Name : ____________________________________________________________________________

Department of Humanities
Minor in Journalism
Degree Services
Office of Student Records & Registration
Name (please print): ____________________________________________________________________________
Student Number: ___________________________
Primary Major:_____________________________ Expected Major Completion Term: __________________
The minor requires 18 credits. Minors must take both of the required courses (list A below), two courses from
list B, and two courses from list C.
A. Required Core Courses
C. Critical Perspective Courses
_____ HU3605 Grammar and Usage in Society (3)
Select two:
_____ HU3621 Introduction to Journalism (3)
_____ HU2820 Communication and Culture (3)
_____ HU2920 Language and Society (3)
B. Production Courses
_____ HU3151 The Rhetoric of Everyday Texts (3)
Select two:
_____ HU3261 Intercultural Communication (3)
_____ HU2631 Fundamentals of Photography (3)
_____ HU2650 Intro to Web-Site Design (3)
_____ HU3606 Editing (3)
_____ HU3629 Special Topics in Professional
Writing (3)
_____ HU3630 Publications & Info Mgmt (3)
_____ HU3642 Intro to Multimedia Development (3)
_____ HU3890 Documentary (3)
_____ HU4642 Special Topics in Adv. Media (3)
_____ HU3324 Visual Media Analysis (3)
_____ HU3840 Organizational Communication (3)
_____ HU3850 Cultural Studies (3)
_____ HU3860 Popular Culture (3)
_____ HU3870 Comm. Technologies and Culture (3)
_____ HU3910 Special Topics in Linguistics:
Language Issues in the World (3)
_____ HU4625 Risk Communication (3)
_____ HU4703 Issues in Communication Ethics (3)
Credits Required = 18
No more than two courses chosen from all lists
may be at the 2000 level.
Credits Completed ______
The courses listed in this minor have the following prerequisites (shown in parenthesis):
HU3629 (UN1002 or UN1003), HU3910 (UN1002 or UN1003), HU3890 (UN1002 or UN1003), HU3606 (UN2001), HU3870 (UN1002 or UN1003),
HU3605 (UN1002 or UN1003), HU3621 (UN2001 and (UN1002 or UN1003)), HU3324 (UN1002 or UN1003), HU2650 (HU2644), HU3840 (UN1002 or
UN1003), HU3630 (HU2644), HU4625 (UN2002), HU3850 (UN1002 or UN1003), HU3151 (UN1002 or UN1003), HU3642 (UN1002 or UN1003),
HU4642 (UN1002 or UN1003), HU3860 (UN1002 or UN1003), HU4703 (UN1002 or UN1003), HU3261 (UN1002 or UN1003)
Department Advisor
Academic Year 2005-06