Tech-Talks AQIP: Improving the Diversity of the Faculty September 29, 2008

Tech-Talks AQIP:
Improving the Diversity of
the Faculty
September 29, 2008
4 – 5pm
Academic Quality Improvement
AQIP is structured around quality
improvement principles and processes
and involves a structured set of goalsetting, networking, and
accountability activities.
AQIP Cycles of Improvement
• Action
• Accreditation
– One-year cycle
– 3 or 4 Action Projects
– Annual updates
• Strategy
Four-year cycle
Systems Portfolio
Systems Appraisal
Strategy Forum
– Seven-year cycle
– Check-up Visit
– Reaffirmation of
AQIP Action Projects
• Action Project Goals
– Focus and highlight Michigan Tech’s efforts in
undertaking specific improvement initiatives
– Provide evidence to the HLC the Michigan Tech is
seriously committed to a regimen of continuous
• Three Action Projects must be
ongoing at all times
• Information on the projects
must be shared.
AQIP Categories
Helping Students Learn
Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives
Understanding Students’ and Other Stakeholders’ Needs
Valuing People
Leading and Communicating
Supporting Institutional Operations
Measuring Effectiveness
Planning Continuous Improvement
Building Collaborative Relationships
Summary of Action Projects
Michigan Tech
Kickoff Date
Completion Date
Improving the
Diversity of the
Improving the
Diversity of the
June 1, 2006
Sept 29, 2008
Final Report
Learning Space
Classroom and
Facilities Upgrade
June 1, 2006
Oct 22, 2008
Final Report
University Space
Inventory Process
University Space
Inventory Process
June 1, 2006
Oct 14, 2008
Final Report
Carbon Neutral
Carbon Counting
June 1, 2007
AQIP – Increasing
Faculty Diversity
Bill Bulleit, Jackie Huntoon, Sherry Kauppi,
Pushpa Murthy, Terry Reynolds
Committee Charge
S Establish the procedures and content for chair/dean
training, faculty involvement with searches, and the basic
informational materials used in all searches that are likely to
improve our success in attracting a diverse faculty.
S Formed July 2006
S Met 2 – 4 times per month Sept. 2006 to April 2007
S First draft of final report 16 April 2007
S Final report – 15 February 2008
S Four recommendations
S Suggestion for a new committee
Recommendation 1
S Michigan Tech should institute regular, compulsory
briefings near or at the beginning of each academic year for
the key figures involved in faculty search, recruitment, and
S Key Figures: Deans, Dept. Chairs, and Search Committee
Briefings Contents
S Design of ads to attract a diverse applicant pool
S Additional methods to attract a diverse applicant pool
S Guidelines to ensure that all applicants receive an equitable
review (e.g., Moody, Rising Above Cognitive Errors, 2005,
S Guidelines for conducting on-campus interviews
Recommendation 2
S Michigan Tech should make it a regular practice to conduct
post-interview surveys of faculty candidates who interview
on campus.
S Help ensure that we are treating all candidates with respect
and are sensitive to each candidate’s needs and concerns.
Recommendation 3
S Michigan Tech should implement several relatively simple
modifications to its operations.
S Enhanced dual career couples support
S University support for extraordinary candidates
S Web based
S One click to faculty jobs
S Website for pre-interview applicants
Recommendation 4
S Metrics should be used to measure the progress that
Michigan Tech is making toward increasing the diversity of
the faculty.
S Process Implementation – e.g., number of
faculty/chairs/deans briefed
S Progress Results – e.g., 10-year running average for faculty
diversity numbers and percentages
Future Committee
S A committee should be formed to develop a University
policy to enhance retention of faculty.
S Each department should develop a written retention plan for
each new faculty member in that department.
S Specific suggestions for how this committee might enhance
retention are included in our report.
Administrative Response
• Recommendation 1: Institute regular,
compulsory briefings for key figures involved
in faculty search, recruitment, and hiring
– Briefing of Deans and Chairs each fall via
workshops and a web-based toolkit at faculty/staff
– Further training will be developed through the
– Full implementation is scheduled for fall 2009
Administrative Response
• Recommendation 1: Attention should be paid to
the design of ads and methods of increasing the
diversity of the applicant pool
– The NSF-ADVANCE project will address these issues by
developing best practices for Michigan Tech
– Also, a pilot project (STEP) in the ME-EM Department
is focused on increasing the diversity and quality of
the faculty applicant pool
– SFHI-I used links in ads to rich information on the
university, theme, resources, colleagues and
guidelines for successful applications
Administrative Response
• Recommendation 1: Guidelines for chairing a
search committee and conducting on-campus
interviews should be developed
– Work on these areas began with the 2007-08 SFHI
– Further work will be undertaken as part of the
Administrative Response
• Recommendation 2: Make it a regular
practice to conduct post-interview surveys
– The Action Project committee’s draft “postinterview survey” was reviewed by the Provost,
Director of HR, and the AA Officer
– It was implemented as pilot last year for selected
– The results of the survey are being reviewed
– The ADVANCE project will continue these efforts
Administrative Response
• Recommendation 3: Implement several
relatively simple operational modifications to
encourage faculty diversity
– Some of these recommendations would be costly,
and need to be evaluated with reference to
financial resources and teaching/research needs
at the university
– These may be revised or reconsidered at a later
Administrative Response
• Recommendation 3: Implement several relatively
simple operational modifications to encourage faculty
– Actions that have been, are currently being, or will be
implemented include
• Background information for potential applicants at HR website
• SFHI-I and SFHI-II had/will have an informative pre-interview website for candidates; this will be adapted for Department/School
• SFHI-I provided detailed information packets for interviewees; this
will occur for SFHI-II and materials for packets will be provided to
departments/schools for their candidates
• Dual Career Assistance Program and associated web-site are
established; 3 dual career arrangements have been achieved this
Administrative Response
• Recommendation 4: Metrics be used to
measure the progress that the University is
making toward increasing the diversity of the
– Process metrics will be collected as processes are
enacted through the ADVANCE project
– Result metrics have been collected over the past 5
years but a more “demographic” approach will be
used in the ADVANCE project to more clearly track
recruitment and retention
Administrative Response
• Recommend that a future committee address
retention issues
– A mentoring subcommittee is being established as
part of the ADVANCE project
– This committee will develop a University-wide
mentoring program
– Implementation is scheduled to begin in the latter
part of the Spring 2009 semester
Next Tech-Talks AQIP:
Comprehensive University Space
Inventory Process
October 14, 1008
4 – 5 pm
Alumni Lounge B