2.AiltJie Iie~ioE6epm±r.nentsih;R~P\ " 3 .All the Managingpp'ectoro{ ,'?: Boa,rds/CorporationsinHP. '4:A1eJ ,~.Pivisio~lO>ll'ltti~s$ioneI"tDeputy Commissioner, in Himachal Pradesh." > -, .-.:'- .. ' '. - . ,'" ' ,. ., " .; '.. Supply of documents/record/infol1l1ation to the investigating agen~y of Vigilance Departmenr " ' , lam directed to invite your attention to this department letter of even nl.UiJh~,c:1ated23.'6.2Q050n the subject cited above and to sayt~t obsei~i~the' ,P.M. ~~eting of State VigilanceC~rrimitteeheld under the,~h~l'rianship it has been on 11.5,.2006 at 3 of Hon'ble Chief. Minister, tluit t~e Depar'tmentj from which recordsa,re required py the Investigating Agency in connection with .' conducting investigation '/pr6be'" do not supply the. same in time, or do not cooperate for it. kcordingly the instructions issued vide this Department letter' under reference are re-iterated and you .are again requested to accord top priority as and when any record (s) is required by the Investigating Agency of this Department. "No.Per(Vig)-F -(3): 127/2003 Go\1-of Himachal Pf~desh . Deptt.ofHome-Vigilance TIle Pr.Secretary(vig) to the Govt:{)f Himachal Pradesh. if' The All the 'AdinilUstrativeSeae~es' lothe , 'GrMmtnentof~chafPradesh; " Dited~.2, ..•~~ "~,,'S-+ '.. SuPPlY of doctuneD""r~d I ~OImatioii to th~ hi~~tirtg thcVigi1ancc'Dcpa1tinCi1t~ agency of . It has~. brolJgbttotltcftotic.eof flUs dep'arimenfby'the Addt;bireCto{ ~.ofp'ol1ce(Via)·thatcnquil1C:S fii\vC.tiOl1 'in majQi.ityoftllc cases41re 1,eld iip, ldelayed on account of f.C1uct8nce or delay On the.part of.depattmentala~orlties to·tt\ili the record avMtable .for .vanotta: reasons ,~itltoutrealising the fact, that the'AI!A' CQt'naptWn. ~Units' neces$arily req'UirCtllc, jnf~.ion /recor4 t~rthe. purpose(j. Inyestigation ~quickd!S)io1a1,of etlqujty/inve$tigattofi., . ' . ...: . .!nthis connediO,nyoUf,atteritidit isin~ted' 'toJ:lara 1 & ·2.ofChal'ter~m~·' 'Vigjlant:e"MantUd deaUng 'WiUt,~09Pt,i'alion'requite beextendedlo Ule Anti COrrqPUQt, . ~~ ,by aJl·dcpanm~t!.Irii,therefo~, .~~~d that 'mfQrmation fteeprd /docurnen~' asaA4 "l\~rt:,1'et1WrJd:' by" t4~.,APY;t',\le. ,made~..~b~ 'to ..the .the~ expeditiously" so as ,fir avQiddelay ,ufliri8lilingdtttquirY.~aae8 '~;;~o\'~ifecfthe heads '~Qep~ents Wld9r ,your c.ontrot. . " . '. -' .. ,,~:.\;)~' "':.".':',' . , i:" ~ '. ' '. ' to .. This may. please'accorded top priority and per$otialattention·.: ., .. , 1 YO\lrsfitit~illyl!. , , , ': .' N'0.Pcr(Vig)-F-(3) -127/200~ '.. ~ ".' " '....'~." 1(',;;-; (". .. ;51'~" ""' ',' "." ,.... JQintS~'dretary(Vig)to the " -,(lo.M-of fiiffiachaJ Mt~de$h. " Q...:' ," '. '. :',: . Dated Shimla-171002,the <J-~'. c ~o~. Copy rorin{oramtiOlland sinlllitr ~~C~~ a~lion:is{onvurded to:1.A1JHeads of Depanemnts in HimachaJ.Pradesh. ': '. . 2.AllY~, p1ref~brsofDoardsand Corporations; . 3.Adill. DiJ'wtqr,(iep~r41ofPolice(Vig.) Shimla ' •. ,I ':' ' ;~.'•. -.; ~ . . '1:V·f,'\~~}<-.,~v I ' Joint5ectetary(Vig)tQJ~ Govt"ofHjmacftalJ?r~esh.