Minutes of GFC Meeting February 15, 2001 Blue Room, 4pm


Minutes of GFC Meeting

February 15, 2001

Blue Room, 4pm

Bruce Mork convened the meeting at 4:07pm


Graduate Programs: Bruce Mork (EE), Vicky Bergvall (RTC), Steve Carr (CS), Sarah

Green (CH), Chung-Jui Tsai (SFWP), Casey Huckins (BL), John Sutherland (MEEM),

Mark Roberts (SBE), Susan Bagley (BL), Don Kreher (Math)

Other representatives: Marilyn Urion (GS)

Programs not represented: Geological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Social

Science, Mining, Materials Science and Civil and Environmental Engineering

Important Item:

Pending approval of the Provost the Graduate Faculty Council will be soliciting nominations for the Dean of the Graduate School Search Committee from the

Graduate Faculty. GFC representatives will be asked to solicit their constituents directly. A solicitation will also be posted on the Academic Forum mailing list.

Nominations will be closed on February 23, 2001 at 1pm. Nominations are to be submitted to Vicky Bergvall ( vbergval@mtu.edu

). A discussion will be conducted by the GFC via email February 26-27, 2001. A vote will then be taken. Ballots will be due to Vicky by 10am Wednesday, February 28, 2001. Each GFC representative will be casting 6 votes: 2 for representatives from the College of

Engineering, 2 for representatives from the College of Science and Arts, 1 for a representative from the School of Forestry and Wood Products and 1 for a representative from the School of Business and Economics.

GFC representatives are asked to wait on proceeding with solicitations until Bruce and Vicky receive approval to proceed from the Provost. Please let us know if you have any comments on this procedure.

Executive Summary:

1. Heard an update from Susan Bagley on the status of the search for the

Vice President of Research.

2. Discussed procedures to selecting the GFC-elected member of the Dean of the Graduate School Search Committee.

Detailed Minutes:

1. Update on the status of search for a Vice President of Research

The procedure for search for the VP of Research has been approved. An advertisement is ready to go out tomorrow (2/16). Information on the procedure for nominating candidates and the web site where information on the position can be found will be sent out to alldepts mailing list. Application review will begin

March 15.

2. Discussion on Dean of the Graduate School search

The GFC is recognized by Board of Control and an official body on campus and can elect members to the search committee. See the important item above regarding the procedure to do this.

The meeting adjourned at 5:10pm.
