept. of Agr . , Florida Dept .
DONALD L. RElHART, R.D . Cl , Alexandria, PA 16611.
ALLAN A. SAARI , Rte. 2, Box 347, Sault Ste Marie , MI 49783 . U. S . Peace
Corps .
DENNIS J . SCHEIDLER , 535 Morse St . 119 , Coldwater, MI 49036 . Arborist
Tricmer, Cty . For . Dep t.
DAVID L . SELLARS, 19411 Burke St . , South Bend, IN 46637 .
GARY L . SHULL , RA- 29l, Menominee, MI 49858 .
TERRY J . SIMONSON, 920 Fir St . , Hancock, MI 49930 .
ROBERT E . SMITH, Box 146 , Germfask , M1 49836.
MICHAEL A. SOHNS, 5129 Jeffe r s Rd ., Eau Claire, WI 54701. U. S . Army, Co r ps
of Engr .
ROBERT A. SORE:.\iSEN, P.O. Box 303 , Prudenville , MI 48651.
GORDON J . W. STOOR, 20 Second St. , Calumet, MI 49913 . For . Range r, U. S . F . S .
MARK R. STREHLOW , 1485 Helene Dr ., Brookfield, WI 53005. RUSSian Linguist,
U. S . Army .
WALTER P . SUMMERS, 112 E . Center St., Hast ings , M; 49058 . Soil Cons ., U. S.
Dept . of Agr.
MRS . WALTER P . SUMMERS, 112 E . Center St . , Hastings, MI 49058 . Cat:'lpground
Maint ., Mich . D. N . R.
DA.1~IEL R. SUTPHEN, 855 E. County Rd . D, Apt. 306, St. Paul, MN
55110 .
Surveyors Ass t. , Carlson & Carlson .
JA.liES B. SWAFFIELD, 4175 Bachman Place, Apt . 52, San Diego, CA 92103. Vet.
Food Insp . , U. S . Army .
DAV I D F . SZYKOWNY, Star Rte. Box l65 - B, Townsend, WI 54175 . For . Aide,
U. S . Dept. of Agr .
DALE L . THOMAS, 1221 Etter Rd . , Mogadore, OH 44260.
DONALD W. TRACEY, !1ichigamme, MI 49861 . For . , Kimberly - Clark Corp .
MICHAEL J . TYMRAK, 10294 Nichols Rd . , Gaines, MI 48436 .
ENS STEVEN J . VANBUREN, Navel Facility, Pacific Beach, WA 98571. U.S . ~avy .
GILBERT W. VA.1~SON, R. R. tH , Kakabeka Falls, Ont., T lWO, Can . Tech . Asst . ,
Lakehead Univ .
JOHN F . WALDRON, 1111 Haxen S . E., Grand Rapids, MI 49507.
DAVID E . WELLM.A.i'\I, Rte . !l2 , 4076 W. Pratt Lake Rd . , Gladwin, MI 48624.
Asst. Fo r., Mich . D. N.R .
DA.1'HEL G. WILCOX, R.R . 2, Box 825, Mio, Ml 48647 . Cons. Off . , Mich . D. N. R.
JA.liES WOUDENBERG , 150 N. 13th St., Paterson , NJ 07508. Davey Tree Expert
Co .
MICHAEL J . YA.~R, 16731 Lahser, Detroit, HI 48219 . Land Surveyor,
Monohon Civil Engrs .
THOMAS A. ZIELINSKI, 605 Cass Ave ., Bay City, HI 48706 .
HAROLD E . A.~DERSON, 700 Washtenaw, Lansing, MI 48915 . Foreman, Osmose
Wood Preserving .
LARRY G. BO!,.,TER."1AN, 428 March Dr . , Adrian , MI 49221.
DAVID J . BROBERG , Seeley Lake, ~ 59868 . Sa;.ryer- Logger, Brechbill
Sawing Co.
PAUL J . BYLKAS, R. R. 1 , Box 76A , Lake Linden, MI 49945 . Geo1. Surveyor,
Amer . Copper Nickel Co .
ROBERT I. CARPENTER, Rte . 1 , Box 709 - C, Ishpeming, MI 49849 . For . Tech . •
Mead Corp.
JAMES A. OlOSA, Box 394, Baraga, MI 49908 .
RONALD J . OlURCH, 7543 Hudson, Warren, 1'11 48091. U. S . Peace Corps,
Refor . Res .
MICHAEL B. COFFEY, Box 643, West Yellowstone, MT 59758 . Logger, Harrison
Logging Co .
k~DREW F . COLE, 128 Hill St ., Allegan, MI.
Prod . Mgr . , Armintrouts
Nursery .
THOMAS E . COLLINS, Box 523, :-1adison, GA 30650 .
JACK A. COR.:.'lELISSE, 318 Mayfield N. E., Grand Rapids , MI 49503 . Survey
Consultant , Heath Consultants Inc .
EDWARD J . CROMPro~, 3462 E . Fourth St . , Tucson, AZ 85716 . Grad . Student,
U. of Ariz .
GREGORY H. DAUGHERTY, Star Rte . , Georgetown, ~"Y 13072 . Wood Procurment,
St . Regis Paper Co .
CALVIN J . DEBOER, 269 E . 24th St., Holland, MI 49423 . Laborer, Cty .
Par ks Dept .
GENE E . DILLENBECK , Rte . fll , Gobles , MI 49055.
A.1'lTHO~ty J . OOMBROWSKI, 3593 E . Kirby, Detroit, MI
48211. Pontiac Pa.rks
& Rec . Dept .
MICHAEL J . OORSEY. 504 E . Hough ton Ave., Hough ton , MI 49931 .
JAo'iES P . DOUGOVITO, 1040 Halliday , Apt . 1, Lanse, MI 49946 . Teaching
Aide, MTU Ford For . Center .
EDWARD B. DRIER , Rte . 1 , Box 489, !,.,lakefield, MI 49968 . For . , Conner
Lumbe r Co .
MICHAEL J . ELENBAAS, 2544 Port Sheldon Rd . , Jenison, MI 49428 .
JOH.:.'l E . FORCE, P . O. Box 56, Crystal Falls, MI 49920 . For . , Keweenaw
Land Assoc . , Ltd .
GREGORY E . GATESY . 144 Katherine ~ . E . , Grand Rapids , MI 49505 .
MARSHALL F . GILBERT, 440 Sterling, Kingsford,!1I 49801.
JA.~S G. GRENTZ , Box 42, Nisula, MI
49952 .
DENNIS J . HA.'I'NO~, 15301 Lappin, DetrOit, MI 48205 . Assoc . Dist . Exec .,
Boy Scouts of At:ler .
MARGARET M. HARRIS, 305 W. Edwards Ave . , Houghton , MI 49931. Grad.
Student, MrU For . Dept .
STEPHEN H. HENNIG, 33 N. 2nd E., Logan, UT 84321. Grad . Student , Utah
State Univ.
ROBERT C. HURD, 2750 Pontiac, Ann Ar bor, MI 48105 .
FRANK B. ISAACS , R. R. 8, Box 333, Anderson, I~ 46011. For . Aide, U. S.F.S.
DAVID J . JOHNSON, 123 Salisbury St., Ishpeming, MI 49849 .
LARRY M. JONES , 4216 S . Solitude Ridge, Salt Lake City, UT 84119.
PATRICK L . KA.~INE..'l, R. R. Ill , Box 125, Baraga , MI 49908 .
STEVEN P. KARIAINEN, R. R. 1, Box 24, Trout Creek, MI 49967 .
RICHARD W. KAYSER, Box 200, Isabella, MN 55607 . Scaler , Escanaba Paper Co .
GARY D. K.:.'I'OFF , 1675 Newman , Lake Orion, MI 48035 . Surveyor, Hayem & Assoc . ,
MICHAEL W. LANCASTER, 1333 Oak Patch Rd . 093, Eugene, OR 97402 . For . Tech .,
Intl . Paper Co .
JOHN w. LARSO~, II, 931 N. 25th St., Sheboygan, WI 53081. Ebenreiter
Lumber Co .
STEPHE.."1 P . LAWRENCE, 483 McCann Dr ., Midland, MI 48640 . Mgr ., Midland
Chamber of Comm . , Summer Youth, Green Thumb Proj .
DOUGLAS A. LEE, P . O. Box 554, Troy, MT 59935 . Sawyer, Louie , Bothmann .
DALE A. LEITZKE, RB 327, Menominee, MI 49858 .
ALA.'I' J . MALAVOLTI , 2124 Welworth Ave . , Rockford, IL 61108 .
THOMAS J . MARTTILA , Rt e . til , Box 78, Houghton, MI 49931 .
PHILIP L . McCA.lITHY, Rte . 3 , Box 41A , Gaylord, MI 49735 . For. Tech ., U. S .
Plywood Champion Inc .
STEVEN G. McCOR.~ICK , 504 E . Houghton , Houghton, MI 49931. U. S . Nat!. Park
Serv o
MICHAEL A. MILANOWSKI, 728 Lincoln N. W., Grand Rapids, MI 49504 . Tree
Trimmer , Cty . For . Dept.
RICHARD A. MOODY, Box 1210 Star Rt., Sonora, CA 95370 .
STEVEN E. MUMFORD , % Richar d S t oll , 527 Delta Ave . , Manistique , MI 49854 .
Foreman , J . Zelenka Ev . Nursery Inc .
THO~.AS J . OCONNOR , 1001 E . Hemps tead St . , Fairfield, IA
52556 .
CURTIS R. PAULSO~, Box 72 , Nisula, MI 49952 . Asst . Supvr . , Mead Corp .
MARSHALL J . PECORE, Box 164, ~eopi t, WI 54150 . For., Menominee Enterp r ise Inc .
TIMOTh"Y M. PEIFFER, 213 !"" . Elm, Carson City, MI 48811. Asst. For ., ~ead
Corp .
JOEL S . PETERSEN, 723 \-,fhite Ave . , Ishpeming, MI 49849 .
LYNN E . PETERSO~, 3200 Wes t brook Lane , Apt . 104, Sioux Falls, SD 57106 .
Dist . For . , U. S . Dept. of Agr .
RODSEY R. RITTER, 402 Harrison St . , Wakefield, MI 49968 . For . , Steiger
Lut:lber Co .
DE~'~nS R. ROEGSER, 17302 ~orborne , Detroit,:-1I
48240 .
RICK D. SHEPLEY, R. R. 1 , Box 230X, Segaunee, MI 49866.
MICHAEL L . SOUTH , Star Rte . 2, Box 67, Lanse, MI 49946 .
WILLIA.:.'f C. STEVlART, Regency Village Apt . 49C, ~orth Plainfield, NJ 07060 .
Oper . , Railcon Corp.
VERO~ICA R. SlJLLIVA.\', 2319 :-1id""ood St . , Lansing, MI
48910 .
JA.:.'lES D. SWEETING, Rte . 4, Sheldens Trailer Court , Brookings, SD 57006 .
Student, S . Dak . State Univ.
BRUCE L. TIPPETT, 205 Pansy St . , Ishpeming, XI 49849 . Croundline Foreman,
Ost:lose Wood Preserving .
DANIEL P . TOR..'fOHLE.:.\', II, 113 Forest Pine Apts . , Honestead Rd . , Franklin,
VA 23851 . Union Camp Corp .
ALA.:.'l J . TOUKKALA, % Mylchreest, P.O . Box 247, Gaastra, ~I 49927 .
KESNETH A. VA.:.~EK, 2645 S . 59th Ave . , Cicero, It 60650.
XOR.'fA.'I' D. VISSERI~G, 400 Copper St., Ishpet:ling, MI 49849 . For . Tech . II,
:-1ead Corp .
MAH.K A. WARREX, 2522-A E . Lee St., Tucson, A2 85716 . Grad. Student, U.
of Ariz.
ROBERT J . WASIELEWSKI, 216 Hancock , Wakefield , MI 49968 .
JA.~S H. WEBER, 6895 Serena Dr . , Unionville, ~I
48767 .
DAR!""I~ T . WESDT, Box 18, Kona Lane Rte . 1, Ishpeming , MI
49849 . For . Tech . ,
All Wood Inc .
KIRK R. WESTFALL, 3851 Judd Rd . , Milan, MI 48160 .
GARY L. WILLIS, 368 Yankee Rd . , Monroe, OH 45050 . Grad . Student, MTU .
GREGORY A. WISSNER, 524 Fifth 'St . , Southfield, MI 48076. Salesman,
For . Cty . Corp .
CRAIG A. YODER, 4822 Christofer Lane, Ft. Wayne , IN 46806 .
JA.:.'1ES R. BERNIER, 3765 Overhill Dr . , Canton, OH 44718 .
A.'lDREW C. DEPUYDT, Box 61 , Painesdale, MI 49955 .
FRA.'I'K D. FARTHI~G, 1032 Summit St . , Hancock , MI 49930 .
DANIEL O. HEISLER, 16 S . Buell, Aurora, IL 60506. Edward Hines Lumber Co .
WItLIA.:\! H. McCOXNELL, 20 Narrows Rd. Rte. 2, Coldwater, MI 49036.
RICHARD M. MURLEY , 1616 Roseland, Royal Oak, MI 48073 . Porter, Ford
Garage .
TELEPHONE 906 524-6172
Hamar Quandt Co.
IIt I· .
escanaba, michigan
Downtown Houghton
Real Estate
324 Shelden Ave.
Houghton, Michigan 49931
Quality Men's Clothing
Since 1883
Headqua rters for quality men's wear, offe ring
the largest selection of colo rs and sizes in
the U. P.
Houghton, Michigan
.t ;
1 '
:\o",, that ~' ou- r" a ;,:raduatt" rore!Ster~ your-s is the job of preser\{irlf! loda:(s
forests and ""oodlands for tomorrow's future. To help )'ou_ write for Ben Meado",' ~
IIt"W fr .... catalofi: ... the best of over 6 _000 items_ fOI"Nllr)' equipm ent and supplit"s.
Bt'lI ft"ulu r t"s fast rt·liablt> !W n ' ice_ and
mOIU'~' hack ;.."'UuraUlet·. C r rdil accounts
i,n·it..... O .. pt·nd on Bt-n ... loda~' _ tornorru,", ~lIIcl ah..·uys.
'" ;' ' ' COMPANY
Restaurant and Bakery
Hot pasties daily, fresh bakery
612 Hancock Avenue
When you plan - See McGann
,- i
10 North Main Street
L'Anse, Michigan
. !
Three plants:
the spot
seen 'round
the world
and to a successful future of the school
It has been our pleasure in the past to employ many
Michigan Technological University graduates and we still have
many of your alumni in our employ.
Forest Industries
Box 847 Wausau, Wis. 54401
Tel 715/842-0511 • TWX 910/281-1532
Iron Mountain. Michigan
Montgomery. Alabama
McMinnville. Oregon
55 North Huron Street
Houghton, Michigan
Phone 482 -5450
The Forestry Building, Michigan Tech
Built by Yalm er Matti la Contractin g
Specializing in
Commercial, Industrial and Private Construction
Ready-Mix Concrete
Quality Blacktop For
Private and Munic;ipal Roads
Drives and Parking Areas
Hancock, Michigan
Compliments of
Norway, Michigan
Manufacturers and Wholesalers of
Hardwood and Softwood Lumber, Pulp Chips, Pulpwood,
Veneer Logs and other Forest Products.
Plants: Marenisco, Champion, and Newberry, Michigan
An equal opportunity employer
4. , .:
~, ;:
Ray Laiti, Jeweler
Be the
of this book
Daniel's of L'Anse
Gordon's Flower Shop
It eQuId become a
best seller"
Goodman Travel Agency
Commercial Systems, Inc.
Sears, Roebuck and Co .
Dwyer's Shoes
I~.=I fiM
600 Shelden
1303 College Ave.
Phone 482-5500
OUR 109th YEAR
This isn't MY idea of f un in the woods.
Otsego, Michigan
Phone 482-2521
514 Shelden Ave.
Decorated Cakes
Sanders Candy
General Contractor
Building Construction
Gundlach Redi-Mix Concrete
Houghton, Michigan 49931
Paperboard Manufacturers
Users of Michigan Hardwoods
Enjoy yourself at the
Rock Music Every Fri. & Sat.
9:30 -1 :30
Variety of bands and beverages
to suite your pleasure.
Thanks for your business
and loan covers
Michigan like
Detroit &
L' Anse, Michigan 49946
"Spirit of the Copper Country"
Best Wishes
Crystal Falls
Michigan -
Practicing Progressive Industrial Forestry Since 1925
Woodlands Offices:
Nekoosa, Wisconsin 54457
Phone: 715-887-5191
Foresters' Supplies
Tools - Camping Equipment
CLEMENTS, Incorporated
"Insurance Since 1908"
314 Shelden -
1 North Front St.
L' Anse, Michigan 49946
524-6083- 524-6084
Forest s M a ke Floors
Perm a nent Forest s Insure
Perm a nent Industry
The w o rk o f f o resters, d edicated to th e
p erpetua tio n o f these g reat na tura l resource s is a gua ra ntee o f continued empl oyment a na prosperity fo r tho u sa nd s o f
f ello w Ameri ca ns engaged in the w ood using ind ustries o f th e na ti o n.
Ha rdwood Floor s M ake Ha ppy Feet
Dollar Bay, M ichigan
If yon think Lt.III
our environmental programs
are for the birds ...
You wouldn't be wrong.
But you wouldn't be 100% correct either.
Take our multiple-use land management
program for example.
In 1947 we adopted our multiple-use
program. So 50,000 acres of powerproducing watershed land, like the
Bond Falls Flowage area, could
be enjoyed by man. While
continuing to provide the water
needed for electric production.
And still offer nature's finest the
best of homes.
So our environmental programs may
be for the birds. But they're for young
"architects" with home-made
birdhouses, too.
Just part of our commitment to nature
and man. As we plan and expand today
for a better environment tomorrow.
Suppliers, Inc.
P. O. BOX 8397
I sure do love this southern food-Ralph
M.T. U.