Document 12833044

Table of Contents
Volume Seven
Number Four
Spring 1990
The name Cornerstone was derived from the
relationship between the law school and its
alumni: the Tech Law School serves as the
cornerstone for a successful career in law; and
the alumni, through their support, serve as the
cornerstone for developing excellence in the law
Comments from readers are welcome. Please
send them to Cornerstone, Texas Tech
University School of Law, Lubbock, Texas
79409. The contents of the Cornerstone do not
necessarily represent the views of the
foundation, its officers or trustees, the law
school administration, or Texas Tech
Cornerstone editor: Kay Patton Fletcher
May, 1990
Dear Alumni and Friends of the Texas Tech Law School:
This Cornerstone issue salutes our many friends and supporters. The Texas Tech School of Law
is able to continue steady improvement in large measure because of the contributions you make.
It is therefore appropriate that we formally recognize the importance of your contributions. The
list of contributors which appears on the following pages should be read as an individual "thank
you" to each contributor. Collectively, you form a group which has created a new partnership
with the Texas Tech School of Law.
Initially the Texas Tech School of Law operated with money generated by a state-wide formula
and little else. With this modest financial base we nonetheless forged a firm law school
foundation. But it was never our goal to simply be an accredited law school. Rather, our goal
was to move forward from our solid base and add all components necessary for academic
Alumni support through giving is a central component of academic excellence. For many years
alumni support has been a mainstay for private law schools. Alumni support, cultivated over the
years by private law schools, has underwritten the development of outstanding programs.
Recently, state supported law schools have realized that they, like private law schools, must
cultivate alumni support.
Last year the Texas Tech School of Law initiated a formal annual fund campaign. The results
were extremely gratifying. But the real challenge is not to successfully ask alumni to give once.
Rather, the challenge is to successfully petition for continuing support. Therefore this year's
annual campaign was particularly important.
I am delighted to report that over 570/0 of our alumni pledged this year. Collectively, you pledged
over $96,000. This is a commendable response by any measure.
Your valuable support creates new stewardship responsibilities for the Texas Tech School of Law.
We are accountable for the support you provide to us. At the present time your contributions
support scholarships, mock trial and moot court teams and alumni activities including the
Cornerstone. Please let us know what additional information you would like to receive. We are
anxious to provide you with information about the programs which you underwrite.
Thank you for your contributions and your support.
W. Frank Newton
Alumni Spotlight
Catching Hershell
Barnes with ten
minutes for an
interview is like
chasing a
tumbleweed in a
West Texas wind: It
is always ahead of
you. Hershell is
always on the
Barnes, a 1970
graduate of the law
Hershell Barnes
school, is a senior
partner and
Chairman of the Labor and Employment Law
Section of the Dallas office of Haynes and
Boone. The years spent in Lubbock provided the
law degree which led to his successful career. In
return, Hershell has been a loyal and active
supporter of the law school. He is currently
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Texas
Tech Law School Foundation, and he has served
as the Chairman of the law school's annual
giving campaign for the last several years.
Hershell was born in Dublin, Texas and grew
up in the small west central Texas town of Cisco.
He credits his dream of becoming a lawyer to
two things. Hershell's fourth grade teacher, Ms.
Truly Carter, was continually required to address
his deportment. One day in frustration, Ms.
Carter told Hershell that because of his incessant
talking and disruptive behavior she was certain
he would become a convict or an attorney - she
just didn't know which. A consideration of the
alternatives led Hershell to conclude being a
lawyer was the better choice. The second
influence was an adolescent determination that in
a small town like Cisco the local country lawyer
was ". . . the only guy in town who had a white
shirt and a tie." Somehow, that had more appeal
than another pair of Wranglers.
Being a member of the first class admitted to
the law school, Hershell remembers that the class
had a fear that they would not be competitive in
the legal market upon graduation. Law schools at
that time did not offer placement services, and
students were their own employment counselors.
The fears were put to rest when the Class of '70
scored the five highest grades on the Bar Exam.
Not only had the law school provided those
original students with a unique educational
opportunity, the school had given them a very
well-rounded, thorough knowledge of the law.
Looking back on those years at law school
which began in the barracks, Hershell recalls one
bit of wisdom from classmate Richard Maxwell.
Hershell was having a great deal of difficulty
getting a Law Review article written when
Maxwell said, "For one to write something, one
must first attach the seat of the pants to the seat
of the chair." That admonition occurs to
Hershell even today every time he faces a writing
Hershell Barnes' goals for the Trustees are to
assist the law school in the continuing pursuit of
academic excellence. "The law school has to
continue to give students the highest quality of
legal education and instill a respect for the
practice of law. If the last twenty years have
taught me anything, it is that it is time for we
'old timers' to start paying our dues to the
school that has made all of our successes
possible. The giving may sometimes be money,
but we need to be giving our time too."
Hershell and his wife, Gayle, have two
children. Their son, Trey, is a senior at Lake
Highlands High School where he was named All
City and Second Team All District on the 5A
football team, which lost to Huntsville in the
state playoff games. Trey has received a
nomination to the United States Naval Academy
and will either be attending school there or at
Texas Tech University. Their daughter, Jessica, is
a sophomore cheerleader at Lake Highlands High
Law Students Form
Education Program
Several law students have recently started a
joint education program between the law school
and high school students in the Lubbock area.
The joint program consists of student
presentations to area civic classes on selected
legal topics. Thus far, volunteers have given
numerous lectures in Lubbock and as far away as
Plainview. The objective of the project is to
further the education and understanding of high
school students about the law and the work of
lawyers. Additionally, the program attempts to
increase student awareness of Constitutional
issues. Reaction to the program by the high
school students has been excellent. According to
the program chairman, Thomas Brocato, the
program has gotten off to a great start. "The
students have been extremely receptive and
interested in the presentations," Brocato said.
"At first, I was concerned that the students
might not be interested in the lectures but they
all seem to have intelligent questions and
comments.' ,
Halbert O. Woodward
Lecture Delivered
Saying the legal
profession has
obligations as well
as benefits, 151 st
District Court
Judge Alice Oliver
Trevathan of
Houston delivered
the third annual
Halbert O.
Woodward Lecture
to a capacity crowd
on January 31,
Judge Alice Oliver Trevathan
1990 in the Law
School Forum.
"We as lawyers can make the right choices or
we can make the wrong ones . Weare here to
protect, preserve and serve the system that
spawned us," said Judge Trevathan.
"Our group of heroes should not just consist
of the rich and famous. You do not want to fail
your profession. More importantly, you do not
want to fail yourself," she said.
Judge Trevathan praised the legacy of service
left by legal predecessors and charged modern
attorneys to "glorify legal principle, not legal
The Woodward Lecture is sponsored each year
by Judge Woodward's former law clerks and
briefing attorneys and the Lubbock County Bar
Association in honor of Senior U.S. District
Judge Halbert O. Woodward of Lubbock.
Professor Marilyn Phelan
Professor Thomas E. Baker
Professor Marilyn Phelan has been admitted to
membership in the American Law Institute.
Professor Phelan continues to write in the area
of her specialty. She has added three new
chapters to NONPROFIT ENTERPRISES LAW AND TAXATION, published by Callaghan
& Company. To be published in Spring, 1990 by
West Publishing Company is a new edition which
Professor Phelan has co-authored, West's
The Virginia Tax Review will publish an article
entitled "A Summary of the Extensive Collection
Powers of the Internal Revenue Service" in an
upcoming issue, and a survey article will be
published in the Fifth Circuit Symposium issue of
the Texas Tech Law Review. The article's title is
"Federal Taxation."
Professor Baker recently finished two longterm projects. The Federal Judicial Center
APPEALS, a monograph intended for use in
federal appellate chambers. Priority Press
published a second book, THE GOOD JUDGE,
a report of the Twentieth Century Fund Task
Force on Federal Judicial Responsibility with a
background paper. The Texas Tech Law Review
published his essay "A Law Student's
Responsibility for a Liberal Education", in vol.
20 and" A Unified Theory of the Jurisdiction of
the United States Courts of Appeals" was
published in vol. 38 of the DePaul Law Review.
Other writings scheduled for publication include:
"C-SPAN" A Guide for Law Professors in vol.
39 of the Journal of Legal Education; "Our
Federalism" in Pennzoil Co. v. Texaco Inc., or
"How the Younger Doctrine Keeps Getting Older
Not Better" for vol. 9, Review of Litigation;
"Not Another Constitutional Law Course: A
Proposal to Teach a Course on the Constitution"
for vol. 40 of the Journal of Legal Education
(Co-authored with Professor James Viator). The
Oxford Press has commissioned Professor Baker
to write twelve essays for the forthcoming
encyclopedia is expected to be an important
research work. In November, Professor Baker
delivered a lecture at Austin College on
censorship and the First Amendment. In
December, he taught the faculty at the Seminar
for Newly-Appointed United States Circuit
Judges at the Federal Judicial Center in
Washington, D.C.
Professor Charles Bubany
Professor Bubany was recently recognized for
his contributions to Continuing Education by
Texas Tech University. Citing Professor Bubany's
contributions as a presenter, planner and
contributing author to many programs, Professor
Bubany received commendations from Dr. Robert
W. Lawless, President of Texas Tech University
at the Faculty Convocation on April 3, 1990.
Professor Bubany has published the 1989 pocket
part to Part 10, Preparation and Trial of
Criminal Cases in West's TEXAS METHODS
OF PRACTICE SET. Speaking to various
Training Seminars for Municipal Court Judges is
also part of Professor Bubany's schedule. He will
be lecturing for the Kaplan-SMH Bar Review
courses in Lubbock and Houston on the topics of
Texas Criminal Procedure, Criminal Law and
Family Law.
Excellence Through Your
Life Members
Allison, Aletha Faye
Banking Law Institute
Hall, Thomas G.
Newton, W. Frank
M.D. Anderson Foundation
Strasburger & Price
Distinguished Members
Allensworth, William R.
American Bar Association
Baker Clifford Krier & Webb
Barnes, Hershell L., Jr.
Fenner, Suzan E.
Gaston, Robert & Anne
Geary Stahl & Spencer
Gentry, R. Charles
Gilkerson, George E.
Grambling & Mounce
Hays McConn Price & Pickering
Hicks, Larry W.
Kemp Smith Duncan & Hammond
McWhorter Cobb & Johnson
Nagy, Joe H.
Perrin, K. Douglas
Phillips Petroleum Foundation
Quilliam, W. Reed, Jr.
Roberts, Burnett B.
Runge, Barbara K.
Scogin, Robert
Scott Hulse Marshall Feuille Finger & Thurmond
Shank Irwin Conant Lipshy & Casterline
Skillern, Frank F.
Smith, Edward R. & Jo Anne M.
Texas Tech Ex-Students Association
Texas Tech Law School Alumni Association
Whittenburg, Jo Ben
Winstead McGuire Sechrest & Minick
Honor Members
Bankston Wright & Greenhill
Carr Evans Fouts & Hunt
Carter, R. Guy
Evans, R. Tim
Frost, Kem Thompson
Gilbert, Risher Smith
Gilbert, Robert G.
Grudzinski, Chester W., Jr.
Hile, Richard C.
Hinkle Cox Eaton Coffield & Hensley
Hulett, Susan A.
Hulett, Jimmy D., Jr.
Justice, Deets D.
Law School Class of 1989
McCleskey Harriger Brazill & Graf
Morgan, Michael T.
Naman Howell Smith & Lee
Price, Allen L.
Robason, Randy D.
Robason, Donna Stephens
Shelton, Wade B.
Simpson, John E. III
Snuggs, Charles C.
Wallace, W. Scott
Wiese, Larry C.
Sustaining Members
Adcock, Daniel Lawrence
Atnipp, Douglas Clay
Aycock, Robert R.
Bailey, Lori L.
Barrett, Daniel R.
Baskind, Stephen L.
Boyd, Samuel L.
Cassidy, Mary Lou
Conboy, Joseph B.
Conner, Kellogg L.
Crews, John R.
Crowley, Timothy J.
Davenport, Erwin D.
Dentzer, Edward Kevin
Dixon, Gerald G.
Hammer, David W.
Hart, Barry L.
Henderson, John R.
Hoffman, William H., Jr.
Ivey, Jon D.
Jones, Jeffrey B.
Jones Flygare Galey Moody & Brown
Laney, Mark W.
Lester, William H., J I.
Lubbock Womens Study Club
Morgan, Cecilia Hufstedler
Moss, William R.
Nelson, James E.
Orgain Bell & Tucker
Parsley, L. Cathleen
Sustaining Members (cont'd.)
Reeves, Ron L.
Renner, Daniel R.
Roth, Clarence E., III
Santa Fe Medical Management
Sisco, Elizabeth C.
Thomason, William L. and Martha
Waltman, Robert B.
Wilson, Robert J.
Windle, Donald R.
Womble, Bill
Worley, Mike
Century Members
Akard, John C.
Aldridge, Jim L.
Allen, C. Ray
Alley, Jeffrey S.
Alley, Ronald D.
Alvarez, Javier
Avant, Jim F.
Baen, Catherine Louise
Baker, James E.
Bass Law Firm
Bavousett, Steve A.
Beck, E. Link
Becker, Herbert A.
Blanks, Mickey J.
Boone, Billy W.
Bosworth, Richard A.
Bowers, Forrest
Bowersock, Richard K.
Boyle, Michael C.
Britt, Dewey Duane, Jr.
Brockett, C.H., Jr.
Brown, Martha L.
Brown, James D.
Browning, John R.
Bucker, Rodney D.
Buckner, Adair M.
Busch, Marcus J.
Canas, Eduardo
Carmichael, H. Alan
Cashion, Shelley J.
Chamberlain Hrdlicka White Johnson & Williams.
Charlton, Michael B.
Chavez, Jose A. (Tony)
Chavez & Garcia
Claiborne, Dan L.
Clark, Richard W.
Clark, James M.
Law School Class of 1988
Clement, Stansell
Cobb, David R.
Colia, Milton C.
Collins, James O.
Collins, Natalyn A.
Cowart, Dax S.
Cox, B. Blake
Cox, Heidi Bruegel
Crawford, Ann Dalrymple
Crawford, Kevin B.
Crawford, Stephen O.
Cummings, Kenneth D.
Curry Curry & Robinson
Davis, Michael P.
Dehoyos, Orlando Flores
Delaney, Frank G.
Dennis, Don C.
Donaho, Scott R.
Donovan, Carol Crabtree
Donovan, Daniel P.
Dossett, Buddy R.
Doty, Robert A.
Dowell, William Claud
Driskill, Jack P.
Dykhuizen, Richard C.
Fergus, Dan M., Jr.
Fomous, John M.
Friedsam, S. Carl
Furgeson, W. Royal
Garay, Juan C.
Garza Brennan & Walters
Goheen, Karen J.
Gonzalez, Ricardo
Graham, Rick J. W.
Greak, Nolan E.
Green, Robin M.
Greer, Kenneth L.
Gregory, Louis P.
Griffin, Nathan K.
Griffith, Thomas J.
Hadden, Lee E.
Hagin, C. Terry
Hagood, Gene S.
Hammerle & Associates
Harr, Steven A.
Harris, Charles Dick
Harris, Martha
Harris, James M., Jr.
Hart, Kevin C.
Hassler, David P.
Heffelfinger, Harlan M.
Hewett, Wynette J.
Hoffman Sheffield & Sauseda
Holland, Edelmira N.
Howard, Eugene F., Jr.
Huffaker, John T.
James, Donald E.
Jeanes, Lyle H., II
Jennings, M. Charles
Johnson, Stephen L.
Johnson, Philip W.
Jones, Bob
Jones, Morgan A.
Justice, A. Doyle
Keeling, David L.
Keeling, William F., Jr.
Keffler, Robert J.
Kerr, Coretta W.
Kolander, Jerome M., Jr.
Konugres, Samuel C.
Kotara, Stephen W.
Ladd, Larry B.
Lara, Arthur B., Jr.
Lee, Dale W.
Leewright, Martin B.
Leonard, Jeffrey Allen
Leverett, Homer W., Jr.
Little, Betty H.
Lobstein, Timothy A.
Lockhart, Tom A.
Lovell, Joe L.
Lubbock Board of Realtors
Maddox Renfrow & Saunders
Mahon, Eldon B.
Maner, John F.
Martin, Randy R.
Mathews, Joseph C.
McGee, Delwin T.
McGregor, John W.
McLeroy, Jimmy D.
McNey, John W.
McPherson, Eric, S.
McWilliams, John P.
Means, Randell P.
Medlin, Gary L.
Meeks, Raymond M.
Menezes, Stephen J.
Milam, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Naylor, Richard C.
Nelms, Russell F.
Nelson, J. David
Nettles, Charles R.
Ogan, Samuel L.
Olm, Jane G.
Olson, Dennis O.
Osborne, Joseph M.
Parker, William Bradley
Patterson, Randal M.
Pirtle, Patrick A.
Ponton, Arvel (Rod), III
Poole, Benton J.
Power, Russell Blane
Power, Craig E.
Price, J. Edwin
Pronske, Gerrit M.
Psencik, E. Dwain
Purdom & Stephens
Rapier, John E.
Raschke, Fred D.
Reese, C. Tom
Reinhardt, Robert L.
Reyna, Robert E.
Rhoads, Terry W.
Rogers, J. Andrews
Rudd, Jim D.
Rudd, Brenda H.
Runge, W.A.
Sawyer, Jerry K.
Schoen, Rodric B.
Scott, Roy L.
Shackelford, Charles D.
Shafer, W.O.
Shaw, James H.
Shepherd, Edward W. "Ned"
Simank, Ronald A.
Skotnik, John H.
Smith, Thomas M.
Stephens, Kerwin B.
Stevens, J. Monty
Stoltz, Michael R.
Stroman, William J., Jr.
Telfair, Jacquelin Leigh
Texas Tech Law Partners
Thompson, R. Keith
Turner, Bruce E.
Turner, Jess N., III
Vancil, Karl Wayne
Vint, Robert E.
Walston, Thomas H.
Watkins, Al
Watson, Charles "Skip"
Weathered, Frank E.
White, Mark D.
White, Terry H.
White, Jo
Whiteside, Tom H.
Wolfe, Billy R.
Womble, Wm. Thomas
Woodson, K. Danny
Woodward, G. Ben
Woolard, Steven L.
Wylie, Phillip A.
Participating Members
Acker, C. Rodney
Adair, Kendall D.
Adkins, Carvan E.
Aken, David H.
Akerly, Bruce W.
Participating Members (cont'd.)
Allard, Wendy L. Schneider
Arwood, Thomas W.
Baker, Janet Davis
Bellefleur, Robert G.
Bergle, Beth A.
Blohm, Richard E., Jr.,
Bondurant, Alyce A.
Botros, Dannie B.
Boyd, J. Kip
Bratton, Jerry W.
Brigham, David Travis
Brocato, Walter Clyde
Brock, Ralph H.
Browder, W.B. Jr.
Bryla, Carroll J.
Calfin, Mike M.
Campbell, William D.
Carter, Robert N.
Cope, Joe L.
Copeland, Weldon S., Jr.
Couture, Alan J.
Cowling, Ken D., Jr.
Crim, Michael L.
Darling, Stephen Rothburn
Davenport, Mitchell G.
Davie, Roger Claud
Davis, John M.
Doepfner, Phillip Raymond
Eidson, James M.
Ekvall, Suzanne Caldwell
Engler, Dennis D.
Ervin, Wendi Rai
Faggard, A. Mark
Finney, David L.
Foreman, Stanley Rafe
Fountain, Bill D.
Friebele, Randell W.
Friend, Stephen E.
Fristoe, Gene A.
Ganske, Vicki Smith
Gehan, Timothy Edward
Goebel, Katherine Harrison
Gorsuch, James L.
Graham, Roger D.
Gray, Charles Michael
Grimes, David Link
Guill, Timothy
Haliburton, Kerry Lee
Hall, Kendall A.
Hansen, Gerald H.
Hardwick, Henry Lee
Harrington, James C.
Hatch, Leslie F.
Hatten, Russell Ray
Hawthorne, Charles E.
Haynes, Richard D.
Hellman, Juda M.
Hodges, Karen B.
Hohlt, Eileen Miggins
Howard, Carla A.
Hunter, S. Barcus
Jay, James Vincent, IV
Johnson, Wm. Randell
Jones, Anderson D.
Jones, Robert E., II
Keeth, Scott Matthew
Kennedy, James S.
Key, Howard W.
King, Robert L.
King, Charles E.
Knight, Michael John
Kuhne, Cecil C., III
Lockhart, William M.
Lowrey, Linda Shoemaker
Lubin, David Adam
Lubke, Norman D.
Lumpkins, Stuart B., Jr.
Majcher, Dineen J.
Mares, Kay
Marsh, Michael K.
Mason, John H.
Matson, Mark D.
McDonald, Frank G.
McIntyre, Stephen C.
McKamie, W. Michael
McWhorter, Owen W., Jr.
Meaders, Eddie Loyd
Meisch, Lisa Kay
Merritt, Johnny Kent
Mewhinney, Len E.
Miller, Laurie Anne
Mitchell, Elizabeth A.
Moody, William E.
Mooney, Stephen William
Moore, Carolyn F.
Moore, James R.
Moore, John W.
Moore, Roger D.
Morris, James B., III
Mullan, Carolie
Norman, David A.
O'Shea Hall Hart & Forcum
Old, James Rowland, Jr.
Packard, Mark L.
Pappas, Nicholas S.
Patterson, David L.
Pearson, Bob B.
Pesce, Paula M.
Piland, Mark
Porter, Diana Lynn
Potts, Susan E.
Preston, Joseph R.
Ramsay, Robin A.
Rendall, Robert V.
Rider, Gary D.
Rios, Jerry L.
Rivers, William L.
Rodgers, W. Stephen
Ross, William W. "Bill"
Rowe, Stewart F., Jr.
Sallee, Stacy Elizabeth
Schaap, Daniel L.
Schuiteman, Keith J.
Seaver, Jane M.
Self III, Charles Clark
Senterfitt, Diane B.
Sheffield, Joel B.
Sowell, John H., III
Steele, Todd P.
Stewart, Mark A.
Stoffregen, Jack E.
Sutton, Roy W., III
Tanner, Edward C., Jr.
Tatum, David M.
Tavenner, John S.
Thomas, Larriet E.
Thompson, Gene
Troutt, Christopher Alan
Turro, Stephen James
Von Donop, Paul E.
Wade, W. Burgess
Wagonseller Cobb & Snuggs
Walter, Alexis A., III
Weber, John A.
Weisbart, Geoffrey D.
Welch, Deborah D.
Wenzler, Marcy A.
Westfall, Rebecca D.
Williams, Denise B.
Wilson, Reginald R.
Yano, Kennion K.
Young, L. Everett, Jr.
Regular Scholarships
Angelo State University
Crenshaw Dupree & Milam
EI Paso Bar Auxiliary
Gibson Ochsner & Adkins
Lubbock Area Foundation
Scoggin-Dickey Buick
Class of 1973
DON R. WINDLE is Board Certified by the
Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Civil Trial
Law, Commercial Real Estate Law, Farm &
Ranch Real Estate Law and Residential Real
Estate Law. He is "Of Counsel" with the firm
of Hammerle & Associates, Provident Bank
Building, 2220 San Jacinto Blvd., Suite 220,
Denton, Texas 86205. Mr. Windle is also a
shareholder/director in the Austin based law firm
of Windle & Eastes, P .C., 13740 Research Blvd.,
Suite H-3, Austin, Texas 78750.
Class of 1974
JAMES S. FROST is now Board Certified in
Civil Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal
Specialization. Congratulations may be sent to
P.O. Box 509, Seguin, Texas 78155.
he is still single, has no children, lives on a
sailboat and works for Umphrey, Swearingen,
Eddins & Carver, 490 Park Street, Beaumont,
Texas 77704.
Class of 1975
CALVIN L. RAUP is practicing with the
Phoenix firm of Mitten Goodwin & Raup, 2200
Great American Tower, 3200 North Central
Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85012. Calvin's new
firm practice will limit its practice to litigation
matters including the defense of professional
liability claims, product liability claims and
commercial and insurance litigation. The office
phone number is 602/279-8600.
Class of 1978
DAVID HAROLD AKEN, JR. was re-elected for
a second term as San Patricio County Attorney.
The Assistant County Attorney for San Patricio
County is ANITA O'ROURKE of the Class of
1987. They may be reached at 111 N. Odem,
Suite #1, Sinton, Texas 78387.
Class of 1979
Class of 1982
Class of 1983
Class of 1984
MICHAEL SCOTT LINE was made President
and CEO of Ruidoso State Bank in May of 1989,
in addition to his existing duties as General
Counsel for Ruidoso Bank Corporation. His
address is Drawer B, Ruidoso, New Mexico
ANN S. FUEL BERG has been named the first
executive director of the recently created Texas
Department of Information Resources (DIR).
Selected from more than 400 applicants for the
job, Ms. Fuelberg will direct DIR which is
charged with developing statewide policies and
procedures based on international and national
standards; making budget recommendations on
proposed information projects; and reporting on
issues that affect the exchange and use of
information. As executive director, Ms. Fuelberg
said her duties are "to bring together state
agencies, industry and decision-makers in a
cooperative effort to build a base for the
DARRELL G. ANDERSON has been promoted
to partner at Godwin, Carlton & Maxwell, 901
Main 3300 NCNB Plaza, Dallas, Texas 75202
SAM R. HICKS and his wife, Brenda, announce
the birth of their daughter, Katherine Elizabeth,
born December 24, 1989. Sam's offices are
located at 1025 N. Mallard, Palestine, Texas
FRANK G. McDONALD, formerly a shareholder
member of Hood Anderton Poole & Moffett is
now Senior Counsel for Grace Energy
Corporation, Two Galleria Tower, 13455 Noel
Road, Suite 1500, Dallas, Texas 75240. His
phone number is 214/770-0200.
STEVEN W ATKINS is now Board Certified in
Family Law by the Texas Board of Legal
Specialization. Steve is a partner in Beacom,
Parks & Watkins, 5602 Wesley, Greenville, Texas
DAVID B. FUGLER'S new address is 111 West
Austin, Marshall, Texas 75670. The phone
number is 214/935-1733.
Class of 1980
KEVIN P. JORDAN, P.C. has become a partner
with the firm of Maloney & Smith, Suite
Fourteen Hundred 2300 Crescent Court, Dallas,
Texas 75201 (214/871-8000).
Certified in Administrative Law by the Texas
Board of Legal Specialization. David is with the
law firm of Lay & Coffey, 400 West 15th Street,
Suite 1000, Austin, Texas 78701-1647.
KEN LEGGETT has become a shareholder in the
law firm of Glandon, Erwin, Scarborough, Baker
& Choate, P.C., P.O. Box 3659, Abilene, Texas
Bonnie, proudly announce the birth of their
daughter, Megan Nicole, born October 11, 1989.
William is with Exxon Co., USA, P.O. Box
4778, Houston, Texas 77210-4778.
Class of 1981
BARRY H. BEER, formerly of Mendelsohn &
Beer, Inc., announces the formation of O'Neill,
Scholz, Balega & Beer, P.C., a personal injury
and business litigation firm with offices at 13750
San Pedro, Suite 900, Texas Bank North
Building, San Antonio, Texas 78232. The phone
number is 512/545-9000.
SAM OGAN is now certified as a Criminal Law
Specialist. Sam's office address is 2301
Broadway, Lubbock, Texas 79401.
Jenkins & Gilchrist
has named
shareholder in the
firm. Mr. Wright
practices law in the
financial institutions
section of the
firm's Dallas office,
1445 Ross Avenue,
Suite 3200, Dallas,
Texas 75202-2711.
BLOHM are the proud parents of a daughter
born August 8, 1988, Lisa Christine Blohm. Her
brother Richard E. Blohm III (born November 8,
1986) is delighted as are her parents. Diana is
with Shell Oil Company in Houston and Richard
is with Meyer & Cribbs, P.C., in Houston.
DINEEN J. MAJCHER has become Board
Certified in the area of Administrative Law.
Dineen is with Small, Craig & Werkenthin, Suite
1100, 100 Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas
KERRY L. RUSSELL, formerly with the Law
Offices of Woodrow M. Roark has become a
partner with Woodrow M. Roark in the new law
firm of Roark & Russell, P.C., Number One
Oxford Place, 223 East Elm, Tyler, Texas 75702
(214/597-9348). The firm has a general litigation
practice, including plaintiff's personal injury,
medical negligence, wrongful death, worker's
compensation litigation and commercial, banking,
business and bankruptcy litigation.
Court at Law No.2 for Denton County, won his
race in the Republican Primary on March 13,
1990. He received 66070 of the votes cast
compared to a 31 % vote for his opponent.
"Contributions to retire campaign debt can be
mailed to 401 W. Hickory, Denton Texas
76201," said the judge.
JAMIE S. VANDIVERE has become Board
Certified in Family Law and is a shareholder in
the law firm of Miller & Herring, P.C. The
office's mailing address is P.O. Box 2330,
Amarillo, Texas 79105.
a shareholder of Cowles & Thompson and has
opened their Central Texas branch at 100 W.
Adams Avenue, Suite 321, Temple, Texas 76503.
The phone number is 817/771-2800.
ROBERT S. McCLAREN is General Counsel to
McLane Company, P.O. Box 6115, Temple,
Texas 76503-6115. His phone number is
Lawyers American Title Company is pleased to
announce the association of JAMES F.
MOBLEY as Attorney at Law and the opening
of their office at 116 N. Broad Street, Cedar
Hill, Texas 75014. The phone number is
PERKINS announce the birth of their second
daughter, Katherine May, born November 7,
1989. Dan practices with the Greenville firm of
Beacom, Parks and Watkins. Donna is teaching
at East Texas State University.
SCOTT M. SEIDEL has been made a
shareholder of the Passman & Jones law firm in
Dallas. Scott and his wife Susan recently
celebrated their son, Hudson's, first birthday.
JERRY D. ZANT has become a shareholder of
the law firm of Cotton, Bledsoe, Tighe &
Dawson, 500 W. Illinois, Suite 300, Midland,
Texas 79701. Other Tech alumni in the firm
include RUSSELL N. MULLINS (80), BILL J.
FLETCHER (89), CHRIS A. WYATT (89) and
Class of 1985
Class of 1987
Class of 1988
Class of 1989
SHAWNA L. JOHANNSON and husband,
Terry, announce the birth of their first child,
Garrett Louis, born January 25, 1990. Shawna is
with Jenkins & Gilchrist, P .C., 1445 Ross
Avenue, Dallas, Texas
husband, Fred, announce the birth of their first
child, Matthew William Bruner, born February
23, 1990. Faith is with the Dallas firm of Busch,
Ryan & Seib.
PETE GOMEZ, JR. has set up his solo practice
in San Angelo, Texas at 103 S. Irving, Suite 200.
The phone number is 915/658-7782.
Murrell & Freeman is pleased to announce that
TODD P. LINDLEY has joined the firm as an
associate. Todd's address and phone number are
1030 San Jacinto Tower, L.B. 60, 2121 San
Jacinto Street, Dallas, Texas 75201,
recently accepted
the position of
Attorney and
Student Legal
Advisor at the
University of North
Texas. His activities
will include
teaching law
courses and
completing a
doctorate in Higher Education. He was also
recently appointed to the Board of Directors of
Voices in Action, Inc., a national organization
based in Chicago. Illinois which assists survivors
of incest and works to prevent the sexual abuse
of children. The Texas Tech Law School "Freedom Scholarship" which he established while a
student has become an endowed scholarship.
Marty may be reached at University of North
Texas, P.O. Box 5356, Denton, Texas 76203.
DEAN R. QUINN recently married Christi
Davis. Dean is with Ryan, Shoss, Sudan &
Lawley in Houston. Christi is a litigator for Shell
Oil Company in Houston.
JAMES C. TEEL has left the Tarrant County
District Attorney's Office and opened a private
law office at 131 E. Exchange, Ste 238, Livestock
Exchange Blvd., Ft. Worth, Texas 76106. He
may be reached at 817/625-4444.
Class of 1986
LORI B. BELLOWS is an associate with the firm
of Hopkins & Sutter, 3700 Bank One Center,
1717 Main Street, Dallas, Texas 75201. Her
phone number is 214/653-2100.
GLEN E. HACKLER has been appointed City
Manager for the City of Pampa, Texas. He can
be reached at P.O. Box 2499, Pampa, Texas
announce the birth of their son, Charles Edwin
Hoedebeck, born August 21, 1989. Charlie is
with the law firm of Kern & Wooley, 5215 N.
O'Connor Road #1700, Irving, Texas 75039
CATHY SMITH JOHNSON is an associate with
the Law Offices of Russell L. Robinson, 1509 S.
Parker, Amarillo, Texas 79102. The phone
number is 806/376-1322.
MARTIN KLEIN is enjoying his practice with
Petrofina in Brussels, Belgium. Martin's work
generally involves international contracts, mainly
joint ventures and acquisitions. He may be
contacted at #1 Rue de l' Abbaye, 1050 Brussels,
JOHN P. LeVICK has been made a partner in
the firm of Jones, Flygare, Galey, Brown &
Wharton, P.O. Box 2426, Lubbock, Texas.
PAT RAKE is now an associate with Rake,
Copple, Downey & Black, 2025 N. Third Street,
Suite 300, Phoenix, Arizona 85004. Pat's phone
number is 602/528-4700.
The Law Offices of Phillip Galyen, P .C. take
pleasure in announcing the association of JANET
M. ROWLAND at their office located at 1105B
Bedford Road, Bedford, Texas 76022. The phone
number is 817/268-0525.
LES HATCH is with Carr, Evans, Fouts &
Hunt, P.O. Box 2585, Lubbock, Texas
79409-2585 (806/765-7491).
MELODY McDONALD was recently elected a
director of the Fort Worth-Tarrant County
Young Lawyers Association. Melody joined
Cantey & Hanger after graduation and is
assigned to the firm's General Litigation Section.
MELANIE McKENZIE married David
Livingston on September 2, 1989. She joined the
law firm of Crain, Caton and James in Houston
in January of 1990. Her office address is 3300
Two Houston Center, Houston, Texas 77010.
The phone number is 712/658-2323.
JOHNNY K. MERRITT has become an associate
with the Amarillo law firm of Mullin, Hoard &
Brown, 901 Amarillo National Plaza One, 410
South Taylor, Amarillo, Texas 79101. The phone
number is 806/372-5050.
CANDACE NORRIS has left the County
Attorney Office in Andrews County and opened
offices in Seminole and Andrews under the name
of Law Offices of Candace Norris, P.O. Box
1477, 308 NW Avenue B, Andrews, Texas 79714.
Her phone number is 915/524-2783.
MARK SEIFKEN and wife, Nancy McDonald
Siefken, announce the birth of a daughter, Emily
Rose, on November 14, 1989. Mark is employed
with Mullen, MacInnes, Redding & Grove, 812
San Antonio Street, Austin, Texas 78701.
JOE MARR WILSON has opened a solo office
for the general practice of law at 310 W. 6th
Street, Amarillo, Texas 79101. His phone number
is 806/374-7759.
Kemp, Smith, Duncan & Hammond is pleased to
announce the association of ROD J.
MACDONALD with its Midland Office, 1004 N.
Big Spring Street, Suite 507, Midland, Texas
LESLIE M. SUMMERFORD is an associate with
Bogle & Gates, Two Union Square, 601 Union
Street, Seattle, Washington 98101-2322. Her
phone number is 206/682-5151.
SCOTT TANKERSLEY is an associate with
Locke Purnell Rain Harrell, 2200 Ross Avenue,
Suite 2200, Dallas, Texas 75201-6776.
JIM WILSON has joined Seale, Stover, Coffield,
Gatlin & Bisbey as an associate. The office
address is P.O. Box 480, Jasper, Texas 75951;
the phone is 409/384-3466.
Texas Tech University School of Law
Lubbock, Texas 79409
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