GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH DEPARTMENT OF HOME & VIGILANCE CIVIL LIST POLICE 2012 Indian Police Service, H.P. Cadre Himachal Pradesh Police Service Communication and Technical Services As on 27.09.2012 PREFACE We are happy to bring out the Civil List of Police Service i.e. Indian Police Service, Himachal Pradesh Police Service and Communication and Technical Services for the year 2012. While updating Civil List, it has been our endeavour to incorporate the updated position regarding all the particulars of the officers. However, we request the officers to bring to our notice any error that may have crept in inadvertently. It is a matter of great pleasure that many of the distinguished officers are holding key positions in the Central Organizations. Also a large number of members of the Service are on deputation with International Organizations. This is a matter of great pride for the State as well as the Cadres and is also a source of great inspiration to the young members of the Services. This Civil List is meant only for use as a ready reference to some basic information about the officers and in case of any discrepancy between the official service record maintained by the competent authorities and this List, the former shall prevail. Any suggestion to further improve the Civil List is welcome. (P.C.Dhiman) Pr. Secretary (Home) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Home & Vigilance. SANCTIONED STRENGTH OF INDIAN POLICE SERVICES AS ON 27.09.2012 Details of Sanctioned permanent posts: Sl. No. (1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Designation No. of Posts Senior Post under the Government of Himachal Pradesh Director General of Police Addl. Director General of Police ( Vig. & Enforcement) Addl. Director General of Police, CID Addl. Director General of Police, Law & Order Addl. Director General of , , AP&T Inspector General of Police-CID Inspector General of Police- SV & ACB Inspector General of Police-Law & OrderInspector General of Police-Intelligence Inspector General of Police, Police Academy, Training & Research Inspector General of Police-AP&T Inspector General of Police_Welfare & Admn. Inspector General of Police-Ranges Inspector General of Police-C & TS, Logistics Principal PTC Daroh Deputy Inspector General of Police-SV & ACB Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID Deputy Inspector General of Police-TT&R Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID (Security) Deputy Inspector General of Police-NCB(CID) Deputy Inspector General of Police-Cyber Crime (CID) Assistant Inspector General of Police-Hqrs. Superintendent of Police-CID/Crime Branch Superintendent of Police-CID (Spl.Br.) Superintendent of Police –SV & ACB, Zones Superintendent of Police- Districts Commandants of Bn. /I.R.Bns. Superintendent of Police, Baddi 49 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 03 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 03 12 07 01 TOTALSENIOR DUTY POSTS Central Deputation Reserve @ 40% of Item 1 above State Deputation Reserve @ 25% of Item 1 above Training Reserve @ 3.5 % of Item 1 above Leave Reserve and Junior Posts Reserved @ 16.5 % of Item 1 above Post to be filled in by promotion under Rule 9 of the IPS (Recruitment) Rules, 1954 not exceeding 33 .3 % of Item 1,2,3 & 4 above. Post to be filled up by Direct Recruitment (Items 1+2+3+4+5-6) Total Authorized Strength 49 19 12 01 08 27 62 89 Note:- The Cadre Strength of IPS officers of H.P.State has been notified vide Notification No.11052/ 16/2010-AIS-II-A, dated 16th June, 2010 by Deptt. of Pers.&Trg., Govt. of India I INDIAN N POLICE SE ERVIC CES HIMAC CHAL PRA ADESH CADRE C Sll. No. (1) ( Name / Id. No. Daate of Apptt. /Sourcee of recruitment (22) Quaalification (Subject ) Date of Birth / Domicile (4) (3) P Present post/ D Date of aappointment tto present p post (5) Pay Scale (6) Police Medals, if any (7) Remarks (8) Alllotment Year-1976 Y 2. 3. Sh. R.N N. Gupta 197610013 16-07-7 76 (RR) M.S Sc.(Phy) LLB B. Sh. A Anirudh Uppal 197610067 14-11-7 76 (RR) A. (History) M.A 20-01-53 Uttar Pradesh S Spl. DGP IIB, New Delhi 99.7.10 03-09-52 Himacha l Pradesh Kangra S Spl. DGP, C CRPF at JJammu 225.10.2010 Apex Scale PM-1996 PPM-2000 On depu. to GOI PM-94 PPM-2K On depu. to GOI. Apex Scale80,000/- PM-1998 Cadre Post PB-4 6700079000/- PM-1999 Ex-Cadre post. PB-4 6700079000/- PM-2001 PPM-2008 Ex-cadre post PB-4 6700079000/- PM-2002 On depu. to GOI. 80,000/(Fixed) PB-4 HAG 75,50080,000 /- Alllotment Year-1982 Y 5. Sh. I. Bhandaari 198210022 01-09-8 82 (RR) D. B Sh. B.Kamal Kumar 198210050 10-09-8 82 (RR) 6. A. (Hons) & B.A M.A A. (Geeography) MB BA, PG Dip. In Journalism J and d Mass Com mmunication Cerrtificate in Disaster Mannagement 11-04-54 Himacha l Pradesh Bilaspur D DGP, HP+ C CID, H.P. S Shimla Sc. (BioM.S Cheem.) 01-08-53 Andhra Pradesh D Director Genl ––cum-Comdt. G Gen., Home G Guard, F FS&CD, H H.P.Shimla 44.03.2010 Alllotment Year-1984 Y 7. Sh. Somesh Goel 19841021 21-08--84 (RR) A. (English) M.A 26-04-61 Haryana IIGP, SSB Alllotment Year-1985 Y 8. Sanjay Sh. Kumarr 19851027 26-08--85 (RR) Sc. (Physics) M.S 01-01-59 Bihar D Director. V Vigilance ((Police) under R Railway M Ministry D Delhi 118.7.2006 Sll. No. Name / Id. No. Daate of Apptt. /Sourcee of recruitment Quaalification (Subject ) Date of Birth / Domicile P Present post/ D Date of aappointment tto present p post Pay Scale Police Medals, if any Remarks Alllotment Year-1986 Y 9. Sh. Sitta Ram Mardi 19861037 26-08--86 (RR) M.S Sc. (Stat.) 31-05-60 Karanatak a A ADGP, Prison H H.P. S Shimla 114.10.2010 PB-4 6700079000/- PM-2002 PPM-2010 Cadre Post 10. K.C. Sh. Sadyal 19862122 20-06--90 (SPS) A. (English) M.A 01-01-54 Himachal Pradesh A ADGP, L&O + S SV&ACB, H H.P., Shimla ((addl. Charge) 114.10.2010. PB-4 6700079000/- PPM-1995 PM-2002 Cadre post PB-4 6700079000 PM- 2003 Cadre post Alllotment Year-1987 Y 11. Sh. Prithvi Raj 19871079 24-08--87 (RR) B.Scc. (Civil Enggg) 11-07-57 Haryana A ADGP, AP&T, H H.P., Shimla 33.8.12 Alllotment Year-1988 Y 12. Sh. Tapan Kumarr Deka 19881053 25-08--88 (RR) 13. Sh. B.N.S. Negi 19881079 25-08--88 (RR) M. Sc. S (Physics) 25-02-63 Assam C Counseller ((Personnel) in tthe Embassy of IIndia, W Washington DC 116.6.09 PB-4 3740067000 + 10,000/(GP) - On depu. to GOI For 3yrs. B.A A. 15-11-56 Himachal Pradesh C Chief Vigilance O Officer, SJVN, H H.P., Shimla 227.1.2011 PB-4 3740067000 + 10000/(GP) PM-2004 On depu. to GOI Alllotment Year-1989 Y 14. 15. Sanjay Kundu 198911001 21-08 8-89 (RR) Sh. Sanjiv Ranjaan Ojha 198911034 21-08 8-89 (RR) MT DEM Graaduate 18-04-64 Haryana IIGP(Admn.) B Border S Security F Force, FHQ, N New Delhi 227.7.2010 PB-4 3740067000 + 10,000/(GP) PM-1994 On depu to GOI A. (Hons.) B.A 03-05-65 Bihar IIGP (Wel. & A Admn. ), P PHQ, Shimla + RC Office D Delhi PB-4 3740067000 + 10,000/(GP) - On depu to GOI PB-4 3740067000 + 10000/(GP) PM-2007 On depu. to GOI. Alllotment Year-1990 Y 16. Sh. Shhyam Bhagaat Negi 199011073 16-09 9-91 (RR) MB BA, 15-03-66 Himacha l Pradesh Kinnaur JJt Director, W Wildlife C Crime Central B Bureau, M Ministry of E Environment & Forests, N New Delhi. 22.2.2009 Name / Id. No. Daate of Apptt. /Sourcee of recruitment Sll. No. Quaalification (Subject ) Date of Birth / Domicile P Present post/ D Date of aappointment tto present p post Pay Scale Police Medals, if any Remarks Alllotment Year-1991 Y 17. Sh. Ahmed m Payam Siddiqque 199111041 15-09 9-91 (RR) M LLM 11-02-61 Uttar Pradesh IIGP, (SR), S Shimla PB-4 3740067000 + 10,000/(GP) - 18. Dr. Attul Vermaa 19911058 11-10--92 (RR) MBB BS 06-05-65 Bihar IIGP, CR, M Mandi PB-4 3740067000 + 10000/(GP) - Cadre post Alllotment Year-1992 Y 20. Sh. Ashok Kumaar Sharm ma 199222109 08-12 2-97 (SPS)) A. M.A 05-04-54 Himacha l Pradesh IIGP, CID, S Shimla, HP PB-4 3740067000 + 10,000/(GP) PM-2003 PPM-2010 Cadre Post 22. Sh. P.L. ur Thaku 199222122 12-11-98 (SPS)) A. English M.A 06-06-55 Himacha l Pradesh Chamba IIGP(NR), D D,Shala+ C CR/Mandi 110.06.2010 PB-4 3740067000 + 10,000/(GP) - Cadre Post - On Centre Deputation Alllotment Year-1993 Y Sh. Anurag Garg 199311030 05-09 9-93 (RR) Tech. (Elec. B.T Enggg.) 13-07-67 Uttar Pradesh D DIG, CBI, N New Delhi, 119.12.2011 PB-4 3740067000 + 10,000/(GP) 24. Ashok Sh. Tiwarri 199311067 05-09 9-93 (RR) Tech. M.T (W..Hons.) WP PLM (Osmania Uniiversity) 26-11-69 Uttar Pradesh D DIG(CBI),SC --II, N.Delhi 224.12.2009 PB-4 3740067000 + 10,000/(GP) 25. Sh. Rithwik Rudraa 199311002 04-09 9-94 (RR) BA(Hons.) 05-07-69 Delhi JJt. Asstt. D Director, IB, H Hard Core, S Shimla 44.2.2008 PB-4 3740067000 + 10000/(GP) 23. On deputation to GOI - On depu. to GOI - On depu. to GOI Alllotment Year-1994 Y 26. Sh. Rakesh Aggarrwal 199411002 04-09 9-94 (RR) MIE AM 05-08-68 Haryana D DIG, CBI N N.Delhi 113.3.2009 PB-4 3740067000 + 8900/(GP) Name / Id. No. Daate of Apptt. /Sourcee of recruitment Sll. No. 27. Sh. S.Zahur Haidaar Zaidi 199411008 04-09 9-94 (RR) Quaalification (Subject ) Date of Birth / Domicile P Present post/ D Date of aappointment tto present p post Pay Scale Sc. B.S 9-12-68 Rajastha n M Min. of E External A Afffairs, New D Delhi 33.5.2011 PB-4 3740067000 + 8900/(GP) Police Medals, if any - Remarks On depu. to GOI Alllotment Year-1995 Y 28. S Sh. Satinder Pal Siingh 199511009 03-09 9-95 (RR) E. Engg. B.E 05-07-68 Punjab O On study lleave at L London PB-4 3740067000 + 8900/(GP) SDR - 29. Sh. N. Venug gopal 199511069 03-09 9-95 (RR) Sc. Geology M.S 14-12-67 Tamil Nadu D DIG, CISF, N New Delhi 22.1.2012 PB-4 3740067000 + 8900/(GP) - On depu. to GOI For 5 yrs 30. Sh. G.D. Bharg gava 199522089 10-09 9-99 (SPS) M.S Sc. 30-01-57 Himacha l Pradesh D DIGP PTC D Daroh, K Kangra 11.6.2009 PB-4 3740067000 + 8900/(GP) - Cadre Post 31. S Pal Sh. Shiv Singh h Verma 199522127 9-08-2 2000 (SPS)) B LLB 04-12-54 Himacha l Pradesh Una P Principal, C Central D Detective Trg. S Sch., C Chandigarh 223.7.11 PB-4 3740067000 + 8900/(GP) - On Depu to GOI for 4 yrs. Alllotment Year-1996 Y Mrs. Satwant S Atwall Trived di 199611011 04-09 9-96 (RR) M.A A. (Psy ychology), Advvance Cou urse in Gerrman langguage 16-08-71 Himacha l Pradesh D DIGP, CID ((Cyber C Crime), H.P., S Shimla 330.1.12 PB-4 3740067000 + 8900/(GP) 33. Ajay Sh. Kumaar Yadavv 199611053 07-09 9-97 (RR) E. (Elec. & B.E Com m.) 26-09-70 Delhi O OSD to H Hon’ble U Union Home M Minister PB-4 3740067000 + 8900/(GP) - On deputation to GOI upto 6/7/2012 34. Sh. Abhishek A Trived di 199611032 05-09 9-96 (RR) A, LLB MA 27-08-71 Bihar D DIGP, ((Admn. ))PHQ, S Shimla-2 22.11.11 PB-4 3740067000 + 8900/- - Ex- Cadre post 32. Cadre post - (GP) Name / Id. No. Daate of Apptt. of /Sourcee recruitment Sll. No. Quaalification (Subject ) Date of Birth / Domicile P Present post/ D Date of aappointment tto present p post Pay Scale Police Medals, if any Remarks Alllotment Year-1997 Y 35. 36. Sh. Anand p Singh Pratap 19910009 25-08 8-97 (RR) Sh. Rajinder Mohaan Sharm ma 999922106 22.10.02 (SPS)) E. B.E M.A A. Eco., Histtory 05-05-71 Uttar Pradesh 4.4.53 Himacha l Pradesh Una PB-4 O On leave - On depu to GOI PM-2003 Cadre Post 37,40067,000 + 8,900/(GP) D DIGP, CID, S Shimla 22.2.12 PB-4 37,40067,000 + 8,900/(GP) Alllotment Year-1998 Y M. Sh. Chanddra Sekhaar 199811005 28-12 2-98 (RR) B.T Tech 38. Sh. Dinesh Kumaar Yadavv 199811045 28-12 2-98 (RR) 39. Sh. Himanshu Misraa, SPS 37. 20.4.74 Andhra Pradesh D DIGP oon inter cadre ddeputation to K Karnataka G Government aat Bangalore 22.2.2009 PB-3 1560039100 + 8900/(GP) BScc.(PCM) 01.7.72 Uttar Pradesh A ADG(Dy. S Secy. Level) U Unique IIdentification A Authority of IIndia, R Regional O Office Delhi 220.4.11 PB-3 1560039100 + 8900/- ( GP ) B.A M.B 1.06.196 2 U.P O On ssecondment ((UNAMA) in A Afganistan PB-4 - - On depu. to Karnataka Govt. On dept. 37,40067,000 + 8900/(GP) Alllotment Year-1999 Y 40. Sh. Gyaneeshwar Singh h 199911017 20.9.999 (RR) PA MP 22.2.71 Uttar Pradesh G General M Manager ((Security) C Civil A Aviation, A Airport A Authorities, N Nw Delhi 11.9.2008 PB-3 1560039100 + 7600/(GP) - On depu. to GOI. Name / Id. No. Daate of Apptt. of /Sourcee recruitment Sll. No. Quaalification (Subject ) Date of Birth / Domicile P Present post/ D Date of aappointment tto present p post Pay Scale Police Medals, if any Remarks Alllotment Year-2000 Y 41. Sh. Jai Prakaash Singh h 200011011 4.9.20000 (RR) BA, LLB, Masster in Police Mannagement, Post Graduate Dipploma in Induustrial Relations & Perssonal Mannagement 10.7.67 Bihar P Passport O Officer, L Lucknow 119.10.2009 PB-3 1560039100 + 7600/(GP) 42. Sh. Arvind A Shardda, SPS A M.A 23.2.59 S S.P., S SV&ACB ((SZ), Shimla 99.11.2010 PB-4 3740067000 + 8700/(GP) Cadre post 43. Sh. K.K.IIndoria, SPS A (Eng. M.A Liteer) 18.3.195 6 PB-4 3740067000 + 8700/(GP) ---- S SP, Commdt. D Directorate H Home Guards, S Shimla - On deputation to GOI Alllotment Year-2001 Y 44. Dr.Atull Kumar Digambbar Fulzele 200110029 26.12. 01 0 (RR) MB BBS 29.6.73 Maharast ra S S.P. CBI, N New Delhi 224.09.2010 PB-3 1560039100 + GP 6600/- Sh. Dalj ljeet Kumar Thakur (SPS) B.A A. (Hons), LLB B 04.04.62 Distt Kullu (HP) S S.P., Kangra 119.12.2011 3740067000 +8600 (GP) Cadre Post Sh. Rattan Singh Negi N (SPS) B.A A. 05.06.54 Distt. Kinnaur (HP) S SP, (NCB) C CID, HP, S Shimla 3740067000 +8600 (GP) Cadre Post - Centre Deputatio n Alllotment Year-2002 Y 45. Sh. Asif Jalal 200210021 2.9.20002 (RR) A, M.Phil MA 2.8.74 Bihar S S.P. CBI, N New Delhi 55.4.2010 PB-3 1560039100 + GP - Centre deputation 6600/Sll. No. Name / Id. No. Daate of Apptt. of /Sourcee recruitment Quaalification (Subject ) Date of Birth / Domicile P Present post/ D Date of aappointment tto present p post Pay Scale Sh. Brijj Mohan Sharma (SPS) A (English) MA 25.09.58 Panchkul a, Haryana S SP, Chamba 3740067000 +8600 (GP) Cadre Post uneeta Mrs. Pu Bhardw waj (SPS) Phil M.P 18.12.60 U.P S S.P., C CID(Crime), H H.P., Shimla 118.2.12 3740067000 +8600 (GP) Cadre Post S Sr. S.P. N NHRC, New D Delhi 44.1.12 PB-3 1560039100 + GP 6600/- On Center Dept. Police Medals, if any Remarks Alllotment Year-2003 Y 46. Pupul Sh. P Dutta Prasad 200310015 01.09.003 (RR) A M.A M.S Sc ( Human Rig ghts) 01.03.80 Bihar - Sh. Jagaat Ram (SPS) M.A A., M.Phil., (Pubb. Admn), MB BA(HR), PG PM M & LW 9.06.55 Distt. Mandi. S SP, (LR) P PHQ, Shimla2 119.12.11 3740067000 +8600 (GP) Leave Reserve Dr. Vin nod Kumar Dhawann (SPS) A(Pub. MA Adm mn.), M.P Phil.(Pub. Adm mn, HRD), Post Graduate Cerrtificate in Mannagement of Rehhabilitation of Development D (PG GCMRR), Ph.D D.(Pub. Adm mn.) 11.03.58 Distt. Shimla A AIGP, PHQ, S Shimla 66.2.12 3740067000 +8600 (GP) Cadre Post Alllotment Year-2004 Y 47. Sonal Sh. Mohan Aganihhotri 200410015 6.9.20004 (RR) E. B.E Sh. Kappil Sharmaa (SPS) Phil M.P (En nglish) 17.1.77 Maharas htra S SP, CBI, N N/Delhi PB-3 1560039100 + GP 6600/- 21.03.61 Distt. Kullu (HP) S S.P., Prison, S Shimla 22.4.11 3740067000 +8600(G P) - On Central Dep. Non-cadre Sll. No. Name / Id. No. Daate of Apptt. of /Sourcee recruitment Quaalification (Subject ) Date of Birth / Domicile P Present post/ D Date of aappointment tto present p post Pay Scale Police Medals, if any Remarks Alllotment Year-2005 Y 48. Ms Sum medha 200510004 22.8.20005 (RR) Com. M.C 26.11.19 78 Punjab S S.P. Una 119.3.2011 cadre post PB-3 1560039100 + GP 6600/- - Alllotment Year-2006 Y 49. Ashok Sh. Kumar 20061149 29.8.20006 (RR) Sc. B.S 2.7.1977 Uttar Pradesh S SP Kullu PB-3 1560039100 + GP 6,600/- Cadre Post 50. A Sh. Abhishek Dolur 200612292 B.T Tech. 22.3.80 S SP, Mandi 55.2.12 PB-3 1560039100 + GP 6,600/- Cadre Post. Rajastha n 30.8.20006 (RR) - Sh. Rameshhwar Singh Thakur T (SPS) A. (Hons) B.A 12.09.64 Distt. Shimla (HP) S S.P., Sirmour, H HP, 9.2.12 3740067000 +8600(G P) Cadre Post Sh. Prem m Kumar Thakur, (SPS) Com., LLB B.C 28.02.66 Distt. Kullu, H.P S S.P., Solan 37,40067000+ 8,600/(GP) Cadre Post Sh. Sanntosh Patial (S SPS) BE((Civil), MB BA(HR) 26-02-68 Distt. Hamirpu r (HP) S SP, Bilaspur 119.12.11 3740067000 +8600(G P) Cadre Post Sh. Sunnil Kumar (SPS) Com. M.C 27-02-62 Distt. Kangra (HP) S SP, L&S, H.P 110.2.12 3740067000 +8600 (GP) Cadre Post Sh. Chaander Shekhaar (SPS) A., LLB B.A 14-11-57 Distt Bilaspur (HP) S SP, Shimla 3740067000 +8600 (GP) Cadre Post Sll. No. Name / Id. No. Daate of Apptt. of /Sourcee recruitment Date of Birth / Domicile Quaalification (Subject ) P Present post/ D Date of aappointment tto present p post Pay Scale Police Medals, if any Remarks - Cadre Post. Alllotment Year-2007 Y 51. MB BA 24.08.78 Delhi S SP Kinnaur 33.2.12 PB-3 1560039100 + GP . 6,600/- Sh. Mad dhu Sudan (SPS) ( A. B.A 27-111963 Distt Kangra S S.P., H Hamirpur 1560039100 +7600 (GP) Cadre Post Mrs. Raani Bindu (SPS) ( Phil.(Econo M.P miccs) 27-011968 Panchkul a (Haryana ) C Commandant, 6th IRB, K Kollar at N Nahan 1560039100 +7600(G P) Cadre Post Ms Veeena Bharti 20071103 18.8.20007 (RR) Alllotment Year-2008 Y 52. Sh. S.A Arul Kumar (RR) A Addl. SP., S Shimla 117.2.12 PB-3 1560039100 + GP 6600/- - Jr. Post 53. Sh. G.Sivakkumar (RR) A Addl. SP, D Distt. Kangra ((City) PB-3 1560039100 + GP 6600/- - Jr. Post Alllotment Year-2010 Y 54. Mrs Souumya Sambhaasivan (RR) P Practical Trg. ( Phase-II) at K Kangra 113.1.12 PB-3 1560039100 + GP 5400/- Jr. Post 55. Sh. Mohit Chawlaa (RR) U Under Trg. PB-3 1560039100 + GP 5400/- Jr. Post 56. Sh. Rah hul Nath, IP PS Attached with SP (Prob.) Sl. No. 57. 58. Name / Id. No. Date of Apptt. /Source of recruitment Mandi Qualification (Subject ) Date of Birth / Domicile Present post/ Date of appointment to present post Pay Scale Police Medals, if any Remarks Ms. Meshram Swapna Gautam, IPS (Prob.) SP Office Shimla Sh. Raman Kumar Meena, IPS (Prob.) SP Office Kullu SANCTIONED STRENGTH OF HIMACHAL PRADESH POLICE SERVICE AS ON 27.09.2012 Details of Sanctioned Permanent Posts Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. 16 17. Designation of the Posts Police Welfare Officer Addl.S.P.(for Shimla-2,Dharamshala-2, and one each for Mandi,Solan,Sirmaur,Chamba, Kullu,Hamirpur,Una and Bilaspur) Addl SP(R&T)/CID Addl SP.s ( 3 each for 1st, 2nd ,3rd , 4th & 5th & 6th IRBns). Additional S.P. for H.P. Institute of Police Studies, Sakoh Dy.S.P.(One each for all Districts) Dy.SP (City) Shimla S.D.P.Os (One each for Palampur, Sundernagar, Nalagarh, Nurpur,Paonta-Sahib, Rohru, Rampur, Ani, Dalhousie, Rajgarh, Dehra, Parwanoo, Salooni, Manali,, Theog, Sarkaghat, Jawali, Amb, Ghumaarwin, Barsar & Baijnath Dy.SP (CID/Crime), Spl Branch, SCRB (Comp), Kangra & Mandi Dy.S.P CM Security Dy.S.PTC Daroh Dy. SPs SV&ACB Dy. SPs (Bn)( 1st, 2nd & 3rd, IRBns & HPAP Bn, Junga Dy.SP for Anti corruption Units (one each for Shimla, Mandi, Dharmashala, Solan, Hamirpur, Kullu, Chamba, Nahan, Una and Bilaspur, Kinnaur & L&S). Dy. S.P.s 7 each for 4th , 5th & 6th IRBn Dy. S.P. for HP Instituate Police Studies Dy. SP for Distt. Police BBN Total Duty Posts i. Total Duty posts ii. Deputation reserve iii. Leave reserve iv. Training reserve No. of Posts 01 12 02 18 01 12 01 21 05 01 03 03 20 12 21 03 01 137 137 12 10 10 169 Total Authorized Strength Note:The HPPS cadre has been revised vide notification No. Home-D-A(3)-1/2008, dated 19.5.2010 from 134 to 169. Direct recruitments posts 68 Promotion posts 101 Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Permanent Address Present place of posting with date 1. Balbir Singh (P) 26-01-1956 9.10.85 (notional 7.8.86 (actual) 20.3.1990 Elysinn Hill Awkland Hotel, Lakkar Bazar, Shimla1 Commandant, 37400-67000 Home +8600(GP) Guards, Nahan 24.3.2008 2. Yashbir Singh (P) B.A. 17.08.55 ---------- 07.11.94 Village Chadwalka, PO-Tihra, Teh. Sarkaghat, Distt. Mandi (HP) S.P., Human Rights Commission, Shimla 19.03.2011 37400-67000 +8600(GP) 3. Bimal Gupta (DT) M.A. (Police Administration) Ajay Krishan Sharma (DT) M.Sc.(Chemistry) 26.10.72 ------ 20.01.96 235, Janakpur, New Delhi, 110058. S.P., CID, H.P., Shimla 37400-67000 + 7600(GP) 01.10.69 ------ 23-01-1996 (D.O.J) JDD- IB, MHA, GOI 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 5. D. K. Chaudhary (DT) M.Sc., M.Phil 12-12-1967 ------ 24-01-1996 Flat No. 6, type-IV, DCP Office Complex, Hauz Khas, New Delhi110016 P.O Dhaneta, Vill. Langar, Distt. Hamirpur Vill. Slare, P.O. Jawalamukhi, Kangra 6. Gurdev Chand Sharma (DT) M.Sc (Forestry), M.Phil. in Police Admn. Vimukt Ranjan (DT) M.A., M.Phil 31-01-1971 ------ 31-01-1998 Village Ajnol, PO-Bassi, Distt. Bilaspur S.P., Baddi, Police Distt. Baddi 23.08.2011 14-03-1971 ------ 24-12-1997 House No. 163, Village Goura Kalan, Ward No. 10, Hamirpur (HP) S.P., 15600-39100 SV&ACB,(SI +7600(GP) U) Shimla Anupam Sharma (DT) B,E.(Civil) 07-03-1972 ------ 25-11-1998 Shimla View Cottage, Chakkar, Shimla-5 Commdt. 5th IRBn, Bassi, Bilaspur 27.08.2011 Sl. No 4. 7. 8. Pay Scale Commandant, 15600-39100 1st IRBn, +7600(GP) Bangarh, Una 19.03.2011 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 15600-39100 +7600(GP) Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Permanent Address 9. Shubhra Tiwari (DT) M.Phil., Bilaspur 22-02-1969 ----- 11-12-1998 Village Joint Secy, Hiulanga Patti (Transport), Malla Udaipur, H.P, Shimla P.O- Paukhal, Distt.- Pauri Garhwal, Uttrakhand. 10. Virender Singh Tomar (DT) M.Sc., Ph.D., MBA 05-05-1967 ----- 25.11.98 VPO-Gorar, Distt. Sonipat (Haryana) Commdt. 4th IRBn, Jungle Beri, Hamirpur 26.08.2011 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 11. Ranjana Chauhan (DT) B.Sc. 13-02-1971 ----- 2.12.98 Vill. Badraine, Teh. Kotkhai, Shimla S.P.,Admn., PHQ, Shimla 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 12. Omapati Jamwal (DT) M.Sc.(Physics) 29-06-1970 ----- 15-12-1998 House No. 14, Raura Sector2, Bilaspur On UN Mission, in Temor Leste 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 13. Arvind Digvijay Singh Negi (DT) BA 28-05-1972 ----- 25-11-1998 14. Kushal Chand Sharma (DT) M.Phil., MBA 14-03-1969 ----- 5.5.99 P-7, Kelistan On Estate, Shimla- deputation 1 with NIA 09/2010 V.P.O. Pali, SP, PTC, Distt. Mandi, Daroh 115001 15. Sanjeev Kumar Gandhi (DT) BA, LLB Ramesh Chander Chajta (DT) L.L.M. 24-05-1973 ----- 31-05-1999 09-03-1968 ----- 21-04-1999 Diwakar Sharma (DT) B.Com., MTA 21-09-1975 ----- 28-04-1999 Sl. No 16. 17. Present place of posting with date VPO-Bughar, Tehsil Arki, Distt. Solan Village Ghyan, PO Kathasu via Hatkoti, Tehsil Jubbal, Distt. Shimla Commdt. 2nd IRBn, Sakoh, Kangra SP (LR) PHQ, Shimla VPO-Sidhpur, Distt. Kangra Commdt. Home Guards, Solan 30.08.2011 Pay Scale 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 15600-39100 +7600/-(GP) 15600-39100 +7600/-(GP) 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 15600-39100 +7600(GP) Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Permanent Address Present place of posting with date Pay Scale 18. Diwakar Sharma (DT) B.Com., MTA 21-09-1975 ----- 28-04-1999 VPO-Sidhpur, Distt. Kangra Commdt. Home Guards, Solan 30.08.2011 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 19. Hardesh Bisht (P) B.A. 10-12-1957 18.05.94 26-07-2000 20. Rajesh Kumar Dharmani (P) B.Sc. (Non Medical), MA(Sociology), One year diploma in URDU language from NCPUL, One year Diploma in Urdue language from HYY Urdu Academy Panchkulla 21-03-1963 16-091995 21. Kuldeep Sharma (P) M.A. (English) 12-05-1961 22. Sajju Ram Rana (P) M.Com. 23. Dandup Wangai Negi (P) B.A. Sl. No Resident of Gol-Bagh, Near Mahamaya Temple, Sundernagar, Distt. Mandi (HP) 26-07-2000 Village Karangora, PO Parwanoo, Distt. Solan Commdt. 1st 37400-67000 HPAP, Junga, +8600 (GP) Shimla AIG, R&T, Shimla 17.02.2010 15600-39100 + 7600 (GP) 1.09.96 26-07-2000 Village Bheler, SP, (LR) PO-Chachian, PTC, Daroh Teh. Palampur, Distt. Kangra 15600-39100 + 7600 (GP) 13-05-1964 28-091995 26-07-2000 VPO-Dhawali, Teh.Sarkaghat, District Mandi 15600-39100 + 7600 (GP) 04-05-1962 12-091995 26-07-2000 Vill. Rarang, P.O. Rarang, Kinnour. Vill. Parwanoo, Distt. Solan, H.P Commandant, 3rd IRBn, Pandoh, Mandi 19.03.2011 On deputation with SAIL 13.08.2010 15600-39100 +7600/-(GP) Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Present place of posting with date Pay Scale 24. Rajinder Singh Bhatia(P) B.A. 10-03-1962 29-091995 29-09-1995 V.P.O Jalag, Teh. Jai Singh Pur, Distt. Kangra. SP, Security, CID, HP 15600-39100 +5400/-(GP) 25. Virender Sharma (P) MBA 25-06-1963 22-091995 26-07-2000 S.P., SV&ACB, Mandi 01-06-2010 37400-67000 +7600/-(GP) 26. Pritam Singh-I (P) BA 19-12-1954 15-071996 26-07-2000 VPO-Kangoo, S.P., Tehsil Nadaun, SV&ACB, Distt Hamirpur Dharamshala 3.6.2009 37400-67000 +7600/-(GP) 27. Ravinder Kumar Sharma (P) M.A.(Hindi) 17-03-1955 5.8.96 26-07-2000 VPO-Deoli, Tehsil Sadar, Distt Bilaspur Addl. S.P., 1st IRB, Bangarh, Una 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 28. Anand Kumar Dhiman (P) B.A. 15-08-1959 15-071996 26-07-2000 VPO-Tiara, Tehsil & Distt Kangra S.P., LR, 15600-39100 PHQ, Shimla +7600(GP) 29. Madan Lal-I (P) M.A. (Pol. Science) 26-06-1957 18-071996 26-07-2000 Village Badhol, PO Malera, Tehsil Kasauli, Distt Solan Commandant, 15600-39100 Home +7600 (GP) Guards, Shimla 15.10.2011 30. Mohinder Singh (P) B.A. 18-10-1957 18-071996 26-07-2000 Village Poona, PO-Sanoli, Tehsil & Distt Una Addl. S.P., 5th 15600-39100 IRB +7600(GP) (Mahila), Bassi 22.6.2010 31. Ajay Singh Bodh (P) BA 16-11-1961 30-071996 30-07-2000 Village Jatanu, Tehsil Nirmand, District Kullu Commdt. Home Guards, Kullu 2.9.11 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 32. Satish Kumar (P) BA 24-04-1957 16-071996 26-07-2000 VPODharampur, District Solan Addl.S.P., SV&ACB, Shimla 15600-39100 +7600 (GP) Sl. No Permanent Address Vill. Deot, Chopal, Shimla Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Present place of posting with date Pay Scale 33. Surinder Kumar Verma (P) MA(Eco) 03-11-1957 27-071996 26-07-2000 Village & P.OLower Koti, Tehsil Rohru, District Shimla 26-07-2000 Village Mian Beher, PODhalpur, District Kullu Addl. S.P., TTR, Shimla 5.10.2009 15600-39100 +7600 (GP) 34. Ravinder Singh Jamwal (P) BA 01-01-1956 19-071996 ASP, Mandi 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 35. Hira Singh (P) BA 24-08-1956 14-071997 26-07-2000 House No. 277, New Colony Dhalpur, Kullu 3rd IRBn, Pandoh 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 36. Padam Chand (P) BA 05-04-1966 17-071996 26-07-2000 Village Sharda, POLower Kothi, Teh-Rohru, District Shimla Addl. SP, SV&ACB Chamba 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 37. Jitender Parkash (P) BA 19-09-1956 19-071996 Addl. S.P., 4th 15600-39100 IRB, +7600(GP) Jangalberi 20.4.2010 38. Basher Singh (P) BA 14-07-1959 07-081997 39. Krishan Gopal Kapur (P) 20-02-1957 02-081999 40. Surinder Sharma (P) BA 27-11-1956 29-071997 26-07-2000 House No. 244/13, Somu Cottage, Nr. ITI Hostle Paddle, District Mandi 26-07-2000 Vill.- Rohtan, P.O.- Mandal (Jubbal), Shimla 26-07-2000 Village Bohan, POJwalamukhi, Distt Kangra (HP) 29-07-2000 VPO-Dhalpur, District Kullu 41. Gulab Singh (P) BA 18-04-1955 14-071997 Sl. No Permanent Address 26-07-2000 Village Rasmain, POSunder NagarI, Distt Mandi Addl. SP, Kangra at Dharamshala 15600-39100 +7600(GP) Addl. S.P., Hamirpu 15600-39100 +7600(GP) Addl. S.P., 3rd IRB, Pandoh 11.11.2009 15600-39100 +7600 (GP) Addl.SP, 3rd IRB, Pandoh 29.09.2011 15600-39100 +7600(GP) Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS 42. Bhagat Singh (P) B.Com., NIS 22-11-1965 28.03.20 02 15600-39100 27-03-2002 Village Shekel, Addl. S.P., +6600(GP) Tehsil Rohru, (LR), 1st District Shimla HPAP, Junga, Shimla 43. Sandeep Kumar Dhawal (DT) BE(Machenical Engg.), PG Diploma in Operational Management 06-05-1971 ----- 24-08-2001 B-3 Friends Colony, Sundernagar, Distt. Gurdaspur (PB) Addl. S.P., Kullu 19.6.2010 15600-39100 +6600(GP) 44. Rakesh Singh (DT) B.Com., MFC, MA(Pol. Science) 26-05-1974 ----- 31-12-2002 Choudhary Niwas, Below Satyam Hotel, Kuchi Ghati, PO-Tara Devi, District Shimla Addl. SP, Una 15600-39100 +6600(GP) 45. Arvind Chaudhary (DT) B.Sc., MTA 08-04-1974 ----- 04-01-2003 Ward No. 8, PO Nurpur, Distt Kangara Addl.SP, SV&ACB, Mandi 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 46. Sandeep Kumar Bhardwaj(DT) M.Sc. (Maths), MA(Sociology) PGJMC 16-04-1969 ------ 11-03-2005 Village Serdhar, POShiwan, Tehsil Kumarsain, District Shimla ADC to Governor 15.3.2011 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 47. Nihal Chand (P) BA 30-03-1960 22.071999 29-04-2006 VPO-Tandi, District L&S Addl. S.P., (LR), Kangra 03.05.11 15600-39100 +7600(GP) 48. Jog Raj (P) BA 04-03-1959 05-081999 29-04-2006 Bear Biasa Mour Akhara Bazar, Kullu Addl. SP., Dharamshala 29.09.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 49. Ramesh Pathania (P) MA(English) 26-09-1959 14-071999 29-04-2006 Village Lacchh, PO Bassa Hazian, Tehsil Nurpur, Distt Kangra Addl. S.P., Shimla 15600-39100 +7600(GP) Sl. No Permanent Address Present place of posting with date Pay Scale Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Permanent Address Present place of posting with date 50. Hirdu Ram (P) BA 12-05-1960 20-071999 29-04-2006 Addl. S.P., 5th 15600-39100 IRB, Bassi +7600(GP) 11.5.2010 51. Sanjeev Lakhanpal (P) BA Vinod Kumar (P) B.Sc., LLB 17-01-1964 10-071999 29-04-2006 31-05-1957 09-102001 29-04-2006 53. Suresh Kumar (P) BA 08-05-1959 11-052005 29-04-2006 54. Kuldeep Chand Rana (P) BA 28-12-1962 19.7.99 29-04-2006 Village Samkal, POUpper Behli, Teh.Sundernagar, Mandi H.No. 168/2, Purani Mandi, District Mandi Sheela Bhawan, Nav Bahar, Nr. White Gate, Chotta Shimla VPOSujanpur, Distt Hamirpur Village Patt, PO-Chhobin, Baijnath, Distt Kangra 55. Yash Pal (P) MA(Eco) 27-11-1959 09-102001 29-04-2006 Addl. SP, 3rd IRBn, Pandoh, Mandi 15600-39100 +6600(GP) 56. Virender Singh (P) MA 14-05-1963 17-112001 29-04-2006 Village Thala, POMunishbahali, Tehsil Rampur, Distt Shimla Village Langha, PO Bhararu, Jogindernagar Distt Mandi Addl. SP., 6th IRBn. Kollar at Nahan 15600-39100 +6600(GP) 57. Kulwant Singh (P) MA 31-03-1961 13-072004 21-12-2006 VPO-Sandhol, Jogindernagar District Mandi Addl. SP, (HQ), Chamba 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 58. Bhag Mal (P) B.Sc., B.Ed. 30-05-1970 7-072004 21-12-2006 Village Pandal, Addl. SP, District Mandi Bilaspur 15600-39100 +6600(GP) 59. Rajesh Kumar (P) B.Sc. 08-02-1974 ------------- 31-1.07 VPOBahadpur, Tehsil Indora, Distt Kangra 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Sl. No 52. Pay Scale Addl. S.P., Nahan 28.4.2010 Addl. SP. Solan 15600-39100 +7600(GP) Addl. SP. 6th IRBn, Kollar at Nahan Addl. SP. CID, Mandi 15600-39100 +6600(GP) Dy. SP on S/L 15600-39100 +6600(GP) 15600-39100 +7600(GP) Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Permanent Address Present place of posting with date Pay Scale 60. Shamsher Singh (P) B.Sc., MTA, MA(Sociology) 22-06-1972 ------------- 21-12-2006 VPOMandhol, District Shimla 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 61. Varinder Kalia(P) MA 06-01-1974 --------------- 22-12-2006 Vill.- Bajhog, PO-Sarog, Theog Distt Shimla Dy. SP, 4th IRBn, Jangle Beri, Hamirpur DSP, on S/L 62. Bhupinder SinghI (P) MA, LLB 22-08-1970 --------- 27-12-2006 SDPO, Palampur 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 63. Naresh Kumar(P) MA(Eco. & Sociology) 06-07-1972 -------- 21-12-2006 DSP, SV&ACB, Mandi 19.03.2011 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 64. Vinod KumarII(P) BA 25-08-1973 --------- 22-12-2006 On S/L 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 65. Madan Lal-II (P) MA(Pol. Science) 16-04-1973 --------- 12.7.07 Vill.- Kyari, PO-Halog Dhami, Teh.& Distt. Shimla Village Sahoga, POJassorgarh, Tissa, Distt Chamba VPODharampur, District Solan Village Rajol Palaian, PO Ghallour, Distt Kangra DSP(LR), Hamirpur 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 66. Rani Devi (P) BA 01-08-1955 ----------- 5.02.2007 Bhurian Gate, Jagadhari, Distt Yamuna Nagar (Haryana) DSP, 1st IRB, Bangarh 6-2-2007 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 67. Paras Ram (P) BA 22-10-1954 -------- 1.4.07 Dy. SP, Sakoh, D/Shala 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 68. Shiv Kumar (DT) M.Sc., M.Phil.(Botany) 05-10-1982 -------- 29-11-2007 Village Randoh, PORathiar, Distt Chamba VPO-Dadhol, Distt Bilaspur SDPO, Parwanoo 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 69. Balbir Singh-II (DT) M.Sc.(Physics) 14-11-1970 -------- 30-11-2007 VPOLehrisarail, Teh.Ghumarwin, Distt Bilaspur Dy. SP, SV&ACB, Hamirpur 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Sl. No 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Permanent Address Present place of posting with date Pay Scale 70. Balbir Singh-II (DT) M.Sc.(Physics) 14-11-1970 -------- 30-11-2007 Dy. SP, SV&ACB, Hamirpur 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 71. Raman Sharma(DT) MBA, M.Phil Sushil Kumar (DT) M.Sc. 10-04-1974 -------- 29-11-2007 -------- 29-11-2007 SDPO, Dalhousie 20-11-2010 Dy. SP, 4th IRBn. Jangle Beri, Hamirpur 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 24-11-1975 VPOLehrisarail, Teh.Ghumarwin, Distt Bilaspur 322, Civil Bazar, Dharamshala Village Kallar, PO-Bharoli Kalan, Distt Bilaspur 73. Nishchint Singh Negi (DT) M.A. Sociology 02-02-1975 -------- 28-11-2007 VPO-Ribbar, Distt Kinnaur SDPO, Paota Sahib 26.04.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 74. Pankaj Sharma (DT) MA(English) Vinod Kumar-III (DT) B.Sc., B.Ed. 30-07-1972 -------- 29-11-2007 DSP(HQ), Kullu 15600-39100 +5400 (GP) 06-09-1978 -------- 3.12.2007 Village Maloh, PO Shargaon, Distt Sirmour VPO-Guler, Teh.- Dehra, District kangra SDPO, Salooni 22.4.2010 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Vijay Kumar 26-04-1969 (DT) MA(Eng.), B.Ed., Diploma in Mechanical Engg. Bhupinder Singh 27-06-1969 (P) BA -------- 30-11-2007 Village Joal, PO Sandhol, District Mandi SDPO, Amb 11.05.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) -------- 17-10-2008 Village Bahali, Teh. Rampur, District Shimla Dy. SP, 1st 15600-39100 HPAP, Junga, +5400(GP) Shimla Sl. No 72. 75. 76. 77. 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 78. Kulbhushan Verma (DT) MA, LLB 11-02-1982 -------- 15-10-2008 Village Nimla, PO-Nigan, District Kullu Dy. SP, (HQ), Chamba 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 79. Dinesh Kumar (P) B.Sc.(Chemistry Hons.), LLB, PGDPM & LW Suresh Kumar (P) MA 14-11-1970 30-072004 (A.N) 07-10-2008 SDPO, Kangra 15.10.2010 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 27-05-1970 -------- 15.12.08 Village Saras, POKangoo,Sunde rnagar, District Mandi Village Khani, PO-Anni, District Kullu On Study Leave 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 80. Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Permanent Address Present place of posting with date Pay Scale 81. Manmohan Singh (DT) B.V.Sc. & AM 08-04-1977 -------- 15-10-2008 Village Nalda, PO-Jhalman, District L&S SDPO, Palampur 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 82. Badri Singh (P) MA 23-12-1972 -------- 28-10-2008 VPO-Kot Tungal, District Mandi UN Mission at South Sudan 10.2.12 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 83. Praveer Thakur (DT) M.Com.(hons), M.Phil., MBE Shiv Ram Chaudhary (P) BA Sagar Chandra (DT) B.Tech. 15-07-1976 -------- 15-10-2008 Prem Deep Bhawan, Sarkaghat, Distt. Mandi Dy.SP, (City), Shimla 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 29-09-1974 -------- 30-10-2008 3rd IRBn, Pandoh 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 08-04-1971 -------- 20-10-2008 VPO-Maira, Distt Kangra, Teh.- Jwali 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 86. Anil Dutt (P) MA, B.Ed 06-07-1970 -------- 06-11-2008 Village Sehoti, PO Khudian, Distt Kangra SDPO, Theog, Shimla 7.05.11 DSP, 1st IRB, Bangarh 15.3.2010 87. Amit Sharma (DT) BA, LLB, MBA Narinder Kumar (P) BA 29-07-1979 -------- 15-10-2008 VPO-Swana, Distt Kangra SDPO, Baddi 09.05.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 14-06-1972 -------- 20.10.08 Near AIR Colony, VPOSakoh, Distt Kangra Dy.SP, SV&ACB, Una 30.09.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 89. Raj Kumar (P) MA 02-07-1971 -------- 17-10-2008 SDPO, Rohru 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 90. Praveen Dhiman (DT) M.Sc.(Agricultur e Extension) Puneet Raghu (DT) BA(Hons. In English), MA(Eng), LLB 27-12-1975 -------- 15-10-2008 VPOBehnajattan, District Bilaspur VPO-Kuthera, Distt Bilaspur SDPO, Nalagarh 7.5.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 22-03-1981 -------- 15-10-2008 Village Delag, Bhater Nichli, Distt Bilaspur Dy.SP., Traffic, Shimla 9.05.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Sl. No 84. 85. 88. 91. 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Permanent Address Present place of posting with date Pay Scale 92. Ajay Kumar (P) B.Sc. 23-01-1971 -------- 24-10-2008 VPO_Upper Lang, Distt. Kangra SDPO, Sunder Nagar 23.5.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 93. Ashish Sharma (P) BA 19-08-1971 -------- 19-10-2008 72, Ram Nagar, Dharamshala, Distt. Kangra Dy.SP., (HQ), Mandi 12.5.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 94. Rajesh Kumar (DT) 16-11-1975 -------- 15-10-2008 House No. SDPO, Kaza 142/I, Vashno 11.05.11 Bhawan, Surva Vihar, Rajgarh Road, Solan 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 95. Babita Rana (P) M.Sc., M.Phil. (Zoology) 09-05-1969 -------- 18-10-2008 VPO_Behdala, District Una Dy.SP, SV&ACB, Nahan 24.6.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 96. Parmod Shukla (P) B.Sc. 18-04-1963 -------- 1-11-2008 VPO-Sadar Bilaspur DSP, CM Secuirty, 27.10.08 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 97. Narvir Singh (P) BA 15-08-1973 -------- 16-10-2008 Village Kumbra, PO-Dewat, Chopal, Distt Shimla Security 15600-39100 Officer, HPU, +5400(GP) Shimla-2 98. Ashok Kumar (P) MA 01-09-1968 -------- 17-10-2008 Village Jole, PO-Gharan via Talai, District Bilaspur SDPO, Darlaghat 11.5.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 99. Vijay Kumar (P) B.Sc., B.Ed., MA(Eco) 24-08-1964 -------- 1-11-2008 Village Malehri, PO-Dangar, Distt Bilaspur Dy.SP., CID(Cime), Shimla 10.5.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 100. Brijesh Sood (P) BA 11-06-1970 -------- 27-10-2008 VPO-Paprola, Distt Kangra DSP(HQ), Shimla 09.5.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Sl. No Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Permanent Address Present place of posting with date Pay Scale 101. Balbir Singh (P) BA, B.Ed. 09-03-1965 -------- 4.11.08 DSP, CID Shimla 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 102. Rajesh Kumar (P) B.Sc. 05-03-1971 -------- 2-11-2008 VPO-Bharol, Jogindernagar District Mandi VPO-Bhaura, Distt Kangra 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 103. Rajinder Kumar (P) MA 24-11-1973 -------- 1.12.2008 Village Batail, PO Bhambla, District Mandi DSP, PTC, Daroh 25.10.2010 SDPO, Nurpur 9.5.11 104. Kali Dass (P) M.Com., B.Ed., Diploma in D.E.C.E. 05-01-1959 -------- 03.11.2008 Village Soankher, PO Halwar, Distt Bilaspur DSP, Sarkaghat 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 105. Nehar Singh (P) Matric 10-03-1955 26-62004 07-10-2008 Village Urmi, Dstt Kinnaur 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 106. Ram Lal (P) BA 24-02-1962 -------- 26-11-2008 Village Nag, PO-Binola, Distt Bilaspur SDPO, Chopal 2.5.2010 SDPO, Rajgarh 107. Sunil Dutt (P) BA 13-03-1969 -------- 25.7.09 VPO-Kalpa, Distt Kinnaur 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 108. Manoher Lal (P) MA(Eco) 11-06-1970 -------- 19-06-2009 VPO-Nandi, District Mandi DSP, State Crime Record Bureau, Shimla 27-9-2010 SDPO, Naina Devi ji 109. Ramesh Kumar (P) B.Sc. 04-11-1969 -------- 20-06-2009 Village Thana, PO Jamna, Poanta Sahib, Distt Sirmour DSP, SV&ACB, Solan 24.7.2009 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 110. Anjani Kumar (P) BA, B.Ed. 05-09-1958 -------- 20-06-2009 Village Jheer, PO Gehrh, S/Ghat, Distt Mandi DSP(HQ), Una 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 111. Manoj Kumar (P) MA, M.Ed. 15-12-1971 -------- 26-06-2009 A.N Village Dhirar, PO Nagrota Gazian, Distt Hamirpur SDPO, Ghumarwin, Bilaspur 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Sl. No 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Permanent Address Present place of posting with date Pay Scale 112. Surinder Kumar (P) B.Sc., B.Ed. 15-02-1972 -------- 18-06-2009 A.N Village Sidhot, Himgiri, Distt Chamba Dy. SP, 2nd IRBn, Sakoh, Dharamshala 6.6.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 113. Taranjeet Singh (P) B.Sc., B.Ed. 19-10-1972 -------- 29-06-2009 New Totu Near Power House, POTotu, Distt Shimla DSP, SV&ACB, Bilaspur 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 114. Bhajan Dev Negi (P) BA 20-03-1959 -------- 23-06-2009 VPO_Miroo, Distt Kinnaur Dy. SP, 1st IRBn, Bangarh 28.5.11 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 115. Abhimanyou Verma (DT) MA 28-02-1972 --- 04.10.2010 VPO-Bharai, District Kullu Under training 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 116. Sanjeev Kumar (P) BSc, MTA 18.05.1971 --- 06.07.2010 House No. 238, Ward No. I, Krishna Nagar, Hamirpur SDPO, Manali 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 117. Shweta (DT) MA(Pub. Admn.) 03.02.1982 --- 04.10.2010 House No. 26, Village Thana (masina), PO Turan via Hatkoti, District Shimla Under training 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 118. Sanjay Kumar (P) BA, LLB (Hons.) 09.01.1963 07.07.2010 VPO-Bhojpur, District Mandi SDPO, Jwali, Kangra 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 119. Madan Kant (P) 16.10.1965 16.07.2010 SDPO, Barsar 13.10.2010 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 120. Hitesh Lakhanpal (DT) BA 28.07.1985 Under training 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Sl. No --- 12.11.2010 Village Oel, Kehloor Colony, Distt Bilaspur Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth 121. Kuldeep Singh (P) B.Sc., B.Ed. 122. Khazana Ram (P) BA 123. Rajinder Kumar (P), 124. Renu Kumari (DT) M.Phil(Physics), 31.01.1981 125. Navdeep Singh (DT) MA(History) 13.09.1984 126. Som Dutt (P) BA(Hons) 14.11.1969 127. Yogesh Rolta (DT) LLB, MA(Pub. Admn.) 15.12.1982 128. Dinesh Kumar Sharma (DT) BA 05.10.1980 129. Bhopinder Singh Bragta (DT) MBA(HRM) 21.03.1969 Sl. No Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Permanent Address Present place of posting with date Pay Scale 25.02.1957 09.07.2010 Village Bhadrug, PO-Naswal, Distt Bilaspur DSP, SV&ACB, Shimla 9-7-2010 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 13.06.1969 19.07.2010 VPO-Kangoo, District Mandi DSP(HQ), Bilaspur 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 16.11.2010 Village Chatar, DSP, PO-Narola, SV&ACB, Tehsil Shimla Sarkaghat, District Mandi (HP) 15600-39100 +5400(GP) ---- 04.10.2010 VPO-Longni, S/ghat, District Mandi Under training 15600-39100 +5400(GP) --- 04.10.2010 Village Manjru, POLoharli, Distt Hamirpur Under training 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 19.07.2010 VPOMeramashit, District Mandi DSP, 4th IRB, Jangalberi, 14.1.2011 15600-39100 +5400(GP) --- 04.10.2010 Village Jashla, PO-Deori Khaneti, District Shimla Under training 15600-39100 +5400(GP) --- 04.10.2010 Village Beyong, PO-Korag, Distt Sirmour Under training 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 04.10.2010 Village Thana, PO-Chopal, Distt Shimla Under training 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth Date of officiatin g Apptt. Date of apptt. to HPPS Permanent Address Present place of posting with date 130. Bram Dass Bhatia, (P) B.A. 17.3.73 --- 11.4.11 Village Upper Sohar, PO— Sandhol, Tehsil— Sarkaghat, District Mandi (HP) SDPO-Dehra, 15600-39100 Kangra +5400(GP) 131. Munish Dhadwal (DT), B.Sc. PGDBM 09-01-1974 --- 12-10-2011 Village Sham Nagar, PODharamshala, District Kangra (HP) Under Trg. 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 132. Bir Bahadur, (DT), M.Sc. (Zoology), B.Ed. 11-02-1981 --- 12-10-2011 Village Jatehar, PO Bag, District Mandi (HP). Under Trg. 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 133. Parmod Chauhan, (DT), M.Sc. (Hons.) (Chemistry) Manoj Joshi, (DT), MA (Hindi) 07-03-1978 --- 12-10-2011 VPO-Darkoti, District Shimla (HP). Under Trg. 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 29.09.1981 --- 12-10-2011 House No. Under Trg. 287/12, Chiranwali, Nahan, District Sirmour (HP) 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Santosh Kumar Sharma, (DT), M.A. (Geography), B.Ed., M.Phil. (Geography) Rattan Singh, (DT), B.Tech. 29.06.1981 --- 12-10-2011 Village Under Trg. Panjorh, POHallan, Tehsil Shillai, District Sirmour (HP) 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 26-10-1977 --- 12-10-2011 Village/POKanam, Tehsil Pooh, District Kinnaur (HP) Under Trg. 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Kuldeep Kumar, (DT) M.Sc.(Botany), B.Ed. 13-10-1980 12-10-2011 Village Kotla Khurd, District Una (HP). Under Trg. 15600-39100 +5400(GP) Sl. No 134. 135. 136. 137. Pay Scale Name of the Officers/source of recruitment/Edu. Qualification Date of birth 138. Suresh Chauhan, (DT), B.A., B.Ed. 25-11-1962 139. Gurdial, (P), B.A. 20.10.1956 140. Partap Singh (P) Sl. No 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. KKushal Kumar (P) Rajiv Attri Hemant Kumar (P) Lal Man (P) Tajinder Kumar (P) Dharam Chand (P) Sanjeev Kumar (P) Vinod Kumar (P) 149. Jatender Kumar (P) 150. Puran Chand (P) 151. Ram Prasad Jaswal (P) Date of officiatin g Apptt. ---- Date of apptt. to HPPS Permanent Address Present place of posting with date Pay Scale 12-10-2011 Village/PO Jarait, Chopal, District Shimla Under Trg. 15600-39100 +5400(GP) 17.12.2011 Village Binan, PO-Poeg, District Kullu (HP). Dy.SP, SV&ACB, Kinnaur, 2.12.2011 15600-39100 +5400(GP) DSP(HQ), Nahan Dy. SP (HQ) Kinnaur Dy. SP, CID, D/Shala Dy. SP, (HQ) Solan Dy. SP (HQ) Hamirpur Dy. SP (HQ), Keylong Dy. SP, 1st IRBn. Bangarh, Una SDPO, Anni. Dy. SP, 3rd IRBn Pandoh Dy. SP, SV&ACB, Keylong SDPO, Chopal SDPO, Rampur SANCTIONED STRENGTH OF Communication and Technical Services AS ON 1.03.2012 Details of Sanctioned Permanent Posts ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Sr. No. Designation of the Posts No. of Posts 1. 2. 3. _______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Superintendent of Police (Wireless) 1 2. Addl. Superintendent of Police (Wireless) 1 3. Dy. Superintendent of Police (Wireless) 4 ________________________________________________________________________ Total 6 ________________________________________________________________________ CIVIL LIST OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, Communication and Technical Services AS ON 27.09.2012 Sr. No Name of the Officer/Source of Rectt.,Edu. Qualifications, Home Distt./State Date of Birth/ Apptt. as SP/Addl.SP/ Dy.SP Date of Confirmation Present Place of Posting Date of Posting Pay Scale 1. Sh.Rajesh Verma (DT) B.E.(Electronics) Shimla 16.09.69 14.5.2003 15.12.2001 as Dy.S.P. S.P. C&TS, Shimla 01.03.2009 1560039100/+7600(GP)