~ornerstone A Magazine for the Alumni, Friends and

A Magazine for the Alumni, Friends and
Supporters of the Texas Tech University
School of Law
Volume Ten
Number Four
Summer 1995
Table of Contents
Summer, 1995
Dear Alumni and Friends of the Texas Tech Law School:
The 1995 academic year at the School of Law ended with furious activity involving alumni, faculty and
students. This Cornerstone issue offers a glimpse of the type of impact which has come to characterize the
professionals of the Texas Tech Law School "family." I know you will enjoy this opportunity to maintain
contact with our Law School. As you read about these activities I hope you will consider similar
developments that we might share with each other.
Robert A. Junell ('77) was named recipient of our fIrst Distinguished Alumnus Award at a ceremony
held in April. Representative Junell serves with distinction as Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations
of the Texas House of Representatives in our Legislature. It is altogether fItting that we begin to recognize
the many contributions of our alumni. Next year we expect to honor an equally distinguished alumnus
whose contributions relate to service to clients in private practice. We welcome nominations and
suggestions. If you will provide nominations to my office I will forward them to Alumni Association
President Tom Carr and Law School Foundation President Barbara Runge.
Volume Eleven
Number Two
Summer 1995
The name Cornerstone was derived from the
relationship between the law school and its
alumni: the Tech Law School serves as the
cornerstone for a successful career in law; and
the alumni, through their support, serve as the
cornerstone for developing excellence in the law
Comments from readers are welcome. Please
send them to Cornerstone, Texas Tech
University School of Law, Lubbock, Texas
79409. The contents of the Cornerstone do not
necessarily represent the views of the
foundation, its officers or trustees, the law
school administration, or Texas Tech University.
The faculty of the Texas Tech School of Law continue in the now fIrmly established tradition of
academic achievement and public service. Professor Bill Piatt, whose academic achievements and public
service have been noted in previous Cornerstone issues, has been selected as the fIrst J. Hadley Edgar
Professor of Law. We are proud to have him join ranks with Allison Professor Tom Baker, Bean Professor
Marilyn Phelan, Professor of Commercial Law John Krahmer, Maddox Professor Bruce Kramer, Mahon
Professor Reed Quilliam, and Thornton Professor Rod Schoen. Of course every member of our faculty is
involved in academic endeavors and public service. You will read about their books, their articles, their
presentations and their service to the profession and to the nation. Each of the accomplishments listed helps
establish our reputation. Collectively these accomplishments trumpet a clear message to the world at large.
Please share what you learn about our faculty accomplishments with others so that the Law School can
continue to augment its reputation.
Our student body represents the profession of tomorrow. We are confIdent that our students can meet the
challenges they will face as they serve their clients. We note some of their special achievements and honors.
I hope you will use these short articles as an introduction to our future professional colleagues.
The Cornerstone ends with alumni news. It is important for us to continue to share information
about what we are doing and where we are officed. Please make sure to read this section and to send us
information which we can place in Alumni News in our next issue. Finally, I hope that this summer will
provide each of you some respite and rest from the demands of the day.
Cornerstone editor: Kay Patton Fletcher
W. Frank Newton
First Distinguished Alumnus
The Texas Tech University School of Law
named its fIrst Distinguished Alumnus on
April 22, 1995 at the annual Strasburger &
Price Honors & Awards Ceremony. Robert A.
Junen (,77), Chairman of the Committee on
Appropriations for the Texas House of
Representatives, was selected to receive the
honor. A committee of alumni from around
the state appointed by Dean Frank Newton
selected the honoree.
Representative Junen was elected to the
House of Representatives in 1988 by the
voters in San Angelo. He is currently serving
his second term as Chairman of the
Committee on Appropriations. During his
time in the House, two different Speakers and
his fellow House members have appointed
him to serve in no less than a dozen special
positions of leadership responsibility within
the state and the nation. He has been honored
with two dozen awards in the last six months,
including recognition as a Top Legislator by
Texas Monthly magazine (three times), the
Dallas Morning News, The Texas Municipal
League, the Texas Chamber of Commerce,
the Texas Civil Justice League, the Vietnam
Veterans of America, the Texas Association of
Municipal Health Officials, and the NAACP.
Alumni Association President Tom Carr
of Fort Worth, in his introductory remarks,
noted the law school's progress and the
appropriateness of selecting a Distinguished
Alumnus. Texas Tech Law School Foundation
Board President Barbara Runge introduced
Representative Junen and recited many of his
accomplishments as a lawyer, state legislator
and family man.
Rob is a partner in the San Angelo fIrm of
Griffis, Motl & June1l. He and his wife,
Beverly, have three children, Ryan, Keith
Elizabeth and Clay.
PROFESSOR FLOYD HONORED - (Left) Chris Antcliff and (Right)
Susan Ysbrand presented faculty sponsor, Professor Tim Floyd
(Center), with a plaque recognizing his contributions to the Board of
Our first Distinguished Alumnus Award Recipient
Robert A. Junell
Robert A. Junelt (left), Foundation Board President Barbara Runge (center) and
Dean Frank Newton at Honors and Awards Banquet.
AWARD WINNERS- Chris Antcliff, LaShonda Johnson, Amy Pewitt
and Brian Dehler received awards.
J. Hadley Edgar
Professor of Law Named
Professor Bill Piatt has been selected as the
fIrst J. Hadley Edgar Professor of Law. Professor
Edgar, who retired in December 1991, served as
professor of law at Texas Tech for 20 years. The J.
Hadley Edgar Professorship in Law was endowed
through the generosity of Richard C. Hile (' 74)
and Martin Dies III (,74), who made a Challenge
Grant of $75,000 to the Law School Board of
Trustees Foundation. Special Donors who made
signifIcant contributions which completed the
funding of the Edgar Professorship in law were
listed in the Spring 1993 issue of Cornerstone.
"I'm hoping to live up to the legacy created
by Professor Edgar and continue my writings and
legal research in the area of immigration law and
human rights. I hope my work will continue to
bring recognition to the law school," said
Professor Piatt.
Professor Piatt, who began teaching at the
Texas Tech Law School in 1988, has become a
leading authority on immigration and language
barriers in the workforce. He authored a 1993
book titled Language on the Job, Balancing
Business Needs and Employee Rights that was
named the Outstanding Book on the subject of
human rights in 1994 by the Gustavus Myers
Center for the Study of Human Rights in North
America. His 1994 casebook and accompanying
teacher's manual titled Immigration Law:
Courses and Materials offers a new approach to
teaching immigration law by integrating current
law and procedure with discussions about
immigration law and policy.
Professor Piatt served as a member of the
Planning Committee for the Plenary Session of
the Association of American Law Schools in New
Orleans in January. He presented, as part of the
immigration law section, a speech concerning
"National Origin as a Legal Construct." This
spring, he was the speaker at a program in
Mexico City for Mexican attorneys and business
people concerning "New Opportunities under
NAFTA." His remarks were videotaped by a
Mexico City television station and excerpts will
be broadcast later this year.
Professor Marilyn Phelan
Bean Professor of Law Marilyn Phelan has
written an article to be published in the Fordham
Environmental Law Journal entitled: "The
Current Status of Historical Preservation Law in
Regulatory Takings Jurisprudence - Has the
Lucas Missile Dismantled Preservation
Programs?" She is currently serving on the
drafting committee for Uniform Disclaimer on
Property Interests Act for National Conference of
Commissioners on Uniform State Laws.
Professor Susan Fortney
The Texas Bar Foundation has awarded a
$1,500 research grant to Professor Susan Fortney
to study self-regulation in Texas law firms.
Professor Fortney will conduct a landmark
study of peer review - the process by which law
fIrm shareholders or partners, who are usually
autonomous, monitor and evaluate the job
performance of their colleagues. During the
research, Professor Fortney will systematically
compile and study attitudes on peer review and
assess peer review measures currently in use.
"This project promises to be mutually
signifIcant to the legal profession and the public
because peer review protects lawyers and their
clients," said Professor Fortney. "I hope to
formulate a feasible approach to peer review in
which ethical behavior is encouraged, recognized
and rewarded."
She added that any such proposal for new
peer review procedures must address problems
with implementation of programs and consequences to the practitioner, the fIrm, the legal
profession and the consumers of legal services.
The results of preliminary research indicate
that law fIrms are likely to implement peer review
programs if they earn tangible rewards such as
greater efficiency in office management, increased
profItability, greater client satisfaction, better loss
prevention and heightened awareness of ethical
obligations, according to Professor Fortney.
Professor Fortney has already completed one
article on law fmn peer review. This article in the
Colorado Law Review is published in partial
fulfIllment of the requirements for a doctorate
degree in the law from Columbia University
School of Law.
Professor Fortney was also recently appointed
by the serve on the Texas Board of Disciplinary
Appeals by the Supreme Court of Texas.
Professor Bill Casto
Professor Casto's Book, The Supreme Court in
the Early Republic, has been published by the
University of South Carolina Press. It focuses on
the creation of the Supreme Court of the United
States and the Court's fIrst ten years. One reviewer
has already written, "The research and scholarship
are superb ... This book is really a pioneer work."
This book and earlier law review articles that are
being cited by the federal courts and the Supreme
Court, itself, have established Professor Casto as
one of the nation's experts on the federal courts.
This coming Spring, Professor Casto will
participate with Supreme Court Justice Souter in
talking to congressional staffers about relationships between the federal courts and the Congress.
Professor Bubany
Professor Chuck Bubany has been teaching in
a series of seminars in Austin, Houston and El
Paso sponsored by the Texas Municipal Courts
Education Center. Jim Bethke ('92) serves as
General Counsel for the Education Center and is
collaborating with Professor Bubany on the
commentary to the new Texas Transportation
Code that will be published later this year.
Professor Bubany has also authored a chapter on
"Environmental Crimes" in Frank Skillern's
recently published Environmental Protection
Deskbook (2nd Edition).
Professor Shannon
Professor Brian Shannon completed his
conSUlting project for the Administrative
Conference of the United States in January 1995.
His efforts culminated in a presentation before a
plenary session of the Administrative Conference
in Washington, D.C., on January 19, 1995. At that
session, the Administrative Conference formally
adopted sweeping recommendations regarding
"Debarment and Suspension from Federal
Programs," the core of which stemmed from
Professor Shannon's research. A version of his
research report will soon be published at 44
Catholic L. Rev. 301 (1995).
Professor Shannon, the recipient of the
President's Excellence In Teaching Award for
1994-95, was invited to travel to Washington in
January to participate in a Round Table
Conference on the Americans with Disabilities
Act and Persons with Mental Illness sponsored
by the Center for Mental Health Services (an
agency within the Department of Health &
Human Services). Professor Shannon was the
only law professor invited to participate in the
program. During the spring of 1995, Shannon
served as the keynote speaker at a conference on
mental health law at the Terrill State Hospital,
provided a training lecture for newly elected
county judges on the civil commitment process,
and spoke to groups concerning mental health
law in Montgomery County, Walker County, and
at the Texas Tech Health Sciences Center.
Additionally, Professor Shannon coached the
Tech ABA Negotiation team, comprised of thirdyear students Ronnie Samms and Jeff Tormey,
who fInished 4th in the national fInals at the ABA
Mid-Winter meeting in Miami.
Professor Daisy Floyd
Professor Daisy Floyd, the recipient of the
Ex-Students Association New Faculty Award, has
authored an article titled "Candor vs. Advocacy:
Courts' Use of Sanctions To Enforce the Duty of
Candor Toward the Tribunal," to be published in
_________ ~~____________
summer 1995 in 29 Georgia Law Review,
Number 4. She was the speaker on "Effective
Opinion Writing," at the Texas Center for the
Judiciary Advanced Judicial Studies Program,
March 7, 1995.
Professor Baker
Alvin R. Allison Professor of Law Tom
Baker, the Outstanding Researcher at the School
of Law for 1994-95, has written on several topics
this year. Among the articles published are: The
Institution of Law Clerks in the U.S. Courts of
1995); Selecting Military Judges: Is a
Constitutional Violation Harmless? PREVIEW
April 7, 1995, AT 346; R.A. V. v. City of St. Paul,
West Virginia v. Barnett, The Privilege Against
Self-Incrimination, Home Building and Loan
Association v. Blaisdell, and The U.S. Judicial
System, essays for READY REFERENCE:
AMERICAN JUSTICE (Salem Press 1995); A
View to the Future of Judicial Federalism:
"Neither Out Far Nor In Deep." 44 CASE W.
RES. L. REV. _ (1995); Exercising the
Amendment Power to Disapprove of Supreme
Court Decisions: A Proposal for a "Republican
Veto." 22 HASTINGS CONST. L.Q. _ (1995);
A Catalogue of Judicial Federalism in the United
States, 45 S.CAR.L.REV. _ (1995); A SelfStudy of Federal Judicial Rulemaking,
Conference on the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure, sponsored by Southwestern Legal
Foundation & Southern Methodist University
School of Law, Dallas, TX (March 1995) (with
Hon. Frank H. Easterbrook).
Professor Tim Floyd
Professor Tim Floyd has been named by the
Texas Supreme Court as Chair of its Grievance
Oversight Committee. This committee, which
consists of nine members appointed by the Court,
is charged with reviewing the structure and
effectiveness of the lawyer disciplinary system in
Texas and reporting its findings and
recommendations to the Court.
For the past two years, Professor Floyd has
served as Vice-Chair of the State Bar
Professionalism Committee. This committee has
proposed, and the Bar Board of Directors has
approved, a comprehensive peer review program
known as the "Professionalism Enhancement
Program." He is also serving on the Board of
West Texas Legal Services Center and on the
Steering committee of the Lubbock County
BarlWest Texas Legal Services Pro Bono Clinic.
Associate Dean Zanglein
In the April 7, 1995 issue of The National
Law Journal, Associate Dean Jayne Zanglein was
interviewed for an article on ERISA law. The
article contained comments and insight from
leading ERISA attorneys in the United States. At
the heart of the article was the issue of the broad
three-part pre-emption provision which
supersedes "any and all State laws" that "relate
to" an employee benefits plan and which
precludes claimants denied benefits from seeking
relief under such state causes of action as
insurance law, misrepresentation, breach of
contract, negligence, emotional distress or bad
faith. Dean Zanglein said, "It really is the
combination of the two things - the broad preemption and the lack of remedies - that makes
plan participants worse off now than they were 20
years ago, before ERISA was passed." Dean
Zanglein repeated a phrase coined by the 5th U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals to describe jilted plan
participants as being "betrayed without a
remedy." Degan v. Ford Motor Co., 869 F.2d 889
(1989). She has been urging Federal courts to fill
ERISA's gaps with federal common law, absent
relief from Congress.
Pictured in the photographs on
this page are scenes from the Texas
Association of Counties Continuing
Judicial Education Institute. The
program is part of an on-going
relationship between the Texas Tech
Law School and the Association to
provide judicial education for county
judges and to update annually the
County Judges Bench Manual. The
photographs are from an Evidence
program presented through a mock
DWI trial conducted by law students
Greg Fouratt, Julie Stillwagon and
Dean Siotos. Professors Daisy and
Tim Floyd served as Judges for the
Students enrolled in Dean
Conboy's Trial Advocacy Classes this
spring became the teachers for two
groups of health care professionals.
The Texas Association of Physical
Therapists and the Texas Association
of Nurses were guests of the law
school for mock trial demonstrations.
Witnesses were taken from the
respective groups and jurors were
empaneled to render a decision. The
facts , taken from actual trial
transcripts, related to nursing
malpractice or physical therapy
malpractice. Participants and
attendees were impressed by the
professionalism of the students and
reported that they gained valuable
information from the presentations.
The associations were in Lubbock for
their annual Meetings.
· _____________
Student Receives
Health Law Scholarship
Craig Baker (' 95) was awarded a $1,000
scholarship from the Health Law Section of the
State Bar of Texas. Craig authored and published
a casenote on health law titled "Potentiality for
Ongoing Liability under the Absolute Two Year
Statute of Limitation in Texas Medical
Malpractice Actions" in the Texas Tech Law
Review. Craig will join Gwinn & Roby, a Dallas
law fInn specializing in medical malpractice
defense, nursing home law and insurance
May Hooding
Class of
M. KENT SIMS announces his election, in 1993, to
the Board of Directors of the Texas Center for the
Judiciary, Inc. In 1994, he was elected Dean of
Texas College of New Judges. The college is
conducted for all new District, County Court at Law
and Appellate Judges each year. Judge Sims may be
contacted at P.O. Box 445, Wheeler, Texas 79096
Class of
Ann Dalrymple Crawford
Sta'cy, a 1985 honors graduate of
, the Texas ;,rech Law School, was
drowned during storms in Dallas
o~ Friday, May 5, 1995. She
worke'd as an auditor for Touche.. Ross Accountants in London,
England, and had practiced law in
Amarillo and Houston. At the '
time of her death, she owned and
I" managed apartment ·complexes in
Dallas and Plano. She is survived
by her parents H.B. and Elaine
Dalrymple of Arlington, Texas
Corporation, 707 Southside Drive, Decatur, Illinois
62521. The phone number is 217/362-2573.
Class of
In Memoriam
J. PHIL GAMBLE has become a shareholder in the
fum of Clark, Thomas & Winters, 1200 Texas
Commerce Bank Building, 700 Lavaca, Austin,
Texas 78701. The phone number is 512/474-1129.
WILLIAM R. TAYLOR, effective July 7, 1993,
became the Administrative Law Judge for the Texas
Department of Protective and Regulatory Services,
Mail Code 713-W. P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas
78714-9030. The office phone number is 51217065169.
WILLIAM R. HIBBS II is now located at 2027 S.
61st Street, Suite 103, Temple, Texas 676504. His
office phone number is 8171770-1955.
Class of
CECILIA H. MORGAN, as an attorney mediator
with the Dallas office of JAMSlEndispute has been
named to the JAMSlEndispute national training
faculty and to its national panel of employment law
mediators. Her address at JAMSlEndispute is 1700
Pacific Avenue, Suite 4500, Dallas, Texas 75201.
Her direct dial number is 2141739-1979.
Class of
BUDDY R. DORSETT announces the opening of
his law office at 323 E. Jackson, Harlingen, Texas
78551-2903. His phone number is 210/440-0107.
GARY E. ELLISON announces his firm's name and
address change to Gary A. Ellison, 1900 W. Loop
South, Suite 990, Houston, Texas 77027. The phone
number is 713/621-0300.
GILBERT has been
appointed to the Real
Estate, Probate & Trust
Council of the State
Bar of Texas. Her
appointment is for a
four-year term effective
June of 1995. Mrs.
Gilbert is a shareholder
with the EI Paso law
firm of Mounce & Galatzan. She has served as chair
of the firm's Business Section and has also served
on the fum's Board of Directors. She is Board
Certified in Commercial Real Estate Law by the
Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
Class of
ROBERT D. BARBEE has opened an office for the
practice of trial law at One Main Place, 1201 Main
Street, Suite 1540, Dallas, Texas 75250-0309. The
phone number is 2141749-0324.
Class of
TERRI BOARD MOORE, formerly an Assistant
District Attorney with the Dallas County D.A., has
opened a solo practice in the areas of Criminal,
Juvenile and Family Law. Her address is 8700
Stemons Freeway, Suite 401, Dallas, Texas 75247
and the office phone number is 214/631-0060.
· ______- - - -
Class of
DAVID B. WEINSTEIN is a partner in Weinstein &
Clawater, 6363 Woodway, Suite 750, Houston,
Texas 77057. His phone number is 7131785-7778.
QUINN MARTIN announces his address at 2511
Silver City, New Mexico 88062. The phone number
is 505/388-5757.
KEVIN J. COOK announces his new address at 700
N. Pearl, Suite 393, LB 393, Dallas, Texas 752017471. His phone number is 214/953-1313.
Class of
STEPHEN D. JOHNSON is now employed with
Farmers Insurance, 980 Enchanted Way, Suite 211,
Simi Valley, California 93065. His phone Number is
1. ANDREW ROGERS has received certification as
a mediator after completing forty hours of training.
Andrew's specialty is commercial mediation. His
address is Kelly, Hart & Hallman, pc., 201 Main
Street, Suite 2500, Dallas, Texas 76102. The office
phone number is 817/878-3546.
GLEN BLANSCET has been named to the position
of vice president, general counsel and corporate
secretary for Atmos Energy Corporation, PO. Box
650205, Dallas, Texas 75265-0205.
Class of
JACK GOODING recently opened his practice as
the Law Office of Jack W. Gooding, 1945 Moore's
Lane, Texarkana, Texas 75503. The phone number
is 9031792-5405.
Class of
DAVID W. STARNES, Board Certified in Personal
Injury Trial Law and Civil Trial Law by the Texas
Board of Legal Specialization, joined the law firm
of Bush, Lewis, Ramsey & Roebuck, pc., 1240
Orleans, Beaumont, Texas in February, 1995. You
can reach him by phone at 409/835-3521 or by fax
at 409/835-4194. Davids' practice is personal injury
and civil litigation.
District Attorney's Office, 133 N. Industrial Blvd.,
Dallas, Texas 75207.
KARL BAUMGARDNER and his wife Paulette
adopted two children, Teresa (11) and Brad (6). '
"These two along with our other two, Jason (17)
and Joanne (14), keep us plenty busy!" says Karl.
Karl is a shareholder with Conant Whittenburg
Whittenburg & Schachter, PO. Box 31718,
Amarillo, Texas 79120-1718.
D. KAY WOODS announces the birth of her
daughter, Chance Mikhol Wolfe, on June 27, 1994.
Kay is associated with the law firm of Abernathy,
Roeder, Robertson & Jopkin, pc., 101 E. Davis
Street, McKinney, Texas 75069, and is an adjunct
professor at SMU School of Law. Her work number
is 214/562-9003.
PAIGE FUGATE is serving as in-house counsel for
Presbyterian Health Care Systems, 8220 Walnut
Hill Lane, Suite 700, Dallas, Texas 75231-4425.
training as a mediator and is accepting
appointments and private referrals. He can be
reached at 5956 Sherry Lane #900, Dallas, Texas
75225. The phone number is 214/361-5550.
RANDALL L. FLUKE was elected to serve on the
Board of Trustees for the Sherman Independent
School District on May 6, 1995. Congratulate him
at 1 Grande Avenue, Suite 504, Sherman, Texas
75090. The phone number is 903/868-9454.
Class of
LAURIE ANNE MILLER is a part-time instructor
in Paralegal Studies at Beal College in Bangor,
Maine, where she has taught Real Estate and
Domestic Relations. She continues to be associated
with the firm of Ferris, Dearborn & Willey, P.O.
Box 609, Brewer, Maine 04412. Her phone number
is 207/989-3366.
ELIZABETH LUTTON announces her new
position as an Assistant City Attorney for the City
of Arlington practicing in employment law. Her
address is the Office of the City Attorney, 501 W.
Main, Arlington, Texas 76004 and the phone
number is 817/459-6869
Class of
Ty, announce the birth of their first child, Brandon'
Michael Bronchetti. Brandon was born on April 3,
1995. Congratulate Lisa at the Dallas County
Class of
CHRIS D. PRENTICE is serving as President of the
South Plains Council of the Blind, an affiliate of the
American Council of the Blind of Texas. Chris may
be reached at The Prentice Law Firm, PO. Box 121,
623 Avenue G, Hale Center, Texas 79041. Chris
also announces his newly appointed position as the
City Attorney for Hale Center. He will continue his
private practice.
PIG G) has closed her practice in Silverton, Texas
and is clerking for the Michigan Court of Appeals.
Her mailing address is Box 1712 Grand Rapids,
Michigan 49501-1712.
JOHN W. REEDER and his wife, Brenda, announce
the birth of their second child, Samuel John, on
January 21, 1995. Their first child, Rebekah
Leeanne, is two years old. John has his own office
and is practicing civil litigation at 555 Republic
Drive, Suite 200, Plano, Texas 75074. The office
phone number is 214/516-4270.
MICHAEL J. CLARK has been named a
shareholder in the Austin office of the San Antonio
firm of Thornton, Summers, Biechlin, Dunham &
Brown, L.c., 1114 Lost Creek Blvd., #214, Austin,
Texas 78746. His phone number is 512/329-6666.
JAN L. BLACKLOCK was elected City of Lubbock
Municipal Judge in June of 1994. Her address is the
City of Lubbock, PO . Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas
79410. The office phone number is 8061767-2462.
named as a partner in the Dallas law firm of
Gardere & Wynne, L.L.P. Holly practices
bankruptcy law and offices at 3000 Thanksgiving
Tower, 1601 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas 75201,
214/999-3000. Holly and her husband, Kelly, are
also pleased to announce the birth of their first son
Patrick Lee O'Neil, on September 1, 1994. Patrick'
weighed 7 lbs., 4 oz.
Class of
LES HATCH announces the formation of Craig,
Terill & Hale, a seven-attorney firm. Les is a
partner in the firm which is located in Norwest
Center, 1500 Broadway, Suite 400, PO. Box 1979
Lubbock, Texas 79408.
he has moved from Midland to 1403 W. Sixth
Street, Austin, Texas 78703.
TERRY M. HAMILTON is the Private Attorney
Involvement Manager of the Gulf Coast Legal
Foundation, 2626 South Loop West, 4th Floor,
Houston, Texas 77054.
ELAINE CHILDRESS LEE announces the opening
of her solo practice, emphasizing real estate,
banking and probate law, at P.O. Box 1627,
Amarillo, Texas 79105. Her phone number is
Class of
MIKE THOMPSON, JR. has become Board
Certified by the Texas Board of Legal
Specialization in Civil Appellate Law. Congratulate
him at 2710 Grennock Dr., Austin, Texas 78745.
KEN W. GOOD announces that he has been named
a member of the firm of Cowles & Thompson, 909
E.S.E. Loop 323, Suite 777, Tyler, Texas. Ken's
office phone number is 903/581-5588.
MARY E. FULLMER is pleased to announce the
opening of her office for the private practice of law
at 1317 W. Sixth Street, Austin, Texas 78703. Her
office phone number is 512/474-8369. Mary's
practice focuses on probate, fiduciary litigation,
estate planning, real estate and family law.
DAVID M. HYMER has been named a member of
the fIrm of Cowles & Thompson, 901 Main Street,
Suite 4000, Dallas, Texas 75202-3793. Congratulate
David at 214/672-2000.
Class of 1990
GEORGE C. NOELKE has transferred from the
Consumer Protection Division to the Elder Law and
Public Health Division of the Texas Office of the
Attorney General of Texas. His address is P.O. Box
12548, Austin, Texas 78711 and his phone number
is 512/936-1306.
JOE A.C. FULCHER, and his wife, Kaye, announce
the birth of their son, Coleman R.H. Fulcher, on
November 6, 1994. Joe recently associated with the
frrm of Greer, Herz & Adams, L.L.P., One Moody
Plaza, Galveston, Texas 77550-7998. The phone
number is 4091765-5525.
AMY McCORKLE SMITH announces her
association with McLeroy & Litzler, P.C., 430
Church Street, Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482. The
phone number is 903/885-6476.
RICK L. LAMBERT announces his new position as
an associate at Passman & Jones, P.C., 2500
Renaissance Tower, 1201 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas
75270-2016. The office phone number is 21417422121.
Class of 1992
CAROLE Q. CROSS, previously an associate with
the Law Offices of Mary Alice McClarty, is a
partner in the Fort Worth fIrm of Cross, Rizzo &
Schaaf, Grove Manor - 500 E. Belknap, Fort Worth,
Texas 76102. The phone number is 817/877-0388.
JEFF McMEANS associated with Carolyn
McDaniel to form the Law offices of McDaniel and
McMeans, 303 South Second, Richmond, Texas
77469. Their phone number is 713/342-6541.
Larsen, L.C., co-authored "The Cutting Edge of
Reimbursement" which was delivered by Thomas P.
Goranson at the 18th Annual Marriage Dissolution
Institute sponsored by the State Bar of Texas in El
Paso. Thomas's address is Goranson & Larsen L.C.,
One Dallas Centre, 350 N. St. Paul, Suite 2150,
Dallas, Texas 75201. His office phone number is
LESLIE ECHOLS PITTS announces her December
10, 1994 marriage to Andrew Pitts. Congratulate
Leslie at Broude, Nelson & Harrington, P.C., 1000
Commerce Building, 307 W. 7th, Fort Worth, Texas
76102. The phone number is 817/335-1615.
Class of 1994
ROBERT J. PRESTON II announces the birth of his
second son, Conner Daniel, on April 11, 1995.
Robert is stationed at Sheppard AFB, Texas as
Assistant Staff Judge Advocate. Congratulate
Robert at 82TRW/JA, 317 F Avenue, Building 316,
Sheppard AFB, Texas 76311-2935.
DONNA R. STROUP, formerly a solo practitioner
in Fort Worth, is now serving as a law clerk to the
Honorable Jorge A. Solis, Federal District Judge,
Dallas, Texas. Congratulate Donna at 1100
Commerce Street, Suite 13B31, Dallas, Texas
75201. The phone number is 2141767-5364.
proud to announce the opening of their law fIrm,
Miller & Hayes, at 1201 N. Mesa, Suite H, El Paso,
Texas 79902. The phone number is 915/577-0005.
CHANNA ERIN BORMAN is an associate with
Meece & Kohn, 1716 Briarcrest, Suite 300, Bryan,
Texas 77802. The office phone number is 409/8469608.
HENRY CRENSHAW is an associate with
Crutsinger, Booth & Kranz, 1601 Elm Street,
Thanksgiving Tower, Suite 1000, Dallas, Texas
75201. The office phone number is 214/220-0444.
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