Document 12833046

Table of Contents
Volume Seven
Number Five
Fall 1990
The name Cornerstone was derived from the
relationship between the law school and its
alumni: the Tech Law School serves as the
cornerstone for a successful career in law; and
the alumni, through their support, serve as the
cornerstone for developing excellence in the law
Comments from readers are welcome. Please
send them to Cornerstone, Texas Tech
University School of Law, Lubbock, Texas
79409. The contents of the Cornerstone do not
necessarily represent the views of the
foundation, its officers or trustees, the law
school administration, or Texas Tech
October, 1990
Dear Alumni and Friends of the Texas Tech Law School:
The seasons provide us with reference points of change. This fall marks the beginning of a new
SchObl year as well as a time for reflecting on the past years here at the Texas Tech School of
It is hard not to think about the history of this law school when we pause to honor the
retirement of Professor Hal Bateman. Professor Bateman served on the faculty of the Law
School for 18 years. During that time the Law School grew and matured. Hal was a pillar in our
law school community during this period of growth and maturation. We will miss Hal and we
wish him every success in his retirement. Happily, he plans to stay here in Lubbock, therefore,
we will continue to enjoy his advice and counsel.
Professor Jayne Zanglein will be teaching many of the courses that Professor Bateman taught
before his retirement. This issue contains an article on Professor Zanglein and her family. I hope
each of you will develop the habit of reading about our new faculty members in the Cornerstone.
It is important that you know our faculty; therefore we want you to follow introduction through
this magazine with visits in person when you are here in Lubbock at the Law School. All good
law schools maintain a community of contact between alumni, faculty and students.
We continue to be involved not only in teaching and research but also in service to the bench and
bar. You will also read in this issue about the development of a new grievance procedure for the
lawyers of the state of Texas. Professor Tim Floyd has been working with this project. Our
faculty has historically been involved in helping bridge the gap between the academic community
and the practicing bar. This is a proud tradition and one we intend to continue.
Finally, we are engaged, along with our Texas Tech University colleagues, in reviewing the
strengths and weaknesses of all academic programs. We have been charged by President Robert
W. Lawless with the task of developing a 21st Century blueprint for Texas Tech University. Last
Saturday at our annual faculty retreat, we discussed plans among ourselves and with Don
Haragan, our Executive Vice President and Provost. We are eager to move forward; indeed some
of us are impatient to accelerate the process. We want and need your help also. Call us, write us;
better yet, come to see us! All of us have a vested interest in the future of the Texas Tech School
of Law.
Cornerstone editor: Kay Patton Fletcher
W. Frank Newton
Cover Story
Hal M. Bateman
The conclusion of the 1990 spring semester
brought a conclusion to the distinguished
teaching career of Hal M. Bateman. Professor
Bateman retired from the law school amid
praise from faculty, administration and
students, both past and present.
After receiving an undergraduate degree at
Rice University, Professor Bateman graduated
cum laude from Southern Methodist School of
Law, where he was Editor-in-Chief of the
Southwestern Law Journal.
Upon graduation, Professor Bateman
practiced law in Dallas for nine years before
joining the faculty at the University of
Missouri at Columbia.
Professor Bateman has taught in the areas
of his specialty - business, securities and
bankruptcy law. Despite the demands of
teaching, he has been extremely active in legal
writing and serving his profession. Professor
Bateman has published many books and legal
articles in his chosen field in addition to
serving on numerous State Bar of Texas
Committees. In the public service sector,
Professor Bateman served on the Texas State
Securities Board from 1982-87. He continues
to be actively involved in the Boy Scouts of
Samuel L. Boyd ('77) of Boyd & Associates,
Dallas, Texas enacted the Hal Bateman Award
some years ago. The award recognizes
scholarship in the Securities Regulation course
and mock trial participation. In describing his
motivation for creating the award, Mr. Boyd
said, "Professor Bateman's course had a
lasting impact on me. I appreciated his
personal commitment to the students. I truly
appreciated his flexibility and forthrightness in
making the law come alive. My firm and my
clients have been well rewarded as a result of
the confidence that Professor Bateman instilled
in me. He is a fine example of what a law
school professor can be."
In the dedication of Volume 21, Book 4 of
the Texas Tech Law Review, Professor J.
Hadley Edgar states, "Hal's retirement from
law teaching does not mean a retirement from
the law, however, because he assures us that
he has many projects in progress and in mind
which he will continue to pursue. One thing is
certain - he will approach them with the same
dedication and resolve that he has exhibited all
his professional life. We wish him the very
best in all things ."
Faculty Spotlight
For the past year, Associate Professor Tim
Floyd has served as an advisor to the Grievance
Oversight Committee of the Supreme Court of
Texas in the drafting of proposed Rules of
Disciplinary Procedure. These procedural rules
are a follow-up to the new substantive
Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct
approved in May 1989 by the members of the
State Bar of Texas. In November, the
membership of the State Bar of Texas will be
asked to vote on the proposed procedural rules.
Professor Floyd moved to Lubbock to join the
law school faculty on July 1, 1989. The Supreme
Court Grievance Oversight Committee was at
that time beginning to draft new disciplinary
procedures. During July, Floyd met with William
Hilgers of Austin, Chair of the Grievance
Oversight Committee, and began to assist the
committee in the drafting process. Since then,
Floyd has attended at least ten meetings with
members of the Grievance Oversight Committee,
the State Bar General Counsel Advisory
Committee (chaired by Lonny Morrison of
Wichita Falls), and many others in the long
process of arriving at a consensus on the details
of the new rules. The law school's fax machine
also stayed busy with drafts and counter-drafts
being sent between Floyd and the others involved
in the drafting process. In February 1990, after
much give and take, the two committees reached
a consensus on the proposed rules, and in March
the State Bar Board gave preliminary approval to
the rules. The State Bar held a public hearing on
the proposed rules in Austin in May 1990. The
committees have continued to make minor
revisions in the rules since that time. Floyd is
now working with the State Bar staff on
designing material to be mailed to the members
of the State Bar in preparation for the
referendum in November.
According to Floyd, the proposed rules are an
essential follow-up to the work that went into the
new Rules of Conduct. The public and the
lawyers of Texas need to know that when a
lawyer violates his ethical duties, the public and
our legal system will be protected and that
appropriate discipline will be imposed. Floyd
states that the proposed rules are an improvement over the existing system in four respects.
First, the rules create a new body, the Texas
Commission for Lawyer Discipline, which is
charged with responsibility for the lawyer
disciplinary system. The Commission should
ensure greater accountability and uniformity, and
will minimize the potential for political
involvement in cases of lawyer discipline. Second,
the rules provide for greater public information
and access to the process. Third, the rules are
designed to reduce the delays which sometimes
plague cases of lawyer discipline. The rules allow
the respondent lawyer to elect to have his case
heard by a panel of the District Grievance
Committee, which should provide a prompt
resolution of the case. If instead the respondent
elects to have his case tried in District Court, the
rules provide strict deadlines within which the
case must be tried. Finally, the new rules provide
a comprehensive system for protecting the public
from lawyers who have become incompetent due
to substance abuse or mental illness, but also
assuring that such lawyers receive treatment for
their condition. At the same time that the
proposed rules provide improvements, they also
retain the strength of the current system - the
District Grievance Committees, made up of
volunteer lawyers and non-lawyers who devote
thousands of hours each year to their duties.
Floyd's involvement in the work of the
Committee arose out of his interest in the field
of professional responsibility and legal ethics. He
is teaching Professional Responsibility this fall,
and is working on two articles concerning legal
ethics. Floyd comments on his work with the
Grievance Oversight Committee: "I haven't had
an agenda in mind for these new rules; my role
(Continued on Next Page)
has been primarily to do whatever the committee
has asked me to do, and to try to make sure the
wording of the rules reflects the intent of the
committee. At the same time, I have not
hesitated to offer my opinion about the
substance of the rules when asked. I am pleased
with the final product, although like everyone
else I would have written a few rules differently.
It is amazing to me that a consensus finally
developed among such a diverse group. There
were times when a consensus seemed impossible.
"It's been fascinating to view this process
from the 'inside'. I now have a much better
understanding of this system we lawyers call selfregulation. There have been many disagreements
among the people who have worked on these
rules, and everyone has had to compromise over
certain provisions. Nevertheless, it seems clear to
me that so many lawyers would not have worked
so many hours if they did not want to improve
the ethics of the profession."
On a personal level, Floyd values the many
friendships he has developed through this
process. "I was a lawyer in Georgia for ten
years, and taught at the University of Georgia
School of Law for five years; as a consequence,
I know a tremendous number of lawyers in
Georgia. I came to Texas not knowing anyone.
As a result of this project, I have met people
from all over Texas, and have made some
friendships I know will last for years."
Casto Guest Speaker
at Meeting of
Chief Justices
Professor Casto has become a nationally
recognized expert on the history of the federal
courts. In recognition of this national stature, he
was invited by the Chief Justice of Indiana to
speak about the creation of the federal judicial
system at the January, 1990 meeting of the chief
justices of all the state supreme courts in San
Juan, Puerto Rico. Following an interesting
speech by former U.S. Chief Justice Burger,
Professor Casto delivered a well-received address
on "The State Courts and the Creation of the
Federal Judicial System." He concentrated on
the successful efforts of southern politicians to
prevent the creation of a neutral federal f<;>rum
for the collection of debts owed by southern
debtors to British creditors. Afterwards, he
participated in a panel discussion of current
proposals to reform the federal judicial system.
Professor Casto and his wife, Pam,
thoroughly enjoyed the trip to San Juan. He
remarked, "The Chiefs were unpretentious and
openminded professionals with a definite interest
in the history of their craft."
Professor Jayne Zanglein
The newest member of the law
school faculty
brings a variety of
teaching experience
with her. Jayne
Elizabeth Zanglein
has taught at Nova
Law School, Cornell University,
S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo, Florida International University
Jayne Elizabeth Zanglein
and Niagara University. She has also taught a collective
bargaining course to convicts in the penitentiary
at Attica, New York.
Professor Zanglein received her undergraduate
degree, magna cum laude, from Berklee College
of Music in 1975. A desire to help people on a
broader basis lead her to S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo
School of Law where she graduated in 1980.
Immediately prior to coming to the Texas Tech
School of Law, Professor Zanglein was a partner
and manager of the ERISA department of
Vladeck, Waldman, Elias & Englehard, P.C., of
New York City. Professor Zanglein has been an
Employee Benefits Specialist with the United
States Department of Labor. She has also served
as in-house counsel and plan administrator for
The Operating Engineers Pension and Welfare
Professor Zanglein's expertise on pension funds
will be recognized in her soon-to-be-published
book titled In Our Interests: A Guidebook to
Plan Investments Under the Fiduciary Standards
of ERISA. According to Professor Zanglein, the
book focuses on pension fund investing and the
use of pension monies to influence social change.
Professor Zanglein is Co-chair of the ABA
Task Force on Pension Investment and Corporate
Governance and Co-chair of the ABA Employee
Benefits Subcommittee On Legislation.
Professor Zanglein's observations about the
Texas Tech Law School are favorable. "I am
impressed by the enthusiasm of the students and
their interest in the law. The faculty and
administration have created an excellent
atmosphere in which to teach law," she said. She
is also enjoying the Lubbock lifestyle. "After
three years working in New York City," she
explains, "my husband and I were anxious to
find a better environment to raise our children."
Her husband, Stephen Wohlrab, teaches in the
Sound Technology Department at South Plains
College. Their children, Spencer (4) and Colin
(2), already are developing Texan accents.
Fall teaching duties for Professor Zanglein
include Business Entities and Legal Process. In
the spring, she will teach Securities Regulation
and Non-Judicial Process.
Texas Tech Students
Sweep Essay Contest
Cindy Weir, May 1990 graduate, recently won
the Texas State Bar's Environmental and
Resource Law Section's Annual Essay Contest.
The first place winner received a $1000 cash
prize and the winning essay will be published in
the'Section's Environmental Law Journal, its
quarterly newsletter.
Ms. Weir's article was based in part on results
of a survey she prepared and conducted of
Texas Municipalities on their conservation and
recycling of solid waste.
Elizabeth Hill ('91) was the second place
winner in the same contest.
She received a prize of $500. Her essay was
titled, "State Water Rights in Hydroelectric
Project Licensing: Who Determines?"
This is the first time in the history of the
contest that first and second place winners in the
contest have come from the same school.
Local Nathan Burkan
Memorial Competition
Winner Named
Ronald M. Bendalin, 1990 Texas Tech
University School of Law graduate, has won the
Nathan Burkan Memorial Competition at Texas
Tech sponsored by the American Society of
Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP).
Bendalin won the copyright law writing
contest with a paper titled "The 'Look and Feel'
of Computer Software: A Copyright Law
Analysis." The intraschool honor includes a
$500 award from AS CAP .
The paper has been forwarded to the national
competition which will be judged this fall.
The local and national competitions are held
annually to stimulate interest in the field of
copyright law. The competition, held nationally
since 1938, is named after ASCAP's first general
counsel, Nathan Burkan.
FRED L. GLOVER announces his new office
address of 4200 S. Hulen, Suite 220, Overton
Park Bank Building, P.O. Box 331088, Ft.
Worth, Texas 76163. Fred's phone number is
817/ 735-1071.
JAMES JERRELL has opened the Houston
office of Smith, Jarrell & Associates, P.C.,
13201 Northwest Freeway, Suite 703, Houston,
Texas 77040. The office number is 713/939-7300.
B. NEWAL SQUYRES is a partner in the Boise
office of the Denver firm of Holland & Hart.
Newal's practice consists of civil, commercial
and aviation litigation. Newal was appointed in
early 1990 by Secretary of Energy James
Watkins to be Idaho's representative on a fivemember Blue Ribbon Panel to advise the
Secretary on certain issues associated with the
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in Carlsbad, New
Mexico. Newal may be contacted at Holland &
Hart, Suite 1400, Idaho First Plaza, Boise,
Idaho 83701.
Dean Frank Newton (left) congratulates Ronald
Bendalin (right) for his award winning article.
Class of 1974
Class of 1972
Health Law Student Writing
Competition Winner Named
Jordan M. Parker, 1990 graduate of the law
school, received the 1990 Student Writing
Competition sponsored by the Health Law
Section of the State Bar of Texas. Jordan is an
associate with the .Fort Worth law firm of
Cantey and Hanger.
Class of 1971
The law firm of Nordhaus, Haltom, Taylor,
Taradash & Frye is pleased to announce that B.
REID HALTOM has been included in the 1990
edition of Who's Who in Practicing Attorneys.
The book lists lawyers nationwide. Mr. Haltom
is Managing Partner of the firm. He is a
member of the American Bar Association, U.S.
Supreme Court, 10th Circuit, Claims Court,
New Mexico Bar Association, Albuquerque Bar
Association, and Albuquerque Lawyers Club.
Congratulate Reid at Suite 1050, 500 Marquette
Avenue N.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102.
Class of 1973
in March, 1990 as Democratic candidate for
County Judge of Jack County. He is running
unopposed in the November general election. He
may be reached at 104 South Main, Jacksboro,
Texas 76056.
Class of 1976
McBEATH were both board certified in
December of 1989 as specialists in Consumer
Bankruptcy and Business Bankruptcy. They may
be congratulated at Harris & McBeath, P.C.,
P.O. Box 3835, Abilene, Texas 79604. Their
phone number is 915/677-3311.
Class of 1977
DOUG PERRIN is a partner with Brown
Maroney & Oaks Hartline, 3012 Fairmont,
Dallas, Texas 75201. Doug's phone number is
Class of 1978
ROBERT D. LYBRAND, P.C., announces the
relocation of his office to 8333 Douglas Avenue,
Suite 1215-LB48, Dallas, Texas 75225.
his office's new address of Tower Life Building,
Suite 1700, 310 South St. Mary's Street, San
Antonio, Texas 78205. The phone number for
Denton & McKamie is 512/227-3243. Mick and
his wife, Diane, announce the birth of their
third child, a daughter , born January 11, 1990.
Class of 1979
W. MICHAEL CLAY announces the relocation
of his office to Reverchon Plaza, 3500 Maple
Avenue, Suite 750, Dallas, Texas 75219. Mike's
phone number is 214/520-6400.
currently serves as
the President of
the Brazos County
Bar Association.
He is a 1990
Inductee into the
Texas Bar
Foundation and
also serves as a
member of the
District 8A
Committee. Steve
is a partner in the
firm of Caperton, Rodgers & Miller, P.O. Box
4884, Bryan, Texas 77805.
WENDEL A. WITHROW, a shareholder in
McCracken, Taylor & Nelson, P .C. since 1985,
has become Board Certified in Civil Trial Law.
The firm name has been changed to McCracken,
Taylor, Nelson & Withrow, P.C., 1120
Metrocrest, Suite 201, Carrollton, Texas
Class of 1980
Assistant United States Attorney for the Western
District of Texas, EI Paso, Texas. David was
also recently promoted to the rank of Major in
the Naval & Marine Corps Reserve. Major
Nichols is the Commanding Officer, Battery N,
5th Battalion, 14th Marines. David's work
address is 353 U.S. Courthouse, EI Paso, Texas
LARRIET E. THOMAS is now associated with
law offices of Patrick Teeling. Her address is Tri
West Plaza, Suite 850, 3030 LBJ Freeway, L.B.
40, Dallas, Texas 75234. The phone number is
KAREN VANDIVER announces her new
address of 110 2nd Avenue S.W., Suite 412,
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102.
KENNION K. YANO has been elected chairman
of the Houston Franchise and Income State Tax
Committee. This committee consists of over 130
state and local tax professionals located
throughout the United States.
Class of 1981
L. SCOTT SMITH announces the relocation of
his office to 114 Wilson Plaza East, 545 N.
Upper Broadway, Corpus Christi, Texas 78476.
He may be reached by phone at 512/883-9963.
The National Conference of Special Court
Judges of the American Bar Association
announces that Judge ROBIN D. SMITH,
Presiding Judge of the City of Midland
Municipal Court, Midland, Texas, was elected at
the Annual Meeting of the American Bar
Association to serve as Representative for the
Ninth District to the Executive Committee of the
National Conference of Special Court Judges,
representing judges in the states of Texas,
Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana.
The National Conference of Special Court
Judges is one of six organizations within the
Judicial Administration Division of the
American Bar Association, and its members
include judges of a variety of limited jurisdiction
courts such as military courts, juvenile and
family courts, probate courts, district, county
and municipal courts, criminal and civil courts
of specialized jurisdiction, and United States
magistrates and bankruptcy judges.
Judge Smith has served as Chair of the
Municipal Courts Section of the State Bar of
Texas and is President-Elect of the Texas
Municipal Courts Association.
Class of 1982
WILLIAM APT announces the relocation of his
office to Cattlemen's State Bank Building, Suite
205, 912 Bastrop Highway, Austin, Texas 78741.
The phone number is (512) 385-1171.
JOANNE MARIE BADEAUX is a shareholder
and member of the Board of Directors of
Nichols, Fjetland and Badeaux, The High-Tech
Legal Group, 2000 Bering Drive, Suite 850,
Houston, Texas 77057. Joanne's office is the
NASA, Clear Lake Branch of the law firm
located at 17100 EI Camino Real, Suite 100,
Houston, Texas 77058.
MONTI RICE BOOTH is a member of the law
firm of Harding, Bass, Fargason & Booth. The
firm recently opened its office at University
Plaza Building, 1901 University, Suite 500, P.O.
Box 5950, Lubbock, Texas 79417.
LAURA J. MONROE and husband, Monte,
proudly announce the birth of their first child, a
son, Alexander Meriwether Monroe. Alexander
was born on May 17, 1990. Laura is with the
Lubbock office of Perdue, Brandon & Fielder.
the Beaumont firm of Weller, Wheelus & Green
is now associated with the firm of Beall, Pelton,
O'Brien & Brown, 2500 Louisiana Boulevard,
NE, Suite 400, Albuquerque, New Mexico
STEPHEN J. ZAYLER and wife, Jamie,
proudly announce the birth of their son, Stephen
Heath Zayler, born December 28, 1989. Steve is
a partner with the firm of Williams, Byrd &
Zayler, 103, East Lufkin Avenue, Lufkin, Texas
Class of 1983
CARRINGTON ('82) proudly announce the
birth of their first child, Meredith Christine
Carrington on October 31, 1989.
SCOTT R. DONAHO reports that from an
initial opening of his practice from his home in
Floresville on May 14, 1983 (the day after he
was licensed), his practice has prospered. On
January 1, 1990 the firm became Donaho &
Dockery, P.C. Scott may be contacted at P.O.
Box 459, Floresville, Texas 78114.
JOHN C. GUNTER moved to Corpus Christi
and became associated with Wood, Boykin &
Wolter, P.C., 2000 First City, Texas Tower,
Corpus Christi, Texas 78477. John's phone
number is 512/888-9201.
MICHAEL MERIPOLSKI has relocated his
practice to 702 Gatewood, Garland, Texas
75043. His office number is 214/240-8972.
The law firm of Harding, Bass, Fargason &
Booth is pleased to announce the opening of its
offices at University Plaza Building, 1901
University, Suite 500, P.O. Box 5950, Lubbock,
Texas 79417. MIKE M. CALF IN is a member of
the firm. The phone number is 806/744-1100.
SHARON A. MOSTELLER announces her new
position as an Underwriter in American Title
Insurance Company's National Accounts
Department, 630 Freedom Business Center
Drive, Suite 110, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
19406. The office phone is 215/354-9840.
GARY L. STEEL and wife, M'lissa are the
proud parents of a son born March 21, 1990,
Travis Burke Steel. Gary is a sole practitioner in
New Braunfels, with his office located at 297 W.
San Antonio, New Braunfels, Texas 78130. Gary
and M'Lissa provided a birth announcement
which read:
D. KIRK SWINNEY recently associated with
McCreary, Veselka, Beck & Allen of Austin.
The firm handles property tax work, doing
valuation litigation and bankruptcy. Kirk and
wife, Jan Nicks Swinney, have three sons:
Jonathan, Jay and Kipp. Kirk's mailing address
is: P.O. Box 26990, Austin, Texas 78755.
The Partnership of Steel & Steel
is proud to announce
the arrival of a new Associate
Travis Burke Steel
at lO:45 a.m.
on March 21, 1990
DAN PERKINS has become a partner of the
Greenville firm of Beacom, Parks, Watkins and
Perkins. Other Tech alumni of the firm are
(,79). The law office is located at 5602 Wesley
Street, Greenville, Texas 75403-1665.
Awards: 21 Y2 inches
Honors: Graduate of Northeast Baptist
Hospital, San Antonio
Mentor: Dr. Bruce Akright, M.D.
Experience: None
Specialization: Tender Love and
Sleepless Nights
Class of 1984
JOANNA HARKEY has moved to Dallas and
practices with the law offices of Patrick A.
Teeling, 3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite 850, LB 40,
Dallas, Texas 75234. Her office phone is
TANYA K. NORTHRUP has been appointed
Assistant United States Attorney for the
Northern District of Texas. Tanya was sworn in
July 2, 1990 by U.S. District Judge Sam
Cummings. Tanya, formerly Felony Chief with
the Lubbock County Criminal District
Attorney's office, is assigned to the criminal
division of the U.S. Attorney's office. Tanya's
new address is 1205 Texas Avenue, Room C-201,
Lubbock, Texas 79401. Her office number is
DONNA BECKER PERKINS is returning to
work part-time at Texas Instruments as part of
their corporate legal department in the
Richardson, Texas plant.
Class of 1985
TERESA J.BURROFF and husband, John
Teets, are happy to announce the birth of a
daughter, Michelle Marie Teets, born April 2,
1990. Teresa is a tax attorney for the University
of Texas System, 201 W. 7th Street, Austin,
Texas 78701.
BLAKE COFFEE moved to San Antonio to help
open the San Antonio office of Bankston,
Wright & Greenhill. Blake's address is 8620 N.
New Braunfels, Suite 500, San Antonio, Texas
RANDALL L. FLUKE has been appointed
Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern
District of Texas, One Grand Centre, Suite 504,
One Grand Avenue, Sherman, Texas 75090. The
phone number is 214/868-9454. Randy and
Emily also announce the birth of their second
child, Erin Christina. Erin was born June 5,
EDDIE MEADERS has joined the faculty of
Abilene Christian University as an Assistant
Professor of Political Science. Eddie resigned as
J ones County Attorney effective September
30, 1990. His new address is ACU, Box
8276, Abilene, Texas 79699 and the phone
number is 915/674-2605.
CHARLES C. SELF III and Sandra Bowers Self
announce the birth of their first child, a girl
named Hayden Taylor Self on November 29,
1989. Charlie is an associate with Whitten,
Hacker, Hagin, Anderson and Rucker of
Abilene, Texas. Sandy is a felony prosecutor
with Taylor County District Attorney's Office.
Class of 1986
Class of 1987
JOE L. COPE has been named Assistant Vice
President for Development Operations at
Abilene Christian University. Joe will maintain
his private practice in addition to his new duties
with the university.
SCOTT FROST has been appointed Assistant
United States Attorney for the Northern District
of Texas. The office is located at 1205 Texas
Avenue, Room C-201, Lubbock, Texas 79401.
have formed a partnership for the general
practice of law. The firm's name is Heather,
Yturri & Associates, 6440 N. Central
Expressway, Suite 514, Dallas, Texas 75206. The
phone number for the office is 214/368-5297.
MEL VIN HUNN has opened a part-time
Houston office for his Fort Worth firm of
Felsman, Bradley, Gunter & Dillon. He will
spend 201170 of his time in Houston and 801170 of
his time in Ft. Worth. His Houston address is
2425 West Loop South, Tenth Floor, Houston,
Texas 77027. The phone number is
ROBERT P. ODLE and wife, Teri Thomas
OdIe, announce the birth of their first child, a
son, Austin Bryce OdIe, born June 20, 1990.
Robert practices with the Sixth Judicial District
Attorney's Office, P.O. Drawer 3455, Durango,
Colorado 81302. His phone number is
JUNE E. HIGGINS, formerly with Shank,
Irwin, Conant, Lipshy & Casterline, has become
associated with Rubinstein & Perry, 3232
Lincoln Plaza, 500 N. Akard, Dallas, Texas
PAUL H. MILLICAN is now associated with
the law firm of Gossett, Harrison, Reese &
Wilson, P.O. Drawer 911, San Angelo, Texas
DANIEL MARK OGDEN and Carol-Lee Glenn
Phelps announce their marriage Sunday, July 8,
1990 in Annapolis, Maryland.
Class of 1988
WALTER C. BROCATO recently completed his
tenure as law clerk to the Hon. Robert M.
Parker, Chief Judge, U.S. District Court,
Eastern District of Texas. He is now associated
with the Law Offices of Anthony G. Brocato,
1112 Petroleum Tower, 500 Fannin, Beaumont,
Texas 77701. The phone number is
associated with the Austin office of Haynes &
Boone, 1600 One American Center, 600
Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701.
DEBRA HERAUF married Jack Furst on June
9, 1990. Debra practices with the firm of
Gardere & Wynne, 2600 Thanksgiving Tower,
Dallas, Texas 75201.
SYNTHIA MORRIS has been elected
Secretary/Treasurer of the 16th Judicial Bar
Association for 1990-91. Synthia's mailing
address is 1100 Carson, La Junta, Colorado
RHONDA RHODES became a prosecutor with
the Antitrust Division of the Department of
Justice in Dallas as of September, 1990. Her
business address is Department of Justice,
Antitrust Division, 8C6 Earle Cabell Federal
Building, 1100 Commerce Street, Dallas, Texas
75242. Her phone number is 214/767-8051.
JOE MARR WILSON has opened his own law
office at 310 West Sixth, Amarillo, Texas 79101.
The phone number is 806/374-7758.
Class of 1989
ERNESTO R. CAVAZOS is now associated with
the Public Defender's Office, 1016 Flores,
Laredo, Texas 78042.
KELLI S.B. DAVIE is an associate with the
DeHay & Blanchard law firm, Plaza of the
Americas, 600 North Pearl Street, Dallas, Texas
associate of Diamond, Rash, Leslie, Smith &
Samaniego, 7th Floor, 300 E. Main, El Paso,
Texas 79901. The phone number is
MARK E. LISH is now practicing at 1717 Main
Street, Suite 4400, Dallas, Texas 75201. His
phone number is 214/712-4306.
HOLLY C. LYTLE graduated from Judge
Advocate General's Officer Basic Course at the
University of Virginia on 30 March 1990 as an
Honor Graduate (4th in the class). Holly has
been assigned to the U.S. Army Trial Defense
Service, Region I, Ft. Meade, Maryland 20755.
Her phone number is 301/677-4218.
CHARLES MORSE is Assistant Attorney
General with the Texas Attorney General's
Office, P.O. Box 12548, Austin, Texas 78711.
MICHAEL THOMPSON, JR. has left the Court
of Appeals for the Eighth Judicial District of
Texas to work for the Attorney General of
Texas in Austin.
Class of 1990
TODD W. WHITE has joined the Dallas office
of Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue, 2001 Ross
Avenue, 2300 Trammell Crow Center, Dallas,
Texas 75201.
Cor er tone
Texas Tech University School of Law
Lubbock, Texas 79409
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