fgekpy izns'k ljdkj x`g foHkkx la[;k% x`g&ch ¼,½ 3&2@2014 rkjh[k% 5-12-2014 vf/klwpuk fgekpy izns'k dh jkT;iky] fgekpy izns'k U;kf;d vf/kdkjh ¼osru] HkŸks vkSj lsok dh 'krsZa½] vf/kfu;e] 2003 ¼2003 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kd 10½ dh /kkjk 4 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds lkFk ifBr Hkkjr ds lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn 233] 234 rFkk vuqPNsn 309 ds ijUrqd }kjk iznŸk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] fgekpy izns'k mPp U;k;ky; vkSj fgekpy izns'k yksd lsok vk;ksx ds ijke'kZ ls] fgekpy izns'k U;kf;d lsok fu;e] 2004 dk vkSj la'kks/ku djus ds fy, fuEufyf[kr fu;e cukrh gS] vFkkZr %& 1- laf{kIr uke A 1- bu fu;eksa dk laf{kIr uke fgekpy izns'k U;kf;d lsok ¼la'kks/ku½ fu;e] 2014 gSA 2- vuqlwph dk izfrLFkkiu 2- fgekpy izns'k U;kf;d lsok fu;e 2004 ls layXu fo|eku vuqlwph ds LFkku ij fuEufyf[kr vuqlwph j[kh tk,xh] vFkkZr %& vuqqlwph ¼fu;e 3¼2½ ns[ksa½ dzze laoxZ la[;k 1- 21ftyk U;k;k/kh'k@ vfrfjDr ftyk U;k;k/kh'k Iknksa dh la[;k LFkkbZ vLFkkbZ dqy 3451- ftyk ,oa l= 8&¼yho fjtoZ 45 U;k;k/kh'k &11 ,oa izfrfu;qfDr½ 2- ftyk vFkkZr fof/k U;k;k/kh'k ijke'khZ ,oa ¼ou½ &01 lfpo ¼fof/k½] 3- jftLVªkj fo'ks"k lfpo ¼tujy½ &01 ¼fof/k½ lnL; osrueku 6j 51500&1230&58930& 1380&63070 ftyk U;k;k/kh'k@vfrfjDr ftyk U;k;k/kh'k dk VkbZe osrueku 4- jftLVªkj ¼lrdZrk½ &01 5- jftLVªkj ¼fu;e½ &01 2- flfoy tt ¼lhfu;j fMohtu½ 6- jftLVªkj ¼U;kf;d½ &01 7- funs'kd] fgekpy izns'k jkT; U;kf;d vdknekh& 01 8- la;qDr funs'kd &01 9- fof/k lykgkdkj yksdk;qDr&01 10-vfrfjDr ftyk U;k;k/kh'k &17 11-NqV~Vh@ izf'k{k.k fjtoZ &01 dqy &37 36$7$1 ¼NqV~Vh@izf'k{k.k fjtoZ½ lfpo] fgekpy izns'k jkT; fof/kd lsok izkf/kdj.k vkSj nks in ihBklhu vf/kdkjh] Je U;k;ky;@ vkS|ksfxd vf/kdj.k f'keyk vkSj /keZ'kkyk rFkk rhu in ftyk miHkksDrk fookn izfrrks"k eap ds v/;{kksa ds f'keyk] e.Mh] dkWaxMk fLFkr /keZ'kkyk ds fy,A dqy& y& 8 &&& j 57700&1230&58930& 1380&67210&1540&70290 dkMj esa ikWap o"kZ ds lsokdky dks iw.kZ djus ds Ik'pkr~ dkMj in ds 25 % dks p;u xzsMA j 70290&1540&76450 p;u xzsM esa rhu o"kZ dh lsok iw.kZ djus ds Ik'pkr~ dkMj inks ads nl izfr'kr dks lqij VkbZe osruekuA 44 flfoy tt ¼lhfu;j fMohtu½ ds #i esa j 39530&920&40450& 1080&49090&1230&54010 dk VkbZe osruekuA Vkbe osrueku esa ikaWap o"kZ dh lsok iw.kZ djus ds i'pkr~ flfoy tt ¼lhfu;j fMohtu½ ds #i esa izFke ,-lh-ihj 43690 &1080& 49090& 1230&56470 mlh dkMj esa ikaaWp o"kZ dh vU; lsok iw.kZ djus ds i'pkr~ flfoy tt ¼lhfu;j fMohtu½ ds #i esa f}rh; ,-lh-ih- j 51550&1230& 58930&1380&63070 3- flfoy tt ¼twfu;j 48$3¾51 3$2 ¼izf'k{k.k fjtoZ vkSj NqV~Vh 56 flfoy tt ¼ fMohtu½ ds #i esa twfu;j fMohtu½ fjtoZ½ j 27700&770&33090& 920&40450&1080&44770 dk VkbZe osruekuA ikWap o"kZ dh lsok iq.kZ djus ds i'pkr~ flfoy tt ¼ twfu;j fMohtu½ ds #i esa izFke ,-lh-ihj 33090&920&40450& 1080&45850 mlh dkMj esa ikWap o"kZ dh vU; lsok iw.kZ djus ds i'pkr~ flfoy tt ¼twfu;j fMohtu½ ds #i esa f}rh; ,-lh-ih- j 39530&920& 40450&1080&49090&1230& 54010- vkns'k }kjk] i`"Bkadu la[;k% x`g&ch ¼,½ 3&2@2014 lfpo ¼x`g½ fgekpy izns'k ljdkj rkjh[k 5-12-2014 izfrfyfi fuEufyf[kr dks lwpukFkZ@vko';d dk;Zokgh gsrw izsf"kr gS%& 123456- leLr iz'kklfud lfpo] fgekpy izns'k] f'keyk&171002 egkiath;d] fgekpy izns'k mPp U;k;ky;] f'keyk&171001 egkys[kkdkj] fgekpy izns'k] f'keyk&171003 leLr ftyk@vfrfjDr ftyk U;k;k/kh'k] fgekpy izns'kA lfpo] fgekpy izns'k yksd lsok vk;ksx] f'keyk&171002 fu;U=d] fgekpy izns'k eqnz.k ,oa ys[ku lkexzh foHkkx dks jkti= esa izdk'ku gsrwA Lka;qDr lfpo ¼x`g½ fgekpy izns'k ljdkj (Authoritative English text of this Department Notification No. Home-B (A) 3-2/2014 dated 5-12-2014 as required under article 348 (3) of the 348 (3) of the Constitution of India. GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH 'HOME DEPARTMENT' No. Home-B (A) 3-2/2014 Dated, Shimla-2, the 5-12-2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by articles 233, 234 and proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India read with sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Himachal Pradesh Judicial Officers (Pay, Allowances and Conditions of Service) Act, 2003 (Act No. 10 of 2003), the Governor of Himachal Pradesh, in consultation with the High Court of Himachal Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission, is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Himachal Pradesh Judicial Service Rules, 2004, namely:Short title. 1. These rules may be called the Himachal Pradesh Judicial Service (Amendment) Rules, 2014. Substitution of SCHEDULE 2. For the existing SCHEDULE appended to the Himachal Pradesh Judicial Service Rules, 2004, the following schedule shall be substituted, namely:- …p/2- :2: SCHEDULE [see rule 3 (2)] Sr. No 1 1. 2. Cadres Number of posts Permanent 2 3 Temporary Total 4 5 District 1. DSJ -11 8-(Leave 45 Judge/Addl. 2. DJ (Forest) -01 Reserve-cumDistt. Judge 3. Reg.(Gen) -01 Deputation) 4. Reg(Vig.) -01 i.e. L.R.-cum5. Reg.(Rules)-01 Secretary 6. Reg.(Judl)-01 (Law), Spl. 7. Director, -01 Secy. (Law), HPJA Member 8. Jt.Director-01 Secretary, 9.Legal Advisor H.P. State to Lokayukta -01 Legal 10. ADJS -17 Services 11. Leave/ Authority and Training 2 posts of Reserve -01 Presiding Officer, Total: 37 Labour Court/ Industrial Tribunal, Shimla and Dharamshala and 3 posts of Presidents District Consumer Forum, Shimla,Mandi and Kangra at Dharamshala Total:-8 Civil Judge 36+7+1 --44 (Sr. (Leave/Training Division) reserve) Pay Scale 6 Rs.51550-1230-589301380-63070 time scale of DJ/ADJ. Rs. 57700-1230-589301380-67210-1540-70290 Selection Grade to 25% of the cadre post after completion of 5 years service in the cadre. Rs. 70290-1540-76450. Super Time Scale to 10% of the cadre post after completion of 3 years service in the selection grade. Rs. 39530-920-40450-108049090-1230-54010 as Civil Judge (Sr. Division) time scale Rs. 43690-1080-490901230-56470 Ist ACP as Civil Judge (Sr. Division) after completion of 5 years service in the time scale. Rs. 51550-1230-589301380-63070 IInd ACP as Civil Judge (Sr. Divn.) after completion of another 5 years of service in the same cadre. 3. Civil Judge (Jr. Division) 48+3=51 3+2 (Training 56 reserve and leave reserve) Rs. 27700-770-33090-92040450-1080-44770 as civil Judge (Jr. Divn.) time scale. Rs. 33090-920-40450-108045850 Ist ACP as Civil Judge (Jr. Division) after completion of 5 years of service. Rs. 39530-920-40450-108049090-1230-54010 IInd ACP as Civil Judge (Jr. Division) after completion of another 5 years of service in the same cadre. By order Endst. No: Home-B (A)3-2/2014 Secretary (Home) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh Dated: Shimla-2, the 5-12-2014 Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Government of Himachal Pradesh, shimla-171002. 2. The Registrar General, H.P. High Court, Shimla-171001. 3. The Accountant General, H.P. Shimla-171002. 4. All the District/Addl. District Judges in H.P. 5. The Secretary, H.P. Public Service Commission, Shimla-2. 6. Controller, HP Printing and Stationery Department, Shimla-5 for publication in Official Gazette. Joint Secretary (Home) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh