H.P. SUBORDINATE SERVICES SELECTION BOARD, HAMIRPUR PRESS NOTE Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board today declared the final result for the recru itment of 26 posts {Gen.(UR)=I2, Gen.(IRDP)= 02, OBC(UR)=04, OBC(IRDP) ~l, SC(UR)"'()S, SC(IRDP)=O l & ST(UR)~ I} of Sub Station Attendant (on Contract basis) (Post Code: 398) in the H.P. State Electricity Board Ltd. Vidyut Bhawan. Shimla Department against advenisement No. 2812014 Dated 8th July, 20 14. On the basis of mark5 of Written Objective test held on interview conducted on 24'~ & 25'~ June, 2015, 5'" April, 2015 and personal the Board has compil ed the result of 26 posts of Sub Station Attendant (On Contract) (Post Code: 398). The candidates bearing the following Roll Num bers have been declared successfuL The marks sec ured by the candidates have also been show n against thei r roll numbers. The resu lt is also available on the web page of the HPSSSB, Hamirpur. (http://www.himachal.nic.i n). 02 POSts IGeneral(UR)=Ol & General<IRDP)=Oll kept vacant due to court ca.~. Sr. No. Name TotaJ Marks 296659 HTENDER KUMAR 166 296739 NARES H KUMAR 160 296744 · NAROTIAM DIJJT DHlMAN ", , 296756 NlRAJ SHARMA 167 2%900 ROHIT SHARMA 173 6 296914 SANDEEP KUMAR 7 297210 ATIJLKUMAR 16' 2972t8 BABURAM 160 2 , , , ld Roll No. '" 9 297384 PANKAJ KUMAR 161 10 297516 SHABEER MOHD 166 " 297681 BASANT SINGH 173 12 297803 J A YESH AHEER . 158 " 297809 mENDER KUMAR ", 297822 KAMLESH KUMAR 167 297889 MANOHARLAL 171 " " - ---- 2 16 291901 MU KESH KUMAR 15. >7 298012 ROOPStNGH IS 298 188 AN KIT OHATWALIA 173 19 298370 NARENDER KUMAR 162 2Q 298393 OM PRAKASH 117 21 298397 PANKAJ 161 22 298503 SATYENDER KUM AR >7, 23 298519 SUNB rR SINGH 167 " 298520 SUNIL KUMAR 15' '" (Tota l candidak.: 24) While every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent error cannot be ruled out. The Board reserves the right to rectify the same later on. Dated: "It August, 2015 ( Vijay Kumar) Secretary, H,P. Sub. Services Selection Board, Hamirpur.