I . {Al'tlt-s$Laure--E+slrt}*Iexl-gfu.hu-.pfga*.uqsl l{qir:1r-+Lq::_:}t !iry:rq-B--{s}- ij-r-'r1zttfu Dal*-_ei.*_j-z:T__2Li_5--e.:__r.eriuiga{,_ltr,isi gia'i$E-sj-or-Ai1uq3l}_althq_csu,:LiiiLtiqi_el_{,i{iri}. o F{c}" S{$cF.e-B li}*'} -'.,TffiTL::n?',:1T 1S-i{iil0fi6-ilf ftater}.; i P r:'l ri es Shl.*ria-Z, i f}arr .d i,,*T ,,3itX5" Nsgiisatrqs In Sec:ion i e.,lei"c.!se *l'' i.hr povvirs ..,esled ir-: ilirn uileiei. S.-ib- l) trf ihe 5ec1.ian 20 c,f tile {-uri* r.l'i,::nii:izi iii:,;::rii'i't lgr j. Governot', Himachai Priiciesh is pieasecl l",1rre,isl,r'lies upon lc c,:nfer "rhe pow*r's cf Execuri.;e the liailo T*hs;l<jar;"i',::rsilij:rrs ir ;lr: $r.a:e r:1- riirrrnirl,rj i'l'aiesh, Lill'ri€r lhe said Code io bc exercis*d "ovitllin the 1,:cai limii.s; i:ii r*so:cliv* ;urisc:e,iirr"l: [or p'-"i'l'riiriir-.r. l-hc [rr;;;:ip;3 at Sr. ltr*" 2 1c I oi rliis r.iri iire ir ,.:1];:,ij,-i Drparirr-renl's i,;:1":'i':; hirr. Ill;rr;;'--ri 1ll,-!*-:i,'li-: clateC 4-12-84 ar;d 2 E.i2.?./) (C'opies ei..iciosecir. The fi-rnction.eniisteci ai Si. Nr:. tr {-caso:s rrncier Criminai Pr<;ceCu;'* CoCe) of abcve letters shail be perforrnerl by the Su-b if,iv'isioa:iI li'{agistrates, wlio either betrong to the IAS or I{FAS" 'i he;", wiil ncit transfbr srtc.fi cases ro other E>r:eo:tive h'iagisiritr?: :-:tier;iirr. i:.1 ,'urlt and exce;,,,icnal case an<tr f.;r pressing relsons. whcn 'rire cases u.n,jcr cnminal Fr.;ced.t:i"e Cocie ai:e reciuired tc b,e trarrsiered, tni: sa*re viiiii be trc,lisl-erur:d ii: su<:it Cq:n i iat u*ri,...",,.". HlZ :I .). Executive Magistrates, lvho have passed the f)epartmental exarnination in Criminal Law and Procedure prescribed for: them and possess requisite educational qualifications which would be atleast Graduate in case of direct recruits and Matriculation in case of promotees with atieast 5 years of experience by recording reasons for transfer on the case file. as well as in the periodical returns submitted by the Exeoutive Magistrates to the High Court. This is in supersession of this department notification of even numtrer dated t 1.3.201 1. BY ORDER, Parthasarathi Mitra Chief Secretary (Home) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh jffi 0 t77- 2621,022 271A717015. Endst. No. FIorne-B (B) 15-10/2006 Dated: Copy for information & necessary action is forwarded to:- i. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Addl. Chief Secretary (Rev) to the Govt. of I'I.P. The Registrar General, High Court of [[.P., Shimla-1. The Secretary (Law) to the Gol't. of H.P. Shimla-2. The Divisional.Commissioners, Shimla, ldandi, Kangra. Alt the Settlement Officers in l-Iimachal Pradesh. A11 the District & Sessions Judges in I{inrachal Pradesh All the Deputy Commissioners in Himachal Pradesh. B. Controller, Printing and Stationef/, H.P. Shimla-5 for publication Rajpatra. (Devinder Saraswati) Joint Secretary (Home) to the Government of I{imachal Pradesh ffi 0177-2626450 in t *s Nooilo:.ne-n(n)-l 2-i./a4, of l{L.nacha-1. pradeeh 3icng De5:art:::exrt. --"---, d __. r.iorrerzrrnent Frora llhe Secretnrv(Ho:re) to the of lli:laoha]. pratlaeh. uoverzrment to A]-]. the Dl.etrj.ct Magl.otre,tee itr ilLrlacha]. prarleehp Dated ShlmLe-2e .hho 4 th Dooonberr 19g4. SJ.r, I o,n dlrectod to I'nvI'te y.our attont{* to,th{B Dsrrartnent letten of oven nurnber dated Zgt,. JuIy, 19A4 a:ea to etate that tho Exoqrtr've Magletratee are requ{red tc: tll.scharge var:Led ftrnctl,crne undar vs.rr.oue lrawe Jurledletlon, Thoeo fwrctr"on' c.,n bc broadly foJ.].owot( withia thelr eum.nari.eed ao t ) atrq*rrv anti tr'ial- of oo,eee r.rnder the crirrrne.lProceduio Coder; (a) Atteetat{on o{l truo eop{"es of certif,icatoe, (r) .A'tteetatl-on of efhiaav{te under Intrian Oath Act; (+) fssue of bonaflde :neelttence cort{fioateer ce:ntifl.eatEa of ine.-r.r-.''e and Certfffe*tee ot Scheduled Caeto aad Scheaufei Irlbe eto. (r) .tr\,rncticc-ts undcr the puraJa,! polLco Rrr].esl ae (g) I'urratL.crie undelo tho Lanrl Acquls{tl.crn Actl (Z) AtteetatLcrr. of certiflcatne r*rcl forne etc. for adm{eej.on, to eilueetlonai Lnetj.tuticno etc... I (g) Any other ,n{sce,]-].orreoue frmctLryie whLch tlo aot Lnvof-va re cord {ns o f .rr a"rr-I e.wLdeacer appliesticon "" of rllnd lr]riil Ji'o pnd *riffrrg r of er. ?. In so far ae functicrrre of the trxeouttVa -Magletrato rrnder tLre crirrinal proeodure code aro co'coruredr. the.oo lnvolvo rbcorilLng of eviCeneel alfting of evJ.Conoe, applioatlon of nrl_nd atid Lesue of orders. . . ,. , .2f * o:ld . a o . ! . 2a ". a a ), ft has been docided by the, State Govorn.nent *hat thc sub ?l'vlei'<vrrnf M*gis*rates, who eith.er b6f3p;; |6 the rndlr_,.n Adalu{etratlv<l Servlce or to the II:lmachal pradeBh ;i6rBlnict:r:e1i1.u- sers'l ce only 'i wr'lI ta.ke co(mlzr:rnce of cnnes urrcer the cr:J.:rii:;].1 i' ni. Procedrrre Code whloh invol_wes reeordinfi of evLdoneoroLftl:r.,1 .-," ev{deneel app)-{catlon of'rr.lnd rutd ir:cue of ords3, TheV }d 1.1 orcl"nsrlJy not errtruet crny suerr'cfr6e to nny other Dxeqrtrwe Magj.strate sorkLng urrder ttrorn wlthl.n tholr Jurlocrictl rn unl-oee there r)re66":-'.g':'!'r&e1)ne encJ the. cf.ficer to w}..m .;uerr eaee€; aro *ranFfemedr ls fully qr.raJ-rfn-od to eng.uire into {,ir1d try s*ch c,,E eB. Other.ExeoutJwe Magj.ct:ratee, whofre Nalb-TolreLlit :rrs anri t,elrr:if-dnrl worlring in the Lni;sy1 o* of t}.e Statel ehn].]. on].y I:erform functLons enlLeted from segla| N<>r2 to8 s,bove which rlo not; l"nwol-ve lsor.ze I of j udt etaf, /quael--. j u dl- oial- or<1ere. 4. , The Sub DlviFtona1 M.t-.r.g{etratee wtro are a.l*so Exeeuti.ue Iliagietrntee, w111 p::e,nari].y trjr 6y1rr enqulre Lntcr ttre ea6ea whieh lnvoawe {ecordlng of ewirlencar apprceir:,tlon of srTidonce r rr.irrrl.ieat{ of qrr6 lEBu€ of ordeur*ro *.*r-d bettlor:e offieere, wtro ,,ltra ";r, rlave '.pteeed the Denartrnental- exaninaticn paper irr crlrl{nel. 1u,.hl and Probedure preeorLbed for tkrenand worrl-rl hnve unclerr.:crne tl^e train{,ii'eLther. rrr any ins.bitution or ot}rerwl_ce ,:ri the joh or trarre Bal.ned.,:uffl.(terrt ar;rer1ence of vrorko I{ovrewerrrrnCc,r preeeirr,3 enleureet4neFF,r'rreh ')&6e6 na^y be 'errtrueted to the r:the:e Exeo"rtlwe I I I ;, Maglett'a-teg \lrr(J€r' thsrrl who'wi1]- be only errckr off,J.cers wkro irave s-r._ Baes6d 'the depar"bmerrt^1 exryrlna.tlon 1n Crirrins-l- .Lnw nnd T:roeecure \,. preeerl-bed for them a:.d poB6eee requiel.te. e<t.rrcatiorra]- grrn]-ifi- --! ., t) -e6lticrrra reerrrLte 5 yq;ir*:l lrhlokt rror.rLd be atlonet Gredrr.r.te lrr cr-,.ee of tl 1rect er:rd Matrieu.l-atiqr'l-n case of prorro.teco wlth atl-onst of exFerience" Yo-ro f a j- tl-rf uL arr , .---.-'-----.-!:*)l-J ., i - ^..-- leputy Seeretary(iIome) to ttre Qovernilen{, of Llirii,rrfir} Iradosli" ? e::611*- /-, J Jlss!$ATe N ooEome.-,g( z)'-l e*t;/a+ of IlLnnaoiraL lre,rtesh' bepa.rtmont of I ergt:n:rel('R,-I) Goveviament ' a a40 0 0 j Ilt^* Ihe Sccretr,rB(Horoa) tc ttre Go"rerarhent of llirnar:ha,'I Praclesh 1g*1-} the Jlietv1crt Me,gist!'atee ln " Srbdesh. !Ij.raar,"1:a]. S:rb o . Date,r Shiml-a-2, tbo 28t'n beesrgbery 'i 984o j eott Poverrg of Exe o*t$.'ro Magle'rrd,toe o a.t -. in ccntJ.nuation of ,'hhJs Departroent l-ette:r of e'"'e:r num6er,. riaterl the 4'ih ..De<:orrt'e::r I 984p olt 4th@ ra-'r'b ject' ';t te'r abovee 'I arn r{{rectert io etate that CrLm:lrrc+ll i'irJ-'t ! e-t':i-iJ c:: ilio.,i 2 o! 4g€,4{Om ?rakas}r & b'}ire,r:e 'fe State cf 11 uF,8c ccnere) ccm-q) rt.;: 'l;efci"e 'i;he Ilon?bl-e EJ.mar,ohaJ- ?radesh II:LSh (-lour'{: or l Oth lleceriiber y \98,4o A (lopJr of tloe or3er pe.Ba€r'{ by *l:e llcl1't'}e lio11 u i{teh 0or:"rb J,e errqloee{u. Aer <1lv'5e+i:eil ths.ji,bilr 4.1.} S':'ir'* t}j-vj.s:io::'ar-l i'{er;:letrs.+;es (who el';}reif beXor'e'bo tle IAS or' }li:;iS) <---may'1/e rt"Ls,eqtef iro* 'bc-t1:eriefe:* ct-l.Fle6 urrrAGx' nm;1::r'a-l- i'7"'r-'i-ila':-a-. ']crffry--,'p}:,."icirl"nwo].vere,'rordlag,lffio?-;vrr..j?1-'5_-- f1 rar.e a.rrr{ exoe.gt:1 co.af- c&ees r.rgrr fr::r:'prcelei"ng :.---:--iilll *;r. ;---to le la tt,ar.rfr>r1.--,Y tr;t) -,;;-;;{.-,.1 req\rtrre?l io :rec!r,or:8r fJ!.€]l;p(lch o&seg a,re othe'r !l:recu.j;j,-ve Magi.-etra,-bee('rf.iEr,g-pg.""iJ 't'he ?epo:''i:rncnr" u+r*;-;;;pt .- -- -e- ' i.il: j. a]: l.rsu-1-,1 ' e osnttSogl_sq-g*i{A iel a := "_ l'*:j}_I11-t'=' of ,llrect ro o:n1l*cr a1c1 Mat::''ict:''L"'itul o::r tire; 'ir. ***t of ,=,ffi"g,t oai>'ei:J';2n'c't) , ytla.:i-46 cf .----:---rL. ' +.-*-:i;: reers.lnJffiferihou}llbec1ealray.]."e!]!))-',^(?4C1]I-T.Iiie 'b:;1.,a€r€ :?j.ie ae vrel-I a.6 Lrr tlre per:.!'-o]'::-ca: l.'e-L''^r::::.s sir'tr,rif i;;e'r the Exearit:l"Ye Magl.etra'Loa to the E:tgih-Conrro flie ceat3ebr ")o?:cc G,ri:h" tralrsfer has been offecte6 efucrul-d 'l;e €]-ij&.r1 y *7iain:r Ly t'he -l:11i::'l:fe'-r' jit' Sr.r.'l;-..\j{ r;.lt ErIolnfl'l NIag'!e'trdrtn"r. wl:.o }ra,ve 6p61 61ror{ alls ei.rr',h. lerior't:loai. re"Lur:es wltlr t;}re reLlorile 6 vab.so''.'e for e'ro): an rl p c ii o o rr B -.?:ec1rr J, o i. .€ e.-rL.l-.3r:tit C**,*ort*'-ffi. b e e,t'r;, 4 i.J.- trar.sfgr,, *-1-1 oon cer"r.re d 'eiroul-rl observe ef,id pun-:: Lr:r,a-l--1J (lI"F(.':.rt'j fs.j'*'iifir'J-j-Ir these o Your,s f aJ. thi/:r)"i.r', 'l-" -'-*-.* - '' ---'*''L' rlerru.'t.r S o,9r.'e 4;4.:r"1rl' fl ;6c,' 'rnE coirtn of I{{mnc}ia1 - i.', I L-- tl *\ Datod,.shl"ul-cu",2r *re 28tL lle.seryber' r t )84 a -i;c '&jLlCopy a*longwlth. a, CIopy'of enolo6llrt,B fox'irariE:C 1. etfj'':'b the S'ub*-.pLvrJ orr*f Hae{etrltur- Ln ill"r:lachal*"1+S.:1 fo= compl*arroe o trLl6se ora6re elrorrl-r{ be obe'arvei fa\uhf'':l-1y ' arrr{ LtrooElome-n(n) { -i z-s /a+ ** atrociterx bv t1.e Honrlcle Ir,Eo Hlcli co*r*. ,'/ ;;;;;;;tiy Copy .ro tlle Reeletr'a;r'(VJ-giLq:ra€) o lltroac*rail Srar{eeh 2s H{ eh Uourt, S}r'{"mla.g S}-lrnaar 4 gepy to the Advooate Gen.errale Hfuea,chq1 1'rer,'teelrn ?* othc:'s :arakael: brc * arr ofvnrlestLoll w:l-ttr orr}{'r"No"iz-;;-ira+(su" Vs State of Ii.?', & others) :)^.-^**-* o Secreta,rY{:fo*e) to thei Gorrt. of Hl.macha,a }ra,deslr" lDeputY ."r I --' {,'